View Full Version : The voice of your character

2019-03-09, 01:37 AM
Hi yall.

This one's pretty simple. I know everyone doesn't 'do' a voice but even so...

1)Who is the inspiration for the voice your current character has or what do you imagine they sound like?
2) If your character was being voice acted, who's voice do you figure it would be (Assuming you could have anyone)
(Bonus question: Do you 'do' your character's voice or just describe how it sounds to people when you play)

I'm told by my fellow party members that to them, my ranger half orc sounds like Sam Fisher (from Splinter cell).

Thoughts everyone?

2019-03-09, 02:01 AM
I accidentally mimic the overly chipper sounding voice from robot characters like battleborns isac or more recently apex's pathfinder. Anybody whos nicer or more polite than is sane or what the situation calls for.

2019-03-09, 02:12 AM
Out of my 3 most well developed characters:
Warforged Envoy Rogue - New Vegas Yes Man but with a deeper tone of voice. Same mannerisms and personality otherwise.

Human Bloodhunter/Wizard - To be honest, despite this character being the farthest away from my own personality and the most demanding for me to roleplay, I imagine he sounds like me on mornings where I've gotten no sleep and coffee isn't cutting it

Human Paladin - A very happy and not broken version of Percy voiced by Taliesin Jaffe

2019-03-09, 10:16 AM
A couple of my buddies go for broke with the oration; long drawn out vowels and the Queen's English. When I can get a word in, I more or less just use my normal voice so people can understand me.

2019-03-09, 10:29 AM
Hi yall.

This one's pretty simple. I know everyone doesn't 'do' a voice but even so...

1)Who is the inspiration for the voice your current character has or what do you imagine they sound like?

Antonio Bandaras’ Puss N Boots (or, rather, the horrible impersonation of it that I do).

I started doing character voices for my PCs to differentiate between what my character is saying in the game (when I’m in PnB’s voice), and what I’m saying (my normal voice) outside the game world to other Players or the DM.

2019-03-09, 10:50 AM
Piani Pic from Roll Play Swan Song’s Stars Without Number.

Goes great for a Dwarven Female Cleric

2019-03-09, 11:40 AM
I find doing a bad impersonation, but never revealing who you're trying to imitate is a great way to generate a voice for a character.

2019-03-09, 12:10 PM
Johnny Depp / Jack Sparrow; my character is a con artist, an escape artist, and a bit cracked. Also, he can be counted upon to do be absolutely, resolutely, and forthrightly heroic after all other options have been exhausted.

2019-03-09, 12:18 PM
My 'Serenity' character was inspired by 'Sergeant Bilko', so I imagine he sounds like a laid back Phil Silvers


I usually don't 'do' character voices as I find I generally forget after the first couple of sessions but I'm also currently playing a member of the Mechanicum in a 'Dark Heresy' game and have managed while not doing a 'voice' to eliminate all contractions and slang from my speech when I speak in character and generally try to be as formal and precise as possible.

2019-03-09, 12:28 PM
I'm bad at voices, so instead I tend to change cadence and intonation instead when I'm speaking in character. For my Half-Orc I speak slower and more deliberately and try to lower my voice a bit. Usually gets the point across. I also try to address people I'm speaking to immediately before I start talking, too, so they know it's in character. So far I've only been mistaken for OOC a couple of times.

2019-03-09, 12:28 PM
It was not my character but one of the guys in our group was playing a slightly cowardly deep gnome diviner wizard businessman and the entire campaign did a spot in Woody Allen voice.

2019-03-09, 01:35 PM
Since almost all of my characters represent some aspect of myself, albeit distilled and exaggerated and coupled with actual skills, their voices tend to take some characteristic of my own speech and likewise exaggerate it. Case in point, I tend to modulate my voice up a bit for one of my current characters, a beleaguered lawyer-duelist, since my voice tends to rise in pitch when I get frustrated or excited. Likewise, another character of mine, an itinerant warrior-poet, tended to play up my fondness for chiasmus, alliteration, and aphorism (voice in this case meaning not only pitch and intonation, but also recognizable speech habits.)

2019-03-09, 02:35 PM
I didn't make a halfling Doug McClure to not do the voice.

2019-03-09, 10:07 PM
I'm bad at voices, so instead I tend to change cadence and intonation instead when I'm speaking in character. For my Half-Orc I speak slower and more deliberately and try to lower my voice a bit. Usually gets the point across. I also try to address people I'm speaking to immediately before I start talking, too, so they know it's in character. So far I've only been mistaken for OOC a couple of times.

I think cadence, intonation and word choice are way more important than voices, I usually do accents but the first few sessions with a character I'm always inconsistent in tone, so it's not until I figure out those three that I feel like I have a real character voice.

2019-03-10, 11:53 AM
I have a half-orc for which I use a cartoon Russian accent. Although I couldn't really keep it up, so it just evolved into a strange mishmash of pretend Eastern European.

2019-03-10, 01:27 PM
Currently playing a an ancestral guardian, war wizard multiclass. RPing it as one of the spirits taught him magic. I use a different voice while raging and normal interactions, and if I forget the accent, just wave it off as the voice of one of his ancestors.

2019-03-10, 02:53 PM
I just finished a campaign where I was playing a human conquest paladin.
I envisioned his voice to be like the soldier from tf2, and tried my best to imitate that at the game table.

It was a lot of fun to taunt Acerak by calling him a cowardly skeleton in a dress.

No brains
2019-03-10, 04:51 PM
I know it was thought up as a horrible troll character, but some day I want to play a kenku that can only communicate through a Duke Nukem soundboard.

2019-03-10, 05:52 PM
My Kobolds (different characters) are a mix between that one DDO kobold soundboard, Cato Sicarius, and Soul Eater’s Excalibur.

I am suddenly playing a Human Bard, focused on more knowledge than actual performance or talking. The voice is Teen Titan’s Raven.

2019-03-10, 08:09 PM
I don’t do hone games because no time
-so play by post

But gnome ranger: voice would be similar to the hunter girl from the bravely default games. But with an actual intelligence.
-I’m better at describing actions than I am with words so she doesn’t say more than she needs to. Key words that she believes is enough to form the rest.
-opposite of a rambler

2019-03-10, 10:04 PM
Well, until recently, I voiced my vengadin with a lower, more gravelly tone. But it's MUCH easier voicing my new PC - the warforged brute, Abandon. He can't speak, no sounds - leading to some expressive gestures, or flat out threatening moments when peasants try to bully the gnome, and this 8ft juggernaut looms over, saying nothing.

2019-03-11, 12:30 PM
My Barbarian takes his voice from Steven Pacey's narration of The First Law Trilogy audiobooks. Specifically that of Logen Ninefingers. Hell he inspired the character, I might as well steal his voice too.

2019-03-11, 05:32 PM
My current character was designed to be a coquettish, enthusiastic, peppy rogue (in the archetypal sense... but also the class). I do a voice which is basically Android 17 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYEZqVHObDQ) (Dragon Ball Z abridged), Jaden Yuki (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HK-4JEETt88) (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX abridged), Sonic the Hedgehog (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28H2pxtZKTE) (Jason Griffith), or Vegito (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4rUysFkf3A) (Westwood dub). I love to do his voice because it's one of those 'fun' voices, just doing it makes me feel happier. If I were casting him, I'd give it to Blake Swift (ShadyVox), the former voice of abridged!Jaden. He's got the perfect experience.

My last character was "voiced by Grog" due to a goof that came up in session 1. We were just chatting about Critical Role before the game started, and I busted out Grog's first intro (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-p9lWIhcLQ&t=69s). The party liked my impression and thought it would be a riot if that was the voice I used for my goblin ranger. Over time, he got more cockney and grumbly, just because it was more natural.

2019-03-12, 12:05 PM
My Eldritch Knight and Divine Soul Sorcerer (same table) are my own voice, but as I imagine they would sound.
My Dragonborn Death Cleric, who's an absolute unit at 7ft4: I deepen my voice to get his gravitas across.
My Naga Paladin that hails from the desert as former member of a nomadic tribe: I basically go full Khajit on the accent.

2019-03-12, 01:42 PM
I find doing a bad impersonation, but never revealing who you're trying to imitate is a great way to generate a voice for a character.

This x100. I am horrible w/ accents and impersonations and although I believe it really makes a character realistic, I stopped doing it from self-imposed embarrassment.

But once I realized that no one got who I was trying to imitate anyway, it became fun again. Now that said, I cant pull off a serious/grave voice to save my life.

to answer the actual post; Regina George, from Mean Girls. I am dwarf necromancer. Part-time Whale-o-cane.

2019-03-12, 02:45 PM
My current barbarian sounds like Balgruf, Jarl of Whiterun from Skyrim.

2019-03-12, 06:57 PM
I occasionally do a bad Bela Legosi Dracula for my Romanian half elf.

2019-03-13, 10:46 AM
Foghorn Leghorn. 'Nuf said.

2019-03-13, 12:19 PM
My voice of course!

But I try to do my Fighter/Rogue as Errol Flynn (when he's drinking) or Humphrey Bogart (when he's hungover).

If I've been drinking than the character is voiced as Robert Newton ("Aaaaaargh me hearties").

2019-03-13, 01:21 PM
I pick an attitude, not a voice, and then just let the attitude dictate any accents or oddities about the voice.

My Barbarian needed an over-zealous, slightly arrogant, and energetic voice, with a touch of menace here and there. He wound up with a cross between a terrible Aussie accent and a person who is way too into whatever he's describing.

My Ranger/Rogue I wanted to sound like he was always annoyed with the world. He wound up using my voice but just a bit more gravel in the throat.

Tic and Tak are my two npc Gnome tinkerer/enchanters who I wanted to make sound like someone put the track on fast forward. I ended up with nasally, higher pitched, super fast speech.

King Uriah has a scar on the right side of his face, goes from forehead to chin, and he's old. I ended up talking only out of the left side of my mouth and I try to talk from the back of my throat to make it a bit wispy and deeper timber.

The Ettin I had fun with where I jutted my lower jaw out as far as I could and spoke like that the entire time, but I'd change from talking through my nose and my chest as I switched between the two heads.

Gazmon was fun in that I made a horrible Spanish accent and layered on a condescending tone as well as arrogance.

Those are just a few of the voices I've produced thus far, I'm still working on trying to expand my repertoire.

2019-03-13, 03:34 PM
My paladin has a surfer bro accent - probably more influenced by Bill and Ted and whichever Ninja Turtle said "dude" a lot than anything else, but dialed down a little. My gnome wizard just has a low key munchkin buzz over Jeff Goldblum's speech patterns from Jurassic Park.

(In both cases, I try to dial them back until they're pretty low impact but still noticable.)

Waterdeep Merch
2019-03-13, 04:18 PM
For my fairy paladin princess I do a voice vaguely like Starfire from the Teen Titans cartoon with a little less of a stilt and a weirder penchant for unintentionally insulting nicknames.

I'm sure I sound nothing like it.

For my warforged zealot barbarian glitching killbot, I aim for K-2SO from Rogue One, with a few of the mannerisms of HK-47 from KOTOR thrown in for good measure.