View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next The Ship of Deros: A Legendary Artifact in the Brewing

2019-02-25, 01:58 AM
So a friend and I created this sentient ship as an artifact for his homebrew and we are hoping for some feedback on how to get it as balanced as possible. The following is a first iteration and we are well aware it is probably wildly overpowered. Also, the ship's stats are taken from UA: Of Ships and the Sea

Ship of Deros (longship)

Stories tell of a legendary ship, blessed by Deros, that destroyed all in its path on the open waters. Dreaded pirate Grimlore the Tyrannical was said to be in possession of this ship, however he and his crew mysteriously disappeared long ago in a terrible storm somewhere south of the Forbidden Isles.

The ship magically propels itself by using a powerful gust spell, as well as enchanted oars. This allows for only a skeleton crew to run the entire ship effectively. The Ship of Deros is sentient and vows to protect any captain worthy enough to man it. To be considered worthy, one must have the sailor’s background (or have experience in sailing), be proficient in navigator’s tools, and have a survival and intimidation modifier of at least +3. Upon boarding the ship for the first time, the ship invades the mind of the worthy character (Wisdom save DC 15). If the character succeeds, they can decide whether or not to allow the ship to communicate with them. If they reject the sentient presence of the ship, the Ship of Deros rejects them as captain and becomes easily hostile towards the character and anyone who they are with, refusing to be moved from where she is currently placed. If the character either fails the save, or allows the ship to enter their mind, the ship then sifts through this person’s memories, skills, intentions, etc. to decide whether it, the ship, wants this person to become the next captain. If the ship determines the person worthy to become its captain, the two form a psychic bond. In addition to now having control of the ship, the captain is used by the ship as a channel for the following abilities:

The Ship of Deros has 20 charges for the following properties. The ship regains 2d8 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, the ship cannot use these properties for one week.
Spells. While on board this ship, the captain can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it. Spells cast by the ship have a DC 17 save. Any concentration requirements are channeled through the captain, requiring them to make concentration checks to maintain spells if the ship, or the captain themselves, take damage.
Cantrips (at will): Gust, Thunderclap
Level 3 (3 charges): Fireball
Level 6 (6 charges): Find the Path
Level 7 (7 charges): Fire Storm
Level 8 (8 charges): Control Weather, Tsunami
Level 9 (9 charges): Storm of Vengeance