View Full Version : DM Help System for leveling player mount - any tried something like that and have some ideas?

2019-02-21, 07:31 PM
So one of my players is Paladin and have a Find Steed. He summons this Celestial Warhorse, which he loves. And I like that horse too :). Party also love it.

I want to allow for some sort of "leveling" of his Warhorse but I have no idea how to do it.

Two of my ideas is:

1. Start at level 1 (default stats), k12 HP dice (because it's a warhorse) per level. Level is gained per 2 levels of player. ASI is one per 5 levels. So only 2 ASI overall but it's a nice touch.

2. CR increase- player level/4. So if player is level 4 the Warhorse is CR 1 and we can just copy stats more-less form some CR1 creature (like for example Dire Wolf). Then at player level 8 it's CR 2 and so on.

Those are just random ideas from today as I just got that idea.

Anyone ever tried something like that. I don't want to increase it's attack/damage stats much, but I think HP and some save throws would be a nice way of leveling it.

2019-02-21, 07:43 PM
So one of my players is Paladin and have a Find Steed. He summons this Celestial Warhorse, which he loves. And I like that horse too :). Party also love it.

I want to allow for some sort of "leveling" of his Warhorse but I have no idea how to do it.

Two of my ideas is:

1. Start at level 1 (default stats), k12 HP dice (because it's a warhorse) per level. Level is gained per 2 levels of player. ASI is one per 5 levels. So only 2 ASI overall but it's a nice touch.

2. CR increase- player level/4. So if player is level 4 the Warhorse is CR 1 and we can just copy stats more-less form some CR1 creature (like for example Dire Wolf). Then at player level 8 it's CR 2 and so on.

Those are just random ideas from today as I just got that idea.

Anyone ever tried something like that. I don't want to increase it's attack/damage stats much, but I think HP and some save throws would be a nice way of leveling it.

I haven't ever used it, but take a look at the Unearthed Arcana they released a bit ago. It's pretty neat.

2019-02-21, 07:47 PM
Check sidekicks from UA article (https://media.wizards.com/2018/dnd/downloads/UA_Sidekicks.pdf). Though I personally wouldn't apply it to paladin's steed, or any other NPC granted from a spell or class feature. Find Steed is already one of best level 2 spells.

Note that if the warhorse dies... nothing much happens. The paladin can just summon the same steed later... or give the same spirit different form from those allowed by the spell (and the Find Greater Steed spell later).

For the 2nd idea: Paladin doesn't get Find Steed at level 4, and warhorse's CR is 1/2, not 1.

2019-02-21, 08:19 PM
Check sidekicks from UA article (https://media.wizards.com/2018/dnd/downloads/UA_Sidekicks.pdf). Though I personally wouldn't apply it to paladin's steed, or any other NPC granted from a spell or class feature. Find Steed is already one of best level 2 spells.

Note that if the warhorse dies... nothing much happens. The paladin can just summon the same steed later... or give the same spirit different form from those allowed by the spell (and the Find Greater Steed spell later).

For the 2nd idea: Paladin doesn't get Find Steed at level 4, and warhorse's CR is 1/2, not 1.

Nah, I don't really care if he can resummon it. It's even really cool. That horse won't one-shot Dragons or anything so it doesn't bother me at all. And it would be cool to see that Steed to grow with Paladin.

And thanks for link guys :)

2019-02-21, 09:43 PM
He will get find greater steed eventually. This will upgrade it to a pegasus.

But if you have to upgrade it make a lv 3 version with stats half way toward Pegasus and a feather fall. Appearance is same but has smallish wings.

Find steed spell lv 2 paladin 5
Warhorse 19 hp 3d10 + 3 / speed 60
Cr 1/2 a.c. 11
STR 18 (+4)
DEX12 (+1)
CON 13 (+1)
INT 2 (-4)
WIS 12 (+1)
CHA 7 (-2)
Senses passive Perception 11
2d6+str hooves

Find steed upcast spell lv 3 / paladin lv 9
Celestial warhorse 37 hp 5d10 +10 / speed 60
Cr 1 a.c. 12
STR 18 (+4)
DEX 14 (+2)
CON 15 (+2)
INT 6 (-2)
WIS 12 (+1)
CHA 11 (0)
2d6+str hooves
Saving Throws Dex +4, Wis +3, Cha +2
Skills Perception +5
Senses passive Perception 15
Languages Understands Celestial, Common, Elvish, And Sylvan But Can't Speak
Slow fall - the celestial warhorse can slow its fall to 60 ft a round to avoid fall damage while conscious. For each foot it falls if can move forward 1 foot.

Find greater steed spell lv 4 / paladin lv 13
Pegasus 59 hp 7d10 + 21 / speed 60 / fly 90
Cr 2 a.c. 12
STR 18 (+4)
DEX 15 (+2)
CON 16 (+3)
INT 10 (+0)
WIS 15 (+2)
CHA 13 (+1)
2d6+str hooves
Saving Throws Dex +4, Wis +4, Cha +3
Skills Perception +6
Senses passive Perception 16
Languages Understands Celestial, Common, Elvish, And Sylvan But Can't Speak

Find greater steed spell lv 5 / paladin lv 17
Exhaulted Pegasus 85 hp 9d10 + 36 / speed 60 / fly 90
Cr 2 a.c. 13
STR 20 (+4)
DEX 17 (+3)
CON 18 (+4)
INT 10 (+0)
WIS 15 (+2)
CHA 15 (+2)
2d6+str hooves
Saving Throws Dex +6, Wis +5, Cha +5
Skills Perception +8
Senses passive Perception 18
Languages Understands Celestial, Common, Elvish, And Sylvan But Can't Speak