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View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next Spirit training, a new wizard school for summoners

Lord Maze
2019-03-01, 04:24 PM
Good morning / afternoon everyone,

This is my first post on giant in the playground (even though i've wandered the forums for more than 2 years now) AND my first homebrew.

I don't know if something similiar has already been done, so my deepest apologies if my post is redundant.

I wanted to play a summoner pretty bad and didn't dig the druid aestethics for my current character idea so i created a sub class for wizard that is heavily inspired (if not copied) from beastmaster conclave of the (revised) ranger. At first i thought to create something akin to the pathfinder summoner but shredded the idea as it sounds way too powerful.

I changed the text for flavour and adapted the level of sub class to fit a wizard school.

What do you think ? I'd appreciate some balance feedback as i do not want to crush everything in my path with my own homebrew.

I will take any reformulation and spelling mistake into account, as i am not a native english speaker.

(Since the forum won't let me post links before my post count is of 10 or greater i will simply copy paste the abilities right here in normal text format instead of the google drive)

New arcane school

Spirit training
Most of wizards tends to specialize within a certain school of magic, to enhance their potency and further their understanding of this specific school.
Spirit trainers, though at first glance seems like conjuration specialist, comes in fact from another need: the need of safety given by a partner they can trust and who can protect them. Spirit training is often practiced by solitary mage that wish to explore ruins by themselves to find hidden lore, or even wizards that feels lonely living by themselves in a hidden tower for centuries (Immortality can be boring sometimes).
This discipline consist of training and modifying a familiar summoned via the *summoned familiar spell in order to make it fit for additional duties and tasks.

Summoning familiarity
At 2nd, you add *find familiar to your spell list, if you don’t already have it.

War familiar
At level 2, you learn how to train and boost your familiar in order to make them viable for protection and adventuring.
With a 8 hour ritual and the expenditure of 50gp worth of arcane or energy related material, you enhance your familiar; it is now able to shift into a new battle form as a free action. You select one of the following animal for the stat block the familiar will be using in battle form:
Ape, black bear, Boar, Giant badger, giant weasel, mule, panther and wolf.

While in this form, the familiar is still restricted by the *find familiar rules but gains the ability to use the attack action. (edited)

The wizard may choose to describe the appearance of the battle form however he wish (As long as it make sense taking into account the chosen creature abilities), though it retain all stats from the chosen animal stat block.
If the familiar is slain while in battle form, it instantly vanish and can be called back in its normal form after 10 minutes as if the *summoned familiar was discarded. However, in order for it to be able to morph into battle form again the wizard must cast another 8 hour ritual, but this time only using 25gp worth of arcane or energy related ingredient.

Arcane bond
Your war familiar gains a number of benefits when its linked to you.
The war familiar loses its multiattack action, if it has one.
If you are incapacitated or absent, the familiar acts on his own.
For each level gain after the 2nd level, your familiar also gain an additional hit die.
Your war familiar has abilities and game statistics determined in part by your level. Your arcane companion uses your proficiency bonus rather than its own. In addition to the areas where it normally uses its proficiency bonus, an arcane companion also adds its proficiency bonus to its AC and to its damage rolls.
Your war familiar also gains proficiency in two skills of your choice. It also become proficient with all saving throws.
Whenever you gain the Ability Score Improvement class feature, your companion’s abilities also improve. Your companion can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or it can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1.
As normal, your companion can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature unless its description specifies otherwise. Your companion shares your alignment, and has a personality trait and a flaw that you can roll for or select from the tables below. Your companion shares your ideal, and its bond is always,“The wizards whom i serve is a beloved master for whom I would gladly give my life.”

D6 traits
1- I’m dauntless in the face of adversity
2- Threaten my friends, threaten me
3- I stay on alert so others can rest
4- People see an animal and underestimate me, i use
That to my advantage
5- I have a knack for showing up in the nick of time
6- I put my friends needs before my own in all thing

D6 flaws
1- If there’s food left unattended, i’ll eat it even if
i have no need for it.
2- I absolutely detest strangers: which means
everyone except my master and his friends
3- Any time is a time for a good belly rub
4- I’m deathly afraid of water
5- My idea of hello is running around the concerned
person until he’s annoyed of me
6- I jump on creatures i love

Supernatural defense
At 6th level, your war summon has advantage on all saving throw when you are in its field of vision.

Arcane storm
At 10th level, your familiar may use its action to make a melee attack against each creature of its choice within 5ft of it, with a separate roll for each target.

Spirit control mastery
At 14th level, the wizard is so used to working with its spirit familiar that the symbiotic relationship enable him to warn his companion to brace against danger.
If the summon is hit by an attack and the wizard can see him, the war familiar can use its reaction to halve the attacks damage against it.

2019-03-01, 05:15 PM
So the familar gain the ability to attack at level 6?

Lord Maze
2019-03-01, 05:18 PM
I think it's not explained very well but when it shifts into battle form (at level 2) i can attack once with the chosen animal stats. Exactly like the beast companion for the revised ranger.

Maybe i should specify that this form overwrite the normal restriction on the *find familiar spell that states the familiar can't attack ?

At level 6, it gains the ability to attack once again with its reaction, if the requirements are met.

2019-03-01, 05:18 PM
I think it's not explained very well but when it shifts into battle form (at level 2) i can attack once with the chosen animal stats. Exactly like the beast companion for the revised ranger.

I would make that explicit. Copying the Find Familiar spell insinuates it comes with all of the restrictions (including not being able to attack). It's also not explicit if this is the same familiar as from the Find Familiar spell or an unrelated one.

That is, if they're the same, then it'd come with all the restrictions of Find Familiar (unless you say otherwise). If they're different, then this Wizard could have both kinds of familiars. I'd read into the Warlock Pact of the Chain to get an idea as to how you want to write an enhanced version of Find Familiar to avoid any weird rulings.

Lord Maze
2019-03-01, 05:19 PM
I just edited my reply, i will do just that.

Thank you for the pointer !

it is indeed, the same familiar. I don't want to have a wizard with a familiar, a battle familiar AND summons on the battlefield. That would be boring for other players.

Especially with an owl familiar giving advantage to the battle familiar every round...

2019-03-05, 12:27 AM
Awesome ideas, I feel like something that falls short in 5th edition is summons. Some of these ideas could be great ways of making them relevant in 5th edition.

Lord Maze
2019-03-05, 12:53 AM
Awesome ideas, I feel like something that falls short in 5th edition is summons. Some of these ideas could be great ways of making them relevant in 5th edition.

Thank you for the reply ! I feel like having a semi-permanent summon that has minimal utility but excellent durability can help with the ''Chessmaster'' feeling. And summoning other creatures with your concentration to assist your main summon feels more tactical (instead of having to always choose tanky options)

I'm about to play with a fully ranged party, so this might help with more melee oriented encounters.

Do you feel the current state of my homebrew is balanced ? I removed the reaction attack gained at 6th level (5th level for beast conclave) because the ranger normally trade his second attack for this perk and it felt a little overpowered.

I'm currently looking to change the capstone ability for a summoning oriented one that doesn't step on conjuration school toes, if you have any ideas.

2019-03-05, 12:46 PM
I *think* it'd be fine as-is. Part of the issue I see is that the Ranger relies heavily on the subclasses (which is why they're all cool and powerful and thematic) where the Wizard is a generalist by nature and doesn't change much with each subclass.

This would mean that your beast version would have to be worse than the Ranger version.

I do like the idea of having your Beast be the focus for buff spells from the Wizard, which is something that is currently missed in the 5e wizard options. Maybe something like "You have advantage on Concentration Saving Throws for spells that are affecting your War Familiar", or something like that. You know, more incentive for things like Haste or Greater Invisibility.

Lord Maze
2019-03-05, 10:13 PM
I *think* it'd be fine as-is. Part of the issue I see is that the Ranger relies heavily on the subclasses (which is why they're all cool and powerful and thematic) where the Wizard is a generalist by nature and doesn't change much with each subclass.

This would mean that your beast version would have to be worse than the Ranger version.

I do like the idea of having your Beast be the focus for buff spells from the Wizard, which is something that is currently missed in the 5e wizard options. Maybe something like "You have advantage on Concentration Saving Throws for spells that are affecting your War Familiar", or something like that. You know, more incentive for things like Haste or Greater Invisibility.

Thank you for your insight, Man_Over_Game ,

For the power level of ranger subclasses i decided to compare Wizard schools VS Ranger sub class (Example Bladesinger VS Hunter) and came up with the conclusion that Wizard school were (mostly) on the same power level as ranger sub classes. However, i think hunter isn't on the strong side and Xanathar's subclasses are more on par with their expanded spell lists. However, i still think Divination/Abjuration/Evocation are stronger or on par with the likes of Horizon walker or Monster Slayer. Bladesinger also compares with Beastmaster conclave, with a strong, reliable and scaling 2nd (3rd) level ability and some added bonus after that. (Bladesinger lvl 14 ability is very strong though)

I do agree the ranger is way more defined by his subclass, thematically speaking. but i do not think this is a necessary motive to avoid giving more prevalence to the Wizard schools themes. Bladesinger is a good example of what i wished to achieved in term of fluff.

Do you find my analysis to be fair ? Or is there something i missed. I appreciate your feedback !

For the ability suggestion, i love it. It kindof reminds me of summon steed (with natural synergy between the Caster and his summon) and i think i should take inspiration from this spell from now on.

Maybe i should change most of the abilities that buff the war familiar after lvl 2 and make it more about the summoner or the Synergy between the War familiar and his summoner ? And take more in account the power level of each abilities level per level and compare them with other wizard schools. (ex: the lvl 6 ability for schools is rarely strong, and the 14th one is always great).

2019-03-06, 01:11 PM
Thank you for your insight, Man_Over_Game ,

For the power level of ranger subclasses i decided to compare Wizard schools VS Ranger sub class (Example Bladesinger VS Hunter) and came up with the conclusion that Wizard school were (mostly) on the same power level as ranger sub classes. However, i think hunter isn't on the strong side and Xanathar's subclasses are more on par with their expanded spell lists. However, i still think Divination/Abjuration/Evocation are stronger or on par with the likes of Horizon walker or Monster Slayer. Bladesinger also compares with Beastmaster conclave, with a strong, reliable and scaling 2nd (3rd) level ability and some added bonus after that. (Bladesinger lvl 14 ability is very strong though)

I do agree the ranger is way more defined by his subclass, thematically speaking. but i do not think this is a necessary motive to avoid giving more prevalence to the Wizard schools themes. Bladesinger is a good example of what i wished to achieved in term of fluff.

Do you find my analysis to be fair ? Or is there something i missed. I appreciate your feedback !

For the ability suggestion, i love it. It kindof reminds me of summon steed (with natural synergy between the Caster and his summon) and i think i should take inspiration from this spell from now on.

Maybe i should change most of the abilities that buff the war familiar after lvl 2 and make it more about the summoner or the Synergy between the War familiar and his summoner ? And take more in account the power level of each abilities level per level and compare them with other wizard schools. (ex: the lvl 6 ability for schools is rarely strong, and the 14th one is always great).

Everything you've said is a valid point. I didn't have time to directly compare power levels between Ranger and Wizard, but what you've described makes great sense.

I'd definitely follow the same formula pattern as other Wizard subclasses. Usually, those are placed that way to compensate for how the rest of the class develops (such as by gaining important spell levels, like level 3 is at Wizard level 5, when Wizards get their least interesting subclass feature immediately afterwards).

A few ideas I'd implement on the same idea:

If you cast a spell with range Self, your familiar can also cast the same spell during this round using no spell slot. (So if you cast Shield, both you and your Familiar can use it).
Your familiar can cast your spells with a range of Touch as an Action.
Pocket Dimension Reversal: You can enter the pocket dimension of your familiar for up to 10 minutes. If your familiar dies, attempts to enter a new plane of existence, or the allotted time runs out, you reappear within 30 feet of your Familiar.

I would tie in some kind of restriction on the Wizard's capacity to cast spells while the Familiar attacks. Maybe something like requiring it so that the Familiar can only attack or cast spells if the Wizard does not cast any spells that's not a cantrip.

You're doing great. This is an excellent homebrew you're coming up with.