View Full Version : Ironfang Invasion

2019-02-20, 03:20 PM
I'm looking into running a war campaign, and I recently came across the Ironfang Invasion adventure path. Seems like Red Hand of Doom with the serial numbers filed off (hobgoblin invasion), and I was wondering if anyone had experience running the campaign. Good experiences and horror stories about it are both appreciated, since I'd like to decide if I'm going to run the campaign or find something else.

Thanks everyone :smallsmile:

2019-02-20, 03:28 PM
It´s not a "war campaign", strictly speaking.

2019-02-20, 03:46 PM
It´s not a "war campaign", strictly speaking.

Right, but it's got the sort of themes I'm looking for judging by the synopsis. I'd just like to know what people thought of it. I don't want to drop cash on something bad.

2019-02-20, 03:59 PM
Right, but it's got the sort of themes I'm looking for judging by the synopsis. I'd just like to know what people thought of it. I don't want to drop cash on something bad.

Ok, lemme grab a beer first.....

It´s actually a pretty good AP, with the downside that you will need an extensive session zero first, because as GM, you will know that the whole style will change mid-AP and you will want to steer your players to build characters that are cool and fun for the whole run, without going too deep into spoiler territory.

2019-02-22, 12:12 PM
I can help you out with this! I am currently DMing a game of Ironfang Invasion here on the forums (my first IC is here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?528203-3SC-s-Ironfang-Invasion-IC), and my second ongoing one is here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?580646-3SC-s-Ironfang-Invasion-IC-II)), and I'm loving it. :smallsmile:

The Adventure Path is really quite solid. Paizo did a good job of setting DM and player expectations early in "Trail of the Hunted", with a good mix of meaty combat, wilderness exploration, and roleplaying moments. The best part about it for me as the DM is that while big story encounters and climactic moments are baked in - usually at the start and end of the various books - the actual path to get there is not entirely linear. Players have agency and will change how your story unfolds. Just like in most forum games, I tend to cut down extra or 'random' encounters, beefing up the story a bit and making the real cinematic moments harder for my PCs so that they feel like they've earned their levels. I don't think you need all that much of a Session 0 as long as they've read the Player's Guide. As a DM, I would probably ask people to stay away from playing Druids, as it can take away some of the fun.

One major difference between Ironfang Invasion and the Red Hand of Doom, at least for me, is in the depth it gives its antagonists. Azaersi and her inner circle are together a great cast of baddies, and the General herself has one of the most badass backstories going, while remaining pretty sympathetic. I personally get a lot of mileage out of how captivating and frighteningly intelligent of a figure she cuts in the narrative. That trickles down and reinforces the other main difference: hobgoblins are not stronger than orcs, but they fight smarter. With the Legion, I'm not afraid to have the hobs use cover fire, to set up flanks whenever possible, and generally use sophisticated battle tactics as befitting a well-oiled war machine.

Now granted, I have only played through the first book and have just started the second (play by post is much slower than tabletop), but I've read through the whole campaign and I'm really just excited to keep playing it. If I were a professional reviewer, I would give it an easy 4/5 or even 4.5/5 stars.

2019-02-23, 08:17 PM
Thanks, this sounds like it'll be a lot of fun to run :smallsmile: Though I've got to ask, why would a druid be an issue for the game? Just the survival aspects, or something else?

2019-02-24, 01:21 PM
Thanks, this sounds like it'll be a lot of fun to run :smallsmile: Though I've got to ask, why would a druid be an issue for the game? Just the survival aspects, or something else?

For most of the wilderness survival parts, I find that a vanilla Druid (or a Ranger dedicated to survival) can outshine pretty much the entire party. In my experience, relying on and highlighting a single PC’s niche for such extended periods of time tends to make the other players feel less valuable and lose interest in the game.

Of course, everyone’s group is different! The only advice I can give you is from my own play through. :smallsmile:

2019-02-25, 04:25 PM
For most of the wilderness survival parts, I find that a vanilla Druid (or a Ranger dedicated to survival) can outshine pretty much the entire party. In my experience, relying on and highlighting a single PC’s niche for such extended periods of time tends to make the other players feel less valuable and lose interest in the game.

Of course, everyone’s group is different! The only advice I can give you is from my own play through. :smallsmile:

Good to know. I don't think I'll have to worry about that. My players somehow rolled up a party consisting of three fighters and two warlocks lol.

Thanks for getting back to me :smallsmile: