View Full Version : Random Feat Table

2019-03-07, 04:25 PM
My players have asked for our next campaign to include random feats assigned at the beginning. I think it’s kind of weird but I’m game. Has anyone come across a random feat table or generator. I couldn’t find anything on google and I figured I’d ask before sitting down to make one.


2019-03-07, 04:27 PM
It’s tough to do that with prerequisites in mind is I think the main issue.

2019-03-07, 04:34 PM
Roll a d20 and go through alphabetically?

How many feats are there total?

2019-03-07, 04:43 PM
It’s tough to do that with prerequisites in mind is I think the main issue.

We’re going to reroll if you don’t meet a prerequisite

2019-03-07, 04:45 PM
Roll a d20 and go through alphabetically?

How many feats are there total?

Looks like 41 in the PHB. So each feat will get 2 numbers on a percentile roll and 82-100 is reroll

2019-03-07, 04:48 PM
You can also type "Random Number Generator" into a google search bar, set min number to 1 and max number to 41.

2019-03-07, 04:50 PM
You can also type "Random Number Generator" into a google search bar, set min number to 1 and max number to 41.
Valid point but I like using dice keeps it classy

2019-03-07, 04:59 PM
Honestly, I'd think ignoring feat prerequisites could be one of the fun uses of this. Sounds kind of like the players want to have a built in natural talent for something, but they could end up talented in something unusual for their profession.

Could also make for interesting traits, like a bulky strong paladin who's normally clunky, but feels at home in shadowy dungeons (skulker), or a normally irritating and unlikable Wizard who is uncannily good at giving rousing speeches (inspiring leader).

2019-03-07, 05:03 PM
Honestly, I'd think ignoring feat prerequisites could be one of the fun uses of this. Sounds kind of like the players want to have a built in natural talent for something, but they could end up talented in something unusual for their profession.

Could also make for interesting traits, like a bulky strong paladin who's normally clunky, but feels at home in shadowy dungeons (skulker), or a normally irritating and unlikable Wizard who is uncannily good at giving rousing speeches (inspiring leader).

I agree with this completely. If you are going to give a random feat, you may as well make it so they always qualify. It would be a fun exercise in creating a good backstory.

2019-03-07, 05:06 PM
I LOVE random feats! I've done so many times.

Count the normal feats + weapon feats, add racial feat as one, and skill feat as one. If you roll skill feat, then you roll for which skill feat. If you roll racial feat and there is multiple options, roll for it. If you roll a feat you are not qualified for like Wizard getting Heavy Armor Mastery or one that adds nothing like Fighter getting Lightly Armored, you get to reroll.

Many online rollers will let you roll odd numbers. That's what we've used.

Anyway I think it's a great idea. You can get some really fun oddball combinations, and I'm always willing to twist the rules a bit to fit. Like Sorcerer rolling Skulker or Savage Attacker I'd allow them to work with a attack spell. Or Wizard rolling Moderately Armored, I'd allow it to work because it's close enough. Or Fighter rolling Ritual Caster despite not having a 13 Int or Wis.

2019-03-07, 05:24 PM
Honestly, I'd think ignoring feat prerequisites could be one of the fun uses of this. Sounds kind of like the players want to have a built in natural talent for something, but they could end up talented in something unusual for their profession.

Could also make for interesting traits, like a bulky strong paladin who's normally clunky, but feels at home in shadowy dungeons (skulker), or a normally irritating and unlikable Wizard who is uncannily good at giving rousing speeches (inspiring leader).

I figure we’ll take the prerequisites on case by case. Some would be a weird fit like heavy armor master would suddenly make anyone a frontline party member

2019-03-07, 05:37 PM
I figure we’ll take the prerequisites on case by case. Some would be a weird fit like heavy armor master would suddenly make anyone a frontline party member

That is true, also you would have to watch out for ones they already have. Moderately armored on a fighter is pointless.

2019-03-07, 06:43 PM
I figure we’ll take the prerequisites on case by case. Some would be a weird fit like heavy armor master would suddenly make anyone a frontline party member

Yeah, something like Elemental Adept on a non spell caster or Heavy Armor Master on a monk would be a little disappointing.

Are you doing the random feat after fully making the characters? I think it might be fun to do the random feat first, then build around it.

Though doing it the other way around is fun, too. I might still run with it if I ended up with something not quite usable. You can't always control where your natural talents lie. Might make that Great Weapon Master Wizard want to try to break into fighter at some point, just for laughs.

2019-03-07, 07:39 PM
We’re going to reroll if you don’t meet a prerequisite

Why not determine the feat before you decide the stats?

2019-03-07, 07:57 PM
I would urge against giving the great before making the characters. Otherwise the player with GWM is just going to build around it, and the guy with Medium Armor Master isn't going to get nearly as much.

Maybe not the best examples, but I would enjoy more explaining why my wizard is so good with a mail them to feel 'forced' into building around the really good random feat. Maybe that's just me though :P

2019-03-07, 09:06 PM
I would urge against giving the great before making the characters. Otherwise the player with GWM is just going to build around it, and the guy with Medium Armor Master isn't going to get nearly as much.

Maybe not the best examples, but I would enjoy more explaining why my wizard is so good with a mail them to feel 'forced' into building around the really good random feat. Maybe that's just me though :P

The simple solution would be to remove the really good feats from the available list.

2019-03-07, 09:13 PM
The simple solution would be to remove the really good feats from the available list.

But the really good feats on the wrong class/build is what seems the most fun to me. Also I'd want to not start at level 1 do that you can't just re evaluate your build based on the feat you get. A tier two start would be ideal in my mind.

I don't see the point in giving a random feat and then letting them build. I'd rather just do a free feat at that point. Especially if you're removing "the really good feats"
Again this is just my opinion and I'm not trying to say anyone is having bad wrong fun if they disagree :)

2019-03-07, 10:04 PM
But the really good feats on the wrong class/build is what seems the most fun to me. Also I'd want to not start at level 1 do that you can't just re evaluate your build based on the feat you get. A tier two start would be ideal in my mind.

I don't see the point in giving a random feat and then letting them build. I'd rather just do a free feat at that point. Especially if you're removing "the really good feats"
Again this is just my opinion and I'm not trying to say anyone is having bad wrong fun if they disagree :)

Ok, I see what you're getting at.

How about randomizing class, race, and feat, then letting the player distribute the PC's stats as he or she so chooses?

2019-03-07, 11:07 PM
Ok, I see what you're getting at.

How about randomizing class, race, and feat, then letting the player distribute the PC's stats as he or she so chooses?

That's a bit too random for my liking. I don't want to play a randomly generated character... It takes all the, well "me" out of it. But I liked the idea of playing my character, that I built, with a randomized "natural talent (read: Feat)" that I can then roleplay my skill with, even if I never practically use it.

Example: Wizard that randomly pulls GWM. I'm not going to play my Wizard and actually use a Greatsword. I'm still better with spells. But I could then roleplay some 'training' sessions with the party Fighter. Either as serious in character 'teaching' or just playfully banter that "If I'd only been given muscles like yours I could have been a hell of a warrior, but I guess I should stick to the magic when the enemy comes" type thing.
Or you could luck out and get something massively useful, like the Fighter that got to pull Ritual Caster.

2019-03-07, 11:26 PM
Ok, I see what you're getting at.

How about randomizing class, race, and feat, then letting the player distribute the PC's stats as he or she so chooses?

Randomizing everything is really fun, but I think that's for another thread.

I vote for letting them get the random feat after race and class is decided, but before stats are decided.