View Full Version : Player Help Ice & Wind Druid

2019-03-10, 05:43 AM
I've got a concept for an Aarakocra Druid of the Arctic who spent most of his life in a facility in an arctic region. Don't really need to go into detail on the story since it's irrelevant, but anyway, I want to make him as much Ice & Wind themed as I can, with the Ice linking him to the arctic and the Wind being from his race. However, I'm having a little bit of a hard time actually making a build like this viable since spells that fit the theme don't seem very good.

Here's current spells on my mind:
Cantrips: Gust, Frostbite, Druidcraft
Level 1: Goodberry, Ice Knife, Absorb Elements
Level 2: Gust of Wind, Moonbeam, Warding Wind
Level 3: Daylight, Wind Wall
Level 4: Conjure Minor Elementals, Elemental Bane
Level 5: Conjure Elemental, Control Winds
Level 6: Investiture of Ice, Investiture of Wind, Sunbeam, Wind Walk
Level 7: Whirlwind
Level 8: Control Weather, Sunburst
Level 9: Storm of Vengeance

As you can see, I went relatively freely, with spells like Moonbeam and Sunbeam referencing the perma-night and -day that takes place in the Arctic and Druidcraft/Goodberry being standard druid stuff. My question to you is, are there other spells you feel would fit his theme and what sort of role should I expect to play? Control seems solid on this list, so that'll probably what I focus on.

NOTE: Of course, I'll be using other spells as well, but only what I have room for in addition to these. The list also doesn't include the domain spells for Circle of the Arctic (Ice Storm anyone?)

2019-03-10, 05:53 AM
You can get a long way by (re)fluffing. Hold Person could be frosty, and Longstrider could be windy, e.g.

2019-03-10, 06:00 AM
I've got a concept for an Aarakocra Druid of the Arctic who spent most of his life in a facility in an arctic region. Don't really need to go into detail on the story since it's irrelevant, but anyway, I want to make him as much Ice & Wind themed as I can, with the Ice linking him to the arctic and the Wind being from his race. However, I'm having a little bit of a hard time actually making a build like this viable since spells that fit the theme don't seem very good.

Here's current spells on my mind:
Cantrips: Gust, Frostbite, Druidcraft, shape water, reskin magic stone into snowballs,
Level 1: Goodberry, Ice Knife, Absorb Elements fog cloud
Level 2: Gust of Wind, Moonbeam, Warding Wind reskin hold person, dust devil
Level 3: Daylight, Wind Wall sleet storm, reskin water walk to be frozen water,
Level 4: Conjure Minor Elementals, Elemental Bane ice storm
Level 5: Conjure Elemental, Control Winds
Level 6: Investiture of Ice, Investiture of Wind, Sunbeam, Wind Walk
Level 7: Whirlwind mirage arcane
Level 8: Control Weather, Sunburst
Level 9: Storm of Vengeance

As you can see, I went relatively freely, with spells like Moonbeam and Sunbeam referencing the perma-night and -day that takes place in the Arctic and Druidcraft/Goodberry being standard druid stuff. My question to you is, are there other spells you feel would fit his theme and what sort of role should I expect to play? Control seems solid on this list, so that'll probably what I focus on.

NOTE: Of course, I'll be using other spells as well, but only what I have room for in addition to these. The list also doesn't include the domain spells for Circle of the Arctic (Ice Storm anyone?)

what do you think of these

2019-03-10, 06:10 AM
what do you think of these

Ah, I did not realize Shape Water could freeze the water as well, that works for sure. Mirage Arcane is cool too, and I could probably run with Water Walk, Fog Cloud, and Dust Devil. The other ones are all actually included in the Druid of the Arctic list regardless, as it consists of Hold Person, Spike Growth, Sleet Storm, Slow, Freedom of Movement, Ice Storm, Commune with Nature, and Cone of Cold. I really appreciate the advice though, thank you!