View Full Version : Marshes and Magic

Gaius Hermicus
2019-02-26, 07:30 PM
Disclaimer: This is a campaign using 5e rules, but do not be fooled- it is not a game of Dungeons and Dragons. In this game, players will be working for opposing city-states, or even break off and form their own kingdoms. Cooperation will be temporary, and alliances are unlikely to last. As such, there is no OOC thread for this campaign: all rolls will be performed by PM to me. The game is structured in Rounds, each lasting one week OOC, and taking place over the course of one month IC. A player may take as many actions (secret or public) as they wish in each round, which end/start on Tuesdays. Any questions can be asked via PM or on the recruitment thread.

The Recruitment Thread (Always looking for fresh meat!): http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?579174-Play-by-Post-MacroWorld-recruitment-here

And now, we begin!

Round 1: January

The sun rises, filling the sky with rosy light. Over the past century, after Arkholt was driven back to their mountains, the swamps, meadows, and forests that make up Tanglevine Marsh have been awash in a sea of blood as the many city-states battle for supremacy. Recently, however, the warring has come to an even more gruesome standstill, leading both Opal Lake and Arkholt to hire elite adventurers to lead their armies.

CRISIS: Crossroads Inn, a small village considered neutral in the struggle between city-states, has recently been conquered by elves from the west. Now under elvish occupation, commerce along the Trading Road has halted, leading to an economic crisis in all of the city-states. The elves have refused requests to allow trade to flow again, and war appears likely. Your orders are being secretly delivered from your higher-ups.

2019-02-28, 08:14 AM
Rinn packs all of his gear, dresses himself in his finest travel clothes and hops on his trusted horse, a silvery Akhal-Teke pure breed named Sparkle. He departs at the first signs of sunlight, leaving his soldiers behind with stand-by orders.

“Madame Ilicha was dearly kind to offer me so many troopers, but my father didn’t raise me to be a coward hiding behind brutes and thugs. I’m confident I can sort out this predicament single-handedly. Were I a lesser man, I could just kill all the elf invaders and be done with it, but violence is not in my nature. Besides, where’s the beauty in that? No, whatever way I find to complete my mission won’t be short of majestic.”

The bard takes the long route and stops often. Sometimes to rest and reflect on his plans, but most often to talk to the travellers and common folk. Any bit of information may come in handy.


Travel at a slow pace, making sure to notice any signs of elf activity or anything unusual.
Perception: [roll0]
Investigation: [roll1]

Try to make a reputation for myself as the kind stranger on the road, be generous and share any resources I have (food, water, coin) with those in need.

Use my mending cantrip to fix broken cart wheels, repair clothes, any sort of item.
Use my cure wounds spell on any injured traveller.
Use my “song of rest” bardic power on any group I find resting on the road.
Stop at all the taverns/inns along the way, offer drinks to patrons, and invite them to a friendly game of three dragon ante.
Use my “enthralling performance” at any tavern that allows me to and talk to the people charmed by it.

With each person I meet, try to find information about the elves, specially the leader, their personal taste, habits and potential weaknesses.
Charisma check (persuasion) to find information: [roll2]

Make sure I am seen by any spies or elf informants.

(ooc: this is a very unusual form of game for me. I apologize if I’m playing wrong.)

Gaius Hermicus
2019-02-28, 08:46 PM
Rinn packs all of his gear, dresses himself in his finest travel clothes and hops on his trusted horse, a silvery Akhal-Teke pure breed named Sparkle. He departs at the first signs of sunlight, leaving his soldiers behind with stand-by orders.

“Madame Ilicha was dearly kind to offer me so many troopers, but my father didn’t raise me to be a coward hiding behind brutes and thugs. I’m confident I can sort out this predicament single-handedly. Were I a lesser man, I could just kill all the elf invaders and be done with it, but violence is not in my nature. Besides, where’s the beauty in that? No, whatever way I find to complete my mission won’t be short of majestic.”

The bard takes the long route and stops often. Sometimes to rest and reflect on his plans, but most often to talk to the travellers and common folk. Any bit of information may come in handy.


Travel at a slow pace, making sure to notice any signs of elf activity or anything unusual.
Perception: [roll0]
Investigation: [roll1]

Try to make a reputation for myself as the kind stranger on the road, be generous and share any resources I have (food, water, coin) with those in need.

Use my mending cantrip to fix broken cart wheels, repair clothes, any sort of item.
Use my cure wounds spell on any injured traveller.
Use my “song of rest” bardic power on any group I find resting on the road.
Stop at all the taverns/inns along the way, offer drinks to patrons, and invite them to a friendly game of three dragon ante.
Use my “enthralling performance” at any tavern that allows me to and talk to the people charmed by it.

With each person I meet, try to find information about the elves, specially the leader, their personal taste, habits and potential weaknesses.
Charisma check (persuasion) to find information: [roll2]

Make sure I am seen by any spies or elf informants.

(ooc: this is a very unusual form of game for me. I apologize if I’m playing wrong.)

Along the road, you hear strange rumors of an attack on the Crossroads Inn by warriors of Arkholt. They are conflicting reports, but many people claim that the elves have been driven away and the town is now occupied by the Arkholt soldiers. Trade has still not resumed.

In other news, all city-states have heard odd rumors of Arkholt soldiers setting up a fortification along the Trading Road. Elven arrows have been fired upon soldiers of Riverguard Keep without any casualties. Rumors have been spreading that Arkholt is moving up the Trading Road in an effort to drive out the elves. Coyote City has been noticeably quiet lately, and couriers from Opal Lake and Riverguard Keep have been dispatched to check on them.

Gaius Hermicus
2019-03-03, 09:33 PM
Rinn packs all of his gear, dresses himself in his finest travel clothes and hops on his trusted horse, a silvery Akhal-Teke pure breed named Sparkle. He departs at the first signs of sunlight, leaving his soldiers behind with stand-by orders.

“Madame Ilicha was dearly kind to offer me so many troopers, but my father didn’t raise me to be a coward hiding behind brutes and thugs. I’m confident I can sort out this predicament single-handedly. Were I a lesser man, I could just kill all the elf invaders and be done with it, but violence is not in my nature. Besides, where’s the beauty in that? No, whatever way I find to complete my mission won’t be short of majestic.”

The bard takes the long route and stops often. Sometimes to rest and reflect on his plans, but most often to talk to the travellers and common folk. Any bit of information may come in handy.


Travel at a slow pace, making sure to notice any signs of elf activity or anything unusual.
Perception: [roll0]
Investigation: [roll1]

Try to make a reputation for myself as the kind stranger on the road, be generous and share any resources I have (food, water, coin) with those in need.

Use my mending cantrip to fix broken cart wheels, repair clothes, any sort of item.
Use my cure wounds spell on any injured traveller.
Use my “song of rest” bardic power on any group I find resting on the road.
Stop at all the taverns/inns along the way, offer drinks to patrons, and invite them to a friendly game of three dragon ante.
Use my “enthralling performance” at any tavern that allows me to and talk to the people charmed by it.

With each person I meet, try to find information about the elves, specially the leader, their personal taste, habits and potential weaknesses.
Charisma check (persuasion) to find information: [roll2]

Make sure I am seen by any spies or elf informants.

(ooc: this is a very unusual form of game for me. I apologize if I’m playing wrong.)

Finally arriving at the gates of Crossroads Inn, you are instantly spotted by an elf sentry. He sends an arrow flying at your feet as a warning shot, then shouts at you to go away.

2019-03-04, 06:23 AM
Rinn plays a soft melody, a lullaby from his childhood in Opal Lake, that puts the sentry and any other guards to sleep instantly.

He then waks in through the city gates and follows the bustle of the city taverns, looking for a spot onstage to perform his enthralling songs and lure the audience into admiring him.

Gaius Hermicus
2019-03-06, 06:11 PM
Round 2: Begin!

February. Snow has piled up everywhere, making travel difficult. The last remains of the harvest are running out, and keeps without adequate food preserves are going hungry. The situation at Crossroads Inn has not yet resolved itself, making the famine worse by the day as trade cannot get past Crossroads Inn or the new Arkholdian outpost blocking the road. Meanwhile, skirmishes between elves and soldiers of Riverguard Keep have made the Opal Trail and the surrounding areas dangerous and bloody, and Coyote City is repeatedly raiding Opal Lake, possibly to secure wealth with which to buy food.

OOC: Public actions should be declared in this thread, secret actions by PM. Your orders have been sent to you. We are also seeking as many new recruits as we can get: if you are interested in joining, let me know by PM or the recruitment thread (linked in OP).

2019-03-07, 09:27 AM
persuasion check: [roll0]