View Full Version : Help me name my Dwarf Monk

2019-02-18, 02:11 AM
Hi all, i'm going to be making a Dwarven Shadow Monk for a Waterdeep campaign. I like whimsical names for my characters, and i'm drawing a blank. For a little background, i'm going to be starting Fiendlock then going Shadow Monk. Help me out here please!

2019-02-18, 02:22 AM
His first name for a scottish Kung-Fu master should be Bruce.

2019-02-18, 02:32 AM
His first name for a scottish Kung-Fu master should be Bruce.

He's a dwarf, so the stereotype is he'd love beer.
Dwarves are short
Monks are serene
Shadow monks are all about the darkness

Bruce Stillstout

2019-02-18, 02:38 AM
James Connery. You're welcome.

2019-02-18, 09:24 AM
Puck, if you are an Alpha Flight fan. I think he even likes beer.

2019-02-18, 09:58 AM
Someone on an old forum had a username that was like Pashmina Facepeel, or thereabouts. I have no idea why it suddenly came to mind for this character concept. Nor can I decide if it's a better or worse suggestion than punonym Colm Donder.

2019-02-18, 10:07 AM
If I'm going for whimsical, I always like to play up the alliteration.

Hyrin Hexhands
Fandir Fiendfollow
Sundrs Shadowslide
Poldin Pactpuncher

(Dwarfy-sounding-first-name) (Thematic-element_noun/verb)
I use that formula a lot.

2019-02-18, 10:21 AM
Ronald mcflurry

2019-02-18, 10:39 AM
Porter Stoutfist

*Porter is a dark beer. Stout is also related to this. Stout Porter used to refer to a particular strong dark beer of the porter style. Dark because the Way of the Shadow...

Ginnis (derived from Guinness) Stoutbarrel, could also work.

2019-02-18, 12:52 PM
Darksteel Fussbucket... the third

2019-02-18, 01:09 PM
His name is the last word you'll speak when he defeats you.


When he breaks your ribs, you will speak his name.....Gurk
Before you fall unconscious, you will speak his name.....Gurk
When your skull meets earth, you will speak his name....Gurk

Or perhaps,


Same reasons

2019-02-18, 01:29 PM
Sho Nuff. Who doesn't love "The Last Dragon"?

2019-02-18, 09:28 PM
Jamie-San is a good one for for a dwarf that is going for a Drunken Master feel.