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2007-09-29, 07:31 AM

”Weapon? I am the weapon.”
- Victoria Soulwhite, human monk

The monk is devoted to improving herself and honing her combat abilities. Rather than waving around weapons and dressing up in armor, she instead focuses inwards and shapes her body into a perfect fighting machine. A monk learns many styles of fighting more complex than most fighters through constant training and practice, and by drawing upon the combat prowess of monks long forgotten.

Martial Arts (Wis)

The Martial Arts skill allows a monk to draw upon her knowledge of many styles of fighting in order to use special tactics in battle.

Check: The Martial Arts skill is used in conjunction with a monk’s blitz class feature.

Action: Varies. For more information, check the apropriate monk blitz ability.

Try Again: No. In order to retry a Martial Arts check, a monk must attempt the blitz again.

Synergy: If you have 5 or more ranks in Martial Lore or Perform (weapons drill), you get a +2 bonus on Martial Arts checks.

If you have 5 or more ranks in Martial Arts, you get a +2 bonus on Concentration checks.

Hit Die: d10

Skill Points: (4 + Int modifier per level, x4 at 1st level) .
Class Skills: The monk’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (arcana/religion) (Int), Listen (Wis), Martial Arts (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), and Tumble (Dex).
Starting Gold: 5d4 x 10 gp (120 gp).
Starting Age: As wizard.

The Monk
{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Inspiration Points|Special

+2|2|Inspiration, unarmed strike, blitz (fists of steel)|

+3|3|Fast movement

+3|3|Armor of ages

+4|3|Blitz (cobra snare)

+4|4|Lightning awareness

+5|4|Blitz (instant pin)

+5|4|Combat awareness 1/day

+6|5|Blitz (disarming strike)

+6|5|Chain bonus +2

+7|5|Blitz (disarming toss)

+7|6|Combat Awareness 2/day

+8|6|Blitz (sweeping strike)

+8|6|Improved armor of ages

+9|7|Blitz (heavy blow)

+9|7|Combat Awareness 3/day

+10|7|Blitz (cobra coils)

+10|8|Chain bonus +3

+11|8|Blitz (fists of ages)

+11|8|Combat Awareness 4/day

+12|10|Blitz (deathblow)


Class Features

All of the following are class features of the monk.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Monks are not proficient with any weapons. They are proficient with light armor but not with shields.

Inspiration: The monk trains in many styles, which allows her to draw upon a vast body of combat knowledge in battle. To represent this seemingly random body of martial arts lore, a monk gains inspiration points that she can spend to activate her abilities. At the beginning of each encounter, she gains a number of inspiration points determined by her level (see Table: The Monk, above). If a monk has inspiration from another class, the two classes stack to determine the inspiration points available to the monk.

Unarmed Strike: At 1st level, a monk gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. A monk’s attacks may be with either fist interchangeably or even from elbows, knees, and feet. This means that a monk may even make unarmed strikes with her hands full. There is no such thing as an off-hand attack for a monk striking unarmed. A monk may thus apply her full Strength bonus on damage rolls for all her unarmed strikes.

Usually a monk’s unarmed strikes deal lethal damage, but she can choose to deal nonlethal damage instead with no penalty on her attack roll. She has the same choice to deal lethal or nonlethal damage while grappling.

A monk’s unarmed strike is treated both as a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either manufactured weapons or natural weapons.

Blitz: A monk uses her martial training to activate special moves in combat. Each of these abilities requires a minimum monk level and a minimum number of ranks in the Martial Arts skill to qualify; if a monk does not have enough ranks in the Martial Arts skill, she does not gain the blitz ability until she acquires the needed ranks. A monk may only use a blitz if she is unarmed, wearing light armor or less, and is carrying a light load.

Activating a blitz replaces or enhances one of a monk’s attacks in a round. However, a monk may only activate multiple blitzes in the same round if all of the previous blitzes have succeeded. Therefore, if a monk fails to strike with her fists of steel on her first attack, she may not attempt a cobra snare on her second attack.

If a monk activates more than 1 blitz in a round, each subsequent blitz activated gains a cumulative +1 bonus on any Martial Arts skill check involved in the blitz. At 9th level this bonus increases to +2, and at 18th level this bonus increases to +3.

Activating a blitz, regardless of which one, grants a bonus to the attack roll (if applicable) equal to the monk’s Wisdom modifier.

Fists of Steel (Ex): A monk with 3 or more ranks in Martial Arts may draw upon her combat knowledge to deliver deadly blows with her bare fists. To use this blitz, the monk must expend 1 inspiration point. The attack automatically overcomes damage reduction/piercing or slashing. In addition, if the attack hits, the target receives additional damage equal to the monk’s class level. Using this ability is a free action, and applies to 1 attack.

Cobra Snare (Ex): A monk with 6 or more ranks in Martial Arts may attempt a powerful grapple in place of her normal strike. To use this blitz, the monk must expend 1 inspiration point. Her normal unarmed strike is replaced by a grapple attempt. However, the monk may choose whether to make a normal grapple check (with her Wisdom modifier added; see above) or use the result of a Martial Arts skill check as her grapple roll. This blitz has no effect if the enemy is already grappled. The Improved Grapple feat applies equally to both choices. Using a Cobra Snare blitz never provokes an attack of opportunity.

Instant Pin (Ex): A monk with 8 or more ranks in Martial Arts may instantly knock her opponent prone after using her Cobra Snare blitz. In order to use this blitz, the monk must have already successfully grappled her opponent with the Cobra Snare blitz in the same round. To use this blitz, a monk must expend 1 inspiration point. She may immediately make a second grapple attempt against the grappled opponent. For this check she must make a Martial Arts skill check, and may not choose to make a normal grapple check. If she is successful, the opponent is instantly pinned by her. Using this blitz is a free action.

Disarming Strike (Ex): A monk with 10 or more ranks in Martial Arts may attempt to rid her foe of their weapon in place of her normal strike. In order to use this ability, the monk must have activated at least 1 successful blitz in the current turn. To use this blitz, the monk must expend 1 inspiration point. Her normal unarmed strike is replaced by a disarm attempt. However, the monk may choose whether to make a normal disarm check (with her Wisdom modifier added; see above) or use the result of a Martial Arts skill check as her disarm roll. The Improved Disarm feat applies equally to both choices. Using a Disarming Strike blitz never provokes attacks of opportunity.

Disarming Toss (Ex): A monk with 12 or more ranks in Martial Arts may improve upon her disarming strike. In order to use this blitz, the monk must have just successfully disarmed her opponent with the Disarming Strike blitz. To use this blitz, the monk must expend 1 inspiration point. She may immediately make a ranged attack against a target within 10ft. The weapon she takes from her opponent, instead of falling on the ground, is thrown at the target chosen. If the attack is successful, the weapon deals its normal damage, and falls on the ground in the square where the monk threw it. Using this blitz is a free action.

Sweeping Strike (Ex): A monk with 14 or more ranks in Martial Arts may attempt to knock her opponent off their feet in place of her normal strike. In order to use this ability, the monk must have activated at least 1 successful blitz in the current turn. To use this blitz, the monk must expend 1 inspiration point. Her normal unarmed strike is replaced by a trip attempt. However, the monk may choose whether to make a normal trip attempt (with her Wisdom modifier added; see above) or use the result of a Martial Arts skill check as her trip roll. The Improved Trip feat applies equally to both choices. A Sweeping Strike blitz never provokes attacks of opportunity.

Heavy Blow (Ex): A monk with 16 or more ranks in Martial Arts may improve upon her sweeping strike by using gravity to smash her foe into the earth. In order to use this blitz, the monk must have just successfully tripped her opponent with the Sweeping Strike blitz. To use this blitz, the monk must expend 1 inspiration point. The successful trip deals additional damage to the opponent as if they had fallen from a height. The monk must make a Martial Arts check. The opponent takes additional damage as if they had fallen a distance in ft. equal to the result of the check. Thus, a monk who rolls a 32 on their Martial Arts check deals an additional 3d6 damage with the trip, as if the opponent had fallen 32ft. Feather fall and other such protections also protect against this attack. Using this blitz is a free action.

Cobra Coils (Ex): A monk with 18 or more ranks in Martial Arts may deal great damage as her limbs constrict on a foe she has pinned. In order to use this blitz, the monk must have successfully used the Instant Pin blitz to pin her opponent. To use this blitz, the monk must expend 1 inspiration point. The opponent automatically takes damage equal to the result of the monk’s Martial Arts skill check. This extra damage depends on the monk’s knowledge of various bodily structures and pathways, and thus has no effect on an opponent without a discernable anatomy, such as an ooze, an elemental, or an undead. Using this ability is a swift action.

Fists of Ages (Su): A monk with 20 or more ranks in Martial Arts may draw upon her vast experience and ancestral power to deliver deadly blows with her bare fists. To use this blitz, the monk must expend 1 inspiration point. The attack automatically overcomes all damage reduction and regeneration. In addition, if the attack hits, the target receives additional damage equal to the twice the monk’s class level. Using this ability is a free action, and applies to 1 attack.

Alternatively, the monk may choose to forgo deadly damage in favor of precision. She may choose not to deal any additional damage with the strike, but to resove it as a melee touch attack.

Deathblow (Ex): A monk with 22 or more ranks in Martial Arts holds the power of life and death in her fists. In order to use this ability, the monk must have activated at least 3 successful blitzes in the current turn, and her foe must be grappled or pinned by her. To use this blitz, the monk must expend 1 inspiration point. Her normal unarmed strike is replaced by a Martial Arts skill check. Her grappled opponent must make a Fortitude saving throw with a DC equal to the result of the check. If the saving throw fails, the enemy instantly dies. This blitz only works against enemies with discernable anatamies, and thus has no effect on such creatures as oozes, elementals, or undead.

Fast Movement (Ex): At 2nd level, a monk’s speed increases by 10ft. for all modes of transportation. This does not allow her to gain a form of transportation which she did not already posess.

Armor of Ages (Su): By drawing upon her vast training and ancestral power, a monk of 3rd level or higher may defend herself more effectively if she needs to. By spending 1 inspiration point, she may add her Wisdom modifier to her Armor Class as a dodge bonus until her next turn. Using this ability is a free action.

Lightning Awareness (Ex): Starting at 5th level, the monk gains an innate sense of her surroundings. She adds her Wisdom modifier as a miscellaneous bonus to Initiative checks, as well as her Hide and Move Silently skills.

Combat Awareness (Ex): Starting at 7th level, the monk may take a moment of calm in the battle to reassess the situation. Once per day as a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, the monk may regain a number of inspiration points equal to her Wisdom modifier. Every 4 levels thereafter, the monk may use this ability 1 additional time per day.

Improved Armor of Ages (Su): Starting at 13th level, the monk no longer needs to activate her ancestral power. She always gains her Wisdom modifier as a dodge bonus to her Armor Class.

2007-09-29, 08:21 AM
Well, it has got potential, but using this variant we would be seing a lot of monks in chain shirts, which I think ruins some of the flavour. Also, why no monk weapons? Who will even think of picking up a kama now?

Oh, and is the new Martial Arts skill strictly necessary? Without the skill a monk is pretty much useless, so if no monk is going to be without it anyway, why not just use class level + wis mod for blitz checks instead?

But overall I think you have done a solid piece of work here. Just need a bit more polish, and some input from the homebrew veterans. Keep up the good work :smallsmile:

2007-09-29, 10:50 AM
What about the monk's unarmed damage production. does it increase like the Player handbook monk or does it stay at 1d3?

plus, I think it would be helpful for a monk to have 3 fivefoot steps instead of just one 1foot step

2007-09-29, 11:07 AM
I like it... But, I don't think the unarmored fighting was really a problem, and I'd like to see it keep the Wis to AC permanently, not just after 13th level. Also, the damage dice needs to grow, either by using the progression in the PHB, or give the Superior Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat at 3rd level.

2007-09-29, 01:26 PM
Although I'm currently finding monks are pretty fun as is, this is a pretty interesting update - puts them in the ToB power level bracket. It kind of feels like the monk, as designed by someone who really wants to be playing a factotum on the PbP forums right now.

2007-09-29, 01:52 PM
What about the Fire Dance and Air Blade blitzes? :smalltongue:

2007-09-29, 01:59 PM
This is a monk re-do not fix. in fact it has the same problems as a monk (few options, little way to over come DR) and then some (low damage output, unreliable manuveurs). So no i do not think this is anywhere near a fix.

2007-09-29, 03:44 PM
First off, thanks for the replies! :smallwink:

Well, it has got potential, but using this variant we would be seing a lot of monks in chain shirts, which I think ruins some of the flavour. Also, why no monk weapons? Who will even think of picking up a kama now?

Oh, and is the new Martial Arts skill strictly necessary? Without the skill a monk is pretty much useless, so if no monk is going to be without it anyway, why not just use class level + wis mod for blitz checks instead?

Honestly, I don't really see a problem with monks in light armor, although I can see how it would conflict with some peoples' fluff. I felt it was a better choice than flat AC bonuses, which is what they have now.

Having the Martial Arts skill allows people to gain things like Skill Focus to improve their monk abilities. By having the class based around a skill, there's already a wide base of support to improve the key features of the new class.

As for the weapons, I may change my mind and include them, but I doubt it. Although cool weapons in their own right, this concept of a monk focuses on the monk herself as the weapon instead of tools.

What about the monk's unarmed damage production. does it increase like the Player handbook monk or does it stay at 1d3?

The monk can use the fists of steel and later the fists of ages blitzes to improve the damage her unarmed strikes do. I changed it to such mostly because I find it ridiculous to think of a person walking around who can punch something any time, any where, and deal more destruction than an enormous sword. This method means that they must spend some of their precious inspiration points to gain the benefits, and makes it mean something when they're punching holes through stone walls.

plus, I think it would be helpful for a monk to have 3 fivefoot steps instead of just one 1foot step

I don't entirely follow what you mean. :smallconfused:

I like it... But, I don't think the unarmored fighting was really a problem, and I'd like to see it keep the Wis to AC permanently, not just after 13th level. Also, the damage dice needs to grow, either by using the progression in the PHB, or give the Superior Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat at 3rd level.

As previously mentioned, a monk can use a blitz to deal more impressive unarmed damage. As for the AC bonus, it does eventually get to gain Wis permanently. But now it's not so much of a dip for the ability to add Wis to unarmored AC whenever you want. At lower levels, you can activate the AC boost when you're in a tricky situation, but its not until higher levels that you truly master the technique. In any case, the light armor proficiency more than makes up for the dip your AC in general will take in early levels.

Although I'm currently finding monks are pretty fun as is, this is a pretty interesting update - puts them in the ToB power level bracket. It kind of feels like the monk, as designed by someone who really wants to be playing a factotum on the PbP forums right now.

Erk! You caught me! :smallredface: I do indeed love the factotum, and when I was trying to think of some way to limit the cool things monks could do, inspiration popped into my head. It's a fairly good mechanic, and it jives pretty well. These monks are basically cross-breeds between monks, bards, and factotums. They are generally weaker in normal melee, but they get really cool abilities to use for tactics in battle that otherwise don't get much play.

But yes, it was intended to increase their power level, as well as use the preexisting inspiration mechanics.

What about the Fire Dance and Air Blade blitzes?

Ah, for those you'll have to wait until version 2.0, when Suplex and Bum Rush are added. :smalltongue:

On a more serious note, I actually didn't realize where I'd seen blitzes before until I was almost done the class. I was really just trying to come up with a general name for the lightning-fast combat techniques that these monks pull off, and blitzes seemed to fit the bill. If I see an alternative name I like, I might change the name, but for now I'm happy with it.

This is a monk re-do not fix. in fact it has the same problems as a monk (few options, little way to over come DR) and then some (low damage output, unreliable manuveurs). So no i do not think this is anywhere near a fix.

You are absolutely right that this is a re-do and not a fix. I disagree that it has the same problems, however. Monks suffer because all of their class features are based around hitting things, but they are much more inaccurate than most melee combattants, especially when you factor in the Flurry of Blows.

These monks have many more combat options built into their class, all of which they can activate through their inspiration. In addition, although they'll need to conserve resources in each encounter more carefully than a standard monk, they're also going to be generally more successful at what they attempt. The blitzes all add Wis to attack, and thus when they do pull out a blitz, their attack is sure to be memorable.

As for their maneuvers being unreliable, here I must disagree. Their class features are made to make such interesting alternative tactics much more reliable than for other classes, since they can generally substitute a Martial Arts skill check for the desired check. It's not a case where the monk always uses what he has available. This monk fights defensively until the right opportunity presents itself, and then can unleash a true flurry of blows upon the opponent, since he'll almost always have the right move for the situation.

2007-09-29, 03:58 PM
I don't entirely follow what you mean. :smallconfused:

all characters have 1 five foot step each turn that doesn't count as a action and that doesn't provoke an AoO. they can use this in varying cercumstances to a) run away from an opponet; b) move a little closer to the opponent; c) move out of an enemy's threatened square; or d) move up to the opponent for a full attack . If a monk instead had 3 of these five-foot-steps he has three new options avaliable to him. a) He could flurry an opponent if he's at least fifteen feet away, or flurry and run away to a safe distance, or flurry 1 opponent to death and move on to the next opponent.

I'm starting to think it should be 4 five foot steps instead.

2007-09-29, 04:02 PM
I like the concept of blitzes a lot, but the monk still suffers from the fact that it can only do all these nifty things to something right next to it. On the plus side, multiclassing is a bit more viable now. But then, why do they get a crappy reflex save? Doesn't really fit with the concept, IMO.

Human Paragon 3
2007-09-30, 09:08 PM
One level of Fighter nets you a feat, a d10 HD, and proficiencies with all martial weapons and all armor and shields, making you the complete martial bad ass. Not to mention you don't miss a beat in your full BAB progression. All you miss in a level 20 progression is Deathblow, which isn't that great anyway.