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2007-09-27, 02:12 PM
Okay, for the next session of the game I'm running I plan for the PC's to have to basically go through this rich guy's backyard. The thing is, in order to get inside the npc's mansion, they need to go through his magic hedge maze and several zoo-like attractions. Just trying to think of some crazy things I could throw in here.

So far, I have a few ideas:

Sentient penguin-like things with Monk levels
Chimeric Displacer Beasts
A pack of Blink Dogs

2007-09-27, 02:15 PM
If they're actually in character, an Elephant. The characters wouldn't know what they are (taken alla Rome).

2007-09-27, 02:18 PM
An elephant who never forgets... To kill!

2007-09-27, 02:29 PM
Silly question, but is this the kind of rich guy who would want dangerous and aggressive creatures wandering around uncaged in his own backyard?

2007-09-27, 02:38 PM
An ex-adventuring Wizard.

2007-09-27, 02:41 PM
Silly question, but is this the kind of rich guy who would want dangerous and aggressive creatures wandering around uncaged in his own backyard?

That's pretty much the only type of rich guy that exists by D&D standards :smallwink:

Keld Denar
2007-09-27, 02:48 PM
Dire Squirrels....seriously.

Once they latch on, they have blood drain. Con damage. Its sick. And they are very low CR, so you can swarm with them. Once you have 3-4 of the little buggers attached to your arms and legs, you start to feel....not so good. Not so great if your party has high ACs, but medium-low AC targets can get absolutely mauled by them. 30 or so of the little buggers would probably take down a level 10 4man iconic party easily, and only constitute about a EL 8-10. That'll make your players (players!) sweat next time you tell them they hear strange chattering coming from the dark woods. They should run, I know I would.

You know they are dire because they are red....

2007-09-27, 02:50 PM
Silly question, but is this the kind of rich guy who would want dangerous and aggressive creatures wandering around uncaged in his own backyard?

Oh no, they're enclosed. The idea is that the rich guy has one of the best magical security systems in the world. So good, he likes to flaunt it by giving potential thieves a chance and making sport of it. So he has several of these little enclosures within the hedge maze: a little iceberg attraction for the penguin monks, that sort of thing. I'm thinking they have to get parts of a key or something to get past the magical lock guarding the inner mansion. The constantly shifting hedge maze simultaneously locks the beasts in and provides the path to the mansion.

And yes, it is the type of insanely enchanted hedge maze that can keep dangerous and aggressive creatures encaged.

2007-09-27, 02:52 PM
The thing is, in order to get inside the npc's mansion, they need to go through his magic hedge maze and several zoo-like attractions. Just trying to think of some crazy things I could throw in here.

If you have access to the Monster Manual III, Topiary Guardians are exactly the sort of thing you're looking for.

2007-09-27, 02:52 PM
Elephants. A little mundane for what I was going for, but good.

Dire Squirrels... lol I might add the Horrid template from Eberron for more fun. :smallbiggrin:

Topiary Attractions: Interesting, I'll check the MMIII after class, sounds just what I'm going for.

Oh, btw, the party is 5-6 PC level 9 characters who *might* decide to bring some of their NPC pirate crew along.

2007-09-27, 03:09 PM
Dire Squirrels....seriously.

Once they latch on, they have blood drain. Con damage. Its sick. And they are very low CR, so you can swarm with them. Once you have 3-4 of the little buggers attached to your arms and legs, you start to feel....not so good. Not so great if your party has high ACs, but medium-low AC targets can get absolutely mauled by them. 30 or so of the little buggers would probably take down a level 10 4man iconic party easily, and only constitute about a EL 8-10. That'll make your players (players!) sweat next time you tell them they hear strange chattering coming from the dark woods. They should run, I know I would.

You know they are dire because they are red....
That reminds me of tales I heard told of a cyber-squirrel in Shadowrun. The critter was so enhanced by cyberwear that it took an entire group of runners working together to stop one. Multiple cybersquirrels could work together to manipulate large guns...

Everyone was so paranoid after one or two encounters that they red-misted any small rodent they encountered for weeks after.


2007-09-27, 03:10 PM
Is there a template for swarms? I don't recall where, but a swarm of ravens would actually be a pretty neat monster -- scene from The Birds, anyone?

2007-09-27, 03:16 PM
Is there a template for swarms? I don't recall where, but a swarm of ravens would actually be a pretty neat monster -- scene from The Birds, anyone?

Just to clarify, its a murder of ravens. Wow, that makes it even scarier!

2007-09-27, 03:18 PM
A flock of cockatrices would work. They're individually CR 3, but eight of them would theoretically be CR 9.

2007-09-27, 03:35 PM
You know they are dire because they are red....

Red squirrels die if you breathe on them, call them rude names, or look at them too hard.

2007-09-27, 03:43 PM
Sandstorm has hippopotami in it, put that Blessed of Tem-Et-Nu feat to work!

2007-09-27, 04:54 PM
I'm sure a fiendish megaraptor or two wouldn't hurt.

Or maybe a fiendish t-rex. Oooh. Fiendish Jurassic Park.

2007-09-27, 05:24 PM
Koalas... Seriously, the PCs will be like "Aww, how cute", and try to play with it. Then, the Koala will act natural, and rip their faces off.

2007-09-28, 04:19 AM
Just to clarify, its a murder of ravens. Wow, that makes it even scarier!

You're thinking crows. It's an unkindness or aerie or ravens.

2007-09-28, 04:40 AM
Perhaps you could throw in a pack of Dire Frost Wolves or maybe a couple of Dire Polar Bears? (Maybe even a Dire Seal! :smalleek: )

2007-09-28, 05:15 AM
I second Dire squirrels (see my avatar) !

2007-09-28, 05:44 AM
Red squirrels die if you breathe on them, call them rude names, or look at them too hard.
Or introduce grey squirrels into their habitat.

2007-09-28, 08:26 AM
I would seriously consider putting a pond, fountain, or other big pool of water in their path where you can force them to deal with an aquatic monster of some kind.

2007-09-28, 10:54 PM
How has no one suggested an owlbear?

It's a cross of an OWL, and a BEAR. Best zoo exhibit ever!

2007-09-28, 11:42 PM
Do I even have to mention the Advanced Monstrous Crab? Yes, I think I do.

Also, dinosaurs are nice and exotic. Particularly if you template them, such as with:

Phrenic Tyrannosaur (CR 11; it's powers include the ability to dominate (DC 16) up to six people at once and split into two T-Rexes; note that you'll have to DimLock his cage since he can teleport as well)
Were-Megaraptor (CR... 5, if I'm calculating this right, but the important thing is you can add class levels. Like Warblade)
Eight-Headed Elasmosaurus (CR 10)

Idea Man
2007-09-29, 01:09 AM
Put in an ooze, slime or jelly. Thieves? Sneak attack?

Colorspray parrot or death blossom swarm. It's an exotic collection, right?

Dire tiger. The hunt is on!

2007-09-29, 01:27 AM
Eight-Headed Elasmosaurus (CR 10)

So...a hydra? :smallwink:

Do I even have to mention the Advanced Monstrous Crab? Yes, I think I do.

And to think, I was just about to suggest that Damned Crab....Chuuls? Chuuls would make for an exotic animal exhibit...then again so would an aboleth tank, but thats inviting disaster.

2007-09-29, 01:48 AM
Piranha Swarms (http://www.giantitp.com/articles/LikdZboAmZOKxrp5uD0.html).

With the Acidborn template from Dungeonscape, and assorted templates to bump the CR.