View Full Version : Pathfinder Maze + Dimension lock

2019-02-27, 08:32 AM
Hi guys, we’re playing a high level PF campaign and have encountered an interesting situation last session. One of the PC wizards had a ready spell and targeted one of the monsters locking it in a Maze. He followed up next round by casting Dimension lock on the already cast Maze (I know, sounds like a great combo).

Now the monster at hand has the following among its stats:

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20th; concentration +29)
At Will-greater dispel magic
3/day-quickened greater dispel magic, limited wish, plane shift, spell turning, wall of force (out of which, he has already used up 2 quickened greater dispel magic spells)

Question is - can the monster on one of the next rounds cast (at will) Greater dispel magic to dispel Dimension lock, and then to follow up with Plane shift to leave the maze?

Problem is that since the monster is technically in extra-dimensional labyrinth, while Dimension lock is cast on Prime Material plane - can he “target” Dimension lock from Maze/extra-dimensional space?

Your thoughts on this topic would be highly appreciated. Thank you

2019-02-27, 08:46 AM
I'd rule that the dimension lock makes the space "occupied" for purposes of returning from the maze spell. So the monster returns in the nearest open space to their original location.

He can't dispel the dimension lock, since that is out of range (the lock is in the next plane over from him, and dispel's range is measured in feet).

It's a DC 20 Intelligence check to leave without casting a spell. On a successful check (full round action), you return to the nearest open space, which will likely be just outside the area of the dimension lock in this scenario. What is its Intelligence?

Using a plane shift seems a bit expensive in comparison. Plane shift is accurate to within 500 miles from your intended destination. It's a remarkably bad way of returning to your original location.

2019-02-27, 10:25 AM
Given that the monster is planning to use plane shift rather than trying to return via the maze's normal mechanism, it should work fine. Plane shift will drop him somewhere within 500 miles. It can't drop him somewhere with a dimension lock in place. I'd have the monster plane shift back and be effectively out of the fight due to being far away. If he's intelligent and wants back where he was, he'll return by whatever means he has (so if he's got greater teleport or the like, he'll come back to near the dimension lock very quickly). If he's not intelligent, or doesn't care about that place, he'll go pursue his goals elsewhere, closer to where he landed. Whether those goals are complicated plans or simple "find food/eat food."

2019-02-27, 04:40 PM
I don't see that the Dimension lock affects the monster in the Maze at all. The Maze is a different plane after all and the lock is on the Material.

2019-02-27, 04:48 PM
It says in the spell plane shift lets you escape dimensional lock does nothing