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View Full Version : A simple d20 game

2019-03-09, 02:34 PM
I'm a big fan of RPG, but I find the whole stats, bookeeping and rolling dice quite boring. I like the story aspect, but my players are not intro just playing make belive with their imaginations in a freeform colaborative story telling game.

So I've being working on this simple d20 game, where there are almost no stats and data. All rolls are a simple d20 roll, if you roll under your stat you pass if you don't you fail. 01 is a critical hit 20 is a critical failure.

The idea is that there are no classes and you must allocate points in different stats.

Athletics : Acrobatics, Balance, Climb, Fly, Jump, Ride, Swim, Tumble.

Awareness: Concentration, Investigate, Listen, Notice, Perception, Search, Sense Motive, Spot.

Dodge: Ranged Defense.

Fight: Base Attack Bonus for Melee Attacks

Fortitude: Fortitude Save

Interaction: Bluff, Diplomacy, Innuendo, Gamble, Gather Information, Knowledge (gossip), Intimidate, Read Lips.

Knowledge: Appraise, Knowledge (all subskills not mentioned elsewhere)

Research Languages: Decipher Script, Linguistics, Read/Write Language, Speak Language, Speak Other Language.

Parry: Melee Defense

Performance : Craft (artistic, visual art, writing), Disguise, Entertain

Perform Profession: Profession (all subskills), Reputation

Reflex : Reflex Save

Science: Craft (pharmaceutical), Knowledge (architecture and engineering, behavioral sciences, earth and life sciences, physical sciences), Psicraft, Psychoanalysis, Spellcraft, Treat

Technology: Computer Use, Computers, Knowledge (technology), Repair, Scry, Use Magic Device, Use Psionic Device

Toughness: Toughness Save or Hit.

Willpower: Mental resistance and defense against domination from the forces of chaos.

So what you guys think? Would you play a game like this?

2019-03-09, 02:49 PM
I'm a big fan of RPG, but I find the whole stats, bookeeping and rolling dice quite boring. I like the story aspect, but my players are not intro just playing make belive with their imaginations in a freeform colaborative story telling game.

So I've being working on this simple d20 game, where there are almost no stats and data. All rolls are a simple d20 roll, if you roll under your stat you pass if you don't you fail. 01 is a critical hit 20 is a critical failure.

The idea is that there are no classes and you must allocate points in different stats.

Athletics : Acrobatics, Balance, Climb, Fly, Jump, Ride, Swim, Tumble.

Awareness: Concentration, Investigate, Listen, Notice, Perception, Search, Sense Motive, Spot.

Dodge: Ranged Defense.

Fight: Base Attack Bonus for Melee Attacks

Fortitude: Fortitude Save

Interaction: Bluff, Diplomacy, Innuendo, Gamble, Gather Information, Knowledge (gossip), Intimidate, Read Lips.

Knowledge: Appraise, Knowledge (all subskills not mentioned elsewhere)

Research Languages: Decipher Script, Linguistics, Read/Write Language, Speak Language, Speak Other Language.

Parry: Melee Defense

Performance : Craft (artistic, visual art, writing), Disguise, Entertain

Perform Profession: Profession (all subskills), Reputation

Reflex : Reflex Save

Science: Craft (pharmaceutical), Knowledge (architecture and engineering, behavioral sciences, earth and life sciences, physical sciences), Psicraft, Psychoanalysis, Spellcraft, Treat

Technology: Computer Use, Computers, Knowledge (technology), Repair, Scry, Use Magic Device, Use Psionic Device

Toughness: Toughness Save or Hit.

Willpower: Mental resistance and defense against domination from the forces of chaos.

are the skills based on dnd 5e?

2019-03-09, 02:51 PM
are the skills based on dnd 5e?

Yeah. They are many D&D skills fused in one category.

2019-03-09, 03:03 PM
Yeah. They are many D&D skills fused in one category.

So what is the purpose of spellcraft?

2019-03-09, 03:09 PM
So what is the purpose of spellcraft?

Well, since there are no classes, anyone can learn and cast spells, they roll that to see if they are able to do it.

BTW this type of game was born from the fusion of Paranoia rpg with basic d20 (http://www.easydamus.com/BasicD20.pdf).

Credit where credit is due.