View Full Version : Opinions on potential Lizardfolk Open Hand Monk build

2019-02-19, 04:56 AM
I've been wanting to play a Lizardfolk Monk for a long time, and have been waiting until I roll good stats to do so since it doesn't give a +2 to Dex, and now I have a chance.

Stats are 18, 17, 16, 15, 13, 12. The DM has said I could turn the 12 into an 8 if I want to, and yes I think I may want to so I can put 8 in Cha. Details below.

So am envisioning this guy as somebody who does NOT "get" common humanoids, has a hard time fitting in, and is basically pretty terrible in social situations. That's why I thought putting an 8 in Cha would be appropriate. Would it matter? I think 12 is too high for his Cha.

I would take the Outlander background and he would be LN. He would maybe carry a Javelin or two but would otherwise NOT use weapons ever and would maybe not even bother with clothing. Is that appropriate for Lizardfolk? I don't even know.

Obviously I would start 18 Dex, 18 Con, and 18 Wis with Cha getting the lowest score. I was originally going to put the 15 in Str, but maybe the 15 would be better in Int. I like the idea of him being much smarter than normal especially about Nature, but it wouldn't make any sense for him to know anything about Arcana. Guess it doesn't really matter too much.

So the thing I'm looking most forward to with this build is using his bite as his main attack and using his tail to tailwhip enemies. I just LOVE the idea of him knocking enemies around with his tail using Open Hand technique.

I get a free feat to start with which I would almost certainly use to take Mobile, but I'm open to other suggestions here.
Level 4 would be +2 Dex, and level 8 would be +2 Wis. If we were to make it to level 12, I'm not sure what other feat I'd want.
Alert and Lucky are always great for any character and this one would be no different.
I think Ritual Caster(Druid probably) would add a lot of needed utility, but not sure about him doing magic.
Tough is boring but effective.
Observant is nice and would round out his Int score.
Brawny would round out his Str and expertise in Athletics would make him a pretty good grappler. I like the idea of him grappling with his bite. He could still make unarmed attacks while holding something in his mouth. I can see him biting, grappling, and dragging off an enemy with his boosted speed, and then tailwhipping any other enemy that tries to get near him.
Sentinel is a solid feat choice. Monks get a lot of reaction possibilities but being able to attack with reaction is always nice.
Martial Adept is usually really weak IMO but Lunging attack would be fun for a 10ft reach tailwhip.
I forget about Mage Slayer, but that's a pretty decent pick for Monks with high stats.

Any other feat I'm missing?

Another idea I had, would be sacrificing my stun/open hand technique save DC for flavor and starting with a single level of Barbarian before going and staying Monk.

I would be a Str Monk and use the Barb's unarmored defense. I could start 18 Str, 18 Dex, 18 Con, and 16 Wis if I took any feat that grants +1 Str or Dex as my free feat. Brawny or Athlete come to mind. I'd bump Str at level 4 and Wis at level 8. I'd lose out on Mobile for a long time, put off extra attack 1 level, and lose 1 ki point, but other than, and be -1 on the save DC, taking a level of Barb and going Str>Dex does not hurt me in any other way.

Why would I want to do this? Well I just love the idea of this guy having access to rage twice a day. I love the idea of him going into a what I envision being a feeding frenzy. I can see him grappling an enemy and just eating them alive. Of course damage resistance is just the icing on the cake. But yeah this would be mostly for flavor and thematics instead of a pure optimization move. I can see a case for a second level of Barb at some point for Danger Sense and Reckless Attack, but I don't think Monks multiclass well and you'll start to really miss the ki lost by doing so. Admittedly 3 levels of Elk Totem Barb would be pretty cool for a Monk with the extra 15ft movement while raging, but yeah I'd probably keep it to one level of Barb.

What do you think of a potential Barb level? I know I could go Barb and still go Dex>Str but I think if I do bother doing this, I may as well take advantage of the bonus rage damage. +2 to damage for each attack is pretty decent for a Monk that get's a lot of attacks.

Have I missed anything? Does this sound like a good character?

2019-02-19, 05:57 AM
the stats are amazing so any class is going to be good.

for the concept i would stay pure monk, weapon wise i would be carrying a spear/javelin(scewer), a knife and a hand-axe.

the 'weapons' are really just survival tools, most likely stone until you can buy metal ones, though why would you?

you might not be of a 'magically' orientated race, but every society has some mysticism, and your closeness with nature and survival would fit ritual caster druid very nicely.

feat wise, mobile is a good choice, as is lucky, though things like observant/keen mind would fit the natural hunter theme really well.

i would consider a level or 2 dip into rogue, for that full sneak movement, expertise, thieves tools, and maybe cunning action is going to make you an awesome scout/hunter/stalker, over barbarian.. more mileage IMO

2019-02-19, 09:50 AM
You don't necessarily have to dump CHA. CHA isn't just "being sociable" or "being liked" or "being friendly". The PHB specifically describes Charisma as "force of personality".

So you can still roleplay someone who's terrible in social situations with a 12 CHA. It basically just means you're better at resisting mental spell effects, due to your hardheadedness. And better at intimidating people through your force of will. And more likely to get folks to go along with what you want through sheer stubbornness.

2019-02-19, 10:37 AM
Frankly, with those stats you don't need ASIs-- you can take feats every time and get along just fine. So I'd probably start with Mobile, so you can get that added survivability at low levels, and add Brawny at 4th.

2019-02-19, 11:41 AM
Mobile is amazing on a Monk. You don't have to spend Ki points or Bonus Actions to Disengage, and with your high mobility and high number of attacks per round, you can run past numerous enemies in one turn without worrying about OAs. Great for hit-and-run attacks on strong enemies, where you run in, attack them multiple times, and then run back out of their reach. Also great for zipping past enemy frontliners to get to the squishier casters at the rear of the enemy group.

2019-02-19, 12:32 PM
This is one niche where I would approach the DM for some slight rules variant in regards to RAW with the Monk. In order to utilize the racial feature of Lizardfolk, as well as being in line with the MM entry, ask if you could create a madu spiked shield (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maduvu) to use as a monk weapon. Even if you were to forego the AC bonus and other possible uses with a shield (Shield Master), DM fiat is still required to wield a shield at all and still allow your Monk class features to work.

Skulker could also be thematic feat choice. Go for a bit of a Predator vibe with lightly obscured areas. You can make extra darts on a short rest anyway.

2019-02-19, 02:35 PM
One great thing about the Lizard-Monk combo is that aside from shields and blowgun needles, everything you can craft via Cunning Artisan is a Monk Weapon. A Lizardfolk Kensei could also be an interesting direction, as you could fluff it as him "Taking the strength of his enemies" by making weapons from thier remains. Be sure to partner with your DM about this so they can flavor your share of magical items as either totems/fetishes created by you that mimic the effect of a more standard item, or else something like a Red Dragonbone Javalin that works as a Flame Brand.