View Full Version : [do] you roll deep?

2007-09-28, 12:15 AM
how big is your circle of close friends, crew, clan, entourage, coven, warren, clique, cabal, cell, faction, personal army, or whatever you call it? i'm just kinda curious.

Zeb The Troll
2007-09-28, 01:18 AM
Mine is fairly small, actually. Unless you count people I've met here on the boards, but the number of people I interact with in person on a regular basis is ~10.

The Orange Zergling
2007-09-28, 01:28 AM
'Bout 3.


2007-09-28, 01:34 AM
About 4 or 5 circles of friends, each ranging from 2 to 30

Tea Priestess
2007-09-28, 01:35 AM
About 20, not counting family members and the ninjas from the temp agency, of course. My regularly scheduled ninjas are on vacation.

2007-09-28, 01:40 AM
2 Friend Friends
3 Gaming Group
2 Band Members
2 Co-Workers
2 School Friends
6 Online Friends

17 People Friend-ing


2007-09-28, 02:05 AM
Inside or outside of prison?

2007-09-28, 02:07 AM
20+ friends
50+ acquaintances
1800+ victims


2007-09-28, 02:09 AM
Me and three others.

I'm the "Cool Guy", well the closest you can get for a group of nerds.

There's also a "Leader" one who is kind of a "Grunt".

Oh and there's Jeff. He's "That Guy No One Likes".

2007-09-28, 02:16 AM
Well, there's me...

And then there's Martin, Imma and Angel. Sure none of us live nowhere close to one another, but all three of them are very important friends to me.

Martin is the smart one. And I mean really smart. He is creative, detailed and very orderly. He is also the most cynical, but eh, he is still a great guy.

Imma is the... crazy one. She twists words to have new meanings, and tends to use genius as an adjective for about anything. She is a very fun person too.

Angel is the idealistic one. She's got it rough, but she is wise and very kind. She is the most recent one, and the funny thing is that we both accepted each other as friends at the same time.

Then there's me. And I'm... me. :smalltongue:

2007-09-28, 02:47 AM
Ah, we had our own little groupie at school before people started leaving school because of silly things like graduation or little promise.
There was me, Legion, Static-God, Rappy, Icecold, and Agatsuma.

If we're going in depth, Legion (aside from being the girl in the group) is the smartest and most-loved of us all, Static-God is the overly-cynical guy who treasures his assets, Rappy is the rich boi with little personality (the "Guy that nobody likes", Icecold is the teddy bear that we can all cuddle, Agatsuma is the fanboy of everything, and I am the guy who doesn't know what the heck is going on but is just trying to get along.

We also have one other, the guy who... Uhm, I tend to ignore him, which is probably very mean of me.

2007-09-28, 08:23 AM

That made me laugh so hard...

Anyways, I've got about 10 or so close friends. Another ten or so not so close friends. And about 30 or so acquaintances (like, people I'm on friendly terms with but don't know too well).

2007-09-28, 08:37 AM
Ren guild: 25+ people
Gaming groups: 11 people total (not counting the overlap)
People who just hang out with me or talk with me for funsies in real-life: 0
" " " " " on the interwebs: ~3
Enemies: 6,000,000,000+

2007-09-28, 08:44 AM
1 close friend.
2 good friends.
Many acquaintances.

I would attempt to socialise more often, but I'm just very awkward in social scenarios, so I tend to avoid them. This tactic helped me get past high school but it's hurting me in college. Go figure :smallannoyed:.

It's not my fault that I'm socially inept.

2007-09-28, 08:48 AM
Do prostitutes count?

If not, then...


1 wife
2 kids
3 cats
1 hedgehog
2 friends

2007-09-28, 09:47 AM
I usually posse up with a crew of 10-20, though I've got some 80-90 homies on my "invite to shindigs" list. I game with some 20 people, but usually just in smaller games of 5-7 people at a time.

And then there's my inter-peeps. It's just bangin' baby! :smallcool:

2007-09-28, 10:01 AM
My friends are:

Close friends: 4
Friends: ~8

Though I'm not so sure about some of them now...

2007-09-28, 10:04 AM
I have too many friends. I've always been able to adapt to new groups and obtain new friends very fast wchihc leaves me with a list about 4 miles long but no REAL friends. or at least not many. the people I count as real friends:
-the people in my d&d group:5
-from my last school: 9
-sailing: 10
and my very best friends: my brother

2007-09-28, 10:08 AM

Family (yes, I count them): 3 (mom, sister, uncle)
Back home: 4 in one group, maybe 6 if I get to know their roommates. Of those 4, I'm particularly close to 2 (one of which is my boyfriend). I also have one girl that I hang out with. There is also a group of 2ish that I talk to a lot but don't usually hang out, and it's doubtful I will again because one of the two is an ex.
At school: 3ish that I see/talk to a lot. A ton that I see on campus and hangout with but would more term acquaintences.

I split that up into groups that I hang out with. Like, the girl knows 3 of the 4 guys (ironically, not the one I'm dating), but we don't usually hang out together.

That makes...13ish? If I join a gaming group it'll go up to ~20ish eventually. My friends are making me social...


2007-09-28, 10:11 AM
About 2/3 I talk to regularly...
10-15 I hang around with when with the 2/3 above.

About 50-60 of my year I know and am on reasonable terms with. Although I hardly talk to them.

I'm on reasonable terms with my form, and talk to 5-6 of those in my form quite a bit...

Everyone in my school knows me though...It's kinda freaky...People I've never met before know who I am and come up and talk to me...:smalleek:

Most of my socializing is on the 'net really...How sad am I? :smalltongue:

2007-09-28, 10:23 AM
Lesse...Really, really close awesome friends: 2, if that, not sure...
Friends from school:20-30-ish
Other friends: 20 ish
Friends on the interblagz: Around 50 ish >.<

Archonic Energy
2007-09-28, 10:36 AM
5 friends who i would trust with my life.

many aquaintances & work colegues.

that is all

2007-09-28, 10:38 AM
-1 girlfriend who I'm shocked I have (she had to chase me down, not the other way around)

-0 others, I find it difficult to be around other people enough to call them friends. That and I just don't like large groups. I'm extremely quiet and say little, one could say this forum is an outlet of my many opinions.

2007-09-28, 10:39 AM
6 in one group (for school - Ty (the tomboy-emo-chick), Helen (the really nice girl who we all cuddle), Nigel (affectionately named 'Knock-Off after the cinema adverts, and who likes to hug/hurt us all), George (the man we're sure will rule the world one day), Tom (Crazy train-spotter who is oh so random) and Phil (who'se hardly ever there and when he is insults us)!)
4 in another (at the local theatre on Saturdays - Mel (the crazy one of this group, and slightly scary. She's also typecast as mental), Sarah (quiet/loud depending on her mood), Alex (nicknamed Bob, slightly surreal and bouncy. He looks like Draco Malfoy) and Kieran (a huge Alan Patridge/Mighty Boosh fan, and the most surreal of us all).)
2 in a third (local theatre of an evening, when we're rehersing - Kerina (clumsy and mental when drunk) and Trish (the dirtiest-minded girl I've ever met, who often yells 'hey-ho' whenever something rude crosses her mind. I seem to have synched with this).)
3 in a fourth (outside everything else - Soph (quiet and with a tendancy to cry, but we love her all the same), Ki (mental, and slightly kinky when drunk. Always up for a laugh too), and Kat (don't see her as often as Soph and Ki, but she's the type of girl all the guys want to date, and a real flirt).)

Then I have tons of other friends, who aren't as close to me as the rest.
But I love them all!!! :P

The Prince of Cats
2007-09-28, 11:03 AM
Well; seven friends who come around on Sundays to roleplay, probably as many who don't. Call it 15 friends, with few of them on the 'close' list.

In fact, there are one or two I like at arm's length to keep the smell away...

2007-09-28, 11:49 AM

#Four *snerk*ing nerds
Three Stenchgeeks
Two total dorks
And a player of D&D#

Also Egg has 3 people he considers *close" friends right now. The usual dozen or so 'supporting cast' friends, twice that in mates.

2007-09-28, 11:51 AM
Including aquaintances 50+.

I like lots of people I just concentrate on the ones I hate.

I don't consider anyone here to be "friends" but if we met then I probably would like you.

Thes Hunter
2007-09-28, 01:03 PM
My own personal army. :smallwink:

Jack Squat
2007-09-28, 01:59 PM
I have 5 or 6 close friends, another dozen or so friends, and around a 1000 people that know me and I have a shot at talking into doing things.

...for some reason everyone in high school new me and somewhat liked me, I'm not quite sure why.

2007-09-28, 02:10 PM
Hmm... Counting friends... About 15 close one, I guess. Perhaps three times that amount who I wouldn't call "close". Oh, and my perfect girlfriend.

2007-09-28, 07:20 PM
Lesse, a group of girls (my dance classmates) some good ole' boys/gangstas (from camp) make the rest of my friends seem tame by comparison. The rest are all nice, moral ladies and gentlemen. BORING.

I'll tell ya' guys, if you want to meet hot, athletic girls, learn to dance! If you can lift them, you automatically become the center of attention!

Em Blackleaf
2007-09-28, 07:27 PM
I've got quite a few friends from the plays I'm in, then about 10-15 friends from school as well as three or four close friends.
Other than that, I've got some friends from my old dance class.
I try to make friends with people as much as possible.

2007-09-28, 07:40 PM
12 people. My girlfriend, and my gaming group.

2007-09-28, 07:48 PM
Hmm well I have maybe ten fairly close friends, some aquaintances. Yeah, the main group of four who I hang with at school is made up of

1.The strong quiet kid (one of my best friends)
2. The immature kid (he's getting better though)
3. The Vietnamese really short kid (made of awesome and win)
4. The trench coat wearing semi-quiet nerdy grungy gothy kid(me)

Some good friends here as well.

Vespe Ratavo
2007-09-28, 08:46 PM
1 Beshtesht Friend Vho's Both Moch Geekier Und Cooler Than Hy Ever Be (At The Seme Time) (Und It Iz A Title) (Vit Three Parenthesiz Even)
8 or 9 friends vho Hy hang out vit on a fairly regular basiz
4 or zo pipple vho are somevere betveen acquaintance und friend.
25+ keeds at my school vho come op to me und say "hey" und Hy occasionally engage in conversation vit, mosht uf vhom Hy do not know deir nemes (vich embarrasses me to no end >.<)
10 or zo pipple on diz site vho Hy consider to be my friends (Yah, Hy count dem, Hy spend far too moch time here. :smallamused: )

Zo about...
49 total
39 if hyu mean in real life (vashte uf time, it iz :smalltongue: )
14 pipple Hy ectually know vorth anyting
10 or zo pipple vho Hy ectually know vorth slightly more dan anyting.

Zo 10, Hy'd say.

9 out of 15 for that stupid dare

2007-09-28, 09:48 PM
2 life long friends who are at arms length right now. 1 really good friend who is out of the county and not writing mutch at all. A number of coworkers who I talk to, some not so mutch any more. 1 mother. 2 cats. I take classes at college. I read alot, to fill my time. :smallfrown:

2007-09-28, 10:09 PM
1 Beshtesht Friend Vho's Both Moch Geekier Und Cooler Than Hy Ever Be (At The Seme Time) (Und It Iz A Title) (Vit Three Parenthesiz Even)
8 or 9 friends vho Hy hang out vit on a fairly regular basiz
4 or zo pipple vho are somevere betveen acquaintance und friend.
25+ keeds at my school vho come op to me und say "hey" und Hy occasionally engage in conversation vit, mosht uf vhom Hy do not know deir nemes (vich embarrasses me to no end >.<)
10 or zo pipple on diz site vho Hy consider to be my friends (Yah, Hy count dem, Hy spend far too moch time here. :smallamused: )

Zo about...
49 total
39 if hyu mean in real life (vashte uf time, it iz :smalltongue: )
14 pipple Hy ectually know vorth anyting
10 or zo pipple vho Hy ectually know vorth slightly more dan anyting.

Zo 10, Hy'd say.

9 out of 15 for that stupid dare

Why are you talking like this? (typing?) :smallconfused:

Em Blackleaf
2007-09-28, 10:11 PM
Why are you talking like this? (typing?) :smallconfused:

He is apparently on a dare.

Vespe Ratavo
2007-09-28, 10:12 PM
Shtopid ting on de Troth or Dare thread...hef to talk like diz (http://fly.hiwaay.net/~lkseitz/comics/girlgenius/jagertrans.shtml) for...3 more poshts.


2007-09-28, 10:33 PM
See, my group of friends was a group of about 7. they were good friends... Then highschool happened

2007-09-28, 10:47 PM
I have about 3 close friends and about 10 people who i interact with on a regular basis and am friendly with.

2007-09-28, 11:10 PM

As chip the Ripper would say...

I roll DEEP, I don't bring lames with me,
call me royalty I got King James with me

being the baller that I am I roll as deep as possible, I try to be cool with anyone thats willing to talk to me, as far as close friends between ten and fifteen, but around my town, at the high school i graduated from last year, and the college i currently attend there arent many that dont know Jim Garcia the SkanMan...wow I sound cocky... Im more personable than popular...idk, dont hate

2007-09-28, 11:10 PM
Shtopid ting on de Troth or Dare thread...hef to talk like diz (http://fly.hiwaay.net/~lkseitz/comics/girlgenius/jagertrans.shtml) for...3 more poshts.


I see.....

2007-09-28, 11:16 PM
wow...I think my clique would be downsized if my friends put my up to ridiculous dares like that...hey vaynor, love the quote

See, my group of friends was a group of about 7. they were good friends... Then highschool happened

hey shralik, keep yer head up man, thats one of the beautiful things about highschool, it makes you grow through change, defines who you are, youll find a clique. even if it doesnt include members of your pre-existing ones, chill on it, things'll work themselves out inna end

2007-09-28, 11:25 PM
wow...I think my clique would be downsized if my friends put my up to ridiculous dares like that...hey vaynor, love the quote

Heh, thanks.

Ego Slayer
2007-09-29, 10:41 AM
Seconded. Love the quote, Vay. Heh.

Anyway, let me see...
As far as people I regularly talk with or consider closer friends than most other people I know...
1 boyfriend.
6 or so online who I'm closer with.
3-ish real-life friends.

All you lovely mortals here, of course... I'm not going to count. :smalltongue:
20+ of those other real life people who I'm not really friends with anymore, but still see on occasion.

Apparently, if you count everyone you know ("real life"), it adds up to somewhere around 200 people. I did this once, and ended up forgetting who I'd already added...

2007-09-29, 10:50 AM
Shtopid ting on de Troth or Dare thread...hef to talk like diz (http://fly.hiwaay.net/~lkseitz/comics/girlgenius/jagertrans.shtml) for...3 more poshts.


Stop it.
It's annoying.

Aaaaand we don't want that, do we?

2007-09-29, 11:59 AM
My own personal army. :smallwink:

I fear you (http://www.homeonthestrange.com/view.php?ID=8) :smallwink:

2007-09-30, 12:27 AM
Not counting family, wife, or dogs, there are less than 20 that I actually like. From those few, there are exactly seven that I'd trust in matters not involving money. From that group, there are two that I'd trust come hell or high water.

I'm still debating whether it's a blessing or a curse that this small group (20) is actually spread out across half the world. On the one hand, it pretty much assures me of having one decent contact anywhere in the world I'd want to go, but on the other hand, it makes throwing a party a real big pain in the butt.

2007-09-30, 01:49 AM
JH, TB, SM, each count for one, then AM and MN count for 0.5, so 4. Pluss 11 for the soccer team.