View Full Version : Pathfinder Need help designing: elitist wizard does *everything* by magic

2019-03-08, 08:06 PM
Id like some help on build ideas, especially the little touches I frequently miss out on. Im pretty good at making sorcerers, but kinda suck with wizards.

The idea is I want him/her to do EVERYTHING by magic. Like to the point of always using mage hand to open a door rather than just turn the knob by hand, or always levitating everywhere rather than let their feet touch the ground, using prestidigitation so they never need to waste time on bathing or laundry, using summon minor monster to fetch things from across the room rather than stand up to get them, things like that.

Im pretty sure to get the always on effects to do this it will have to be a crafting wizard, but beyond that im not sure what kind of build to go with. Given their nature it would be really important to figure out the steps along the leveling path too, cause I need to be able to explain why he took things at certain levels.

2019-03-09, 01:15 AM
It is worth noting that prestidigitation actually covers most of the things you want. It can perform minor telekinesis from 10ft away, this could cover turning a door handle and opening the door, as well as fetching things from 10ft away, it can create generic objects, such as stools or cushions to sit on, basically, if you had permanent prestidigitation, you could get away with using it for almost everything.

2019-03-09, 05:05 AM
Id like some help on build ideas, especially the little touches I frequently miss out on. Im pretty good at making sorcerers, but kinda suck with wizards.

The idea is I want him/her to do EVERYTHING by magic. Like to the point of always using mage hand to open a door rather than just turn the knob by hand, or always levitating everywhere rather than let their feet touch the ground, using prestidigitation so they never need to waste time on bathing or laundry, using summon minor monster to fetch things from across the room rather than stand up to get them, things like that.

Im pretty sure to get the always on effects to do this it will have to be a crafting wizard, but beyond that im not sure what kind of build to go with. Given their nature it would be really important to figure out the steps along the leveling path too, cause I need to be able to explain why he took things at certain levels.

At low levels this is what you are searching for:
Couple it with a lesser metamagic rod of extend spell and you won't need to step your feet on ground anymore, magic hand and unseen servants will do the rest

King of Nowhere
2019-03-09, 07:44 AM
You can always research new spells. The DM will have no reasons to restrict stuff like "extended hold beer" or "greater put on clothes"

Kurald Galain
2019-03-09, 07:48 AM
There's this lovely spell for this purpose called Unseen Servant...

2019-03-09, 11:01 AM
At low levels this is what you are searching for:
Couple it with a lesser metamagic rod of extend spell and you won't need to step your feet on ground anymore, magic hand and unseen servants will do the rest

That is the most amazing thing. Thanks so much. Follow up question: If I made a permanent slotless item item of floating disk, how would the spurn gravity work? How can I reduce the duration of a permanent magic item?

Spurn Gravity (Fly 6 ranks)... As a swift action, you can also reduce the remaining duration of your floating disk to 1 round per level. For the remaining duration of the spell, your fly speed increases to 50 feet and your disk ignores all altitude limitations.

2019-03-09, 01:37 PM
That is the most amazing thing. Thanks so much. Follow up question: If I made a permanent slotless item item of floating disk, how would the spurn gravity work? How can I reduce the duration of a permanent magic item?

Spurn Gravity (Fly 6 ranks)... As a swift action, you can also reduce the remaining duration of your floating disk to 1 round per level. For the remaining duration of the spell, your fly speed increases to 50 feet and your disk ignores all altitude limitations.

Uhm, I don't know. If I had to decide, I wouldn't apply feats to spells cast from items. BTW you really don't need an item like that, a few pearls pf power and a lesser rod of extend spell will do the job (you'll be short of other spells early on, though)

2019-03-09, 02:24 PM
Cast iron body to stop needing to breath or to have your heart beat because those are definitively done without magic otherwise.
Or start as a construct?

2019-03-09, 03:03 PM
Combine Mount (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/m/mount/) with Alter Summoned Monster (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/a/alter-summoned-monster/) and Heighten Spell (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/metamagic-feats/heighten-spell-metamagic/) to get magical servants who work for you, all day.

Take, say, 8th level:
Heighten Mount to 4th. It's now a 4th level spell. Cast it, and get your horse for the next 16 hours.
Cast Alter Summoned Monster to trade that horse out for a Hound Archon (Summon Monster IV).
Alter Summoned Monster explicitly doesn't change the duration. You now have a Hound Archon for the next 16 hours (less one round) to open doors for you, carry your luggage, help you dress, whatever. Fight, too.

Control clauses aren't relevant - for Mount, it "serves willingly and well", while Summon Monster lets it do whatever if you can communicate with it, so you're good either way.

2019-03-09, 03:44 PM
If this is in Golarion, the Thassilonian Specialist (Conjuration) archetype might work. You'd have to give up Evocation and Illusion though.

2019-03-09, 03:53 PM
Combine Mount (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/m/mount/) with Alter Summoned Monster (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/a/alter-summoned-monster/) and Heighten Spell (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/metamagic-feats/heighten-spell-metamagic/) to get magical servants who work for you, all day.

Take, say, 8th level:
Heighten Mount to 4th. It's now a 4th level spell. Cast it, and get your horse for the next 16 hours.
Cast Alter Summoned Monster to trade that horse out for a Hound Archon (Summon Monster IV).
Alter Summoned Monster explicitly doesn't change the duration. You now have a Hound Archon for the next 16 hours (less one round) to open doors for you, carry your luggage, help you dress, whatever. Fight, too.

Control clauses aren't relevant - for Mount, it "serves willingly and well", while Summon Monster lets it do whatever if you can communicate with it, so you're good either way.

That seems evil, thanks >:D

2019-03-09, 04:11 PM
This is basically what was happening during the build-up to the collapse of magic in Zork.

Not that that should dissuade you.

Zork's magic came back. Kinda.

2019-03-10, 07:03 PM
This is basically what was happening during the build-up to the collapse of magic in Zork.

Not that that should dissuade you.

Zork's magic came back. Kinda.

What is zork and what happened to it?

2019-03-10, 07:11 PM
What is zork and what happened to it?

Zork is the world of the game called Zork.

2019-03-10, 07:29 PM
That seems evil, thanks >:D

It's [Law, Good] if you use a Hound Archon! "Alter summoned monster is a spell of the same alignment type or types as the creature for which you exchange the target"

And, of course, the nitty-gritty:
It technically comes online at level 3 (when you get 2nd level spells) to get you either a Summon Monster I / Summon Nature's Ally I critter for 12 hours via Extended Mount (find a way to get the "alternative summoning options" of a Bloody Human Skeleton to do doors and things).

It starts doing well at 5th when you're looking at 3rd level Summons that last ten hours. For a servant, you'll want the Human Natural Wererat Rogue off the alternate list.

7th+ (4th level spells) is when the main list critters with hands are available - Hound Archon, Memphits, Satyr.

And it scales well. After that point, there's something with hands on each of the lists. Summon Nature's Ally has giants, Summon Monster has Demons, Devils, and Archons.

2019-03-10, 07:31 PM
It's [Law, Good] if you use a Hound Archon! "Alter summoned monster is a spell of the same alignment type or types as the creature for which you exchange the target"

And, of course, the nitty-gritty:
It technically comes online at level 3 (when you get 2nd level spells) to get you either a Summon Monster I / Summon Nature's Ally I critter for 12 hours via Extended Mount (find a way to get the "alternative summoning options" of a Bloody Human Skeleton to do doors and things).

It starts doing well at 5th when you're looking at 3rd level Summons that last ten hours. For a servant, you'll want the Human Natural Wererat Rogue off the alternate list.

7th+ (4th level spells) is when the main list critters with hands are available - Hound Archon, Memphits, Satyr.

And it scales well. After that point, there's something with hands on each of the lists. Summon Nature's Ally has giants, Summon Monster has Demons, Devils, and Archons.
ps: if you find a way to increase cl at low level it helps a lot to have long lasting creatures at low level since it increase of 4 hours per cl.