View Full Version : Where's D.A.V.E?

2007-09-28, 12:17 PM
Y'see, I used to like the new Batman series, The Batman.

I now see the folly of my ways, but I still like one character, an original character featured in ONE episode as (presumeably) a one-shot villain. The episode was, "Gotham's Greatest Criminal Mastermind".

The character was called D.A.V.E,. It (he) was originally a computer program built by Dr. Strange, and designed to have the personalities of all the major criminals in Gotham in order to understand them, from what I gathered, to be a robotic therapist. (apparently including the Joker, who I must say, is rather pathetic now). However, he goes rogue because of all the personalities, and escaped to a nearby robotics facility, building a body, and determined to become Gotham's Greatest Criminal Mastermind. He easily figured out Batman's identity by cross-refrencing the Batman's known resources with who would have enough money to afford it, and hacked into the Gotham bank and stole every last dollar of every rich citizen, including Bruce Wayne. Naturally, Batman has to stop him. Before Batman starts to stop him, D.A.V.E. randomally makes his name pop up all over the cities buildings. When Batman fights him for the first time, D.A.V.E easily beats him by using the fighting styles of all the major criminals (which, in my opinion, is awesome), and D.A.V.E, being determined to be the greatest criminal mastermind ever, captures Alfred Pennyworth (the Butler) and puts him in something that's connected to two wires. (Dunno, can't remember exactly what they were) Both are set to go off in 5 minutes in the Batcave. One will reveal Batman's identity to Gotham, and spare Alfred. The other will kill Alfred, but spare Batman's identity. Batman spars again with D.A.V.E, the robot taunting him by calling him "Mister Wayne, or Bruce". Then, the stupid starts. Batman asks D.A.V.E "What's your background?" D.A.V.E first gives the background of the Riddler, (I think) then all the other criminals, but Batmans says something idiotic (if true) like, "Your a robot, your none of those" D.A.V.E, his very existence based on those criminal identities, understandably snaps, and for some very stupid reason, Batman ends D.A.V.E's scheme and destroys him with a giant penny trophey or somesuch, saving both Alfred AND his identity.

I know this much about D.A.V.E, but cannot find him ANYWHERE on the internet. Am I the only one who likes this character? I found him the most (and only) interesting character of The Batman.

Please, I must know if anyone actually KNOWS about this character...

2007-09-28, 01:40 PM
Now, I know I'm not really contributing to the topic, because I don't watch The Batman, since it looks ridiculous and would probably piss me off just by not being Batman The Animated Series (I've never claimed not to be elitist). However, I must ask...did you mean to say Dr. Strange there? Because it would be mighty odd for a sorceror from the Marvel multiverse to build a supercomputer in a Batman cartoon.

2007-09-28, 02:02 PM
Now, I know I'm not really contributing to the topic, because I don't watch The Batman, since it looks ridiculous and would probably piss me off just by not being Batman The Animated Series (I've never claimed not to be elitist). However, I must ask...did you mean to say Dr. Strange there? Because it would be mighty odd for a sorceror from the Marvel multiverse to build a supercomputer in a Batman cartoon.

Ah sorry, I meant Dr. Hugo Strange, Batman villain. Hope that clears things up.

EDIT: Ahhhh... here we are. I found D.A.V.E! Therefore, I will share this mad mechanical man with my mutally mental members! (yay, allieration.)

The Wiki article. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D.A.V.E.)

D.A.V.E.'s offical bio. (http://www.worldsfinestonline.com/WF/thebatman/?x=bios/dave/index)

D.A.V.E. chilling out as a computer. (http://www.worldsfinestonline.com/WF/thebatman/bios/dave/01.jpg)

When D.A.V.E. creates a body. Awesome. (http://www.worldsfinestonline.com/WF/thebatman/bios/dave/04.jpg)

D.A.V.E in the shadows. (http://www.worldsfinestonline.com/WF/thebatman/bios/dave/05.jpg)

D.A.V.E. is here to kick butt and download files, and he's all out of files. (http://www.worldsfinestonline.com/WF/thebatman/bios/dave/07.jpg)

D.A.V.E is watching you... (http://www.worldsfinestonline.com/WF/thebatman/bios/dave/08.jpg)

And finally,
Smug Statement: Unit D.A.V.E has an awesome lab coat, and you don't. (http://www.worldsfinestonline.com/WF/thebatman/bios/dave/11.jpg)

Also, apparently D.A.V.E. stands for Digitally Advanced Villain Emulator.

Here. (http://www.worldsfinestonline.com/WF/thebatman/?x=episodes/39ultimate/index)

2007-09-28, 02:49 PM
While I generally dislike most of The Batman, there have been some good episodes (all of them either Riddler or latest seasons). The Ultimate Criminal Mastermind was one.

Go D.A.V.E!

2007-09-28, 04:35 PM
Wow, a supercomputer with three blank, glowing red eyes as its face named Dave.

Wonder how long it took them to come up with that one?

2007-09-29, 02:54 PM
Wow, a supercomputer with three blank, glowing red eyes as its face named Dave.

Wonder how long it took them to come up with that one?

The Wiki article says that apparently it was SUPPOSED to be a parody of HAL. In fact, D.A.V.E.'s apparently a parody of four different science fiction characters. HARDAC, HAL, in his death, the Terminator, and the criminal brain-waves thing from the movie Virtuosity.

2007-09-29, 11:39 PM
The HARDAC episodes were among my favourite from the old animated series. I haven't kept tabs on this new one because I don't like what they've done with most of the villains, particularly the Joker.

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2007-09-29, 11:51 PM
Precisely. I may watch it occasionally, but I for one can never forgive them for what they did to Mr. Freeze.

Being a 90's kid with no access to comic books, my only exposure to these legends of our time, the Batman Villains (who are, actually, still my favorite "super"villains), came from the Animated Series and such. All my favorite Batmans had never-ending chins.

2007-09-30, 12:16 AM
They have extended the Batman's chin a bit on the new series, apparently, to make the show more friendly to the old viewers.

Now, I haven't hated all the changes. I liked those two silent Japanese assassins that accompany the Penguin. I like the new Dr. Hugo Strange. I thought Ellen Yin was a good character, though I wish she had a proper sending-off. And they haven't completely screwed up Batman.

But for the most part, I despise what they've done to the villains compared to Batman: The Animated Series. The Joker is now an evil Rastafarian, and his voice doesn't sound right. Bane became a giant red ogre. The Penguin shouldn't be able to move as quickly as he does; the guy is basically a squat troll. Man-Bat, whose episode I remember as being one of the most terrifying from the old Animated Series, is now just another lunatic. Killer Croc is smart. And I agree, Fullbladder, they completely ****ed with Mr. Freeze; now he's just interested in stealing diamonds instead of a guy out to avenge/save his wife.

And notice how they dumped Ethan Bennett as "Clayface" and substituted an out-of-work actor to become the villain? What does that remind you of?

2007-09-30, 06:10 PM
I liked Batman: The Animated Series' Riddler. He became my favorite supervillain of all time.

Jim Carey killed him for me.

And I hear that in The Batman Riddler is more like Carey.

And was it a comic where someone asked Riddler why he always left riddles that told people what he was going to do and he said he couldn't help it; like it was some kind of mental illness? Or did I just imagine that?

2007-09-30, 09:28 PM
And was it a comic where someone asked Riddler why he always left riddles that told people what he was going to do and he said he couldn't help it; like it was some kind of mental illness? Or did I just imagine that?

Wikipedia says, you win. The Riddler (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Riddler).

2007-10-01, 01:04 PM
I liked Batman: The Animated Series' Riddler. He became my favorite supervillain of all time.

Jim Carey killed him for me.

And I hear that in The Batman Riddler is more like Carey.

Wrong, actually. The Batman Riddler is nothing like Carey, whose over the top spandex performance was 'inspired' by the Riddler/Joker of the original Batman series (Adam West and co).

The Batman's Riddler is my favourite incarnation of the Riddler so far, including Comic Books. For God's sake, he's voiced by Freddy Krueger!