View Full Version : [IC] Star Trek Adventures: These are the Voyages of Captain Sean Bean...

2019-03-07, 09:47 PM
Stardate 4XXX.6, USS Icarus, Sean Bean commanding...

The Icarus has just picked up some new graduates from Starfleet Academy. I am eager to see how these Ensigns perform.

The Icarus has been given the assignment to go to {CLASSIFIED} to deliver supplies. While there, we have been given orders to assist {CLASSIFIED} in retrieving {CLASSIFIED}. Once done, we are to leave {CLASSIFIED} to travel Starbase 11.

With the recent encounter between the USS Enterprise and a Romulan Ship, I hope that we can complete our mission successfully without difficulty, and quietly, without being noticed.

The Icarus has just dropped out of warp in the Sol System to dock at the Earth Spacedock. It is there for repairs, take on supplies, and pick up some new ensigns, Fresh out of the academy. The Constitution class ship fits into the moorings and now begins transfers.

In the receiving area, Commander Sebastian Dubois awaits the new ensigns. The tall dark haired officer is third in command of the ship.

Zero Prime
2019-03-09, 10:31 AM
Ensign Khovac t'Varak (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23763189&postcount=3)

Ensign t'Varak, wore his duty uniform, crisp, freshly pressed. A tight fitting shirt with black piping running across the yoke and down the sleeve to the elbow. The bright red, designating his attachment to the Security division of his new assignment. He had watched, impassively, as the Icarus manuevered into docking position from the Observation lounge, however, as he piloted the transport with his fellow Ensigns within it to the vessel's shuttle bay, he was stunned by the enormity of the Enterprise-class starship.

At a length of 288 meters, twenty one decks housed a compliment of over two hundred men and women. Twelve phaser banks, six fore mounted torpedo launchers, with one aft, state of the art deflector shields, and a warp core capable of sustaining a safe cruising speed of warp six. She was a beauty, but, as her name implied, a dangerous assignment.

Despite the relative success of the class, exemplified by the accomplishments of the Enterprise, it's prolonged mission length, solitary assignment, and open ended objectives meant that it was a dangerous assignment at best. However, as he remembered a lesson learned during his upbringing a self confident smile crept across his face; dare nothing, gain nothing.

That same smile was on his face as he entered the receiving area, "Commander Dubois, Ensign t'Varak reporting for duty."

2019-04-05, 08:15 AM

PC NAME: Thelin ch’Endilev
SPECIES: Andorian
RANK: Ensign


AGE: 27 years old
UPBRINGING: Diplomacy and Politics (R)
CURRENT ASSIGNMENT: Security Officer, USS Icarus (NCC-74996)
TRAITS: Andorian






Starfleet Protocol
Hand Phasers
Hand-to-Hand Combat


Proud Son of Andoria
No Stranger to Violence
A Starship Is a Home, Its Crew a Family
Emotion in a Crisis Only Makes Things Worse


Proud and Honorable
The Ushaan
Martial Artist
Untapped Potential



Phaser (type-2)/7; charge
Unarmed Strike/5; knockdown, nonlethal
Ushaan-tor/6; vic1


Security Tricorder
Phaser (type-2)

Ensign Thelin ch’Endilev comes from an old, distinguished Andorian family. His great-grandfather, Ambassador Sheras ch’Endilev -- although famed as a brew-craftsman -- was canonized for co-writing the Terran Conventions, which paved the way towards establishment of the United Federation of Planets. In fact, Sheras fought three duels to ensure that Andoria became members of that august body.

Thelin’s father, Ambassador Shras ch’Endilev, followed in his noted ancestor’s footsteps. Shras is currently working on helping the dilithium-rich but unprotected Coridan planets become members of the Federation.

Amongst Shras’ seven children, Thelin is the youngest. Shras’ oldest son, Theras shoor’Shras, serves as the Warrantor of the Peace on Andoria. His youngest daughter, Phell’Nun zh’Endilev, is a university professor and writer of many well-known historical textbooks on Andorian diplomacy.

Shras wanted Thelin to become a diplomat as he was, as was his father, and his father before him. Despite the ambassador’s dreams for each of his offspring, Shras was unable to convince any of them to pursue his choices for their careers. Failure after failure he sadly endured as each of his headstrong children made their own choices. Poor Shras! The consummate diplomat, the experienced negotiator…. Shras’ last chance was Thelin, who wanted to become a Starfleet officer, instead.

But on his own terms. (More on that later.)

As part of his Starfleet Academy experience, Thelin was assigned for field training to the Saladin-class destroyer USS Shaitan (NCC-519), which is under the command of Capt. Franklin "Frank" Garibaldi. While on a routine away team mission surveying the Class-M 3rd moon of Rhadamanthus-III, the team leader, Lt. Roc Ingersoll, was killed by some indigenous predators. Realizing that among the other ensigns assigned he was best suited to take command, he fought to lead his shipmates back to the landing site, whereupon they beamed back on board the USS Shaitan.

On another assignment he led a small contingent of Starfleet Security personnel while escorting the prominent Federation ambassador Gav of Tellar and his family back to Starbase 4 from a diplomatic mission on Epsilon Canaris III. (Thelin was well-acquainted with the irascible Tellarite because of “Uncle” Gav’s longtime friendship with Shras.) While traveling on a shuttlecraft, the ship’s engines malfunctioned, and they had to crash-land on a nearby ice moon within the star-system. Thelin then personally dragged away as many survivors as he could from the wreckage, salvaged as many supplies as he could, and activated the shuttlecraft’s emergency beacon. Using Starfleet survival tactics, he was able to keep everyone alive until the Shaitan could send a rescue party. Gav wanted to have Thelin promoted to captain on the spot, but Thelin successfully talked the Tellarite into having Starfleet award him a special commendation, instead.

Despite these successes, Thelin had his share of failures, too, mostly due to his hotheadedness. His most memorable was while on shore leave on Argelius II. He and a few of his crewmates visited a nightclub where they got into an altercation with some Orion traders/pirates. Some say the Orions started it when they insulted the integrity of Starfleet. Others say the Orions impugned the honor of Capt. Garibaldi. And others say that it was when they disparaged Thelin's birth mothers. In any event, three of Thelin's crewmates died in the barroom brawl.

Upon graduation (with honors) Thelin was assigned to the USS Icarus for his first tour of duty as a full-fledged Starfleet officer.

While Thelin’s friends and shipmates all describe him as unflappable, the young Andorian would say that he was atypically passionate for an Andorian. He cares. He cares greatly about his charges, his duties, his responsibilities. When he accepts an assignment to protect someone, it becomes a blood-oath. When anyone falls while under his protection, it becomes a dishonor. To remind himself of such failures and to not repeat them, he uses a ceremonial Andorian short sword called a chaka to cut his forearm. At this time, he has three scars on his left arm. He will not allow any doctors to remove the scars.

As a child he embraced every aspect of his people’s bellicose culture. He trained in the traditional Andorian martial arts – the weapon styles of chaka hramdal, ivarus hrisalnar, and helesha tlara, and the unarmed combat styles of hleshvalath and kharakom.

It was no surprise, then, (except to his father) that Thelin would choose a career in security, although many just assumed that it would be in the ADF (Andorian Defense Forces). However, Thelin didn’t want any hand-outs from his father, whether it be in the ADF, the Am Tal, or even Starfleet. He wanted to become a Starfleet officer on his own merits. So, he decided to enlist as a crewman on a Ptolemy-class transport tug, the USS Al Rashid (NCC-3802), whereupon he earned a recommendation from its captain to apply to Starfleet Academy.

Like most Andorians, Thelin is blue-skinned, with a short, wavy mane of silvery-white hair. He has high, sharp cheekbones and a broken nose. His eyes are small, beady, coal-black splinters of wariness. He uses his eyes, ears and antennae to constantly stay cognizant of his surroundings. He stands about 2.3 meters tall and weighs in at about 70 kg. Tall and lanky, he keeps himself in excellent physical condition due to the demands of his shipboard assignment.

“… At a length of 288 meters, twenty-one decks house a complement of 430 men and women. Twelve phaser banks, six fore mounted photon torpedo launchers with one aft, state-of-the-art deflector shields, and a warp core capable of sustaining a safe cruising speed of warp six.”

Ensign ch’Endilev sits back and digests the data on the computer display in front of him as the Class-F shuttlecraft docks with the Constitution-class starship USS Icarus. A crew of over 400? That is twice as large a ship’s complement as the USS Shaitan, his field training assignment.

At this point, Thelin absentmindedly rubs his left forearm. The slight twinges of pain remind him why he was on board this shuttlecraft at this point in his Starfleet career approaching the USS Icarus. Perhaps a chance to redeem himself? That remains to be seen, he thought bitterly.

As they prepare to disembark, he assesses his fellow passengers again -- all eager, young ensigns fresh from Starfleet Academy, excited at the prospect of their first assignment. Was he ever that young?

His gaze settles eventually on the young Vulcan operations officer confidently greeting the Icarus’ 2nd Officer. A Vulcan?

Hmm, the young Andorian would keep his antenna on that one.

Thelin then approaches the human officer, Cmdr. Dubois. Maintaining a respectful distance, the Andorian keeps his back straight, his arms at his side, and his gaze lowered. He bows from the waist to a 45-degree angle. Waiting for a beat, he then returns to an upright position. And then he stands at attention.

“Commander? Ensign Thelin ch’Endilev reporting for duty, sir. Permission to come aboard.”

2019-04-05, 06:54 PM
Vildra walked thru a corridor and stops briefly at the view port as she sees the Constitution class ship for the first time. She allows herself a beat

Vildra wore her Starfleet uniform with pride. To explore, discover, and aid the universe seemed a grand calling and a good way to spend a life. This was the first time that Vildra had been partnered with a host with empathic abilities and it was taking some getting used to

She stood at attention feeling the excitement and energy of the moment from all those around her

2019-04-05, 11:25 PM
Commander Dubois regards his new charges with some measure of disdain. "Ah, new bloods, here because you weren't as exemplary in performance as your peers? Graduated towards the lower half of your class eh? Or perhaps better?" Dubois smiles, a nasty smirk coming across his face.

"Several of those who you will be serving with have records, of disciplinary action, of screw ups, of looking for that last chance to keep from washing out. Some even should have been kicked out. I am sure though that you won't have any trouble showing what you are made of." Dubois continues grinning.

"Well, graduates, welcome the Icarus, under the command of Captain Sean Bean, Captain Sean to you. You will be using the quarters on Deck 3, a set of refurbished VIP quarters. You may have to bunk up, share the room. Currently, we don't have any VIPs assigned to go with us, and of course, your standard quarters were torn out for equipment storage. We have some very important missions to perform and need nearly all of the equipment. Hopefully once we are finished, you can get your rooms back." Dubois shrugs.

Dubois glances at his watch. "Its about 1100 now, you can stow your gear, maybe wander around the ship, or Spacedock. You have will time until 2100 to report on board, and we will be departing at 0130 after everything is stowed and made ready."

Dubois pulls out a reader from behind his back. "Now, you should have been assigned a particular department aboard ship based on your studies. You should have your orders. So, who is first?" The Commander waits.

2019-04-08, 09:24 AM
Standing rigidly at attention, anger flares briefly in the Andorian's eyes... and just as quickly subsides into a careful stoicism.

"Security, sir," Ensign Thelin ch'Endilev replies. "I have been assigned to Security."

2019-04-11, 03:39 PM
Commnader Dubois smiles. "Ah, Ensign. Here to join our redshirts? You will need to report Commander Huron Swift Sail, in the Armory. You are bunking on Deck 3, Section 5, Room 13. The Armory should be easy to get to from there. (Pulling out a computer card) Here is your room key, due how to the rooms have been setup. Don't lose it. It seems your roommate has not checked in yet. Any questions, Ensign?" Dubois asks, politely.

A young asian woman enters, and proudly to everyone in range, announces herself. "ENSIGN MARY SUE REPORTING FOR DUTY!!!" She boldly marches to stand in front of the commander.

Dubois frowns at her. "Ensign, you are going to have to wait to report in, after those who came before you do so. Also, learn to use an indoor voice." He points, and sheepishly, Ensign Sue heads to her designated spot. Dubois shakes his head. "Another Bloodly Sue." He grumbles.

2019-04-15, 02:45 PM
Ensign ch'Endilev correctly accepts the security pass from Cmdr. Dubois. "Commander Huron Swift Sail, Ship's Armory. And I am assigned to Deck 3, Section 5, Room 13. Understood, sir."

He pauses, looking surreptitiously over at the Vulcan security officer who earlier met with the 2nd Officer. He then looks over at the enthusiastic human officer and then the contemplative Deltan science officer. Thelin then responds, "May I ask, sir, with whom I will be sharing quarters?"

2019-04-15, 03:59 PM
Commander Dubois shrugs. "Depends on what the computer spits out. It's been randomized, Ensign. To give you the opportunity to handle possible interpersonal conflicts. Or at least that was the faulty reasoning I was told. I wouldn't worry that much. Feel free to wander about, explore some."

Dubois waits, and after noting, no one else has stepped up, motions Ensign Sue forward. Ensign Sue presents her orders. "Ensign Sue, Medical department." She says.

Dubois nods, pulling out a card. "Your quarters are a few doors down from the last ensign who checked in. Go report in to Lt. Sovok in the medical bay. He is currently checking our medical supplies." Ensign nods, then enters the ship carrying her gear.

Dubois continues waiting for check-ins, after 30 minutes passes without new arrivals, he heads back into the ship, to go supervise important operations.

A security guard comes out and stands at rest in front the ship's entrance. The burly black man studies the area in front of him, keeping watch.

(OOC: Current Time -- 11: 45)

2019-04-17, 03:43 PM
The Andorian ensign makes his way to his assigned quarters. Once or twice he had to ask for directions, but fortunately he had previously memorized the general layout of the Icarus and so was able to get there within a reasonable amount of time. Once there, he notices that no roommate was yet in attendance.


Thelin ch'Endilev then readjusts the room’s temperature controls to a more comfortable 30.2° F/-1° C. Ahhh… now at least he wouldn’t have to deal with the infernal heat that humans seem to prefer on this ship.

Sometimes he wondered why he didn’t just put in for a berth on the USS Atlirith (“Eagle”), an all-Andorian Constitution-class starship. Well, with his track record, beggars can’t be choosers. And then there’s always Finagle’s Law.

As in most starship staterooms, there were only two beds -- both opposite the door and one apiece on either side of the sleeping area. Andorians prefer a more communal lifestyle with staterooms that typically accommodate 8-12. Thelin chooses the side of the stateroom closest to the workstation. That way if he needed to work on the computer, he wouldn't be disturbing his roommate while he was sleeping.

That also put him closer to the ship’s services and the food synthesizer. So far, Thelin has not found that Starfleet food synthesizers could produce a decent bowl of Onshoman esh’esh. It was okay, but it was never salty enough for his tastes.

Placing his gear on his chosen bed, he hangs up or puts away his clothing in the wardrobe by the door. His belongings – including the dagger-like chaka, the sword-like dosalnar, and the long-bladed knife called a hrisal – he places ceremoniously on the wainscot cabinet behind his bed. He also adds a small 3D holovid projector of his family just above his head. It was the time when his father, Ambassador Shras ch’Endilev, was embracing his entire brood just outside the District Coliseum in the Deshna district on Andoria. That was when they were holding last year’s kochek match with Keth Claness, Keth Ghorev and Keth Idrani. That was an exciting tournament!

Once everything was finally in place, he decides to report to Commander Huron Swift Sail at the Security Section by the ship’s Armory. He checks the current time on the computer -- 1230 – and refreshes his memory on the directions. That would be down on Deck 7, port side.

Afterwards he would go on a brief tour of the ship.

2019-04-19, 12:19 PM
The transport ship sevek was flying was delayed due to mechanical issues which made him very late for reporting in for duty which was not very logical of him but he could not control what had happened. He would speedwalk to the ship and stopped a few feet. The Ensign stood six feet tall and weighed two hundred pounds stood their and took in the ship that he was assigned to. He would walk to the ship and stopped and looked to the man "Ensign Sevek reporting in" he would say to the security officer.

2019-04-19, 08:25 PM
The big black security guard standing in front of the passage, takes note of various passersby. When someone approaches to enter, he straightens up and bares the pathway. "Passage to only designated individuals allowed. Orders." Some would complain, and others would not; but those allowed in, would be given permission to enter. Security guard checked each person's orders before allowing their entry, noting what department there were to serve in.

The area around the Ship's Armory was a bustle of activity. A good number of crewmen are moving about, carrying boxes around. Standing by one corner, is a red haired ensign, who is trying to move a crate on the deck. He looks up at the Andorian. "Hey, can you help me here? One of my pals thought it would be funny to nearly burn the batteries for the anti-grav unit, and now i dropped it. I don't know if anything is broken inside, and i have to take it to the Commander." He sighs softly, muttering under his breath.

2019-04-20, 07:32 AM
The big black security guard standing in front of the passage, takes note of various passersby. When someone approaches to enter, he straightens up and bares the pathway. "Passage to only designated individuals allowed. Orders." Some would complain, and others would not; but those allowed in, would be given permission to enter. Security guard checked each person's orders before allowing their entry, noting what department there were to serve in.

The area around the Ship's Armory was a bustle of activity. A good number of crewmen are moving about, carrying boxes around. Standing by one corner, is a red haired ensign, who is trying to move a crate on the deck. He looks up at the Andorian. "Hey, can you help me here? One of my pals thought it would be funny to nearly burn the batteries for the anti-grav unit, and now i dropped it. I don't know if anything is broken inside, and i have to take it to the Commander." He sighs softly, muttering under his breath.

Thelin smiles at the harried ensign and offers to help him move the container.


PC NAME: Thelin ch’Endilev
SPECIES: Andorian
RANK: Ensign


AGE: 27 years old
UPBRINGING: Diplomacy and Politics (R)
CURRENT ASSIGNMENT: Security Officer, USS Icarus (NCC-74996)
TRAITS: Andorian






Starfleet Protocol
Hand Phasers
Hand-to-Hand Combat


Proud Son of Andoria
No Stranger to Violence
A Starship Is a Home, Its Crew a Family
Emotion in a Crisis Only Makes Things Worse


Proud and Honorable
The Ushaan
Martial Artist
Untapped Potential



Phaser (type-2)/7; charge
Unarmed Strike/5; knockdown, nonlethal
Ushaan-tor/6; vic1


Security Tricorder
Phaser (type-2)

2019-04-20, 10:42 PM
The red-haired ensign introduces himself as Ensign Dmitri Karoshilov. "Thanks for the help. Those jokers will be in serious trouble if anything broke. At least, the commander will yelling at them instead of me." He says.

The crate is carried to a location not that far, where a tall Native American looking man stands yelling abuse at a few crew. The Native American is clearly very angry about something, and the crew working for him appear to be sheepish in their carry.

As the crate gets closer, you are able to hear what the man is yelling about. Apparently, the phaser couplings have been installed and calibrated incorrectly, meaning that it will need to come out and be done over again. And that will take time, more than what the ship will be docked for.

Ensign Karoshilov speaks up, "Commander Swift Sail, I have that equipment you wanted, but Paloma and Espasani tampered with the anti-gravity unit. I ended up dropping it."

Commander Swift Sail turns to regard you both; you notice that he has a few scars, with a large knife cut down across one eye and cheek. He folds his arms across his chest. "Then open it up and inspect it, Ensign." His voice is cold and harsh. He gives you (Thelin), a hard look, appraising you.

(OOC: Are you going to using any skills here?)

2019-04-21, 10:01 AM
The red-haired ensign introduces himself as Ensign Dmitri Karoshilov. "Thanks for the help. Those jokers will be in serious trouble if anything broke. At least, the commander will yelling at them instead of me." He says.

The crate is carried to a location not that far, where a tall Native American looking man stands yelling abuse at a few crew. The Native American is clearly very angry about something, and the crew working for him appear to be sheepish in their carry.

As the crate gets closer, you are able to hear what the man is yelling about. Apparently, the phaser couplings have been installed and calibrated incorrectly, meaning that it will need to come out and be done over again. And that will take time, more than what the ship will be docked for.

Ensign Karoshilov speaks up, "Commander Swift Sail, I have that equipment you wanted, but Paloma and Espasani tampered with the anti-gravity unit. I ended up dropping it."

Commander Swift Sail turns to regard you both; you notice that he has a few scars, with a large knife cut down across one eye and cheek. He folds his arms across his chest. "Then open it up and inspect it, Ensign." His voice is cold and harsh. He gives you (Thelin), a hard look, appraising you.

(OOC: Are you going to using any skills here?)

Thelin calmly replies to his superior, "My apologies, Cmdr. I am Ensign Thelin ch'Endilev and I was told to report to you, sir. If you wish, I can assist Ensign Karoshilov here in inspecting the equipment, but we could, instead, see what we can do about re-calibrating the phaser couplings to your satisfaction."

(OOC: @russdm, I am a novice at the STAR TREK ADVENTURES system and I don't have my core rulebook with me. I would like Thelin to diplomatically diffuse the commander's frustrations as well as figure out a way to fix the phasers. What do you recommend? Presence + Command? Engineering + Reason?)

2019-04-22, 03:33 AM
(OOC: Both would work for what you want to do)

Commander Swift Sail shrugs, after studying Thelin. "Knock yourself out, Ensign. No, seriously, feel completely free." He says darkly as he moves off muttering somewhat unsavory comments, about what you are not entirely sure.

Ensign Karoshilev whispers quietly. "The commander is actually rather friendly, usually, most times. Times when we are not carrying a bunch of classified equipment to go to classified places. Did you know our mission has been so classified we can't even mention in a ship's log that we are doing anything at all? I think the Commander despises cloak and dagger stuff, and that "diplomatic attache" that came on board and started ordering everyone around is making the commander less happy. So, what would you like to do?" Karoshilev asks.

2019-04-30, 09:29 AM
Believing that he has gotten the Security Chief's blessing, the Andorian examines the objects in the dropped container. The gauss dampener coils seemed none the worse for wear despite their inherent fragility. *Phfew* No problems there. Now on to the phaser couplings....

Wow. The couplings were somewhat more advanced than what he remembered from his classes at the Academy. Let's see -- the magnetic displacement grid seemed fine. The osmotic conversion field shows the proper degree of stability. The internal induction chamber registers at 100% integrity. Uh....

After several more minutes of intense scrutiny, he turns to Ensign Karoshilev. Wearing a lopsided grin the Andorian says, "I've got nothing. How about you?"

Karoshilev stares at the assembly for several minutes and gently taps a meter with his knuckle. Green lights start to light up. All the readouts register correctly. The phasers were now properly realigned!

"How did you do that?" Thelin exclaimed.

The human turns red and admits candidly, "I don't know. It's just a knack I have. Machines 'speak' to me."