View Full Version : Books Drizzt Do'Urden, Travel Maps and minor confusions.

2019-02-21, 12:49 AM
Hello everyone. I was looking through some of the Dungeons and Dragons Forgotten Realms maps, and I couldn't help but notice that the map in Sojorn places Drizzt somewhere near Sundabar and Citadel Ackbar.

Now, correct me if I'm wrong, he travels a good distance in Sojorn, but he travels the entire distance from around Sundabar to Icewind Dale, a whopping 700 or 800 miles in one book?

Thank you for any helping me with this minor confusion on the subject!

2019-02-21, 01:22 AM
Bear in mind Sojourn takes place over a fairly substantial period of time. Six years pass between the battle at Mooshie's Grove and Drizzt being at Mirabar. The time it takes from Mirabar to Ten Towns isn't specified, but even so it's not that massive a journey; Mirabar's on the south side of the Spine of the World, even going around the mountains via Luskan or similar is only going to take a few weeks or so.

2019-02-21, 01:33 AM
Ah, right. I forgot how long had past from Mooshie's Grove. Interesting.
Thank you for the help!