View Full Version : Info about Liriel Baenre

2019-03-05, 01:06 AM
I'm planning to add Liriel Baenre into my campaign, but don't know a whole lot about her. I also don't have access to any of the books, and the wiki page is quite sparse in some places.

The reason I'm using someone I know so little about is partially because I've decided that the Windwalker Amulet still exists and is a major plot artefact. It is also because one character is a changeling who believes themmself to be a drow, and part of a drow organisation, so some nice roleplaying could come from them both.

Not looking for a massive essay on the history of Liriel, just some pointers on her personality, friends, and current location (unless she's a wanderer) as of the current time in the Forgotten Realms.

2019-03-05, 01:59 AM
The wiki article provides some pointers:


"Sardonic, witty, fond of practical jokes"

and two post-Windwalker associates - Sharlarra, a star elf rogue, and Thorn, a lythari (elf werewolf) fighter.

However, over a century has gone by since the events covered.

2019-03-05, 08:40 AM
Are you running OOTA? Because I am planning to add her into mine too! I decided there's no better way to know what she's like, so I am currently reading through Liriel's trilogy, halfway through the 3rd book. The wiki doesn't do her justice, that much is certain.

Its been over a 100 years, I'd say she's a chosen of Eilistraee, trying to save as many of the minority Drow and get them out of Menzo. Since any drow who does not believe in Lolth are killed, she'd want to do something about that.

2019-03-05, 03:53 PM
I'm adding her into the module, Dungeon of the Mad Mage. Halaster has some nasty plots afoot, and the Windwalker amulet just happens to be key to them.

2019-03-05, 08:46 PM
Well her own windwalker amulet was destroyed, though presumably anyone can make another copy of it. I'm not sure what drow organisation you are referring to, if its evil and nefarious, Liriel is unlikely to be a part of it.

I assume you already know her backstory? She does have a strong wanderlust at a young age, was the whole reason why she ended up exiled.

"Sardonic, witty, fond of practical jokes" Yeah that was a 100 years ago though, as a Menzo princess living in comfort and style. I think her character would have matured somewhat over the years, though could retain her touch of witty humour.

I mean, a 100 years is a long time. She could be anywhere, doing anything.

2019-03-06, 01:08 AM
Halaster Blackcloak is the one doing the nefarious plotting, not a drow organisation. He is planning to steal the Windwalker amulet from Liriel. I'm home-brew that the Windwalker amulet wasn't destroyed. I should probably edit the above posts, to make it more clear.

I know of her backstory from the wiki, though I don't know if it missed anything important.

2019-03-06, 03:03 AM
Well, I wouldn't know what you missed if you don't tell me what you already know.

Then again, why does it matter? Unlike Drizzt, she's the other good-aligned drow that nobody's heard of :smallbiggrin: