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View Full Version : Index Esra of the Wilds [JOURNAL]

2019-03-09, 10:47 PM
This is a journal for all your active quests, as well as an archive of every piece of lore you find in the world. This first post will be updated regularly, and you can use it as a guide if you forget what you're doing or as a reference if you forget names, as well as a resource to read if you want a little more information about the world.

Character Sheet

The Cabin: A ramshackle hut where you have lived alone for a long time, and, as far as you can remember, have never left.

The Graveyard Mountains: A series of sloped mountains that contain the River and the field in which you live.

The Great Forest: A massive, unexplored forest in the Graveyard Mountains on the Southern end of the valley.

The River Spirit: A spirit that lives in the River. You meet her almost daily, where she grants you the ability to perform magic. You have not communicated more than an exchange of smiles, but you believe you are friends.

The Figure: A large, powerful, and mean woman. She has taught you almost everything you know, except magic (which you taught yourself, and she has no apparent knowledge of). You have never had a conversation with her before, but she arrives every single day to teach you and scold you for something. The last you saw her was outside the cabin.

The Wee Free Men: A group of incredibly small tribals who live in the Forest.

???: Unknown creatures that glow green, and move rather slowly.


Survive your journey.

The Glow

Investigate the aura surrounding you.

2019-03-10, 06:36 PM
Thanks! Immediate notes/questions:

"intricate tattoos and scars from years ago":
I have tattoos and marks from injuries I don't remember.

The figure is training me and appears to be non-human. Do I recognize the species? If not, is it because I don't remember any species details or because it is one I have no context for?

On that note, she was buried in 5 ft of earth and was able to get out without trouble. Did she do this using strength (crawled out) or some sort of power (levitated out)? Also, does her incredible strength seem to be proportional to her or some sort of magic (like a vampire)?

Do I have any idea how long I have been in this place? Days, months, years? Did I know magic when I first got here (procedural memory) or did I learn it since?

What is the subject nature of the books in the cabin? Do they reference people/places? Do they talk about magic? Do I have more than I can carry?

Did I summon the water spirit? Is she always there or are there times I can't find her? Does she ever talk?

My D&D understanding is that anyone can learn wizardry, sorcerers get magic from their blood line, clerics from their god and warlocks from their patrons. Does the wizard part seem true to Esra? Does it seem reasonable for him to believe that he could teach someone else (like the figure?)?

2019-03-10, 07:38 PM
Forget what you know about wizards: this is an original setting.

The River Spirit interacts with you when you enter the river, but she doesn't appear every time. You have no clear track of how long you have been staying here, and let's just say that you remember what you remember.

The figure appeared to drift out of the dirt without effort, almost like levitation.

2019-03-10, 07:56 PM
Sounds good (thanks). Any details about the books?

2019-03-11, 09:40 PM
Sounds good (thanks). Any details about the books?

The books include a map of the surrounding area and a series of encyclopedic texts, mostly about biology and alchemy.

2019-03-12, 08:17 AM
I feel their lost more keenly. Where there any towns or settlements marked on the map?

2019-03-12, 11:34 AM
Also, do I need to worry about material components? I don't have a arcane focus or spell components pouch. If I do, my spell selection will be rather limited (which is OK if so).

I would also like to someone my familiar at some point but by raw that requires: "10 gp worth of charcoal, incense, and herbs that must be consumed by fire in a brass brazier". It could be limited to once I find some sort of civilization if materials are needed.