View Full Version : DM Help Forest Hunt encounters / ideas

2019-03-06, 07:37 AM
Hi folks, hoping to crowdsource some ideas for my next session with my players.

If the character names Dane, Denaroo, Nakesh and Ubream mean anything to you, click back now :smalltongue:

The campaign world is a mish-mash of various adventure maps (Old Advanced Fighting Fantasy cities like Port Blacksand, 4e locales like Fallcrest, Winterhaven, plus Red Hand of Doom locales and Orlane).

Last session I gave the plot hook of a "star falling through the sky", and then in the next town they stopped in a few days later, tales and rumours of a star falling to the earth, and landing in a nearby (1~2 days away) large forest (About 100 miles across and 50 miles wide).

The group planned to go and hunt the fallen star down, so I'm planning on having the search be a skill challenge (Like from 4e), with the skill challenge taking place over several days.

The group will need to get 5 successes before 3 failures (Open to change this), with each failure changing the outcome of finding the crater the star created. 0 Failures and they will find the star metal/meteor where it's landed, 1 failure and they will find the meteor has been taken away, tracks can be easily found that will lead to a small bandit encampment. 2 failures, and the bandits will have taken the meteor, and kobolds will be searching the landing point for the star metal, 3 failures and the kobolds will have gone to steal the meteor from the bandits, and other NPCs will be the combat encounter in their place.

I've got a few ideas for encounters before the skill challenge - Find a woodcutters cottage who can tell the players that other groups have entered the forest recently in search of the fallen star, or a troop of entertainers in wagons who can tell the same depending on the route they take (Follow the road or not).

I'd like some ideas for what they might find within the forest (not necessarily combat encounters, but that is fine too), like a trappers/hunters hovel, or meeting one of the other search parties.

Thanks for your thoughts!