View Full Version : Hexblade/Sorcerer multiclass question

2019-03-04, 07:39 PM
Hello everyone,
I have a question regarding a Hexblade/Sorcerer multiclass build.
Is it optimal for a Hexblade 14 or 15/ Sorcerer 5 or 6 build?
The build would utilize a Greatsword.
You get access to Haste and other utility spells. Then you have a bigger pool of sorcerer points.
Takes a lot longer to get higher level spells and invocations, but you have more spell slots.
If it is optimal though how would one go about leveling this build? Would it be 5 levels into Warlock and then 5 or 6 into Sorcerer and the rest into Warlock?
Anyways I just wanted to get everyone's thoughts to see what the general consensus would be.
Thank you.

2019-03-04, 09:55 PM
IMO, the split goes this way:

* You want to be a mainly-caster sorlock? Then go Warlock 2 (any, though Hexblade is pretty cool) for Agonizing Blast and some other invocation, and call it a day. You gain more from being a Sorcerer than Warlock, other than pretty much the best cantrip in the game.

* You want to be a gish, mainly meele sorlock? Then go Sorcerer 3 (Con saves so you can keep your concentration more easily, flexible casting and metamagic plus some goodies) and go Hexblade 12. You could say a Sorcerer 1, Hexblade 1, Sorcerer 2-3, then Warlock 2-12 could work, so you can meele as soon as possible, but it's key you get both Lifedrinker, Thirsting Blade and Eldritch Smite.