View Full Version : Pathfinder Gremlin Minion?

2019-03-04, 10:27 PM
Does anyone know of a RAW/RAI way to get a Pugwampi, short of finding one during a campaign and throwing it in a cage? I'm going to be able to play in a campaign soon that my friend is DMing (his first time, so proud of him), and I want to get a Pugwampi for their aura of misfortune. Specifically it makes it much harder, or even imposible, for things to break out of a Summoning from Spheres of Power.

Actually, on that track, would there be any way to block the aura without killing the Pugwampi? I know about the luck bonus, it's affordable to get an Amulet of Bullet Protection, so that takes care of me, but party members? I would just need to keep them unaffected while traveling and fighting, I only need the aura once every three days or so.

I'd be around level 3, maybe 4 if that helps?

2019-03-04, 11:59 PM
Only way I can see is through the use of the "Entice Fey (lesser/greater)" spells. Unfortunately, thats a minimum of a 5th Level Spell, meaning a hefty gp cost and UMD check. As for helping the rest of the party... Maybe a communal lucky horseshoe? But that requires hanging it in a building and spending time in there.

Kris Moonhand
2019-03-05, 12:17 AM
The spell pugwampi's grace is identical to a pugwampi's aura, save that it allows a Will save. You can also summon pugwampi with summon monster II if you have the "Summon Evil Monster" feat or if you're a Summoner with the First Worlder archetype. Finally, there's an item called a Pugwampi Braid that creates a 5-foot unluck aura around you for 1 minute, once per day.

2019-03-05, 01:05 AM
Only way I can see is through the use of the "Entice Fey (lesser/greater)" spells. Unfortunately, thats a minimum of a 5th Level Spell, meaning a hefty gp cost and UMD check. As for helping the rest of the party... Maybe a communal lucky horseshoe? But that requires hanging it in a building and spending time in there.
Yeah that's a little out of my reach unfortunately. As for the horseshoe, I don't actually see any "luck bonus" granted by it actually? I only see provisions for how long it lasts, etc. Also the building is a bit inconvenient unfortunately.

The spell pugwampi's grace is identical to a pugwampi's aura, save that it allows a Will save. You can also summon pugwampi with summon monster II if you have the "Summon Evil Monster" feat or if you're a Summoner with the First Worlder archetype. Finally, there's an item called a Pugwampi Braid that creates a 5-foot unluck aura around you for 1 minute, once per day.
Unfortunately, the reason I want a Pugwampi is so that I can place its cage next to the summoned outsider to ensure they can't escape while I'm bargaining. I didn't realize Summon Monster could get me a Pugwampi, but that would be 6k for an item, and it would need to be recast every three rounds. Is there a way to get it with SMI? That would be more affordable at least?

I know there are rules for slaves, are there any guiding rules for purchasing creatures? They are intelligent, so would not be under animals, but AFAIK slaves only covers base human/elf/dwarf NPCs.

Kris Moonhand
2019-03-06, 08:26 AM
Unfortunately, the feat specifies that pugwampi are limited to summon monster II and above.

You could hire a First Worlder Summoner NPC to assist you, since a Summoner's summon monster whatever SLAs last for minutes per level instead of rounds per level. There are rules for purchasing spellcasting services from NPCs, and they're fairly cheap, all things considered.

For slaves/pets/servants, you'd have to speak to your DM about that. You might also ask them about gaining one as a familiar, if you have access to such a thing.

You might also look at getting a Witch with Misfortune and Cackle to help you, though Misfortune does require a save. Hitting the creature with the ill omen spell (which does not require a save), the braid item, or a scroll- or wand-summoned pugwampi before the Witch would make that a bit easier.