View Full Version : Cantrips+

2019-02-20, 01:33 PM
Hello hello all,

A little while back i asked a question for magic wand/staff ideas, and one individual, by the name, Rixitichil, had the idea to have wands that modify cantrips (great idea again btw if you see this) and i was wondering in what ways would my fellow playgrounders improve some of the cantrips?

2019-02-20, 01:45 PM
Hello hello all,

A little while back i asked a question for magic wand/staff ideas, and one individual, by the name, Rixitichil, had the idea to have wands that modify cantrips (great idea again btw if you see this) and i was wondering in what ways would my fellow playgrounders improve some of the cantrips?

You could combine a few of the effects of several cantrips into a single wand. Rather than have Control Flames, Produce Flame, and Create Bonfire, why not just combine them?

Wand of Fire Mastery: Control Flames, Produce Flame, Create Bonfire, Firebolt
Wand of Water Mastery: Shape Water, Ray of Frost, Acid Splash, Poison Spray
Wand of Earth Mastery: Mold Earth, Magic Stone, Mending, Thunderclap, Shillelagh
Wand of Wind Mastery: Gust, Frostbite, Lightning Lure, Shocking Grasp

2019-02-20, 02:28 PM
I was told in another thread i started that adding a bunch of cantrips to someones list of spells would make things like magic initate pointless among other things,
So my current thinking is if you don't know the cantrip, it lets you cast it, and if you know it, then it's improved, like acid splash lets you target one additional enemy, make the save against poison spray a little harder (maybe even give disadvantage sense so many things resist it or are just immune to it)
Fire bolt could get extra range or maybe add 1d4 extra damage,

There's a bunch of cantrips I've never even used so i don't have a lot of frame of reference for what i as a player would like them to do, so any ideas for something like shocking grasp?

2019-02-20, 03:16 PM
Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron has a whole lot of these - it has rules that different arcane foci have different impacts on the spells cast. Orbs are different are different from Staves, which are different from wands.

I was told in another thread i started that adding a bunch of cantrips to someones list of spells would make things like magic initate pointless among other things,
So my current thinking is if you don't know the cantrip, it lets you cast it, and if you know it, then it's improved, like acid splash lets you target one additional enemy, make the save against poison spray a little harder (maybe even give disadvantage sense so many things resist it or are just immune to it)
Fire bolt could get extra range or maybe add 1d4 extra damage,

There's a bunch of cantrips I've never even used so i don't have a lot of frame of reference for what i as a player would like them to do, so any ideas for something like shocking grasp?

Shocking grasp is kind of like a Wizard's Cunning Disengage. You shock someone and remove their ability to use reactions, including Attacks of Opportunity.

Most of the damage-dealing cantrips would benefit from the same types of things:

Change the damage type
add a second target within 5 ft
increase damage
increase to-hit bonus
increases to range

2019-02-20, 04:29 PM
Light+: to hit reduction for 1 turn/attack (requires sight)
Lightning lure+: range increase, damage regardless
Thornwhip+: strength check or be restrained for one turn. Advantage to creatures bigger than large.
Spare the dying+: gives 1 hp that decays in 1 turn
Shape water+ mold earth+ and control flames+: 10ft cube
GFB+: jumps to all/any creatures or objects of choice within 5 ft.
BB+: dex save or take rider damage as if they moved but electric.
Vicious mockery+: disdvantage on wis save. Auto loses concentration.
sword burst+: grants effects of blade ward
Word of radianxe+: grants effects of resistance

2019-02-20, 07:27 PM
A while back, I created a homebrew feat that basically lets you take extra invocations, even if you're not a warlock. As such, I also included a number of invocations that boost cantrips besides EB. You're welcome to use any of the following, but I can't say how balanced any of these might be:
Bounding Blade. When you cast booming blade or green-flame blade, the range is extended from 5 feet to 30 feet, and you can make a ranged weapon attack instead of a melee weapon attack. You may also use these cantrips with unarmed attacks.
Command the Dying. When you stabilize a creature by casting spare the dying, you may use your bonus action to animate that creature, causing it to immediately stand up if prone and either make one weapon attack or disengage, and may move the creature up to half its movement speed. If you maintain concentration on this spell, then until the creature either regains consciousness or takes damage, you may continue to use your bonus action move the creature up to half its movement speed and either make one weapon attack or disengage.
Cunning Trickery. When you cast druidcraft, prestidigitation, or thaumaturgy, you can create two effects with one casting of the spell.
Dancing Shadows. When you cast dancing lights, you may instead produce orbs of shadow that turn bright light to dim light and dim light to darkness in a 10 foot radius.
Dead of Winter. Whenever you cast ray of frost an area with a 5 foot radius around your target is chilled with frost, becoming difficult terrain until the start of your next turn. If you target a flying creature with ray of frost, you instead sap the thermals keeping them aloft, causing them to instantly drop 10 feet.
Elemental Sculptor. You learn one cantrip of your choice from control flames, gust, mold earth, or shape water, if you didn’t already know them. When you cast any of these spells, you can create two effects with one casting of the spell, or you can create a single effect in a 10 foot cube rather than a 5 foot cube (for gust this allows you to push a Large creature or item weighing up to 20 pounds). When you move earth, water, or fire, you may move it up to 10 feet instead of 5 feet.
Eye of the Storm. After you cast shocking grasp, you may immediately fly up to 10 feet. This movement doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks.
Maddening Words. When you use vicious mockery to give a creature disadvantage on an attack, and that creature misses with that attack, you may use your reaction to make that attack strike another creature of your choice within range.
Otherworldly Caress. Creatures affected by your chill touch cantrip must also succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of you until the start of your next turn.
Rite of Kindling. The create bonfire spell no longer requires concentration, and friendly creatures that regain hit points while within 10 feet of the bonfire gain an additional number of hit points equal to their Constitution modifier (minimum 1). Friendly creatures that make a saving throw while within 10 feet of the bonfire also gain a +1 bonus to that saving throw.
Tormenting Flames. Whenever you cast fire bolt a 5 foot square centered on your target becomes wreathed in hellish flames. Until the start of your next turn, any creature that enters that space or ends their turn on that space takes 1d4 fire damage. This damage increases by 1d4 when you reach 5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level (4d4).