View Full Version : Help me choosing a level 2 spell for my glamour bard

2019-02-28, 11:37 AM
Hi! I am playing a devil's tongue tiefling glamour bard and my concept is to be a beguiler that uses sound as a way to harm foes or enhance allies (I am reflavouring my skills to accomodate so, with no mechanical changes).

My expertises are Persuasion and Deception, and I have now to choose my level 2 spells! Since we are progressing using the milestone system and suuuuuper slow I am trying to pick the best spells for my bard and external inputs might come handy!

My spell choices so far:
Cantrips: Vicious Mockery [race], Minor Illusion, Prestidigitation
Level 1: Fairie Fire, Bane, Dissonant Whispers, Healing Word
Level 2: Shatter, Charme [race, daily, upcasted], HEREINEEDYOUGUYS

I picked Shatter because we lack AoE damage and it fits with my character concept, however now I am doubt what to pick as last spell from the great level 2 spell selection!
What do you think would be the wisest choice here?

PS: Next level I am picking Actor+Disguise Self.
Edited: typos

2019-02-28, 11:40 AM
Suggestion sounds like an essential for you.

2019-02-28, 11:41 AM
So, I'm trying to fit into your theme as best I can.

Level 1: Tasha's Hideous Laughter (disabling), Thunderwave (obvious)
Level 2: Suggestion (this spell is flat out amazing with a good imagination), Silence (stop spell casters), Calm Emotions (team support and possible disabling spell)

Although I think your best choice would be suggestion. I flat out LOVE that spell.

Note: If you are taking actor and disguise self, look at the friends cantrip. It can be sweet if you are disguised as someone else.

2019-03-05, 01:55 AM
In the end I took suggestion and looking forward to implement your other suggestions! (no pun intended).

Thanks for helping me choose!