View Full Version : (IC) Fire Emblem: The Seraph Charter

2019-03-04, 12:15 AM


The town of Varrosh is situated on the North/South border of the Kingdoms of Glouster and Erdovan. As is the case with most border towns who lie between these two powers, Varrosh has a pre-Fredrickan history of belonging to both nations at some point. Perhaps this is the reason that each of the bordertowns have an innate feeling of independence from the prescribed cultures of either nation, the citizens identifying more readily with their individual town.

A quaint and peaceful town, Varrosh sits between forests to the East and the North, as well as the Parvian River to the South. The abundance of timber and water has sustained Varrosh through the years, and has built up its reputation as having some of the finest farming soil of all the border towns. As with most bordertowns, Varrosh has attracted those from many different walks of life, and is a favorite checkpoint of both Erdovani and Glousterian merchants heading South and North respectively.

On this particularly beautiful Summer’s day, life in Varrosh seemed to be going on just as it always had. Awoken by the roosters’ crows in the morning, townspeople walk out into the square to the bright sun beaming down on their faces. The morning light illuminates the meandering stone brick pathways of old, as the houses lining the streets echo the daily sonic bliss of Varrosh: The hustled footsteps of market-goers, the warm greetings of Priests and Clerics outside of the Church (“Thank Fredric, Thank the Seraphs, Thank the Charter”), the vibrant laughs of children playing. If one looks closely enough, they would almost be able to see the movement of the vines creeping along the old city walls (a relic of the pre-Fredrickan conflicts). Gazing just past them, the immense history of the area is felt. This aura is so strong, one could readily picture an invading army on the hill from times past, the bright red armor of their body and horse glinting in that summer sun. An image strikes of the mounted captain surveying the town, ready to raise all hell on any enemy scum found within those crumbling, cobbled walls.


Consumed by the majesty of the moment, Cear, Austine, Harold, Garrett, Regolan, Nimue, Collin, and Huldah all individually reflect on what brought them to the town square this day.

2019-03-04, 09:38 AM
A sigh escaped the young woman's lips as she stepped out the door of the tavern on the nearby square. A set of light and slightly worn leather armor adorned her slender body as bow and quiver set hung off her shoulder. Although her reason for coming here was fulfilled, she couldn't help wondering if the tavern owner was just being polite and playing down the mess her father caused. At the very least, the tavern staff should have a good meal today. Though honestly, what did that priest say to my father to rile him up this much? It must have been on par with one of mom's sermons. The eighteen year old huntress briefly played with her auburn hair as she reminisced about last night's incident.

Austine had gone out hunting in the woods to the east like always. Luck was with her this day as she managed to catch a few rabbits and a sizable fox as well. She was confident that her father would be pleased with her when she returned. However, the only thing awaiting her was a closed shop. While there were times that Joseph Claire had to take care of business deals, he would usually push such meetings to the late evening or early morning. Although Austine found it odd, she merely shrugged and reopened the shop using her spare key. If a customer wanted leather or meat, she would take their request and in the downtime she would skin her latest kills. When sunset arrived, she was starting to get worried. Her father hadn't returned all afternoon. It was then that one of the staff at the nearby tavern came by and informed her what happened. Apparently, a traveling priest of the church of Seraphim was buying supplies for their journey. During the transaction, the priest kept trying to convert Joseph and the two got into a headed argument. After nearly pushing the priest out the door, Joseph was in too sour a mood to continue running his shop so he came to the tavern. He has been there ever since. Joseph spent his time drinking and complaining to anyone who would listen until finally passing out. Austine quickly followed the messenger back to the tavern and brought her father home with her. Although he woke up with a major hangover, he was otherwise fine. As an apology for making the tavern staff deal with her father's antics, Austine wrapped one of the better rabbit meat cuts and personally delivered it to the tavern owner.

Freed from her self-imposed duty, Austine spent some time enjoying the scenery of the peaceful square. She briefly smiled and waved at the children playing nearby as she hardened her own resolve, I'm going to get stronger. Once I'm ready, I'll set off from Varrosh and become a hero. A hero who protects innocent smiles like those. I just need to be patient.

2019-03-04, 09:54 AM
This was the time of the year the Argus family enjoyed. The time of delivering and trading all their caskets of homegrown mead and beer, made from excess cereals and distilled over the months.

This year the cider was especially good and sweet, if not abundant. The heat of summer made the apple trees produce small but sweet fruits. It would be one year of legend if Collin knew something about the trade. Maybe even similar to the cider made in the year he was born, that was still the talk today. “It is good but not quite like that one” it was something people used to say to him. But this year he knew it would be different.

As the sunlight crosses his face he looks up and sees a black silhouette. A bird he was sure, a crow or raven. Rats of the sky and very common in villages. But for a moment his heart saw a dragon, a huge beast as old as the world, as powerful and regal as any king.

But no, a raven, and inside he felt trapped as he looked at the barrels being delivered. Another year and he might have to marry. His mother and father were pressing him for grandchildren. For the Argus family name to pass on to the next generation. And a lot of his mother friends came to his house with their daughters. their methods weren't very subtil but eventually he had to do it. Was expected.
And if... No... When he married, all that he had dreamed…

“Hello Arthur” he says as he passes one of the market vendors “three caskets for you this year?”
The following discussion was brief and it was the last one. He sends the carts home with his brother as he nears his horse Drakus “Explain dad I won’t be dinning home, I’ll eat something at the tavern.”.

“But first your damn lance right?” the brother smiles and starts moving away with a deep grim “Better to use a bow for wolf hunting and bandit clearing. You have to grow smart.”

Collin just dismisses the younger boy and looks up again at the flying bird before going towards the blacksmith.
"I have to grow smart."

2019-03-04, 01:19 PM
Awake hours before the roosters call, Harold wonders how some people have time to sleep in like that. There are always cows to milk, eggs to collect, prepreation to do for the rest of the day, and for today it was time for a trip into town to trade. Or really a second trip, he always came through early to deliver milk in the wee hours as well. Soon though Emma would be 14, which would be old enough to deliver the milk on her own and he might finally get some time to repair the leaky roof of the farm while the weather was still nice. There work was satisfying though. The farm had been around for generations and he had every intention of making sure he wasn’t the one to screw that up. Plus today’s wagonload of trade goods would bring in much needed cash. Enough he could look to pick up some gifts for the girls while he was here. And a beer, he was really looking forward to a nice beer.

Lost in thought he didn’t even notice the old plodding horse made its way into town and a line began to form. The horse had been at this so long it made its way right to the usual spot while he was thinking about something else.
“Heeey Harold. How’s it going?”
“Got my eggs?”
“How are your sisters?”
“Thanks for the eggs, see you next week!”
“Yea see you. NEXT!”
Jams, eggs, some fresh fruit, even some furs from rabbits and the like that Lacy had been trapping and skinning herself. Apparently eleven was old enough to start liking boys and now she was trying to woo some local boy with her burgeoning hunting and tanning skills. She was quite good even.
And so it went.
“Your mom doing ok?”
“Yep, NEXT!”
“The girls doing ok?”
“Yep, NEXT!”
“What’s it like running the farm now?”
“Yep, NEXT!”
Lost in though again, thinking of battle against red armored foes and glory and seeing the world Harold hadn’t even noticed the line was almost totally empty now.
“Uhhh I mean good. Sorry I drifted off there for a minute. Yea it’s fine, my mom handles most of it. I just do the heavy lifting.”
“Hah, yea that’s what your dad used to say too. Well, have a good day.”
”Yea yea, yea. You too. Well that’s it for me today, time to track down a beer.”

2019-03-04, 02:17 PM
Market days were always his favourite days. The hustle and bustle, the mass of people, the crowds it was easy to vanish in, the out of town traders who wouldn't question whose coin he was giving them.

But most of all he liked the atmosphere.

He was pretty hungry though. He liked Harold, but he didn't bring much spare stock, so he wasn't much use right now. Austine, on the other hand, looked fresh from the hunt. He'd long since learned that sneaking up on hunters was a waste of time, but he did have another option. He'd have to use his self professed manly charms.

He leaned what he thought was attractively against a nearby wall. "Impressive catch you have there." He flashed his most winning smile.

2019-03-04, 10:39 PM
Huldah groggily woke up, her head pounding. As she brushed off the straw from her clothes she tried to recollect what had happened the night before. She remembered bringing in her horse after a long day of hunting and heading for the tavern. Then the meat seller Joseph came in complaining about something, and kept ordering more and more drinks. She had been drawn into drinking and reminiscing about past problems and had gone a little overboard. She seemed to have been able to stumble back to her place in the stables before passing out. After splashing some water on her face, she heads out into the market place with some of the furs from the previous days hunt. Huldah hopes to trade the furs for some new arrow heads and some new boots.

2019-03-04, 11:37 PM
Regolan enjoyed sunny days. An strange thing, perhaps, for a rather introverted 16 year-old who was just starting to learn dark magic, but Regolan was rather strange himself. On this particular sunny day, he was out in the market, enjoying the smells and the sights. He walked past someone who was clearly an out-of-town mage, and instantly had a flashback to a few years ago. . .

It was a sunny day just like this one. He and Garrett had been walking through town on a busy day, and they spotted someone who was clearly both a magic user and from out of town. Figuring that a person like that much have a lot of money, the two boys lifted a bag off of the mage. Imagine their surprise when it turned out not to be money, but a magic tome! Garret tried to learn how to use it, but quickly grew annoyed with his lack of progress, and left the so-called “nerd ****” for Regolan to try. Within just a few weeks, Regolan could use magic.

Shaking his head, Regolan continued walking around the market, but nothing in particular seemed to catch his eye.

2019-03-05, 08:42 AM
Suddenly, the people of Varrosh hear a new sound added to the regular symphony. It sounds like footsteps, albeit with a harsher intention. As it gets louder, an audible clank can be heard with each passing beat, its determined pace infiltrating the otherwise peaceful summer harmonies…

“S-s-SOLDIERS! ERDOVAN! THE HILL!” a young woman screams to the market throng, immediately dropping her basket and running back down the street. Perhaps she means to go home to her family, perhaps she goes to the church to pray. It matters not, for she has started a wave of footsteps. More citizens turn to gaze beyond the wall, and more are met with the vision of a cavalier in stunning red armor, surveying the town--with sword drawn. Panic sets in. The streets are now filled with a stampede of Varroshians, all trying to run in any direction other than that of the terrifying sight of the Erdovani Troop.

The Troop descends on the town, and thus fill it with the cacophony of destruction--screams from Varroshian citizens, the THUNK of arrows meeting their innocent targets, the ghastly THUD of swords being plunged into flesh.

Through the violent chaos, a group of eight individuals appears to be cornered by the Erdovani troops. Unlike the rest of those in the town however, they are both brandishing weapons and appear ready to fight--unwilling to submit to their Charter-Bound fate.

ESCAPE! (Must take an action on S18 or T18)
-Forest tiles: +1 DEF, +15 Dodge while on one, every space of movement through a forest counts as 2 spaces.
-Squares D11 and O15 CAN be moved through
-Once you escape, your character cannot return to the battle
-In order to calculate risk of attacking (IC would be sizing up the enemy) you have a right to know their stats. I've attached a google sheet HERE (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JFdIoV7pW7cGW6YvGbdSlXpPmBAYza8yHoJa5k5nAV4/edit?usp=sharing) that tracks unit stats/location/items.
-For Garrett: If it's noted as droppable in the sheet, it's also stealable
-I recommend coordinating attacks in the discord, at least as far as who takes their turn when. Or not. Completely up to you guys.

2019-03-05, 09:14 AM
Just as a heads up, I'm making some drastic changes to Nimue's character in order to play her better after drawing a few blanks about some of her character aspects. Also, Nimue is gonna be younger than originally planned.

The vagrant scamp claiming to be the tavern bouncer (in reality she wasn't quite trusted with that, but given the irregular hours she kept, out of pity she was given the task of guarding the wine barrels while the bar was close din exchange for a bed roll and a warm floor to sleep on) wasn't even near the town square before the red wave of doom arrived.

Nimue had been late to her job. She and her black kitten Tag had given night fishing a try and she was dozing by the pond into the rosey hours preceding the dawn, quite content to be away from the noisy start of the day, until even worse noises shook her. Out of sheer stupid luck, the red scout tromped by her, missing her presumably because she had her cloak's hood up, hiding her bright blond hair from view and blending her up against the loam and woods. She heard a cacophony that could only be troops on the move; she'd heard it plenty of times.

There goes everything, she bemoans before leaping up, amid Tag's,protests. The little mercenary abandons her fishing spot and flees back to town, running up into a crowd of townsfolk she barely recognizes, just as the army arrives.

"What are all y'all standing around for?!?! We gotta get going! NOW!

2019-03-05, 11:08 AM
The attack happens just as Harold is finishing getting the wagon packed back up in their usual trading spot in the shade of the trees. As he packs is so busy fantasizing about fighting off an attack on the village that he doesn’t quite realize that this is real untill the rest of the town starts panicking. His first thoughts turn to escape, but he is a proper member of the militia, and this is what he trained for. Sadly he can’t ride a horse to save his life, and even if he could the old workhorse he brought down from the farm could barely manage a run at the best of times. Still, he cuts the straps keeping him on the wagon and gives in a smack on the rear to get it moving. It knows the way home, and the cut straps and missing wagon should be a warning to his family at the farm so long as the horse makes it. And if it doesn’t, then at least it will have served as a distraction. He then finally nocites he isn’t alone, and once he pulls down his hunting javelin from the wagon he won’t be the only one armed. “We have to fight our way through, hurry and follow me. If we keep their attention then they aren’t hunting down the unarmed women and children.” He then rushes into the cover of the trees and launches a shot at the nearest soldier.

Moving to f5, attacking enemy in g6. [roll0] crit [roll1]

2019-03-05, 11:59 AM
The attack happens just as Harold is finishing getting the wagon packed back up in their usual trading spot in the shade of the trees. As he packs is so busy fantasizing about fighting off an attack on the village that he doesn’t quite realize that this is real untill the rest of the town starts panicking. His first thoughts turn to escape, but he is a proper member of the militia, and this is what he trained for. Sadly he can’t ride a horse to save his life, and even if he could the old workhorse he brought down from the farm could barely manage a run at the best of times. Still, he cuts the straps keeping him on the wagon and gives in a smack on the rear to get it moving. It knows the way home, and the cut straps and missing wagon should be a warning to his family at the farm so long as the horse makes it. And if it doesn’t, then at least it will have served as a distraction. He then finally nocites he isn’t alone, and once he pulls down his hunting javelin from the wagon he won’t be the only one armed. “We have to fight our way through, hurry and follow me. If we keep their attention then they aren’t hunting down the unarmed women and children.” He then rushes into the cover of the trees and launches a shot at the nearest soldier.

Moving to f5, attacking enemy in g6. [roll0] crit [roll1]

The unsuspecting soldier yelps out in pain as he is struck by Harold's javelin. "VA-VARROSHIANS IN THE WOODS...tsk...THEY'RE ARMED!" he screams out to his comrades, as he places both hands around the shaft and pulls the spearhead out, dropping it on the ground.

-Soldier 5 takes 8 points of damage
-Harold gains (10 EXP)
-Harold's turn has ended.


2019-03-05, 12:33 PM
Collin looks at the screaming and fire and attacking soldiers. His brother... He just hoped his brother was ok.

He grasps Drakus reins and smiles. A sad smile. Sometimes it seems dreams might come true.

As he had trained year after year, he crosses through the woods, the woods that he knew well and leveled the Spear at one of the warriors trying to open a path for escape.

"Through here" he screams. "Lets open a pathway."

Move to D8 attack D9
Attack 1: [roll0] crit:[roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2] crit:[roll3]
Let's see what the gods of chance have for the fiery cavalier

2019-03-05, 03:08 PM
Collin looks at the screaming and fire and attacking soldiers. His brother... He just hoped his brother was ok.

He grasps Drakus reins and smiles. A sad smile. Sometimes it seems dreams might come true.

As he had trained year after year, he crosses through the woods, the woods that he knew well and leveled the Spear at one of the warriors trying to open a path for escape.

"Through here" he screams. "Lets open a pathway."

Move to D8 attack D9
Attack 1: [roll0] crit:[roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2] crit:[roll3]
Let's see what the gods of chance have for the fiery cavalier

Collin's charge out of the woods certainly startles the soldier at first, however he is able to maintain his composure as Drakus approaches, narrowly sidestepping the first thrust of Collin's lance. Using this nimble dodge to his advantage, the soldier is able to set his feet and stab at Collin. The cavalier is able to react quickly enough however to manuever Drakus around to dodge the blow. As if he simply needed to shake off the rust of having no prior combat experience, Collin is also able to respond with another attack of his own, piercing through the back of the soldier's armor with grace, before then steering Drakus towards the nearby woods.

Soldier 8 Attack:[roll0] (No crit roll necessary as Collin's Crit Avoid > Soldier's crit)
-Soldier 8 takes 9 Damage
-Collin moves back to C8 (stated in Discord)
-Collin gains (10 EXP)


2019-03-05, 06:50 PM
At the sound of Collin's cry, Nimue all but blindly starts running in the dust left in the horse's wake. But then all the training and natural survival skills she's accumulate resurface and the mercenary girl gathers her wits back. There's never going to be a path without other soldiers--

--like that archer! Nimue tells herself she shouldn't dare leave him alive at her back, and she turns, diving into the cover of other trees, drawing out an iron sword that looks older than she is but is no less sharp for its age. She doesn't break stride and swings up at the archer, only stopping once the arc of her sword finishes.

Moving to B8 and attack the archer at A8


2019-03-05, 07:05 PM
Huldah had just been getting used to village life, now her peaceful life was being taken from her again. At the first sounds of alarm, she had quickly returned to the stables and had her bow ready to kill. She managed to find herself with a group of the other villagers who, thankfully, had weapons of their own. Following behind the swords-woman Huldah fired upon the wounded archer, quickly firing off two shots while trying to dodge the return shot.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Attack 2: [roll1]
I can't crit them
Move to A6 attack then fall back to A5

2019-03-05, 07:50 PM
Crap. What the actual hell was going on? One second he was harmlessly flirting, and the next soldiers were everywhere! Safety... Everyone had to get to safety. Austine seemed stunned for the moment, but they had to get moving. He gave her a shove, rougher than he would have liked, but needed.
"Get going! I'm gonna make sure everyone else is still with us, keep an eye on the back!"

He scanned the trees, catching glimpses of red. Regolan. Regolan had supposed to be coming today. Where was he?

Move one square down, and shove Austine to the left

2019-03-05, 08:09 PM
At the sound of Collin's cry, Nimue all but blindly starts running in the dust left in the horse's wake. But then all the training and natural survival skills she's accumulate resurface and the mercenary girl gathers her wits back. There's never going to be a path without other soldiers--

--like that archer! Nimue tells herself she shouldn't dare leave him alive at her back, and she turns, diving into the cover of other trees, drawing out an iron sword that looks older than she is but is no less sharp for its age. She doesn't break stride and swings up at the archer, only stopping once the arc of her sword finishes.

Moving to B8 and attack the archer at A8


Seemingly like the rest of his comrades, the archer is taken aback by the ferocity of the advancing swords-woman. Before he can retreat to safety and lineup a shot, he is slashed across the full of his chest. He silently thanks the Seraphs that they didn't hit his drawing hand--else he'd be truly useless.

-Archer 3 takes 9 Damage
-Nimue gains (10 EXP)

Huldah had just been getting used to village life, now her peaceful life was being taken from her again. At the first sounds of alarm, she had quickly returned to the stables and had her bow ready to kill. She managed to find herself with a group of the other villagers who, thankfully, had weapons of their own. Following behind the swords-woman Huldah fired upon the wounded archer, quickly firing off two shots while trying to dodge the return shot.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Attack 2: [roll1]
I can't crit them
Move to A6 attack then fall back to A5

Unluckily for Huldah, the Archer was now on high alert after getting wounded by Nimue. Identifying the trajectory of Huldah's arrow right as she shoots it, he is able to step behind a tree as cover. He then winds up a shot of his own. The shot flies true, and strikes Huldah through her light garb. Before he can even congratulate himself on the hit however, he sees another shot coming from the Nomad, and in the blink of an eye, is kneeling down on the ground from the pain.

-Huldah Misses first shot
-(DISCORD ROLL) Archer3 Rolls a [33] to hit Huldah for 7 Damage
-Huldah hits Archer3 for 7 Damage
-Huldah is rewarded (10 EXP)

Crap. What the actual hell was going on? One second he was harmlessly flirting, and the next soldiers were everywhere! Safety... Everyone had to get to safety. Austine seemed stunned for the moment, but they had to get moving. He gave her a shove, rougher than he would have liked, but needed.
"Get going! I'm gonna make sure everyone else is still with us, keep an eye on the back!"

He scanned the trees, catching glimpses of red. Regolan. Regolan had supposed to be coming today. Where was he?

Move one square down, and shove Austine to the left


2019-03-05, 10:05 PM
Austine couldn't help but smirk a little at the rogue next to her. She had a strong suspicion that he wanted something from her since he was turning on the charm. She didn't hate Garrett by any stretch of the imagination but her father often warned her about men like him. She might have playfully called him a flatterer if the comment hadn't died in her throat. The sudden attack on Varrosh Village was an almost surreal experience for the young archer woman. She vividly recalled her mother telling her tales of how the hero Fredric brought peace to the land. Glouster and Erdovan were suppose to be at peace with each other. Yet, Erodovanian soldiers were chasing and killing innocent villagers. As the wave of red descended, one thought dominated Austine's mind.


Why did these soldiers cross the border? Why were they breaking the peace? Why were they slaying those who couldn't fight back? Seraphim! What of father?! Has he recovered enough from his hangover to flee? Even if he has where can he flee to? Where can we flee to? Brother-

Austine stumbled to the side as she felt someone shake her out of her shock, "Get going! I'm gonna make sure everyone else is still with us, keep an eye on the back!" the auburn haired archer was brought back to reality as she nodded in Garrett's direction, "...ah, y-yes. Standing here is just asking to be killed." She refocused her mind and ran forward into the nearby woods. Her brother wasn't here. Her father wasn't here either. Things were too chaotic to worry about anyone else besides those around her. She could see several familiar faces fighting against their fate and she knew she had to assist. Her eyes fell on the wounded Erodovanian archer. Although Austine had killed plenty of animals in the past, killing a human was not the same thing. However, she mentally prepared herself, These people are immoral. They are worse than bandits. They are worse than beasts! Pushing down her discomfort, she raised her bow and fired towards the archer.

Move Action: Moving from B2 to A6
Attack Action: Firing at Archer 3 in A8 [roll0]

2019-03-06, 12:05 AM
Austine couldn't help but smirk a little at the rogue next to her. She had a strong suspicion that he wanted something from her since he was turning on the charm. She didn't hate Garrett by any stretch of the imagination but her father often warned her about men like him. She might have playfully called him a flatterer if the comment hadn't died in her throat. The sudden attack on Varrosh Village was an almost surreal experience for the young archer woman. She vividly recalled her mother telling her tales of how the hero Fredric brought peace to the land. Glouster and Erdovan were suppose to be at peace with each other. Yet, Erodovanian soldiers were chasing and killing innocent villagers. As the wave of red descended, one thought dominated Austine's mind.


Why did these soldiers cross the border? Why were they breaking the peace? Why were they slaying those who couldn't fight back? Seraphim! What of father?! Has he recovered enough from his hangover to flee? Even if he has where can he flee to? Where can we flee to? Brother-

Austine stumbled to the side as she felt someone shake her out of her shock, "Get going! I'm gonna make sure everyone else is still with us, keep an eye on the back!" the auburn haired archer was brought back to reality as she nodded in Garrett's direction, "...ah, y-yes. Standing here is just asking to be killed." She refocused her mind and ran forward into the nearby woods. Her brother wasn't here. Her father wasn't here either. Things were too chaotic to worry about anyone else besides those around her. She could see several familiar faces fighting against their fate and she knew she had to assist. Her eyes fell on the wounded Erodovanian archer. Although Austine had killed plenty of animals in the past, killing a human was not the same thing. However, she mentally prepared herself, These people are immoral. They are worse than bandits. They are worse than beasts! Pushing down her discomfort, she raised her bow and fired towards the archer.

Move Action: Moving from B2 to A6
Attack Action: Firing at Archer 3 in A8 [roll0]

Battered from the assaults by Nimue and Huldah, the Erdovani archer is clearly on his last legs--easy prey for a hunter as capable as Austine. With the "THUNK" of one final, fatal arrow piercing his flesh, the archer topples over.

-Archer 3 takes 1 Damage
-Archer 3 has DIED
-Austine gains (30 EXP)


2019-03-06, 08:37 AM
With his nose buried in his book, Regolan barely noticed the stampede of people, but he looked up when he heard the soldier, and suddenly, he was scared. He wasn’t particularly tough, and those swords looked nasty. He saw a group of people—Garret among them—fighting back, and he ran to join them, away from the bloodthirsty blades of the soldiers.

Regolan moves to B2 and takes no further actions.

2019-03-06, 09:49 AM
With his nose buried in his book, Regolan barely noticed the stampede of people, but he looked up when he heard the soldier, and suddenly, he was scared. He wasn’t particularly tough, and those swords looked nasty. He saw a group of people—Garret among them—fighting back, and he ran to join them, away from the bloodthirsty blades of the soldiers.

Regolan moves to B2 and takes no further actions.


2019-03-07, 08:35 AM
Cear moves down in order to aid Huldah--he may not be the most confident in his battling skills, but at at least he can treat their wounds.

-Cear moves to A4
-Cear heals Huldah for (15)
-Cear gains (11 EXP)



2019-03-08, 10:43 AM
The yelps and screams of Varroshians in the town square seems to have subsided--either they successfully made it out, or perished by the hands of the Erdovani invading force. News traveled quickly throughout the town among the Erdovani soldiers that some townspeople were fighting back, but were severely outnumbered. Most of the soldiers ceased whatever havoc they were causing, and redirected their energies towards quelling this pitiful show of violent desparation.

*NOTE* if a roll or two are demanded for your character, i will make a note in parentheses
Soldier 1 J2 -> E2 ATTACKS Garrett (acc roll: [roll0]) MISS! (Garrett needs to make 2 rolls)
Soldier 2 N2 -> I3
Soldier 3 Q3 -> K3
Soldier 4 J5 -> F4 ATTACKS Harold (acc roll: [roll1]) MISS! (Harold needs to make 1 roll)
Soldier 5 G6 -> E5 ATTACKS Harold (acc roll: [roll2]) Harold is HIT for 7 Damage (Harold needs to make 1 roll)
Soldier 6 K7 -> E7
Soldier 7 T7 -> O8
Soldier 8 D9 -> B9 ATTACKS Nimue (acc roll: [roll3]) Nimue is HIT for 8 Damage(Nimue needs to make 1 roll)
Soldier 12 I11 -> G15
Soldier 9 L9 -> H11
Soldier 10 X9 -> T7
Soldier 11 S10 -> O9
Soldier 14 C15 -> D11
Archer 1 L3 -> H3
Archer 2 P7 -> J7
Archer 4 H8 -> E8 ATTACKS Collin (acc roll: [roll4]) MISS! (NO ROLL NEEDED)
Archer 5 D12 -> D9 ATTACKS Collin (acc roll: [89] from OOC thread) MISS! (NO ROLL NEEDED)
Archer 6 T13 -> N13
Cavalier 1 W3 -> Q3
Cavalier 2 O10 -> I8

(subject to change due to rolls of course)

2019-03-08, 12:04 PM
Regolan, still intimidated by the swords, moves back farther into the defensive line.

2019-03-09, 12:02 AM
Nimue is set upon by the spear wielder and clumsily tries to fight back. The wound she takes is enough galvanization to get her to try to fight back properly...


2019-03-09, 01:42 PM
Not wanting to be cut off, Harold dashes from one section of trees to another and launches another throw at one of his attackers.
moving to d6, attacking e5. Rolled a 36 which is a hit.

2019-03-09, 02:14 PM
Collin rides out of the forest and strikes at one of the guards, trying to put him down, before returnig to the forest for cover from the archers.

Move to D7
attack E7 soldier (twice)
1st hit, 2nd failed
Move back to C8

2019-03-09, 05:05 PM
Nimue is set upon by the spear wielder and clumsily tries to fight back. The wound she takes is enough galvanization to get her to try to fight back properly...


Despite her clumsiness, Nimue is able to exact revenge for the gash she received, finishing off the soldier

-Soldier 8 Takes 8 Damage and Dies
-Nimue receives (30 EXP)

-Soldier 1 takes 8 Damage
-Garrett receives (10 EXP)

-Attack on Soldier 4 MISSES!
-Soldier 5 takes 8 Damage
-Harold gains (11 EXP)

Regolan, still intimidated by the swords, moves back farther into the defensive line.

Not wanting to be cut off, Harold dashes from one section of trees to another and launches another throw at one of his attackers.
moving to d6, attacking e5. Rolled a 36 which is a hit.

Thrown with clear force, the Harold's javelin knocks back the soldier as it strikes. It's a blow he will not ever get up from.

-Soldier 5 takes 8 Damage and Dies
-Harold gains (30 EXP)

Collin rides out of the forest and strikes at one of the guards, trying to put him down, before returning to the forest for cover from the archers.

Move to D7
attack E7 soldier (twice)
1st hit, 2nd failed
Move back to C8

Seeming to find the necessary balance between maintaining control of both Drakus and his lance, Collin is able to successfully strike the soldier. Before he can gallop away however, the soldier attempts to stab back. The "schwing" of the lance can be heard zooming right past Collin, however Drakus's movement is too quick for the Erdovani, forcing him to miss by a hair.

-Soldier 6 Accuracy Roll [roll0] MISS!
-Soldier 6 takes 9 Damage
-Collin gains (10 EXP)

-Garrett to A2


2019-03-11, 10:43 AM
Cear sighs and rushes to catch up with the young warriors, raising his staff to assist before even reaching Nimue. Light shines from the staff as he waves a hand over her.

A8 for the wooded protection, heal 15 and chillax.

2019-03-11, 08:41 PM
Huldah thanks the cleric for helping remove the arrow from her and healing the wound. With her wound closed, Huldah pushed her horse forwards into the trees to attack on of the invading archers.

Moves to B9 and attacks archer at D9
Attack 1[roll0] Crit: [roll1]
Attack 2[roll2] Crit: [roll3]

2019-03-11, 10:50 PM
Before the closer archer can get another shot off, Nimue dives towards him, thrusting her sword at his abdomen in the hopes she'll miss his bow and hit something vital.


2019-03-12, 10:18 AM
Cear sighs and rushes to catch up with the young warriors, raising his staff to assist before even reaching Nimue. Light shines from the staff as he waves a hand over her.

A8 for the wooded protection, heal 15 and chillax.

-Cear gains (11 EXP)

Huldah thanks the cleric for helping remove the arrow from her and healing the wound. With her wound closed, Huldah pushed her horse forwards into the trees to attack on of the invading archers.

Moves to B9 and attacks archer at D9
Attack 1[roll0] Crit: [roll1]
Attack 2[roll2] Crit: [roll3]

The trees prove to be a great boon to Huldah, as the archer is caught by complete surprise, taking an arrow to the middle of his leg. He attempts to fire back at Huldah, but right after releasing his shot is struck by another arrow, this time to his lower abdomen. He can't do much now except teeter off balance as he tries to put distance between himself and his attacker.

-Archer 5 Takes 16 Damage
-Archer 5 Accuracy Roll [roll0] MISS!
-Huldah Gains (10 EXP)

Before the closer archer can get another shot off, Nimue dives towards him, thrusting her sword at his abdomen in the hopes she'll miss his bow and hit something vital.


With the Erdovani Archer barely able to walk, he sees Nimue charging at him, and seems to accept his fate, dropping his bow as he greets the final pain of her blade.

-Archer 5 takes 10 Damage and DIES
-Nimue Gains (30 EXP)
-NOTE: I assumed Nimue -> C9 for movement, correct me before enemy phase if i'm wrong please :)


2019-03-14, 05:41 AM
Collin charges out of the wood again leveling the lance at the archer, striking him square on the chest, leaving a gash.

Move to D8
Rolls on Discord: 18, Crit: 17
Return C8

2019-03-15, 10:57 AM
Although Austine rationalized it in her mind, she couldn't completely shut down her emotions over killing someone. However, sympathy was liable to get herself and her friends killed. She had to keep moving forward as she darted from one tree line to next. She tried her best to not let her eyes linger on any enemy corpses, Keep moving forward. Hide. Knock. Aim. Wait. In an effort to refocus her thoughts, she began making mental commands to herself as she prepared her next volley.

Move to B8 and Wait

2019-03-19, 04:34 PM


2019-03-23, 10:07 PM
Having seen some of their comrades fall to the Varroshian civilians through guerrilla tactics of hiding in the woods, the Erdovani soldiers seem to adopt a different strategy. Rather than all rushing in at once and falling victim to the same maneuver, they opt instead to just try and contain the civilians, assuming eventually they would be backed into a corner.

-Soldier 1 E2 -> B1 ATTACKS Regolan Hits for 10 Damage (Regolan needs to make 1 roll)
-Soldier 4 F4 -> D5 ATTACKS Harold [roll1] MISS! (Harold needs to make 1 roll)
-Soldier 6 E7 -> A7 ATTACKS Cear [roll2] Hits for 11 Damage (Cear needs to make 1 roll)
-Archer 4 ATTACKS Colin [roll1d100 (rolled 16 on discord) Hits for 2 Damage (no roll needed, Colin gains 10 EXP
-Soldier 14 D11 -> D9 ATTACKS Nimue [roll3] Hits for 11 Damage (Nimue needs to make 1 roll, accuracy -10, Damage -2 from weapon triangle)
-Soldier 9 H11 -> D13
-Archer 1 H3 -> J5


2019-03-26, 10:31 AM
"Strike them down" Collin shouts "Final push"

He again comes out of the wood to attack the archer, but the pain of the earlier wound, keeps his ambitions grounded.

He returns to the woods to escape retaliation.

It's a miss
He moves to D8, attacks, misses and returns to C8

2019-03-30, 08:57 PM
One of those foul Erdovani fiends had attacked the kind priest who had healed her earlier. Enraged, Huldah rides out of the forest and fires off two shots towards the soldier, hitting him with both.

Hit1: [roll0]
Hit2: [roll1]
Moving to C7 attacking soldier at A7 then moving to A6

2019-04-01, 06:37 PM
Attacking A7 for 4 damage

[roll0] <= 91 to hit
[roll1] <= 3 to crit

[roll2] <= 91 to hit
[roll3] <= 3 to crit

2019-04-03, 09:08 PM
As the sword slashed across his skin, Regolan let out an exhalation of pain. He fixed the soldier that had injured him with a murderous glare as he stepped back and started chanting from his tome. His voice briefly grew low and terrifying as his eyes turned purple and black, and a bolt of dark magic shot out of his outstretched palm, enveloping the soldier. He screamed as he died, and Regolan only felt the slightest bit of pity for him. After all, it was his home that was being invaded, and the soldiers were the ones killing his friends.

Rolled in the Discord. I believe a 45 hits, and if it does, it deals 14 damage, killing the soldier.

2019-04-07, 07:32 PM
"Strike them down" Collin shouts "Final push"

He again comes out of the wood to attack the archer, but the pain of the earlier wound, keeps his ambitions grounded.

He returns to the woods to escape retaliation.

It's a miss
He moves to D8, attacks, misses and returns to C8

One of those foul Erdovani fiends had attacked the kind priest who had healed her earlier. Enraged, Huldah rides out of the forest and fires off two shots towards the soldier, hitting him with both.

Hit1: [roll0]
Hit2: [roll1]
Moving to C7 attacking soldier at A7 then moving to A6

As the sword slashed across his skin, Regolan let out an exhalation of pain. He fixed the soldier that had injured him with a murderous glare as he stepped back and started chanting from his tome. His voice briefly grew low and terrifying as his eyes turned purple and black, and a bolt of dark magic shot out of his outstretched palm, enveloping the soldier. He screamed as he died, and Regolan only felt the slightest bit of pity for him. After all, it was his home that was being invaded, and the soldiers were the ones killing his friends.

Rolled in the Discord. I believe a 45 hits, and if it does, it deals 14 damage, killing the soldier.

-Colin gains (1 EXP)
-Huldah hits Soldier 6 for 12 Damage, Soldier 6 DIES! Huldah gains (30 EXP)
-Regolan hits Soldier 1 for 14 Damage, Soldier 1 DIES! Regolan gains (30 EXP)

2019-04-12, 12:05 PM
With the direct threat dealt with, the next job was clearing a path. Hugging the trees, he tried to ignore the nausea in his gut. He'd just watched a man die. He'd barely scratched him, and Regolan's magic had been mostly bloodless, and he still wanted to puke.

He was scared to find out what'd happen if he killed one.

Move to c6 and attack
[roll0] <= 91 to hit
[roll1] <= 3 to crit

[roll2] <= 91 to hit
[roll3] <= 3 to crit

2019-04-12, 03:06 PM
Austine calmed the beating of her heart as her training took over. She slinked through the forested area trying to get a bead on her quarry. Soldiers were a much more troublesome prey than animals and on some level she still hated herself for aiming to kill. Yet she knew that this was the only way to save herself and as many people as she could. If I must weigh our lives against theirs, then there really is no choice. Once more she let her arrow fly free.

Move to B9
Attack Soldier 14 at D9
If hit: 7 Damage