View Full Version : DM Help Question on Trap and Encounter Rating's

toa mouse
2019-03-09, 08:52 AM
So I'm converting a scenario from AD&D to 5e for example, The Dungeon Master's Guide gives some advice about this on page 85.

“Increase the difficulty of the encounter by one step (from easy to medium, for example) if the characters have a drawback that their enemies don't. Reduce the difficulty by one step if the characters have a benefit that their enemies don't. Any additional benefit or drawback pushes the encounter one step in the appropriate direction. If the characters have both a benefit and a drawback, the two cancel each other out.”
So, if the characters are affected by the traps and their enemies aren't, the difficulty is considered to be one step higher. However, if the traps affect the characters and the enemies equally, it has no effect on the difficulty.

Lets say a party of 4 level 7th PC's

Encounter Challenge Rating: 6 Easy (6 monsters x CR1 ) The amount of XP to be shared between all PCs is 1200 (300xp each)

But with a trap, lets say a bottle of ever smoking has been let of and is steadily filling the room or a fallen net has fallen and has trapped some players etc., players are disadvantage, would that make the above counter

Encounter Challenge Rating: 6 Medium (6 monsters x CR1 ) The amount of XP to be shared between all PCs is 1200 (300xp each),

thus i would change the above xp from 1200 too 2400(600xp) each for arguement sake since the encounter is know medium difficulty,
if so above is right i would lessen the amount of encounters between long rests for arguement sake from 6-8 too 4-6 if more of the encounters will be effected by traps ?