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2019-03-11, 11:53 PM
The Emperor is Dead, Imperium in Turmoil
Emperor Maximilian Laramy the third of his name died in his sleep today at the age of 162. Our most beloved emperor is mourned by the entire Imperium and billions have traveled to Sigma Kuldav to view his body lying in state. Under his leadership the Imperium enjoyed a golden age of prosperity and expansion the likes of which have not been seen since Empress Hallow herself.

Unfortunately the respected Archduke Sebastian Laramy and Crown Princess Katherine Laramy died two years ago in the Kisko Incident leaving only two surviving children of the emperor, the reprehensible Alexander Laramy and the scheming Persephone Laramy. However we are blessed that even in his waning days the emperor retained his characteristic foresight.

Reports are that both surviving Laramy heirs attempted to activate the Titanium Throne while their father's body was still warm. And to the relief of Imperial citizens everyone both failed. As his final command the emperor placed the throne in Lockdown Delta preventing all access until the new emperor has been confirmed by the Imperial High Court.

Lockdown Delta was last authorized in IE 692 when the entire Jules line was killed by assassins and as such the protocol will take extensive time to unravel and determine who stands the best claim to succeed the titanium throne. Until then all Imperial forces are on standby limited to protecting Imperial facilities and services.

This has left the Imperium in de facto independence. With the Laramys fighting for control of their own house every Duke and Duchess is free to chart their own policies and path to power. And even many lesser nobles have failed to reaffirm their oaths of fealty. Already the Imperium is undergoing four separate wars, and most predict that this number will only rise before the Throne is initialized and the Imperium stabilized.

2019-03-12, 12:39 AM
Public Broadcast to the Zaqaruans

The Great and Just
Duke Abolar Zaqaru

Loyal Zaqaruans, prepare yourselves!

The efforts of decades of work to establish a lasting peace has been shattered by the Sansones. We are once more at War!

Rise up and stand together against our old rival. A generation has grown up knowing not the foolhardiness of the Sansones, so I call to the parents and grandparents, the elderly and the veterans. Share with the children your stories of strife and combat.

Remember too the older tales passed down and written. My ancestor ruled this sector as rightful King with Sansone as vassal, leading a Golden Age of Prosperity. Yet the Sansones listened to treacherous whispers and through their treason the Kingdom fell. Ever since there had been conflict, until my dearly departed father, the Brave Duke Agoban Zaqaru, supported my efforts to forge a peace treaty.

Sealed by the sanctity of marriage between Nabanu Zaqaru and Guaria Sansone, a shining future where Zaqaruan and Sansonean would stand together to reclaim the glory of the past. As broken as the marriage was, so too is that future broken. Therefore, I harshly discard that future and set our sights to a new one as I recall the past and act.

Glory will be obtained in battle! We will wrest control of the star system Gade connecting the star systems of the Sansones together and rend their territory in two, just as they have broken our noble lines apart.

Look beyond the daily habit, the local struggles. Set your gaze to our shared goal to bring Justice to the Sansones and repay them in kind for the wrongs they have done in the past and present. They think themselves safe on their worlds, protected by armies. I will prove them wrong and show their defense is meaningless when our fleets strike with righteousness.

While the Zaqaru name has been slandered by noble Houses who consider us Peacebreakers, know that our cause is just and right. The Zaqaru Dynasty holds a lawful claim on all the Sansone territories by ancestral right as former liege of the Sansones. Where they refused to bend their knee in the past, our might will force them down now.

Already other Houses have followed our example as they knew that this peace was not to last with the death of Emperor Maximilian Laramy. House Berger has declared war on House Voss, as has House Kelse on House Jinks. The Empire shakes in turmoil, but we stand strong and will show the galaxy our might! Stand with me, Zaqaruans, against the false-hearted Sansones!Star System Gade is located at the coordinates 11.-03.

2019-03-13, 12:21 AM
House Ytterbus capital world Zothon (12,14)
16 hours, 24, minutes, and 41 seconds since the death of Emperor Maximilian Laramy III

The emperor is dead.

Duke Arthrax lowered the pad. One message, that was all it took. The agent didn't need to send more, the meaning was clear enough. If his metal shell had a face, it would have grinned a self-assured smile. He was built like a tank, although significantly smaller, in order to fit through doors sized for humans. His arms dangled beneath his chassis, and his "head" was a turret at the top with the necessary speakers and sensors attached. He shifted on his four crablike legs, turning to hold the datapad out to the other person in the room with a hydraulic claw. "Read this, out loud." A pair of warm, living hands took it. The girl was a teenager, nearing the age when she too could trade in her body of flesh for one of steel. She clearly had imperial blood in her, by the look of her face, the set of her eyes, but there was something inexplicably off about her, something about the way she looked at you, the way she seemed to be taking notes on everything you said. She was dressed in what could only be described as the result of smashing a lab coat and a formal gown together in a particle accelerator. She read the message out loud. "The emperor is dead. No surprise." "Indeed. But we have long waited for a chance to return to glory. The right words in the right places, and soon, the throne will be mine. And then, when the time comes, it shall be yours, my daughter." She looked back at Arthrax's glass faceplate, behind which his brain could be seen floating in preserving fluid, electrodes attached to it, and smiled. They both knew, that regardless what happens next, the empire will be glorious chaos, and that they would bring it to order.

2019-03-13, 12:34 AM
Zaqaru Inheritance

The Zaqaru Dynasty has several inheritance laws in place for its Duke title. They can be abbreviated as follows:

The Council, consisting of five positions, votes on candidates, with the candidate obtaining the most votes being the heir to the title of Duke. Should there be a tie, the last will of the former Duke is decisive.
The Duke will abdicate the title to their heir between the age of 80 and 84, at the passing of a year dividable by 5.
Valid candidates are the children and siblings of the current holder. Should any candidate have died or be ineligible due to age, their children become valid candidates, unless they are dead or ineligible due to age, where their children become valid candidates, and so on.


Nocri Zaqaru

Nocri Zaqaru is the oldest child of the Great and Just Duke Abolar Zaqaru. 47 years old, she is married and has two children. She has a scientific background, though is not known for any research of great note as she is considered a Slothful person. Searching the truth in scientific matters, she reflects it with Honesty. Perhaps it is something she found in her studies or the political arena, but something has left her Paranoid and Craven.

Abus Zaqaru
1 Vote: 2nd Choice

Abus Zaqaru is the second child of the Great and Just Duke Abolar Zaqaru. Almost a year younger than his older sister at 47 years old, he is married and has three children. Well versed in science, he takes after his father with a Greedy attitude. Proud of his heritage and dynasty, he is not above Deceit to get what he wants. He pursues his agenda with Diligence.


Grand Administrator
Caksya Gupta

I support Abus Zaqaru. His Diligence will see us through the coming times, leading the Zaqaru Dynasty to great heights and wealth.

Eshkit Zaqaru

Eshkit Zaqaru is the third child of the Great and Just Duke Abolar Zaqaru. At the age of 42, she is without children and already a widow, having lost her husband due to undisclosed reasons. Like her older siblings, she has a scientific interest and background. Taking after her older sister with a Slothful attitude, some claim that she has become Wrathful after the loss of her husband, while other claim it has only then risen to the surface. It is because of her Temperature nature that it did not show before and the same reasoning applies to a streak of Cruelty, pronounced since the loss of her husband.

Nabuna Zaqaru
4 Votes: Heir

Nabuna Zaqaru is the fourth child of the Great and Just Duke Abolar Zaqara. At the age of 38, he is without child and divorced from Guaria Sansone. The arranged marriage was part of a peace treaty between the Zaqaru Dynasty and House Sansone, but Guaria Sansone filed for divorce, leading to the current war between the noble families. Like his father, Nabuna is trained in Intelligence and has a Greedy attitude. Some claim he is Deceitful, despite his reputation of being Humble. Perhaps it was because of the divorce or something else, but he shows signs of Paranoia. In a lesser extent, he also takes after his father as he values Justice.


Grand Diplomat
Ningilga Zaqaru

I give my support to Nabuna Zaqaru, for he is Just like his father.

Grand Admiral
Elos Roshami

I favour Nabuna Zaqaru. While Abus Zaqaru is a good candidate as well, Nabuna Zaqaru is the best candidate to lead now we are at war with House Sansone. He must be given the opportunity to avenge his broken marriage.

Grand Agent
Ayallal Attar

I back Nabuna Zaqaru. His intelligence training will be a vital asset as we can rely on his Justice to see us through future conflicts.

Grand Scientist
Baresu Zaqaru

My choice falls on Nabuna Zaqaru. It was a difficult decision to pick between Nabuna Zaqaru as Just candidate and Abus Zaqaru as Diligent candidate. However, given the current war, I feel it right that Nabuna Zaqaru will be next to lead.

Puabi Zaqaru

Puabi Zaqaru is the youngest child of the Great and Just Duke Abolar Zaqaru. She is 35 years, happily married and as of yet without children. She is well versed in economy. With a flirtatious behaviour, she is considered Lustful as she Enviously looks at other husbands. Like her father, she is considered Just in matters of state, though she is a much stronger supporter of harsh punishment and eye for an eye, earning her a reputation as Wrathful and Cruel.

Meta Zaqaru

Meta Zaqaru is the second child of the Brave Duke Abolar Zaqaru, sister to the Great and Just Duke Abolar Zaqaru. At 71 years, she is married and has five adult children and like her older brother is grandparent. Studied in intelligence, she is known to be Envious and well applying her studies, earning her a reputation as Deceitful. Like her brother, she is Cynical, though remains Humble. Unlike her brother, she is considered Charitable.

Esuukas Zaqaru

Esuukas Zaqaru is a third child and brother to the Great and Just Duke Abolar Zaqaru. 69 years and married, he is without children. He has a science background, known to have a Greedy streak. Some claim he has no children because he is Cruel, while others point to his Chaste behaviour. Few dare to say that to his face, however, as he is also known for his Wroth.

Zarossu Zaqaru

Zarossu Zaqaru is a fourth child and brother to the Great and Just Duke Abolar Zaqaru. 63 years and married, he has one adult child. With an academic background in finance he takes clear Pride in, he is keen to show off his knowledge as an Erudite. Easy to Trust others as he shows off his knowledge, he is also eager to share his knowledge of other more literal appetites with food, marking him as Gluttonous. His taste extends further as well, giving him a Lustful reptuation.

Mammyl Zaqaru

Mammyl Zaqaru is the youngest sibling of the Great and Just Duke Abolar Zaqaru. At 58 years old, she is on her second marriage and has five children, four of them adult. She is a scientist, indulging herself in other things than science as well as a Gluttonous person. Indulging herself in more, the children may have been the product of her Lustful desires, though she does thirst for knowledge as well. Considered an Erudite with a sharp and Cynical attitude, it still seems she not only Envies knowledge, but perhaps relations as well.

2019-03-13, 10:58 AM
The Democratic Collective of the People

First Equal Aethelbyrd finds himself in an awkward position. He is pleased by the news scrolling across his simple communications wheel, of course. A despot is dead. This is only exciting and heart-lifting news for the Collective. But Aethelbyrd is young and new. He was elected a mere fifty-four weeks ago, meaning his current rank is less than a month old. The year-long training that all First Equals undergo had prepared him for the responsibilities of normal leadership, not this great burden. Was he equal to the task? Would he lead his people into destruction? Only time would tell.

The gray doors swing open, bringing a small smile to the Equal's face. Swinging doors with no locks. A symbol with many layers, some of which he was only grasping now. The lack of ostentation and modernity, of course, spoke to the spurning of riches. The first layer. It also signaled approachability - the First Equal was not some standoffish, distant figure to the people he served. Anyone could speak with him about any topic, at any time.

That thought, of course, brought another to Aethelbyrd's mind, unbidden. The needles. The one luxury the First Equal was entitled to - from the date of his election until the Day of Surrendering (when his tenure would end), First Equals did not require, and were indeed forbidden, sleep. Silence and a lack of focus still brought on the dreams, though. Horrid, uncontrolled, fantastical dreams filled with torture. Nightmares, one might call them, except they could spring unbidden into his mind at any time. Best to stay focused, of course. Best to work for the people.

The doors. Yes, the doors. The next layer. A reminder? A reminder of how little time he has. The doors are quick to open and quick to swing shut. They cannot be barred. One's time in this office is fleeting, to say the least. The First Equals must know this, and must work to accomplish what they can in a mere 6 months. Security is the next layer. There are no locks in the First Headquarters of the Collective's Servants. Aethelbyrd's blood is worthless, aside from its value to the People. His predecessor is gone. His two successors are in training, just down the hallway. If a-

"First Equal Aethelbyrd. You called for me?"

Aethelbyrd's reverie is broken. Mentally chiding himself for lapsing into such fanciful thoughts, he looks to the young woman standing just inside the doorway. Her dark skin and bright clothes stand out masterfully with the subdued gray walls. Grida, his First Advisor on the People's Voice.

"Yes. Make it known to All Who Share Our Path: The Oppressor is dead. The power-hungry tyrants will blind themselves with war and intrigue. The People will move."

Grida's eyes widen as she takes in his words. A smile splits her unpainted lips and she hurries out of the room.

Aethelbyrd smiles as she leaves.

I can do this.

Four more First Advisors enter the gray room and take seats at the simple table. Excitement buzzes in the room as six Second Advisors soon follow. The ten begin perusing the notes Aethelbyrd has prepared. Factions whose nobles are fat, factions whose leadership might be made to see reason and peacefully give control to the people. Factions that more purely represent the oppression the People hate and thus might be ripe for rebellion. It is a lot to take in, and attention is turned toward the First Equal, eyes burning bright with the possibilities.

I have to.

2019-03-13, 12:00 PM
House Greenflame

The yellow sun of Samarkand poured into the great Tanaem Bio-Arcology, blooming the decorative Voss-Blue Roses and eliciting a sigh of pleasure from the assembled court. On que with the sunports opening, the orchestra picked up a mournful dirge and Maximilian Laramy’s visage was projected on every wall. Farid Saquar, Grand Marquis and Supreme Sheik, stood before the assembled nobility, sorrow in his eyes and respect in his voice.

“Emperor Maximilian was a great man, an Emperor deserving of his rank and title.” A pause, laced with implication and accusation. “We now walk in his shadow, and can aspire to make his eternal rest peaceful and satisfied. So today is a day of mourning for our great Sovereign, but tomorrow…” Saquar let his gaze wander the audience, eyes hard and cold.

“Tomorrow our duty becomes more important than ever. The Imperium must not crumble in the coming strife, the Hounds at the Gates will not rest, and will see vulnerability behind our radiant barriers. Our peers will look hungrily upon their neighbors behind our backs. Remain vigilant my friends, together we will emerge from the coming age tempered by the fires of conflict, stronger than Adamant. Samarkand Ascendant.”

No raised fist accompanied the fleet motto, for the day remained one of mourning, and the assembled court sat in silence for a moment.

“I now open the floor to those who wish to share the poetry of their mourning. I will begin.”

“My Master taught me a lesson:
“Any moment you are negligent
in remembrance of Duty
is a moment spent in denial of Honor.”
My Master lives on
In remembrance of his Lesson”

Enigma 4


House Sasone
Lord Sasone,
I write to investigate the claims of Abolar Zaqaru. His public statements leave a poor taste in my mouth, and I wish to hear both sides before I make an official statement on the matter.

Duke Farid Saquar,
Lord of Samarkand
Master of the Grand Marquis

2019-03-13, 02:37 PM
House Berger

Ernst was standing on the observation deck of his flagship Patience, the only battlecruiser in the entire fleet. Most ships House Berger had were destroyers - many of them were the same ships that the House was originally granted by the emperor to subdue the colonies in the area. Their hulls showed signs of past battles, and of the many attempts to fix the damage. Patience was the only ship they had had larger than that, and most ships smaller had been scrapped for parts already, with the hull of a few destroyers now being a patchwork of former corvettes. It wasn't the most impressive fleet around, or the largest, but it did get the job done. The fleet, like so many other things, had been neglected by his father when he had prioritized more frivolous pursuits.

"The Emperor is dead." he said to the man standing by his side. Admiral Kuhn was responsible for the fleet whenever Ernst wasn't personally handling that role, and he was very well aware that Maximilian had died. They had been discussing the implications of this for the past few hours. "Which likely means, as you pointed out" - a comment Kuhn noted with a slight nod - "that house Voss is unlikely to receive much support from the emperor. Or we. Both of us are on our own now, unless some of the other dukes decide to intervene. Both of the Laramy heirs have too much to worry about."

"The fleet is all here, Your Grace." Kuhn reminded him. "That it is. With hulls kept together with duct tape, and rail guns older than I am. But, it will have to do", Ernst replied. "Let's move out then. Take course towards the warp gate. It will be better to fight this war above one of their worlds than it is to do it above ours. [05,-02] should be a fine starting place."

Ernst stepped away from the window. The Voss were certainly opportunistic, but they usually were right. If they thought that war was a good idea, how much of a chance did House Berger have? He'd have to be in contact with the other dukes, before Voss got to them first.

Enigma 5


Zaqaru Dynasty
Your Grace,

I write to you about the wars we find ourselves in. You with the treacherous House Sansone, and we with the lying House Voss. I'd like to inquire about the future plans of your great dynasty. You seem to be, unfortunately, blocked from the rest of the empire by both the Sansone and the Voss. Perhaps, after the initial phases of our respective wars have been dealt with, we could cooperate? You need access to the rest of the empire if you are to survive the coming civil war, and I would never turn down additional vassals.

House Greenflame
Your Grace,

your noble House is well known for it's knowledge of the areas outside of the empire. This is far outside of my own expertise, yet it is something I hold an interest in. Perhaps you'd be willing to part with some of that information?

Your famous universities are also of interest to me. Any projects you are planning on? Perhaps we could cooperate? Unfortunately, our own are in a state of disrepair and thus we can not contribute to the research itself, but perhaps you would allow us to handle the manufacturing process?

The Democratic Collective of the People
The Empire has seen many 'democratic' movements before, most of them having fallen on their own just to become a far worse tyranny than any noble house. I know the other houses well - what motivates them, what they want. You are more of a mystery. But, as we now find ourselves in the same quadrant I found it best to ask about your future plans. Anything specific you are planning?


Earls in [05,02]

is there any information you could share about your system? Unfortunately, our archives are lacking in any information as to the ongoing situation in the area.

2019-03-13, 03:00 PM

Zaqaru Ball

A lavish ball is hosted at the luxurious Erit Palace, one of the many Zaqaru palaces. This one is used for diplomatic purposes and lies close to the spaceport of the magnificent metropolis Erit. The largest city in Zaqaru space, it is the major trade hub at the capital planet Athon in the Marqash system (coordinates: 7\0).

It is one of three events planned for high society in the first year at the turning of the decade. Those of noble blood from far and wide are invited. A chance for the upper class to meet and mingle, though all three events are organised for a reason. The heir apparent of the Zaqaru Dynasty, Nabuna Zaqaru is currently unmarried due to the divorce of Guaria Sansone, plunging the two Houses in a war. Obviously, no members of House Sansone will be present at any of the events.

At the age of 38, he is considered old by the Zaqaru Dynasty for looking for a wife, as most have married before the age of 20, their parents arranging a partner. As gracious host, the events are organised beyond Nabuna's wish to find a partner, as the romantic themes give plenty of opportunities for other noble families to meet and arrange marriages as well. The target audience of the Ball are singles of noble blood and their families, which is the same target audience for the Masquerade a season later and the Banquet another season later.

With three events hosted, the Zaqaru Dynasty gives plenty of opportunity for Houses not on friendly terms to avoid another, as well as at least joining one site to possible schedule conflicts if it had been one event. The war with House Sansone has not stopped the Zaqaru Dynasty from hosting luxurious events of high class and esteem, for they consider this occasion as matter of noble importance.

In addition, Nabuna Zaqaru is under a lot of family pressure to get a wife, due to being preferred inheritance candidate by the Council. He will need a good support for the time to come and any political arrangements and opportunities stemming from a marriage must be taken into account.

Nabuna Zaqaru
Heir Apparent

[OOC] The Zaqaru Dynasty is looking for a suitable noble wife for Nabuna Zaqaru, the Heir Apparent. Whichever House provides a partner for Nabuna will enjoy improved relations with the Zaqaru Dynasty. Only those of noble birth, thus from Houses without Titleless will be considered. The marriage will only be accepted with any potential children being considered part of the Zaqaru Dynasty and not part of the other House.

If the proposed partner is a sibling, child or grandchild of the House's current ruler, the Zaqaru Dynasty will see this as close bond and Non-Aggression pact. This pact will hold for as long as the marriage lasts and both partners are alive and close enough in family relation to the current ruler of both houses. Close enough is sibling, child, grandchild, parent or grandparent.
The Zaqaru Dynasty will invest 15 Prestige in the Treaty and expects a likewise amount from the other. No non-aggression pact while suggesting a marriage with a family member of close relation to the current ruler is considered an insult. The Zaqaru Dynasty is more willing to form alliances with those they have a non-aggression pact with.

If there are multiple proposed partners, a partner will be selected based on the origin House and diplomatic benefit. If there are no proposed partners, Nabuna Zaqaru is pressured to marry a relative of one of their earl vassals.

Dancers image source: https://fineartamerica.com/featured/waltz-palette-knife-oil-painting-on-canvas-by-leonid-afremov-leonid-afremov.html?product=greeting-card

Enigma 7 (Requires Cypher 8 or higher to read.)

Dear Duke Berger,

I believe my plans are quite obvious, for I seek to bring House Sansone to their knees. Cooperation is certainly of interest, for as you say, House Voss lies between Zaqaru and the rest of the galaxy. If you have concrete plans, I am interested to learn more. In addition, I am curious what your goal is in the war against House Voss. Is it merely to strike down your sister, Anna, or do you seek more?

Yours sincerely,
Duke Abolar Zaqaru

2019-03-13, 03:44 PM
House Greenflame

Enigma 4


To House Zaqaru
Lord Abolar,
Your acts of war against Sasone fill me with dread, for with the Laramy siblings rejected by the throne I fear that groups like the Democratic Republic of the People will use your aggression as one more bullet in their magazine to stir unrest among our subjects across the imperium. And for what? A divorce? Please Lord Abolar, explain to me what has so deeply gone wrong between you and the Sasone that you power your weapons before the Emperors corpse is even cold.

Duke Farid Saquar,
Lord of Samarkand
Master of the Grand Marquis

To House Vastadd
Duchess Vastaad,
Greetings Duchess, my condolences for the death of your father, I write in hope that our houses can form a healthy relationship where previously there was none. I believe we represent the two houses most under threat by the DRotP, and while I am unsure as yet how to approach the problem they represent, I am near certain that a unified front between us would be better than either of us alone.

Duke Farid Saquar,
Lord of Samarkand
Master of the Grand Marquis

To House Berger
Duke Berger,
I'm afraid my house's secrets were bought dearly and must be sold as such, though I hear your house knows of the secret gates? Perhaps we could arrange a trade?

With regards to SamU and the BMA we are indeed about to go on something of a development frenzy. I'm certain we could come to some arrangement.

That said, before we go any further with our dealings, you stand at war in all but name with House Voss… a pity with the other conflicts springing up with Lord Maximilian’s death, what are your plans for the situation once the conflict is decided? What are your goals in this war?

Duke Farid Saquar,
Lord of Samarkand
Master of the Grand Marquis


House Voss
Lord Voss,
Your house has long been known for an ear to politics, so I find myself curious of your take on the two Laramy siblings, especially now that the Throne itself has rejected them. Would you be interested in talking further on the matter?

Duke Farid Saquar,
Lord of Samarkand
Master of the Grand Marquis

The Freehold
Greetings Freehold,
It is my sorrowful duty to inform you that Emperor Maximilian is dead. While his death may not be mourned in your state as he is in mine, his passing has expired the previous truce held between our people. Succession is not yet clear, I would therefore like to extend the Reclamation Truce by a minimum of 10 years, and reopen negotiations for a permanent peace between our people.

Duke Farid Saquar,
Lord of Samarkand
Master of the Grand Marquis

2019-03-13, 04:23 PM
Zaqaru Dynasty

Enigma 7

Dear Duke Saquar,

It seems you are not educated on the history between the Zaqaru Dynasty and House Sansone. I will be more than happy to inform you what exactly this divorce means.

In the glorious past of the Zaqaru Dynasty, my ancestor ruled as rightful King of this sector, with House Sansone as vassal. In a terrible turn of events, the peace and prosperity the Zaqaru Dynasty had established was shattered and House Sansone betrayed its oaths of fealthy as they struck against Zaqaru. They managed to gain their independance and ever since, there has been a long and deep fued between our noble lines. While the Zaqaru Dynasty has often tried to strike at House Sansone in the past, their defense has begrudingly held against our noble might. I saw the conflict and lives lost as inefficient and lobbied to my father, the Brave Duke Agoban Zaqaru, to start peace negotiations. After decades of hard work, our noble houses had established a peace treaty bond by blood in the marriage contract of Nabuna Zaqaru and Guaria Sansone. Finally, after generations, the Zaqaru and Sansone Dynasties knew peace.

Guaria Sansone filed for divorce, breaking the marriage contract and the peace treaty in the same revolting action. All the effort put in to work towards peace and unity, gone and lost. As you can understand, this has made abundantly clear that House Sansone did not intend to put the fued to rest. I cannot let such a terrible act of injustice just pass by. House Sansone knew this would have repurcussions. I will make them pay for their act of aggression dearly, as is just and right.

However, I understand your worry regarding this foolish band of star systems that calls itself a Republic. I share your concerns, for I would see their government fall sooner rather than later, so they can be brought back to the natural order of proper and decent feudalism. Please keep me informed should you note disturbances.

Yours sincerely,
Duke Abolar Zaqaru

2019-03-13, 05:18 PM

Miras world glows in the multifaceted colors of so many ravishing and external sources. The parties hosted by the high courtesan are constant and nobility both men and women from all over the galaxy come to dine on the endless treats provided by this place. The pleasure palaces of the high courtesan was where real intrigue happened and lessor nobles were married off to those the High Courtesans court deemed worthy of tasting the sweet nectar house Taturus cultivated.

The high courtesan looked down from her pedestal and caught the sight of one of the many orgys that rippled through this place and in its center was a man dressed as an emperor... Well half dressed now, and it was while she looked on at the display within her palace that the news arrived.

The emperor is dead. He has no heirs.

She sat back and sighed if it was mournful or exaggerated no one could be sure. She placed her head in her hands and a silent whisper went out to the man who was this worlds god.

"The party is over tonight my lovelies take it all back to your rooms." She turned to a young man at her side and placed her hand at the edge of his back. "Have the court of Taturus summoned, we have much to do."

The council of Taturus was an enigma of itself each running a unique aspect of their operation, of their family. The high courtesan stood above all of them but only the most foolish high courtesan dared to step into politics without consulting her consul.

While the fleet of Tatarus was far from sizeable it was enough to defend what they had laid claim to and the lands that made up their vast holdings. He was an honest and up front man, and the best at what he did. He was one of the few on the council who had not stood as a courtesan for one of higher birth. He had always lived here on their colonies.

Julian trained the next generation of courtesans and court holders. Most men and women would look to her and while not directly involved in teaching she handled all administration and kept their many teachers in line. She was dangerous, and quick to anger though no one would realize it until she had driven the proverbial knife in their back. She was stunning and kind when you were her friend however.

Their scientific advisor and their lead scientist Quinton was rather stodgy and under funded. His department had been long ignored for income going in other directions. He always made the best of it however and little attention was paid the work he did. Still his voice mattered on the council. His younger years were spent as a courtesan for a stunning duchess of house Henrickson.

The voice of their espionage, assassination and infiltration core. Hatyaara Odessa was an absolutely brilliant leader, and a keen mind in the whims of the machinations of the underbelly of this world. No one was better at it then Odessa. Someone would even say she was the best in the world, and her history is a cruel sad one where her time as a courtesan led her into the arms of an abusive lessor lord of house Ayers who has since tragically gone missing...


When the council was convened they sat in a rose garden that hovered in the lower atmosphere. A thin dome of a material only Tysar could describe kept them safe from the elements while they all spoke of the tragedy of the emperors death. "So we are a crossroads, we owe much of our success to the current emperor but he still refused to grant us noble title. That means we owe his house Laremy no fealty." The high concubines voice was such a sing song dissonance it made all men, women and others melt.

"Expansion is out of the question. I barely have the resources to protect what we currently control. You will need to place a great deal more income into the fleets if we're to even consider that." Growls Xang, "but we must address house Steel, and get in touch with the bankers."

Hatyaara Odessa finally spoke out, "my high courtesan there is a party on the far side of the galaxy but it appears they have no intention of inviting us." She grinned, "we need to reach out and make sure as many of our magnificent men and women make it since there is an heir being put on display don't you think?"

The high courtesan looked absolutely offended. "Why would any party be thrown without the desire for our presence? Who is insulting us?"


She pouted and grumbled. "The nerve."

Tysar spoke up then, "if we have some concerns about militarys coming for our territory, more resources in the sciences would go far..."

They looked at him in unison, the high courtesan sighing. "I will see what the budget allows."

Enigma 5

House Steel
The stunning appearence of the high courtesan glowed in a disk which shot up a 3D image of the woman. She was dressed in nothing but lace and various aphrodisiac paints.
"We have long maintained close friendships with your house, and both of us have held the unfortunate distinction of never being granted a title by our now dead emperor. We want to maintain this close connection, I do not want us to be at one anothers throat. Of course I am happy to have you come see me to discuss this in as much detail as you require."

House Xinclair
The stunning appearence of the high courtesan glowed in a disk which shot up a 3D image of the woman. She wore a ravishing pantsuit with a plunging neckline with no end of jewelry and showy wealth for the leaders of house Xinclair.
"My beloved moneylenders," She giggled adding a sultry delight to her voice. "How can I continue to show gratitude for our close relations. I want you to know we deeply respect your help in bolstering Taturus and are excited to continue working together. If there is anything we can do for you, please do not hesitate to ask. The death of the emperor is a frightening time for those without noble title and for those who do legitimate business within the empire and I want to make sure nothing shakes your good works."

Earl of space cluster -4,-13
The stunning appearence of the high courtesan glowed in a disk which shot up a 3D image of the woman. She was dressed in nothing but lace and various aphrodisiac paints.
"My beloved earl its been so long since you visited our pleasure palaces. You know your family is always welcome within my territory. I hope you can speak to me of your plans I want to make sure relations are improved with all of those in your quadrant. I am not sure if you heard but the emperor has perished along with his immediate bloodline and we must do all in our power to assure there are absolutely NO issues." She offered a brilliant grin but a warning peeked behind her smile. "Do think of what is best for you and yours I want to make sure that our part of space is a happy healthy one."

Atrum Umbra
2019-03-13, 06:25 PM
House Vastadd

With the death of her father and the emperor Izabela was so rushed off her feet with domestic and foreign affairs that she had yet to make a speech to the people and formerly accept leadership. She sent off some messages to other families of interest and vowed to make a public declaration within the next couple of days.

Enigma 4

House Berger
Honoured Cousin,
It pains me greatly to hear of your sister’s betrayal to your house. In these trying times it would benefit close family to stick together. I wish to visit you to discuss how we can help each other repair our fractured houses.

House Xinclair
Honoured Chief Financial Director,
Due to my father's indulgent lifestyle and general incompetence I now need to discuss my family’s finances with people that can be trusted. I will be sending my Half-Sister who is well versed in economics to discuss our plans and what you could offer us.

House Greenflame
Honoured Duke,
Thank you for your kind words, but my father was a plague on my family that I hope to move on from. I agree that unity will serve us all well in the trying times that are still to come. I hope that diplomacy can hold an answer to any problems on our borders but presenting a unified front would help in that regard as well.

The Democratic Collective of the People
Honoured spokesperson of the people,
While we may not conventionally see eye to eye it would be ignorant and foolish of me to dismiss such a close neighbour without first hearing from them. I wish to send an ambassador to you in the hope that I can turn any opinions you may have formed about my family.

Earl of 01,-07
Honoured Earl,
Firstly please accept my apologies on behalf of my family for any problems my father may have caused you in the past. I wish to build my house back to its former glory and part of that is to improve trade infrastructure. As such your system has been selected for brand new trade hubs. Please let me know whether such an improvement would be acceptable to you.

2019-03-13, 06:54 PM
House Arnos

Enigma 5

Greetings Oh Esteemed Duke. We are excited to hear that your heir apparent is looking for a marriage partner. My younger sister, Saundri Arnos, is also looking for a suitable husband after her many years of military service. You will find she is an excellent partner for a future ruler. She has knowledge of both military and economic matters. Her many ten years of service as a ship admiral for the Arnos Third Anti-piracy Fleet has given her the vision and commanding presence one needs in a ruler's wife. We hope for your consideration and for future business with your esteemed house.
Best Regards,
Raudos Arnos, Duke of Atolos


Greetings, oh masters of trade. We at House Arnos hope that you will listen to our offer. With the death of the Emperor and the rejection of his children, lawlessness is sure to rise. Pirates and greedy houses will be sure to use this brief gap in imperial control to attempt to loot and plunder, especially such a rich house as yours. That is why we, with our great fleets, are hoping to enter an alliance with your great house. With our wondrous navy and skilled captains, we can protect your trade fleets from hostile pirates and vicious brigands for just a small percentage of your profits. If you want the security that House Arnos brings, please message us back at soon as possible. as you never know when the next pirate will strike.
Best Regards,
Raudos Arnos, Duke of Atolos

Greetings future vassals. With the death of the Emperor, chaos and instability are on the rise. What you need is the protection of a strong, resolute house, and that is just what you will be getting. We shall be taking over the governance of the system and rooting out all the pirates and bandits that lurk in your system. I hope that you be wonderful and loyal vassals during the coming chaos
Best regards,
Raudos Arnos, Duke of Atolos

2019-03-14, 10:02 AM
Dear Duke Arnos,

Wonderful! Your sister, Saundri Arnos, a very suitable partner. I can inform you that Nabuna Zaqaru is greatly looking forward to a meeting. Saundri Arnos and those accompanying her are welcome at any of the Zaqaru Events.

On behalf of Nabuna Zaqaru I invite her to the Zaqaru Ball, where Nabuna Zaqaru offers his first dance to Saundri Arnos. Should attendance of another event be preferred, send word and I will make suitable arrangements so that Saundri Arnos will be able to meet Nabuna Zaqaru at the first opportunity.

Yours sincerely,
Duke Abolar Zaqaru
Zaqaru Events

Spaceships are making their way through stargates towards the Marqash system (coordinates: 7\0). Carrying with them are the noble guests and singles seeking love. Or, far more likely, good opportunities to forge bonds between noble houses and create marriage contracts or arrange bethrotals. As the ships enter Zaqaru space at the star system Abyre (coordinates: 8\-2), they are soon hailed by Zaqaru naval vessels and assigned an escort to guide them to the capital planet Athon and from there to the metropolis Erit, where close to its spaceport lies the Erit Palace, the destination for the guests.

[OOC] For more detail regarding the events, see a previous post (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23773921&postcount=8). Below are public details known about the events.

Zaqaru Ball

Magnificent ballrooms, gowns swirling on music. The Zaqaru Ball takes place along several large chambers with each their own dance and music style, changing as the evening turns into night. From the ancient classical music, to the latest in fashion. Where the dances are formal and slow in the main ballroom, another ballroom chamber offers fast and upbeat tunes to dance on together. Where the main ballroom offers dances to partners having selected each other or were pressured into it by their parents, another ballroom chamber offers two lines of dancers, where the dances are for pairs, but the partner switches on each high beat.

The interior of Erit Palace is lavish, filled with luxury. Little expense has been spared to show the grandest decorations and architectural marvels. Nor has expenses been paid on music or dance, for at the main ballroom the famous musician Sheke Feldshal leads the other musicians on a marvellous melody of the classics, while renowned dance instructor Dasana Gariga is teaching the latest dances in one of the other ballrooms. The drinks and food are never ending, from all over the galaxy.

Between the ballroom chambers are smaller chambers and niches, allowing for guests to retreat and converse with one another in private. To meet and negotiate. To fall in love or arrange marriage contracts. To build a social network or to look for diplomatic opportunities. Or simply to enjoy a moment’s peace of the busy ball.

This event caters to those liking to dance. Young attendees, such as children, will find this event the most suitable, as the early evening has special dancing lessons and numerous formal dances aimed at meeting others of the same age.

Main hosts of the Zaqaru Ball are Nabuna Zaqaru, his father, Duke Abolar Zaqaru and Grand Diplomat Ningilga Zaqaru.


Zaqaru Masquarade

Colourful masks and marvellous costumes, flowing silk and the seduction of lace. Royal purple or regal blue, mesmerizing patterns or expensive pearls, all kinds of clothing are welcome. An air of mystique as the faces are covered, lending a sense of secrecy and privacy to the whole event as guests have to renew acquaintances if failing to recognise one another.

In the different chambers of Erit Palace there are various forms of amusement, from performances to music, from dances to humorous displays, from moving holographic art to personal performers. Fine drinks and food are available by servants, all wearing the same pronounceable costume. The main highlights of the evening are the holo-visual art display of the infamous Horreha Atwak, the mystical performances of the Obsidian Cabinet and the dance of the rising star Silver Masque.

At the second half of the event as the evening grows older and the Silver Masque finishes the dance through the Erit Palace, each guest will take off their mask, to show who they are to the other guests. It will provide opportunity to deepen relations or to start negotations.

This event caters to those with a flair for excitement or wish to show off with extravagant costumes. Adolescents will find this event most suitable, as the first phase of the Masquarade where everybody wears masks allows for an opportunity to escape the oversight of a parent.

Main hosts of the Zaqaru Masquarade are Nabuna Zaqaru, Grand Agent Ayallal Attar and Grand Administrator Caksya Gupta. Nabuna Zaqaru wears a rich and wealthy coat, as well as mask inset with gold and jewelry. The mask only covers the top of his face, making him easily recognisable, as is clearly the intention. Grand Agent Ayallal Attar seems to wear a different mask and gown each half hour, while Grand Administrator Caksya Gupta has a deceptively simple clothing style, for it is made of very expensive fabric. Both take care to be recognisable, even if it is by servants pointing them out, so they are available for any questions.

Zaqaru Dinner

Wine made of the rare Crimson Droplets, vegetable dishes imported from Vervoire, Gilded Leafs dripping with flavour, for anybody there is something available on the grand dinner, the last of the Zaqaru events. Each half hour, guests are expected to rise and move to the next table, where the next of many dishes are served. Their table partners will switch each time, with seating arrangement wishes from guests taken deeply into account, even during the dinner itself.

During the dinner, there are small performances in the background, to set the mood with music, show or atmosphere. The main draw of the event will be the food and drinks themselves, as they will be highly decorated, rich in flavour and of the utmost quality. Merely looking at the served plates should be reason for delight.

Guests can chose not to move to the next table, but instead move around, joining tables with free chairs, stand at the high tables, sit at the bar or move to the more private niches. Each table will be likely to have at least one free chair at the start of each switch, and none will be set alone. A colourful and tasteful meeting and mingling of the aristocracy over dinner.

This event caters to those who enjoy food and drinks. Middle aged or older people will find this event most suitable, as it is easy going, relaxed and there is plenty of opportunity to mingle.

Main hosts of the Zaqaru Dinner are Nabuna Zaqaru, Duchess Irkal Shiri and Grand Scientist Baresu Zaqaru.

[OOC] If attending any of the events, please state who is attending and the name of whoever is single, as the events are meant for singles, though the singles can take along company as desired. Preferred is to include gender, age, a sentence on appearance, familial relationship to the House’s current leader and at least one of a personality trait, education or experience. Please use the below example format. Enigma 3 is used as example.

The spoiler with Zaqaru Ball is only readable by those with Cypher 4 or attending the ball. The spoiler within the Zaqaru Ball spoiler directed to House Joche is only readable by those with Cypher 4 or House Joche, if House Joche is attending the ball.

Enigma 3

Earl Inlis Ippur is attending the event along with her son Malu, aged 12. Earl Inlis is hoping to arrange a betrothal for her son. She has high hopes to educate him on the matters of diplomacy and she is eager to talk about how Patient he is. One of the other guests she approaches is Earl Joche.

Enigma 3

Earl Inlis Ippur hurries to meet Earl Joche, who she spotted amongst the other nobles. “Dear Earl Joche! What a pleasure to meet you. How is your daughter Sura doing? I hope she is with you, because I would love for my son Malu here to meet with her. Did you know he really turned out to be a patient child? Very precious indeed, so I hope we might be able to discuss important matters while the two of them meet. What do you say?

Image source: http://www.aljanh.net/ballroom-in-the-palace-wallpapers/2788959550.html

2019-03-14, 11:59 AM
House Berger

Enigma 5

House Vastadd
Duke Vastadd,

Unfortunately I've promised to attend the ball held by house Zaqaru. Of course, we can still send messages to each other, but a face to face meeting has to wait, unless you are planning on attending as well. I'm certain your presence would be appreciated.

I am, of course, intrigued by your proposal. Did you have something specific in mind?

House Greenflame
Duke Farid,

Our archives a little bit scrambled at the moment, so we can not access the gateway map at this very moment. Once we have this sorted out, I will let you know.

If you do have any plans to research more advanced military equipment, we would certainly be interested in either purchasing the blueprints, or producing some with a license. Perhaps you could inform me if you make any significant discoveries in this field?

As to the war with Voss, the primary goal is to ensure they will not be in a position to attempt such a war again. Whether that means a single system or something more, I do not yet know.

Zaqaru Dynasty
Duke Abolar,

my sister's claims are merely an excuse for House Voss to attempt to seize territory closer to the heart of the empire. While bringing her to justice would be a positive, the primary goal is to strike against Voss, and ensure they will not be strong enough to attempt something similar in the future.

I'm delighted to inform you I should have the time to attend the ball you are organizing. I will soon arrive, personally, and will be bringing my cousin, 21 years, with me. Perhaps your son would be interested in meeting her? I'd like to also remind you that I, unfortunately, still find myself unmarried. Perhaps you could take this into account when organizing seating?

2019-03-14, 12:26 PM
House Lonestar

Dust blows over the golden prairie of the Colony of Wellington. A Simple town built up out of wood with various space-age devices on the rustic atmosphere. At the head of a town, sat a rather large saloon, swaying doors swinging wide for the rough and tumble people of the well to do colony. Gruff explorers and mercenaries sit down at tables, ordering drinks and gambling while a man with bionic arms plays on the piano's, the hands having a few extra digits to play tunes usually not possible for simple humans to preform.

At the back of the bar, not to far away from the Piano, Sat Benjamin Stone. He didn't look like much a noble no. He wore a simple brown duster with a wide brimmed hat on his head, scratched and worn from years of abuse. On his hip, he had a Magnetic Six Shooting Revolver. The Original designed were long tossed away for just how impractical it was. More of a Rail gun put into a bite-sized package, yet House Lonestar found away to make an actually usable one for the house heads when they came of age. Benjamin looks over the transmission put out by the empire, his two close friends.
" Well Well well. Seems the Big Chair at the center of the Galaxy claimed another huh Paul" Benjamin says, looking up to his companion
"Bout What's expected in the galaxy really Benny. I'm guessing by this point the rest of the houses are scrambling around and looking for a way to be the new ass on the saddle.

Benjamin lets out a snort at that comment, standing up from his chair and stepping out of his alcove "Well, it's been a while since House Lonestar's been on the inner core worlds huh? All this time on the outer rim and it turns out it's more dangerous with the fancy smashy teetotalers ah! I Feel like I'm getting ripped! Aint no Assassinating tomboys out in the dunes. I need a way to test my pistol anyway. Still heavy on my hip and on my grip if you get what I mean. Paul! Get my Stallion Ready! I got some calls to make"

Cypher 5



2019-03-14, 12:49 PM
The Democratic Collective of the People

The People have gathered. Since the death of the Despot, the Armed Volunteers have formed into their Glorious Squadrons and congregated gates, waiting for orders from First Equal Aethelbyrd and First Advisor of Conquest and Defense Baerik. Men and women with the gift of speech have been sent into neighboring systems to exhort the oppressed into Beautiful Harmony through Bitter Struggle. The factories are firing as workers gladly throw themselves into the production of tools for the People.

It is a good time to be alive.

First Equal Aethelbyrd steps away from his window. Though it is meant for practical purposes - daylight is cheaper than powered light - his predecessor encouraged him to use the window as a source of motivation. Looking out over the masses below, busy and driven, is beyond inspiring. It is almost euphoric.

"Sir? The messages?"

Nodding, the First Equal glances again at the transmissions from nearby nobles.

"Very well, Aefelham. Send the following..."

Enigma 5

First Equal Aethelbyrd to the NOBLE House Berger,
We are planning nothing less than the liberation of those you and others like you call slaves. The time has come to end the inequity of this empire. For now, you have nothing to fear. We have more immediate concerns - people who we have for too long allowed to suffer on our very doorstep.

If you take steps to elevate your masses and more equally distribute your wealth, we would be happy to come alongside you and work to create a society that benefits everyone.

We hope you see the truth of our philosophy and would be more than happy to discuss it with you more.

First Equal Aethelbyrd to the NOBLE House Vastadd,
We will allow an ambassador to speak with us. We will not be swayed nor impressed by displays of wealth and power, however. You will earn some esteem in our eyes if you use what resources would have gone to gilding your ships and decorating your ambassador to instead feed those who suffer at the lowest rungs of society.

Know this, though: so long as you continue your war against your people - abusing and oppressing them for your own gain - we shall see you as enemies. Begin taking steps to elevate your masses and more equally distribute your wealth, and we would be happy to come alongside you and work to create a society that benefits everyone.

We eagerly await your response.

First Equal Aethelbyrd to High Courtesan Miras,
Greetings. While speaking to the First Advisor on Health and Family, an interesting topic came up regarding what may be of mutual interest. With your permission, I will send the Second Equal to you for a private discussion.

Grand Exarch -
Greetings, your holiness. We come to you with no great scheme or requests, but merely to pay our respects and offer tithe.

To Life

-First Equal Aethelbyrd, speaking for all within The Democratic Collective of the People

We have tolerated your excesses for too long. Surrender and abdicate and you will be given trial and spared. Resist us, and we will use force. The Might of the People will soon be at your doorstep. The people suffering under your control will be join us and you will be defenseless.

We await your decision.

Atrum Umbra
2019-03-14, 01:27 PM
House Vastadd

The lesser nobles and leaders of the whole Vastadd territory gathered in the for once clean great hall of the Silver Citadel on Schwaz. A murmur of gossip flows through the crowd, the family had been silent for a week after the rumoured death of Franz. Many couldn’t see a future for the deteriorated house and were looking for allies to help them strike out on their own. A hush falls over the crowd as Izabela steps onto the stage in a flowing silver gown. She sits in the austentatious shining throne, which had finally received the polishing it had urgently needed.

“Honoured Guests, I have summoned you all here today to confirm the rumours of the death of my father and formally accept his neglected duties as head of this house.” The crowd gasped at her suggestion that her father wasn’t doing his job but this didn’t phase her. “Over the past decades this family has been a shadow of its former self, I strive to repair it to what it once was. Thankfully some of you here will still remember that time and I will be reliant on you the most in the testing times that are yet to come. Many of my cousins have abandoned our family seeking a better life elsewhere, I wish them the best but now find myself without a legal heir. I have had the fortune of being raised alongside five half siblings with brilliant minds and now wish to accept them as legitimate members of the Vastadd family.”

Another gasp issued from the crowd but Izabela paid it no heed, she was distracted by the scolding look from her mother on the balcony above them. “This House needs as much help as it can to rise like a phoenix to its former glory, I trust you will all pay your part. Over the coming weeks I hope to visit you all to discuss how we can best work together.”

As the nobles disbursed many continued in small groups the conversations they had started before the speech. Many were willing to hear Izabela out but three powerful leaders banded together and agreed to meet a few days later to form a plan. None of them made the meeting; One died of a heart attack, another in a riding accident and the last vanished leaving a note explaining his desire to explore. Izabela made sure to visit the heirs a day later to plan for the future.

Enigma 4

Zaqaru Dynasty
Honoured Duke,
Your ball will be the breath of fresh air we need in these difficult times. I have several half siblings that have not been given the opportunity to mingle with other houses or find suitable spouses and I would be delighted if you could give them and myself each a chance to attend one of your events.
My Half-Sister Alissa is best placed to attend the ball with me. Despite being only 27 she is the charismatic negotiator who heads diplomatic efforts. She works diligently for the betterment of the house. Her kindness and honesty is a reminder to everyone of what my family used to be.

House Berger
I had intended on attending one of their events and I am now free to attend the ball, maybe I will meet you there. I am reluctant to discuss anything through messages that can be intercepted, our encryption software has not been upgraded in some time.

2019-03-14, 03:00 PM

About Kyrthar's Folly, Wayward Fleet Flagship, and Duke Athaia's ascent.


In the waning days of Emperor Laramy the late Duke Kyrthar waged his cold war through shady routes onto the vast multitude of traffickers plaguing the Empire and the Houses that supported, nay, that pumped the very lifeblood of their illicit trade onto their veins. It was a meticolous and careful effort, and not one plenty of the more idealistic and hot-blooded Captains shared.
Quite foolishly, a score of ambitious young officers thought to escalate tensions with House Jinks, one of the more obvious backers of piracy and smuggling efforts, by staging an obstentatious raid onto one of their homeworlds. Made aware of their plan, the Duke elected to take but a single stealth ship through the Lyraen Gate, leading the expedition himself; to make matters worse, no proof what had transpired had to reach either House Jinks or, more importantly, the Throne. The daring mission that ensued, through its details are unknown, has to have been the stuff of legends, for all of the rebellious officers made their way home to Fortune's End to a well deserved demotion and court martial awaiting them, and the Jinks were none the wiser. Duke Kyrthar's ship, however, never made it back through the Warp Gate.
The official version has the Duke MIA in Jere Jere space attempting to personally thwart an incoming invasion of the system. Through the event is known among the populace as Kyrthar's Folly, the Lyraens are immensely proud of their heroic Duke, and none more so than Athaia. Ever the humorous person, the young Duke honored his father's memory in a peculiar way by christening the state-of-the-art flagship of the Fleet after the event.

2019-03-14, 04:25 PM
Zaqaru Dynasty

Enigma 7

Dear Duke Berger,

Thank you for explaining your goal towards the war. It will have to be seen how House Voss acts, as their actions have been surprising in the past.

I can assure you, Nabuna Zaqaru is interested in meeting your cousin. He offers his second dance of the ball to your cousin, if you will share her name. It will be a happy occasion that you will be present and rest assured, I will personally oversee that your personal situation is taken into account. I look forward to your arrival.

Yours sincerely,
Duke Abolar Zaqaru
Dear Duke Vastadd,

It is a pleasure to read your message and I am more than happy to provide some freshness. I very much welcome you and your siblings to any of the events and gladly look forward to your arrival as well as that of your half sister Alissa.

Nabuna Zaqaru offers his third dance of the ball to Alissa, if this is deemed acceptable. I would also like to extend a request to you on behalf of my nephew Burnamzuu Zaqaru, where he kindly asks you to a dance at the ball. He is thirty years of age, has a keen scientific mind, possesses a refined taste and has a kind-hearted nature. I hope you will consider his request.

Yours sincerely,
Duke Abolar Zaqaru

[OOC] If it is public knowledge, what age is Duchess Izabela Vastadd?
Zaqaru Events

[OOC] All factions without the trait Titleless, as well as all feudal vassals, are invited to the earlier mentioned Zaqaru Events (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23775749&postcount=14). Feel free to already start a scene at any of the events and you have the liberty to fill in details such as guests, decoration, food, drinks, dances, music, etc. If nobody has made a post at any of the events, I will tomorrow, or otherwise as soon as possible, put up a post with a scene per event.

Atrum Umbra
2019-03-14, 06:43 PM
House Vastadd

The Democratic Collective of the People - Untraceable
Constantin scratched at his itchy collar as he waited for clearance to land. He wasn’t used to travelling in a run down trade ship like this but it was important for his task. What’s to stop these people from shooting down his ship while in orbit, it’s not like his family had the fleet to defend him. Taking a deep breath he sent a direct message to the surface.
“This is Constantin of House Vastadd, ambassador sent to discuss diplomatic options. My Half-Sister Izabela recognises the decadence that has plagued our house and wishes to learn more about how we can work with our people rather than use them as tools. Unfortunately my father has left our house with little wealth to distribute, but we hope there are still ways to better the lives of the people.”

The Ball
Izabela walks out of the house’s last remaining luxury transport arm in arm with her half-sister. The two look very much alike born only 6 months apart to strikingly similar mothers. Izabela, the eldest, is wearing the flowing quicksilver gown that suits her station. Her long white hair is curled up in a conical bun revealing her pale face, grey eyes and bright blue lips. Alissa is dressed more for a party than a ball, her silver dress stopped just above the knee. The gown would grow to remedy this for the big dance but it was far more comfortable in this state.
They separated as they entered through the front doors. Izabela headed off inside to try to find Duke Ernst of House Berger or one of the Laramy Children if they were in attendance. Alissa did her job, mixing with the guests and trying to rebuild the reputation of the house while she waited for her dance.

2019-03-14, 08:44 PM
House Greenflame

Enigma 4


Lords and Ladies of The Silk,
I have something of a business offer for your conclave. Would you be willing to meet?

Duke Farid Saquar,
Lord of Samarkand
Master of the Grand Marquis

House Berger
Duke Berger,
Coincidentally our records are undergoing a mass archiving and are currently under lock and key, so we cannot trade immediately. As to our research plans, well it has not yet been decided on what will be our first priority, but given the stat of the Imperium a military project is by far the most likely.

Given that any projects worth selling would require massive manufactories here in Greenflame our market inclined think it best that we keep production here, as it save on redundant colony sites across the sector, but we can sell the equipment produced without issue. In fact that may be best, as we can meet specific orders to keep efficiency.

Regarding Voss, I am unaware of their military capacity, but I wish you glory in your conflict, I will let you know as soon as we have blueprints for military hardware available.

Duke Farid Saquar,
Lord of Samarkand
Master of the Grand Marquis

House Vastadd
Duchess Izabela
I try not to speak to ill of the dead, though it's true there was no love lost between us. Franz’s methods of governance were a point of contention among my court here. Moving forward I hope your governance proves better, and your Duchy brought to glory.

What is your take on the Republic?

Duke Farid Saquar,
Lord of Samarkand
Master of the Grand Marquis

2019-03-15, 12:57 AM
House Ytterbus

A woman moves through the ball, dressed in the most realistic gynoid costume imaginable. Her skin appears to be burnished bronze, her silver hair delicate wires. Her blue silken gown hugs her rather impressive figure, and every one of her steps is in mechanical precision. Still, it might take an onlooker a moment to realize that she is exactly what she appears to be. At least her living brain is tastefully hidden from view. Countess Evra Ytterbus, sister to Duke Arthrax, is here.

The message is audio only.
"Greetings. This is a message from House Ytterbus, Duke Arthrax speaking. We are looking to expand our interests into your area. What is it you would desire in exchange for your allegiance?"

2019-03-15, 01:37 PM

Luess reacts to Emperor's death, tensions with House Jinks to escalate.

On Luess, the major planetary broadcasters are covering most extensively all the possible scenarios made possible by Emperor Laramy's death.

The recent developments, on the other hand, came to the surprise of absolutely nobody within the Admiralty. Fortune's End buzzes with activity, and free-range patrols have been recalled from all across the Imperium. Although no formal declaration of war has been issued on either part, now that the protection of the Throne is removed particle guns are expected to crackle soon in Jinks space.

"Athaia dear, are you attending the Zaqaru ball?". the Duke raises his gaze above a translucent panel and glares at his thin, gaunt-looking mother.
"Already there." he sarcastically remarks. "What better time to party?"
"It is a most important social event. Besides, aren't the Zaqaru at war themselves? No better occasion to forge some close ties."
"No Sansone would ever be caught dead five miles away from his own homeworld. I would say they know how to pick their fights if anything." he scoffs. "I will give it due consideration. Now, do you mind? I've got a couple of particularly scheming ladies to attend to."


Dear Izabela,
I would have seen myself attending your coronation if not for the short notice. Your father's unfortunate demise was quite abrupt, it appears. My sincere condolences, although I won't deny he was little to our liking. I'm positive you can do better, and would like to meet you in person to discuss a couple of possible avenues of cooperation.
Athaia Kelse, Duke of Lyrae

The laconic and brief comm directed at former Crown Princess Persephone Laramy briefly mentions the reprehensible companies her sibling fancies so much as reasons why Lyrae would not see him rule House Laramy and likens the man to such scum as the Jinks. It contains strong overtones that if she were to sanction and support the Wayward Fleet's just war, she would receive support in return to secure her own House.

2019-03-15, 04:27 PM
Zaqaru Ball


Enigma 7

(Only readable by those attending the Zaqaru Ball or with Cypher 8.)
“Her Grace, Izabela, Duchess of Vastadd, Lady of Schwaz, and her sister, Alissa.” Traditionally announced by a nearby servant in fine dress, the two nobles of House Vastadd are welcomed in the Erit Palace Main Hall. High ceilings with detailed ornaments, finely woven red carpet, they beckon to the colourful crowd of nobles beyond the next set of ornate doors towards the Main Ballroom.

“Welcome Duchess Izabela and Alissa!” Duke Abolar Zaqaru, dressed in a rich and eloquent brown coat set with a platinum rim atop deep blue, almost black pants with a platinum stripe. For Zaqaru standards, he's clearly not going all out, to allow his son Nabuna more spotlight. “I'm very happy to have you here. Please feel yourself at home and enjoy the Ball. Let's talk more later, after the first dances. If you have any questions, the servants will be more than eager to be of service or point you to myself, Nabuna or Grand Diplomat Ningalga. Enjoy yourself.”

A similar welcome is offered to the other attendees as they enter through the grand and ornate doors of Erit Palace by the leader of the Zaqaru Dynasty. Music trails in from the Main Ballroom, with classical tunes of the dance as the early starters are already busy. Different melodies sound from other, smaller, hallways. One of the melodies carries with it the loud voice of an instructor, pointing out how to move along the music. Another melody is of a more modern make, where the dances are less formal.


At the Main Ballroom, Nabuna stands to the side, welcoming newcomers to the dancefloor. He is dressed in a formal coat with fine decoration made of crystal and the rim of the coat is set with pure gold. Golden embroidery give the coat a luxurious radiance, put to the foreground by the smooth and formal dark blue of the coat to match. In the light, small crystals flash within the embroidered patterns. Underneath the coat is a soft cloth with interwoven silver. Despite his attempts to look straight and forward in the dress, it seems as if he is slightly uncomfortable with the wear, as if he would have preferred a more humble outfit.

As the dances pick up and the guests settle in the various ballrooms, the Main Ballroom comes to a hush as the music halts and the lights dim a little. The center of the Main Ballroom is subtly more bright than the rest of the ballroom as Nabuna stands there. It is time for Nabuna’s first dances, with women interested to become his partner.

“Saundri of House Arnos, will you bestow upon me the honour of the dance?” His voice is normal, but clearly audible through the Ballroom. The younger sister of Duke Raudos Arnos will be first to dance with Nabuna Zaqaru. He raises his hand, waiting for her to step forward and when she does, the first notes of a classical waltz start in, urging the dance floor to action once more. The first paces are Nabuna’s and Saundri’s, where Nabuna shows that he is an elegant dancer, moving softly over the dancing floor with the grace of a man who has danced a lot. The waltz is an elaborate one and the smile on Nabuna’s face betrays he is fond of the waltz, swirling with his dancing partner over the dancing floor.

After the first dance, he raises his hand once more, inviting the cousin of Duke Ernst Berger. For his third dance, he moves towards a woman dressed in a long silver dress and graciously invites the half-sister of Duchess Izabela of House Vastadd, Alisa, to the dance. When the third melody moves on to the fourth, Nabuna is looking for his fourth dancing partner.

[OOC] Anybody wishing to dance and converse with Nabuna, take your chance!

Enigma 7

(The following dancing conversations are only readable by those it is directed to or those with Cypher 8.)

The quick dancing steps, the deep music, Nabuna is swift in his dance and with a smile moves across the dancing floor. He looks with keen interest to Saundri Arnos and her reaction as he tries to pick up the pace. Knowing she has been in the military, it is clear he is testing how she picks up in the ballfield as compared to the battlefield. As gentleman, he will be sure that should she not be an excellent dancer, he will dial down the pace, though if she proves to be a competent dancer, he is going to pick up the pace even further.

“Saundri, you have my gratitude for being here for the first dance.” Sending up for a spin, he picks up the next line as easily as the next step. “I hope your journey was a pleasant one, for Marqash is many stargates away from your homeworld. I am glad that you could make it here, because your presence holds my interest.” Another step, another tactical move to dodge another pair of dancers.

“You must be well aware the Zaqaru Dynasty is at war with House Sansone. Your personal experience could be a great asset, but I am more interested to know. Are you are the strong woman I can depend upon when the time comes for me to lead the Zaqaru assault.” He gently slows down the dance, trying to see with a careful and interested look how she reacts and how strong she is not just in word, but in the dance itself.

[OOC] If it is public knowledge, how old is Saundri Arnos? If it is not public knowledge, how old does she look?
The second dance is a smooth one, the tunes following each other in harmonious rhythm. “Welcome on the dancing floor.” Gentle swirls over the ballroom as Nabuna offers a humble smile. “Tell me a bit about yourself, about your family. What do you wish to see the future hold?”

Gently stepping closer to her as he moves a bit faster in the dance, he lets her swirl around and holds an arm around her, gesturing towards the ballroom as if it were the future itself, inviting her to hint in the dance, to not just let him lead, but show what manner of waltz she likes.

[OOC] Trying to fill in the second dance here, even as I don’t know her name yet. Hope you don’t mind.
There’s a soft grin as Nabuna moves along the dance floor, this time with an upbeat waltz to bring a bit mire and joy to the dancers. “Thank you for waiting, Alissa. I saw you earlier and your dress was quite a bit shorter. If it is a party you are seeking, know that I can provide.” He moves with rapid pace, looking at her reaction to see if he is on to something.

“You are of House Vastadd, with a remarkable time behind you. Now we find ourselves in even more remarkable times. May I have your opinion regarding House Sansone and what you seek for the future to come?” He also offers a gentle hint towards the ballroom, as if she could pick to move through the crowd and its obstacles to the right, or the open space to the left, or perhaps something else entirely.
Ballroom image source: https://nl.pinterest.com/pin/758997343422851771/?lp=true

2019-03-16, 10:40 AM
The Democratic Collective of the People

A simple green light is the only response to the message. The ship is escorted in by two small fighters with their weapons systems clearly disabled.

A quartet of soldiers (probably - their gray uniforms hardly seem different than they gray jumpsuits of the dock workers or the street cleaners busying themselves nearby) awaits the ambassador. Their weapons are simple - relics of years past, but clean and functional.

Constantin is guided into a nearby meeting room, this one populated by seven people, each with the now-familiar gray jumpsuit. One man, young and handsome with a darker complexion than many in the room, stands out. He is wearing a black tie and has an iron bar pinned to each shoulder.

Two other individuals have modified uniforms as well. An older man with stark white hair, tanned skin, and one sleeve hanging loose at his side, has two iron bars pinned to each shoulder. He has the bearing of a soldier. Standing at the First Equal's right hand is a younger woman with dark skin and darker hair, a silver tie around her neck.

"Welcome, Ambassador Constantin. I am First Equal Aethelbyrd. With me are a number of my First Advisors. I apologize, the Second Equal is occupied elsewhere. I trust your trip was satisfactory.

Your sentiments and words gladden us. The People are not warmongers or anarchists, seeking to destroy the empire. We merely desire liberation from oppression and equity for all. To hear you speak of working with the people of the empire is Music to the Ear of the People. It is not our absolute goal as it still implies an imbalance of power, but we will treat it as an act of good faith. As we move forward, we will hope to educate you and your family and convince you of the righteousness of Our Path.

In the meantime, let us speak of the mundanities of politics. We would see you thrive against the Oppressors and Enemies surrounding you, even as we grow our Cause by aligning with the people of nearby systems.

How would you see our efforts aligning?"

The First Equal speaks politely and calmly. A slight smile never leaves his face. The First Advisors wear no expressions at all, though Constantin easily senses general disdain from more than one of them.

2019-03-16, 05:01 PM
Zaqaru Ball


Image source: https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?threads/where-i-watch-gankutsuou-the-space-count-of-space-monte-cristo.697081/page-2

Enigma 7

“Follow the beat! Step forward, right!” The dance instructor shouts with a melodious voice. Correcting some children and offering a word of advice to a pair of adult dancers, the song concludes and moves on to the next. “Alright, switch partner and switch the lead. Begin from the start.” At the dancing lessons, everybody is taught to lead and to follow in the dance. In this sense, the Zaqaru do not tie gender to the leading role, though at the ballroom they will take into account their dancing partner, barring a strong personal preference.

Present to the side of the dancing lessons is Meta Zaqaru, sister of Duke Abolar Zaqaru. Joined by her partner and children, she is overlooking how her grandchildren are doing at the dancing lessons. She is not the only one present, for Nocri Zaqaru, daughter of Duke Abolar, is overseeing her daughter Irsim and Abus is smiling at his two sons, Amsumur and Nidaadea. Mammyl, another sister of Duke Abolar, is also watching a grandson, though seems less pleased about his performance as he seems to be slow and timid in his dancing.

Compared to most of the present children, most of the Zaqaru children are well practised dancers and these lessons are more of a formality to them, an opportunity to meet other children. Or an opportunity for their parents to meet other nobles and arrange betrothals. Dancing lessons seem to start early, as Mammyl also seems to pay attention to another granddaughter, who is only of age five, but already betrays she has had practise.

Meanwhile, other members of the Zaqaru Dynasty move through the various ballrooms. Sili Zaqaru, in her early twenties, daughter of Nocri and granddaughter of Duke Abolar, is enjoying the food and drinks. The food and drinks are diverse, with a lot of import of luxurious food. Still, there are clearly Zaqaruan dishes available.

Notable is that the typical Zaqaruan dish, even the more luxurious ones, lack meat. While meat is certainly available at the ball, those in the know or asking servants, will learn that almost all of it is imported. As the Zaqaruan fortune is based on mineral wealth, clearly on display at the guests with gold, silver and other precious materials, the agriculture and resulting dishes are focused on the more efficient vegetable sort. There are various dishes which try to have a meat-like vegetarian dish, though the ones that do not try to mimic meat but create something new entirely are all around more successful in providing a rich and delicious flavour.

Sili Zaqaru is not the only adult single Zaqaru present. Dancing or mingling is also Litte Zaqaru, in her twenties, daughter of Abus and granddaughter of Duke Abolar. Eshkit is older, in her fourties and daughter of Abolar. Ayammere is in her twenties, daughter of Gudaadu and granddaughter of Meta, the sister of Duke Abolar. Mutiyama is in his thirties and son of Mammyl, also a sister of Duke Abolar. Barnarnzuu is also in his thirties and another son of Mammyl. Of these, there are several who approach the guests.

Little Zaqaru graciously invites Duke Ernst Berger to share a drink with her. Mutiyama Zaqaru tries to strike a conversation with Countess Evra Ytterbus, sister to Duke Arthrax Ytterbus. Barnarnzuu spots Duchess Izabela Vastadd and courteously asks her to dance.

Enigma 7


“Welcome to the Zaqaru Ball, Duke Ernst Berger. I am Litte Zaqaru, granddaughter of Duke Abolar Zaqaru. May I offer you a drink?” Litte Zaqaru, a woman at the age of 25, as Ernst has been already subtly informed of. She wears a highly ornamented shirt with a low collar and unlike many other females, she wears sharp and formal pants instead of a ballgown. “Perhaps a glass of Domaine de la Annes-Bagne wine?” She asks politely as a servant approaches with the bottle ornamented in gold, clearly expensive and imported. The glasses have subtle decorations as the glass surface of the neck resembles a flower.

“How may I call you? Duke Berger? Ernst?” She gently looks at Ernst with a soft smile, politely trying to get a social feel. While she looks relaxed, there is also a sharp look to her, as if she is accustomed to social meetings and is waiting for the moment to move on to more serious matters.


“That’s civlexed batronium, isn’t it?” Mutiyama Zaqaru has walked by Countes Evra Ytterbus. A man in his late thirties, with an educated look he glances at Evra’s metallic figure. He gestures to her skin, appearing a burnished bronze. “Clever, as it is far more durable and certainly lends itself to fluid motions.” He takes a short moment to shake off his thoughts. “Apologies, Countess Evra Ytterbus. Where are my manners? It is an honour to meet you here on the Zaqaru Ball. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Mutiyama Zaqaru, Duke Abolar’s nephew.”

“Do tell me, is my assessment given the materials of your figure correct? I am knowledgeable on all kinds of materials and alloys, regarding it as a kind of speciality, so your appearance here certainly has piqued my interest. Is the Ball to your liking so far?”


“Duchess Izabela Vastadd, may I graciously request you to a dance?” The thirty year old man standing before Izabela Vastadd offers his hand in a formal and polite bow. He is dressed in a formal blue coat with rich iron-coloured patterns, set over a figure with a bit more aplump than the average person. As he looks up at Duchess Izabela Vastadd, awaiting her answer, there is a short look to his right with a hint of concern. Yet he then sharply draws his attention back to Izabela, obviously trying his best to be presentable.

Should Duchess Izabela Vastadd look to her left, she will see a table at the edge of the ballroom where a girl, almost ten years, is looking dignified, almost haughty, at Mutiyama. She seems to be drawing a lot of determination from seeing him step forward, as if he is her idol.

“It truly is an honour to meet you. I am Barnarnzuu Zaqaru and have been looking forward to your arrival.” Barnarnzuu states with an inviting hand held out for the dance.

2019-03-16, 05:15 PM
Excagon Family

Validation Updates

Due to changes in the imperial politic, the final training and evaluation for marital candidates has been revised. And emphasis on active roles, effective trust building, rapid adaptability and heightened vigilance will feature strongly. Multi-decade planning, aesthetic design, courtly mastery, and efficient use of downtime will not be required beyond the sixth level. All other standards are subject to alteration and will be redesigned in the coming months. Certification for internal experts have been decoupled from the marital program. Any current internal candidates with full level five achievements or any achievements at or above level seven are to present themselves immediately for nonstandard evaluation.
-internal memo

The Excagon family is reticent to join any standing multiparty alliance. We are however amenable to the suggestion of a regional trade zone and potentially an exchange of intellectual property within the same.

Erid and Marus Excagon arrived at the Zaqaru Ball with half a dozen each of their less satisfactory siblings as retainers. The necessity of the role was extremely dubious, no element of their appearance of tasks required the assistance of additional operatives on sight. But the importance of bringing servants for custom and prestige was certain, so accompany them their siblings did. Not under the Excagon name of course, that would invite the chance that they be mistakenly courted as well. Far better at an event like this to present two marriageable nobles to draw attention than to arrive with more and have them form and indistinguishable crowd. Their presence was designed to be maximally accentuated, from their style of dress and comportment, to their means of arrival, to their names (permanently assigned to them when they were chosen to avoid the general stigma against numerical assignation). In the service of this effect the talked animatedly with each other about a carefully crafted series of topics and demonstrated differing but complementary personalities.

2019-03-17, 01:36 AM
Sansone-Zaqaru War
The Sansone response to Zaqaru's declaration is short and terse, "We will claim the Zaqaru's point of entry and keep them contained until there heads cool of their imperial ambitions. [8,-02]"

House Zaqaru's Ball
The only houses that don't attend the grand ball at least briefly are House Laramy which sends token notices that they are busy with an internal matter. That being a euphemism for the grinding civil war that is currently raging in the center of the Imperium. And House Sansone for obvious reasons.

House Sansone to House Greenflame [Enigma 5]
Honorable Duke Saquar,

The Duke Zaqaru speak truly that I broke off the marriage between my daughter and his son. But he neglects to mention that his spies were caught sabotaging Gade's warp defense stations and siphoning military data from the system's constellation forts. What use is a marriage treaty when it is so clearly nonbinding?

Duke Stefano Sansone
Lord of the Lion Marches

Earl Byron to House Berger [Cypher 3]
Honorable Duke,

If you are asking for information then you likely have designs on my poor system. I will get right to the point. I am the only earl in this system and I don't stand a chance in Zal of standing up to your fleets. So I will offer my oath not to hinder your colonization of the other three resource zones in this system if you will pledge to protect my humble space station.

Earl Erasmus Byron

House Voss to House Greenflame [Enigma 6]
Duke Saquar,

Neither Laramy heir is worth the name. Their blood runs thin and they are not even particularly competent schemers. Their strength lies in their vassals. Many of whom have been proud and loyal retainers of the Laramy family for generations and will continue to serve even now.

Duchess Brechtje Voss,
Lady of Schaduw

The Freehold to House Greenflame [Enigma 0]
We'll take a truce, but peace is on you. We're not the ones who started the Reclamation wars.

Early Sandy to the Tatarus [Enigma 3]
High Courtesan Miras,

What do you have in mind Miras?

Earl Yafe Sandy

Earl Chinedu to House Vastadd [Enigma 3]
Duchess Vastadd,

I count myself lucky that your father had the disposition he did. It prevented him from turning House Vastadd's attentions outward. But I see you are more ambitious. I have no desire to impede your plans. By all means build your trade station here.

Earl Fedlimid Chinedu

House Gadhavi to House Arnos [Enigma 5]
Duke Arnos,

No doubt your brave captains would do a marvelous job of protecting our space ways, but we are but humble merchants not rich princes such as the Mertens and have little profit with which to bargain. We can offer you [2 trade / turn] for the upkeep of your noble fleet if it will patrol our trade lanes.

Duchess Arnborg Gadhavi

Earl Laxmi to House Arnos [Enigma 3]
Duke Arnos,

This is most improper. My forces obviously can't stop you from doing what you want, but I won't forget this.

Earl Vanja Laxmi

The Soviet of Jalmanda to the Democratic Collective of the People [Enigma 0]
Honorable Comrades the former overlords of this system have fled before your coming with their lick spittle armies. We have managed to active this comm array to welcome your coming and the beginning of the revolution.

Earl Bo to House Ytterbus [Enigma 3]
Honorable Duke,

Name me Count of this, the Fong system, and I will swear fealty to you and your house.

Earl Gili Bo

House Laramy to Lyrae [Enigma 10]
My despicable brother can read this with the family codes so we cannot talk over this line. If you are true in your pledge, then I will send an emissary to discuss details.

Crown Princess Persophone Laramy

2019-03-17, 09:57 AM

Would that you could do without proper court language...

Enigma 5

Our household is spartan compared to most, but we would be honoured to prove your emissary it is capable of great hospitality regardless.

To the Enigmatic Duke Arthrax of Zothon, the Duke Athaia of Lyrae, Greetings and Salutations.
As you are well aware, House Jinks's fortunes rest with the proliferation of illegal drugs, pleasure slaves and hard labor. All of this is anathema to us, and I would assume of little value to an House who has outgrown its very flesh. Their assets, on the other hand, are valuable. Their worlds a natural springboard for the ambitious. Doesn't this pique your interest?

Honourable Earl(s), with the Emperor's death, the inexplicable protection the Throne extended among even the most reprehensible of his subject is voided. While far from my intentions to have this conflict spill over to your systems to the detriment of your assets, I doubt our vile neighbours will offer the same courtesy. As a token of my good faith, I will hear your opinions on the matter before I state my proposals.
Duke Athaia Kelse of Lyrae, Wayward Fleet Admiral

2019-03-17, 04:32 PM
Zaqaru Ball

Enigma 7

Many are the guests present at the ball. From House Mertens to House Bosque, the guests come from far and wide. But the guests also come from close by, as the Zaqaru vassals are present as well. Most of these are of the same ethnicity as Zaqaru, though there are obvious minorities present. The most prominent representative of a minority is Grand Administrator Caksya Gupta, as she is an earl at the Zaqaru Council. If there are tensions regarding the minorities, at least none will be found here in the Zaqaru Ball, where things are organised well from the Zaqaru side.

Grand Diplomat Ningilga Zaqaru is the Councillor making the most rounds at the Zaqaru Ball, tending to the guests wishes with a humble grace. He is married, just like the other members of the Council, attending the Zaqaru Ball in the role of host. Dressed in a noble blue coat with golden rim, he steps towards Erid and Marus Excagon, welcoming them to the Zaqaru Ball.

Enigma 7

“Welcome to the Zaqaru Ball. I am Grand Diplomat Ningilga Zaqaru and am happy to help you with any questions or requests you may have. If you wish to know about the guests, desire directions or have something else you wish to ask, please feel free.” Grand Diplomat Ningilga humbly presents himself.

2019-03-17, 09:45 PM
[center]Zaqaru Ball
The quick dancing steps, the deep music, Nabuna is swift in his dance and with a smile moves across the dancing floor. He looks with keen interest to Saundri Arnos and her reaction as he tries to pick up the pace. Knowing she has been in the military, it is clear he is testing how she picks up in the ballfield as compared to the battlefield. As gentleman, he will be sure that should she not be an excellent dancer, he will dial down the pace, though if she proves to be a competent dancer, he is going to pick up the pace even further.

“Saundri, you have my gratitude for being here for the first dance.” Sending up for a spin, he picks up the next line as easily as the next step. “I hope your journey was a pleasant one, for Marqash is many stargates away from your homeworld. I am glad that you could make it here, because your presence holds my interest.” Another step, another tactical move to dodge another pair of dancers.

“You must be well aware the Zaqaru Dynasty is at war with House Sansone. Your personal experience could be a great asset, but I am more interested to know. Are you are the strong woman I can depend upon when the time comes for me to lead the Zaqaru assault.” He gently slows down the dance, trying to see with a careful and interested look how she reacts and how strong she is not just in word, but in the dance itself.

[OOC] If it is public knowledge, how old is Saundri Arnos? If it is not public knowledge, how old does she look?

"You do me a great honor by giving me the first dance. As for the distance, do not worry, I have traveled from one end of the empire to the other many times as part of my military duties." Saundri dances with a sharp mechanical precision. She had prepared for many months, memorizing the proper steps for the many dances popular among the Zaqaru, all while wearing a dress and heels. As Nabuna slows the dance Saundri pulls closer "Weak is the last word anyone would use to describe me. Some may call me stubborn, cruel, or a heartless automaton, but never weak. If you need an enemy killed, a blockade run, or a fleet broken, then I am the woman you want. If you want a pretty flower to show off at a ball, then look elsewhere."
It is public knowledge that she is 29 years old.

2019-03-17, 11:43 PM
"House Ytterbus

Enigma 7

"Yes, it is. That's very perceptive of you." Unlike many other cyborgs, Evra's voice synthesizer is top of the line, almost impossible to distinguish from an organic human voice. "Thank you. The ball is quite magnificent, your family has put a lot of effort into making it quite perfect."

"We have no love for House Jinx and the services they provide. I await your proposal.

2019-03-18, 07:17 AM
Zaqaru Ball

Enigma 7

Nabuna Zaqaru, heir apparent of the Zaqaru Dynasty, is dancing with Saundri Arnos at the center of the Main Ballroom as the music's rhythm becomes faster and more thunderous. A more than capable dancer, Nabuna graciously moves the pair with an eloquent and fast pace underneath the fine details of the ballroom's high ceiling.

Together they speak words, but their dance speaks as well. Where Nabuna tries to test Saundri's pace, she relies on her practised moves to match. Where his feet move with complicated patterns, she follows with a sharp mechanical precision. As the two slow down again and speak, Nabuna's lips form a smile, clearly indicating he enjoys the dance.

Enigma 7

“You name exactly those qualities I need in the time to come. I see strength and..” Nabuna's feet move forward in a pattern of the dance beholden to those with a lot of practise, which Saundri clearly had, allowing her to match them “.. and the capability to use it well. I can offer you the opportunity to use those skills, to fight at my side against the enemies of Zaqaru. I still find myself with questions arisen from curiosity.”

Nabuna dances with Saundri, the strong sound of music leading their pace, the two claiming the center of the ballroom with their skill. As the two meet closely for a spin, Nabuna looks at her with a certain fondness, before his eyes take on a more calculated look as they move on close together. “I wonder why you come to find a husband so far from home. Is it for a new challenge, perhaps?” A curious look, which changes with the next dancing step to a frown as he asks: “Family life?” Another turn and then the whispered question as his head passes close: “Or is it something your brother the Duke hopes to gain?”

Further away from the Main Ballroom, at another moment of the Ball, the conversation between Mutiyama Zaqaru and Countess Evra Ytterbus continues.

Enigma 7

“Your compliment is appreciated. To hear that from one such as yourself, who symbolises the strife towards mechanical perfection, is a pleasure.” Mutiyama looks ponderingly as he inwardly tries to analyse the sound of Evra’s voice.

“At times I find myself envious of the technology available to House Ytterbus.” He says with an appreciative look at the wonder of technology standing before him in the form of Evra. “Though as I have come to understand, it has become a necessity for the continued Ytterbus bloodline. Given that understanding, might I inquire how you view a relation, a marriage?” Mutiyama continues to observe with great interest to the guest standing out amongst the others.

[OOC] For those attending the Zaqaru Ball who have not posted yet, feel free to use details regarding the ballrooms from earlier posts or start conversations with other guests or Zaqaru attendees when making your entrance.

2019-03-18, 12:33 PM

"Oooh missives have been sent and not by those in our kingdom no less. It seems the empire really is in an uproar if they are coming to me." The high courtesan crooned. This evening she was within a pleasure palace dedicated to natural things, a biome of wild jungle like atmosphere, many of the plants had been gathered from every corner of the galaxy as had her guests which made love under the canopies and alien tunes played from every type of instrument the galaxy could offer.

She went through each one in turn shocked by some of those that had approached attention seeking her attentions. She brought her fingers to her lips and a moan of delight moved through her as the aphrodisiac paint went from finger to lips. Shaking off the sensations she looked to one of her court, a ravishing maiden in her early 20s someone she had picked out for someone special and whispered in her ear...

The stunning appearence of the high courtesan glowed in a disk which shot up a 3D image of the woman. She wore a ravishing pantsuit with a plunging neckline with rather less jewelry then one would expect of her. Her face however was painted up in the aphrodisiac sensations making her blush and the signs of heated want were painted on her face as she smiled. "My my, the democratic collective coming to speak to the very heart and soul of vice and hedonism within this kingdom. I did not think I would ever see the day First Equal Aethelbyrd. Of course you may send anyone you like. I welcome the oppurtunity to speak with your impressive administration which exists as the finest phase blade against the throat of our empire. I will make sure a magnificent display is put on for your second equal."

The stunning appearence of the high courtesan glowed in a disk which shot up a 3D image of the woman. She was dressed in nothing but lace and various aphrodisiac paints. Her eyes lit up as if she were face to face with house greenflames leader. "My my, someone important from 2 kingdoms over has blessed our humble band of courtesans. It is a pleasure Duke Farid Saquar, I believe your uncle may have found his wife in the territories I now run." She purred from over the disk. "Of course we would be willing to meet, would you like someone sent to your home or will you becoming to our pleasure palaces to talk... Business."

Earl Sandy is once again greeted by the delighted eyes of the high courtesan. "Well with all this chaos we cannot afford to let your territory be risked to the madness." Another devilish grin. "We ask for a full alliance of course, we provide the protection of our many agents enwrap you in our court and you grant us your military strength and allow us to colonize. You keep your title, and even grant your children access to the magnificent excesses of Taturus and our courts."

2019-03-18, 12:53 PM
House Greenflame

Enigma 4

The Yunmer drifted lazily in low orbit over Iteru IX, her drive quiet as the drag-vacs drew in fresh essential gasses and water vapor. The Admiral of the Haytham fleet paced the bridge. The Yumer was an older, Crusader pattern cruiser, so the bridge had a wide open design, with room for a captain to pace. One of the few things Arda missed about the Imperial designs.

“Mail Drone returning skipper, grab beam locked.” the comms officer was calm, but his words sent a ripple of tension through the bridge, it had been almost two days since the news of the Emperor's death had been sent on to the Freehold, along with a proposal to renew the Reclamation Truce.

Arda Saqar suppressed a shudder, he was sure neither side wanted a renewal of hostilities, and this proposal was little more than a formality, but the risk of some lunatic on either side causing an incident had drawn the Admiral to this far off patrol, closer to the border.

The Yunmer's captain, an older man with enough scars and prosthetics to tell a thousand and one stories flicked flicked a glance at Arda, eyes eager. He was the reason Arda had chosen Yunmer, Captain Gunther had deep grudges against the Freehold, as well as a bad record of “Independent Action”. A good trait for a patrol commander, but not for a diplomat.

“Bring all dispatches to my screen as soon as they have been decrypted Comms, Captain Gunther, please join me. The old Cyborg walked over, hand resting on the butt of his dueling blaster. “We're ready for em’ Admiral, they won't even make it past DefSAT 1.”

“If it comes to that Captain, then I believe you are correct, but I hope it does not come to that.” Arda turned to the message, and relief washed over him. The truce would hold. “Comms, compile a message to all ships of the Haytham Fleet, The Truce holds, stand down, resume normal patrols. War exercises planned at DefSAT 2 are-”

“Admiral, forgive the interruption, there is another message, it is from The Grand Sheik.” The comms officers voice was tinged with apprehension, was the Truce broken after all?

“On my screen Comms, belay the fleet broadcast.” Arda replied, resentful of Captain Gunther’s sudden hungry look.

Cousin, the Freehold Truce holds, but four civil wars have broken out already. The Empire will tear itself apart. Return to Samarkand at once.

Bring the Fleet.

How Farid had found out about the truce before the Fleet Arda did not know, but the message brokered no dispute, for the first time in more than a Century, the Haytham Fleet would look inward.


To House Berger
We have finished our archiving, when your Gate Map is available we would be willing to trade.

I would actually like one of your people to attend me to the Zaqaru Ball high courtesan. My talents lie firmly in the lab and the battlefield. I find I am usually little more than a bobbing head at events like this. I note your rank excludes you from the event, though why the Zaqarus would deny a House like Tartarus at any social gathering of this magnitude eludes me. I am near certain that you could find a use for attending an event like this, so I offer the plus one of my invitation in exchange for a briefing on what interesting things you might hear at the ball. I will leave shortly, so we shall meet your party in orbit of Athon. I’ll send along a list of our wardrobe incase you desire dressing to match.

Duke Farid Saquar,
Lord of Samarkand
Master of the Grand Marquis

And as an aside, my Uncle found great happiness in his Marriage, your house has my thanks for taking care of a man as wounded as he. War is often unkind to veterans long after their fight is over.

The Zaqaru Ball
The party from House Saquar arrives masked in copper beaten thin and treated chemically to be translucent, then traced all over with gold scrollwork to the shapes of the exotic fauna of their homeworlds. Duke Farid Saquar is by far the most extravagant in a long coat in the bluegreen of tarnished copper, inlaid with gold and light-projecting circuitry to leave a subtle echoing presence to his movement. His mask does little to disguise his identity, for he seeks no partner, having brought one from abroad. The serene visage of a Samarkite Craterhoof overlays his young face.

The Greenflame contingent quickly splits off, no political agenda among the lesser Earls and Counts of the party, free to enjoy the Festivities. Farid as well, seems content to watch the entertainments at first, after offering suitable greetings to the host.


To House Sasone
Duke Stefano,
A strange claim, what use would the Zaqaru have to sabotage your defenses while making an alliance with your faction?

Duke Farid Saquar,
Lord of Samarkand
Master of the Grand Marquis

2019-03-18, 04:05 PM
Zaqaru Ball

Enigma 7

As the attendees of House Saquar arrive, they are welcomed like the others. As the Ball’s dances move on, music is played, drinks are taken and the clock turns on, a young female in her twenties, Ayammere, granddaughter to Meta, the sister of Duke Abolar, asks one of his family members to a dance. Duke Farid Saquar eventually finds himself in the company of Duke Abolar Zaqaru himself.

“I do hope you are enjoying yourself, Duke Farid Saquar and..” A curious look at Farid’s plus one, hinting to be introduced to the lady. After the introduction, he pleasantly states. “A pleasure to meet you. May I borrow Duke Farid temporarily? Do not worry, I do not seek a dance with him, but merely to catch up as Dukes amongst another.”

The conversation is hardly the only conversation held between noble families. Meta, Abolar’s sister, conversed with two noble women. Earl Varrais de Pantou, holding a colony in the system of Champseau (coordinates 10\-4) and Earl Ninki Eshnuk, holding a colony in the Dimarq system (coordinates 10\-3). Duke Abolar Zaqaru also approached an earl, namely Earl Ossus Sibab, who holds a colony in the Arkech system (coordinates 9\-2).

Enigma 7

“Such a beauty to see our children dance, don’t you think, Varrais?” Meta sits at a table in a long gown set with subtle emeralds, talking with Earl Varrais de Pantou, a woman in her forties. Both their husbands are fetching a drink and taking their time, knowing the women have something to discuss amongst another.

“Don’t you think my granddaughter Sidad and your son Rostac make an excellent dancing pair? They may both yet be children, with her at seventeen and your son nineteen, but I am sure they would make a beautiful pair. Just like our families would make quite a pair.” Meta offers a warm smile.

“Varrais, we must think of the future. Not just that of our children, but of our family lines. War has arrived in the Akkadu sector. Zaqaru can greatly use your support, the support of House de Pantou.”

“You know me well, for I have gone to Champseau several times to enjoy the pleasure of ice fishing in the frigid ice colony you are well known to harvest the clearest water of the sector from. Perfume de Pantou is renowned and I have a significant collection of my own. Believe me when I say that I wish to see our family lines joined in marriage. I know this means Zaqaru asks vassalage of House Pantou and I truly hope that you will consider it.”

“I see an excellent opportunity in the dance between Sidad and Rostac, their dance blossoming to something greater. I can assure you, Zaqaru will reward you well should you choose to accept a betrothal between Rostac and Sidad.” Meta looks at Earl Varrais de Pantou, curious to her reaction.

[OOC] The Zaqaru consider children to become adult at 20.
“Ninki, how wonderful to see you. Here, have a drink!” Meta graciously puts down a drink to Earl Ninki Eshnuk’s liking down at the bar she is standing at. Here too, her husband manages to take Ninki’s husband to a drink of their own, so Meta and Ninki can talk.

“It’s a rich flavour, a wonderful taste, just to your liking.” Meta knows Ninki likes her drinks, enjoying expensive tastes. She smiles to Ninki and offers some small subjects to discourse about, before touching the main subject. “It’s lovely to see my grandchildren dance. I believe your nephew is an excellent dancer as well. Gamala, right? You may not have noticed, but Inlit, my granddaughter, thinks he’s cute.” She gently points over to the teenager of fifteen years standing at the side of the ballroom, looking at Gamala of eighteen years old dance with other women. “She’s quite jealous of the others who do are smooth enough to get a dance out of him.” Meta says with a smirk.

“Perhaps we could help them along? A hint to Gamala to ask her to dance would do wonders.” She says with clear enjoyment at the antics of the children, but then her gaze turns more strict. “There is however something more serious I wish to discuss. While we enjoy the pleasantries here, I know what kind of danger House Eshnuk is exposed to. With the war in the Akkadu sector between Zaqaru and House Sansone, Dimarq is caught in the middle.”

Meta looks at the other woman with concern. “Ninki, trust me, Zaqaru does not want any harm to come to your family or Dimarq. You may find it hard to believe, but I believe the best way to do that is to side with Zaqaru. We can coordinate with your forces against House Sansone and assure the minimum, or ideally, no losses. I know this is serious business and I wish we could converse in lighter terms, but matters of war are grave indeed”

“I offer a betrothal between Gamala Eshnuk and Inlit Zaqaru, a vassalage to Zaqaru. I will assure you that you will be rewarded.” She offers Ninki an expensive bottle of wine to her taste, as symbol of the rewards to come.
“Earl Ossus Sibab. I offer you my deepest apologies.” Duke Abolar Zaqaru is speaking to Earl Ossus Sibab in a cozy corner where they can speak a bit more privately than in the middle of the ballroom. “I know what I did wrong, why you took the opportunity of the death of our Emperor to declare independence.” Duke Abolar sighs, his age starting to show and he looks with reluctance, with regret.

“I was so busy with the peace treaty, with trying to ensure Zaqaru is safe, that I forgot to look out for you and yours. It is my fault the Arkech system is undeveloped and your colony is still the only one there. I understand your concern and take it gravely to heart.”

“Yet I now find myself unable to tackle that concern, for war is now declared. I need your help, Ossus. You have been my loyal agent even before you took up the title of Earl. I should have listened when you quietly voiced your concerns earlier, but instead I listened to my louder advisors. I regret my past action and wish to make amends. While I may not be able to offer investment in expansion, I can offer investment in House Sibab itself. Please take my offer of reward and in the upcoming trying times serve me loyally as you did before, as vassal.”

2019-03-18, 04:47 PM
The Democratic Collective of the People

The closeted meeting between the First Advisors, First Equal, and the ambassador from Vastaad was ongoing, and Second Equal Aeswin's reports were starting to become a jumbled mass of letters. Her eyes were struggling to stay open. Bed, and her partner, were calling.

But the People came first. The factories were firing, and the Workers put in long hours. She could do no less. With a sigh, she turned the lights on slightly brighter - the work she was doing, organizing the agents across the empire - was worth the slight waste of energy. As she began to type again, her office door was pushed open, revealing a young individual wearing dark glasses and holding a disc. They set it down on her desk, gloved hands being careful with the cargo, and offered a small nod.

"A return from a missive, ma'am. First Equal cannot be reached."

"Yes, thank you. Good."

With a sigh of relief, she played the disc on her personal date unit, eyebrows rising in two different types of interest as the recording played. As the message finished, she looks to the messenger, wishing for a darker complexion to hide the blood in her cheeks and neck.

"Oh... my. Thank you. Um. Prepare a ship, immediately. Send word that the First Equal to to be made aware as soon as possible. I will depart in four hours."

Four hours to prepare for a journey. Four hours to say goodbye to her partner. And, if she was being honest with herself, four hours to find out what alterations could legally be made to her standard-issue jumpsuit.

The ship makes its way to the appointed dock. It is plain, small, and only functional. Its nature as an ambassadorial vessel leaves it nearly without armor, exposing much of its innards.

A woman steps out, wearing a gray jumpsuit. The top button is undone and the waistline has been hemmed slightly to define the wearer's body a bit more. On each shoulder, a small insignia is visible.

The woman's straight, dark hair is pulled back and she look around in barely-contained interest at the spectacle that is likely awaiting her.

She she gets the eventual chance to pass on her message, she takes a moment to master herself and focus.

"I am Second Equal Aeswin. I speak for the People this day. I know that we have... vastly different methods, but the Collective and the Silk Touched share similar goals - taking power from those with," she pauses for a moment and makes a face, making her disdain for the phrase clear, "'better' blood. With this in mind, we are reaching out to you in hopes of coming to an agreement. For now, our goal is merely peace and the promise of consideration as our respective plans move forward. Should war with a real force break out, I would hope that mutual support would be possible.

What are you initial thoughts?"

Aeswin leans back, smiling faintly. Her eyes remain locked on her counterpart's, careful not to let her vision stray to the... distractions around her.

2019-03-18, 07:23 PM
The Zaqaru Ball
The Favor owed

House Greenflame was granted an immense gift and curse by inviting Taturus as their plus one. The gift was such that no one would be able to turn their heads away from these arrivals. Oh yes, Taturus had every intention to make a splash at this shindig in fact the goal was to show up the dynasty at their own party for DARING to not grant their number an invitation. The High Courtesan while not there had placed on the arm of house Greenflame two absolutely ravishing beings that were dressed exactly as himself. The roiling golden designs which actually moved on the outfit splashing with stunning design accentuating what greenflame had chosen to wear. The next girl a platinum blonde who had clearly been genetically improved at birth struck a cutting figure in a matching outfit only this was silver, they were prizes for house greenflames kindness and would dance with him and act in whatever manner he saw fit, happy to be showed off if he wished it or give him space should he deem it so.

The other two of the four +1's however made sure to be the flashing neon witness that Taturus was present. As of course the moment it got around they had been invited by a duke (probably by Taturus agents themselves) then earls of every stripe were happy to ask Taturus to supply them with +1s (of course Greenflame was rewarded their finest courtesans).

When greenflame was introduced to the leadership of the dynasty he had his platinum blonde dressed in silver and when asked to leave his arm she would pout albeit playfully and leave him be until she summoned her or both of them again.

The ones who would act as the voice of Taturus and aid the political machinations of their family was:

Kisara Volpose (courtesan and diplomat)


Yasha Miras (Cousin of the high courtesan)

OOC: Tatarus has managed to bring 4 individuals to this gala (2 are looking after every desire of house greenflame) Kisara and Yasha can be contacted if you are interested in spending time with our organization at the party.

The Democratic Collective of the People
The lessor nobility which were usually everywhere within the pleasure palaces where the high courtesan lay her head were no where to be seen. The democrat was greeted with a lavish display only by those of Tatarus themselves the walls they walked through moved telling stories of ship battles and mighty armies marching against one another. This evening they had been programmed not to show the successes of the mighty emperor (as was typical) but instead of the Republic and democracys through time. It also hit on the sexual, all manner of delightful and devious things writhed on the walls of the high courtesans pleasure palace.

A dozen barely dressed male guards led the second equal into a large dance hall where the lessor courtesans played out all sorts of delicious scenes in three rings around Miras herself at its center. The room also had an amazing scent, no signs of the sweat or smokes were present something seemed to drain all of that away and only provide this rich and delightful aroma.

A throne was presented to Second Equal Aeswin where she could sit, but it was not so they could sit face to face but side by side as if they were married or bound by one of the numerous marriage traditions of the empire.

Miras herself was beautifully dressed, Second Equal Aeswin could easily figure out she was actually more conservative then usual and wore a suit of sorts but also was covered in aphrodisiac paint, something designed to induce desire through the skin and make the nerves more responsive to stimuli.

After the greetings and hellos she listened to the rather forthright offer and Miras laughed wistfully but considerate. "We are split Second Equal Aeswin I must admit, our current system exists within the empire and we have become healthy and strong because of the nobles. They feed us and we send our people among their families and they are given the greatest lovers in the galaxy and we are given... Much." She smiles, "but all things changes, and all things end. We can guarentee you non aggression. We can offer aid but it must be in secret so we don't isolate ourselves from the nobility completely. We would be willing to send our agents to aid you and disrupt threats of course we don't have the military might to protect you as you do us."

She taps her chin, "I do want to ask if you win your glorious revolution where do you see our silk touched in your order? I have to admit propoganda tells us you will have my girls ravaged and my men executed for daring to be interlopers of the court, I don't believe it I am educated but there are fanatics... I only ask because short term agreements are easy its much more to establish an alliance that lasts years. I need to know your democracy would aid the silk touched that we would not be victims in your glorious revolution."

Atrum Umbra
2019-03-19, 05:28 PM
House Vastadd

House Greenflame
Duke Greenflame,

My thanks for your kind wishes.

I will wait to hear from my ambassador before passing judgement on the republic. I worry that they are anarchists and cannot be reasoned with. But if they are then the full might of the empire can handle them.

Honoured Duke Kelse,

Thank you for your candid condolences, I did not support my father’s ways and hope to be the change my house needs.

I too would like to discuss cooperation between our houses, as I would with all the empire. I shall be attending the Zaqaru Ball and will make time to speak with you there if you are in attendance.

The Democratic Collective of the People
Constantin rubbed at his wrists as he was guided to the meeting room. It is difficult to tell whether this is a nervous habit or due to the itchy peasant clothes his sister had forced him to wear. Upon entering the room he relaxes a little, please to see that they aren’t complete anarchists and still understand the basis of hierarchy.
“It is a pleasure to meet with you all today. I must say that I am impressed at what people can do when they work together. In the empire we are taught that the peasants require nobility to lead them, but you are proof this is not the case.
We can learn a lot from you and have a hope we have enough to offer in return. The imperium is once again falling apart and the lands of the warring houses will be ripe for the taking.The courts are awash with gossip and we would be happy to send it your way if you can help us rebuild our lands.
We also ask for a chance to expand without military interference. Our family’s history is in trade and we would like to set up some routes to your land in the future.”

Zaqaru Ball
Out of time for today, will add in next post.

2019-03-20, 10:29 AM
The Democratic Collective of the People

Aeswin smiles slightly at Miras' explanation and question.

"But what if you didn't even need to rely on those bloated tyrants for your comfort? What if everyone, from the basest of your farmers to your most, ah, skilled servants, was cared for, regardless of their talents or ability to win over the hearts of others? That is the goal we strive for, none other: complete and utter safety, health, and security for every citizen of this empire. We have no desire for seizure of your persons. We want to see all people equals. Your people are, without question, hedonists and full of waste. But executions are reserves for those who directly oppose our mission. We don't aim to kill. We aim to educate. Over time, you would lose your status, it is true. But you would also keep your lives, and would never be beneath another person. That is, unless you, ah, desired that sort of arrangement.

I don't need an answer this moment. Think it over. Consider what it would mean for your people. We understand that breaking with centuries of practice can be difficult. Just remember: people suffer while we delay, and the People's understanding has its limits.

Now. Details. Mutual Non-Aggression is ideal for us. In addition, we will promise you protection in the event any of your more aggressive neighbors decide that your lands should be their own. For now, our fleets are small, but they will grow rapidly as we now prepare to liberate the people of this empire. In exchange, we ask two things. First, strongly consider what I have said here today about where you might fit into our society. Second, keep us in mind when you hear of ongoing plots against the People and aid us in what ways you can. We don't ask you to lay down lives for us, as that must be each person's own decision. But you have a certain set of skills that we are not inclined toward, of course."

In practical terms, non-aggression. We promise to send Navy to protect you should the need arise, you promise to use some of your Agency to warn us of threats.

The gathered Advisors look to the First Equal, clearly here mostly for their presence rather than their voice. Aethelbyrd nods slowly, considering the offer.

"An agreement such as this sounds reasonable. Your conquests must abide by our rules, though. You may not engage in the looting or destroying of the people's property. The goods and resources taken from nobles must be either given to the people who produced it or taken for the war effort with appropriate recompense. Any collateral damage must be repaid either directly or through safe passage to our lands. Any individuals who refuse to work for you or who you cannot care for must be given passage to colonies we control.

Trade rights we extend without tariff or demands, as such exchange only benefits all involved. We will by no means oppose your conflict with other nobles. The independent regions between our current spheres of influence can be divided evenly for now, though we intend to move toward the less agreeable nobles first [ie, toward right parts of the map]. When we eventually move toward other more entrenched systems, we may require use of gates under your control. I trust this won't be an issue?"

The First Equal then nods toward the door. Two men enter bearing trays of drinks and light finger foods.

"Now that we know you are speaking in good faith and talks have begun, please accept refreshments after your journey. We apologize for the delay, but too often have nobles sent ambassadors here merely to mock us or promise our destruction."

2019-03-20, 04:52 PM
House Greenflame

Enigma 4


The Zaqaru Ball
Lord Zaqaru! Allow me to introduce Lady Silkgrace, a servant of Tartarus. Allow me to finish my drink and you will have my undivided attention. My dear would you please find Count Gyre and tell him I will be away a moment? Thank you. Duke Saquar will follow Duke Zaqaru.

House Vastadd
In that we agree, good luck in your negotiations.

On another Avenue, is your hous interested in a joint research project? Both our houses maintain significant universities, and I imagine we could make swift progress on any project we put our people too.

2019-03-20, 11:40 PM
]The emissary of the crown princess is a stern naval captain with several campaign medals on her uniform. She introduces herself as Captain Keyes, "Your grace, my lady sends her regards and wishes to know what type of agreement we can work out to benefit both our campaigns."

]Your Grace,

We in fact think it unlikely that any conflict from House Jinks would spill into us. Our territories are little more than waystations easily ignored by fleets. Which is not to say we favor House Jinks. They likely covet our lands and will seek to take them over eventually.

The question is what you will offer instead.

Earl Amarjeet Young
Earl Chanda Amets

]We would prefer something more tangible than your courtly pleasures. Provide the means to colonize one the planets neighboring my own under the Sandy flag and I will not dispute your colonization of the remainder of this system.

Earl Yafe Sandy

]Duke Saquar,

What use indeed. It is not the way of allies to sabotage each others defenses. You only do that to your enemies. And thus you see why we broke off the marriage.

Duke Stefano Sansone
Lord of the Lion Marches

Earl Pantaou gives Meta calculated smile, "You honor me Meta my son has certainly found a wonderful dancing partner in your granddaughter."

Her face turns contemplative, "But still my family has held the Champseau system in trust for generations. The ice belts are some of the richest in the sector and a reserve against calamity. It is true that these are trying times and may indeed be a calamity worth mining them for, but I am not altogether convinced."

"At the very least your house would need to grant us sovereignty over the system to develop as we see fit. We know it better than anyone after all."

Earl Eshnuk gives the Zaqaru a strained look and sighs, "Meta, you know we can't accept. The Sansone fleet will have to pass through Dimarq. It's not a matter of which of you is stronger. They're simply closer to us than the Zaqaru fleet. As it is they won't waste time with our palty defenses, but if we offer you vassalage. Well that would be an insult on top of material aid to their enemies. We would not possible escape unscathed."

"Now after the war we will see. When you take Gade we will not be on the Sansone doorstep any longer. And then relations between us will be much more promising."

Earl Sibab strokes his long beard and ponders, "Your grace, I would gladly rejoin your service, but I am no longer a lone blade in the shadows. I have people to care for. Family who rely on me to take care of them. You need to focus on the war effort I know. But after the war you will have resources to spare."

"Repair any damage to my station from the war and help my people colonize Arkech II within the next decade, and I will swear my house to you."

2019-03-21, 11:52 AM
House Lonestar

Benjamin leans back on his chair, looking down range of the shooting range. He lets out a shot from his hand-canon, the shot was loud enough that the next town over could hear the echo it made. "SO! How goes the diplomcizin and all. We get any messages back yet?"


" Well, they were a bit on the smaller side so it's not a big loss. What about the other two? Them Cyborgs and house Vast-"


Benjamin pinches the bridge of his nose. This..this wasn't the best start for his plans of galactic conquest Unification "Great....thats..that's really wonderful. Just what I needed to know today. Fine, want something done right, do it yourself. Get the ship ready. I got some I got some points of intrest to go look at"


2019-03-21, 03:46 PM
Zaqaru Ball

Enigma 7

Duke Abolar Zaqaru expresses his gratitude towards both the Duke of House of Greenflame and Lady Silkgrace, a servant of Tartarus. When Duke Farid Saquar finishes his drink, both dukes retreat to one of the many niches scattered through the Erit Palace.

Enigma 7

“Thank you for the opportunity to speak, Duke Farid Saquar.” Duke Abolar Zaqaru states as they take a seat at a small table. “The reason I wish to speak with you is because I have received report that the Haytham Fleet is turning its attention away from the Freehold.” Duke Abolar Zaqaru looks with interest to see Duke Farid Saquar’s initial reaction before he continues. “Let me be straightforward. I can use your aid in the war against House Sansone.”

He holds a hand up momentarily. “I know you have your reservations, as you expressed your feelings regarding the war declaration in an earlier message. You are, however, without a doubt, the best positioned to provide support to my just cause, given the proximity of our territories and your fleet now able to turn its attention elsewhere.”

“I know this may not put your reservations at ease, but I have been thinking about what you mentioned regarding the Republic fools. Help me in the war against House Sansone and the Zaqaru forces will sooner be free to act if, or when, those Republicans become a problem. In addition, this will present the opportunity to gain glory in this righteous endeavour and redistribute wealth to those who could make better use of it, such as yourself.” [OOC] Clearly hinting towards raids here.

“What do you think?”

[OOC] Will answer the earls later on.

2019-03-21, 06:36 PM

Captain Keyes, though escorted with due secrecy on Fortune's End, is given full military honors and led to a room where Duke Athaia awaits alone in high uniform.
"You can likewise send my regards to our princess. And with that we can drop the formalities if you'd like, Captain."
"Now, I don't presume to know of your plans, but my hunch would be that you are planning to secure your House with as little bloodshed as possible. Wouldn't want to inherit smoking ruins, after all. That would leave your Navy free to act elsewhere for the time being. Our agents can provide you cover for a false flag operation and lead you through rogue portals with safety so that we may catch them unawares with overwhelming strength. With our forces combined, we might have just enough to seize most of the Jinks worlds overnight.
I would like to deal with them quickly and decisively, as their espionage capabilities are more than a match to our own and their pockets deep. Once they are done for, I can pledge my full support, whether it's subterfuge or brute force. The best way around it might just be to... remove the other claimant after all. In the meantime, we can help each other to Jinks plunder."

2019-03-22, 12:35 AM
House Ytterbus

Enigma 7

"I would be amenable to a limited form of alliance, but I would like to keep my commitments open for the time being."

Marriage is... an interesting topic among us. It depends on who you ask. Some marry for life, and our lives are quite long. My grandparents, Memnon and Areh Ytterbus, they were like that. Others don't bother at all, and still others, like my esteemed brother, prefer to artificially have children without being married."

2019-03-22, 12:38 PM
House Greenflame

Enigma 4

“Yarro! It is good to see you again!” Arda Saquar and Viviain Yarro grasped forearms In the Navy style of greeting. Doctor Yarro took the opportunity to press her medical scanner to the Admirals pickline, a permanent iv port all Greenflame Navy Personnel had surgically installed.
“Tch, Arda you actually took my advice for once! Any side effects from the Prolong Treatment?”

“I'll let you know after Cousin and I race the Istanbul Course, the rat has insisted I come straight there before I even visit my sons. So it must be something he wants to speak of immediately.”

“The Istanbul? You've been in normal gravity less than an Hour Arda! I'll be med monitor then, before you pop your heart like a crakfruit.”

“If your Prolong treatment is as you say then there should be no issue. Right doctor?”

“Watch your cheek old man, it's an honour to be my lab rat, and I'm the one who mixes your Nutrient Mix.”

Doctor Yarro climbed to the observer platform along with a few other courtiers, sitting at the monitor station and plugging in her med scanner. The Istanbul Course stretched out below, two kilometers of tier 3 obstacle course, split in the center by an artificially generated river chilled to just above freezing temperatures. At this hour, there were half a dozen other people making the paces, it was important that the citizens of Samarkand remained in fighting shape, and there was a small stipend doled out to each civilian who remained in approved muscle indexes. The noble cousins emerged to the starting area talking quietly to each other, stretching to warm up. Farid and Arda Saquar were remarkably similar looking, though Farid had nearly fifteen centimeters on Arda. Both kept at their training, and their bodies were enhanced well beyond that of a normal human with a variety of steroids. Their initial conversation finished, they began their race, scaling the initial rubble obstacles with the practice of a thousand repetitions, even the wirecrawl did little to slow them, their flexibility cybernetically enhanced at the joints, allowing them to keep a low sprint speed while they crawled through a tunnel barely two dozen centimeters high.

Dr Yarro studied her diagnostic closely, the Prolong treatment was designed to keep naval personnel able during long patrols. The sheer size of the border fleet during the Reclamation Wars had forced House Greenflame to seek a cheaper option than the old imperial exo suits, so a young Vivian Yarro had proposed the Prolong treatment as her Doctrate Offering. In the fifty years since the treatment had changed a great deal, and now it was in many ways better than the Exos.

The Cousins made the river, Farid in the lead by perhaps a minute, though privately Yarro suspected that was a lack of adjustment time. They hit the water at speed, easily fighting the current across. Arda’s suit flashed a few risky numbers, but nothing serious enough to risk stopping the nobles game for.

At this point they were overtaking other runners, and both skipped a climb section entirely by simply leaping the obstacle entirely. Finally, Farid took the last obstacle and grabbed up the rifle for the Istanbul's final challenge. Twelve targets, points for speed.

Arda caught up before Farid was finished, missing only one target to Farid's three. Though Farid still won by a few points for his faster course.

From the observation deck, Dr. Yarro could see the two nobles resume their conversation, still panting their exertions. Arda wore a dark expression, though nodded in agreement and brought up a projections holo. According to the med scanner, both of their hearts were beating much harder than they had been on the course.

Vivian Yarro looked to the sky, where an seemingly endless stream of orbit shuttles ferried equipment and supplies out to the void, where the Haytham fleet drifted in orbit. She was hardly a pacifist, and had no illusions about what the Emperor's death meant for the galaxy. But she couldn't help but worry for her fortunes in the coming conflicts. would there be space for a scientist like her? Would the foreign nobles send their people to die in droves? Would her nobles do the same? The Saquars were no strangers to war, it was a noble thing to die in the name of Haytham and the Greenflame, but they also put value on life. Dr. Yarro had seen (and spent) the numbers of the medical research and veterans comfort budget. Would those numbers stay high if internal conflicts turned sour?

How soon would they have to find out?


The Zaqaru Ball

Duke Abolar and Duke Farid
Farid’s face remained motionless at the mention of the Haytham Fleet, though his smile was fixed at the mention of Sasone.
“In my own investigations, Lord Abolar, there have been certain warnings against alliance with your house. I have hardly had time to fully discover the truth to such claims, but tell me, why do you believe your brief brother-in-law broke of Nabanu and Guaria’s marriage. For Stefano’s tale of events paints your actions in a terribly strange light.”


To the Earl of (08, -08)

Good Earl,
There are dark times ahead, and your System poses a new strategic importance to the Republic, as they could fortify it against both the Haytham Fleet and any potential aid from the Bergers, Voss, or even Sasone and Zaqaru. Vastadd’s new Duchess seems like a clever sort, but her fleet is outnumbered three to one. I believe the best solution is to set up a new Duchy based around your system, and the Systems (9,-8) and (8,-7), with you as Duke. The Haytham Fleet will guarantee your independence, and in exchange you will answer to my house and allow us access through your space. If the freehold should act overtly aggressively, as I believe they will, at least it will be difficult for them to cut our fleets off from each other. That is of course, if you are interested, good Earl.

Duke Farid Saquar,
Lord of Samarkand
Master of the Grand Marquis

2019-03-22, 03:30 PM
Zaqaru Ball

Enigma 7

Mutiyuma Zaqaru and Evra Ytterbus continue their conversation, as do Duke Abolar Zaqaru and Duke Farid Saquar Greenflame.

Enigma 7

Mutiyama listens with interest to Evra's response and a look of curiosity besets him. “And if I were to ask you?”
Duke Abolar Zaqaru looks at Duke Farid Saquar Greenflame with an intent gaze. To the right, he leans a bit forward. “Duke Stefano Sansone never was my brother-in-law. My son, Nabuna, and his daughter, Guaria, married. That did not make Guaria’s father and myself brothers-in-law. However, I would have been happy to have called Stafono my brother-in-law before he started to throw baseless accusations at me.”

Duke Abolar Zaqaru sits straight up and narrows his eyes for a moment. “Accusations which have shifted your perspective.” The ruler of the Zaqaru Dynasty shakes his head. “The warnings you have received are based on weak derivations. House Sansone discovered sabotage, where tools of Zaqaruan make were found. A suspect fled to Dimarq, with a head to Zaqaru. There was a transmission with a ship at the Zaqaru border around the time of sabotage.”

Abolar starts to explain further. “So to the simple bystander, Zaqaru is involved. However, my agents have intercepted the message and I have shared it with House Sansone. The suspect fled Arkech and then took the stargate leading to Champseau, not Zaqaru space. The tools of Zaqaruan make are available throughout the Akkadu sector and even commonly in use by House Sansone itself.”

A grimace forms on Abolar’s face. ”But Stefano did not believe it, stating his trust was shattered. Not willing to accept further help in the investigation, or give time for independent investigation, he broke off the marriage. You ask for my opinion why he broke off the marriage. Let me tell you.” Once again, Abolar leans forward, but this time with anger on his face.

“Pride and regret, that’s why.” Shortly grumbling, Abolar backs off again to explain. “His pride clouds his judgement as he is unwilling to admit House Sansone does not have the capability to find the true perpetrator and therefore tries to wash his hands off it by pointing his accusations at Zaqaru. And I heavily suspect that he regrets the marriage contract after all this time and saw these turns of events as reason to break it off.” There is a scowl on Abolar’s face for a brief moment, a look of insult.

“He knew this would happen, for I told him what would happen. A marriage contract of this significance cannot be broken without severe consequence. I could not, cannot, sit idly by and let him get away with such a violation of code of conduct between nobles. Given the past history between our families, I have the legal backing and stand justified to act.” His eyebrows, set strict above his eyes, then rise up as his emotions clears somewhat.

“Therefore, I ask your aid. Are you willing to provide?” Duke Abolar Zaqaru looks intently at Duke Farid Saquar Greenflame, for this is the critical moment before negotiations. The terms are obviously up for negotiation and the main question is now, will there be negotiation?
Meta Zaqaru offers a warm smile back as Earl Varrais speaks of the wonderful dancers. She listens keenly to the offer and seems to think for a moment. “I believe what you suggest may be arranged in due time, Ninki. We go back, the two of us, and I can use my influence to help your wish become a reality. However, Zaqaru granting a title is unlikely to be recognised in the upcoming years by our fellow nobles, though in a few years time I see that being no problem.”

“Therefore, I suggest the following. Let us arrange a betrothal between Sidad and Rostac, where she marries with him in six years, at the age of twenty three. Before that time, I will see to it that you gain your influence over the system, or you may consider the betrothal void.” Meta Zaqaru leans forward. “Though do realise I am helping you a lot here. I do expect you to invite me often for ice fishing and grant me access to the best fishing spots.”
Meta Zaqaru looks disappointed, but forgiving. “If that is how it must be. I understand your concerns. Though I still strongly advise you to take me up on the offer before the end of the Ball. It is a generous one, for I can offer you repairs to any damage done. However, should you chose to wait until later, then I am unlikely to be your liaison, and I do wish the best for you.” Should Earl Eshnuk still not respond to the offer, Meta Zaqaru will stand up and leave the Earl alone, rejoining with her husband to move in the crowd of the ball.
Duke Abolar Zaqaru nods towards Earl Ossus Sibab. “I understand your plight, for I know what it is like to have a family to take care of. Know that you have my word that Zaqaru will invest in the Arkech system so that Arkech II may be colonised and your station will be repaired in any event of damage.”

2019-03-22, 04:17 PM

Enigma 5

Honourable Earls,
once the nearest Jinks worlds are freed from their oppressors they will be needing capable administrators to restore law and order. A couple of leal counts would do, I would think.

Our proposal is quite simple. Let us rid the Imperium of this tumor, and share the spoils. You need not declare war even if you so desire, we will content ourselves with support from your operatives and reward it accordingly.

2019-03-25, 03:29 AM
House Berger
Enigma 5

Duke Berger arrived at the Zaqaru Ball somewhat late, as getting there without being noticed by the Voss had presented some difficulties. He had brought her cousin Emma with him, as she was not yet married. He wasn't one to often indulge, but such events had plenty of important people present, and the deals that could be made there could decide the future of his House. He was wearing something very close to the uniforms the officers of the House Berger navy did, while Emma was dressed more glamorously, in a beautiful red dress. He might currently be at a Ball, but he was the leader of a House at war. Besides, uniforms looked good.

"Come then, we are already late, and I'd hate to have Nabuna give your spot to someone else" he said, and began escorting her towards were Nabuna likely was to be found. "While you enjoy your dance, do try to direct the discussion not only your possible future, but also the House's. Remember the matters we discussed earlier, and find a way to bring it up. I'll see who else I can find here, likely some who are willing and able to aid us."

He left Emma close where the Ball was taking place, and headed out to find a drink.

Emma, at first, took a less passive role, showing Nabuna her preferred style. After a while, she allowed him to take the lead again, as she felt was proper among nobles. At 24 she also simply expected him to be a more experienced dancer.

"I must admit I have not thought about the future that much - the war with the Voss is currently taking all of my cousin's - the Duke's, that is - time, and the entire house Berger is of course doing what we can to help him" she says, "But, I did request him to bring me with him to this wonderful event, and perhaps that is telling enough" she adds with a smile.

Ernst happily accepted the drink, welcoming the brief moment of rest in the midst of war preparations.

"Ernst will do. I assume I may call you Litte?" he said as he returned the smile. The conversation at first was some small talk, but it was clear they both were anxious to move on to something more serious.

"Do tell me, how familiar are you with grandfathers stance on house Voss? I imagine house Berger will eventually come out on top in the war, but that will only end up weakening them, not dismantling their house as is my will. Your systems are conveniently right on the opposite side, and you will have to deal with the Voss eventually in one way or another. Perhaps, after our respective wars have been settled, we could work together on this? Divide their systems among us, and we are both much better off."

The following readable by house Vastadd only, using FL to PM
"Izabela! My dearest relative" Duke Berger greets her. I believe there was something you wished to discuss? Something that required a little bit more privacy? I doubt anyone would be able to hear us here, given everything going on around us. Do you have any specific plans in mind?"


Very well. Please inform us when your project is completed - I'll likely place an order.

We too have sorted out the mess our archives were in. With the help of our... additional gate maps, we can send some out our forces without having to worry about any blockades. Be it spies or navies you are moving around, nobody can stop you from doing so, if you have access to said maps.


Honorable Earl,

it is not my wish to destroy anything in your system - the very opposite. I seek to secure the system. Swear fealty to me as my vassal, and in return, I swear to make you a count, and provide you assistance in developing colonies in the unoccupied zones near you.

Duke Ernst Berger

Greetings. Could you perhaps offer me an overview of the services you are currently providing?

2019-03-25, 12:42 PM
House Greenflame
Enigma 4


The Zaqaru Ball
Abolar and Farid
The Duke of Samarkand stared for a moment, clearly unsure, but he regained his composure quickly. “I see, so your house is practically forced to war. A war you will no doubt have difficulty winning alone, given the infamy of the fortresses arrayed against you. The Sasone would of course be crippled if you succeed in your goal, but dislodging them from arguably their most important system…” Farid paused, clearly running the military numbers through his mind.
“It is a tall ask, Duke Abolar, even if all of our fleets gathered in full strength, we would barely reduce them to your current strength over the next five years. And no doubt we too would sustain losses. You've made you ambitions for kingship clear, and if Voss finds no allies Berger will crush them in short order. Your wording may become a self-tied noose.”

The sounds of the party filtered through the walls, causing Farid to pause again.

“Still after speaking with a few others around the Imperium I’ve realized there is scarce chance of diplomacy prevailing through the Laramy crisis. Luckily my ancestors had the wisdom to build many ships. I’ve little interest in raiding, and do not wish to be dragged into a war that could last decades over the promise to help later with a problem that faces my sector now. Perhaps allow us to talk market and research. I’m aware that your house is a bit… old fashioned, in their Education system, but if you were to assign those resources to my house for say, a period of twenty five years [5 turns], with the offer that any project we assign them to work on, Zaqaru will receive a copy of the blueprints, I would consider offering part of the Haytham Fleet as a sort of mercenary force. For a price of course.”

Diagnostics flickered across Farid's contact lenses, reports of recent fleet numbers and positioning.

“Given the sheer size of the warp-capable orbital defenses Sasone has doubtless clustered in their choke point system, I refuse to send in anything less than the full might of both our fleets, and for that I ask for the science agreement, and [6 trade] each turn the Haytham Fleet assists yours. With Haytham currently at [12] strength, that is a good rate of return no?”

The Tartarus Contingent
“Pardon me, lady of Tartarus, are you able to speak on behalf of your High Courtesan? I would like to ask a few question about both your services and your opinions of your direct neighbors, the House of Steel and the good bankers of Xinclaire.”

House Berger
Excellent, are you willing to trade [lore:outer expanse 1] for your gate map?

2019-03-25, 04:20 PM
Zaqaru Ball

Enigma 7

Enigma 7

Nabuna seems intrigued as Emma takes a more active role in the dance as the two swirl over the dance floor. Taking the lead as she allows, she gives a nod as she mentioned the fate of House Berger. There is a short smile as she mentioned she requested to be present. “That would have one believe you are dedicated to your family. But where do your interests lie?” Nabuna asks as they move over the dance floor.

Litte nods, Ernst can indeed call her Litte. As the conversation moved on to more serious matters, her eyes started to become more keenly interested. “House Voss? That depends on what they do. Unless you find one of them dancing with Nabuna, another one of my family members or talking to Abolar himself, I doubt he’d care at this time. As for the future, that’s more difficult to say.” She shrugs for a moment.

“Will the wars be short enough so that Abolar can determine the direction? It seems more likely that his successor will determine. Now, if that were my father, Abus, then I could certainly arrange for a listening ear. My uncle, Nabuna, I can tell less about. If only someone could convince the councillors that Abus is the better candidate.” With the none too subtle hint, she tries to distract with pouring another glass for Ernst.

“To be more straightforward, perhaps you and I can work together on it on a more personal level? With a closer relation, my relatives may well be more keen to listen. Though I want you to be straightforward with me as well, Ernst. What is your ambition beyond House Voss? With the current upheaval and your blood close to that of the imperial bloodline, surely you must be thinking of more than merely dividing systems?” Litte looks with a playful smile as she takes another sip of her drink.

[OOC] Apologies, will answer House Greenflame later on. EDIT: See below.


Enigma 7

Duke Abolar Zaqaru eyes Duke Farid Greenflame with some scepticism when he turned around quickly enough, finding reason in Abolar’s cause. Listening attentively as Farid assesses the situation aloud, Abolar is sharp on edge when he pauses.

A smile appears when Farid starts the negotiation, mentioning market and research. It is clear Abolar is pleased to have a negotiation partner in front of him. The smile turns into somewhat of a scowl as Farid mentions the education is old fashioned, showing his dislike of the presentation, but he quickly recovers, not letting it stand between them. There’s a pained look as Farid asks for assignment of the Zaqaru research capacity, which Abolar tries to hide under a grimace.

The grimace clears when Abolar hears what Farid has planned. There’s a momentary blink, as his body language betrays he had not expected House Greenflame willing to commit the full forces of the Haytham Fleet. Straightening himself out, Abolar takes a moment to order his own thoughts.

“I’m happy you see the reason for this conflict and are willing to make available the Haytham Fleet.” Abolar gives a nod in recognition. “It is not my intention to have the war over Gade last decades, as should be evidenced by my request for assistance. I assure you, all of the Zaqaru fleets will be dedicated to this conflict.” There’s a short twitch in Abolar’s eyes. “Now, if I understand you correctly, you ask for fifty research years over the span of twenty five years, with Zaqaru receiving copies of any blueprints from the research, to make the Haytham Fleet available for hire. The price for hire is the yearly market output of six industries in exchange for the Haytham Fleet, which counts at twelve Zaqaru fleets.” There is a greedy look as Abolar mentions the strength of the Haytham Fleet.

“Do realise you are asking for a lot. That is the full industry and university output of Zaqaru you state as price. I fully acknowledge you are offering a lot in exchange, but this both leaves me with questions and no room for the Zaqaru fleet to cover for repairs.” Abolar takes a deep breath, showing he is thinking about the offer, but clearly is wary. “The first question is regarding the duration research exchange. To what extent does that make the Haytham Fleet available for hire? You already mentioned that you do not wish to be dragged into a war for decades given the problem in your sector. The price suggests both a natural limit and a willingness to, if the engagement is as swift as we hope, a further availability. Am I correct?”

“Given you mention sharing blueprints, can I be assured that it is prototypes you wish to assign the research to?” Abolar looks at Farid, trying to get a further impression of his motives. “In addition, how will combined tactics be done?” With his questions, Abolar buys himself time, as the pentive looks in between show him mulling the offer.

Atrum Umbra
2019-03-26, 04:54 PM
House Vastadd

The Democratic Collective of the People

“We have no intention of taking anything by force, our expansion will be through purchases or permitted construction. If this leaves us with people that cannot be found work we can offer them passage to your lands. Our acquisitions will fill out the lands to the south but we won’t cut off your expansion, the empire shouldn’t do much to stop your activity on the outer reaches either. Our eventual borders should lead to mutually beneficial trade between our lands, if you decided to protect you transports with a fleet of warships then we wouldn’t stop you.”

Constantin is careful to only take a fair share of the food and chuckles at the mention of the other ambassadors. “Under any other leader that would have been my job. But Izabela is different, she understands the need for cooperation and wants to learn from other leaders not mock them.”

House Greenflame

I would be honoured to join a research project with your universities. They have been a pet project of mine for many years and I am glad to get an opportunity to used them. Did you have anything in mind? I would like to develop our trade back to historic glory but join other projects to start with.

((We would use all (7) University on a joint Market project or half (3) on something else.))

House Berger

“Ernst, it is so good to meet you. I was worried that the extended family were falling apart what with the troubles in House Laramy and your own. But my agents have assured me that you have everything under control. I appreciate my position as cousin of the emperor but with feuds in House Laramy I look for other options to maintain my status. You would be a far greater leader than either of those idiots, you strike me as a man who knows how to get things done.”

“So to business, as we speak my agents are been worming their way in to House Voss, among others, to learn what they can. I would love to offer you information as a gift but my father’s ‘work’ has taken a toll on my house and the agents don’t work for free. Let me know if there is anything you would like them to do.”

Nabuna Zaqaru

Alissa smiles as Nabuna approaches, absentmindedly tapping her foot with the improved beat. “I came expecting a bit of fun, I’m glad that you don’t disappoint.” She rises up out of her seat taking Nabuna’s hand. As she does so the bottom of her gown flows upwards like a reverse waterfall stopping just above the knee.

They cut through the ballroom weaving through the dancers with beautiful flowing movements. Alissa’s mouth pressed close to Nabuna’s ear so they could talk in private. “I am honoured that my sister chose to accept me into the house officially, especially now it allows me to spend my time in such pleasant company. We are looking to restore the house to it’s former glory, nothing more. In preparation for your event we have learnt a lot about House Sansone, just making the most of the resources my father left us. But let us not talk of trade for now, just enjoy the dance.”

Edit: I missed the other dance and will have to add later

2019-03-27, 01:47 AM
]Captain Keyes shakes her head, "I'm afraid you don't understand our current situation. We are engaged with the rogue duke's even now. Perhaps a few escort squadrons could be spared, but nothing like the overwhelming force you are requesting. If anything since you are not currently engaged with the Jinks it would be more strategically sound for your forces to help us secure our position first before dealing with House Jinks.

]Your Grace Saquar,

Of course I'm interested. The chance to become a Duke does not come along every day, or even every century. Still even for a well established house such as yours creating a new Duchy is a bold endeavor. I will not make any binding oaths of fealty until you have proved to me that you can back up your plan with more than words. Help me colonize the rest of the Algiers system and you will have my loyalty.

Earl Halcyone Séverin

Varrais gives Meta a wry smile, "Of course, only the best ice fish will do for you my dear Meta. I'm sure our family will do wonderfully together."

Earl Eshnuk looks grave and inclines her head, "I am sorry Meta, but it is better to avoid damage entirely than to repair it after the fact."

Ossus nods and lifts his glass, "Then to House Zaqaru. May your war be swift and victorious."

]A generous offer your grace. And what would you ask of us in the meantime? As humble earls we lack the resources to provide much support to your campaign.

]Your Grace,

A generous offer and more than I would expect in these trying times. I accept and I will give you my oath.

Earl Erasmus Byron

]Ah the Young DUke comes to Uss. We can bee of assistance in manyy ways young DuKe.

Do you require mapss. WE have many maps of all the space ways. Or maybe the young duke requiress assistancce with his warp gates, yes? DO you desire material goods. Our alchemists can make many mundane and exotic tHings.

]Duke Berger,

House Voss does not want a war, and we are sorry you feel the need to pursue one. We wish to discuss an end to it. We are willing to return your sister to your custody.

Duchess Brechtje Voss

2019-03-27, 11:52 AM
House Greenflame

Enigma 4


The Zaqaru Ball

Abolar and Farid
Farid holds up his hands in peace at Abolar’s gramace, responding quickly to keep flow.

“It is indeed a great deal of industry, but you implied raiding yourself. I do not wish to have my fleet fly across the Imperium to be seen as pirates, but as neighbors by borders, in a war with legal grounds you could supplement your income with prizes taken in battle. Certainly enough to replace losses during the war.” The Duke shrugged, projecting a few diagrams off of his coat into the air between them.
“The duration of availability will last until the end of the research agreement, though I will only guarantee the current cost in trade for the duration of the current Sasone war, after which the fleet may be needed home and the price will need to increase accordingly. I know your house would not stoop to such methods, but I will be vigilant against acts besmirching the spirit of my offer, dragging out the conflict, starting other wars and the like.”
“As to what my Universities will be researching over the next few years there are a number of projects currently proposed.” The diagrams flash through an eclectic mix of weaponry, ship designs, and medical theories. “Given the strong military traditions of your house I think it would be best to assign them to military matters, probably the new star fighters. I believe there is great potential in smaller ships with no warp drive. They would need to be carried to battle of course, but once there the lack of warp drive frees up plenty of space for weapon payloads.”

A new diagram of a bulky, defensive battleship flashed up. It has no major weapons, but bristles with point defense.
“Once we finish with the starfighter design and testing we will move on to a dedicated carrier, I envision a time where fleets are based around these ships and their escorts. But that is likely decades away. For now they will be one more powerful arrow in your fleets quiver.”
Farid had relaxed somewhat, clearly enjoying simply talking about scientific plans. He shook himself, refocusing.
“As to war coordination who will be in charge of your fleet? To sweeten our deal, assuming you agree to the original terms I will send my Cousin Arda to conduct operations for Haytham. How much information do you have on the Sasone fleet and orbital defenses?”

House Vastadd
I am pleased to hear that. I personally need to build toward a project that can enhance the rate which we Research, my chief scientist has proposed a medical treatment that will enhance and focus the brain on a never before seen scale. Did you have something in mind for a market project?

Due to the scale of the facilities we will likely be producing I would prefer the research prototype developed in my space, though you will have free access to build equipment. Though if you prefer to focus on a trade and market project either of our nations would work. [It takes a colony site]


Earl Severin
Agreed, I will see to it you have the resources. How many free colony sites remain in the Algiers system?

2019-03-27, 04:04 PM
Zaqaru Ball

Enigma 7

Nabuna Zaqaru dances with Alissa Vastadd, a beautiful and fast paced dance, the dance of the two flowing over the dancefloor. Later that evening, however, when his official dances in the Main Ballroom have passed and he has talked with many, he moves off to other rooms, intent on seeking somebody out. His search is direct, as he knew from the servants where the guest he sought could be found.

Duchess Izabela Vastadd, earlier approached that evening by Barnarnzuu Zaqaru, their meeting already a while ago, now finds herself approached in one of the smaller ballrooms by the heir apparent of Zaqaru instead. Nabuna bows before her and holds out his hand. “Would you dance with me, Duchess Izabella Vastadd?”

[OOC] Sorry Atrum Umbra for springing another conversation on you while you have not responded to the earlier Barnarnzuu Zaqaru conversation yet. Arcanestomper wants to move towards an End of Turn, hence why I could not wait until the natural end of the other conversations before presenting this opportunity and offering a possible next step.

Enigma 7

Nabuna smiles as she takes her hand and the bottom of her gown flows upwards. They dance on a fast beat together, Nabuna clearly enjoying the dance as he smiles. When she whispers in his ear, there’s a brief lapse in his step as she speaks of nothing more than restoring their house and not talking of trade for now. As he honours that, it becomes clear that while he enjoys the dance, there is a distinct difference in level of passion.
As the two start the dance, the music changes, to a rhythm filled with tension. “Thank you for accepting the dance, Duchess Izabella Vastadd.” He swiftly moves over the dancefloor, letting the two dance and the quicksilver gown fantastically swirl along.

“Your sister did not wish to discuss during the dance, but I hope I can convince you otherwise.” He smiles shortly. “For I wish to know your thoughts regarding an idea. Considering you are still single as well, how do you feel about a marriage yourself?” A swift spin in the dance, he does not allow her the chance to reply, though he notes her response. “Rest assured, I offer any children would be of the Vastadd name and not carry the Zaqaru name. Think about it. It will be but time before I am leader of Zaqaru and then we stand together as the leaders of two mighty families.”

Nabuna starts to dance faster, pace increasing with the increasing pace of the music. “All I ask is that you help me become King. Together, you would be able to exceed the former glory of your House. As King, I can help you strike against threats seeking to undermine those of noble blood, such as the foolish peasants calling themselves a republic. With a King’s support, you with such an imperial ancestry, could bid for a far greater station, perhaps even the greatest.” Nabuna smiles and slows his pace for a while, eagerly hearing Izabella’s response.
Abolar nods towards the effect of reputation, acknowledging it as recognisable. He seems thoughtful with regards to the perspective Farid offers towards taking prizes. When Farid answers the questions regarding the length of the research agreement, Abolar seems especially interested and is obviously making some mental notes. His attention seem to fade a little as Farid talks about research proposals, though there is a smirk there.

“You should talk with Grand Scientist Baresu Zaqaru, I am sure you two will find much to discuss regarding ship designs. While I have my reservations regarding the battleship, there are already plans regarding improving the effectiveness of our bomber strike craft. I am sure that our forces well complement one other, I can provide carriers, strike craft and frigates alongside the cruisers of the Haytham Fleet.”

“As for who leads the Zaqaruan fleets, that will obviously be Grand Admiral Elos Roshami. Though know that it will not be just Zaqaruan fleets tasked to this objective. With regards to intelligence, in summary I know that the Sansones have access to the equivalent of 13 Zaqaruan fleets, 4 agencies, 4 industries, 6 universities and 3 courts.”

“I find your offer very appealing, though I have one condition. Should the noble might of our just cause prove great enough to overwhelm the enemy within the upcoming five years and secure the war goal, it is clear that righteousness is on our side and I wish to make use of the opportunity, extending the war to make House Sansone truly pay for their folly. Can we agree that should we find luck on our side for such swift victory, the price for continued support remains the same for the next war against the Sansones? After all, another swift victory would practically be guaranteed.”
“Fantastic!” Meta Zaqaru looks pleased at Earl Varrais de Pantou. “May I have the honour of announcing the betrothal?”
Meta Zaqaru sighs. “Let us hope you can indeed avoid damage. Enjoy the ball, Eshnuk.” She stands up and leaves the Earl alone, rejoining with her husband to move in the crowd of the ball.
Duke Abolar Zaqaru raises a glass towards Earl Ossus Sibab. “To Zaqaru. May we claim a swift victory.”
The conversations between Meta Zaqaru and Earl Ninki Eshnuk ends as she rejoins her husband. Duke Abolar Zaqaru and Earl Ossus Sibab share another glass, but eventually Duke Abolar Zaqaru moves on to speak with other guests.

2019-03-27, 04:57 PM
House Greenflame

Enigma 4


Zaqaru Ball
Abolar and Farid
Farid's eyebrow rises slightly at the new condition, but he nods. “If you will be adding war goals Duke Zaqaru then my fleet will continue to persist at your side, at the previous price. But in exchange for this quirk in our deal I ask that I will have a seat at the peace talks, to potentially make a demand of my own, if the war draws particularly long.”
Farid extends a hand across the table, offer to shake.
“Are we agreed, Abolar Zaqaru?”

2019-03-28, 09:36 AM
House Berger
Enigma 5

Ernst was standing to the side of the Ball, simply watching the people dance. He wasn't planning on taking part, he'd never been interested in dancing, or parties in general. Other than diplomacy required, of course. He had just been delivered a message claiming that the Voss wanted peace. That they didn't actually want this war. That they'd even extradite his sister. Of course, with the reputation the Voss had, that was likely only a ruse, something to get him to lower his guard with.

"The war must continue" he thought to himself. Anything else would lead the Voss somehow finding a way to win again, against all odds. He kept watching the dancers move around the large room as the messenger patiently awaited for his response. Should the fleet continue mobilizing? "Order the fleet to continue as planned. You can't trust the Voss, and this 'peace offer' just makes an ambush ever more likely. We will be going on the offensive." And with that, the messenger was on his way, no longer irritating the snobbier nobles with his mere presence. Ernst stayed, still wondering whether truly was a ruse, or a legitimate offer.

"My apologies. It's just so often when asked of one's family, the question is really only about the head. It is good to see there are exceptions to that."

"Well, back home whenever I'm not working on some official business my family tries to bore me to death with, there's a wonderful garden I've managed to put together, even though most in House Berger don't appreciate the finer things in life. If you ever come visit, you must let me show it to you. Even though they don't like to admit it, many of my relatives spend significant amounts of time there.

Apart from that, I'd say music. That of course being one of the reasons I so enjoy this event. The other, of course, being you."

"We all have our ambitions. And taking [05, -02] away from Voss won't 'just' split them in half, it will split them in half in a very convenient manner. You see, that is the only system linking the kingdom to yours. And if I get the opportunity to gain control of the kingdom in some way, I will take it. I imagine your ambitions are very similar regarding the territories around your systems. As to what comes after that, we'll have to take a closer look in a few years."

Ernst grabs the drink Litte just poured for him.

"As to more personal matters", Ernst continues whilst returning the smile, "this Abus does indeed sound like the better candidate. It is getting late, and the Ball will soon be ending, so I'll be more blunt than perhaps is the custom in polite company. One of the reasons I came here was to secure a non aggression pact with Zaqaru. Those you only accept with close familial ties, correct? Such as a duke marrying the granddaughter of a duke. If that were to happen, we could sign [NAP worth 15 prestige]. That would not only prevent us from attacking each other, but bring some of the most powerful fleets in the galaxy closer together. We will need that if we ever plan to directly go against the Laramy, which I fear must eventually happen. Neither of the current candidates are fit to lead.

Of course, we'd have to manage to shift some of the current votes around. I believe both Grand Admiral Elos Roshami and Grand Scientist Baresu Zaqaru are voting for Nabuna not because they consider him a much better candidate than Abus, but because they believe him to be a better choice as far as the war is concerned. Now, if you, daughter of Abus, were to be married to me that might change some things. You see, if I assign some of my family members, many of them experienced officers, to lead the fleet into battle it is in fact the second strongest fleet in the entire galaxy, only behind the imperial Laramy fleet itself. While the next few years I must spend fighting the Voss, after that I should be able to aid you in your war if it is still ongoing. And if choosing Abus over Nabuna brings such allies, Both Elos and Baresu may yet vote for him."

Using FL to PM, following readable only by house Vastadd
"Hmm. I too have doubts on whether any of the remaining Laramy can ever become a proper emperor. It's far too early to strike directly against them though, that will have to wait for later. As far as information goes, this year's budget has already been spent, as far as agents go. Ask again after a while, and I may accept that offer. What is of interest to me, however, is your universities. Anything specific you are planning to research? I'd be very interested in acquiring more modern technology for the fleet."


Duke Farid

At this time, I can not allow the gatemaps to fall under control of people outside House Berger. House Berger is at war, and we must use the maps to our full advantage. While this is an unfortunate circumstance, I am sure you understand.

Duke Ernst


Duchess Brechtje,

your House is infamous for it's unreliability. Backing off now would simply have me turn my back at the dagger you are pointing towards me. The war will continue.

In which case I give you mine. For the time being, many of our resources will have to be spent on the war with the Voss, but as soon as it is settled I can offer much more assistance. Hopefully this works for you.

I am interested in those maps you speak of. Are there additional gates that one can travel? Take shortcuts, so to speak.

The services offered by your alchemists also pique my interest. Anything you can tell about these items? Something that could be of use in our war against the Voss, perhaps?

2019-03-28, 04:08 PM

Enigma 7

Duke Abolar Zaqaru and Duke Farid Greenflame have been speaking with each other in a niche somewhere between ballrooms. Their conversation comes to an end and Duke Abolar Zaqaru excuses himself to mingle amongst the ball crowd again. While he speaks a few guests as he is spoken to, he also taps a servant, exchanges a few words and then walks over to the ballroom where his sister, Meta Zaqaru is present.

The two hold a brief conversation, with mixed emotions visible on Duke Abolar’s face. After the conversation, where he clearly shows a sign of gratitude towards Meta, he then makes his way through the crowd and meets up with somebody Meta Zaqaru spoke to before. Earl Ninki Eshnuk, Earl in the Dimarq system, finds herself in the presence of a host of the Zaqaru Ball, Duke Abolar Zaqaru, with a conversation to follow.

Enigma 7

Duke Abolar Zaqaru smirks, but then his gaze turns serious. “Please state what you consider particularly long.”

Conversed with Dinosaur on Discord and I know the answer to the above question. I’ll let Dinosaur post it in the next IC post, but will proceed on considering time concerns.

“We are agreed.” Duke Abolar Zaqaru stands up and moves to the side of the table, waiting for Farid to rise and then takes the offered hand, shaking it as seal of the deal.

After some final words, Duke Abolar Zaqaru mentions: “Now that we have an accord, there is a matter I must attend to if we are to succeed swiftly. I will return to you with news afterwards. After the ball, I will have Grand Scientist Baresu Zaqaru contact your House regarding the research and Grand Administrator Caksya Gupta regarding the trade. Enjoy the ball in the meantime and we will speak later.”
“Earl Ninki Eshnuk, I am happy to see you at the Ball and hope you have enjoyed the drinks. I just spoke with Meta and understood you refused the offer to a betrothal.”

Duke Abolar Zaqaru opens his hands in a gesture of good will and openness. “You have justified concerns from your perspective, however I must inform you that the reasoning is lacking, for there is missing information.”

“The Sansone fleet will not pass through Dimarq. Instead, the battlefield will be at Dimarq. Unless you prevent it. Swear fealty to Zaqaru and the frontline will be the Dimarq-Gade gate, putting the Eshnuk holding behind the Zaqaru line.” With utter and complete confidence Abolar speaks: “Then Sansone will be driven back and Gade taken.” The statement finishes with a knowing smile.

“Ninki, if you wish to be known as the one who prevented a long and drawn out battle at Dimarq, I offer you this chance. Allow Zaqaru to be swift in its justice. Know that I will reward such loyalty after the war. So here, at this Ball, I ask you politely. Will you join Zaqaru?”
Nabuna’s smile widens, to show he is flattered by the last comment of Emma Berger. “It pleases me to know that.” It clearly does as there is an upbeat swing in his dancing steps, though there may be more to it.

“A garden you say? The beauty of the garden completes a mansion’s domain, so I can understand why many would spend time there, though it makes me wonder as to how the nearby interior is considered by your relatives.” There’s a short laugh as Nabuna steps forward. “Apologies, I simply find interior design to be of interest myself, but that is not what you are busy with. I would certainly be interested to see your garden. What do you consider the most vital part of a garden?”
“I like the way you think, Ernst.” Litte Zaqaru mentioned with a clear smile. She pours another flower decorated glass with wine from the golden ornamented bottle, offering one to Ernst as well.

“Smart military strategy. Clear diplomatic goals, including those which extend beyond the coming years. Fine assessment of the current Zaqaru relations. For once,” Litte Zaqaru takes another drink from her glass. “I don’t mind bluntness.” However, her face shows that she is lying - it’s not once she won’t mind.

“Ernst, let’s make marriage arrangements so I will become your Duchess.” Litte offers a smile towards Ernst.

“Though I will point out that our marriage will, considering the Zaqaru position, be less prestigious [Non Agression Pact will only be 10 prestige if based on a marriage with Litte], because I am not the heir apparent.” There’s a short pause. “Given that latter subject, I do suggest you, in time, personally get in touch with the councillors to make the point. While I could, the message will be stronger from your position. I fear they may be caught up in the current matters to consider the arguments you raise.”

2019-03-29, 09:37 AM
The Democratic Collective of the People

A flash of disappointment can be seen on more than one face in the room as Constantin explains the lack of conquest intended, but First Equal reveals no such emotion.

"This is agreeable to us, fully. So long as your people are treated well and our interests continue to align, I can see a long and fruitful relationship between your house and the Collective. Your interest in cooperation is admirable, though we do worry that it may lead you to be more forgiving of the excesses of your noble 'cousins.' That said, we cannot hold you accountable for hypothetical future actions, so today we celebrate."

Constantin's careful approach to the food is matched by the Advisors and First Equal, and met with approval by the same.

2019-03-29, 04:54 PM
"]Five in the Algiers system.

"Certainly you may announce it."

Earl Eshnuk considers for a long time and finally says, "If you are so certain that the Sansone will not enter Dimarq then you have my oath. But if the fighting occurs in Dimarq as I fear, then I will withdraw it, and I require a guarantee that you will pay my earldom enough to settle a new planet in Dimarq regardless of who wins the war."

Remember House Greenflame needs to actually declare war in order to be involved. Also war goals can't be added after the fact. There would need to be a second war.

Side Note: Ships don't have warp drives. The warp gates take care of all FTL.

]There are SHortcuts and then there are Holes in Spaace. We cann show you how to thread the needle young duke. Do you wish the carefully tended path or the gaping maw.

We have Great Relics and powerFul devices. Missiles to hurl through the Void and cutting Fury to slice open your foes. For a price. The goods of five worlds to be delivered to Uss.

2019-03-30, 09:31 AM
House Greenflame

Enigma 4

House Greenflame, in support of our new allies House Zaqaru, declare war on House Sasone. We support the war goal of the Zaqaru Annexation of the Gade System and the Restoration of Honor.


The Zaqaru Ball

Abolar and Farid
“Very well Duke Zaqaru, we will speak again soon, and my cousin Arda will depart with the fleet shortly.”

House Berger
Duke Berger,

I of course understand, especially with the closest warp lane between our houses twisting through Voss territory. Perhaps in future years one of my confidants can visit by a more circuitous route to exchange the data. For now I wish you good fortune in your war.


Earl Severin
You are blessed with a large system Earl Severin. I will guarantee your independence and send the resources to develop it. We shall speak again soon.

Be it so know that House Greenflame has guaranteed the house of Severin of the Algiers System ((8, -8)) for a period of 25 year. Any attack made against them will face the wrath and retribution of the Haytham Fleet.

Duke Farid Saquar

How much prestige will it cost for a guarantee?

2019-03-30, 02:43 PM
]I'll put the initial cost at 5 prestige since you are guaranteeing a system. You can put up more to put more of your honor on the line.

Also just so we are all clear you'll need to spend 25 prestige on the war since it is unilateral.

2019-03-30, 04:19 PM

Enigma 7

The conversation between Meta Zaqaru and Earl Varrais de Pantou comes to an end, Meta leaving content.

Duke Abolar Zaqaru wavers for a moment, rethinking what he said.

Previous post was made based on the wrong assumption the earl would become my vassal this turn, trying to correct myself.

“The Sansones will not pass Dimarq, that I am certain of, as I will stop them if they try. However, I doubt it will be necessary as I believe they would rather defend their fortresses in the time to come.”

“Should they send an attack force and you remain neutral, then even a victorious battle may lead to a stalemate in Dimarq. Join me and I can move the frontline forward and pressure the following combat to be about Gade, which will be won.”

“Therefore I wish for you to become my vassal for the years to come [OOC: at least Turn 2] and after the war is over, I will guarantee the reward within the decade. If the first battle over Dimarq is lost, you may choose not to join, but no reward will be given. If any later battles over Dimarq are lost, I understand if you withdraw and will still reward you. Is that acceptable?”

[OOC] Can earls control multiple colonies or will settling a new colony site always create a new earl?

Three contacts from Zaqaru are made with House Greenflame. Grand Admiral Elos Roshami, Grand Scientist Baresu Zaqaru and Grand Administrator Caksya Gupta each seek contact.

Grand Admiral Elos Roshami

Dear Arda Saquar Greenflame,

Zaqaru and House Greenflame will stand together against House Sansone. Coordination is vital, therefore I send you the two most likely scenarios and wish to know if you find them acceptable or see flaws in them. Please use the scenario name and talk in broad strokes, as we must consider your end of communications to be read by House Sansone.

I assume Sansone will be using its fleets, agencies and court for this war, as doing anything less would be foolish. Scenario Circle seems most likely, as House Sansone knows House Greenflame is joining the war and is likely to rely on its defensive capabilities as it has always done.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Admiral Elos Roshami

Zaqaru war goal: Gade
Sansone war goal: Abyre

Predicted Sansone forces: 13 fleets, 4 agencies, 3 court

Zaqaru forces: 10 fleets, 7 agencies
Greenflame forces: 12 fleets, 1 court
Total strength: 22 fleets, 7 agencies, 1 court

Scenario Square

Zaqaru fleets and Sansone fleets are sent out to claim the war target. Sansone keeps a defensive fleet to protect Gade. Zaqaru and Sansone forces meet each other at the Arkech-Dimarq stargate and do battle. During the Arkech-Dimarq battle, Greenflame forces can move through Champseau and strike at Gade.

Expected Result
As Sansone will need to split forces between offense and defense, it is unlikely either force stands up to either Zaqaru or Greenflame forces. Victory is obtained in the Zaqaru-Sansone battle and the Greenflame-Sansone battle.

Scenario Circle

House Sansone relies on its strength: defense. All forces defend Gade. This allows both Zaqaru and Greenflame to work together and siege Gade.

Agencies: 7 Zaqaru agencies versus 4 Sansone agencies leads to 3 disabled Sansone fleets.
Fleets: 15.6 Sansone fleet strength (13 fleets - 3 disabled + 3 court + 20% defense) versus 23 Zaqaru-Greenflame fleet strength (10 Zaqaru fleets + 12 Greenflame fleets + 1 Greenflame court)

Expected Result
The combined might of the Zaqaru and Greenflame forces overwhelm Sansone forces, despite their defensive bonus.

Up to 6 Zaqaru fleets can be kept in reserve to further weaken Sansone systems beyond Gade, leading to 15.6 Sansone fleet strength versus 17 Zaqaru-Greenflame fleet strength.

Grand Scientist Baresu Zaqaru

Dear Duke Farid Saquar Greenflame,

I contact you to discuss research subjects. Depending on information given, I have selected several projects which may be of interest to you. If you desire another project, do not hesitate to provide ideas. I strongly urge you to keep to high level, abstract suggestions, as your cryptographic capabilities are primitive. Keep to the project names, instead of their specifics, when sending your choice.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Scientist Baresu Zaqaru

Project Blue
Anti-subsystem Plasma Bombers

The bombers of Zaqaru are effective against capital ships, unleashing a devastating plasma bomb. These can be further improved by adding pinpoint precision to them and increasing the bomb’s explosiveness when targeting specific vital parts. This not only allows them to disable subsystems of vessels, but to strike at specific facilities of the Sansone ground forces, but also target specific turrets of their defenses.

Prototype: Zaqaru bomber fleet equipped with anti-subsystem plasma bomb launchers. The fleet is supported by a carrier.

Blueprint: Anti-subsystem Plasma Bombers, a fighter squadron. If added to a fleet lacking carriers, it is assumed a large ship will be repurposed to serve as makeshift carrier.

Project Yellow
Ion Cannon Frigates

Given the Sansone defenses, more firepower is useful to break through their fortresses and defenses. Powerful ion cannon technology will enable this. A frigate chassis based around a large ion cannon, fires a powerful ion beam to break through any defense and cause severe damage.

Prototype: Ion Cannon Frigate fleet.

Blueprint: Ion Cannon Frigates, a detachment of anti-capital frigates.

Future advances: Ion cannon turrets for larger vessels.

Project Green
Maintenance Carriers

As House Greenflame lacks dedicated carriers due to a lack of fighter-based forces and a desire for dedicated carriers was made, this is one of the options to make carriers more attractive an addition.

Maintenance Carriers are carriers with a module dedicated towards logistics, storing ammunition and reserve parts to allow any other part of the fleet to stay in the battlefield longer. They can more effectively repair fighters and frigates or send out crew and shuttles to super capital ships, such as the Greenflame cruisers.

Prototype: Carrier equipped with a Carrier Maintenance Module with a standard Zaqaru fleet, composed of interceptors, bombers and torpedo frigates.

Blueprint: Carrier Maintenance Module, upgrading existing carriers with improved maintenance or adding a carrier with said module to a fleet lacking a carrier.

Project Red
Fire Control Carriers

As House Greenflame lacks dedicated carriers due to a lack of fighter-based forces and a desire for dedicated carriers was made, this is one of the options to make carriers more attractive an addition.

Fire Control Carriers are carriers with a module dedicated to oversight and control over a radius around the carriers, increasing battle efficiency within range. Advanced computers track targets and allies, enabling commanders a better overview of the battle and coupling with other ship systems to coordinate assaults more effectively.

Prototype: Carrier equipped with a Carrier Fire Control Module with a standard Zaqaru fleet, composed of interceptors, bombers and torpedo frigates.

Blueprint: Carrier Fire Control Module, upgrading existing carriers with the ability to better coordinate and lead combat or adding a carrier with said module to a fleet lacking a carrier.

Grand Administrator Caksya Gupta

Dear Duke Farid Saquar Greenflame,

To get straight to business, do you wish to receive the requested goods by transport or do you instead wish for colonisers to be sent? Considering the requested research, it is obvious you intend to use the goods to create new colony sites. Merely point out the systems and colony sites and I can send a colonisation effort, which will be more efficient than the mere goods.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Caksya Gupta

2019-03-30, 05:15 PM
Earl Eshnuk gives the duke a calculating look. "So you want my earldom as a base for your forces. And have you considered that of course that would make them a military target and the Sansone will be well within their rights to destroy my lands to deny you a staging point. Maybe if you could garantuee my defense, but you seem far too ambivalent about that."

"I will only agree if you make an oath that you will fund the colonization of a second planet within the decade, and will pay reparations for any damage as well as lost income."

OOC: An earl can have more than one site, but they'll probably work towards becoming a count as soon as they have more than half the sites in the system.

"]Dear Duchess,

As you no doubt have learned House Greenflame has made common cause with the Zaqaru dynasty to attack us. And while I feel confident in repelling the disreputable Zaqarus there is no denying that the Greenflames are not to be trifled with. As such I propose that you use your unique position to blockade access to the stellar arm on which both my house and the Zaqaru reside in order to ensure our dispute can be settled without interference.

In return I pledge twenty five years of House Sansone's production capacity as well as aid against House Berger once my own war is finished regardless of the outcome.

Duke Stefano Sansone

2019-03-31, 02:03 AM
House Berger
Enigma 5

"Those terms seem acceptable. I'll make the necessary preparations for our wedding. As to the Zaqaru advisers, I'll be in contact with them as soon as this ball is over."

"Depends on what you mean by 'most vital'. The centerpiece is a specimen white oak, but I'd argue the soil to be the most vital part - one can't get far with low quality soil."


All of this is to my interest, but alas, the budget has been already drafted. I will be in contact again in the next few years.

2019-03-31, 08:09 AM

Enigma 7

Duke Abolar Zaqaru frowns for a moment, then takes a reassuring look. “I did not mean to come across as ambivalent regarding your defense. On the contrary, it is exactly your defense that has my priority, as I seek to prevent a long drawn out battle in Dimarq.”

“However, I cannot promise there to be no initial fighting in Dimarq, no matter how much I wish to prevent it, for there is a chance the Sansones will not rely on their renowned strategy of letting their enemy break on their defenses. Still, if they chose to fight, then I am confident to win, which means I can protect the Eshnuk holdings from any wish the Sansones would have to destroy your holding. After the ball, you will soon learn why I am confident, as I have gained a powerful advantage in the time to come.”

“Given your fear of destruction, I find it remarkable you ask for colonisation within the decade, as half of it is the least this war will last. How about the following. I promise to fund the colonization of a second planet in Dimarq after the war and will pay reparations for any damage done as well as lost income, should you become my vassal as I win the battle over Dimarq or Gade in the upcoming years. Should I suffer defeat in a battle over Dimarq in the five years to come, you may consider the deal void. Will that work?”

[OOC]So that means as soon as an earl becomes a count, they must grant any colony sites outside their capital to new earls?

Also, just to be clear, Duke Abolar Zaqaru effectively suggests that Ealr Ninki Eshnuk becomes a vassal as result of EoT 1 after a Zaqaru victory over Dimarq or Sansone not fighting over Dimarq this turn.
Grand Admiral Elos Roshami

Dear Arda Saquar Greenflame,

Intelligence reports indicate House Sansone has requested aid from House Voss, to blockade the Haytham Fleet from reaching Sansone territory. No response has been transmitted. Considering the expected result, I hope House Voss is swayed by their current conflict to not accept House Sansone’s current offer. They offer twenty five years of their trade and aid against House Berger after the war despite the outcome in return.

This unfortunately opens a new potential scenario, Scenario Triangle, described below. Please inform you how you would deal with a blockade, though remember House Sansone is likely to intercept replies.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Admiral Elos Roshami

Scenario Triangle

Zaqaru fleets and Sansone fleets are sent out to claim the war target. Sansone attacks full force. Zaqaru and Sansone forces meet each other at the Arkech-Dimarq stargate and do battle. During the Arkech-Dimarq battle, Greenflame forces can move towards the war goal, but are blockaded by House Voss at the Akkadu sector border.

Note that the blockade may not be at the Akkadu sector border, but one system further (9\-5), preventing taking an alternative path through the central sector.

Expected Result
With the full forces of Sansone, the Zaqaru forces as previously indicated will face defeat. House Greenflame will be blockaded by House Voss. As House Greenflame and House Voss are not at war, House Greenflame’s forces will return and their effort will be wasted for the years to come. In addition, all payments to House Greenflame will not be able to reach their destination due to the blockade.
Dear betrothed,

I thought I would share with you some information that caught my attention and may be of interest to you. House Sansone has requested House Voss to blockade House Greenflame from reaching House Sansone. In return, they are willing to yield their entire production for the coming two and a half decade to House Voss, and more notably, they are willing to aid House Voss in the war against House Berger, no matter whether they win or lose their own war. Thought you would like to know in advance. I will keep you informed of what I can learn of House Voss’ reply.

Best wishes,
Your fiancée
Dear Duchess Brechtje Voss,

It has come to my attention that House Sansone seeks your aid to block the Haytham fleet. I seek swift justice against Sansones. Therefore, I ask that you not interfere and let the Greenflame forces through without impediment, so they can support my righteous cause.

Yours sincerely,
Duke Abolar Zaqaru

2019-03-31, 08:15 AM
House Berger
Enigma 5

I appreciate the warning. I'll ensure that the war will be swift.

2019-03-31, 11:49 AM
Earl Eshnuk nods, "That is acceptable."

OOC: You can control more than one colony site. It's just advantageous to give extras to earls.

"]Duke Zaqaru,

You speak of justice, but my house is already facing a grave injustice. Duke Berger seeks to direct attention away from his own wrongs by persecuting his own sister while simultaneously profiting from a war he has no chance of losing. Will you help my house deal with this problem? As House Sansone have promised a not insubstantial fortune to do.

Duchess Brechtje Voss

2019-03-31, 02:45 PM

Enigma 7

Dear Duchess Brechtje Voss,

I offer to assist with peace negotiations. As is clear, House Berger does not trust House Voss. With another party at the table to stand guarantee, I am sure an accord can be reached.

It is my honest belief that this offer will prove of more use to you than the Sansone promise. I sincerely doubt they can live up to the promise. Once Gade is no longer theirs, neither is their privilege to unconditionally send goods through the system. In addition, I would like to point out that setting up a blockade will draw forces away from the problem you are currently facing. It may lead also to further problems in the future, as it would at the very least strain your relations with House Greenflame.

Therefore, I hope you will decide to go with my offer.

Yours sincerely,
Duke Abolar Zaqaru

“Dearly invited,” Meta Zaqaru’s voice sounds through the side ballroom where a lot of the noble teenagers are dancing under supervision of their parents. “The next song to dance on is for a lovely pair of dancers, whom I am thrilled to announce are planned to marry in six years. May I give the floor to Rostac de Pantou and my granddaughter, Sidad Zaqaru!”

The melodious tones of the music start, the light shifts and a beam centers on the two, Rostac and Sidad, two dancers, two teenagers. Rostac a late teenager at nineteen years and Sidad younger, at seventeen years old. Rostac de Pantou is son of Earl Varrais de Pantou, Earl in the Champseau system. The betrothal is an obvious sign towards the future vassalage of Earl Varrais de Pantou. The two start their dance, the beam of light following them for the first round. When the couple dances close to Meta Zaqaru, Sidad glares at her for a moment. Not so much for the betrothal, as she seems to enjoy the dance with Rostac, but for pressuring them in the center of attention like this. After the first round, the light dims, no longer directing everybody’s attention at the couple.

2019-03-31, 04:04 PM
"]Duke Abolar Zaqaru,

If you can arrange peace between our houses within the next year, then we would be most grateful. Otherwise our strategists estimate that House Berger will do so much damage that the war will be over anyway and House Voss will suffer grievously. In which case material support would be more useful to us.

I would welcome your efforts in this however I hold little hope for them as House Berger has already categorically rejected our attempt at negotiation and to be frank they stand to gain greatly from a war while peace gets them nothing they couldn't also gain from war.

Duchess Brechtje Voss

2019-03-31, 09:47 PM
"While having a family is something I do hope for, I am here for a Partner to face the challenges of life with. I want someone who I can trust with my secrets and will always be behind, or in front, of me. As for what my brother wants, that is of little concern to me. If he gains a strong ally out of it, then so be it. His skill in politics is why he was chosen as the heir after all. I am more concerned about my own future, and if you would have me, yours."

2019-04-01, 09:22 AM

Enigma 7

Dear Duchess Brechtje Voss,

I consulted my Grand Admiral and his analysis does not match your strategists estimations. Rather, he thinks a long protracted war to be likely. If you believe the war to last only the upcoming years, than I am afraid my offer will be of little use. Peace negotiations rarely last a year, unless with negotiation partners who are keen to make peace, which you already indicated House Berger to not be. However, should my Grand Admiral’s analysis turn out to be correct, know my offer stands.

While peace negotiations sound great to roleplay, I do not wish to further delay the current End of Turn.

Given my own war, I find myself lacking in the capability to offer material support. Given what you say about House Berger, I would advise caution with accepting the Sansone offer. House Greenflame may desire to force through any blockade put up. Should House Berger be as opportunistic as you say, it seems they will want to make use of the opportunity to make House Voss suffer from two battlefronts.

Yours sincerely,
Duke Abolar Zaqaru

2019-04-01, 01:37 PM
"]Duke Abolar Zaqaru

However if we allow Greenflame to pass then your war will be over. That must be worth more to you than simply a willingness to offer a neutral negotiator.

Duchess Brechtje Voss

2019-04-01, 02:06 PM

Enigma 7

Dear Duchess Brechtje Voss,

Just as yourself, I am at war and find my resources tied up to that cause. The same naturally applies to House Greenflame, but if they cannot reach their war target, they would have a fleet remained unused and they may need to shift their target to whatever is preventing them from reaching their goal. I am sure House Berger would be thrilled at the prospect, therefore I suggest you not give him such reason to.

Please let me know whether you are willing to accept my offer as neutral negotiator. Or, if you have any alternative suggestions not requiring resources dedicated to the war, I am certainly interested to listen to them.

Yours sincerely,
Duke Abolar Zaqaru
Dear Duke Farid Saquar Greenflame,

I am currently in a conversation with Duchess Brechtje Voss to prevent a blockade which would block your forces from reaching the war goal and block my payment to your House. I am having little success so far and Grand Admiral Roshami has not received any word from Arda Saquar regarding the proposed battle scenarios, or how the blockade is intended to be dealt with.

I look forward to your involvement and reply, for otherwise all indications are the blockade will be a reality and I will be forced to base my strategy on the both the Haytham fleet not reaching Gade and trade routes incapable of reaching House Greenflame.

Considering that scenario, I must ask. Would you be willing to declare war on the blockaders, if not now, then in the years to come?

Yours sincerely,
Duke Abolar Zaqaru

2019-04-01, 02:11 PM
House Greenflame

Enigma 4

House Zaqaru

Admiral Roshami,

The Haytham fleet will make all haste to the battlefield, with your latest intel we will believe the original plan presented is still the best option, we will assume scenario square and await your signal. Should our fleet be interrupted in transit, we will simply run the blockade. I will not have my fleet fire the first shot, leave the actual act of war to those who would block us.

That leaves the blockade fleet three options:
1. Not blockade in the first place. - Avoids a diplomatic incident, as well as potential war.
2. Blockade and not fire upon Haytham - A diplomatic insult against them to be sure, but no loss for them.
3. Blockade and fire upon Haytham - Unless the House of Steel has come out from isolation and supported them in full, they face utter defeat even with the first shot.

With regards to the researchers we will be pursuing something similar to your first proposal, and while House Greenflame appreciates your offer of flexibility, we will take the payment in trade.

Grand Admiral Arda Saquar

2019-04-01, 02:54 PM

Enigma 7

Dear Duke Farid Saquar Greenflame,

Your plan seems sound, except for one point. The second option seems flawed, as simply running the blockade seems not a real option for the cruisers of the Haytham Fleet. If House Voss blockades the warpgate with spaceships, then trying to run the blockade seems likely to require the cruisers to ram through.

Ramming a cruiser into another spaceship can hardly be called a diplomatic insult, but would sooner be taken as the first shot fired, or ramming in this case, an act of war without formal declaration, which I would advice nobody.

But perhaps I view this too simply and you have an alternative plan to run the blockade?

Yours sincerely,
Duke Abolar Zaqaru

2019-04-01, 03:10 PM
House Greenflame

Enigma 4


House Zaqaru

Lord Zaqaru,

While I believe your concerns are valid I think House Voss may blanch at the act of so clearly choosing a side in the conflict. I am certain my cousin would see it as an act of war and would give both of us very good cause for allying ourselves with House Berger, leaving Voss almost comically surrounded. If they are smart, they will focus on their own conflict, and try to win, or at least lose as little as possible. I have no illusions about our... older ciphers, I am sure they will read this message. So I suppose the question is directed at them as well as rhetorical between us: Do they split their forces, to potentially double their fronts and triple thier enemies? Or keep to one front and focus their forces?

Admiral Arda Saquar


House Voss,
I have been told by Duke Zaqaru that you have been asked to blockade my fleet. I wonder if you are intending cede to this request, as I have invested a great deal in this alliance will not take its interruption lightly.

Duke Farid Saquar,
Master of the Grand Marquis

2019-04-01, 03:41 PM
Zaqaru Ball

The Zaqaru Ball is a resounding success, with a huge attendance of the noble houses and even a non-noble house in attendance. Dances, lively moments, conversation, drinks, food, the best of the best for the very best. As the evening turns into night and night gives rise to the light of morning, the last of the guests leave the ballrooms of Erit Palace. Guests stay for the night in wealthy accommodation or make their way to the spaceport to return to their luxurious spaceships to make their way home.

The faster spaceships may catch sight at the Abyre stargate of moving warships. The carriers with the interceptors and bombers of the Zaqaru fleet, accompanied by torpedo frigates.

When Saundri Arnos leaves the ball, a servant approaches her and offers the gift of a golden rose set with glittering diamonds and a note.

“Thank you for the dance, I greatly appreciated it. I look forward to our next dance and a life together. - Nabuna”
When Emma Berger, cousin to the Berger Duke, leaves the ball, a servant approaches her and offers the gift of a sparkling red ruby in the shape of a rose and a note.

“Thank you for the dance, I greatly appreciated it. - Nabuna”
When Alisa Vastadd, sister to the Vastadd Duchess, leaves the ball, a servant approaches her and offers the gift of a rose made of gleaming silver and a note.

“Thank you for the dance, I greatly appreciated it. - Nabuna”


After the Zaqaru events, the fiancée of the heir ascendant, Nabuna Zaqaru, is announced:

Saundri of House Arnos

She was the first to dance with Nabuna Zaqaru on the ball. Already, Zaqaruan newspapers are filled with speculation where the marriage will be and how it will be like. There are rumours about what Saundri will be like as partner to Nabuna in the time to come. Her military past is pointed out as being of use in the current war, boosting morale of the Zaqaruan people.

Enigma 7

With the marriage between close relatives of the faction leaders, Zaqaru invests 15 prestige in a non-agression pact, to last as long as the pair is a close relative to the faction leader, together in life or one of the two reaches the age of 80.

[OOC] With your permission, I would like to make a portrait for Saundri, as I have done to my characters. What ethnicity may I use for House Arnos? And are there any additional wishes?

Diamond rose source: https://abstract.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/360445

2019-04-01, 10:16 PM
Enigma 5
House Arnos will also invest 15 Prestige in a Non-aggression pact
OOC: Have her be Celtic in Ethnicity, Since I assume you are using CKII for your portrait generators. Also those of house Arnos have darker red hair and blue eyes.

2019-04-02, 01:29 AM
"]Since you both seem keen on the matter we will address both of you. House Voss will agree not to hinder the free flow of ships in its cluster if both your noble houses agree to a non aggression pact to be backed by 10 prestige from each house with a reaffirmation every five years for at least 15 years.

Or If House Zaqaru and House Greenflame pledge to a contribute a total of no less than 10 naval squadrons to assist House Voss against House Berger within the next decade to be backed by 25 prestige from each house now, which will be returned upon the successful completion of the treaty.

2019-04-02, 02:00 PM

Enigma 7

Dear Duchess Brechtje Voss,

I appreciate the offers you bring to the table, as it shows you are willing to think in alternative. Unfortunately I must admit that I cannot agree with either proposal, as Zaqaru is tied in obligations already, formed at the Zaqaru Ball. A desire for a non aggression pact should have been formulated earlier, because then you would have been able to present a candidate for Nabuna to marry.

It seems as though negotiations regarding this topic are going rough, as I realise I find myself with little to offer directly, as I am tied up in my own war. To that end, I consulted my council. Grand Agent Ayallal Attar had a proposal, which she will share with you on another channel. Again, I will caution you to make a choice we may all regret and ask that you accept this proposal.

Yours sincerely,
Duke Abolar Zaqaru
Dear Duchess Brechtje Voss,

Allow me to introduce myself, I am Ayallal Attar, Grand Agent of the Zaqaru Council. Duke Abolar Zaqaru should have already informed you that I would be contacting you. I believe the two of you find yourself in a predicament, as neither side is willing to give much in current negotiations regarding the blockade.

So, I believe the matter should be tackled from another perspective. Let’s first look at one perspective, where you put up a blockade and prevent House Greenflame from reaching House Sansone. Then, House Sansone does not need to worry about House Greenflame’s forces and only has Zaqaru to deal with.

Now, there are two scenarios which can happen there. Either Zaqaru wins and is able to put up a blockade in a few years time, preventing House Sansone from paying you funds and sending aid in your war. The offered deal by Sansone does not look so good then, only allowing part of the funds to reach House Voss. But what if House Sansone wins? They pay up and provide you with aid! Looks fine, except for one thing.

In both scenarios, a blockade costs you forces, taking away from the Berger conflict. In addition, House Greenflame will still want to pass, so you might find yourself at war with not just House Berger, but House Greenflame as well. Naturally, House Sansone comes to your aid, but Zaqaru will hinder that effort, effectively making it a three to two conflict, which are not chances I would be happy to take.

So, the above is not new to you. I mentioned about another perspective. One I think you will find to have a certain attractiveness. What if you agreed with Sansone to put up a blockade, asking for immediate payment, which would arrive just as well, but the blockade is, well, not there. For reasons. Perhaps the ships could not make it from the Berger conflict, perhaps they got a wrong order, leading to some nameless responsible commander being fired, whatever the case.

There you are, no angry Duke Farid Saquar Greenflame or Duke Abolar Zaqaru and the risk of a large scale war. You received material aid, equal to what you would have gotten out of the deal if Zaqaru won had there been a blockade. And you can say to Duke Stefano Sansone that you tried.

So, what do you think of the proposed scheme?

Yours sincerely,
Grand Agent Ayallal Attar of the Zaqaru Council

2019-04-02, 03:39 PM
"]Dear Ayallal,

We agree. House Voss will not establish any blockades over the warp gates under its control.

Duchess Brechtje Voss

"]As much as we would love to aid our Sansone neighbors House Greenflame and the Zaqaru have threatened to go to war with us if we do so. However their repeated refusals to form any sort of nonaggression pact have left us suspsicious of their ambitions for this sector.

So we have enclosed some notes on [Warp Gates: Alignment] that your scientists may find useful.

2019-04-04, 03:09 PM
Noble Wedding

Wedding Hall

Amidst the stars, the fate of two souls are joined together in the sanctity of marriage. Nabuna Zaqaru, son of Duke Abolar Zaqaru, and Saundri Arnos, sister of Duke Raudos Arnos, meet each other once more amidst the beauty of the grandness in the Wedding Hall arranged for this occasion. As the many gathered, including many important young nobles, watch this momentous event, where two Houses are tied together in the bond of marriage, so too watch the people of Zaqaru and the Empire, as the highlight is publicly broadcast.

The orchestration is perfectly done, with music beautifully guiding the couple over the deep red carpet to the altar and laying silent as the faithful words are spoken. The gold and precious metals of the hall gleam while the stars shine brightly through the many intrinsicate windows, though none shine brighter than the precious diamond ring Nabuna puts around the finger of Saundri.

A great applause thunders and echoes through the hall as the couple turns to the masses and offer their smile and first kiss in marriage. The heir ascendant of Zaqaru is now married to the admiral of Arnos. Her presence alone commands respect and the strength and determination she shows at the wedding inspires the Zaqaruan people to the same.

While there are voices that claim Saundri is cruel and heartless, as she was in her military actions against pirates in her time as admiral, those voices remain remarkably quiet during the wedding.

After the wedding, the couple’s honeymoon is far from stereotypical. They both move to the Zaqaru-Sansone war frontline, to offer their skills in the combat to come.

The Married Couple


Nabuna Zaqaru

Saundri Arnos

Source wedding hall:

2019-04-07, 08:13 AM

I will only require safe passage for the Wayward Fleet as well as your fealty. You should only commit whatever forces you can to the occupied systems once we secured them.
I will send emissaries to consecrate our oaths. It is no slight should I not come personally, but the war has our person fully engrossed.
Duke Athaia Kelse of Lyrae, Wayward Fleet Admiral

Athaia shakes his head, unconvinced. "I can't let the Jinks be a thorn on our side and sabotage all our efforts while we fight elsewhere, and there's no time to concoct a different plan to contain them.
The only advantage we can press right now is our Fleet dwarfing theirs, and that I shall do."
"This notwithstanding, my pledge stands. Should we remove Sebastian, there is no other claimant to the Throne Lyrae will recognize but Persephone."

Fair Izabela, I was unfortunately unable to attend the Ball due to pressing affairs of state. I heard it was quite... smashing. I will endeavour to meet your person at a later date should the circumstances allow it. My kindest regards.

2019-04-07, 03:03 PM

Enigma 7

Dear betrothed,

House Voss has been persuaded to not blockade House Greenflame, though threats of war were involved. It seems unlikely that this has improved relations.

Best wishes,
Your fiancée

2019-04-10, 12:35 AM
Turn 2

Military Affairs
Two centuries of peace gone as if they had never been. That is the general sentiment around the empire in modern times. Even as the heart of the empire itself is engulfed in conflict as the Laramy civil war rages further conflagrations have spread across the eastern fringes.

In the north House Jinks and the Duchy of Lyrae have engaged in a war of ideals as the Lyreans attempt to bring the infamous Jinks cartels to justice. But their efforts have been stalemated by the expert strategy on the part of High Admiral Marcone Jinks.

Nearer to the heartland House Berger has engaged House Voss over the return of the fugitive Berger heiress, but they have been quite decivily beaten back by the combination of Voss military determination and ample use of operatives to cripple key Berger logistics networks.

The only war that has indeed been short and victorious as so many leaders promise is the one between the Zaqaru Dynasty and House Sansone. Calling upon the Greenflame armada the Zaqaru were able to overwhelm the Sansone defenders in open combat. Though rumors have it that the Sansones had a few tricks up their sleeves.

Lighter News
Not every house has turned to war however. The Excagon family have engaged in a massive campaign to wine and dine literally every noble in the empire. Their perfectly attired family members have been seen in every fashionable event of the last few years always in exquisite fashion. With witty conversation and charming smiles the Excagon family are on everyone’s minds and more nobles that not claim to have close personal ties with one or more of their members.

The Common Folk
Rumor has it that the Tatarus have become a little to assertive for the liking of their noble neighbors. A group of earls and counts has banded together to assert noble superiority and deal with the cartel of concubines before they can bend the entire region with their seductive whiles.

2019-04-10, 04:11 AM
Turn 1

Duke Abolar Zaqaru congratulates the Newly Weds


Duke Ernst Berger

Litte Zaqaru

Turn 2

Zaqaru Council

Baresu Zaqaru abdicates due to maximum age, resigning as Grand Scientist.
Caksya Gupts transfers from the position of Grand Administrator to Grand Scientist.
Shursun Byleuc is appointed as Grand Administrator.
Ninki Eshnuk replaces Ningilga Zaqaru as Grand Diplomat.


Grand Diplomat Ninki Eshnuk

Grand Diplomat Ninki Eshnuk is an Earl of 46 years old and is well versed in Diplomacy. In her conversation she is Patient. She is Trusting of her colleagues, who know of her Lustful streak, as well as her love for drinks, which has been described as Gluttonous.


Grand Admiral Elos Roshami

Grand Admiral Elos Roshami is an Earl of 62 years old, having followed an Intelligence study. Well known to be Brave, he also has a Gregarious and Kind side. Whichever side of an argument he backs, he does so as a Zealous man and displays Wroth when things get intense.


Grand Agent Ayallal Attar

Grand Agent Ayallal Attar is Earl of 64 years old and well trained in Intelligence. She is considered to be a Lustful and Cruel type, but few have been able to provide substantial proof as she takes every precaution needed due to an incessant Paranoia. A strong rumour circulates she is in this position because she was Envious of the previous holder.


Grand Scientist Caksya Gupta

Grand Scientist Caksya Gupta is an Earl of 49 years old, who has followed a scientific education. With a Temperature attitude she is Honest in her negotiations, where she acts with clear Ambition. Finding a strong drive out of being Envious of others, she works towards her agenda with Diligence.


Grand Administrator Shursun Byleuc

Grand Administrator Shursun Byleuc is an Earl of 49 years old, with an industrial background. She is known for her Honesty and does little to hide her Lustful behaviour. Patient in her dealings and conversations, she is regarded as making Just decisions.

Zaqaru Inheritance

Duke Abolar Zaqaru will abdicate in five years due to maximum age.
Nabuna Zaqaru is Heir apparent with 3 votes.

Nocri Zaqaru

Nocri Zaqaru is the oldest child of the Great and Just Duke Abolar Zaqaru. 52 years old, she is married, has two children and is grandmother. She has a scientific background, though is not known for any research of great note as she is considered a Slothful person. Searching the truth in scientific matters, she reflects it with Honesty. Perhaps it is something she found in her studies or the political arena, but something has left her Paranoid and Craven.

Abus Zaqaru
1 Vote: Tied for 2nd Choice

Abus Zaqaru is the second child of the Great and Just Duke Abolar Zaqaru. Almost a year younger than his older sister at 52 years old, he is married and has three children. Well versed in science, he takes after his father with a Greedy attitude. Proud of his heritage and dynasty, he is not above Deceit to get what he wants. He pursues his agenda with Diligence.


Grand Scientist
Caksya Gupta

I support Abus Zaqaru. His Diligence will see us through the coming times, leading the Zaqaru Dynasty to great heights and wealth.

Eshkit Zaqaru

Eshkit Zaqaru is the third child of the Great and Just Duke Abolar Zaqaru. At the age of 52, she is without children and already a widow, having lost her husband due to undisclosed reasons. Like her older siblings, she has a scientific interest and background. Taking after her older sister with a Slothful attitude, some claim that she has become Wrathful after the loss of her husband, while other claim it has only then risen to the surface. It is because of her Temperature nature that it did not show before and the same reasoning applies to a streak of Cruelty, pronounced since the loss of her husband.


Nabuna Zaqaru
3 Votes: Heir

Saundri Arnos

Nabuna Zaqaru is the fourth child of the Great and Just Duke Abolar Zaqara. At the age of 43, he is married to Saundri Arnos, the sister of Duke Raudos Arnos and together they have two children. He is in his second marriage, where his first marriage resulted in a divorce with Guaria Sansone, leading to war between Zaqaru and Sansone as the peace treaty was broken. Like his father, Nabuna is trained in Intelligence and has a Greedy attitude. Some claim he is Deceitful, despite his reputation of being Humble. Perhaps it was because of the divorce or something else, but he shows signs of Paranoia. In a lesser extent, he also takes after his father as he values Justice.


Grand Diplomat
Ninki Eshnuk

Nabuna Zaqaru has my support. I trust the majority opinion to back Nabuna Zaqaru, otherwise I think fair candidates are Abus Zaqaru, Zarossu Zaqaru and Mammyl Zaqaru.

Grand Admiral
Elos Roshami

I favour Nabuna Zaqaru. While Abus Zaqaru is a good candidate as well, Nabuna Zaqaru is the best candidate to lead now we are at war with House Sansone. His marriage to Saundri Arnos, who has proven her skill in battle, is an excellent choice.

Grand Agent
Ayallal Attar

I back Nabuna Zaqaru. His intelligence training will be a vital asset as we can rely on his Justice to see us through future conflicts.

Puabi Zaqaru
1 Vote: Tied for 2nd Choice

Puabi Zaqaru is the youngest child of the Great and Just Duke Abolar Zaqaru. She is 40 years, happily married and without children. She is well versed in economy. With a flirtatious behaviour, she is considered Lustful as she Enviously looks at other husbands. Like her father, she is considered Just in matters of state, though she is a much stronger supporter of harsh punishment and eye for an eye, earning her a reputation as Wrathful and Cruel.


Grand Administrator
Shursun Byleuc

I honestly believe Puabi Zaqaru to be the right choice. Her skill in Economy and how Just she holds to matters of state will bring the stability our industry needs to develop.

Meta Zaqaru

Meta Zaqaru is the second child of the Brave Duke Abolar Zaqaru, sister to the Great and Just Duke Abolar Zaqaru. At 76 years, she is married and has five adult children and like her older brother is grandparent. Studied in intelligence, she is known to be Envious and well applying her studies, earning her a reputation as Deceitful. Like her brother, she is Cynical, though remains Humble. Unlike her brother, she is considered Charitable.

Esuukas Zaqaru

Esuukas Zaqaru is a third child and brother to the Great and Just Duke Abolar Zaqaru. 74 years and married, he is without children. He has a science background, known to have a Greedy streak. Some claim he has no children because he is Cruel, while others point to his Chaste behaviour. Few dare to say that to his face, however, as he is also known for his Wroth.

Zarossu Zaqaru

Zarossu Zaqaru is a fourth child and brother to the Great and Just Duke Abolar Zaqaru. 68 years and married, he has one adult child. With an academic background in finance he takes clear Pride in, he is keen to show off his knowledge as an Erudite. Easy to Trust others as he shows off his knowledge, he is also eager to share his knowledge of other more literal appetites with food, marking him as Gluttonous. His taste extends further as well, giving him a Lustful reptuation.

Mammyl Zaqaru

Mammyl Zaqaru is the youngest sibling of the Great and Just Duke Abolar Zaqaru. At 63 years old, she is on her second marriage and has five adult children. She is a scientist, indulging herself in other things than science as well as a Gluttonous person. Indulging herself in more, the children may have been the product of her Lustful desires, though she does thirst for knowledge as well. Considered an Erudite with a sharp and Cynical attitude, it still seems she not only Envies knowledge, but perhaps relations as well.

Enigma 7

Dear Duke Athaia Kelse,

I am informed your scientists are specialised in warp gates (OOC: You started with Archives: Warp Gates). Recently, I have some problems with warp gates and wish to know whether your knowledge may be able to prove of aid to me. If so, I would like to open up negotiations with you.

The warp gates I am dealing with are disrupted, making travel through them hazardous. Do you have related expertise which may help gain more information about that, travel through them or repair the warp gates?

With anticipation I look forward to your response. Meanwhile, I wish you the best of luck in your war against House Jinks.

Yours sincerely,
Duke Abolar Zaqaru
Dear Duke Ernst Berger,

My condolences for the losses suffered in your war so far. While I claimed victory in my war, I am now facing another problem. One I am curious whether you may be of help with. To my knowledge, you have possession of information regarding alternate warp gate routes (OOC: You started with Outlaw Gate Map). Would any of those allow an alternative entry into Sansone territory? If so, I am interested to negotiate.

Yours sincerely,
Duke Abolar Zaqaru
Dear Duke Raudos Arnos,

When I look back just a few years, we were talking about Nabuna Zaqaru and Saundri Arnos meeting at the Zaqaru Ball. And look at them now. Married at a grand wedding, participated in a decisively won war and in the meantime created a family as well! My grandchildren and your nephew Sinma and niece Ilith, toddlers which are growing well. I have heard Sinma loves his sleep, like a little Indolent child, and they describe Ilith as having a Brooding and thoughtful look to her. I wish them well and am glad you contacted me at the time.

Now I wish to contact you on another matter. To my knowledge, you possess information regarding alternate warp gate routes (OOC: You started with Outlow Gate Map). Now, both of our territories are far apart, but I am still wondering, do you perhaps know of an alternate route than the current warp gates in Sansone territory? If so, I am interested to negotiate.

Yours sincerely,
Duke Abolar Zaqaru
Dear Duke Farid Saquar Greenflame,

Congratulations for our victory. Without you, this overwhelming assault would not have been possible and I am happy to see the result. I am interested to speak further on this subject and propose we meet in person to continue discussions. Are we agreed?

Yours sincerely,
Duke Abolar Zaqaru

[OOC] Proposing a private conversation between our faction leaders.

2019-04-10, 04:25 PM
House Greenflame

Enigma 4

The soft moss pulled away easily from the railing on the Terrace of Dushuma. Amari Saquar, third of her name, plucked idly at the rust-colored carpet of plant matter. The Dushama was made of a mixture of imitation marble and neocrete, two materials utterly toxic to any true plants grown in the Bio-arcologies, but the stubborn redmoss cared little for what surface it grew on. Like many of the Samarkite natives the moss was an aero feeder. Delving into the soil for nutrients was a risky business, to many heavy metals, but the air was lush and clean planetwide.
“Hello Ams, it’s-”
Amari whipped around, a grin already plastered to her face. She threw her arms around the short man in naval dress uniform behind her, her widebrimmed sun hat tumbling past and taking his tricorn with it.
“-been far to long.” he finished, laughing and swinging her around.
“Peter you had better have a good reason for not writing back, our chess game was only just getting good.” She picked up the fallen hats and returned them opposite their perches, hers drooping down over Peter Causo's eyes.
“You mean you had started to win,” he said, pushing away the brim of her hat to reveal playful accusation in his eyes. “and for the record, I've been running test flights almost one hundred hours a t-week, chess has not been on the forefront of my mind.”
“And I suppose uncle has dragged you back for the Sashaw?” she quirked an eyebrow at his fighter ace badges. Despite decades of peace, Aces were practically celebrities in the border worlds, and Peter's face was a common sight on marketing from propaganda to cereal boxes.
“He offered, and I needed the break. I honestly don't understand how Zhou and Wihi refused, they have been putting in even more hours than I have.” He shook his head, swapping hats back to rightful owners. “But it means I can catch up here, and perhaps even take you to dinner?”

“A right pair we would make, you on naval drip and me with Yarro's disgusting new concoction. No, let's go dancing, it's been months since I've had a good partner, Sassi and Dan are both away in Gade, and after many hours of practice together I can safely say Geev has gotten worse.” She twirled away from Peter, already dialing an air taxi.

“You Saquars aren't very good at sitting still are you?” he replied with mock exasperation.

“You are just noticing now?”

The Sashaw Race

Once every fifty years, House Greenflame hosts the Sashaw Race, a twelve Samarkite-Day event consisting of six races, as well as a plethora of side events. On the first four days, wing and wheel races for both the track and rough categories, where contestants push the limits of atmospheric capability. The 6th day sees a starship race to circumvent Samarkand IX through the orbital asteroid belt. The final five days are the grueling Tatooine Run, a horse race through the sandstorm prone New-Tunisia Region. While the definition of horse has become looser over the last few Sashaws, a dossier is readily available at most libraries imperium wide detailing the conditions and atmosphere of the race. Of course, a certain amount of fame is required to be invited for the final event, but the victor is always showered with praise.

Ooc: public invite to everyone to attend the race, a general roleplay event. The last race requires a ‘bet’ of 1 prestige to enter, with the winner taking the pot. I will request that arcane roll a die for the final result a couple of days before eot. Your contestant and their steed must be described, and must be about horse sized, piloted, open-topped, and have grounded, leg based movement. Beyond that, ride whatever you damn well please.


House Zaqaru

Lord Abolar,
My presence is required here at home, I invite you to attend the Sashaw, I'm sure we could find a few moments to speak there.

A toast to our victory, and if you do not have the time to attend the Sashaw I trust my cousin Arda to any negotiations between us, if you have a trusted agent in Gade.

2019-04-11, 12:43 AM
Turn 1

We agree to your terms.
OOC: Sorry I missed your response but I wanted you to know that she approved the deal.

Turn 2

Fleet Report

High Courtesan

Everything is moving at a sustainable pace. The concerns do not appear to be completely misplaced however. It has reached most ears that various earls and barons are moving to contain us to our sector due to our lack of royal status... We will have to act quickly and request that fleet forces move on the target suggested as soon as possible. That which is required to ensure harmony of the fleet is provided below, please make sure to get it all complete in a timely manner High courtesan your obsessions with naming individual ships a year ago kept our operational status in utter disarray since we could not bring those ships into service until the rituals were completed... WE DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR THAT THIS GO AROUND.

Your humble servant
Admiral Watson Xang

Lab Report

High Courtesan

We have something very special designed for you. We are hoping it will aid our economic circumstances significantly. We hope that funding can in turn be returned to our department. We are struggling greatly and you keep sending a phenomonal amount of funding into Odessas department. I am beginning to feel a little abandoned in the labs I managed. We had an explosion the other day because of decrepit equipment!

Your loyal servant
Oracle Quinton Tysar

hatyaara report

Your will is done.


Screams of delight echo through the pleasure dome, reports go completely unread... One must imagine leadership greets this with a collective sigh and yet goals continue to be achieved? One must wonder who really keeps it running when the High Courtesan is so indisposed.

Enigma 5

Periklis Treasach
The stunning appearence of the high courtesan glowed in a disk which shot up a 3D image of the woman. She wore a ravishing pantsuit with a plunging neckline with no end of jewelry and showy wealth for the Earl.

"My dearest Earl, things are becoming rather dangerous for all those not part of a greater collective. The threat of your beloved research coming to an end would be a waste and so we are willing to offer our services in protecting you. In making sure our realm remains whole while the chaos of nobility is sorted out. We want to make sure that things do not collapse during this civil war and we can only do so by bringing you in as a vassal. I know a strange term used by someone not of noble birth but our house has proved its willingness to safeguard the royal way of life."

2019-04-11, 11:57 AM
House Greenflame

Enigma 4

A vast carnival city sprang up seemingly overnight in the New-Tunisia Region. The sounds of revelry and smells of dozens of food vendors lent a defiant air to the otherwise bleak desert. At the center of the event, a massive tent stretches between the trunks of six Sphinx Trees, huge Samarkite aerofeeders not unlike terran palm trees, though with fronds decorating the entire trunk. Inside, racers flaunt their vehicles on a hundred stages, talking with fans and bantering with rivals. Near the entrance, the Greenflame track craft are on display, Danica Kennels showing off her Sunbeam racer, little more than an old Terran Dragracer developed to the illogical extreme after generations of development. Large wheels stacked onto a pulserjet with a sleek cockpit perched on front, with the rest of the car designed simply to keep the vehicle on the ground.

The wing craft was Piloted by Maan Geffi, and he sat smiling on the minuscule Spinjet IV, a hobby craft for Racers designed to keep the pilot in a stable in a gyro while the rest of the craft spun like a rifled bullet. With a ultralight pulse jet for propulsion, the craft was only barely larger than Geffi, and a colorful paint job gives the craft a kaleidoscope look in flight.

While half a dozen speeches and talks are scheduled during the event, the true spirit of the Sashaw lies in the boasting and banter leading up to the races, and history has shown that a charismatic contestant often leaves richer than a victorious one.


House of Silk
High Courtesan,
Did you representatives discover anything at the Ball worth attention? As per our agreement? Also allow me to properly invite you to the Sashaw, I am sure an event like this will suit quite well.

The Democratic Republic of the People

First Equal,
While I find myself rather uncomfortable writing this letter I would be remiss not to invite you to the Sashaw. Perhaps we could speak more closely there about the future of our shared sector.

2019-04-11, 02:23 PM
Duke Abolar Zaqaru congratulates

Sidad Zaqaru
his cousin,


Rostac de Pantou
son of Earl Varrais de Pantou,

with their marriage in a month’s time.

In recognition of this joyous event,
Duke Abolar Zaqaru acknowledges de Pantous as Zaqaruan vassals,
and at the same time he awards Varrais de Pantou the title:

Countess of Champseau

May the future of the happy couple and the two families be bright and of everlasting harmony.

Champseau is located at 10\-4. Zaqaru is investing 20 Prestige to award the title of Countess of Champseau to Earl Varrais de Pantou.

Sashaw Race

The transport carrying the Zaqaru delegation arrives amidst an enthusiastic crowd. Renowned music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CC_Y4zOUdcI) starts playing as the cargo bay opens up, mist blasting out. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, the colours of the rainbow shines out of the mist. The silhouette of a unicorn forms with rainbow manes and tail.

http://u.cubeupload.com/Zweanslord/2qc0y2w.jpg (https://unicorn.jocke.no/)

Out of the transport and out of the mist jumps a fantastically gleaming robot unicorn with fluorescent rainbow manes and tail!


Leaving behind a rainbow trail it lands amidst the crowd, carrying on its back the famous Robot Unicorn Princess!

Contestant Ninu Zaqaru has arrived!

As Ninu Zaqaru steals the show, crowds cheering and the intergalactic media having their cameras set on her, the rest of the Zaqaru delegate arrives as well for the Sashaw Races. The transport descends further away, leaving the crowd to the celebrity. Duke Abolar Zaqaru is present and besides his niece Ninu, joining him are his granddaughter Sili, nephew Yaahan, cousins Sidur and Bupilsu, as well as distant relatives Earl Ayabit and Earl Saba.

Ninu is 55 years old, daughter of Abolar’s sister Meta, though she looks much younger. Sili is 25 years old, daughter of Abolar’s daughter Nocri. Yaahan is 34 years old, son of Abolar’s brother Zarossu. Sidur is 22 years old and granddaughter of Meta. Bupilsu is 19 years old and grandson of Mammyl, Abolar’s sister. Earls Ayabit and Saba, respectively 61 and 79 years old, are of a more distant Zaqaru family line ruling Court holdings.

Each of them possesses one of two traits. They are either brave enough to come along or stubborn enough. They sign up as follows:

Wing track: Sidur
Wing rough: Yahaan
Wheel track: Saba
Wheel rough: Sili
Starship: Ayabit
Tatooine Run: Robot Unicorn Princess Ninu

Bupilsu does not participate in any of the races, instead training at the engineering crews for his education at each of the events.

Not long after arrival, Duke Abolar Zaqaru goes off to a private meeting.

“Good to see you again, Duke Farid.” There is a warm greeting between the two leaders and Duke Abolar Zaqaru spends some time reminiscing their glorious victory together, but only after politely thanking Duke Farid Saquar Greenflame for his hospitality and hosting the Sashaw Races.

Eventually he moves on to more important matters. “I want to continue making use of the Haytham Fleet, Farid. Together, we managed to put a great pressure on the wretched Sansones, even if they managed to distort the warp gates. However, it does put our situation at difficulty. I am looking for a way around, but that relies on other parties and their response.”

“The opportunity is too great to not take the risk of the warp gates. The Sansones have suffered military losses, their agencies have taken a severe blow to the point it may be complete unoperational and the Zaqaru fleet disabled a lot of colonies as well. There will be two fronts, but one can be dealt with by my agents, while the other is disabled from the previous fleet activities.”

“However, I look to you for advice. I see a great opportunity to put down one great strike and bring down a claim on all the Sansone territory given their current weakness. I look to you for support. What do you recommend as claim, or what scenarios do you foresee?”

Robot Unicorn Attack picture from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robot_Unicorn_Attack
Game link: https://unicorn.jocke.no/
Unicorn: https://www.deviantart.com/queen-uriel/art/Robot-Unicorn-Attack-170167687
Female: https://www.zerochan.net/151384
Unicorn racing: https://www.deviantart.com/gokulover4ever/art/Robot-Unicorn-Attack-Stamp-157908421

2019-04-11, 02:50 PM

Enigma 5

Esteemed Duke Zakaru,

congratulations are in order for the blessed marriage of your heir. Both the ball and the marriage ceremony were quite... dazzling, to hear say.
As for your troubles with warp gates, we might be able to assist indeed. Barring the aforemented gates being disrupted beyond recourse of course, but I don't believe anyone to possess such thorough knowledge of their inner workings, and certainly not your overt foes.
I will make the bold assumption this information will be critical in securing further efforts for your conflict. What kind of aid do you offer in return to support mine own?

Sincerest regards,
Duke Athaia Kelse, Wayward Fleet Admiral

2019-04-12, 07:03 AM
You made a grievous error, Meta! Earl Varrais de Pantou does not control enough of Champseau to be declared Countess. I will have to withdraw my declaration and look a fool.

Could we please switch to a more secure channel, brother?

I don't care. Ensure the deal stands with Earl de Pantou.

Duke Abolar Zaqaru hereby formally

Withdraws the Declaration of Countess

Of Earl Varrais de Pantou at Champseau.

The system is too undeveloped to be granted the title of Countess.

[OOC] Unable to declare Earl Varrais de Pantou Countess, so not investing the related prestige either.

Enigma 7

Dear Earl Varrais de Pantou,

My apologies for the recent commotion. I have made a critical error, for I was under the mistaken belief you held control of Champseau to sufficient degree that when you requested the title of Countess, I thought all that was needed would be the granting of the title. The impressiveness of your ice fishing grounds got to my head, I suppose.

Please, let not my mistake be an obstacle in the marriage between dear Rostac and Sidad. I am sure we still can come to a suitable agreement, beneficial to both our noble families.

The title of Countess of Champseau is your desire and as you saw, we Zaqarus are willing to grant it. In turn, I would like to see the marriage go through between Sidad and Rostac, resulting in the de Pantou vassalage to Zaqaru.

As you have the facilities to expand in the system, I propose the following. The marriage will have as contract, backed by five prestige, that upon you obtaining half of the systems, you will be awarded the title in the immediate years following it by Zaqaru. The prestige in the contract can be used by Zaqaru to grant the title and fulfill the condition. Should the title not be awarded in the immediate years, the prestige is yours. Should you renounce your vassalage to Zaqaru before obtaining half of the systems, the prestige is returned to Zaqaru.

During your vassalage until you are bestowed the title of Countess, your current facility will have the right to develop Champseau and the obligation to share any developed blueprints. In any event Zaqaru seeks its services for another purpose, equivalent resources for the development of Champseau will be provided. You are free to use the current facility for other purposes than development of the system, but then no equivalent resources will be provided.

Does this sound acceptable?

Yours sincerely,
Meta Zaqaru
Dear Duke Athaia Kelse,

I welcome your congratulations and am pleased to hear the events managed to leave an impression.

Even more pleased I am to understand I have reached the right person to deal with the issue at hand. I do not believe the gates to be disrupted beyond recourse. The Sansones used exotic particle mines in the conflict and their cumulative effect have destabilized the warp gates and added a risk to traversing them.

While I believe continued victory can be assured despite this obstacle, I do not desire such an unknown risk to stall my plans. I am willing to offer half of my industry output (effectively 3 Trade) if this risk can be eliminated completely by the knowledge you have.

Yours sincerely,
Duke Abolar Zaqaru

2019-04-12, 03:14 PM
The Codex of Jhixi

"Contact. Zothon Gate operational. Locked on target. Exiting Warpspace at full speed."

Just like that, a small Lyraen frigate orbits over the Ytterbus homeworld of Zothon. Although its intentions are far from hostile, it is a not so subtle reminder of the Wayward Fleet's aptness to roam far afield and strike deep into hostile territory should the need arise.

"Relay the comm on Ytterbus frequency. We come bearing Admiral Kelse's personal gift to Duke Arthrax."

The Codex of Jhixi. Little more than a trinket. Near useless, in fact. A genuine and extremely rare sample of Jere'Jere technology uncovered by Duke Kyrthar's expedition, on the other hand. It is far from easy coming across anything more than smoking rubble and spaceship wrecks after their passage after all. A connoisseur of the outer expanse would certainly find it valuable.

yes, you read all this crap just to learn that I just awarded the turn 1 token to Ytterbus. yay!

My knowledge of travelling through warp gates should go around the disruption caused by the Sansone, correct? And should I share it, does he gain Archives: Warp Gates 1 permanently?

2019-04-12, 04:41 PM
The Democratic Collective

First Equal Leoflaedd steps into her office for the first time. Like her predecessors, she has spent the first week of her tenure visiting the colonies, speaking to those she'll be serving. Now, though, it is time to work. She begins by perusing the documents left by Aethelbyrd, content with his record-keeping. For nearly two days, Leoflaedd is sequestered in the office, her only interruptions coming from the newly elected Advisors and her Second. The long hours are no stranger to her - shifts on the factory floor were brutal, if satisfying. Here, though, the strain is mental and her fatigue is kept at bay easily.

The day is growing long when Taemre, the new First Advisor of Foreign Affairs enters the room, bearing a short note.

"A missive, First Equal. From an Oppressor."

With a barely-concealed sneer, Leoflaedd quickly reads the message. She shakes her head and tosses it into a nearby wastebin. As Taemre turns to leave, though, the First Equal has a thought.

"Hold, Taemre. Send... send an affirmative response. And get me Beofweon."

----- ----- -----

No doubt to the surprise of many, the Collective arrives the the races. One large cruiser, unadorned and bulky, lands in its appointed spot. A man and woman step out of a small doorway and sign the paperwork indicating their purpose, before returning to the ship. Moments later, a man, tall and broad, makes his way to the gathering representatives. He is Beofweon, First Advisor of Entertainment, and he is representing the People at this event. His pilots and ships will be revealed on race day, and no sooner, he promises.

He finds the Greenflame representative at the early gathering and offers a polite, if subdued, thanks for the invitation.

----- ----- -----

Enigma 5

First Equal Leoflaedd to Earl [Name],
We would not see lives wasted in conflict. Your unconditional surrender is required. Your people will join the Collective and the nobles will be tried. If they are deemed worthy, they will be allowed a position in the government of our great Democracy.

We hope you see reason.

First Equal Leoflaedd to Alexander Laramy,

It seems my predecessor was remiss in his duties; you were not contacted when we received news of your father's passing!

So let me be the first to say: he is rotting in whatever torturous excuse for an afterlife awaits you and your kin, and you will soon join him. Your excesses and bloated corruption have caught up with you. The empire will crumble around you and millions will die for your sins. I hope you waste none of your wealth on funeral arrangements - your corpse will float in space with the detritus of this storm.

And while we hate you both equally, at least your sister has the foresight to see how the winds blow. Perhaps she will survive this crucible, if the people will it.

First Equal Leoflaedd to Persephone Laramy,

It seems my predecessor was remiss in his duties; you were not contacted when we received news of your father's passing!

So let me be the first to say: he is rotting in whatever torturous excuse for an afterlife awaits you and your kin, and you will soon join him. Your excesses and bloated corruption have caught up with you. The empire will crumble around you and millions will die for your sins. I hope you waste none of your wealth on funeral arrangements - your corpse will float in space with the detritus of this storm.

And while we hate you both equally, at least your brother has the willingness to do what it takes to survive in this harsh reality.. Perhaps he will survive this crucible, if the people will it.

First Equal Leoflaedd to High Courtesan Miras

Greetings, High Courtesan. I have been informed of the agreements made between my predecessor's Second and yourself, and I must say I approve. I hope to continue working with you to create a better Empire for all.

I am merely sending this message as an introduction and to assure you that a change in leadership will not indicate a change in policy.

2019-04-13, 01:43 AM

Zaqaru Fleets

The space forces of Zaqaru consist of its many fleets. How many there currently are is left up to prediction, but fact is that there were ten fleets five years ago. Each of them having their own base across the Zaqaruan holdings. The destructive might of Zaqaru is without question and is led by elite commanders, well trained in strategy and tactics at the military academies.

Before their latest war, the total strength of all their fleets ranked in the top 5 compared to the other major factions. Notable outlier is House Laramy, who has the greatest battle force of them all, but is currently embroiled in internal conflict.

Top 7 Strongest Fleets of Major Factions (Five years ago)

House Laramy, 20 Fleets
House of Steel, 14 Fleets
House Sansone, 13 Fleets
House Greenflame, 12 Fleets
Zaqaru and House Berger, 10 Fleets
Duchy of Lyrae and House Mertens, 9 Fleets
House Arnos, 8 Fleets

For certain is that the current state of the fleets of the above factions is not public knowledge. What is public knowledge is the general composition of the Zaqaruan fleets. They specialise in fighters supported by a carrier, backed by one frigate class. There are 5 spaceship types in the fleets and each spaceship type is described in their own file.

Zaqaru Fleet spaceship types

Torpedo Frigate

Credits for fleet pictures credits go to Homeworld 2 Remastered in-game graphics. The ships are Hiigaran models.
Homeworld Remastered: http://www.homeworldremastered.com/

2019-04-13, 01:47 AM
Sashaw Races


The massive class 1 pleasure ship arrived for the event with all the pomp and circumstance that comes with the silk touched attending an event. They made sure not to cause any problems for planetary orbit and would send a transport to actually land on planet because this ship dwarfed many... It had only defensive cannon and incredibly powerful shields but could do no harm to a planet and most (besides pirates) ignored such vessels. What made it truly interesting was what was within. All manner of true and imagined comforts were available. Including lavish living spaces, multiple swimming facilities of all manner of planetary needs. There was also endless objectification. Pleasures were answered to know end and lavish parties could be thrown on a moments notice.

When the landing vessel arrived on the planet it contained a magnificent ensemble of riders. Most of them were children of the last races veterans as well as a few who had attended before. Old pros looking for a second go, enhanced through the "immortality treatments" (adding an extra 100 years top but gotta market this stuff) and several were those who had come close to winning. 1 or 2 had grandparents who had placed first back in the day. Like all major events, the silk touched made a point of really splashing.

Wing track:

This ostentatious design is incredibly fragile but it relies on tachyon float technology, it produces a silver vapor as it travels and due to it being held together through optimized psych energies it remains incredibly manouveurable. The pilot within maintains control of the finnicky design while AI helps to handle pin point movements and avoid damage. This stunning machine is piloted by Hethra Lane The grand daughter of Jasick Lane A winner 4 races ago in wing rough.

Wing rough:

The Miasma Butterfly is a magnificent being. A species that once ruled over a planet now colonized by the silk touched. Due to this fantastic (though primitive) race they could not bring themselves to bring extinction to them and so instead built isolated cities that minimized their damage to the ecosystem and domesticated several of these creatures turning them into a form of transportation for the exorbinantly wealthy. They are treated very well, but are designed for combat. They can release a web like substance have incredibly basic psychic abilities and their bone is remarkably dense and has ripped through land vessals even a few armored vehicles have been destroyed when dealing with raging Miasma butterflys. Wild Miasma butterflys still terrify locals and only the bravest go out into the jungles of Baramas 7 due to these apex predators. Dembe Bonaso is a second generation pilot whose father scored 5th in the Sashaw races 2 races back. He is looking to score in the top 3 this year.

Wheel track:

A speed runner bike, it is highly modified but remains one of the weakest entries for the Silk touched. They hope to do well and have a returning racer whose experiance they hope will make up the distance and put them in the top 3 for this track. Fidora Xaqaer was second place in the wheel rough 50 years ago and he hopes to take first in the wheel track. He wished a second go in rough but the experiance is incredibly dangerous and the high courtesan insisted all racers return to her alive.

Wheel rough:

A rather nasty modified sand breaker from the military has been transformed into a sleek vehicle of worthy value to bring down their opponents. Luck Xaqaer child of Fidora looks to do what their father could not and run this race and take first place.


obsidian phoenix Mark II is the star of the show for the Sashaw races this year. It is piloted by a veteran of the Silk touched military, and an apex ace pilot. Jaqlin Veer has been testing this beast of a ship out for over 2 years and now finally gets to try it against the best in the galaxy. If the prototype is successful a modified version is planned for the new carrier fleet.

Tatooine Run:

The cyber centaur was a design they had not created... They had spent a great deal of imperial credits on this bizarre machine from a mad genius in House Vastadds duchy. It was only due to top notch information gathering they had even heard of this wild machine. The high Courtesan purchased it at a premium and recruited the mad man who has designed not much of anything since. The man trapped inside the machine was terrified the first time. It was incredibly unnatural but eventually he got used to the strange design and has mastered it. The high courtesan is very excited to see the results for Shaman Yorn a first time rider with no family history in the games but showed top notch scores on the CC.

2019-04-13, 07:06 PM
House Ytterbus

It had been a busy time. But the Duke wasn't concerned with the latest reports on his science team's failure to produce any meaningful data. Instead, he was hovering in the turbulent atmosphere of a gas giant, watching his daughter, Cupria, try out her new wings. Although he wasn't a huge fan of her style, he had to compliment her artistry in the design. She had built off the chassis blueprints used for female Ytterbus ambassadors, but she had totally refitted everything other than the base design. Metal plating was replaced with lightweight plastic. Much of the unnecessary mass was scrapped. And to finish the design, she had created a pair of large wings to hold the body aloft and give it an angelic appearance. "It seems effective," he comments. She replies, "It's fun too, although I don't suppose you'd understand that. Just a few years ago, I was just a human, but now?" She does an aerobatic swoop, spreading her wings for emphasis, "Now, I'm an angel."

2019-04-14, 05:33 AM

Enigma 5

Duke Arthrax,

we would like to advance our earlier conversation concerning House Jinks. I'm quite sure bigger concerns had you completely engrossed, but I trust our little gift was enough to your liking to hold your precious attention until we manage to reach a profitable agreement.
Duke Athaia Kelse

2019-04-14, 03:14 PM

Earl Ayabit Zaqaru for the Sashaw Starship Race

One of the contestants in the Sashaw Race is Earl Ayabit Zaqaru, flying a military Scout vessel for the Starship competition. She is sixty-one years old and a distant relative of Duke Abolar Zaqaru. A ranking officer, she has years of experience as fighter pilot before gaining her title of Earl.

She looks with Greed to the price money of the starship competition. Well known for both her Stubbornness as well as Bravery, she would not be denied a competing place in the Sashaw Race. Those she has flown alongside also typify her as Cruel and Cynical, though in her public appearances she hides these traits.

The vessel she flies in is one of the fastests spaceships available to Zaqaru, the scout vessel. It is several modifications for the race, such as stripping it of the lone gun the scouts otherwise carry and installed with a heavier engine. The use of the military space vessel is both an asset as well as a downside. The result of work from state run operations makes it of high quality and outfitted with one of the strongest engines around, but due to its military origins, it is not as hyper specialised in the role of a race as some of the other big players.

Earl Ayabit Zaqaru has her many years of experience as officer and pilot to use for the race, allowing her to deal with a wide range of situations under pressure with ease. Her bravery and stubbornness will be assets, though she does not have a long carrier in races itself, her responsibilities as earl drawing away from it too. She also has to rely on experience, instead of young vigour. How she will compete in the race is not an easy prediction, though expectations are that to compete with her will require at the very least the backing of a major galactic player, leading to the general estimate that she will wind up at a high place.



The fastest manned spaceship of the Zaqaru fleets, the Scout is a fighter which serves as reconnaissance in the battlefield, keeping a close eye on enemy numbers. Flying in squadrons of three to ensure there is always backup available, even deep beyond enemy lines, it also provides a higher chance of getting sensitive intelligence back to the fleets. The smallest spaceship in the Zaqaru fleet, at a length of 11 meters.


The Scouts are equipped with a wide array of sensor equipment and little can escape their attention unnoticed. The design of the fighter originates from an original to move through asteroid belts and scan for resources, with its speed and manoeuvrability serving it well in the dangerous environment. A common tactic of the scouts remains to use asteroids for cover to gain their intelligence, as they can move through dense debris with ease where larger spaceships find themselves hampered or blocked.


The scout design is not only used on the battlefield as there are reports that Zaqaru agents use the spaceships as well to quickly reach their destination or to pick up signals. Another role they fill is that of patrol spaceship. Focused on sensors, Scouts are equipped with only a small projectile weapon, unfit for extended battle. It relies on its speed and manoeuvrability to evade enemy fire and escape from the battle.

Top scout picture: https://www.deviantart.com/tallhobbit/art/Homeworld2-Scout-55770679

2019-04-15, 12:45 AM
House Greenflame

Enigma 4

Less than an hour after the Sashaw’s opening ceremonies end side events pop up like mushrooms after rain. Nightclubs running into day, VR surround tents, concerts by a dozen bands local and exotic, even quick build events where engineers are given a small list of parts and compete to build the best racer on site. Early in the afternoon screens in every tent and stomping ground flick to footage of the Hidalgo Track, a jagged ridge above the very canyons that will hold the rough race for wing craft in a few days. The track is a few dozen kilometers south of the Sashaw festivities, but the howling winds of the region mean that the race is much better viewed through cameras. The roar of more than five dozen wheel craft going through final checks rounds, and the cameras pan down to the waiting racers, the Rough Wheel is about to begin!

House Greenflame’s entry, a buggy resembling an oversized snowmobile to combat the desert slip and piloted by the diminutive Pasha Juia revs with the best of them. The vehicle waits respectfully behind the empty first position, reserved for the absent Laramy representative.


At the Sashaw:

To House Zaqaru
Farid Saquar greets Duke Zaqaru in billowing desert robes, a genuine smile on his face for the festivities all around.
“Abolar, my friend, it is nice to speak outside the context of a formal ball. Please sit! Let us discuss the difficult matter of war.”
The tent, while designed with thick walls to keep noise and privacy in mind, was a cool relief among the desert heat. Refreshments in the form of water and aromatic wine are present, and Farid selects water before settling.
“The Haytham is at yourservice, per our previous agreement Lord Abolar, but you talk as if you intended to fully annex Sasone, is this true? You may find yourself facing devastating unrest in the years to come with so many new planets to govern. While extending the war may prove profitable, a rolling approach may be the wiser course. That said, you have a much more powerful spy network than I, and perhaps can control a conquered populace.”

“Tactically I agree, the enemy has little chance and we can surely push to their capital and exact significant reparations and perhaps even another system, but I would temper your ambition with some caution, and would be careful risking the new colonies you have gained to support military ships right away.”
Farid leans back onto a low couch, eyes wandering the roof as if picturing stars.
“There is also the question of international opinion, having looked at the over my dossiers I firmly believe that everyone is too wrapped up in their own problems and likely too weak to intervene, but I do not think we should poison our own wells in the long term. The divorce was a pretext for vengeance and the taking of Gade gave the war a poetic twist. A brilliant piece by the way, splitting their house as they split their marriage. More than that will be a war on less… honest terms? I do not know how exactly to phrase my words here, but nobles have long memories, and there may come a day when we seek allies in a larger messier conflict, a reputation for disregarding war exhaustion and reasonable war goals will do us no favours no?”

2019-04-15, 03:46 AM
House Starosta is on the Scene
The Sashaw race has attracted participants from all over the Imperium from houses that are barely noble to the greater nobility who back contestants with little chance just to say they entered.

But House Starosta is not like that. House Starosta makes the best ships in the Imperium and they won’t turn down the chance to prove it. They do not bother with what they consider the lesser events, but their entry into the starship race is breathtaking.


Image Credit: https://arkanthor.artstation.com/projects/2oQqx

The Svelto is the very latest from the Starosta shipyards using cutting edge engine technology for unparalleled maneuverability and speed. Like all Starosta products it does not sacrifice comfort for utility and is fitted with a luxurious interior and top of the line safety systems to deal with any potential emergency.

The Svelto is the ultimate in personal transport for the discerning noble. Or racer willing to spend several planetary fortunes.


"]Dear High Courtesan Miras,

I trust your intentions are honorable and true, but the web of fealty that ties the Imperium together is a tight one. I cannot honorably accept vassalage to an organization outside of the Imperium no matter their intentions.

But I am willing to offer an alliance.

Earl Periklis Treasarch

"]Deary Lady Zaqaru,

Your terms are unfortunately bare of anything on the Pantou side of the scales. You would grant us the right to develop the system, when we already have that right. If Zaqaru wishes to reap the benefits of our efforts in Pantou, then you must provide some measure of aid in that effort.

I propose the following amendment to your contract.

1. Until the Zaqaru Dynasty awards the title of Countess to the House Pantou they agree to provide [2 Trade] every five years to be used to purchase additional colonization equipment.
2. After the Zaqaru Dynasty awards the title of Countess to the House Pantou they agree that the House Pantou reserves the usage of [2 University] for House Pantou projects in perptuity.
3. House Pantou agrees not to sell any designs resulting from the above projects unless mutually agreed by the Zaqaru Dynasty.

Yours Sincerely,
Earl Varrais de Pantou

Your scientists analysis of the warp gate disruption is that with their current knowledge they can’t guarantee safe passage through the disrupted warp gates, but they could probably stabilize the warp gates more swiftly than the Zaqaru Dynasty’s scientists could.

If you share these methods with the Zaqaru Dynasty, such that the Zaqaru scientists could stabilize the warp gates themselves, then they would gain Archives: Warp Gates permanently.

"]First Equal Leoflaedd,

Do you think we have not studied your laws. Under your terms the vast majority of my family would be executed for the crime of being born noble. Grant me and my family safe passage to seek shelter elsewhere and I will not oppose your invasion.

Otherwise I will fight you with every fiber of my being. Better to die in the service of my family than in chains at the will of the mob.

Earl Judocus Roshan

"]Your Grace Duchess Vastadd,

The Democratic Collective is threatening to invade my system and I cannot repel them. I will swear immediate fealty to you if you grant me your protection.

Earl Judocus Roshan

"]Your Grace Duke Greenflame,

The Democratic Collective is threatening to invade my system and I cannot repel them. I will swear immediate fealty to you if you grant me your protection.

Earl Judocus Roshan

2019-04-15, 10:15 AM

Contestant Sili Zaqaru for the Sashaw Wheel Rough Race

At the wheel rough race, Sili Zaqaru, daughter of Nocri and 25 years old, is riding a wheeled vehicle of her own design, making use of her own studies. There are rumours she almost crashed in a previous test run, due to her Bravery leading to recklessness. More than rumours are not known, as she is Shy and does not give interviews to the media. There are reports of her fondness of delicacies, being Gluttonous and those who do approach her will find her to be Trusting, but whether this is the media blowing things up in proportion or being accurate is up to any fan’s debate.

Sili Zaqaru’s performance is much of an enigma, as her design is much of a mystery, just as she keeps herself from the media. Contrary to her own desire, this has given her a sizeable fanbase amongst Zaqaruans, who speculate a lot about the mystique. A large slice of this fanbase are those who work in engineering the Zaqaru spacecraft and they claim she will earn a podium stage and ranking first is within reach.


Contestant Earl Saba Zaqaru for the Sashaw Wheel Track Race

Earl Saba Zaqaru rides the wheel track race in style. The oldest contestant from the Zaqaru side, at 79 years old, uses a car not designed or created by the Zaqarus, but instead purchased from and maintained by House Starosta. The sleek design, the shining appearance, Earl Saba Zaqaru Lusts for beauty. Generally known as a Kind Earl, he treats his subjects and lovers well. Clearly Stubborn enough to show up with a design where style was top priority, he delights in other hobbies showcasing his wealth as well, with a Gluttonous attitude. Still, do not dare to make fun of his choice of style, for his Zeal towards equating beauty to quality will send him into a berating speech.

True enough to this philosophy, expectation is that his ride will give a decent performance and it is unlikely to fail or crash. Some claim that Earl Saba Zaqaru is only participating to show off his class and style, something he will no doubt succeed at, while others interject that the car will have some surprises up its sleeves for the upcoming race. Earl Saba Zaqaru will certainly prove to be an interesting addition to the race.

Duke Abolar Zaqaru looks with appreciation to the tent setup and drinks some water before sitting down in an upright position. Not used to such heat after the flight here, he has to adapt to the changing environment.

“War exhaustion?” Duke Abolar Zaqaru frowns deeply. “To hear you speak of that deeply surprises me. This war is nothing compared to the grand wars Greenflame has fought against the Freehold Worlds. On my end, the rivalry with Sansone has been long and bitter before peace negotiations. Neither of our sides are exhausted from the war.”

Duke Abolar Zaqaru scratches his head, but then relents. “I do understand you have concerns, however. I feel that continuing this war is reasonable, for I cannot trust such a powerful neighbour who has sought to reignite the feud between our families. The willingness of the Sansones to disrupt the warp gates and the trade routes going through them is cause enough to prolong this war, even if it were not for our feud. It should be clear to any that Gade would not be the last move, however poetic the division of the Sansone territory is. After all, the Sansones will be waiting to retake it. I do agree with you, setting their whole territory as was goal is a bold move that can be seen as overaggressive.”

“Yet the Sansones push me towards it. To wage a war and take a system at a time while not just my own forces, but yours as well, risk being delayed or destroyed by the warp gates each time. And each time, they may disrupt more and more warp gates. It is not a desirable scenario, nor a risk I am willing to take. This is the time to strike. My fleet damaged their holdings, their territory is divided and we are still strong, now is the moment to achieve a decisive victory over the Sansones and end the fued once and for all.”

“The battle plan I envision as follows. I send my agents, backed by my family, to disable fleets at the top territory, then we split both our fleets and take the two arms of the territories. I'll keep three fleets for each arm in reserve to conquer the holdings.”

“It will take time to bring rest to the region, but I consider that preferable to waiting before Sansone backstabs Zaqaru again. Once their threat is gone, both of us can dedicate our attention to other subjects worth of concern. That despicable collective in your sector is expanding. Nobles are uniting against Tartarus.” Duke Abolar Zaqaru has a serious and grave look to his face.

“Unless you have another suggestion? To wage war system by system or leave the Sansones idle just do not seem feasible options at this point, given what they are willing to do to warp gates.”

Enigma 7

Dear Earl Varrais de Pantou,

Please explain to me how you see the Pantou side of the scales so empty. I see a greater noble title, the protection from a liege, the lack of Zaqaru competition for the system, the freedom to choose develop the system as desired and make use of the developed holdings freely.

Yes, aid is not given by means of goods at this time, because of prior agreements concerning the Sansone conflict. You possess the capability to develop the system and will be rewarded with a title for the effort.

The benefits Zaqaru stands to gain are in increased prestige, greater territory and around three blueprints.

I felt that the offer was indeed charitable, giving you desired freedom and not straining Zaqaru resources in a difficult time. So it pains me that you view otherwise.

Perhaps there are assumptions in the way here. I think you may have unspoken obligations in mind which may tip the scales to the Zaqaru side. Could you state those in addition to your addendum? From that basis I believe we may have a more fruitful negotiation.

Yours sincerely,
Meta Zaqaru

2019-04-15, 12:29 PM
House Berger
Enigma 5

The Berger fleet arrived into Voss space and found it... empty. No ships, no turrets, nothing. At least anything that they could see. Ernst was aboard the Patience himself, eyes locked onto a large holoscreen on the bridge. It displayed various information - where the Berger ships were, what their status was and the respective information for any enemy ships as accurately as their sensors could tell. Right now it mostly displayed various blue dots - those being the Berger fleet - and the gate behind them.

The ships, most of them the trusty old destroyers they had had for a long time now, started getting into position as soon as they arrived through the warp gate. A quarter of the fleet was there when the holoscreen suddenly flared to life. Electronic warfare transmissions from all over the system were assaulting the Berger position, immediately disabling many of the ships. House Berger only had a few experts in EW, and they did what they could to protect the ships. It was far too little.

As the Berger fleet continued its attempt to get into a proper formation, the first mine was hit, destroying the Clarity in a single explosion, sending debris all around it. And soon after, it was over. No more EW transmissions, nothing. But they now knew that something was out there.

The next few years would have very similar 'combat' happening again and again, with House Berger chasing ghosts all around the system. Only a few times when actual shots were fired, causing minimal casualties on both sides. Overall, while very few losses were suffered, it was a humiliating defeat for what was one of the Empire's strongest fleets.

''Withdraw'' Ernst had to finally admit the battle had been lost. A simple order, one might think, but with three quarters of the fleet disabled at this point, it was far from it. 'Have the still functional ships tow the others out, if need be. We'll come back with the experts Izabela offered us.' Berger fleet now turning tail, the Voss were much more eager to engage. The few ships that remained fully functional firing away at the slightest hint of one of the cloaked Voss vessels. A terrible start for a war. But they'd be back. That he could guarantee.


Duke Abolar,

I can get [5 stat points] through, if you need me to. This would, however, mean that we couldn't use these capabilities for our own plans. I am contacting someone who is far more better equipped with dealing with such an issue, and will be in contact once I learn if I can be of more help.

Duke Ernst


Do you know of an alternative way to get from Zaqaru Space into the territories of house Sansone? I'd be interested in purchasing any such information. Permanently, if possible, although I'm also interested in 'renting'.

How do things look in your system? As you know, Earl Byron has sworn fealty to house Berger, and was handsomely rewarded for doing so. Perhaps you'd be interested in a similar arrangement?

My dearest relative,

I come to you asking if the electronic warfare experts are still available. As you may know, our attack against House Voss was not exactly a success. Perhaps you'd be interested in aiding us? We'd offer you [9 trade] for [9 agency], as well as compensate you for any unfortunate losses after the attack has been made. Does this sound acceptable?

I am also contacting you to inquire about other matters: the earls to your 'south', and what the collective means for the region. If the democratic collective continues it rhetoric, it will almost certainly come to blows with house Vastadd eventually. Perhaps you could give us your blessing to contact [04,-06] and then take over said system. We would, of course, have to transport any materials to there through your systems. You could have the other branch. This would not only give house Berger a new colony, but also ensure that I'd have a vested interested in defending the region - including any colonies of house Vastadd.

Duke Ernst

2019-04-15, 01:25 PM
House Greenflame

Enigma 4

At the Sashaw
House Zaqaru
“Please do not mistake me, Abloar, I did not refer to our empires or troops being exhausted, I refer to the House of Sasone and their people. Unless you intend to execute them in some barbaric revelry they will survive this conflict, even if you take every system. And then they will park in embassies and courts across the galaxy and spend the rest of their days whinging over the treachery of Zaqaru.” Farid shrugged, a gesture clearly intended to show his disregard for such things.
“Have you read the old histories? Of Bonaparte back on old Terra? A man who won nearly every battle, but thought to little of international opinion. He took to much, to quickly, and his Empire was torn away by those who feared his eye would rest on them next.”
Farid shook his head.
“You are no Bonaparte, neither in height nor ideals, and I hope that your victory will be a more permanent thing. But I will not have the Haytham be your Spain at Trafalgar. Let us crush the Sasone fleets, demand some reparations, and consolidate our position. The Damage we inflict will take generations to repair and your fued has lasted generations, what is a few more years?”

The Democratic Collective of the People
Farid Saquar offers a stiff nod to the First Equal of Entertainment, clearly unsure of how exactly to proceed. After a brief, awkward moment, the Grand Sheikh invites Beofweon to a small, private tent.

Once inside their are a few refreshments laid out around luxurious couches, and the walls are thick and sound-proofing despite the cool interior. Farid approaches the two occupants and holds a quick whispered exchange before they are left in privacy.

“Mister Beofweon, I understand you are minister of Entertainment for the collective? I hope we might speak in a diplomatic capacity, if you are able to represent your government in some form. There is a rather time sensitive matter regarding Earl Roshan that I must address with your nation.”


House Berger
Duke Berger,

You mentioned interest in the designs we have been building, I am proud to announce two new designs for ultra light fighter craft, a bomber and star superiority fighter. Would you be interested in purchasing some equipment?

The price is currently set at [2 trade per 5 equipment], with two different patterns, the Orca bomber and the Hexshot Superiority fighter. [both are military equipment patterns]

I am proud to announce two new designs for ultra light fighter craft, a bomber and star superiority fighter. Would you be interested in purchasing some equipment?

The price is currently set at [2 trade per 5 equipment], with two different patterns, the Orca bomber and the Hexshot Superiority fighter. [both are military equipment patterns]

House Lonestar
I am proud to announce two new designs for ultra light fighter craft, a bomber and star superiority fighter. Would you be interested in purchasing some equipment?

The price is currently set at [2 trade per 5 equipment], with two different patterns, the Orca bomber and the Hexshot Superiority fighter. [both are military equipment patterns]

House Lyre
I am proud to announce two new designs for ultra light fighter craft, a bomber and star superiority fighter. Would you be interested in purchasing some equipment?

The price is currently set at [2 trade per 5 equipment], with two different patterns, the Orca bomber and the Hexshot Superiority fighter. [both are military equipment patterns]

House Ytterbus
I am proud to announce two new designs for ultra light fighter craft, a bomber and star superiority fighter. Would you be interested in purchasing some equipment?

The price is currently set at [2 trade per 5 equipment], with two different patterns, the Orca bomber and the Hexshot Superiority fighter. [both are military equipment patterns]

House Arnos
I am proud to announce two new designs for ultra light fighter craft, a bomber and star superiority fighter. Would you be interested in purchasing some equipment?

The price is currently set at [2 trade per 5 equipment], with two different patterns, the Orca bomber and the Hexshot Superiority fighter. [both are military equipment patterns]


House Vastadd
I am proud to announce two new designs for ultra light fighter craft, a bomber and star superiority fighter. Would you be interested in purchasing some equipment?

The price is currently set at [2 trade per 5 equipment], with two different patterns, the Orca bomber and the Hexshot Superiority fighter.

House of Steel
I am proud to announce two new designs for ultra light fighter craft, a bomber and star superiority fighter. Would you be interested in purchasing some equipment?

The price is currently set at [2 trade per 5 equipment], with two different patterns, the Orca bomber and the Hexshot Superiority fighter.

House Laramy (both, though obviously seperatly)
I am proud to announce two new designs for ultra light fighter craft, a bomber and star superiority fighter. Would you be interested in purchasing some equipment?

The price is currently set at [2 trade per 5 equipment], with two different patterns, the Orca bomber and the Hexshot Superiority fighter.

House Barlow
I am proud to announce two new designs for ultra light fighter craft, a bomber and star superiority fighter. Would you be interested in purchasing some equipment?

The price is currently set at [2 trade per 5 equipment], with two different patterns, the Orca bomber and the Hexshot Superiority fighter.

House Gadhavi
I am proud to announce two new designs for ultra light fighter craft, a bomber and star superiority fighter. Would you be interested in purchasing some equipment?

The price is currently set at [2 trade per 5 equipment], with two different patterns, the Orca bomber and the Hexshot Superiority fighter.

House Bosque
I am proud to announce two new designs for ultra light fighter craft, a bomber and star superiority fighter. Would you be interested in purchasing some equipment?

The price is currently set at [2 trade per 5 equipment], with two different patterns, the Orca bomber and the Hexshot Superiority fighter.

2019-04-15, 03:19 PM

The Ytterbus ship touched down gracefully at the site of the races. Its shell unfolded like a flower opening to the sun, vanadium-steel petals rotating around into landing gear. The base of the conical ship opened, and a crane arm lowered a platform with the first member of the Ytterbus team.
The cyborg is fairly unremarkable, as far as Ytterbus designs are concerned, a humanoid frame with the brain contained in a reinforced glass jar in the machine's head. A thick black cable leads from the cyborg's arm to the cage behind it, and it is the horse within which truly catches the eyes. Of all the ways one could stretch the definition of "horse," this is probably one of the most extreme. The creature is the size of a horse, yes, and it has four legs, yes, but the similarities end there. The creature has leathery, pitch-black hide, covered with jagged bone spines. Its body is sinuous and muscular, and it paces back and forth in its prison, its barbed tail lashing. Four feral eyes glare out through the cage's bars at its captor, and it lets out a ghastly screech, viscous spittle spattering over the cage and the ground. The worst thing of all is how it seems unnatural, radiating a palpable sense of unease all around it, a sense that it shouldn't be there, a creeping feeling that makes it uncomfortable to stare at, but difficult to look away from. At second glance, it is clear that it's not entirely natural. A machine is hammered into its cranium, the cable attached to the cyborg's hand feeding into it. Some of the spines on its back have been sanded down to make a space for a saddle. The beast charges the bars of its cage, but as soon as it makes contact, there is a crackle of electricity and it stumbles back. The cyborg then raises his hand with the cable, and the monster collapses onto the floor, convulsing with pain. "I AM AURS YTTERBUS. REPRESENTATIVE OF HOUSE YTTERBUS IN THE TATOOINE RUN. I PRESENT MY MOUNT, DEMON." Aurs bows exaggeratedly to the assembled nobles, and forces the beast to do likewise.

Thankfully, the next two racers to exit, the ones for the wheeled races, are far less monstrous. Ytterbus cyborgs often blur the lines between vehicle and pilot into non-existence, and these are no different. For the track race, the racer is very strange. It looks like someone tied three torpedoes together and placed them onto a cart, and that's almost exactly what it actually is. The steering system and chassis belong to a high-end race car, but the wheels are replaced with durable metal discs, and the top part of the vehicle consists of three ship-to-ship torpedoes and an armored storage pod for the cyborg brain. A weak electric drive pushes it slowly off the platform. The cyborg does not announce their name yet.
For the rough race, the vehicle is a fairly typical all-terrain vehicle, with a heavily armored chassis and a ridiculous suspension. Like the previous, its pilot does not identify themself.

2019-04-15, 03:32 PM


The heavy hitters of the Zaqaruan fighters, bombers have two launchers firing heavy plasma bombs that are capable of dealing heavy damage to large and thick armored enemies. Excellent at hitting spaceships from frigate class and bigger, such as capital ships, they are capable of destroying targets much larger than they are. The bombers fly in squadrons of five and have a length of 23 meters.


Bombers are fast and maneuverable like any fighter. While their heavy armament makes them compare less favourable to other fighters, to any slow capital ship they can exploit any blind spot in their turret arcs. From the right angle, they can also use their speed and manoeuvrability to outrun and dodge such fire and move to another favourable position to launch another salvo. Bombers function best when escorted by other fighters, who draw away fire to let the bombers launch their assault.


Duke Abolar Zaqaru scratches his forehead and his eyebrows are in a deep down. Taking another gulp of his water, he pours himself another drink, buying time to think. Ponderously stroking his beard, he looks on the far distance.

When he finally returns his gaze to in front of him, he blinks a few times. “I..” There's a moment's pause, as if thoughts are straightening out. “I think you're right, Farid.” Duke Abolar Zaqaru shook his head for a moment, after which his eyes look clearer.

“Taking all of the Sansone territory will rid me of their immediate threat, as they have nothing but their system to oppose. But that would stir unrest, both locally as interstellar as they seek aid.” Duke Abolar Zaqaru nods to himself for a moment. “It's neither what I truly desire either. There is no need to take all of their territory. I want them to bow the knee, to reduce their influence in the sector. As you said, I'm no Bonaparte, I seek not an Empire.”

The contours of Abolar's face turns sharper. “I seek the Kingdom restored to old. So let's restore Sansone's borders to that of old, their original Duchy. Their territory is currently cut in two, with the upper branch their original Duchy.”

“I want the lower branch out of Sansone hands and their fealty when Zaqaru restores the title of King.” Abolar nodded slowly, then looks at Farid.

“That is more reasonable. The question remains what war goal, and tactics, will suit. It makes sense to me to proclaim the lower branch of the Sansone territory as war goal. Do you support that or have another idea?”

Enigma 7

Dear Duke Ernst Berger,

Thank you for sharing what your capabilities are, this is much appreciated. I believe you will likely wish to make use of those capabilities yourself and I fear that it is insufficient with the capacity I am looking at. I look forward to what you may learn, please keep me up to date.

Yours sincerely,
Duke Abolar Zaqaru

Dear Duke Ernst Berger,

On behalf of Zaqaru I wish to make you aware that the Zaqaru fighter fleet now has an improved version of our Bombers and we are willing to make it available to you. With trusted Zaqaru design, the Orca Bomber is equipped with nuclear missiles to inflict even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Should you chose our shipyards over any competitors, we can offer 3 shipments of Orca Bombers in exchange for the yearly output of an industry. Each contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron having 5 fighters, that makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. Any orders will be produced in five years time. I can assure you that we keep into account the colour scheme of your fleet, so they will fit right in to target any enemy.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

[OOC] Offering 3 military equipment (Orca Bomber) for 1 trade, to be received at the start of next turn.Dear Duke Benjamin Stone,

On behalf of Zaqaru I wish to make you aware that the Zaqaru fighter fleet now has an improved version of our Bombers and we are willing to make it available to you. With trusted Zaqaru design, the Orca Bomber is equipped with nuclear missiles to inflict even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Should you chose our shipyards over any competitors, we can offer 3 shipments of Orca Bombers in exchange for the yearly output of an industry. Each contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron having 5 fighters, that makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. Any orders will be produced in five years time. I can assure you that we keep into account the colour scheme of your fleet, so they will fit right in to target any enemy.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

[OOC] Offering 3 military equipment (Orca Bomber) for 1 trade, to be received at the start of next turn.Dear Duke Athaia Kelse,

On behalf of Zaqaru I wish to make you aware that the Zaqaru fighter fleet now has an improved version of our Bombers and we are willing to make it available to you. With trusted Zaqaru design, the Orca Bomber is equipped with nuclear missiles to inflict even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Should you chose our shipyards over any competitors, we can offer 3 shipments of Orca Bombers in exchange for the yearly output of an industry. Each contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron having 5 fighters, that makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. Any orders will be produced in five years time. I can assure you that we keep into account the colour scheme of your fleet, so they will fit right in to target any enemy.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

[OOC] Offering 3 military equipment (Orca Bomber) for 1 trade, to be received at the start of next turn.Dear Duke Athrax,

On behalf of Zaqaru I wish to make you aware that the Zaqaru fighter fleet now has an improved version of our Bombers and we are willing to make it available to you. With trusted Zaqaru design, the Orca Bomber is equipped with nuclear missiles to inflict even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Should you chose our shipyards over any competitors, we can offer 3 shipments of Orca Bombers in exchange for the yearly output of an industry. Each contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron having 5 fighters, that makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. Any orders will be produced in five years time. I can assure you that we keep into account the colour scheme of your fleet, so they will fit right in to target any enemy.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

[OOC] Offering 3 military equipment (Orca Bomber) for 1 trade, to be received at the start of next turn.Dear Duke Raudos Arnos,

On behalf of Zaqaru I wish to make you aware that the Zaqaru fighter fleet now has an improved version of our Bombers and we are willing to make it available to you. With trusted Zaqaru design, the Orca Bomber is equipped with nuclear missiles to inflict even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Should you chose our shipyards over any competitors, we can offer 3 shipments of Orca Bombers in exchange for the yearly output of an industry. Each contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron having 5 fighters, that makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. Any orders will be produced in five years time. I can assure you that we keep into account the colour scheme of your fleet, so they will fit right in to target any enemy.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

[OOC] Offering 3 military equipment (Orca Bomber) for 1 trade, to be received at the start of next turn.Dear Chief Financial Director Sigmund Xinclair,

On behalf of Zaqaru I wish to make you aware that the Zaqaru fighter fleet now has an improved version of our Bombers and we are willing to make it available to you. With trusted Zaqaru design, the Orca Bomber is equipped with nuclear missiles to inflict even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Should you chose our shipyards over any competitors, we can offer 3 shipments of Orca Bombers in exchange for the yearly output of an industry. Each contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron having 5 fighters, that makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. Any orders will be produced in five years time. I can assure you that we keep into account the colour scheme of your fleet, so they will fit right in to target any enemy.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

[OOC] Offering 3 military equipment (Orca Bomber) for 1 trade, to be received at the start of next turn.Dear Grand Exarch Malraux,

On behalf of Zaqaru I wish to make you aware that the Zaqaru fighter fleet now has an improved version of our Bombers and we are willing to make it available to you. With trusted Zaqaru design, the Orca Bomber is equipped with nuclear missiles to inflict even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Should you chose our shipyards over any competitors, we can offer 3 shipments of Orca Bombers in exchange for the yearly output of an industry. Each contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron having 5 fighters, that makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. Any orders will be produced in five years time. I can assure you that we keep into account the colour scheme of your fleet, so they will fit right in to target any enemy.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

[OOC] Offering 3 military equipment (Orca Bomber) for 1 trade, to be received at the start of next turn.Dear Duke Forsche,

On behalf of Zaqaru I wish to make you aware that the Zaqaru fighter fleet now has an improved version of our Bombers and we are willing to make it available to you. With trusted Zaqaru design, the Orca Bomber is equipped with nuclear missiles to inflict even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Should you chose our shipyards over any competitors, we can offer 3 shipments of Orca Bombers in exchange for the yearly output of an industry. Each contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron having 5 fighters, that makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. Any orders will be produced in five years time. I can assure you that we keep into account the colour scheme of your fleet, so they will fit right in to target any enemy.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

[OOC] Offering 3 military equipment (Orca Bomber) for 1 trade, to be received at the start of next turn.

Dear Duchess Izabela Vastadd,

On behalf of Zaqaru I wish to make you aware that the Zaqaru fighter fleet now has an improved version of our Bombers and we are willing to make it available to you. With trusted Zaqaru design, the Orca Bomber is equipped with nuclear missiles to inflict even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Should you chose our shipyards over any competitors, we can offer 3 shipments of Orca Bombers in exchange for the yearly output of an industry. Each contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron having 5 fighters, that makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. Any orders will be produced in five years time. I can assure you that we keep into account the colour scheme of your fleet, so they will fit right in to target any enemy.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

[OOC] Offering 3 military equipment (Orca Bomber) for 1 trade, to be received at the start of next turn.Dear House Laramy,

On behalf of Zaqaru I wish to make you aware that the Zaqaru fighter fleet now has an improved version of our Bombers and we are willing to make it available to you. With trusted Zaqaru design, the Orca Bomber is equipped with nuclear missiles to inflict even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Should you chose our shipyards over any competitors, we can offer 3 shipments of Orca Bombers in exchange for the yearly output of an industry. Each contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron having 5 fighters, that makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. Any orders will be produced in five years time. I can assure you that we keep into account the colour scheme of your fleet, so they will fit right in to target any enemy.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

[OOC] Offering 3 military equipment (Orca Bomber) for 1 trade, to be received at the start of next turn.Dear Duke Barlow,

On behalf of Zaqaru I wish to make you aware that the Zaqaru fighter fleet now has an improved version of our Bombers and we are willing to make it available to you. With trusted Zaqaru design, the Orca Bomber is equipped with nuclear missiles to inflict even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Should you chose our shipyards over any competitors, we can offer 3 shipments of Orca Bombers in exchange for the yearly output of an industry. Each contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron having 5 fighters, that makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. Any orders will be produced in five years time. I can assure you that we keep into account the colour scheme of your fleet, so they will fit right in to target any enemy.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

[OOC] Offering 3 military equipment (Orca Bomber) for 1 trade, to be received at the start of next turn.Dear Duke Gadhavi,

On behalf of Zaqaru I wish to make you aware that the Zaqaru fighter fleet now has an improved version of our Bombers and we are willing to make it available to you. With trusted Zaqaru design, the Orca Bomber is equipped with nuclear missiles to inflict even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Should you chose our shipyards over any competitors, we can offer 3 shipments of Orca Bombers in exchange for the yearly output of an industry. Each contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron having 5 fighters, that makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. Any orders will be produced in five years time. I can assure you that we keep into account the colour scheme of your fleet, so they will fit right in to target any enemy.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

[OOC] Offering 3 military equipment (Orca Bomber) for 1 trade, to be received at the start of next turn.Dear Duke Bosque,

On behalf of Zaqaru I wish to make you aware that the Zaqaru fighter fleet now has an improved version of our Bombers and we are willing to make it available to you. With trusted Zaqaru design, the Orca Bomber is equipped with nuclear missiles to inflict even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Should you chose our shipyards over any competitors, we can offer 3 shipments of Orca Bombers in exchange for the yearly output of an industry. Each contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron having 5 fighters, that makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. Any orders will be produced in five years time. I can assure you that we keep into account the colour scheme of your fleet, so they will fit right in to target any enemy.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

[OOC] Offering 3 military equipment (Orca Bomber) for 1 trade, to be received at the start of next turn.Dear Duke Jinks,

On behalf of Zaqaru I wish to make you aware that the Zaqaru fighter fleet now has an improved version of our Bombers and we are willing to make it available to you. With trusted Zaqaru design, the Orca Bomber is equipped with nuclear missiles to inflict even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Should you chose our shipyards over any competitors, we can offer 3 shipments of Orca Bombers in exchange for the yearly output of an industry. Each contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron having 5 fighters, that makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. Any orders will be produced in five years time. I can assure you that we keep into account the colour scheme of your fleet, so they will fit right in to target any enemy.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

[OOC] Offering 3 military equipment (Orca Bomber) for 1 trade, to be received at the start of next turn.Dear Duke Okeke,

On behalf of Zaqaru I wish to make you aware that the Zaqaru fighter fleet now has an improved version of our Bombers and we are willing to make it available to you. With trusted Zaqaru design, the Orca Bomber is equipped with nuclear missiles to inflict even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Should you chose our shipyards over any competitors, we can offer 3 shipments of Orca Bombers in exchange for the yearly output of an industry. Each contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron having 5 fighters, that makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. Any orders will be produced in five years time. I can assure you that we keep into account the colour scheme of your fleet, so they will fit right in to target any enemy.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

[OOC] Offering 3 military equipment (Orca Bomber) for 1 trade, to be received at the start of next turn.Dear Duke Voss,

On behalf of Zaqaru I wish to make you aware that the Zaqaru fighter fleet now has an improved version of our Bombers and we are willing to make it available to you. With trusted Zaqaru design, the Orca Bomber is equipped with nuclear missiles to inflict even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Should you chose our shipyards over any competitors, we can offer 3 shipments of Orca Bombers in exchange for the yearly output of an industry. Each contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron having 5 fighters, that makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. Any orders will be produced in five years time. I can assure you that we keep into account the colour scheme of your fleet, so they will fit right in to target any enemy.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

[OOC] Offering 3 military equipment (Orca Bomber) for 1 trade, to be received at the start of next turn.Dear Duke Mertens,

On behalf of Zaqaru I wish to make you aware that the Zaqaru fighter fleet now has an improved version of our Bombers and we are willing to make it available to you. With trusted Zaqaru design, the Orca Bomber is equipped with nuclear missiles to inflict even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Should you chose our shipyards over any competitors, we can offer 3 shipments of Orca Bombers in exchange for the yearly output of an industry. Each contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron having 5 fighters, that makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. Any orders will be produced in five years time. I can assure you that we keep into account the colour scheme of your fleet, so they will fit right in to target any enemy.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

[OOC] Offering 3 military equipment (Orca Bomber) for 1 trade, to be received at the start of next turn.

2019-04-17, 12:06 PM
House Lonestar Enters The Race

A modest-seeming cargo ship makes it's way past the various Greenflame Checkpoints. However, wherever the cargo ship goes, rumors begin to blossom. The Lonestars were coming to the race, And they were packing some interesting equipment. However, they were only signing up for one race in particular.

The Horse Race.

The Cargo ship lands on one of the VIP hangers on Sashaw, and from the looks of it, it's a bit loud. Bleeting and neighs can be heard from within the ship. The Lonestars...brought an actual horse. The bay door opens and out from the back stands the patriarch of House Lonestar himself, Benjamin Stone.

Benjamin walks back into his ship, unlocking one of the stable doors on his cargo ship, and pulling out a black Corsair. It's legs muscled and eye's fierce. Ready for the competition

2019-04-17, 03:54 PM
Yahaan Zaqaru and Sidur Zaqaru for the Sashaw Wing Rough and Track Races

Representing Zaqaru in the Wing Races are a nephew and a cousin of Duke Abolar Zaqaru. For the rough race, Yahaan Zaqaru, son of Abolar’s brother Zaroosa, 34 years old, is flying an Interceptor fighter with his own modifications. An experienced pilot, serving in the Zaqaru fleet, he is bound to apply that experience in the race. With a strong temper he sits in the cockpit, having earned him a reputation of Wroth amongst the maintenance team. He is known to be Stubborn, but if his sense of Justice is successfully appealed, he will reel in. He prefers a more spartan life, preferring moderation with a Temperate attitude. According to him, it allows for more attention to the mind and as Erudite he has applied his lessons to the spaceship modifications.

Sidur Zaqaru is more straightforward, both as the wing track racer as well as her attitude towards journalists. To those who speak ill to her in interviews, she bad mouths with a Wrothful attitude. She is known to react Stubborn and also with fondness of the price money, showing her Greed. At the age of 22, her youthful enthusiasm has to make up for her lack of experience. She has not tinkered herself with her Interceptor fighter for speed, instead purchasing the services of a team to optimise it for speed.

They both use high grade spaceships with top of the line engines with enough strength for spaceflight. Interceptors serve a vital role in the Zaqaru fleets and are well adapted to atmospheric flight. It is expected Sidur Zaqaru will surpass a lot of the other contestants simply by virtue of having an incredibly fast spaceship with a base design tried on the battlefield. Whether this is enough to get a podium place amongst the top 3 is to be seen. Yahaan Zaqaru’s performance has higher expectations, with his own modifications and experience he can rely on.



Second fastest of the Zaqaru fighters, the Interceptor is manouvrable and small at a length of 17 meters. It excels at fighter to fighter combat, besides its role of patrol and escort. An Interceptor squadron contains five ships, with the most stereotypical appearance being the delta formation.


Equipped with a kinetic gun underneath their wing, their strike attacks make them formidable at strike and run tactics, often given cover to the even more offensive bomber squadrons. Their armour plating is light to optimise speed and manoeuvrability. In a winged chassis, the Interceptor possesses an edge in atmospheric flight over the other fighter designs.


Besides its appearance in the fleets, the Interceptor is also often seen in border patrol and spaceport as well as space station escort. Local law enforcement is also often seen in these vessels, so the Interceptor is one of the most common fleet designs also seen in Zaqaru space.

Enigma 7


Dear Duke Farid Saquar Greenflame,

On behalf of Zaqaru I wish to make you aware of an offer for agents. As you may be well aware, Zaqaru excels at cryptographic capabilities and this extends to the digital realm. To assist your agents in the same field, we are willing to make available to you specialized devices and hardware to operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment with contain personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships with antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

The price is a five-yearly output of an industry for 2 shipments of Hacking Hardware, or if choosing to purchase in bulk, a decade of industrial output in exchange for 5 shipments of Hacking Hardware. Just like our previous offer, the scouts will be available at a colour scheme of your choice.

I hope to hear from you soon should you be interested in our offer.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

[OOC] Offering 2 agent equipment (Hacking Hardware) for the price of 1 trade, or 5 equipment for 2 trade, to be received at the start of next turn.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Dear Duke Ernst Berger,

Previously I contacted you with an offer regarding the Orca Bombers, a design where the chassis is of Zaqaru design and the armaments are of Greenflame design. I wish to extend another offer, this time completely of Zaqaru design, which I hope will prove useful to you in your conflicts.

As you may be well aware, Zaqaru excels at cryptographic capabilities and this extends to the digital realm. To assist your agents in the same field, we are willing to make available to you specialized devices and hardware to operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment with contain personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships with antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

The price is a five-yearly output of an industry for 2 shipments of Hacking Hardware, or if choosing to purchase in bulk, a decade of industrial output in exchange for 5 shipments of Hacking Hardware. Just like our previous offer, the scouts will be available at a colour scheme of your choice.

I hope to hear from you soon should you be interested in our offer.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

[OOC] Offering 2 agent equipment (Hacking Hardware) for the price of 1 trade, or 5 equipment for 2 trade, to be received at the start of next turn.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Dear Duke Benjamin Stone,

Previously I contacted you with an offer regarding the Orca Bombers, a design where the chassis is of Zaqaru design and the armaments are of Greenflame design. I wish to extend another offer, this time completely of Zaqaru design. As you may be well aware, Zaqaru excels at cryptographic capabilities and this extends to the digital realm. To assist your agents in the same field, we are willing to make available to you specialized devices and hardware to operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment with contain personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships with antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

The price is a five-yearly output of an industry for 2 shipments of Hacking Hardware, or if choosing to purchase in bulk, a decade of industrial output in exchange for 5 shipments of Hacking Hardware. Just like our previous offer, the scouts will be available at a colour scheme of your choice.

I hope to hear from you soon should you be interested in our offer.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

[OOC] Offering 2 agent equipment (Hacking Hardware) for the price of 1 trade, or 5 equipment for 2 trade, to be received at the start of next turn.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Dear Duke Athaia Kelse,

Previously I contacted you with an offer regarding the Orca Bombers, a design where the chassis is of Zaqaru design and the armaments are of Greenflame design. I wish to extend another offer, this time completely of Zaqaru design. As you may be well aware, Zaqaru excels at cryptographic capabilities and this extends to the digital realm. To assist your agents in the same field, we are willing to make available to you specialized devices and hardware to operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment with contain personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships with antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

The price is a five-yearly output of an industry for 2 shipments of Hacking Hardware, or if choosing to purchase in bulk, a decade of industrial output in exchange for 5 shipments of Hacking Hardware. Just like our previous offer, the scouts will be available at a colour scheme of your choice.

I hope to hear from you soon should you be interested in our offer.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

[OOC] Offering 2 agent equipment (Hacking Hardware) for the price of 1 trade, or 5 equipment for 2 trade, to be received at the start of next turn.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Dear Duke Athrax,

Previously I contacted you with an offer regarding the Orca Bombers, a design where the chassis is of Zaqaru design and the armaments are of Greenflame design. I wish to extend another offer, this time completely of Zaqaru design. As you may be well aware, Zaqaru excels at cryptographic capabilities and this extends to the digital realm. To assist your agents in the same field, we are willing to make available to you specialized devices and hardware to operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment with contain personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships with antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

The price is a five-yearly output of an industry for 2 shipments of Hacking Hardware, or if choosing to purchase in bulk, a decade of industrial output in exchange for 5 shipments of Hacking Hardware. Just like our previous offer, the scouts will be available at a colour scheme of your choice.

I hope to hear from you soon should you be interested in our offer.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

[OOC] Offering 2 agent equipment (Hacking Hardware) for the price of 1 trade, or 5 equipment for 2 trade, to be received at the start of next turn.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Dear Duke Raudos Arnos,

Previously I contacted you with an offer regarding the Orca Bombers, a design where the chassis is of Zaqaru design and the armaments are of Greenflame design. I wish to extend another offer, this time completely of Zaqaru design. As you may be well aware, Zaqaru excels at cryptographic capabilities and this extends to the digital realm. To assist your agents in the same field, we are willing to make available to you specialized devices and hardware to operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment with contain personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships with antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

The price is a five-yearly output of an industry for 2 shipments of Hacking Hardware, or if choosing to purchase in bulk, a decade of industrial output in exchange for 5 shipments of Hacking Hardware. Just like our previous offer, the scouts will be available at a colour scheme of your choice.

I hope to hear from you soon should you be interested in our offer.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

[OOC] Offering 2 agent equipment (Hacking Hardware) for the price of 1 trade, or 5 equipment for 2 trade, to be received at the start of next turn.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Dear Chief Financial Director Sigmund Xinclair,

Previously I contacted you with an offer regarding the Orca Bombers, a design where the chassis is of Zaqaru design and the armaments are of Greenflame design. I wish to extend another offer, this time completely of Zaqaru design. As you may be well aware, Zaqaru excels at cryptographic capabilities and this extends to the digital realm. To assist your agents in the same field, we are willing to make available to you specialized devices and hardware to operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment with contain personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships with antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

The price is a five-yearly output of an industry for 2 shipments of Hacking Hardware, or if choosing to purchase in bulk, a decade of industrial output in exchange for 5 shipments of Hacking Hardware. Just like our previous offer, the scouts will be available at a colour scheme of your choice.

I hope to hear from you soon should you be interested in our offer.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

[OOC] Offering 2 agent equipment (Hacking Hardware) for the price of 1 trade, or 5 equipment for 2 trade, to be received at the start of next turn.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Dear Grand Exarch Malraux,

Previously I contacted you with an offer regarding the Orca Bombers, a design where the chassis is of Zaqaru design and the armaments are of Greenflame design. I wish to extend another offer, this time completely of Zaqaru design. As you may be well aware, Zaqaru excels at cryptographic capabilities and this extends to the digital realm. To assist your agents in the same field, we are willing to make available to you specialized devices and hardware to operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment with contain personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships with antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

The price is a five-yearly output of an industry for 2 shipments of Hacking Hardware, or if choosing to purchase in bulk, a decade of industrial output in exchange for 5 shipments of Hacking Hardware. Just like our previous offer, the scouts will be available at a colour scheme of your choice.

I hope to hear from you soon should you be interested in our offer.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

[OOC] Offering 2 agent equipment (Hacking Hardware) for the price of 1 trade, or 5 equipment for 2 trade, to be received at the start of next turn.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Dear Duke Forsche,

Previously I contacted you with an offer regarding the Orca Bombers, a design where the chassis is of Zaqaru design and the armaments are of Greenflame design. I wish to extend another offer, this time completely of Zaqaru design. As you may be well aware, Zaqaru excels at cryptographic capabilities and this extends to the digital realm. To assist your agents in the same field, we are willing to make available to you specialized devices and hardware to operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment with contain personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships with antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

The price is a five-yearly output of an industry for 2 shipments of Hacking Hardware, or if choosing to purchase in bulk, a decade of industrial output in exchange for 5 shipments of Hacking Hardware. Just like our previous offer, the scouts will be available at a colour scheme of your choice.

I hope to hear from you soon should you be interested in our offer.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

[OOC] Offering 2 agent equipment (Hacking Hardware) for the price of 1 trade, or 5 equipment for 2 trade, to be received at the start of next turn.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Dear Duchess Lehel,

On behalf of Zaqaru I wish to make you aware of an offer for agents. As you may be well aware, Zaqaru excels at cryptographic capabilities and this extends to the digital realm. To assist your agents in the same field, we are willing to make available to you specialized devices and hardware to operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment with contain personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships with antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

The price is a five-yearly output of an industry for 2 shipments of Hacking Hardware, or if choosing to purchase in bulk, a decade of industrial output in exchange for 5 shipments of Hacking Hardware. Just like our previous offer, the scouts will be available at a colour scheme of your choice.

I hope to hear from you soon should you be interested in our offer.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

[OOC] Offering 2 agent equipment (Hacking Hardware) for the price of 1 trade, or 5 equipment for 2 trade, to be received at the start of next turn.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513


Dear Duchess Izabela Vastadd,

Previously I contacted you with an offer regarding the Orca Bombers, a design where the chassis is of Zaqaru design and the armaments are of Greenflame design. I wish to extend another offer, this time completely of Zaqaru design. As you may be well aware, Zaqaru excels at cryptographic capabilities and this extends to the digital realm. To assist your agents in the same field, we are willing to make available to you specialized devices and hardware to operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment with contain personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships with antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

The price is a five-yearly output of an industry for 2 shipments of Hacking Hardware, or if choosing to purchase in bulk, a decade of industrial output in exchange for 5 shipments of Hacking Hardware. Just like our previous offer, the scouts will be available at a colour scheme of your choice.

I hope to hear from you soon should you be interested in our offer.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

[OOC] Offering 2 agent equipment (Hacking Hardware) for the price of 1 trade, or 5 equipment for 2 trade, to be received at the start of next turn.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Dear Lord Alexander Laramy,

Previously I contacted you with an offer regarding the Orca Bombers, a design where the chassis is of Zaqaru design and the armaments are of Greenflame design. I wish to extend another offer, this time completely of Zaqaru design. As you may be well aware, Zaqaru excels at cryptographic capabilities and this extends to the digital realm. To assist your agents in the same field, we are willing to make available to you specialized devices and hardware to operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment with contain personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships with antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

The price is a five-yearly output of an industry for 2 shipments of Hacking Hardware, or if choosing to purchase in bulk, a decade of industrial output in exchange for 5 shipments of Hacking Hardware. Just like our previous offer, the scouts will be available at a colour scheme of your choice.

I hope to hear from you soon should you be interested in our offer.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

[OOC] Offering 2 agent equipment (Hacking Hardware) for the price of 1 trade, or 5 equipment for 2 trade, to be received at the start of next turn.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Dear Lady Persephone Laramy,

Previously I contacted you with an offer regarding the Orca Bombers, a design where the chassis is of Zaqaru design and the armaments are of Greenflame design. I wish to extend another offer, this time completely of Zaqaru design. As you may be well aware, Zaqaru excels at cryptographic capabilities and this extends to the digital realm. To assist your agents in the same field, we are willing to make available to you specialized devices and hardware to operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment with contain personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships with antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

The price is a five-yearly output of an industry for 2 shipments of Hacking Hardware, or if choosing to purchase in bulk, a decade of industrial output in exchange for 5 shipments of Hacking Hardware. Just like our previous offer, the scouts will be available at a colour scheme of your choice.

I hope to hear from you soon should you be interested in our offer.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

[OOC] Offering 2 agent equipment (Hacking Hardware) for the price of 1 trade, or 5 equipment for 2 trade, to be received at the start of next turn.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Dear Duke Barlow,

Previously I contacted you with an offer regarding the Orca Bombers, a design where the chassis is of Zaqaru design and the armaments are of Greenflame design. I wish to extend another offer, this time completely of Zaqaru design. As you may be well aware, Zaqaru excels at cryptographic capabilities and this extends to the digital realm. To assist your agents in the same field, we are willing to make available to you specialized devices and hardware to operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment with contain personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships with antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

The price is a five-yearly output of an industry for 2 shipments of Hacking Hardware, or if choosing to purchase in bulk, a decade of industrial output in exchange for 5 shipments of Hacking Hardware. Just like our previous offer, the scouts will be available at a colour scheme of your choice.

I hope to hear from you soon should you be interested in our offer.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

[OOC] Offering 2 agent equipment (Hacking Hardware) for the price of 1 trade, or 5 equipment for 2 trade, to be received at the start of next turn.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Dear Duke Gadhavi,

Previously I contacted you with an offer regarding the Orca Bombers, a design where the chassis is of Zaqaru design and the armaments are of Greenflame design. I wish to extend another offer, this time completely of Zaqaru design. As you may be well aware, Zaqaru excels at cryptographic capabilities and this extends to the digital realm. To assist your agents in the same field, we are willing to make available to you specialized devices and hardware to operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment with contain personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships with antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

The price is a five-yearly output of an industry for 2 shipments of Hacking Hardware, or if choosing to purchase in bulk, a decade of industrial output in exchange for 5 shipments of Hacking Hardware. Just like our previous offer, the scouts will be available at a colour scheme of your choice.

I hope to hear from you soon should you be interested in our offer.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

[OOC] Offering 2 agent equipment (Hacking Hardware) for the price of 1 trade, or 5 equipment for 2 trade, to be received at the start of next turn.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Dear Duke Bosque,

Previously I contacted you with an offer regarding the Orca Bombers, a design where the chassis is of Zaqaru design and the armaments are of Greenflame design. I wish to extend another offer, this time completely of Zaqaru design. As you may be well aware, Zaqaru excels at cryptographic capabilities and this extends to the digital realm. To assist your agents in the same field, we are willing to make available to you specialized devices and hardware to operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment with contain personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships with antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

The price is a five-yearly output of an industry for 2 shipments of Hacking Hardware, or if choosing to purchase in bulk, a decade of industrial output in exchange for 5 shipments of Hacking Hardware. Just like our previous offer, the scouts will be available at a colour scheme of your choice.

I hope to hear from you soon should you be interested in our offer.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

[OOC] Offering 2 agent equipment (Hacking Hardware) for the price of 1 trade, or 5 equipment for 2 trade, to be received at the start of next turn.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Dear Duke Jinks,

Previously I contacted you with an offer regarding the Orca Bombers, a design where the chassis is of Zaqaru design and the armaments are of Greenflame design. I wish to extend another offer, this time completely of Zaqaru design. As you may be well aware, Zaqaru excels at cryptographic capabilities and this extends to the digital realm. To assist your agents in the same field, we are willing to make available to you specialized devices and hardware to operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment with contain personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships with antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

The price is a five-yearly output of an industry for 2 shipments of Hacking Hardware, or if choosing to purchase in bulk, a decade of industrial output in exchange for 5 shipments of Hacking Hardware. Just like our previous offer, the scouts will be available at a colour scheme of your choice.

I hope to hear from you soon should you be interested in our offer.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

[OOC] Offering 2 agent equipment (Hacking Hardware) for the price of 1 trade, or 5 equipment for 2 trade, to be received at the start of next turn.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Dear Duke Okeke,

Previously I contacted you with an offer regarding the Orca Bombers, a design where the chassis is of Zaqaru design and the armaments are of Greenflame design. I wish to extend another offer, this time completely of Zaqaru design. As you may be well aware, Zaqaru excels at cryptographic capabilities and this extends to the digital realm. To assist your agents in the same field, we are willing to make available to you specialized devices and hardware to operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment with contain personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships with antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

The price is a five-yearly output of an industry for 2 shipments of Hacking Hardware, or if choosing to purchase in bulk, a decade of industrial output in exchange for 5 shipments of Hacking Hardware. Just like our previous offer, the scouts will be available at a colour scheme of your choice.

I hope to hear from you soon should you be interested in our offer.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

[OOC] Offering 2 agent equipment (Hacking Hardware) for the price of 1 trade, or 5 equipment for 2 trade, to be received at the start of next turn.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Dear Duchess Brechtje Voss,

Previously I contacted you with an offer regarding the Orca Bombers, a design where the chassis is of Zaqaru design and the armaments are of Greenflame design. I wish to extend another offer, this time completely of Zaqaru design. As you may be well aware, Zaqaru excels at cryptographic capabilities and this extends to the digital realm. To assist your agents in the same field, we are willing to make available to you specialized devices and hardware to operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment with contain personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships with antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

The price is a five-yearly output of an industry for 2 shipments of Hacking Hardware, or if choosing to purchase in bulk, a decade of industrial output in exchange for 5 shipments of Hacking Hardware. Just like our previous offer, the scouts will be available at a colour scheme of your choice.

I hope to hear from you soon should you be interested in our offer.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

[OOC] Offering 2 agent equipment (Hacking Hardware) for the price of 1 trade, or 5 equipment for 2 trade, to be received at the start of next turn.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Dear Duke Mertens,

Previously I contacted you with an offer regarding the Orca Bombers, a design where the chassis is of Zaqaru design and the armaments are of Greenflame design. I wish to extend another offer, this time completely of Zaqaru design. As you may be well aware, Zaqaru excels at cryptographic capabilities and this extends to the digital realm. To assist your agents in the same field, we are willing to make available to you specialized devices and hardware to operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment with contain personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships with antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

The price is a five-yearly output of an industry for 2 shipments of Hacking Hardware, or if choosing to purchase in bulk, a decade of industrial output in exchange for 5 shipments of Hacking Hardware. Just like our previous offer, the scouts will be available at a colour scheme of your choice.

I hope to hear from you soon should you be interested in our offer.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

[OOC] Offering 2 agent equipment (Hacking Hardware) for the price of 1 trade, or 5 equipment for 2 trade, to be received at the start of next turn.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Dear Duke Starosta,

On behalf of Zaqaru I wish to make you aware of an offer for agents. As you may be well aware, Zaqaru excels at cryptographic capabilities and this extends to the digital realm. To assist your agents in the same field, we are willing to make available to you specialized devices and hardware to operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment with contain personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships with antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

The price is a five-yearly output of an industry for 2 shipments of Hacking Hardware, or if choosing to purchase in bulk, a decade of industrial output in exchange for 5 shipments of Hacking Hardware. Just like our previous offer, the scouts will be available at a colour scheme of your choice.

I hope to hear from you soon should you be interested in our offer.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

[OOC] Offering 2 agent equipment (Hacking Hardware) for the price of 1 trade, or 5 equipment for 2 trade, to be received at the start of next turn.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

2019-04-18, 10:37 AM
House Lonestar

Benjamin Stone sits a bar that is unfitting for a noble, not that he's going to say he is or isn't. He waves a bartender over, asking for a scotch on the rocks with a Zyzbarian Prickly fruit to flavor it. He appreciated the tangy flavor of it. he checked over his datapad, making sure that the missions he sent his family on were...going well

The First to Report, was Isabelle. Her face appears on the screen, Raven black hair and caramel skin. She wears a patch over one of her eyes, a glowing red cybernetic eye pushed over the patch. She sits atop broken droids and automated defenses, her vibrodagger gently unscrewing a bolt from one of the machines "Brother. she responds flatly. Rather annoyed at the interruption to her live fire training.

"Yesh. Thought you'd be happy to see me! I was just wondering how the exploring had been going? I'm gonna be in the Sashaw race, Bringing ol' Darklighter"

"Going to such a thing personally is a waste. You should be back on the Estate, meeting with the other nobles."

"Yea, But I thought I'd leave a good impression if I came. You know, make em think I'm humble, and willing to do most things my- and you hung up" He says, a bit disappointed at his sister's sudden exit. he sighs, sitting back in the bar. "I should have brought my Droid."

Enigma 4



2019-04-18, 02:33 PM

Enigma 7

Dear Diplomacy Unit 8654,

Thank you for considering the offer. I can assure you, our designs are an improvement over current standards and are not at risk of unintentionally blowing themselves up or crashing their own systems. Therefore, the counter offer is not necessary and I hope you will take up the initial offer, as per your stated interest. I look forward to any orders you might be willing to make.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

[OOC] I’m sorry, but I don’t really get what you are offering. Equipment doesn’t just blow up.

2019-04-18, 07:18 PM
Surveying the Stars
House Mertens is the foremost trading dynasty in the Imperium. Their freighters haul goods from hundreds of planets and ensure that their coffers are always brimming. But the Mertens are not one to rest on their laurels.

They have decided to fund a new wave of expansion throughout the Imperium even in the midst of the chaos. Their merchant surveyors are on the move throughout the galaxy looking for untapped markets and trading crossroads.

"]Your Grace,

We have seen your interest in expanding your holdings and have an offer for you. We are willing to fund the construction trade hubs throughout our space in return for your aid in our current war with House Berger.

Duchess Brechtje Voss
We have recently advanced our studies of warp gate theory and we wish to offer a collaboration based on your own interest in exploring the limits of the outer dark and new warp gate links.

House Berger
"]Waays, we know Many Wayss young duke. Oh Ho you have given us a chuckle young duke. Of course we will seell you the information permanently. We are not Mind RipPers to remove it afterwards after all.

[1 Unit] from Zaqaru Space to Sansone Space for Fifteen Years: [2 Trade]
"]Your Grace Duke Berger,

My good neighbor does seem to have benefitted greatly. However my own environs are of a substantially richer nature. I wish to have your word that I will be named countess of the Tharwa system.

Earl Zola Jasmina
"]Dearest Cousin,

Your deal is somewhat lacking in incentive, but given our family history I am willing to agree to it. However in light of your second offer I will accept with two caveats. First that you agree to a treaty of aid in the face of any Collective aggression. And second that House Vastadd retains the right to be transferred the vassalage of the earls or count in the [04, -6] system in returned for no more than the market price cost of the colonies therein.

Duchess Izabela Vastadd
"]Your Grace Duke Berger,

Now that we spent several years at war perhaps you can see how pursuing this vendetta is a fruitless endeavor for both of us. We wish to once again offer an end to this war and a peace treaty between our houses.

Duchess Brechtje Voss

"]The House Laramy submits an order for [20 units] of Orca bombers for the stated price of [8 Trade]
"]Your Grace Duke Greenflame,

We at the House of Steel are very interested in both your Hexshot Fighter and Orca bombers. And we are prepared to make a substantial order of both. However our fleet is large and your price is somewhat high. So we ask for a bulk discount of [9 Trade for 15 units of Orcas and 15 units of Hexshots].

Zaqaru Dynasty
"]Dear Meta Zaqaru,

My concern is that you have put in no provisions for the tribute due to the Zaqaru, and are thus expecting all the returns in exchange for none of the investment. It would be conducive to further negotiations if you were to outline your expectations in that regard.

Earl Varrais de Pantou
"]Your Grace Duke Zaqaru,

We request that the Zaqaru Dynasty act as a neutral third party in our efforts to negotiate peace with House Berger.

Duchess Brechtje Voss
"]Grand Administrator Byleuc,

Your designs have aroused the interest of our ministers and we are interested in making a bulk purchase. In light of that however we propose a bulk discount of [1 Trade] or [4 Trade for 9 Units of Orca Bombers and 5 Units of Hacker Hardware]

Grand Minister,
Halmond Abelard
"]Grand Administrator Byleuc,

We are interested in purchasing [6 Units] of your orca bombers for [2 Trade]

Agent Kole
"]Grand Administrator Byleuc,

We are interested in purchasing [6 Units] of your orca bombers for [2 Trade]

Councillor Vanya Mal
"]Grand Administrator Byleuc,

We are interested in your offer of scout spaceships. However we can't help but notice that your price is higher than the equivalent military designs. We would be willing to purchase [9 Units] if the price was reduced to the same level.

Councillor Jolene Vastadd
"]Grand Administrator Byleuc,

We are submitting an order for [5 units] of your [Hacking Hardware] in return for [2 Trade].

Administrator Moffet

2019-04-19, 11:45 AM
House Greenflame

enigma 4

The Hidalgo stretched away, iron red sand easily visible from space. 500 kilometers of jagged ridges and crumbling cliffs, and second only to the Tatooine in danger. The start line organized its final racers, and with a gunshot crack the folding start line fell away. Even through the audio compensators the roar of engines pounded deep in the chest, and the close cameras were buried under a fountain of kicked up sand. The drone cameras picked up the slack and there was a clear view of the racers jockeying for position. Pasha Juia let zer vehicle drop back, too light to fight some of the monstrous engines at the fore. The nature of the first ridge funneled the racers tightly together, advantages measured in mere meters, though one of the independant entrants was somehow riding the vertical cliff alongside the ridge. For now, there were no injuries, but the Hidalgo was hungry, and the second ridge’s serrated shadow reached towards the racers like the teeth of an iron beast.

[OOC: If anyone wants to take a crack at the next section of the race feel free, otherwise I'll post up the rest when I get home on monday]

At the Sashaw

House Zaqaru
Farid is nodding before Abolar is even finished speaking.
“I am glad our views are aligning Duke Zaqaru, and I think your compromise is a wise one, though per our original agreement I will request that we add reparations in the form of [two trade/turn] for twenty years as reparations.”
Farid pulled out a small tablet, lighting it up with reports from the battles over the last five years, as well as letters from Arda.
“We gave them a mauling, though Haytham took a sting as well. I think your agents are to be well commended, the disruption they caused was key to our victory. Though if your Admiral wishes to repeat her previous caution I believe it best that we split our forces. Your agents remain our most flexible option, and with their influence withering their fleet we should be safe to divide our forces in two. Haytham should go north since Sasone is likely to have marshaled their forces in defense of their Capitol, Our larger numbers and sturdy shielding will see us through. Meanwhile, the Zaqaru fleets will go south, and secure the new territory.”


House Laramy
Excellent, we will send the equipment upon delivery of the funds.

House of Steel
Agreed, we will send the equipment upon delivery of the funds.

2019-04-19, 03:04 PM

Abolar listened closely to Farid as he pulled out the small tablet, after a short smile expressing his gladness of the compromise being acceptable.

Taking the suggestion of splitting the forces, Abolar nods. “Alright, sounds good to me.” His thought is disrupted when there is a short ping, as if gold touches gold. There’s a short expression of annoyment as Abolar pulls out a small device. “Apologies, I said I should not be disturbed.” He nevertheless looks at it, then gives it a short tap. “Though I believe this disruption is justified.” Abolar presents Farid the screen with a message.

House Sansone messaged to House Okeke:

“We have recently advanced our studies of warp gate theory and we wish to offer a collaboration based on your own interest in exploring the limits of the outer dark and new warp gate links.”

“Seems like they learned from those mines. I’ll be certain to mention the danger they pose to the warp gates in my war declaration. How much of our honour (OOC: Prestige) will we stake on the war? Is it alright if I make a joint declaration of war, where you only need to confirm, or do you wish to make a separate declaration?”

[OOC] Kind of want to give Arcanestomper the chance to react to the war declaration too.
Enigma 7

Dear Duke Athaia Kelse,

Some time has passed since our last contact. In my previous message I offered [3 Trade] if you can help me eliminate the risk in traversing the warp gates and I would like to know how you stand on the offer.

If it is of any help, I can point out the warp gates to your scientists so they can determine if it is doable. To be honest, I would appreciate an assessment on the situation anyway, as the current risk is very much an unknown to my scientists. While this could be researched, I wonder if your scientists could be able to tell more at a glance with their expertise?

Yours sincerely,
Duke Abolar Zaqaru

[OOC] Basically I’m asking in the second paragraph: Does your Lore allow you to tell what the current danger is?
Dear Duke Berger, Duchess Brechtje Voss,

House Voss has requested Zaqaru to act as a third party in hopes of establish peace between the noble Houses of Berger and Voss.

It is public knowledge that the last attack from the Berger fleet resulted in a loss on the Berger side, while House Voss has neither been able to launch a counter assault. At this rate, the war would result in more losses.

In the past years, House Voss has offered House Berger to send Anna Voss to their holdings. I believe this offer has not been accepted because of a lack of trust. It is my sincere hope that my presence in this discussion can help build up some measure of trust, so that peace can be re-established between House Berger and House Voss.

From my point of view, I will admit that I have a high interest to see peace be restored, as it pains me to see both of your noble Houses fight with another, while there are other more worthwhile subjects to pursue.

Therefore, I wish to reach out to you, Duke Berger, and ask that you bring to the table any concerns or worries you may have, so that they may be tackled here. I ask that you both, Duke Berger and Duchess Brechtje Voss, to keep the atmosphere polite and decent. This way, the three of us may discuss them here without rancor and offense, in hopes of getting closer to one another and hopefully find a peaceful way out of this conflict.

Yours sincerely,
Duke Abolar Zaqaru

Dear Grand Minister Halmond Abelard,

I am pleased that our designed have gotten the interest of your ministers. I have considered your proposal and propose one modification to it. Since you are doing a bulk order and asking a discount, I am willing to grant it to show House Zaqaru is eager to do trade with you, with one caveat. The proposed bulk discount would replace the existing bulk discount, therefore I am willing to make available to you the following offer: [4 Trade for 9 Units of Orca Bombers and 4 Units of Hacker Hardware]. Would this proposal be acceptable to you?

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun ByleucDear Agent Cole,

It is with pleasure I receive your order. Our production lines will begin immediate work as soon as we receive your payment and deliver at the soonest opportunity!

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun ByleucDear Councillor Vanya Mal,

It is with pleasure I receive your order. Our production lines will begin immediate work as soon as we receive first payment and deliver at the soonest opportunity!

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun ByleucDear Councillor Jolene Vastadd,

It is indeed true that our prices for the scout spaceships are higher than the orca bombers. However, for you I am willing to offer a one-time discount. You are purchasing a considerable volume and our territories are within noticeable distance, so it will do Zaqaru well to keep relations good with House Vastadd. It may also aid you in dealing with certain elements in your sector. Therefore, it is with pleasure I receive your order. Our production lines will begin immediate work as soon as we receive your first payment and deliver at the soonest opportunity!

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun ByleucDear Administrator Moffet,

It is with pleasure I receive your order. Our production lines will begin immediate work as soon as we receive your first payment and deliver at the soonest opportunity!

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

2019-04-20, 09:56 PM
House Ytterbus

Enigma 7

"We would be interested in purchasing one shipment of your bombers."

2019-04-21, 08:54 AM

Dear Duke Zaqaru, our scientists surmise that it would be far easier to stabilize the disrupted portals should we share our knowledge with your own, or fix them ourselves.
You must understand, however, that in each case I would either be diverting precious resources from our war efforts, or sharing permanent know-how. Would you be willing to share some blueprints instead?

If these terms are unacceptable to you, I'm still willing to help a fellow noble out in his just war, but only as far as this good will is returned. We received reports from our operatives of comms traveling forth between you and the Jinks through our space. While we don't have quite the means to crack either of your codes, I don't need to in order to figure its contents I would think.

OOC: Archive: Warp Gates 1 in exchange for some blueprint of your own would be our preferred solution. Cash is also fine, I believe this is worth a bit more than 3 though. I can also take some of your EOT equipment production instead if you need to the cash this turn elsewhere. Also, not in love with the notion of you selling equipment to people I'm at war with.

Honourable Duke,
we come to you as a kindred spirit I believe. The reprehensible Jinks have forestalled our first attempt at liberating their systems, and we have found little support from the rest of the Empire.
Would you be willing to engage your proud Fleet in our aid? We can offer the prestige this just Crusade entails, and the chance to expand the influence of the Iron Church in our sector, not to mention the more material gains to be had.

Honourable Earls, as always I value your loyalty and opinions highly.
Would you elaborate a plan of action regarding how many resources are required to best expand your influence in your respective systems?

2019-04-21, 11:33 AM
The Hildalgo
Sir Alfred Barlow calmly surveyed both his opponents and the upcoming mountain pass as his heavy duty vehicle smashed through a spike of upthrust basalt. Unlike many of his opponents his vehicle hadn't been built for speed. It was a modified tractor in fact. One of the heavy duty trawlers that the Barlow family used to move their massive algae rigs around.

The thing about a vehicle designed to move a thousand ton payload though. Is that once the payload was removed what was left was a monstrously oversized engine with plenty of power to spare. Modify the power train to take advantage of that and something generally regarded as being the slowest thing around could instead move very quickly indeed.

Plus it had other advantages in a race like this. As shown by the trail of broken ridges and shattered spires Sir Alfred had left behind. Other racers had to watch the terrain and maneuver around the worst parts that would shred their vehicles. Sir Alfred could just power through though. The heavy frame of his tractor crushing any rock formations that dared oppose him.

Merchant Advisory
It is our duty to warn you that the warp gates into and out of the Gade system have been destabilized due to events of the past years conflict. Our technical division is hard at work realigning the gates, but until such a time as they are finished all traffic through the Gade system is deemed unsafe at the Category 3 Risk Rating.

Gate Transit Authority
House Sansone

"]We are interested, what are suggesting?
"]The war in the Gade system has led to some quite peculiar emissions from the warp gates. We are certain that studying them would lead to fascinating new discoveries but lack the necessary scientists to capitalize on the matter. If you were to send a contingent to aid us it would greatly speed the process and ensure a safer proceedings.
"]We are not typically a mercenary house, but we could not call ourselves merchants if we did not at least check your prices. How much are you offering in return for our aid?
"]Grand Administrator Byleuc,
That proposal is acceptable to us. We will send the first portion of our payment immediately.

Grand Minister,
Halmond Abelard
"]For the record your archive is worth about 5 market. Also to keep it line with designs and equipment I have decided that it must be permanently traded in order to give another faction its benefits.

Your Grace,

House Tehrani is hardly a mercenary house to launch a crusade on a whim. We will need an agreement that we can expand our interests in the area, and that the Iron Church will have open access to both any territory we gain and your own duchy.

Duke Omid Tehrani
"]I would require [12 Trade] to fully colonize my system.
"]I would require [10 Trade] to fully colonize my system.

2019-04-21, 01:23 PM
Enigma 5

Earl Periklis Treasach
The message returned does not have the soft sweet high courtesan but instead a more stern and aggressive form which appeared a little annoyed from behind the visor. "WE ARE NOT OUTSIDE THE IMPERIUM my good earl. We may not hold an official title but we have been as vital to its longevity as any duke has been. Our people have provided illustrious heirs, husbands and wives. We have even provided concubines and mistresses for the emperors themselves, for all moral fortitudes. We have given as much to the empire as we have taken and the emperor has called on us and we have answered. We have prostrated ourselves to the legacy of the empire and its survival is of paramount importance to us. I just want you to remember that, because our alliance is important to the health of this sector, so we may keep this region of space under a rightful custodian until our beloved emperor is chosen."

She sighs then and provides the first smile of the 3d disk handed off for communications. "Now I want to discuss House of Steel. That massive military presence is a very dangerous one indeed and I want to make sure should they make any moves that all local earls recognize I will stand with them against aggressive expansion. I would appreciate it if we worked together to create a full military alliance against this massive threat. They are a truly unique existence and one we cannot be sure is willing to just bend for the empire... They dare bare the title of house while holding no such title. Truly they are where our collective ire should exist not against the pleasure palaces. Your voice would do much to assuage their fears wouldn't you say?"

House of Steel- 1 court
The stunning High courtesan stands in nothing but the aphrodisiac paints developed by her people to exaggerate and expand the pleasures of touch. She is ravishing to behold and making a point to show off more than usual. "Grand Admiral Shen we ask to send one of our personal diplomats to meet with you personally. It is essential our discussions are not tracked. If you agree to this meeting let us know and we will have a pleasure ship sent into your sector for such an exchange." She provides a drop dead gorgeous smile, "I hope you accept." With that the connection ends.

House Greenflame
"And we always keep our promises my dearest duke. Thank you again for your invitation it made attending the event immensely simpler." The 3D hologram was showing off the high courtesan in a stunning pink and purple number which seemed to cover just enough flesh to make her more erotic to look upon. A large grin played upon her lips as she spoke into the machine.

"Well lets get the obvious out of the way, the democratic collective had very few agents present, a few conversations were overheard by some staff they had in their employ but they were unable to infiltrate any higher and so their infilitration was stymied." She continued on, providing gossip on various points. "Reports came in that our silk touched made quite a splash along with House Vastadd's half sisters. They were absolutely stunning."

She grinned, "of course lets face it your alliance was the talk of the sector my dearest Duke you two now interlinked has fascinated many in your sector I am interested to see how they respond I am also glad I am so far away from the coming violence I sense much of it is on the horizon for your region. Zaqaru used the event to bully the local earls, I was impressed with the subtle jabs, most of them took it but made clear that the war has left them... Neutral in most cases, though you are now part of Zaqaru's inner circle I am sure you are more closely aligned with what he is doing then I and of course his family was the loudest when it came to sharing. If you have a specific source of intel you want I can continue to go through what was spoken about see what my ladies heard."

It looked like she was about to sign off when she recalled. "You offered some military technologies in exchange for some rather fair payments. We would be happy to make the trade off. We will have the credits wired as soon as those blueprints are sent off."

2019-04-21, 01:26 PM

Enigma 5

Honourable Duke Omid,

with all due respect there is no shortage of mercenaries in the Imperium, and I could easily hire as many of those as I wished.

My main concern is freeing Jinks systems from their oppressors, and as such I would agree to a partition of their space.

Duke Athaia Kelse

2019-04-21, 03:42 PM

Within the public media, channels, government announcements, the victory over Sansone has been greatly celebrated at first, welcoming Gade into the fold. The news quieted down for a while, but the past weeks the tone has been growing increasingly unfriendly towards Sansone. Talk of dangerous weapons, irresponsible action during the war and the old rivalry simmering show that the public opinion towards Sansone is bad.

With the public advice towards the merchants to avoid Gade, the public statements have grown worse, to Zaqaru officials denouncing Sansone for the danger they brought to trade and stability in the sector for destabilising the gates. There are several public figures who show indignity for House Sansone making the public broadcast of the Gate Transit Authority instead of Zaqaru.

Some investigations already hint that the main reason Zaqaru was unable to get a warning out before Sansone is because the authorities were debating whether to classify it a Category 2, 3 or 4 Risk Rating. The debate seemed to have a lack professional input, as no scientific report regarding the gates was mentioned on public report, making the lack of Zaqaru scientific capacity once more painfully obvious.

What really has the ranks riled up and what is spewed as an accusation towards Sansone is that the public merchant advisory paints a worse situation than it is. Only two of the warpgates are destabilized, those leading to Dimarq and Champseau, meaning traffic to the systems in Sansone space from Gade is still safe. Ofcourse, most merchants will be interested in moving to or from Dimarq and Champseau, and beyond, but the principle remains.

There are some officials which claim Zaqaru is already busy arranging the gates to be fixed, but even Zaqaru critics are vocal to point out the lack of scientists to deal with the issue. Unsurprisingly, no public claims are made how soon the gates would be fixed.

Category 0: Completely Stable no risk of loss.
Category 1: Stable minimal risk
Category 2: Minor Instability risk that the occasional convoy will be lost every few decades
Category 3: Instability risk that the occasional convoy will be lost every few years
Category 4: Major Instability risk that the majority of convoys will be lost.
Category 5: Hazard Gate only occasional convoys will make it though
Category 6: Death Gate nothing will make it through

It's mostly used for insurance
Standard rates won't usually cover beyond Category 2 so most merchant lines won't trade on category 3 or above

Enigma 7

Dear Duke Athrax,

Do you perhaps mean three shipments [3 equipment] as offered for [1 Trade], or do you truly mean an interest in 1 shipment [1 equipment]? If you do mean 1 shipment [1 equipment], I can offer that to you for [0.5] Trade.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc
Dear Duke Athaia Kelse,

Thank you for describing the options. Given the amount of research capacity available to me, or rather lack thereof, I feel that permanent knowledge would be too costly and too inefficient to deal with this problem. Instead I believe the most viable course would be if you and your people fix the problem, so your terms are acceptable.

Considering I am asking for the effort of scientists, I doubt that would divert resources directly from the war efforts. I am willing to pay for the effort of your scientists, which you can use for whatever purpose you wish. As you must have received word from my Grand Adminstrator, you are well aware Zaqaru is willing to sell you weapons and covert devices, so I can offer to produce those for you instead of direct payment.

How much of your research capability would you be willing to make available to the purpose of fixing the warp gates?

Yours sincerely,
Duke Abolar Zaqaru


Dear Earl Varrais de Pantou,

No provisions of tribute due are put in, because there are none, besides the aforementioned blueprints. Ofcourse, during war, if you have fleets or agencies available, there is the expectation you will use it to defend Champseau. Beyond that, no tribute, but no investment either, due to conflict and warp gate malfunction taking away the means for investment. Should the capacity to invest become available once more, the opportunity to renegotiate this agreement will be available. I thought this would suit your wish to have sovereignty and develop the system as you saw fit.

However, from your response I believe I may have made a misjudgement. Investment as requested in Champseau can certainly be arranged, with the usual expectation of tribute, but only after the conflict with Sansone. So if I can amend your first point with “after the Sansone conflict”, then it can be agreed upon. In return, I offer to ensure the warpgate stabilization efforts of Zaqaru will first be directed to Champseau, instead of Dimarq.

Yours sincerely,
Meta Zaqaru
Dear Grand Minister Halmond Abelard,

It is with pleasure I receive your order. Our production lines will begin immediate work as soon as we receive your first payment and deliver at the soonest opportunity!

I am also aware you are busy with a new wave of expansion through the Imperium. May I inquire what kind of offers you are making available?

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc
Dear Earls and Counts of the Sector,

On behalf of Zaqaru, I wish you well in your noble endeavours to assert noble superiority in the sector and hope you will prevail. To aid in your efforts, Zaqaru is making available two trade offers to the earls and counts with trade and market amongst you, so they can assist those with fleets and agencies.

First is a military spaceship, an improved version of the Zaqaru bomber, the Orca Bomber equipped with nuclear missiles to inflict even greater damage against heavily armoured targets. 3 Ships of Orca Bombers are offered per five yearly output of an industry. Each shipment contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron having 5 fighters, that makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. Any orders will be produced in five years time.


The second option are agency devices. As you may be well aware, Zaqaru excels at cryptographic capabilities and this extends to the digital realm. To assist your agents in the same field, we are willing to make available to you specialized devices and hardware to operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment with contain personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships with antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

The price is a five-yearly output of an industry for 2 shipments of Hacking Hardware, or if choosing to purchase in bulk, a decade of industrial output in exchange for 5 shipments of Hacking Hardware.
I hope to hear from any of you soon should you be interested in our offer.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

[OOC] Making 2 offers available:
- 3 military equipment (Orca Bomber) for 1 trade, to be received at the start of next turn.
- 2 agent equipment (Hacking Hardware) for the price of 1 trade, or 5 equipment for 2 trade, to be received at the start of next turn.

2019-04-22, 10:29 AM

Do I manage to figure out how much scientists to invest approx to fix the portals?

Enigma 5

Dear Duke, I can devote as much as I have available, but a brief recon is in order to determine how much effort will be required to fix the warp gates.

I agree to have such efforts repaid in cash or equipment, although it is not our way in full, but I will be adamant in having no such deal if you would peddle your equipment to our enemies.

I will await a strong statement on the matter on your part, your Grace.

Duke Athaia Kelse

The scenery is idyllic, but the Kelse brothers look sullen. It's not for anybody to scold the Duke Athaia in the whole Imperium, yet a screeching voice echoes in their head, one that repeats that they are not to miss two social events in a row ad nauseam.
"I would be a lot more useful on the Jinks front, you know."
"No such thing happening until you are out of Academy Nath. You might as well represent our House at the race."
"I'm fairly sure that warp forsaken race is far more dangerous than this whole war. Or did you miss the part where it lasts five days?" Athaia gazes into the distance, not responding. "Besides... that looks like an actual horse."
"Well, yes. There was some gene engineering involved in its breeding I suppose, but still..."
"Do I really have to?"

House Kelse to participate in social event, analysts are shocked

Almost a full ten years younger than Athaia, Knight Bachelor Nathael is the youngest of the three Kelse siblings, and the bulkier of the two males. He doesn't make much of a show of himself, as the reclusive members of House Kelse are wont to do, and does little to hide his own annoyance at the whole matter either. At the very least, Lyraen cerimonial uniforms are quite elaborate, and Nathael itself quite politely request an audience with the patrons of the race to send his brother's regards.

Not actually him, just a lookalike. Not like anyone really knows their looks all too well anyway.


Designed for war rather than mere racing, the Wayward Fleet interceptors are a bit on the smaller side of the scale, but still pack a punch when it comes to firepower.

With a lighter chassis than most ships, they sacrifice durability for manoeuvrability and speed.

Its pilot is the quiet sort, appearing to be one of many of the Wayward Academy. You hear his name announced for the starship race, but it doesn't ring a bell whatsoever.

2019-04-22, 02:23 PM

Enigma 7

Dear Duke Athaia Kelse,

As stated previously, I will readily provide guidance to a recon of your scientists. I would also like to inquire what the Lyraen way regarding payment usually is, for future record.

My last intelligence states that the scientists of six Lyraen Universities would then be available to fix the warp gates. Assuming this information still holds, in exchange for their services, I am willing to offer to fully arm your fleets and agencies with Orca Bombers and Hacking Hardware respectively. To my knowledge, this amounts to 9 shipments of Orca Bombers and 8 shipments of Hacking Hardware. I will add 2 shipments of Hacking Hardware for reserves, for a total of 10 shipments, as I know how deadly covert warfare can be. Would this offer be acceptable to you?

Regarding House Jinks, assuming a deal is made regarding the warp gates, Zaqaru will cease taking orders and making trade offers while your war with them continues.

Yours sincerely,
Duke Abolar Zaqaru

[OOC] What are the public war goals of the Duchy of Lyrae against House Jinks? I also asked this in the ooc before and this becomes more relevant now, as it will be an indication of how long your conflict will last.

2019-04-23, 05:40 PM

Enigma 5

Dear Duke Zaqaru,

your terms of payment are acceptable, and as such we will make haste to estimate the amount of work required at once.

Our manpower is generally not for hire, but fixing defective gates is a just cause in itself and the request was gracious enough that we should intervene on your behalf.

More importantly, I thank you for the courtesy shown in agreeing not to sell the Jinks advanced equipment.

We will be on the move shortly. With regards,
Duke Athaia Kelse

OOC - Quite prolonged I would assume. I would at least take their capital and purge their most undesirable avenues of trade.

2019-04-23, 07:56 PM
"]"We are always willing to hear from our good neighbors. Feel free to send a representative at any time."

"]Absolutely not. I had hoped to have cordial relation with your organization, but I will not be drawn into conflict with the House of Steel.

Even if that weren't suicide in the face of their fleets the House of Steel has been part of the Imperium since its inception. They will certainly profit from the infighting, but they serve as much a purpose in the Imperium as your organization. They are not expansionist in their own right, but rather serve the interests of their employers.

"]Duke Athaia Kelse,

I think you will find House Jinks is not nearly as oppresive as you believe. They are underhanded not barbarians. But nevertheless what would I even do with their space? It is on the opposite side of the Imperium from my own holdings. The logistics alone make it infeasible to integrate into my cluster.

No, I want access to your space for the Iron Church, and copies of any information on the Outer Expanse you might have.

Duke Omid Tehrani

"]Dear Meta Zaqaru,

If you are not offering investment nor desiring tribute. And there can be no awarding of titles until I have finished colonizing Champseau then there is very little on the table here.

You gain the prestige of having me as a vassal and I get the dubious honor of becoming a target for your enemies. I am still amenable to the prospect of eventually offering my fealty. But perhaps it would be best to have this discussion again when we can actually offer each other something tangible.

If anything I would prefer that the Champseau warp gate not be stabilized until you are finished with your feud with the Sansone. You may view it as a liability, but the disruption works both ways. I have little to fear from that direction now.

Yours sincerely,
Earl Varrais de Pantou

"]Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc,

We offer something that very few houses can, the expertise necessary to efficiently set up a bustling new trade hub in even the most barren systems. This is however an expensive proposition even for a House such as ours. As such offer shares in these ventures to interested House such as your own.

Grand Minister Halmond Abelard

"]In various messages here and there the earls of Sector express their gratitude at the offer being extended and dismay at the fact that they can not accept it. No doubt the technology is exceptional, but for minor houses it is far too expensive. They simply cannot afford it.

"]Your scientists estimate it will take approximately [8 Scientists] to stabilize the portals.

2019-04-24, 03:52 PM

The spaceship Adnergaresh has vanished during transit of the Dimarq - Gade warp gate!

On its way to deliver critical supplies to the population of the colonies in Gade after the battle with House Sansone, the spaceship Adnergaresh held vital food, water and medicines for civil use. It never made it to the Gade side of the Dimarq-Gade warp gate, utterly vanishing in the void between gates.

The loss of the spaceship means groups of civilians will have to wait longer for additional supplies to be sent. Already new spaceships are sent, with brave crew willing to venture through the gate in assistance. While other spaceships have suffered from calamity in the hazardous travel of the warp gates, none were on such a vital mission as the Adnergaresh. Duke Abolar Zaqaru and Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc have already sent their condolences to the family of the crew of the spaceship.

Several markets ask for caution with any future travel through the gates, though one renowned scientist claims this was just a stroke of bad fortune that a spaceship with such an iconic mission had to be hit. Several government officials lay the blame squarely by House Sansone, which has caused the instability of the warp gates. Earl Ereski Susa has even been bold enough to suggest that House Sansone has not the right to govern their current two star clusters and should only be limited to one if they are willing to show such disrespect to the trade lanes. Since that statement, it is evident that such a sentiment is on the rise in other circles too.

Enigma 7

Dear Duke Athaia Kelse,

Thank you for explaining what drives you to make deals. I will make note of it and ensure my heir will take it into account moving forward.

I look forward to your estimation of work required. To repeat which gates are involved, it is the Dimarq - Gade and the Champseau - Gade warp gates which are malfunctioning. I would prefer priority to be given to the repairs of the Dimarq - Gade warp gate, if possible.

Yours sincerely,
Duke Abolar Zaqaru

[OOC] Thanks for explaining the war goal!
Dear Duke Ernst Berger,

I previously contact you to act as neutral party between House Berger and House Voss. I eagerly await your response.

Yours sincerely,
Duke Abolar Zaqaru

Dear Earl Varrais de Pantou,

Apologies for any miscommunication, I see my initial offer is not the right one here, so let us both forget about that and come back to the proposal you made, for I believe what I can offer is tangible enough.

I propose my daughter Sidad Zaqaru and your son Rostac de Pantou get married and that their marriage contract binds our families together, with de Pantou as vassal to Zaqaru.

1. Zaqaru will protect the holdings of House de Pantou, as is the responsibility of any liege.
2. Zaqaru will, after peace has been signed with House Sansone and until the title of Countess has been awarded to House de Pantou, provide enough resources [Any combination of 2 Trade/University] every five years to establish a colony and ensure it is properly staffed.
3. For as long as House de Pantou holds the title of Earl, they reserve of the usage the current research facility for any de Pantou projects, as well as any facilities created without aid from Zaqaru.
4. Zaqaru will award House de Pantou the title of Countess as soon as a total of four colonies have been established in the Champseau system.
5. After Zaqaru awards House de Pantou with the title of Countess, they agree that the House de Pantou reserves the usage of two research facilities for House de Pantou projects in perpetuity. Upon full development of the Champseau system, this usage is increased to three facilities. The use of the other facilities is at the behest of Zaqaru.
6. House de Pantou agrees not to sell any designs resulting from the above projects, unless mutually agreed by the Zaqaru Dynasty.
7. Zaqaru will dedicate 5 prestige to the contract, House de Pantou needs to dedicate no prestige to the contract. This prestige may be used in the creation of the Countess title, where the Countess vassalage contract replaces this contract. In the event that Zaqaru does not hold up to its obligations, the prestige is awarded to House de Pantou.

I hope this offer will be acceptable to you. I believe that a contract, bound in marriage, is tangible. It is a promise that you will get a title, you will get support, you will have freedom to develop and protection. For I assure you, the forces of House Sansone will not pass the Champseau - Gade warp gate, even if it is repaired. I will request priority is given to the Dimarq - Gade warp gate, however.

Yours sincerely,
Meta Zaqaru
Dear Grand Minister Halmond Abelard,

Thank you for explaining the offer House Mertens has available. Unfortunately, Zaqaru’s priorities lie elsewhere at the moment, but I will make a record of it for the next Grand Adminstrator to take it into account when there is an opportune moment to take this offer into account.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Shursun Byleuc

2019-04-25, 06:22 AM

Enigma 5

Dear Duke Omid,

I believe installing a cadet branch of your House in this faraway sector would serve your interests and those of the Church admirably.

I am not remiss to allowing the Iron Monks free access to my space on principle, but what would that entail on more pratical terms?

Dear Duke Zaqaru,

we shall send our representatives at Dimarq to confer with your Grand Scientist at once.

2019-05-01, 10:44 AM
The Hidalgo ground away under the brutal heat of the desert, still unclear who had the advantage. Numbers were lower now, many craft having suffered too much damage to continue. The second ridge was a fast reducing dust cloud, and the final stretch into Zhou's Valley was a comically steep incline festooned with Digger Warrens, trapdoor like structures dug by the extinct Giant Muethen, huge insect like creatures who hide from the desert heat. For the race they acted like gigantic potholes on an already steep surface, ripping wheels off larger vehicles and swallowing smaller ones entirely.

The new terrain spread out the racers drastically, allowing Pasha Juia to surge back to the front pack, weaving through the dangers and following Sir Barlow and using his shattering wake for cover.

Ooc: would you mind rolling the victor arcane?

House Zaqaru
"I will one betting a good deal of my political will on this, [25 prestige], I think it will be a good display of the Haythams Superiority to best yet again one of the most powerful navies in the Imperium."

House Vastadd
It seems that the DCoP is looking to expand further, will you support my guarantee of the earl?

I see, thank you for this information, you have proved our deal quite fortuitous, and your tip about the DCoP is both comforting and reassuring. Tell me, does your court request anything in exchange for this boon?

2019-05-01, 02:50 PM

The attitude of Zaqaru towards Sansone heats up with the disappearance of other vessels going through the gates towards Gade. Lawsuits are filed, complaints, harsh articles, loud critics, heated debates. The tone is hostile, the call for punishment is common, the emotions run deep. The Earls of Zaqaru have had enough of the various outlooks and clamour for a public statement from the Duke. When it is arrives, it is profoundly harsh towards House Sansone.

Zaqaru Ultimatum to House Sansone

For rejecting peace and acknowledgement of their territory, for bringing danger and calamity to the trade routes and travel in Akkadu, for the threat they pose to the stability of the warp gates, for the foulness of their actions,

Zaqaru hereby rejects the Sansone borders and brings forth the old claim on territory from their former title as Kings of Akkadu, to restore order and stability to the sector. In an act of generosity, House Sansone is given the opportunity to avoid further conflict and fulfill the demands posed henceforth.

House Sansone is to fulfill the following demands within two weeks time or a clash of Zaqaru and House Greenflame against House Sansone is unavoidable.

Cede one of their controlled duchies, the Birqu Duchy, to Zaqaru, so the territory may be granted to a more responsible vassal as Duke when Zaqaru rises as Kings of Akkadu once more.
Swear fealty to Zaqaru as protectorate, to become a vassal Duke when Zaqaru rises as Kings of Akkadu once more.
Repay House Greenflame for all losses incurred in the war over Gade.
Assist in the repairs of the Gade warp gates.

House Sansone currently controls the Kara and Birqu Duchy. The Kara Duchy contains their capital, Avone. The Birqu Duchy is composed of Ukish (12/-4), Deset (13/-4), Erecht (14/-5) and Ramaga (15/-5).

[OOC] Two posts of Arcanestomper without reply from House Sansone will be taken as no reply before the ultimatum deadline transpires.

“Alright, good to see we are agreed. I will meet to match your glory with [25 prestige] as well.”

“I will give House Sansone one last chance to avoid conflict and yield to the demands, but I expect nothing from them.”

[OOC] That’s 25 prestige on paying for unilateral war and 25 prestige for the pool, right?

2019-05-01, 04:02 PM
House Sansone Buys Out the Market
In a prepared statement Duke Stefano Sansone announces the collaboration of the Sansone Ministry of Science with the Okeke Explorer's League to restabilize the gates in the Gade system in order to ensure the safe passage of all ships travelling to and from the system. House Sansone and House Okeke also enter into a defensive pact to better protect their joint warp gate work.

He expresses gratitude that there were crews willing to face the dangers of the gates in order to bring aid to the people of Gade, and regrets all the lives lost. House Sansone will pay the full cost of all ships and cargoes lost so far as well as match any life insurance that the lost crews took out.

In order to prevent further loss of life Duke Sansone swears that House Sansone will out of its own stores deliver any aid being sent to the Gade system in exchange for the cargoes of the aid ships that would otherwise go through. This offer will continue until such a time as the gates are stabilize to at least Category 1.

House Sansone has also cancelled all of its freight orders, imposed a punitive tariff on all imports for private citizens, and implores the Zaqaru Dynasty to stop sending ships to their doom.

"]We reject your war declaration as we are already repairing the gates and owe the Greenflames no reparations when their services were brought by the Zaqaru as mercenaries.

"]The monks will require safe passage for their vessels as well as guaranteed rights to refueling and repair at your ports. They will ask to study your archives, but this is not required.

"]We would rather not antagonize the Democratic Collective. Certainly your fleets are powerful enough to ward them away, but ours are not. And your fleet seems to be engaged in other sectors these days.

]Dear Meta Zaqaru,

The terms are agreeable with the caveat that the terms of item 3 continue through the awarding of the Countess title. In exchange item 5 can be removed.

Early Varrais de Pantou

1. Yterrubus
2. Zaqaru
3. Tatarus
4. Barlow
5. Greenflame
6. Independent

2019-05-02, 03:06 PM
Public Broadcast

The Great and Just
Duke Abolar Zaqaru

It is with a heavy heart that I announce Zaqaru has received word from House Sansone. They have rejected the Zaqaru ultimatum.

In the meantime, Duke Stefano Sansone has chosen to lie to the public at large. I hold proof that the announcement is false.There is no defensive pact between House Sansone and House Okeke, nor has there ever been discussion thereof between the Houses. It is an outrageous bluff.

The impunity of House Sansone is further marked by even speaking about work on the warp gates, when there has been no discussion with the rightful owner of the warp gates affected. The warp gates are within Zaqaru territory and thus my responsibility. I declare that I will ensure to the reparation of the warp gates, for House Sansone will be unable to do so as they only seek conflict over peace in rejecting the ultimatum.

Sansone offering to cover for the aid of Gade is but a ruse, in an attempt to foster goodwill. As House Sansone holds no wish to acknowledge the Zaqaru responsibility, it is a blatant sign their reparations are an attempt to increase their knowledge about the effect of the weapons they employed in battle, so they can improve upon them, further posing a threat to the sector.

For their foul behaviour, I declare WAR on House Sansone! The demands of Zaqaru stand. I call upon House Greenflame for their assistance in this war, so it may be swift in its righteousness.

To House Okeke, I ask that you do not let yourselves be pressured into assisting House Sansone by the deceitful words of Duke Stefano Sansone. There is no honour nor contract binding the two Houses, as I have made public to the galaxy at large. Yet I generously offer to your House that which I can rightfully give, which House Sansone tried, but cannot. Free access to the Gade warp gates, so they may be studied as desired.

Earls of Birqu, I will work to ensure House Sansone will not use your efforts to endanger the warp gates further! The warp gates will be repaired, so trade may once more flow freely to your star cluster!Enigma 7

Dear Duke Okeke,

I regret House Sansone has made a false public statement involving your House. I know there is no defensive pact between either of your Houses, so there is no need to oblige to any of House Sansone’s demands going forward.

Should you still hold interest in the warp gates I will grant you full access to the warp gates, which lie within Zaqaru territory.

Zaqaru has made an agreement with a party specialised in warp gates to repair the warp gates towards Gade. I offer to bring you in contact with this party, so besides repair, research on the emissions and causes of the malfunction of the warp gates can be done together. This will allow House Okeke to further advance their warp gate knowledge as desired.

I hope you will take me up on my offer, for House Okeke’s mission of exploration is noble and it would be my pleasure to improve relations between our honourable families.

Yours sincerely,
Duke Abolar Zaqaru
Dear Earl Varrais de Pantou,

That will mean the contract to be as follows:

1. Zaqaru will protect the holdings of House de Pantou, as is the responsibility of any liege.
2. Zaqaru will, after peace has been signed with House Sansone and until the title of Countess has been awarded to House de Pantou, provide enough resources [Any combination of 2 Trade/University] every five years to establish a colony and ensure it is properly staffed.
3. House de Pantou reserve of the usage the current research facility for any de Pantou projects, as well as any facilities created within Champseau without aid from Zaqaru. The use of the other facilities is at the behest of Zaqaru.
4. Zaqaru will award House de Pantou the title of Countess as soon as a total of four colonies have been established in the Champseau system.
5. House de Pantou agrees not to sell any designs resulting from the above projects, unless mutually agreed by the Zaqaru Dynasty.
6. Zaqaru will dedicate 5 prestige to the contract, House de Pantou needs to dedicate no prestige to the contract. This prestige may be used in the creation of the Countess title, where the Countess vassalage contract replaces this contract. In the event that Zaqaru does not hold up to its obligations, the prestige is awarded to House de Pantou.

Are we agreed?

Yours sincerely,
Meta Zaqaru

2019-05-02, 03:44 PM
The Hildago
As the finish line in the Zerass Flats approaches the terrain opens up to allow the participants to put on a final burst of speed. Pasha Juia and Sir Barlow are neck and neck as they throttle their respective vehicles to the maximum. It appears that the finish will be a spectacularly near thing when the vehicle in third place, piloted by the minor noble Kalan Omerth, explodes in a a burst of metal.

This is no unfortunate accident however as out of the debris rushes a small tri wheeled buggy. Everything extraneous has been explosively stripped away allowing Omerth maximum speed and maneuverability. To everyone's surprise, including possibly Omerth, this is just enough to get past the two front runners and squeeze out a last minute victory by a whisker's margin.

Omerth glories in the exultation of the crowd waiting in dusty stands while Juia and Barlow give him glares that could melt durasteel.

Duke Stefano Sansone Statement
The Zaqaru think we lie about our offer to make reparations. We do not. Even now, even with this war we the Sansone will pay to cover any ships and cargoes lost through the affected warp gates. Though we will amend that we won't cover the loss of warships sent to wage war on us. Because first doing so would adversely affect our ability to pay the losses of innocent ship crews and second warship crews have already signed up to put their lives on the line by the very act of their service.

"]Dear Meta Zaqaru,

This is a very agreeable treaty. However I see your liege is once again at war with the Sansone. And it occurs to me that the protection I get from being a vassal is less than I would get from being a non participant.

So by all means please contact me again when the Zaqaru are done bringing war to the sector.

Earl Varrais de Pantou

"]We are certainly interested in such things. We are willing to send a delegation of scientists.

"]That is good to hear. Your expertise will be valuable. In light of the Zaqaru's hostile stance would you be willing to send military vessels to protect the delegation as well? We are willing to offer further payment in addition to the scientific collaboration

"]We are not ones for dancing around for ages before eventually landing on the primary request. If you want our aid in a future war with the Sansone we will require your aid in turn. We have discovered a system rich in arudite ore that would be extremely valuable to mine. However it is colonized by a hive of Vespid Swarmers. If you agree to help us cleanse the system we will aid you in turn against the Zaqaru.

"]That is a steep price, but we agree. Keeping our sovereignty from the grasping Zaqaru is worth even fighting the Vespid.

2019-05-03, 04:11 AM
The Hildago

Sili Zaqaru swiftly disappears after the Hildago race and is not available for comments.

Public Broadcast

The Great and Just
Duke Abolar Zaqaru

The Sansones hurry in overnight negotiations with House Okeke to back your earlier announcement, so I call out House Sansone to acknowledge the conflict present fight over glory in the battlefield!

[OOC] Basically calling the Sansones out to make this is a bilateral war.

Enigma 7

Dear Earl Varrais de Pantou,

I am sad you do not wish to sign the marriage contract at this time. I hope an agreement can be reached in the future, though I can offer no guarantee I will be your liaison with the same generous terms put forth. I will be sure to visit you on my next arrival for ice fishing, though let us speak on lighter subjects then.

Yours sincerely,
Meta Zaqaru
Dear Duke Raudos Arnos,

I reach out to you, because I am in need of help. The treacherous House Sansone has damaged the warp gates in our conflict, damaging the trade routes through the system and putting the star system Gade at risk.

I seek to reduce the Sansone threat to the sector, but they have managed to gain the support of House Okeke. They are present in the Dorvale Sector, in which your House has the allegiance of a star system.

Therefore I ask for you to blockade House Okeke. This way, I will be able to swiftly reduce the Sansone threat, preventing loss of life. As House Okeke and your House are neutral to one another, House Okeke’s forces will be forced to return. Without their support the Sansones will be overrun within the upcoming five years, the conflict will be over before the blockade can be contested and the conflict may reach your House.

In return, I am willing to negotiate regarding the payment in trade, previously offered Orca Bombers and Hacking Hardware, or a generous discount on the Orca Bombers and Hacking Hardware. Alternatively, I can offer a military favour after the Sansone threat has been subdued. I am willing to negotiate on other terms.

My Grand Admiral has worked out two possibilities for blockade, as below. Blockade A, in front of House Okeke, and Blockade B1 and Blockade B2 near the branches from House Barlow at Blockade B1 and B2, where only the spaceships of House Okeke would be blocked from entry. For additional security, all blockades may be put in place, if their forces are capable of using alternate warp gates with their knowledge of Outlaw Gate Maps.


I hope we may reach an agreement and in any case I ask that this offer remains between the two of us.

Yours sincerely,
Duke Abolar Zaqaru

2019-05-04, 12:59 PM
House Greenflame
Enigma 4

The Track Race happened later that afternoon, a blindingly fast affair that tested the limits of engineering more than driver skill, and the canyon run under the hidalgo was soon to begin. After the winding chaos of the Hidalgo however, the next event that really shook things this Sashaw was the Starship race. A chance for noble houses to show off their latest and greatest ultralights. Unlike the atmospheric races, starships were too expensive for independants, so the start line barely contained a dozen ships, many of which doubled as warships for their sponsor nations. House Greenflames entry, the Hexshot Superiority Fighter cruised silently through the access track, with six wings each sporting a retro-thruster for maximum maneuverability, though its usual armaments were stripped for a minimum profile. The track ran through the asteroid belt of Samarkand IX, and while there were rescue frigates stationed in orbit, the race was still quite dangerous.

To House Zaqaru
Farid put a hand to his ear, receiving some sort of priority message, and his expression darkened. He looked at Abolar with suddenly different eyes.
“I see that Sasone are repairing your gate, yet you still press further? Is there no room for debate here? You did not even think to consult my council before throwing our unofficial alliance against a defensive pact of unknown power? Your words speak of ancient rivalries Abolar but your actions speak of a greed ill suited to your nobility. Please, try and convince me otherwise, but I will not follow you down a path of villainy.”
Farid crossed his arms, his look stern.

House Vastaad
I understand, please call on my should your mood on the matter change.

2019-05-04, 02:27 PM

Time had passed since their last meeting and as they met again, Abolar frowned as Farid spoke.

“Farid, you speak of debate, but do you think Sansone was open to debate? They announced they would trespass Zaqaru territory and in communication to Zaqaru outright rejected the ultimatum, denying to pay anything to your House and not addressing the other demands, let alone discuss them.”

“As for the defensive pact, it was nonexistent at the time of the ultimatum or my own declaration. It is only through overnight communication between their Houses they turned a research agreement, which also stood in violation of territorial borders, to negotiations regarding a defensive pact. I will note that even now their pact is unofficial, as there has been no public declaration at all from House Okeke.”

“It pains me to hear you speak our agreement is unofficial, as you previously agreed to this war. Instead of blatantly declaring war outright, I kindly gave House Sansone a chance to meet the terms so they could prevent a war.”

“They instead chose to insult the Zaqaru honour by announcing they would repair the gates along with another House on my territory, without any discussion, any consult. Had House Sansone directly contacted myself with an offer instead of a claim, I could have told them I already have an agreement to have the gates fixed and that assistance is appreciated. Though it would still not meet all the demands, negotiation and debate could be the next course of action. And this is why I speak of ancient rivalries. House Sansone has no intention of discussion, debate or words.” Abolar looks angry at this point, his muscles tensed.

“Do you not realise me how much it pains me to say that? I have worked for decades with Duke Stefano to reach a peace accord, to finally put the feud between our families at rest, culminating in the marriage contract which House Sansone broke. I tried words, I have done diplomacy, I have debated and conversed. To great extent, with great effort, dedicated a large part of my life to it. He knows I am a reasonable man, open to debate, open to negotiations. He chose to devy that with his most recent actions and words, to instead disrespect and offend Zaqaru.”

“I declared an ultimatum, a chance for him to take, and he rejected it. I do not bluff or lie, as Duke Stefano does. Therefore, his inappropriate and insufficient announcement had to have consequences.”

Duke Abolar Zaqaru sighs. “But you are right, I should have thought to contact and consult contact you. My sincerest apologies for that, for we are equal partners, both nobles, and we must stand together to make plans here.”

“So please, do not name me the villain here, when it is obvious House Sansone is. His announcement regarding the reparation of the warp gates is missing vital information. I know he wants to research what effect the mines have had, no doubt to improve upon them. Why do you think he announced a defensive pact to protect their ‘join warp gate work’? None is needed if you politely offer the owner to repairing it. Mark my words, there is more going on there. He will prove to be a threat to the sector and beyond if his strength is not reduced.”

Enigma 7

(In case you’re still up for the game, Shadowflick:)

Dear Duke Benjamin Stone,

I reach out to you, because I am in need of help. The treacherous House Sansone has damaged the warp gates in our conflict, damaging the trade routes through the system and putting the star system Gade at risk.

I seek to reduce the Sansone threat to the sector, but they have managed to gain the support of House Okeke. They are present in the Dorvale Sector, which is the sector adjacent to the Rayview Sector, in which your House lies.

Given the proximity, I ask for you to blockade House Okeke. This way, I will be able to swiftly reduce the Sansone threat, preventing loss of life. As House Okeke and your House are neutral to one another, House Okeke’s forces will be forced to return. Without their support the Sansones will be overrun within the upcoming five years, the conflict will be over before the blockade can be contested and the conflict may reach your House.

In return, I am willing to negotiate regarding the payment in trade, previously offered Orca Bombers and Hacking Hardware, or a generous discount on the Orca Bombers and Hacking Hardware. Alternatively, I can offer a military favour after the Sansone threat has been subdued. I am willing to negotiate on other terms.

My Grand Admiral has worked out two possibilities for blockade, as below. Blockade A, in front of House Okeke, and Blockade B1 and Blockade B2 near the branches from House Barlow at Blockade B1 and B2, where only the spaceships of House Okeke would be blocked from entry. For additional security, all blockades may be put in place, if their forces are capable of using alternate warp gates with their knowledge of Outlaw Gate Maps.


I hope we may reach an agreement and in any case I ask that this offer remains between the two of us. Considering your communication security, I kindly ask you to not reply in specifics, but only refer to A, B1, B2, whether you agree or not to this proposal and what you would like in return.

Yours sincerely,
Duke Abolar Zaqaru

2019-05-06, 04:05 PM
House Greenflame
Enigma 7

Public Announcement
I Farid Saquar, condone the action of house Sasone in their efforts to repair the damaged warp gates of the Gade System. They truly display the noble virtue of grace in defeat, something all nobles should stand ready to display should bitter disaster meet their righteous armies. House Zaqaru should learn from this example, for it seems that even in victory, grace eludes them. I was not consulted about furthering this war past the offer of reparations and the pacts with house Okeke, but was instead called upon like a chained dog. Our arrangement with house Zaqaru was never official. I offered aid as mercenaries to a cause I once saw as just. Now I see the Zaqaru-Sasone divorce was merely a convenient opportunity for Duke Abolar to pursue grudges long expired.

House Greenflame will not be joining this war.

To house Zaqaru
Farid's eyes hardened.
“You claim you tried words but delivered nothing but ultimatums, and when Sasone extended the olive branch? You doubled down on your words of war. Wish Nabuna a happy marriage for me Abolar, but perhaps let the bride’s family know the risks of marrying into your family."
Farid stood, making to leave the tent. Bitterness in his voice.
"Keep your scientists and coin, I was foolish to agree to this meeting in the first place."

To Earl Roshan
You will have our guarantee, swear loyalty and our fleets will protect your house from destruction.

2019-05-08, 01:05 PM

“So that’s why you waited so long.” An angry twitch of Abolar’s eyebrows. “If anybody of the two of us is a fool, then it is me. A fool to trust you, for you break your word and throw insults at me.” Shaking his head with a look of disgust on his face, Duke Abolar Zaqaru leaves Farid’s tent.

A public statement is issued in which Zaqaru condems House Greenflame for condoning House Sansone to undertake illegal and provocative actions in Zaqaru territory and requests they cease encouraging dishonourable acts.

2019-05-14, 10:24 AM
Turn 3

War Rages On
A full decade has passed since the death of the old emperor, and the wars sparked by his death continue. In the heart of the Imperium the Laramy civil war rages with millions dead on both sides, but the massive Imperial estates continue to churn out soldiers and ships for the grinding fight. In the north the war between the Jinks and Lyrae is one of move and counter move as the Lyraens attempt to move their superior military might into position where they can attack without being sabotaged mid campaign.

The Berger-Voss war on the other hand has been restricted to mild skirmishes through their border gate as the two sides ramp up military production in an arms race to produce a decisive advantage. And in the east news is scarce past the fluctuating warp gate, but rumors are that the Zaqaru have suffered a setback after their decisive victory in the past war.

Tensions Rising
After a period of build up analysts suggest that many noble houses have reached the limit of their estates ability to fuel further growth. Ancient treaties bind many of them to their clusters, but such treaties hold little weight when neighbors are flexing their muscles. As such most believe that even the current wars will pale in comparison to what is to come as many more noble houses began fighting over the most bountiful systems.

Keys to the Throne
A posthumous proclamation from the old emperor has been released through the Imperial communication networks.

"I, Emperor Maximilian Laramy, being of sound mind but failing body have found no worthy succesors to the Titanium Throne. The Imperium cannot go without a strong and worthy leader or it will crumble. As such I have devised a test to determine a worthy claimant. The Imperial College of Sciences have been given a list of the most vital threats to the Imperium's stability. Anyone who identifies such a threat and solves the issue will be rewarded an archon sphere containing one set of encryption algorithms for the Titanium Throne. In the truest sense the throne will go to the one who brings the most stability to the Imperium."

2019-05-14, 03:56 PM
House Greenflame

Enigma 4

Long range Destructor Missiles slid silently from their tubes far below the port-forward view cameras of the H.F. Amon. Captain Treygan grinned as the weapons pulse drives ignited, flashing afterglow all that remained as they sped after their targets. The fight was comically small in comparison to the warzones in Gade only a few years before, but both fleets were fighting all out then. This was two great armada playing chicken over a far less strategically important system.

But it was still war, and people were still dying.

At over two million kilometers, the Amon's missiles were unlikely to land a direct hit, especially against the excellent missile decoys of the DRotP frigates, but lobbed like deep space frag grenades they could still gore poorly shielded corvettes and frigates, and the People’s Navy gave as good as they got with barrages of smart torpedos. Scanner blips marked out half a dozen dogfights in the vast space between the Heavy Destroyer Amon her the Frigate Squadron and the P.N.S. Defiant, a Light Cruiser.

“Comms? How far off is Bafut Squadron?”

The old comms officer winced, clearly not wanting to be the bearer of bad news.
“Still about four million Captain, it will be at least half an hour before they are at the edge of missile range.”

“Very well,” Treygan straightened his shoulders, “Call back the ultralights tactical we are outgunned until Bafut arrives, nav, pull us about and gun the engines once the frigates are in our tractors.”

The gunnery officer let out a triumphant whoop over the coms, and the scanner blip of the Defiant grew fuzzy and indistinct as her outer shields rippled under impacts.

“Nice shot Guns, but save the celebration, we are pulling back. Our armaments aren’t up to clawing with cruisers, no sense in wasting missiles.”

The old comms officer’s voice spoke again, “Actually captain Treygan, they are calling for the general withdrawal, seems the enemy is pulling back too.”

“COWARDS, permission to pursue captain!” A general cheering filtered through the gunnery officers com unit.

“Put out your fire guns, we have our orders. No ambushes, no overextending, no risks.” Captain Treygan tried to hide the bitterness in her voice, while the Saquars were good Dukes, and Arda an excellent admiral, it was hard to see the reason for not engaging when they had the advantage. Still, with this skirmish, there was little doubt that war would come. The Whitewyne sector would not escape this era unscathed.


To Tartarus
High Courtesan,
A few weeks ago our fleets engaged with the People’s Navy in an unofficial skirmish in defense of Earl Roshan’s family. While there were few casualties, it poses several important questions about the DRotP’s future intentions. I hope I do not bore your exotic halls with talks of war…

I write because your organization has communicated more with the DRotP than any other, and I find myself in desperate need of council. From your talks with them do you think there is any hope for returning them to the fold of the Imperium? I did not know their old nobles well, but Nobility is not inherently cruel or evil. I am hopeful we can avoid a conflict, equal or not I am certain the First Equal would happily throw away the lives of their soldiers and civilians to cling to power. But the behavior of the last ten years…

It cannot be left unanswered.

Duke Farid Saquar
Master of the Grand Marquis


House Mertens
Lord Mertens,
I’ve been told you are going on a grand expansion building colony sites. My scientists have developed a colonization package that may help to accelerate your expansion, would you be interested in trading this innovation for some of your contacts and strategies in commerce?
[offering tech 1 for commerce 1]

Duke Farid Saquar
Master of the Grand Marquis

House Vastadd
Duchess Izabella,
The People’s Navy was repelled from Earl Roshan’s system, however, they are far from defeated. They pose a significant threat to both our nations, as they had considerably more manufacturing capabilities by our last intel than either of our nations, and their fleet has grown considerably. I have up to date intel on their fleet, as well as a foothold near their borders. There will be few opportunities better in future to cut them down to size and end their threat.

I need allies. Official ones, not the madness that happened with the Zaqarus. I have the fleet but it is lacking in a key area. One that your house excels at.

What might your house ask of us? I am sure that the science agreement that we once discussed could be ignited, and trade relations struck between our houses. I am sure together we could be far greater than apart.

Duke Farid Saquar,
Master of the Grand Marquis

Earl Roshan
Earl Roshan,
I am pleased you and your family are safe, The People’s Navy will no doubt be back, and you must remain vigilant. You are our first line of warning against them. I will go to gather more allies for the coming conflict, in the meantime, see if you can rally the other local Earls to our cause, I can offer them the Greenflame Guarantee as I did to your house, if they swear fealty. It will save them their heads, at least.

Duke Farid Saquar,
Master of the Grand Marquis

Earl Severin
Earl Severin
The Demcratic Republic of the People is advancing faster than I had at first feared. I aided your house some years ago, and helped to turn your System into a jewel of Whitewyne. It has come time to consolidate. Swear fealty to my house, and I will dub you Count with my prestige to back you.

Duke Farid Saquar,
Master of the Grand Marquis

2019-05-17, 03:26 PM

Fighters docking with a Carrier


Each Zaqaru fleet has one Carrier, which serves as its backbone. The fleet’s fighters are docked there until combat starts and serves as support to frigates. It is a long spaceship, at 951 meters length. A mobile base of maintenance and logistics, it takes up the responsibility of coordination, hosting most strategists and the Admiral of the fleet. Only the bravest Admirals forsake the defensive position of a Carrier for more dedicated combat vessel as the typical Zaqaru Fleet lacks spaceships of equal size of a Carrier focused on firepower. The Zaqaru focus on fighters stem from its past of working in asteroid fields, where bigger spaceships were more of a liability than an asset.

Interceptors launching from the Carrier’s Fighter bay

The Carrier brings the fighters to battle and serves to restock, repair and rearm them. Additional supplies are stocked on board, from food to ammunition for torpedo frigates. It carries enough materials and equipment to do on-site repairs, capable of restoring operations and ensuring it keeps playing its prime role over the course of combat. Long ago, it served a role as base of operations in asteroid mining fields and still retains that functionality, as it can serve as a docking bay for resource collectors in asteroid fields to use the resources for its own stock.


The Carrier may have low manoeuvrability and speed, its role in a fleet is essential as it serves as the hub of logistics and coordination. Equipped with defensive turrets, these are only sufficient to take down a small assault of a few fighter squadrons or a pair of frigates. Staying well behind the line of fire, when the battle moves to involve Carriers for anything longer than a skirmish, it is likely the battle is already lost. Nevertheless, the large spaceship can sustain a lot of damage with a thick hull until the Carrier’s escort can take down the threat.

Enigma 7

Dear Duke Athaea Kelse,

With great pleasure I wish to inform you of the current equipment Zaqaru has available for sale. Please find the information for survival equipment below. Delivery time for an order is five years. Alternative methods of payment are discussable. Should you be interested, I will be happy to take any orders or answer any questions you may have.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

Fleet Equipment

Orca Bomber
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 3 shipments.

The Orca Bomber is an improved version of the Zaqaru bomber. The chassis is of a familiar and trusted design, with the necessary upgrades. The armaments are of Greenflame design, an array of nuclear missiles to inflect even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Each shipment contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron composed of 5 fighters, this makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. They are available in the colour scheme of your choice, to fit with the rest of your fleet and be ready to target any enemy.

New! Fire Control Module
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Fire Control Module ensures improved battle operations by synchronising fire and enhancing tactical control for a Fleet. It is a large module to be installed on a sizeable vessel, such as a flagship or logistics ship. It can fit from a frigate and upwards, though at heavy cost to other systems. Most suitable would be a Carrier or Destroyer and up.

The Fire Control Module is dedicated to oversight and control over an action radius, increasing efficiency within range. Advanced computers track targets and allies, enabling commanders a better overview of the battle and coupling with other ship systems to coordinate assaults more effectively. Besides giving the ability to better coordin lead combat, the systems are also designed to synchronise targets and allowing devastating barrages of weapons fire, increasing damage dealt to enemies.

Agency Equipment

Hacking Hardware
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.


Designed with Zaqaru expertise in cryptography and the digital realm, Hacking Hardware was developed to assist your agents in the same field. Specialized devices and hardware operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment contains personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships in the colour of your choice. The scouts have antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

New! Sensors Array
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Information regarding the enemy is what will prove vital in any operation. Zaqaru provides advanced sensors to meet this need. Specialized sensors arrays to be incorporated in large vessels, such as Carriers and Cruisers, as well as the latest sensors installed in dedicated sensor probes.

This allows highly effective intelligence gathering, so that messages or sensitive information may be earlier uncovered. The information provides a significant advantage in the battlefield, as by being aware of the enemy before they are aware of you, disabling them is even easier. The equipment readily synergises with hacking Hardware.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Dear Duchess Lehel Excagon,

With great pleasure I wish to inform you of the current equipment Zaqaru has available for sale. Please find the information for survival equipment below. Delivery time for an order is five years. Alternative methods of payment are discussable. Should you be interested, I will be happy to take any orders or answer any questions you may have.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

Fleet Equipment

Orca Bomber
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 3 shipments.

The Orca Bomber is an improved version of the Zaqaru bomber. The chassis is of a familiar and trusted design, with the necessary upgrades. The armaments are of Greenflame design, an array of nuclear missiles to inflect even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Each shipment contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron composed of 5 fighters, this makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. They are available in the colour scheme of your choice, to fit with the rest of your fleet and be ready to target any enemy.

New! Fire Control Module
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Fire Control Module ensures improved battle operations by synchronising fire and enhancing tactical control for a Fleet. It is a large module to be installed on a sizeable vessel, such as a flagship or logistics ship. It can fit from a frigate and upwards, though at heavy cost to other systems. Most suitable would be a Carrier or Destroyer and up.

The Fire Control Module is dedicated to oversight and control over an action radius, increasing efficiency within range. Advanced computers track targets and allies, enabling commanders a better overview of the battle and coupling with other ship systems to coordinate assaults more effectively. Besides giving the ability to better coordin lead combat, the systems are also designed to synchronise targets and allowing devastating barrages of weapons fire, increasing damage dealt to enemies.

Agency Equipment

Hacking Hardware
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.


Designed with Zaqaru expertise in cryptography and the digital realm, Hacking Hardware was developed to assist your agents in the same field. Specialized devices and hardware operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment contains personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships in the colour of your choice. The scouts have antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

New! Sensors Array
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Information regarding the enemy is what will prove vital in any operation. Zaqaru provides advanced sensors to meet this need. Specialized sensors arrays to be incorporated in large vessels, such as Carriers and Cruisers, as well as the latest sensors installed in dedicated sensor probes.

This allows highly effective intelligence gathering, so that messages or sensitive information may be earlier uncovered. The information provides a significant advantage in the battlefield, as by being aware of the enemy before they are aware of you, disabling them is even easier. The equipment readily synergises with hacking Hardware.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Dear Lord Alexander Laramy,

With great pleasure I wish to inform you of the current equipment Zaqaru has available for sale. Please find the information for survival equipment below. Delivery time for an order is five years. Alternative methods of payment are discussable. Should you be interested, I will be happy to take any orders or answer any questions you may have.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

Fleet Equipment

Orca Bomber
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 3 shipments.

The Orca Bomber is an improved version of the Zaqaru bomber. The chassis is of a familiar and trusted design, with the necessary upgrades. The armaments are of Greenflame design, an array of nuclear missiles to inflect even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Each shipment contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron composed of 5 fighters, this makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. They are available in the colour scheme of your choice, to fit with the rest of your fleet and be ready to target any enemy.

New! Fire Control Module
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Fire Control Module ensures improved battle operations by synchronising fire and enhancing tactical control for a Fleet. It is a large module to be installed on a sizeable vessel, such as a flagship or logistics ship. It can fit from a frigate and upwards, though at heavy cost to other systems. Most suitable would be a Carrier or Destroyer and up.

The Fire Control Module is dedicated to oversight and control over an action radius, increasing efficiency within range. Advanced computers track targets and allies, enabling commanders a better overview of the battle and coupling with other ship systems to coordinate assaults more effectively. Besides giving the ability to better coordin lead combat, the systems are also designed to synchronise targets and allowing devastating barrages of weapons fire, increasing damage dealt to enemies.

Agency Equipment

Hacking Hardware
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.


Designed with Zaqaru expertise in cryptography and the digital realm, Hacking Hardware was developed to assist your agents in the same field. Specialized devices and hardware operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment contains personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships in the colour of your choice. The scouts have antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

New! Sensors Array
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Information regarding the enemy is what will prove vital in any operation. Zaqaru provides advanced sensors to meet this need. Specialized sensors arrays to be incorporated in large vessels, such as Carriers and Cruisers, as well as the latest sensors installed in dedicated sensor probes.

This allows highly effective intelligence gathering, so that messages or sensitive information may be earlier uncovered. The information provides a significant advantage in the battlefield, as by being aware of the enemy before they are aware of you, disabling them is even easier. The equipment readily synergises with hacking Hardware.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Dear Lady Persephone Laramy,

With great pleasure I wish to inform you of the current equipment Zaqaru has available for sale. Please find the information for survival equipment below. Delivery time for an order is five years. Alternative methods of payment are discussable. Should you be interested, I will be happy to take any orders or answer any questions you may have.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

Fleet Equipment

Orca Bomber
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 3 shipments.

The Orca Bomber is an improved version of the Zaqaru bomber. The chassis is of a familiar and trusted design, with the necessary upgrades. The armaments are of Greenflame design, an array of nuclear missiles to inflect even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Each shipment contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron composed of 5 fighters, this makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. They are available in the colour scheme of your choice, to fit with the rest of your fleet and be ready to target any enemy.

New! Fire Control Module
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Fire Control Module ensures improved battle operations by synchronising fire and enhancing tactical control for a Fleet. It is a large module to be installed on a sizeable vessel, such as a flagship or logistics ship. It can fit from a frigate and upwards, though at heavy cost to other systems. Most suitable would be a Carrier or Destroyer and up.

The Fire Control Module is dedicated to oversight and control over an action radius, increasing efficiency within range. Advanced computers track targets and allies, enabling commanders a better overview of the battle and coupling with other ship systems to coordinate assaults more effectively. Besides giving the ability to better coordin lead combat, the systems are also designed to synchronise targets and allowing devastating barrages of weapons fire, increasing damage dealt to enemies.

Agency Equipment

Hacking Hardware
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.


Designed with Zaqaru expertise in cryptography and the digital realm, Hacking Hardware was developed to assist your agents in the same field. Specialized devices and hardware operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment contains personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships in the colour of your choice. The scouts have antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

New! Sensors Array
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Information regarding the enemy is what will prove vital in any operation. Zaqaru provides advanced sensors to meet this need. Specialized sensors arrays to be incorporated in large vessels, such as Carriers and Cruisers, as well as the latest sensors installed in dedicated sensor probes.

This allows highly effective intelligence gathering, so that messages or sensitive information may be earlier uncovered. The information provides a significant advantage in the battlefield, as by being aware of the enemy before they are aware of you, disabling them is even easier. The equipment readily synergises with hacking Hardware.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Dear Duke Raudos Arnos,

With great pleasure I wish to inform you of the current equipment Zaqaru has available for sale. Please find the information for survival equipment below. Delivery time for an order is five years. Alternative methods of payment are discussable. Should you be interested, I will be happy to take any orders or answer any questions you may have.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

Fleet Equipment

Orca Bomber
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 3 shipments.

The Orca Bomber is an improved version of the Zaqaru bomber. The chassis is of a familiar and trusted design, with the necessary upgrades. The armaments are of Greenflame design, an array of nuclear missiles to inflect even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Each shipment contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron composed of 5 fighters, this makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. They are available in the colour scheme of your choice, to fit with the rest of your fleet and be ready to target any enemy.

New! Fire Control Module
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Fire Control Module ensures improved battle operations by synchronising fire and enhancing tactical control for a Fleet. It is a large module to be installed on a sizeable vessel, such as a flagship or logistics ship. It can fit from a frigate and upwards, though at heavy cost to other systems. Most suitable would be a Carrier or Destroyer and up.

The Fire Control Module is dedicated to oversight and control over an action radius, increasing efficiency within range. Advanced computers track targets and allies, enabling commanders a better overview of the battle and coupling with other ship systems to coordinate assaults more effectively. Besides giving the ability to better coordin lead combat, the systems are also designed to synchronise targets and allowing devastating barrages of weapons fire, increasing damage dealt to enemies.

Agency Equipment

Hacking Hardware
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.


Designed with Zaqaru expertise in cryptography and the digital realm, Hacking Hardware was developed to assist your agents in the same field. Specialized devices and hardware operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment contains personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships in the colour of your choice. The scouts have antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

New! Sensors Array
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Information regarding the enemy is what will prove vital in any operation. Zaqaru provides advanced sensors to meet this need. Specialized sensors arrays to be incorporated in large vessels, such as Carriers and Cruisers, as well as the latest sensors installed in dedicated sensor probes.

This allows highly effective intelligence gathering, so that messages or sensitive information may be earlier uncovered. The information provides a significant advantage in the battlefield, as by being aware of the enemy before they are aware of you, disabling them is even easier. The equipment readily synergises with hacking Hardware.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Dear Duke Barlow,

With great pleasure I wish to inform you of the current equipment Zaqaru has available for sale. Please find the information for survival equipment below. Delivery time for an order is five years. Alternative methods of payment are discussable. Should you be interested, I will be happy to take any orders or answer any questions you may have.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

Fleet Equipment

Orca Bomber
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 3 shipments.

The Orca Bomber is an improved version of the Zaqaru bomber. The chassis is of a familiar and trusted design, with the necessary upgrades. The armaments are of Greenflame design, an array of nuclear missiles to inflect even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Each shipment contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron composed of 5 fighters, this makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. They are available in the colour scheme of your choice, to fit with the rest of your fleet and be ready to target any enemy.

New! Fire Control Module
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Fire Control Module ensures improved battle operations by synchronising fire and enhancing tactical control for a Fleet. It is a large module to be installed on a sizeable vessel, such as a flagship or logistics ship. It can fit from a frigate and upwards, though at heavy cost to other systems. Most suitable would be a Carrier or Destroyer and up.

The Fire Control Module is dedicated to oversight and control over an action radius, increasing efficiency within range. Advanced computers track targets and allies, enabling commanders a better overview of the battle and coupling with other ship systems to coordinate assaults more effectively. Besides giving the ability to better coordin lead combat, the systems are also designed to synchronise targets and allowing devastating barrages of weapons fire, increasing damage dealt to enemies.

Agency Equipment

Hacking Hardware
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.


Designed with Zaqaru expertise in cryptography and the digital realm, Hacking Hardware was developed to assist your agents in the same field. Specialized devices and hardware operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment contains personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships in the colour of your choice. The scouts have antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

New! Sensors Array
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Information regarding the enemy is what will prove vital in any operation. Zaqaru provides advanced sensors to meet this need. Specialized sensors arrays to be incorporated in large vessels, such as Carriers and Cruisers, as well as the latest sensors installed in dedicated sensor probes.

This allows highly effective intelligence gathering, so that messages or sensitive information may be earlier uncovered. The information provides a significant advantage in the battlefield, as by being aware of the enemy before they are aware of you, disabling them is even easier. The equipment readily synergises with hacking Hardware.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Dear Duke Ernst Berger,

With great pleasure I wish to inform you of the current equipment Zaqaru has available for sale. Please find the information for survival equipment below. Delivery time for an order is five years. Alternative methods of payment are discussable. Should you be interested, I will be happy to take any orders or answer any questions you may have.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

Fleet Equipment

Orca Bomber
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 3 shipments.

The Orca Bomber is an improved version of the Zaqaru bomber. The chassis is of a familiar and trusted design, with the necessary upgrades. The armaments are of Greenflame design, an array of nuclear missiles to inflect even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Each shipment contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron composed of 5 fighters, this makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. They are available in the colour scheme of your choice, to fit with the rest of your fleet and be ready to target any enemy.

New! Fire Control Module
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Fire Control Module ensures improved battle operations by synchronising fire and enhancing tactical control for a Fleet. It is a large module to be installed on a sizeable vessel, such as a flagship or logistics ship. It can fit from a frigate and upwards, though at heavy cost to other systems. Most suitable would be a Carrier or Destroyer and up.

The Fire Control Module is dedicated to oversight and control over an action radius, increasing efficiency within range. Advanced computers track targets and allies, enabling commanders a better overview of the battle and coupling with other ship systems to coordinate assaults more effectively. Besides giving the ability to better coordin lead combat, the systems are also designed to synchronise targets and allowing devastating barrages of weapons fire, increasing damage dealt to enemies.

Agency Equipment

Hacking Hardware
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.


Designed with Zaqaru expertise in cryptography and the digital realm, Hacking Hardware was developed to assist your agents in the same field. Specialized devices and hardware operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment contains personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships in the colour of your choice. The scouts have antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

New! Sensors Array
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Information regarding the enemy is what will prove vital in any operation. Zaqaru provides advanced sensors to meet this need. Specialized sensors arrays to be incorporated in large vessels, such as Carriers and Cruisers, as well as the latest sensors installed in dedicated sensor probes.

This allows highly effective intelligence gathering, so that messages or sensitive information may be earlier uncovered. The information provides a significant advantage in the battlefield, as by being aware of the enemy before they are aware of you, disabling them is even easier. The equipment readily synergises with hacking Hardware.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Dear Duke Bosque,

With great pleasure I wish to inform you of the current equipment Zaqaru has available for sale. Please find the information for survival equipment below. Delivery time for an order is five years. Alternative methods of payment are discussable. Should you be interested, I will be happy to take any orders or answer any questions you may have.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

Fleet Equipment

Orca Bomber
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 3 shipments.

The Orca Bomber is an improved version of the Zaqaru bomber. The chassis is of a familiar and trusted design, with the necessary upgrades. The armaments are of Greenflame design, an array of nuclear missiles to inflect even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Each shipment contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron composed of 5 fighters, this makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. They are available in the colour scheme of your choice, to fit with the rest of your fleet and be ready to target any enemy.

New! Fire Control Module
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Fire Control Module ensures improved battle operations by synchronising fire and enhancing tactical control for a Fleet. It is a large module to be installed on a sizeable vessel, such as a flagship or logistics ship. It can fit from a frigate and upwards, though at heavy cost to other systems. Most suitable would be a Carrier or Destroyer and up.

The Fire Control Module is dedicated to oversight and control over an action radius, increasing efficiency within range. Advanced computers track targets and allies, enabling commanders a better overview of the battle and coupling with other ship systems to coordinate assaults more effectively. Besides giving the ability to better coordin lead combat, the systems are also designed to synchronise targets and allowing devastating barrages of weapons fire, increasing damage dealt to enemies.

Agency Equipment

Hacking Hardware
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.


Designed with Zaqaru expertise in cryptography and the digital realm, Hacking Hardware was developed to assist your agents in the same field. Specialized devices and hardware operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment contains personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships in the colour of your choice. The scouts have antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

New! Sensors Array
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Information regarding the enemy is what will prove vital in any operation. Zaqaru provides advanced sensors to meet this need. Specialized sensors arrays to be incorporated in large vessels, such as Carriers and Cruisers, as well as the latest sensors installed in dedicated sensor probes.

This allows highly effective intelligence gathering, so that messages or sensitive information may be earlier uncovered. The information provides a significant advantage in the battlefield, as by being aware of the enemy before they are aware of you, disabling them is even easier. The equipment readily synergises with hacking Hardware.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Dear Administrator Moffet,

With great pleasure I wish to inform you of the current equipment Zaqaru has available for sale. Please find the information for survival equipment below. Delivery time for an order is five years. Alternative methods of payment are discussable. Should you be interested, I will be happy to take any orders or answer any questions you may have.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

Fleet Equipment

Orca Bomber
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 3 shipments.

The Orca Bomber is an improved version of the Zaqaru bomber. The chassis is of a familiar and trusted design, with the necessary upgrades. The armaments are of Greenflame design, an array of nuclear missiles to inflect even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Each shipment contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron composed of 5 fighters, this makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. They are available in the colour scheme of your choice, to fit with the rest of your fleet and be ready to target any enemy.

New! Fire Control Module
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Fire Control Module ensures improved battle operations by synchronising fire and enhancing tactical control for a Fleet. It is a large module to be installed on a sizeable vessel, such as a flagship or logistics ship. It can fit from a frigate and upwards, though at heavy cost to other systems. Most suitable would be a Carrier or Destroyer and up.

The Fire Control Module is dedicated to oversight and control over an action radius, increasing efficiency within range. Advanced computers track targets and allies, enabling commanders a better overview of the battle and coupling with other ship systems to coordinate assaults more effectively. Besides giving the ability to better coordin lead combat, the systems are also designed to synchronise targets and allowing devastating barrages of weapons fire, increasing damage dealt to enemies.

Agency Equipment

Hacking Hardware
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.


Designed with Zaqaru expertise in cryptography and the digital realm, Hacking Hardware was developed to assist your agents in the same field. Specialized devices and hardware operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment contains personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships in the colour of your choice. The scouts have antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

New! Sensors Array
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Information regarding the enemy is what will prove vital in any operation. Zaqaru provides advanced sensors to meet this need. Specialized sensors arrays to be incorporated in large vessels, such as Carriers and Cruisers, as well as the latest sensors installed in dedicated sensor probes.

This allows highly effective intelligence gathering, so that messages or sensitive information may be earlier uncovered. The information provides a significant advantage in the battlefield, as by being aware of the enemy before they are aware of you, disabling them is even easier. The equipment readily synergises with hacking Hardware.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Dear Duchess Amborg Gadhavi,

With great pleasure I wish to inform you of the current equipment Zaqaru has available for sale. Please find the information for survival equipment below. Delivery time for an order is five years. Alternative methods of payment are discussable. Should you be interested, I will be happy to take any orders or answer any questions you may have.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

Fleet Equipment

Orca Bomber
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 3 shipments.

The Orca Bomber is an improved version of the Zaqaru bomber. The chassis is of a familiar and trusted design, with the necessary upgrades. The armaments are of Greenflame design, an array of nuclear missiles to inflect even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Each shipment contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron composed of 5 fighters, this makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. They are available in the colour scheme of your choice, to fit with the rest of your fleet and be ready to target any enemy.

New! Fire Control Module
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Fire Control Module ensures improved battle operations by synchronising fire and enhancing tactical control for a Fleet. It is a large module to be installed on a sizeable vessel, such as a flagship or logistics ship. It can fit from a frigate and upwards, though at heavy cost to other systems. Most suitable would be a Carrier or Destroyer and up.

The Fire Control Module is dedicated to oversight and control over an action radius, increasing efficiency within range. Advanced computers track targets and allies, enabling commanders a better overview of the battle and coupling with other ship systems to coordinate assaults more effectively. Besides giving the ability to better coordin lead combat, the systems are also designed to synchronise targets and allowing devastating barrages of weapons fire, increasing damage dealt to enemies.

Agency Equipment

Hacking Hardware
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.


Designed with Zaqaru expertise in cryptography and the digital realm, Hacking Hardware was developed to assist your agents in the same field. Specialized devices and hardware operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment contains personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships in the colour of your choice. The scouts have antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

New! Sensors Array
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Information regarding the enemy is what will prove vital in any operation. Zaqaru provides advanced sensors to meet this need. Specialized sensors arrays to be incorporated in large vessels, such as Carriers and Cruisers, as well as the latest sensors installed in dedicated sensor probes.

This allows highly effective intelligence gathering, so that messages or sensitive information may be earlier uncovered. The information provides a significant advantage in the battlefield, as by being aware of the enemy before they are aware of you, disabling them is even easier. The equipment readily synergises with hacking Hardware.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Dear Duke Benjamin Stone,

With great pleasure I wish to inform you of the current equipment Zaqaru has available for sale. Please find the information for survival equipment below. Delivery time for an order is five years. Alternative methods of payment are discussable. Should you be interested, I will be happy to take any orders or answer any questions you may have.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

Fleet Equipment

Orca Bomber
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 3 shipments.

The Orca Bomber is an improved version of the Zaqaru bomber. The chassis is of a familiar and trusted design, with the necessary upgrades. The armaments are of Greenflame design, an array of nuclear missiles to inflect even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Each shipment contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron composed of 5 fighters, this makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. They are available in the colour scheme of your choice, to fit with the rest of your fleet and be ready to target any enemy.

New! Fire Control Module
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Fire Control Module ensures improved battle operations by synchronising fire and enhancing tactical control for a Fleet. It is a large module to be installed on a sizeable vessel, such as a flagship or logistics ship. It can fit from a frigate and upwards, though at heavy cost to other systems. Most suitable would be a Carrier or Destroyer and up.

The Fire Control Module is dedicated to oversight and control over an action radius, increasing efficiency within range. Advanced computers track targets and allies, enabling commanders a better overview of the battle and coupling with other ship systems to coordinate assaults more effectively. Besides giving the ability to better coordin lead combat, the systems are also designed to synchronise targets and allowing devastating barrages of weapons fire, increasing damage dealt to enemies.

Agency Equipment

Hacking Hardware
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.


Designed with Zaqaru expertise in cryptography and the digital realm, Hacking Hardware was developed to assist your agents in the same field. Specialized devices and hardware operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment contains personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships in the colour of your choice. The scouts have antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

New! Sensors Array
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Information regarding the enemy is what will prove vital in any operation. Zaqaru provides advanced sensors to meet this need. Specialized sensors arrays to be incorporated in large vessels, such as Carriers and Cruisers, as well as the latest sensors installed in dedicated sensor probes.

This allows highly effective intelligence gathering, so that messages or sensitive information may be earlier uncovered. The information provides a significant advantage in the battlefield, as by being aware of the enemy before they are aware of you, disabling them is even easier. The equipment readily synergises with hacking Hardware.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

2019-05-17, 03:28 PM

(OOC: Double post because too much text for 1 post.)

Enigma 7

Dear Grand Minister Halmond Abelard,

With great pleasure I wish to inform you of the current equipment Zaqaru has available for sale. Please find the information for survival equipment below. Delivery time for an order is five years. Alternative methods of payment are discussable. Should you be interested, I will be happy to take any orders or answer any questions you may have.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

Fleet Equipment

Orca Bomber
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 3 shipments.

The Orca Bomber is an improved version of the Zaqaru bomber. The chassis is of a familiar and trusted design, with the necessary upgrades. The armaments are of Greenflame design, an array of nuclear missiles to inflect even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Each shipment contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron composed of 5 fighters, this makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. They are available in the colour scheme of your choice, to fit with the rest of your fleet and be ready to target any enemy.

New! Fire Control Module
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Fire Control Module ensures improved battle operations by synchronising fire and enhancing tactical control for a Fleet. It is a large module to be installed on a sizeable vessel, such as a flagship or logistics ship. It can fit from a frigate and upwards, though at heavy cost to other systems. Most suitable would be a Carrier or Destroyer and up.

The Fire Control Module is dedicated to oversight and control over an action radius, increasing efficiency within range. Advanced computers track targets and allies, enabling commanders a better overview of the battle and coupling with other ship systems to coordinate assaults more effectively. Besides giving the ability to better coordin lead combat, the systems are also designed to synchronise targets and allowing devastating barrages of weapons fire, increasing damage dealt to enemies.

Agency Equipment

Hacking Hardware
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.


Designed with Zaqaru expertise in cryptography and the digital realm, Hacking Hardware was developed to assist your agents in the same field. Specialized devices and hardware operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment contains personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships in the colour of your choice. The scouts have antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

New! Sensors Array
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Information regarding the enemy is what will prove vital in any operation. Zaqaru provides advanced sensors to meet this need. Specialized sensors arrays to be incorporated in large vessels, such as Carriers and Cruisers, as well as the latest sensors installed in dedicated sensor probes.

This allows highly effective intelligence gathering, so that messages or sensitive information may be earlier uncovered. The information provides a significant advantage in the battlefield, as by being aware of the enemy before they are aware of you, disabling them is even easier. The equipment readily synergises with hacking Hardware.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Dear Duke Okeke,

With great pleasure I wish to inform you of the current equipment Zaqaru has available for sale. Please find the information for survival equipment below. Delivery time for an order is five years. Alternative methods of payment are discussable. Should you be interested, I will be happy to take any orders or answer any questions you may have.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

Fleet Equipment

Orca Bomber
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 3 shipments.

The Orca Bomber is an improved version of the Zaqaru bomber. The chassis is of a familiar and trusted design, with the necessary upgrades. The armaments are of Greenflame design, an array of nuclear missiles to inflect even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Each shipment contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron composed of 5 fighters, this makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. They are available in the colour scheme of your choice, to fit with the rest of your fleet and be ready to target any enemy.

New! Fire Control Module
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Fire Control Module ensures improved battle operations by synchronising fire and enhancing tactical control for a Fleet. It is a large module to be installed on a sizeable vessel, such as a flagship or logistics ship. It can fit from a frigate and upwards, though at heavy cost to other systems. Most suitable would be a Carrier or Destroyer and up.

The Fire Control Module is dedicated to oversight and control over an action radius, increasing efficiency within range. Advanced computers track targets and allies, enabling commanders a better overview of the battle and coupling with other ship systems to coordinate assaults more effectively. Besides giving the ability to better coordin lead combat, the systems are also designed to synchronise targets and allowing devastating barrages of weapons fire, increasing damage dealt to enemies.

Agency Equipment

Hacking Hardware
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.


Designed with Zaqaru expertise in cryptography and the digital realm, Hacking Hardware was developed to assist your agents in the same field. Specialized devices and hardware operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment contains personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships in the colour of your choice. The scouts have antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

New! Sensors Array
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Information regarding the enemy is what will prove vital in any operation. Zaqaru provides advanced sensors to meet this need. Specialized sensors arrays to be incorporated in large vessels, such as Carriers and Cruisers, as well as the latest sensors installed in dedicated sensor probes.

This allows highly effective intelligence gathering, so that messages or sensitive information may be earlier uncovered. The information provides a significant advantage in the battlefield, as by being aware of the enemy before they are aware of you, disabling them is even easier. The equipment readily synergises with hacking Hardware.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Dear Duke Starosta,

With great pleasure I wish to inform you of the current equipment Zaqaru has available for sale. Please find the information for survival equipment below. Delivery time for an order is five years. Alternative methods of payment are discussable. Should you be interested, I will be happy to take any orders or answer any questions you may have.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

Fleet Equipment

Orca Bomber
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 3 shipments.

The Orca Bomber is an improved version of the Zaqaru bomber. The chassis is of a familiar and trusted design, with the necessary upgrades. The armaments are of Greenflame design, an array of nuclear missiles to inflect even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Each shipment contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron composed of 5 fighters, this makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. They are available in the colour scheme of your choice, to fit with the rest of your fleet and be ready to target any enemy.

New! Fire Control Module
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Fire Control Module ensures improved battle operations by synchronising fire and enhancing tactical control for a Fleet. It is a large module to be installed on a sizeable vessel, such as a flagship or logistics ship. It can fit from a frigate and upwards, though at heavy cost to other systems. Most suitable would be a Carrier or Destroyer and up.

The Fire Control Module is dedicated to oversight and control over an action radius, increasing efficiency within range. Advanced computers track targets and allies, enabling commanders a better overview of the battle and coupling with other ship systems to coordinate assaults more effectively. Besides giving the ability to better coordin lead combat, the systems are also designed to synchronise targets and allowing devastating barrages of weapons fire, increasing damage dealt to enemies.

Agency Equipment

Hacking Hardware
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.


Designed with Zaqaru expertise in cryptography and the digital realm, Hacking Hardware was developed to assist your agents in the same field. Specialized devices and hardware operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment contains personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships in the colour of your choice. The scouts have antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

New! Sensors Array
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Information regarding the enemy is what will prove vital in any operation. Zaqaru provides advanced sensors to meet this need. Specialized sensors arrays to be incorporated in large vessels, such as Carriers and Cruisers, as well as the latest sensors installed in dedicated sensor probes.

This allows highly effective intelligence gathering, so that messages or sensitive information may be earlier uncovered. The information provides a significant advantage in the battlefield, as by being aware of the enemy before they are aware of you, disabling them is even easier. The equipment readily synergises with hacking Hardware.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Dear Grand Admiral Shen,

With great pleasure I wish to inform you of the current equipment Zaqaru has available for sale. Please find the information for survival equipment below. Delivery time for an order is five years. Alternative methods of payment are discussable. Should you be interested, I will be happy to take any orders or answer any questions you may have.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

Fleet Equipment

Orca Bomber
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 3 shipments.

The Orca Bomber is an improved version of the Zaqaru bomber. The chassis is of a familiar and trusted design, with the necessary upgrades. The armaments are of Greenflame design, an array of nuclear missiles to inflect even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Each shipment contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron composed of 5 fighters, this makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. They are available in the colour scheme of your choice, to fit with the rest of your fleet and be ready to target any enemy.

New! Fire Control Module
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Fire Control Module ensures improved battle operations by synchronising fire and enhancing tactical control for a Fleet. It is a large module to be installed on a sizeable vessel, such as a flagship or logistics ship. It can fit from a frigate and upwards, though at heavy cost to other systems. Most suitable would be a Carrier or Destroyer and up.

The Fire Control Module is dedicated to oversight and control over an action radius, increasing efficiency within range. Advanced computers track targets and allies, enabling commanders a better overview of the battle and coupling with other ship systems to coordinate assaults more effectively. Besides giving the ability to better coordin lead combat, the systems are also designed to synchronise targets and allowing devastating barrages of weapons fire, increasing damage dealt to enemies.

Agency Equipment

Hacking Hardware
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.


Designed with Zaqaru expertise in cryptography and the digital realm, Hacking Hardware was developed to assist your agents in the same field. Specialized devices and hardware operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment contains personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships in the colour of your choice. The scouts have antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

New! Sensors Array
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Information regarding the enemy is what will prove vital in any operation. Zaqaru provides advanced sensors to meet this need. Specialized sensors arrays to be incorporated in large vessels, such as Carriers and Cruisers, as well as the latest sensors installed in dedicated sensor probes.

This allows highly effective intelligence gathering, so that messages or sensitive information may be earlier uncovered. The information provides a significant advantage in the battlefield, as by being aware of the enemy before they are aware of you, disabling them is even easier. The equipment readily synergises with hacking Hardware.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Dear Duke Tehrani,

With great pleasure I wish to inform you of the current equipment Zaqaru has available for sale. Please find the information for survival equipment below. Delivery time for an order is five years. Alternative methods of payment are discussable. Should you be interested, I will be happy to take any orders or answer any questions you may have.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

Fleet Equipment

Orca Bomber
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 3 shipments.

The Orca Bomber is an improved version of the Zaqaru bomber. The chassis is of a familiar and trusted design, with the necessary upgrades. The armaments are of Greenflame design, an array of nuclear missiles to inflect even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Each shipment contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron composed of 5 fighters, this makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. They are available in the colour scheme of your choice, to fit with the rest of your fleet and be ready to target any enemy.

New! Fire Control Module
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Fire Control Module ensures improved battle operations by synchronising fire and enhancing tactical control for a Fleet. It is a large module to be installed on a sizeable vessel, such as a flagship or logistics ship. It can fit from a frigate and upwards, though at heavy cost to other systems. Most suitable would be a Carrier or Destroyer and up.

The Fire Control Module is dedicated to oversight and control over an action radius, increasing efficiency within range. Advanced computers track targets and allies, enabling commanders a better overview of the battle and coupling with other ship systems to coordinate assaults more effectively. Besides giving the ability to better coordin lead combat, the systems are also designed to synchronise targets and allowing devastating barrages of weapons fire, increasing damage dealt to enemies.

Agency Equipment

Hacking Hardware
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.


Designed with Zaqaru expertise in cryptography and the digital realm, Hacking Hardware was developed to assist your agents in the same field. Specialized devices and hardware operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment contains personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships in the colour of your choice. The scouts have antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

New! Sensors Array
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Information regarding the enemy is what will prove vital in any operation. Zaqaru provides advanced sensors to meet this need. Specialized sensors arrays to be incorporated in large vessels, such as Carriers and Cruisers, as well as the latest sensors installed in dedicated sensor probes.

This allows highly effective intelligence gathering, so that messages or sensitive information may be earlier uncovered. The information provides a significant advantage in the battlefield, as by being aware of the enemy before they are aware of you, disabling them is even easier. The equipment readily synergises with hacking Hardware.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Dear Duchess izabela Vastadd,

With great pleasure I wish to inform you of the current equipment Zaqaru has available for sale. Please find the information for survival equipment below. Delivery time for an order is five years. Alternative methods of payment are discussable. Should you be interested, I will be happy to take any orders or answer any questions you may have.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

Fleet Equipment

Orca Bomber
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 3 shipments.

The Orca Bomber is an improved version of the Zaqaru bomber. The chassis is of a familiar and trusted design, with the necessary upgrades. The armaments are of Greenflame design, an array of nuclear missiles to inflect even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Each shipment contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron composed of 5 fighters, this makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. They are available in the colour scheme of your choice, to fit with the rest of your fleet and be ready to target any enemy.

New! Fire Control Module
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Fire Control Module ensures improved battle operations by synchronising fire and enhancing tactical control for a Fleet. It is a large module to be installed on a sizeable vessel, such as a flagship or logistics ship. It can fit from a frigate and upwards, though at heavy cost to other systems. Most suitable would be a Carrier or Destroyer and up.

The Fire Control Module is dedicated to oversight and control over an action radius, increasing efficiency within range. Advanced computers track targets and allies, enabling commanders a better overview of the battle and coupling with other ship systems to coordinate assaults more effectively. Besides giving the ability to better coordin lead combat, the systems are also designed to synchronise targets and allowing devastating barrages of weapons fire, increasing damage dealt to enemies.

Agency Equipment

Hacking Hardware
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.


Designed with Zaqaru expertise in cryptography and the digital realm, Hacking Hardware was developed to assist your agents in the same field. Specialized devices and hardware operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment contains personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships in the colour of your choice. The scouts have antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

New! Sensors Array
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Information regarding the enemy is what will prove vital in any operation. Zaqaru provides advanced sensors to meet this need. Specialized sensors arrays to be incorporated in large vessels, such as Carriers and Cruisers, as well as the latest sensors installed in dedicated sensor probes.

This allows highly effective intelligence gathering, so that messages or sensitive information may be earlier uncovered. The information provides a significant advantage in the battlefield, as by being aware of the enemy before they are aware of you, disabling them is even easier. The equipment readily synergises with hacking Hardware.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Dear Councillor Vanya Mal,

With great pleasure I wish to inform you of the current equipment Zaqaru has available for sale. Please find the information for survival equipment below. Delivery time for an order is five years. Alternative methods of payment are discussable. Should you be interested, I will be happy to take any orders or answer any questions you may have.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

Fleet Equipment

Orca Bomber
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 3 shipments.

The Orca Bomber is an improved version of the Zaqaru bomber. The chassis is of a familiar and trusted design, with the necessary upgrades. The armaments are of Greenflame design, an array of nuclear missiles to inflect even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Each shipment contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron composed of 5 fighters, this makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. They are available in the colour scheme of your choice, to fit with the rest of your fleet and be ready to target any enemy.

New! Fire Control Module
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Fire Control Module ensures improved battle operations by synchronising fire and enhancing tactical control for a Fleet. It is a large module to be installed on a sizeable vessel, such as a flagship or logistics ship. It can fit from a frigate and upwards, though at heavy cost to other systems. Most suitable would be a Carrier or Destroyer and up.

The Fire Control Module is dedicated to oversight and control over an action radius, increasing efficiency within range. Advanced computers track targets and allies, enabling commanders a better overview of the battle and coupling with other ship systems to coordinate assaults more effectively. Besides giving the ability to better coordin lead combat, the systems are also designed to synchronise targets and allowing devastating barrages of weapons fire, increasing damage dealt to enemies.

Agency Equipment

Hacking Hardware
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.


Designed with Zaqaru expertise in cryptography and the digital realm, Hacking Hardware was developed to assist your agents in the same field. Specialized devices and hardware operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment contains personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships in the colour of your choice. The scouts have antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

New! Sensors Array
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Information regarding the enemy is what will prove vital in any operation. Zaqaru provides advanced sensors to meet this need. Specialized sensors arrays to be incorporated in large vessels, such as Carriers and Cruisers, as well as the latest sensors installed in dedicated sensor probes.

This allows highly effective intelligence gathering, so that messages or sensitive information may be earlier uncovered. The information provides a significant advantage in the battlefield, as by being aware of the enemy before they are aware of you, disabling them is even easier. The equipment readily synergises with hacking Hardware.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Dear Chief Financial Director Sigmund Xinclair,

With great pleasure I wish to inform you of the current equipment Zaqaru has available for sale. Please find the information for survival equipment below. Delivery time for an order is five years. Alternative methods of payment are discussable. Should you be interested, I will be happy to take any orders or answer any questions you may have.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

Fleet Equipment

Orca Bomber
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 3 shipments.

The Orca Bomber is an improved version of the Zaqaru bomber. The chassis is of a familiar and trusted design, with the necessary upgrades. The armaments are of Greenflame design, an array of nuclear missiles to inflect even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Each shipment contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron composed of 5 fighters, this makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. They are available in the colour scheme of your choice, to fit with the rest of your fleet and be ready to target any enemy.

New! Fire Control Module
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Fire Control Module ensures improved battle operations by synchronising fire and enhancing tactical control for a Fleet. It is a large module to be installed on a sizeable vessel, such as a flagship or logistics ship. It can fit from a frigate and upwards, though at heavy cost to other systems. Most suitable would be a Carrier or Destroyer and up.

The Fire Control Module is dedicated to oversight and control over an action radius, increasing efficiency within range. Advanced computers track targets and allies, enabling commanders a better overview of the battle and coupling with other ship systems to coordinate assaults more effectively. Besides giving the ability to better coordin lead combat, the systems are also designed to synchronise targets and allowing devastating barrages of weapons fire, increasing damage dealt to enemies.

Agency Equipment

Hacking Hardware
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.


Designed with Zaqaru expertise in cryptography and the digital realm, Hacking Hardware was developed to assist your agents in the same field. Specialized devices and hardware operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment contains personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships in the colour of your choice. The scouts have antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

New! Sensors Array
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Information regarding the enemy is what will prove vital in any operation. Zaqaru provides advanced sensors to meet this need. Specialized sensors arrays to be incorporated in large vessels, such as Carriers and Cruisers, as well as the latest sensors installed in dedicated sensor probes.

This allows highly effective intelligence gathering, so that messages or sensitive information may be earlier uncovered. The information provides a significant advantage in the battlefield, as by being aware of the enemy before they are aware of you, disabling them is even easier. The equipment readily synergises with hacking Hardware.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Dear Duke Arthrax Ytterbus,

With great pleasure I wish to inform you of the current equipment Zaqaru has available for sale. Please find the information for survival equipment below. Delivery time for an order is five years. Alternative methods of payment are discussable. Should you be interested, I will be happy to take any orders or answer any questions you may have.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

Fleet Equipment

Orca Bomber
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 3 shipments.

The Orca Bomber is an improved version of the Zaqaru bomber. The chassis is of a familiar and trusted design, with the necessary upgrades. The armaments are of Greenflame design, an array of nuclear missiles to inflect even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Each shipment contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron composed of 5 fighters, this makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. They are available in the colour scheme of your choice, to fit with the rest of your fleet and be ready to target any enemy.

New! Fire Control Module
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Fire Control Module ensures improved battle operations by synchronising fire and enhancing tactical control for a Fleet. It is a large module to be installed on a sizeable vessel, such as a flagship or logistics ship. It can fit from a frigate and upwards, though at heavy cost to other systems. Most suitable would be a Carrier or Destroyer and up.

The Fire Control Module is dedicated to oversight and control over an action radius, increasing efficiency within range. Advanced computers track targets and allies, enabling commanders a better overview of the battle and coupling with other ship systems to coordinate assaults more effectively. Besides giving the ability to better coordin lead combat, the systems are also designed to synchronise targets and allowing devastating barrages of weapons fire, increasing damage dealt to enemies.

Agency Equipment

Hacking Hardware
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.


Designed with Zaqaru expertise in cryptography and the digital realm, Hacking Hardware was developed to assist your agents in the same field. Specialized devices and hardware operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment contains personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships in the colour of your choice. The scouts have antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

New! Sensors Array
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Information regarding the enemy is what will prove vital in any operation. Zaqaru provides advanced sensors to meet this need. Specialized sensors arrays to be incorporated in large vessels, such as Carriers and Cruisers, as well as the latest sensors installed in dedicated sensor probes.

This allows highly effective intelligence gathering, so that messages or sensitive information may be earlier uncovered. The information provides a significant advantage in the battlefield, as by being aware of the enemy before they are aware of you, disabling them is even easier. The equipment readily synergises with hacking Hardware.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Dear Grand Exarch Malraux,

With great pleasure I wish to inform you of the current equipment Zaqaru has available for sale. Please find the information for survival equipment below. Delivery time for an order is five years. Alternative methods of payment are discussable. Should you be interested, I will be happy to take any orders or answer any questions you may have.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

Fleet Equipment

Orca Bomber
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 3 shipments.

The Orca Bomber is an improved version of the Zaqaru bomber. The chassis is of a familiar and trusted design, with the necessary upgrades. The armaments are of Greenflame design, an array of nuclear missiles to inflect even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Each shipment contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron composed of 5 fighters, this makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. They are available in the colour scheme of your choice, to fit with the rest of your fleet and be ready to target any enemy.

New! Fire Control Module
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Fire Control Module ensures improved battle operations by synchronising fire and enhancing tactical control for a Fleet. It is a large module to be installed on a sizeable vessel, such as a flagship or logistics ship. It can fit from a frigate and upwards, though at heavy cost to other systems. Most suitable would be a Carrier or Destroyer and up.

The Fire Control Module is dedicated to oversight and control over an action radius, increasing efficiency within range. Advanced computers track targets and allies, enabling commanders a better overview of the battle and coupling with other ship systems to coordinate assaults more effectively. Besides giving the ability to better coordin lead combat, the systems are also designed to synchronise targets and allowing devastating barrages of weapons fire, increasing damage dealt to enemies.

Agency Equipment

Hacking Hardware
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.


Designed with Zaqaru expertise in cryptography and the digital realm, Hacking Hardware was developed to assist your agents in the same field. Specialized devices and hardware operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment contains personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships in the colour of your choice. The scouts have antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

New! Sensors Array
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Information regarding the enemy is what will prove vital in any operation. Zaqaru provides advanced sensors to meet this need. Specialized sensors arrays to be incorporated in large vessels, such as Carriers and Cruisers, as well as the latest sensors installed in dedicated sensor probes.

This allows highly effective intelligence gathering, so that messages or sensitive information may be earlier uncovered. The information provides a significant advantage in the battlefield, as by being aware of the enemy before they are aware of you, disabling them is even easier. The equipment readily synergises with hacking Hardware.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

2019-05-17, 04:12 PM
"](OOC: I am not sure if you are aware of the change, but databases can't be copied for free. You need to spend science or trade on it. They are assets that can be traded now. However someone can assist you in copying a database for cheaper than researching a new one.)

"]Duke Farid,

I could see my way to helping you in this endevour given a joint research agreement and a favorable trade deal. However this mode of communication is not secure. We should discuss things in a more secure location.

Duchess Izabela Vastadd

"]Duke Saquar,

I do not need to do much. I am sure most of the earls closer to the Democratic Collective would be willing to offer fealty if you asked them.

Earl Roshan

"]Duke Saquar,

Certainly I will swear fealty. However I would ask for a certain leeway to govern my own system. I would reserve [3 Stats] for the use of House Severin, and whatever I can colonize with the output of those world's in the future.

Earl Severin

2019-05-18, 04:21 AM
Zaqaru Abdication

At the wise age of 82, Duke Abolar Zaqaru abdicates. Zaqaru custom demands that at each five year interval, if the ruler is 80 or older, they abdicate. In a distinguished ceremony with a large audience, it is the heir selected by the Zaqaru Council who succeeds Duke Abolar Zaqaru.

Nabuna Zaqaru: 3 Votes. Heir. Grand Diplomat Ninki Eshnuk, Grand Admiral Elos Roshami and Grand Agent Ayallal Attar all voted on Nabuna Zaqaru.
Abus Zaqaru: 1 Vote. Grand Scientist Caksya Gupta voted on Abus Zaqaru.
Puabi Zaqaru: 1 Vote. Grand Administrator Shurshun Byleuc voted on Puabi Zaqaru.


Duke Nabuna Zaqaru

Duchess Saundri Arnos

Earl Shursun Byleuc also abdicates due to maximum age, resigning as Grand Administrator.
Earl Yaadus Ernit ris appointed as Grand Administrator.
Earl Namzara Zaqaru, heir of the recently abdicated Earl Saba Zaqaru, participant in the Sashaw Wheel Track race, replaces Earl Ninki Eshnuk as Grand Diplomat.

2019-05-21, 09:48 AM

Duke Nabuna Zaqaru

I am honoured to announce the destabilised warp gates to Gade have been repaired! I offer my gratitude towards my predecessor for making the requires arrangements and my compliments to Duke Athae Kelse for lending aid in troubled time. Congratulations and my thanks to the scientists of the Duchy of Lyrae for their dedication and expertise in ensuring the returned stability of the warp gates.

No threat from warp gates remains for travel throughout the Manzat star cluster. However, due to the continued war, danger remains for travel in Gade and beyond, therefore civilian movements are discouraged towards the star clusters of Birqu and Kara. Zaqaru supply spaceships have finally managed to reach the settlements in Gade without impediment from the warp gates to restore regular operations.

Enigma 7

Dear Earl Ingo Deepak, Earl Gianluca Tomoko, Earl Manuelita Andrijana, Earl Periklis Treasach, Earl Isaías Omid, Earl Euanthe Lidka, Earl Teófila Tagwanibisan, Earl Nóra Dalibor, Earl Yafe Sandy, Earl Meghan Ottó, Earl Lorena Geretrudis,

Each and every one of you are proud and noble Earls in the Byvale Sector. Together, you represent the finest Byvale has to offer and I feel your plight at having to share the sector with the common folk. As nobles amongst another, I wish to extend several offers on behalf of Zaqaru which I hope will be beneficial to all parties involved.

To the Earls with Fleets, Agencies and Markets, I offer equipment for Fleets and Agencies. Those with the funds available may see it fit to purchase the equipment for own use or trade them for services from fellow Earls with Fleets and Agencies.

To the Earls with Universities, I offer a settlement investment in exchange for research results.

To the Earls with Court, I offer a job opportunity where the profits will be shared equally.

More details regarding each offer can be found below. It is my sincere hope each of you will find the Zaqaru offers of interest. Feel free to ask any questions you may have.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

Fleet Equipment

Orca Bomber
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 3 shipments.

The Orca Bomber is an improved version of the Zaqaru bomber. The chassis is of a familiar and trusted design, with the necessary upgrades. The armaments are of Greenflame design, an array of nuclear missiles to inflect even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Each shipment contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron composed of 5 fighters, this makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. They are available in the colour scheme of your choice, to fit with the rest of your fleet and be ready to target any enemy.

New! Fire Control Module
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Fire Control Module ensures improved battle operations by synchronising fire and enhancing tactical control for a Fleet. It is a large module to be installed on a sizeable vessel, such as a flagship or logistics ship. It can fit from a frigate and upwards, though at heavy cost to other systems. Most suitable would be a Carrier or Destroyer and up.

The Fire Control Module is dedicated to oversight and control over an action radius, increasing efficiency within range. Advanced computers track targets and allies, enabling commanders a better overview of the battle and coupling with other ship systems to coordinate assaults more effectively. Besides giving the ability to better coordin lead combat, the systems are also designed to synchronise targets and allowing devastating barrages of weapons fire, increasing damage dealt to enemies.


Agency Equipment

Hacking Hardware
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Designed with Zaqaru expertise in cryptography and the digital realm, Hacking Hardware was developed to assist your agents in the same field. Specialized devices and hardware operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment contains personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships in the colour of your choice. The scouts have antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

New! Sensors Array
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Information regarding the enemy is what will prove vital in any operation. Zaqaru provides advanced sensors to meet this need. Specialized sensors arrays to be incorporated in large vessels, such as Carriers and Cruisers, as well as the latest sensors installed in dedicated sensor probes.

This allows highly effective intelligence gathering, so that messages or sensitive information may be earlier uncovered. The information provides a significant advantage in the battlefield, as by being aware of the enemy before they are aware of you, disabling them is even easier. The equipment readily synergises with hacking Hardware.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513
Zaqaru is willing to offer [1 Trade] worth of colonisation equipment as investment in your noble House. In return, your noble House will offer a blueprint within five years time to Zaqaru. The suggested course of action would be to dedicate the research efforts of your University to create a prototype for the new colony and share the resulting blueprint.

Both noble Houses agree not to sell the blueprint and both will be able to use the blueprint to create equipment. It is understood Zaqaru intends to use the blueprint to create equipment and sell it freely, where your House will refrain from acting as competitor. Credit for the design will be given to your esteemed House for as long as your House remains independent.
Zaqaru industry welcomes the expert leadership, skills and bureaucracy of a Court to maximise efficiency and increase profits. Any additional revenue will be equally shared between the noble Houses.

For example a Court assisting one Industry, leading to an additional profit of [1 Trade] will mean both your noble House and Zaqaru each gain [0.5 Trade].

2019-05-21, 12:28 PM
House Greenflame

Enigma 4


House Mertens
Duke Mertens,
Given your recent expansions it strikes me I may have a set of archives that may prove quite relevant to you. If you are interested, I would be happy to offer your scientists access to our [tech 1] archives in exchange for allowing my own scientists access to your [commerce 1].

OOC: Giving each other the 1 science discount on archives.

House Vastadd
Duchess Izabella,
You speak truly. I shall visit your court myself.

House Vastadd PM
Farid arrives with a military escort, though his private craft is purely for envoy work. He is dressed in a formal business suit, though the Samarkite stylizations give the clothes a vague robe like quality. Once the initial pleasantaries are through with, Farid settles in to talk business.

"So alliance talk. I wish for this to be as mutually beneficial as possible, and for that I propose we begin with trade relations. However-" Farid holds up a finger. "Both our duchies have a significant advantage of universities. I propose we both put our brightest minds to work on developing your nation up to [commerce 2], and then in a few years your scientist aid mine in copying that information over into my systems. In addition to building a trade agreement of sorts now, I believe we can both turn considerable profit in years to come."
[OOC: we both put 5 science in this turn to build up to commerce 2, then next turn we both put in 4 to copy them over to me. Also the wording of commerce implies that it unlocks certain trade interactions, which I hope we can then use on each other.]

Farid flicks his wrist, and a small hologram flares up covering the skirmish in Earl Roshan's system.

"This alliance will not be struck in a time of peace however. While we are not officially at war, the DRotP is pushing their borders. Unless they are intending to push directly into the Haytham and new Sashaw fleets, which would require declarations and possibly stir up galactic opposition, they will be hitting the Earls along the western Whitewyn. A trail which gives them room to expand and puts them close to your borders."

The holo zooms back to show the predicted routes and probable fleet composition.

"I propose we declare ourselves allies and offer guarantees to the Earl's under threat. Given the utter hopelessness of their situation they may even become your vassals should that be the route you wish to take."

Farid pauses, to gauge Izabellas reaction thus far before going into actual military strategy.

House Xinclair
Duke Xinclair,
Does your house offer loans? House Greenflame is in need of an injection of funds.

Earl Severin
As a count it is only just that you should have resources to expand your holdings. I agree to these terms.

Earl Roshan
Earl Roshan,
A fair point, I suppose I shall contact them myself.

2019-05-22, 12:16 AM
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

We are interested in purchasing [10 units] of your new fire control modules for our forces.
Archduke Alexander Laramy

Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

Please have your shipping agents prepare an order of [10 units] of your fire control systems for our navy.

Crown Princess Persephone Laramy

Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

I see your mercantile endevours are still going well. We're always glad to see another house see the benefit of peaceful trade. So put us down for [10 units] of your new command module.

Grand Minister Halmond Abelard

"]Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

House Vastadd will order [10 units] of your sensor arrays.

Duchess Izabella Vastadd
"]Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

We will buy some of your new sensor arrays. One batch of [3 units] for [1 trade] and another batch of [5 units] for [2 trade].

Administrator Moffet

"]The earls in question are all willing to agree to provide the blueprints they produce in return for investment in their systems.

"]We wish to purchase [3 units] of orca bombers, and [2 units] of fire control modules.

Earl Euanthe Lidka
Earl Teófila Tagwanibisan
Earl Isaías Omid

"]That is a sound bargain. We agree to the exchange.

"]Duchess Izabella nods as she considers the holomap. "My own analysis agrees with you, and indeed I have made overtures to the DRP in order to ensure they do not come into conflict with my house. They have been surprisingly reasonable. But my envoys tell me that the collective has a new leader almost every time they visit. So how can I trust any agreements I make will remain binding."

"Your plan is a sound one. I will agree to it in principal."

"]We offer various finanical options. What size of a loan were you looking for?

"]Then I, Earl Halcyone Séverin, will swear fealty to the House of Greenflame.

2019-05-22, 08:47 AM
Sashaw Race Competitors Recap

Rough Wheel (Hildago)
Track Wheel
Rough Wing
Track Wing
Tatooine Run

Duchy of Lyrae

House Barlow

House Greenflame

House Lonestar

House Starosta

House Tatarus

House Ytterbus

Zaqaru Dynasty



✘ = Did not pay entry prestige


The voice of an older lady provides comment to the list. "That's the recap of the competitors of the Sashaw races! It's been a wonderfully exciting time following all the Sashaw races. I'm Quda Vynai, Earl of Natho Sina, your presentator!"

"What anybody will see on the list is House Lonestar and House Ytterbus not being present for the Tatooine Run. There's still no official word from both parties, though there are plenty of rumors circulating. The most popular is that the horse Demon of House Ytterbus broke free and managed to release the horse of Benjamin Lonestar to ride off into the sunset. Whether true or not, I certainly think it's a great story!"

"Speaking about great stories, let's look at the results of the Sashaw Races!"

Enigma 7

Dear Duke Ernst Berger,

On behalf of Zaqaru I seek contact with you. Before the previous Duke abdicated, he tried to contact you in hopes of discussing peace between House Berger and House Voss. There was no response, even when another attempt to contact you was made. While I am curious what may be the reason behind the lack of response, I am even more interested in your current stance towards House Voss and I hope you will honour me with a response regarding this inquiry.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Diplomat Namzara Zaqaru
Dear Shadda Cabal,

I offer you my sincere gratitude for giving directions for the Zaqaruans lost in space, allowing them to make their way home.

Before my loyal subjects established communications with you, the name Shadda Cabal was but a rumoured name to me. My subjects have informed me that your group lives travelling through space, which is uncharted to us. Out of curiosity, may I inquire what brought you to venture out there?

Yours sincerely,
Duke Nabuna Zaqaru

(OOC: Did those returning home learn from the journey back where, or in what direction, the Shadda Cabal might roughly be?)
Dear Archduke Alexander Laramy,

Thank you for your stated interest, on behalf of Zaqaru I am happy to fulfill such an order. Zaqaru factories will immediately get to work producing your order as soon the initial upfront payment is received.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit
Dear Crown Princess Persephone Laramy,

Zaqaru factories are hard at work to fulfill your order and our shipping agents are in full preparation of delivery. Thank you for your business.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit
Dear Grand Minister Halmond Abelard,

Thank you for your kind words, I am grateful to see the benefit of peaceful trade. Zaqaru factories are hard at work to fulfill your order.

As House Mertens is famed for its mercantile expertise, I hope you will oblige me. It is only recently I took over this honoured job and I am hoping, do you have any advice for me in the field of commerce?

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit
Dear Duchess Izabella Vastadd,

Thank you for your order, on behalf of Zaqaru I am happy say Zaqaru factories are hard at work to fulfill it.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit
(OOC: It’s 2 units for 1 trade and 5 for 2 trade, but Vastadd mentions wanting 3 units for 1 trade. Is that a mixup in numbers or a request?)
After a confirmation message from Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit, Zaqaru trade ships start to arrive with colonisation supplies.
Dear Earl Euanthe Lidka, Earl Teófila Tagwanibisan and Earl Isaías Omid of the Triune Pact,

It pleases me to see your cooperative effort and on behalf of Zaqaru I am happy to fulfill such an order. Zaqaru factories will immediately get to work producing your order as soon the initial upfront payment is received.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit
Dear Earl Ingo Deepak, Earl Gianluca Tomoko, Earl Meghan Ottó, Earl Lorena Geretrudis,

Since my last offer, I have not received word from each of you. In the hopes of aiding your interests, I would like to inquire what offers or services might pique your interest. Based on that information, I know what Zaqaru might look into in the time to come.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

2019-05-24, 07:12 PM
"]Grand Diplomat Zaqaru,

We have decided that this war is a strain that neither of our houses can afford at the current time. We are currently in the process of drawing up an armistice and non aggression treaty.

Duke Ernst Berger

"]Duke Nabunaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,

We like the Starsss.

(OOC: Your crews don't know. The Shadda found them.)

"]Grand Administrator Emit,

My advice is to be more discreet. You are selling new and marvelous things to everyone for significant profits. And you are also engaged in a great and terrible war where all your fleets are involved. It's only a matter of time before you get pirates.

Grand Minister Halmond Abelard

(I must have misread that. In which case they will only buy 5.)

"House Deepak, House Tomoko, House Ottó, House Geretrudis to the Zaqaru Dynasty [Enigma 3]"
The only thing you can offer us is military protection. The Triune Pact plans to conquer this cluster and use our resources to form a Great House.

"]Duke Nabuna Zaqaru,

Our houses have been at war for an entire decade. And the war looks to be dragging on for even more years. It is my hope that you will be willing to negotiate a cease fire so that our subjects no longer have to give their lives for the machinations of the great houses.

Duke Stephano Sansone

2019-05-25, 03:13 AM

Winner: Independent (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23881226&postcount=131)


2nd: [roll0]
3rd: [roll1]
4th: [roll2]
5th: [roll3]
6th: ?

Track Wheel


Winner: [roll4]
2nd: [roll5]
3rd: [roll6]
4th: [roll7]
5th: ?

Rough Wing


Winner: [roll8]
2nd: [roll9]
3rd: [roll10]
4th: [roll11]
5th: ?

Track Wing


Winner: [roll12]
2nd: [roll13]
3rd: [roll14]
4th: [roll15]
5th: ?



Winner: [roll16]
2nd: [roll17]
3rd: [roll18]
4th: [roll19]
5th: [roll20]
6th: ?

Sashaw Race Outcome Recap

Rough Wheel (Hildago)
Track Wheel
Rough Wing
Track Wing









Engima 7

Dear Duke Farid Saquar Greenflame,

I would like to inform you that the offer regarding Hacking Hardware extended to you earlier by Zaqaru is still valid. Since that offer Zaqaru has developed new equipment, such as an extensive Sensors Array. Should you be interested in making a purchase, please let me know and I will send you more information.

Given lack of prior interest and most recent interactions, I thought it best to wait until contacting you. Should you have specific wishes which I may facilitate in the future, please make me aware so I can look into possibilities in the time to come.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit
Dear Duke Ernst Berger,

I am grateful for your swift response, thank you for informing me of the current state. Your decision sounds wise given the current circumstances. I would like to kindly ask you to keep me informed of the progress and if there is anything I can do to aid in the process.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Diplomat Namzara Zaqaru
Dear Shadda Cabal,

Your fondness of the stars is certainly remarkable. Have your travels given you what you sought?

Yours sincerely,
Duke Nabuna Zaqaru
Dear Grand Minister Halmond Abelard,

Thank you for your advice. I will take the advice into account going forward. Your words have reminded me times are changing and that threats of old may resurface. To my knowledge pirates have not been a danger of note throughout the Empire, but without Emperor this may well change.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit
Dear Adminstrator Moffet,

Thank you for your order, on behalf of Zaqaru I am happy say Zaqaru factories are hard at work to fulfill it.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit
Dear Earl Ingo Deepak, Earl Gianluca Tomoko, Earl Meghan Ottó, Earl Lorena Geretrudis,

Thank you for informing me of what interests you. Unfortunately it is quite a distance away from the current offering, but I will see what I can do for the future.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit
Dear Duke Stephano Sansone,

I am certainly open for any negotiations to the benefit of our subjects. This war can end immediately if House Sansone meets the prior demands set forth. If you have another proposal in mind, I am willing to listen.

Yours sincerely,
Duke Nabuna Zaqaru

2019-05-26, 04:06 PM
House Gilkara:

The throne was comforting to Torbin's body. It offered support to his tired muscles and kept him correctly postured. The holotable was surrounded by other chairs not as stylish as his, but probably just as comfortable. To his right, his social partner's dark eye rings and unusual silence reflected his own fatigue. The new regiment of their lifestyle would take time to get used to. The rest of his family ranged from extreme attention to obvious distraction as the council people across from him droned on about updates from the economic sectors. It was the fourth of such meetings today.

On the far side of his social partner, another cousin, was diligently, and obnoxiously, still consuming the information from the University's meeting from this morning. Torbin quickly turned his attention back to the group before him when they all stood up and saluted. He saluted back and they left the room.

A more familiar group came in, the family's personal assistants. "Duke," the man said, but his hand sweeping meant that he included everyone. "The Navy is prepared for the war tutorial. If we shall." A few of his cousins shot Torbin pleading looks.

The sigh escaped his mouth on its own. "Right, the war tutorial, and then we have our court meeting. Then can we finally have some time to ourselves? I can't **** properly with someone over my back."

"Defecate, if you would like to be vulgar. We have too much to prepare you all for to allow you much free time. We are aware that the transition period into the twenty six hour day is difficult, but it is the best design for you." This woman was charming, but so demanding. Nothing was good enough for any of the advisors.

The groan from the Royal group was unanimous. They didn't have six hours left, but eight, before the day was done.

The advisor that followed Torbin everywhere spoke up, "As you get better, and you will, get better at performing your duties, you will find yourself with more and more free time." In a clear shot at Torbin, the man adds, "And after your body adjusts to it's healthier diet, perhaps we can cut down on your twelve daily defecations. That should also buy you some more time."

Torbin's nose hurt as he squeezed his arm over his face. A muffled scream let loose and he stood up.

The woman's displeasure twisted her face. The advisors were enjoying this as much as the family was. "We have wasted five minutes here already. Please." More sweeping arm gestures led the procession out of the meeting room.


A confused voice breaks over the message
"Duke Nabuna?", the message stops for a few seconds before continuing.

"Umm.. hello, let's see here… Ahem!
It is with great pleasure that I announce to your noble house that I, Torbin Gilkara, has re-established house Gilkara as the rulers, ruler?, ruler of Filo. Now that we are in control of our system, I have been advised to reach out to other houses and make our presence known.

First, I regret that we were not present for your exquisite party. Our house has many single [redacted] court people. We have heard of the extravagant way that your family hosted the event.

Second, we understand that you are settling a dispute with house Sansone. I must state that we hope the war will be influenced by the sectors around you. I push the idea that after the war you will be forgiving to the people that you come into control over.

Third, I congratulate you on your recent good fortune. I'd be happy with just getting married, so getting to be heir of your dynasty is [redacted] pleasant as well.

I wish you steadfastness over the coming years.

Torbin Gilkara"

It is with great pride that the nation of Filo has peacefully transitioned power back to House Gilkara. We diligently wish to fulfill our obligation to the Empire and look forward to good relations with all Noble Houses and factions that help maintain the stability of our glorious civilization.

With the recent death of our benevolent Emperor, we are saddened, but look forward to working with our new ruler. The Gilkara family looks forward to stable and continued economic and diplomatic relations.

The message starts "Right, Duke Farid."

I, Torbin Gilkara, am pleased to announce my ascendance to leadership over the nation of Filo. We are pleased to see you working so hard to keep aggressors at bay and thank you for your duty to stop foreign entities from entering the empire.

It is in this effort that we offer any help. We would like to assist you in any study of exploration and understanding of things outside our Empire.

Your noble house is an important figure in our Empire, and House Gilkara looks forward to helping in whatever small way we can.

[Message start] “Dutchess Mira.” [Message Stop]
[Message Start] “High Courtesan Mira,
It is with great pleasure that I, Torbin Gilkara, inform you of my family’s rise to power over the nation Filo. We recognize your extreme aptitude in court matters and would like to request trainees for our royal family. I want to what!?”[Message Stop]
[Message Start] I realize that my family is out of touch with many customs that are present in the Empire. It is my humble request that you help us develop those customs for our house.

We also look forward to other, larger, agreements that may come up over the next few years. [End Message]

[OOC] Right now this is a pure roleplay request.[OOC]

2019-05-27, 01:15 AM
House Greenflame

Enigma 4

The staccato pops of freshly opened champagne rang out through a dreary and sterile cafeteria. Even on a station as remote as Sphinx humans could still find a chance to celebrate.

For Dr. Yarro, it was her birthday.

SamU maintained a few dozen stations both around House Greenflame's sovereign space and beyond in order to harvest data and host experiments on different star and planet classes. Sphinx drifted around a silicate world of unusually large proportions. Its sheer mass meant that the gravity well pulled fearsomely at the surrounding space, leaving Sphinx free to drift far beyond normal satellite zones in effectively open space. It was not the planet Yarro had come to investigate however, it was the star.

756-90-MXI, or Moxie, as the younglings had taken to calling it, was a normal C-class star, warming the local system with a soft yellow light. In years past it had been noted that the star occasionally emitted pulses of radiation that behaved in unusual ways. So the station was built and used sporadically over the decades. The Prolong treatment, which had started the whole mad line of research Dr. Yarro was currently pursuing, was designed to protect starsailors from unhealthy radiation such as this.

But what if it wasn’t protection that was needed, but focusing?

That was the question for tomorrow, and the next day, and the next year. Perhaps for many many years to come. Would Dr. Yarro have enough years to realize her theories?

Perhaps, but today, there was cake, for it was her 95th birthday.


House Zaqaru
Thank you for the offer Sir Emit, but for now our finances are tied up elsewhere.

House Gilkara
Peace Upon You Lord Gilkara,

It brings me great joy to see another house rise to such noble heights. While affairs our affairs are currently entwined with the Democratic Republic of the People, we do of course still pursue the mysteries the universe offers, and there are indeed many. In the coming years perhaps we can embark on a great venture together?

Regardless for the time being you should know that my house has created several military blueprints of particular note in recent years, our science budgets are capable of much more than just exploration. Both [Hexshot Fighters] and [Orca Bombers] are for sale at [2 trade/5 units of equipment].

Blessed Regards,
Duke Farid Saquar,
Master of the Grand Marquis


House Mertens
Excellent, I shall prepare the archives for imaging.
While our lines are open I feel I should ask, what is your take on the emperors latest memoir? With my territories so distant from the imperial core I have rather dated news at best of happenings. Are the siblings reacting at all to this new revaluation of stability?

House Vastadd
Farid nods with a smile. Flicking his wrist holo back to the recent battle.

"I am pleased to hear it Lady Vastadd, but they have refused to speak with our diplomats on both occasions where overtures were made."

The holo flashes through a series of scanner maps which detail positioning and timing of the People's Navy Maneuvering.
"During our skirmish our fleet marked about [8 navy] worth of combat ships, so that should be considered our minimum military opposition. The Haytham fleet is [12 navy] strong and while the Sashaw Fleet is young, it contains several potentially powerful tools which put it between [3-6 navy]. Some of the fleet is equipped with our latest designs but with so many orders coming in from other houses our factories were stretched thin. Regardless, barring a hidden fleet of epic proportions the Peoples Navy is outnumbered."
Farid leaves a heavy pause, an unspoken 'but' hanging.
"But Berger outnumbered Voss, and Lyre outgunned Jinks. Numbers mean little when enemy agents can send ships chasing shadows and dictate the flow of battle. At Gade we had Zaqaru to counter the Sasone Agents, though honestly with the Collective's reputation for subversiveness I reckon that if fighting breaks out it would be better to go on the offensive rather than trying to chase ghosts in our own fleets."
Farid twists his hands in a placating gesture, turning off tho holo.
"IF fighting breaks out. If you have reason to believe peaceful solutions remain, I am happy to hear them. The current DRotP policies are not sustainable however, with the strength of the democratic economy they can build up faster than I can, and if they are allowed the western Whitewyne they will have the space to do so. Worse still, while I doubt many houses would openly ally themselves with the DRotP, the promise of coin could lure out the House of Steel. I have little in the way of plans currently on how to counter such a move, though perhaps promises of future discounts on equipment or perhaps even drawing them into our research agreement and alliance could be discussed. I also reached out to Tartarus in hope of receiving council on the Republic, but I have yet to hear back.”
Farid took a moment to gauge Izabella’s reaction at the mention of Tartarus, as the house was somewhat controversial.
“Regardless, that is my current thoughts on the matter. The strategy could use discussing further, are you still interested in alliance?”

Public Announcement:
I, Duke Farid Saquar dub Earl Severin of the Algiers System Count of Algiers. I do this by my name and lordship of the Eastern Whitewyne, and pray with heart and soul that his and his family’s reign is just and long. Let the Whitewyne Sector rejoice for this historic day.

2019-05-27, 02:18 AM

“Welcome back to the Zaqaru commentary of the Sashaw Races. I’m Quda Vynay, Earl of Natho Sina, your presentator!” With excitement, the smooth voice older lady refers back to the results of the Shashaw Races (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23932135&postcount=150). “It’s been a blast to watch the races. I will leave the Tatooine Run for last, for obvious reasons. Looking at the wheel, wing and space races we’ve seen remarkable feats. From the independent racers claiming victory, to House Ytterbus unexpectedly taking the lead in the track wing race.”

“Both wheel races saw a remarkable similarly in outcome, as the same lineup presented itself at the end. The engineers and the racers of the competitors seem equally competent in either rough or track. Most surprisingly this was the case for both the minor noble Kalan Omerth in the rough race and the other noble in the track race.”

“Kalan Omerth’s move was clever, stripping down to a buggy to bypass Pasha Juia and Sir Barlow. I imagine Sir Barlow is still upset as his vehicle spun out of control, ending up last in the end. Meanwhile Sili Zaqaru obtained third place, followed by the Luck Xaqaer representing Tatarus and the cyborg without a name from Ytterbus.”

“The track wheel race was also won by a minor noble, though looking at the performance it seemed less that this was because of a clever ruse, but more so the folly of the other competitors. Danica Kennels representing House Greenflame and the torpedo driven ride of House Ytterbus were off to a great start. Unfortunately the torpedoes held too much power and in the chaos the minor noble was able to cover more ground, leaving Danica Kennels behind. Earl Saba Zaqaru made a beautiful and stylish pass to follow in House Greenflame’s racer’s wake. Fidora Xaqaer tried to follow, but House Ytterbus managed to recover and make it to the end leaving the representative of Tatarus behind and last.”

“The rough wing race saw incredible stunts through ravines, storms and even a thunderstorm. I still don’t know how the racers survived, but it was obvious House Greenflame could exploit the familiarity with the planet in this race, claiming a resounding victory. In second place is another minor noble, who had managed to follow in Maan Geffi’s wake during the thunderstorm. Yahaan Zaqaru was brilliant in the ravine passes, with some of the best piloting I have seen in ages, but it seems the thunderstorm did not do well on the modifications he made to the vessel to keep up. The Miasma Butterfly, or Dembe Bonaso representing Tatarus, while a beauty to behold, could not keep up to get a podium stage, only leaving Ytterbus behind.”

“House Ytterbus took revenge in the track wing race, putting technological marvel into action and claiming a victory even above the racer of House Greenflame who claimed second place. Tatarus’ Hethra Lane managed to surpass Sidur Zaqaru, whose lack of inexperience could not make enough use of the vehicle’s speed to regain the position from the floating, well, I don’t even know what to properly call it! Another minor noble participated here, but was lacking at a final place.”

“The spaceship race saw six contestants again. House Greenflame could once again make use of familiarity with the home race, claiming victory before the technologically advanced spaceship of House Ytterbus. Earl Ayabit Zaqaru took the third place for Zaqaru, her experience allowing to leave the innovation of Jaqlin Veer’s prototype behind. The Duchy of Lyrae’s representative, Knight Bachelor Nathael, unfortunately proved to not modify the spaceship enough for racing and was still flying a warship too much, ending up 5th. The Svelto of Starosta stylishly ended last, preferring to give its occupants the most refined and comfortable landing of all participants over a better place.”

“Varied races, with engineering marvels! I enjoyed it and I hope you did too!”

Enigma 7

Dear Duke Farid Saquar Greenflame,

Very understandable. Should interest and budget arise in the years to come, please contact me.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit
Dear Duke Torbin Gilkara,

Allow me to extend a warm welcome to you as new ruler of Filo and leader of House Gilkara. It is my hope you are well adapting to your new role and Filo may prosper in the time to come.

Thank you for the congratulations. Your message brings back memories. The ball was a decade ago and I can well remember my search for a suitable partner. I am happy to have Saundri Arnos at my side now I have taken over as ruler of Zaqaru after my father. I wish you the best of luck in your search for a partner and likewise for your newfound rulership over the many people in your nation.

Rest assured that I will be forgiving to any civilians that come under my care in the time to come, for the conflict with Sansone is to create a better future for them. I wish for the people in the Duchy of Birqu to no longer be ruled by a man who seeks to bring instability to the sector by sparking conflict and disrupting the warp gates.

I would also like to bring you in contact with my Grand Administrator, who has a business proposal for you. Good luck to you and should you seek advice in this new political arena you have found yourself in, I would be happy to help.

Yours sincerely,
Duke Nabuna Zaqaru

Dear Duke Torbin Gilkara,

Congratulations on acquisition of your noble title of Duke!

I look forward to any trade opportunities between Filo and Zaqaru. Therefore, it is with great pleasure I present to you of the current equipment Zaqaru has available for sale. Both fleet and agency equipment are for sale, with a delivery time of five years.

Alternative methods of payment are discussable. Should you be interested, I will be happy to take any orders or answer any questions you may have. If you have interest in other trade agreements, I would be happy to discuss them so I can look into making them available in future years.

I wish you good luck in your endeavours and hope to be of service.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

Fleet Equipment

Orca Bomber
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 3 shipments.

The Orca Bomber is an improved version of the Zaqaru bomber. The chassis is of a familiar and trusted design, with the necessary upgrades. The armaments are of Greenflame design, an array of nuclear missiles to inflect even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Each shipment contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron composed of 5 fighters, this makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. They are available in the colour scheme of your choice, to fit with the rest of your fleet and be ready to target any enemy.



The heavy hitters of the Zaqaruan fighters, bombers have two launchers firing heavy plasma bombs that are capable of dealing heavy damage to large and thick armored enemies. Excellent at hitting spaceships from frigate class and bigger, such as capital ships, they are capable of destroying targets much larger than they are. The bombers fly in squadrons of five and have a length of 23 meters.


Bombers are fast and maneuverable like any fighter. While their heavy armament makes them compare less favourable to other fighters, to any slow capital ship they can exploit any blind spot in their turret arcs. From the right angle, they can also use their speed and manoeuvrability to outrun and dodge such fire and move to another favourable position to launch another salvo. Bombers function best when escorted by other fighters, who draw away fire to let the bombers launch their assault.


Fire Control Module
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Fire Control Module ensures improved battle operations by synchronising fire and enhancing tactical control for a Fleet. It is a large module to be installed on a sizeable vessel, such as a flagship or logistics ship. It can fit from a frigate and upwards, though at heavy cost to other systems. Most suitable would be a Carrier or Destroyer and up.

The Fire Control Module is dedicated to oversight and control over an action radius, increasing efficiency within range. Advanced computers track targets and allies, enabling commanders a better overview of the battle and coupling with other ship systems to coordinate assaults more effectively. Besides giving the ability to better coordin lead combat, the systems are also designed to synchronise targets and allowing devastating barrages of weapons fire, increasing damage dealt to enemies.


Agency Equipment

Hacking Hardware
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Designed with Zaqaru expertise in cryptography and the digital realm, Hacking Hardware was developed to assist your agents in the same field. Specialized devices and hardware operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment contains personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships (link to description and images (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23845228&postcount=102)) in the colour of your choice. The scouts have antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.



The fastest manned spaceship of the Zaqaru fleets, the Scout is a fighter which serves as reconnaissance in the battlefield, keeping a close eye on enemy numbers. Flying in squadrons of three to ensure there is always backup available, even deep beyond enemy lines, it also provides a higher chance of getting sensitive intelligence back to the fleets. The smallest spaceship in the Zaqaru fleet, at a length of 11 meters.


The Scouts are equipped with a wide array of sensor equipment and little can escape their attention unnoticed. The design of the fighter originates from an original to move through asteroid belts and scan for resources, with its speed and manoeuvrability serving it well in the dangerous environment. A common tactic of the scouts remains to use asteroids for cover to gain their intelligence, as they can move through dense debris with ease where larger spaceships find themselves hampered or blocked.


The scout design is not only used on the battlefield as there are reports that Zaqaru agents use the spaceships as well to quickly reach their destination or to pick up signals. Another role they fill is that of patrol spaceship. Focused on sensors, Scouts are equipped with only a small projectile weapon, unfit for extended battle. It relies on its speed and manoeuvrability to evade enemy fire and escape from the battle.[/size]

Sensors Array
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Information regarding the enemy is what will prove vital in any operation. Zaqaru provides advanced sensors to meet this need. Specialized sensors arrays to be incorporated in large vessels, such as Carriers and Cruisers, as well as the latest sensors installed in dedicated sensor probes.

This allows highly effective intelligence gathering, so that messages or sensitive information may be earlier uncovered. The information provides a significant advantage in the battlefield, as by being aware of the enemy before they are aware of you, disabling them is even easier. The equipment readily synergises with hacking Hardware.

Image from: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

2019-05-27, 11:58 AM
House Gilkara

"Your cousin has bested you again." The man's voice was soft, but it felt like a barking to Torbin's ears. "That's three in a row. Good news, we can stop this scenario."

He could feel the woman's presence behind him before her soft hand gently fell on his shoulder. "Don't feel too discouraged my liege, she has only lost the most difficult of maneuvers. It seems her time studying psychology allowed her squadron to mind game yours." They all spoke that way, never exactly your fault when you failed, but always your brilliance in a success.

The words helped. His social partner from a week ago seemed to be besting him in most things. Why had they placed him in charge? Was it up for change?

"Duke Torbin?" The man raised his eyebrows and Torbin waved his arm to show his attention. "We have economic matters to go over. Our colony sites need directions."

"Good moves cousin. Perhaps you shall be leading our forces." Torbin's right hand raised before him in salute while his other reached out and disconnected their connection. He didn't wait for his advisors to pressure him before he stood up. Two minutes of me time.

"Duke Farid,
We are very interested in exploring with your scientists. We still have a few projects in motion. I have been advised that our future projects should very much align.

We are interested in purchasing some of your ships in future budgets.

Until then,

Torbin Gilkara”

"Duke Nabuna

I have been advised that we are interested in the sensory array that you mentioned. We also worry about the warp gate malfunctions that took place in your area. Perhaps an arrangement could be made.

We are willing to divert a pair of our research and development teams to help if the repairs are still underway.

We would be willing to send this team (2 scientists) for a pair of sensor arrays and a pair of hacking equipment.

Torbin Gilkara"

2019-05-27, 01:02 PM
Zaqaru Dynasty
If we had found what we sought. We would not travel again.

"]Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit,

Then you need to review you archives again. Pirates have always been with us. Sometimes they are merely a pest to be dealt with, and others they are a more serious threat. With the lockdown of the Imperial fleets I expect that they will soon be the latter.

Grand Minister Halmond Abelard

"]Duke Nabuna Zaqaru,

We are willing to pay reparations for the damage done by the destabilized warp gate and give up our claim on the Gade system. We will sign a non aggression pact with you going forward. Abd finally we will create a new House Birqu to split our current holdings if you pay reparations to that House for the damage your raiders did to the Birqu systems in the first war.

Duke Stephano Sansone

House Greenflame
"]Duke Saquar,

It is my view that the Laramy siblings will grow tired of squandering the lives of their followers to no effect and begin to seek out other paths to power over each other. The Emperor's final testament is one path they will no doubt take, but if they were the type to be able to bring stability to the Imperium we would not be in this situation right now.

Izabella considers and finally says, "Certainly it all seems sound on the surface. No doubt our two houses could easily deal with the collective barring any secret super weapon surprises. My concern is the Infinite Republic. This is exactly the type of situation they like to meddle in. And if it means keeping a democratic outpost in Imperial territory they may even resort to outright intervention."

1. Zaqaru Dynasty
2. Tatarus
3. House Greenflame

2019-05-27, 09:03 PM
The Exiles' Consortium

Just as Emporers live and die, as galaxies swirl and shift, as people move and live, things change. Something as momentous as the death of an Emporer sends ripples throughout the worlds of the Imperium, changing the people, the nobles, the Houses. Some rise higher than ever before, and some, such as House Xinclair, fall into obscurity. It remains to be seen how this change will send further ripples...

Even as outcasts, the Exiles' Consortium is greatly saddened by the death of our most benevolent Emporer, but we are eager to help bring stability back to the Imperium. With House Xinclair's noble abdication of it's systems to our people, it has been decided that the we of the Exiles' Consortium will make our services available to the rest of the Empire, in the hopes that we can help play some small part in restoring the Empire back to an era of peace and prosperity.

2019-05-28, 01:50 PM
Robot Unicorn Princess Ninu Zaqaru
The Tatooine Run!

http://u.cubeupload.com/Zweanslord/robotunicornattackby.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CC_Y4zOUdcI)

Always, I wanna be with you
And make believe with you
And live in harmony, harmony, oh love

“Riding the rainbow on her beautiful robot unicorn through the mountains, jumping with grace and bravery from cliffs and over ravines, dashing through rocks and obstacles, Ninu Zaqaru overcame every challenge on the Tatooine Run, finishing first!”

“A radiant example to all, Ninu Zaqaru gave a wonderful performance the day after winning the Tatooine Run and tickets for her tour through the Empire is already fully booked for the coming months! A star whose fame is shining amidst us all, one of the most popular celebrities of our time! Let’s hear it for our winner, Ninu Zaqaru!”

Robot Unicorn Princess Ninu Zaqaru’s victory in the Tatooine Run saw her popularity expand beyond the Zaqaru borders, inspiring a whole brand around her. Toys, game (https://unicorn.jocke.no/)s, songs, fanart, tours, all kinds of derivatives, you name it. Combining charisma with victory, she shows a smile to every fan!

http://u.cubeupload.com/Zweanslord/d2m0ix1f3f13fae60454.gif (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CC_Y4zOUdcI)

Enigma 7

Dear Duke Torbin Gilkara,

I offer you my gratitude for the offer, it's commendable you offer aid for the stability of the warp gates.

The warp gates are currently fully functional again, thanks to the efforts of the Duchy of Lyrae. Thus, further aid will not be necessary.

However, if you wish to see if information may yet be gleaned, I am more than willing to provide access for your scientists to investigate if you share the outcome of the investigation. I do not know what this research will yield with the warp gates stable again. (OOC: This is nothing really tangible, just offering an opportunity to give a good reason to study warp gates.)

I could still make use of your scientists for other purposes if you are still interested in the trade.

Yours sincerely,
Duke Nabuna Zaqaru
Dear Shadda Cabal,

May I then ask what you seek amidst the stars? Should I come across it, I may be able to inform you.

Yours sincerely,
Duke Nabuna Zaqaru
Dear Grand Minister Halmond Abelard,

You are correct, apologies for my response without nuance. I have looked at the archives and pirates were certainly more common in the past. It’s just that in the recent decades they have been, as you say, more pests instead of noteworthy. If you receive word of such threats, would you be so kind to inform me? In return, I will inform you likewise.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Yaadus Emit
Dear Duke Stephano Sansone,

The offer presented has my interest. Let us discuss concrete terms.

Concede defeat in this war and I will use the gained [50] prestige to assist in the creation of the duchy title. I demand a say in the selection of the appropriate noble to be granted the title Duke of Birqu. Present earls from Birqu and why they would make appropriate candidates.

To repair the warp gates, I have paid in value of [7 Trade] and lost a trading partner. For the trade I am willing to accept reparations in equal value of any combination of trade or research. Regarding the trading partner, I wish for House Sansone to make a purchase from what Zaqaru offers each five years, for the time this war has lasted, a decade, starting when House Birqu is set up (OOC: Turn 4 and Turn 5).

For the Zaqaruan actions in the Birqu star cluster I am willing to offer in value what was gained, [3.5 Trade], to House Birqu when it has set up (OOC: That trade would thus be available to them at the start of Turn 4).

The non-aggression pact between our noble families will last 20 years with a prestige investment of your choice, no less than [10]. Should you wish to have a longer non-aggression pact, I would ordinarily look to a marriage contract between our families, but no doubt you understand why I am reluctant to offer that. Alternatively, you make an offer or House Sansone promises to return as Zaqaruan vassal when Zaqaru once more obtains the title of King.

Yours sincerely,
Duke Nabuna Zaqaru

Referencing Robot Unicorn Attack: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robot_Unicorn_Attack
Game link: https://unicorn.jocke.no/
Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CC_Y4zOUdcI
Female: https://www.zerochan.net/151384
Unicorn: https://www.deviantart.com/zalay/art/Robot-Unicorn-Attack-157867635
Unicorn racing: https://www.deviantart.com/gokulover4ever/art/Robot-Unicorn-Attack-Stamp-157908421

2019-05-28, 02:48 PM
House Greenflame

Enigma 4

House Mertens
Well, I suppose it's better than twenty years of civil war in the Imperial Core. Especially with the instability sapping the fringe systems. I'm hoping to curb the expansion of the DRotP in the coming years. I worry that if they continue to press successfully they may draw support from The Infinite Republic and other forces outside the Empire. Yours is a House of far reaching business dealings and surely have had at least passing dealings with them, do you think the Infinite Republic would entertain such a bold motion?

House Vastadd (Court PM)
Farid steeples his fingers, taking a pensive sigh.
"Perhaps all the more reason to approach the house of steel. I will set some time aside to scan the archives for information on the Infinite Republic, but from what I recall offhand, their intervention could tip the scales considerably. Perhaps the time to strike has not actually arrived."
Farid paused, choosing his next words carefully.
"I do have another idea, though I have not put it to the council of my advisors as yet. Perhaps you could tell me whether it is madness or just mad enough. The DRotP brought low nobles from earls to dukes in their rise to power, and with regards to stability of the empire I can think of few events more damaging in the past fifty years save for the death of the Emperor himself. And with the Emperor's recent, posthumous announcement…"
Farid leaned forward in his seat.
"Perhaps we could call a crusade. A war of reclamation almost. It may well give us the punching power to ignore the Infinite Republic. Issues being that there is none in the throne we could petition, and the question of what is done with any conquered territory becomes more complex."
Farid chuckled briefly, leaning back again.
"I suppose this all relies on our cooperation and what is it your house might wish to gain from all of this Duchess Izabella. Pray tell, where might your ambitions lie for this alliance? And should it come to war with the Democratic Republic of the People, what might house Vastadd look to gain from a Victory? Also, with your blessing I should like to contact the house of steel and bring them into these negotiations, or at least inquire their interest."

2019-05-28, 06:40 PM
"]We seek the Light of Alu. The way to the effervescent Citadel. The Journey of a Thousand Voices.

"]Grand Administrator Yaadus Emit,

I will certainly inform you, but I fear you are far more likely to find out about pirates firsthand.

Grand Minister Halmond Abelard

"]Duke Nabuna Zaqaru,

1. We will not concede defeat. We will agree to a white peace. We will pay the cost for House Birqu in full. I have selected three candidates from my court to be appointed as Duke Birqu. My youngest son, Giovanni Sansone, who is an able admiral and warrior. Count Menard Lacross, my science advisor and lord of the outer gates. And finally Countess Katherine Openstein the commander of the Birqu Marche.

2. Before any war reperation values are calculated we would cross verify what amounts were lost. We are willing to open the records of the Birqu territories if you reciprocate with your trade ledgers. We are tentatively willing to agree to a trade deal for ten years.

3. We are willing to agree to a 20 year non aggression pact. We will invest [2 prestige] now. [18 prestige] in five years. And [10 prestige] in each half decade afterwards.

Duke Stephano Sansone

"]No doubt their agents are already supporting the DRotP. How else can it have survived for so long in the Imperium. I would expect them to offer subtle funding in the event of war, but only to directly intervene if they felt the DRotP was both in danger of collapse and the Imperium as a whole unlikely to intervene.

"]"Certainly I would desire the portions of the collective territory closest to my own. Perhaps with a buffer house in their outermost cluster to ward off the Infinite Republic."

She taps on her holocom examining figure, "You can certainly contact the House of Steel. Though I fear they will not be cheap. And as for a crusade," She pauses, "Well a crusade would be impossible against the collective alone. Our peers are too complacent and the collective has existed for too long for them to consider it an existential threat."

"You would have to spark their hunger for glory and conquest. And for that you would need a bigger prize. We would need to target the Infinite Republic itself. No small feat, but the Imperium has not seriously attempted to conquer them for four centuries, three if you count the Dardale war. It would certainly be a feat, but perhaps possible if we could rally enough support."

"And even if we fail in the grand crusade we will certainly be able to sweep up the collective on the way through."

2019-05-28, 10:43 PM
House Gilkara

"Duke Torbin?" The words drew him back into his tired bones. Weeks into his new schedule, and still, he found himself tired in the last hours of the day.

"Yes?" His words no longer reflected his tired disposition. He looked up in time to see the docking station rise to meet the ships landing devices. Water surrounded everything out here.

Torbin's knees pushed him up and he slapped the control to open the exit door. He was out and into the stormy weather before the ship had shut down.

"Duke, we don't have to rush!" The woman was having trouble keeping her poncho with the pace she was moving.

At the door to the small building, the rain was stopped by the metal overhang. "We don't really have to be here at all, do we?" Another cousin was asking for a lot of resources for this backwater depot. One of Torbin's duties was to inspect all requests. The better he learned to perform his job, the less he knew what it was he was doing.

The door opened quietly during their discussion. Three men and four women greeted him. The men and three of the women wore plain white chemical suits, the other women, another cousin dressed more similar to him. "Welcome!" They yelled in unison.

His cousin looked up from her tablet and smiled and slow, genuine smile. "You look good Torbin."

His hand reached back to stop his advisor before she scorned his cousin for the lack of a title in her address. He returned the smile, his vision narrowed as his eyes squinted. "Thank you, cousin. I'm interested to see what the University thinks is so important."

Her smile faded, but her face remained gentle and it turned back down to her holopad. "Certainly, we have much to discuss. Welcome to…"

"Earl Duri Domingo,

I reach out to you in these troubling times. With war tearing apart the inner of the Empire, I extend protection to you and any counts underneath you. Feel free to reach out to the Gilkara family with your concerns.

Peace to you Earl Domingo,

Torbin Gilkara."

"Grandmother Lehel,

Greetings, I, Torbin Gilkara, wish you pleasant times. Our houses are close in proximity and I hope that we can grow closer as well. In these turbulent times, we must look to bring stability where we can.

Our ear is open to your Noble house,

Torbin Gilkara."

2019-05-29, 03:39 AM

Rectification from the Grand Administrator. The warp gate between Champseau and Gade is at Risk Category 1 instead of Risk Category 0.

Enigma 7

Dear Shadda Cabal,

I have to admit I have not heard of the Light of Alu, the effervescent Citadel or the Journey of a Thousand Voices. Could you tell me more about those?

Yours sincerely,
Duke Nabuna Zaqaru
Dear Duke Stephano Sansone,

I will oblige with your preference for white peace and full cost over defeat and half cost.

Considering your presented candidates for Duke of Birqu, I have to ask why do you think I would find your son Giovanni an acceptable candidate?
Tell me more about Count Menard Lacross and his title as Lord of the Outer Gates. Is that referring to the titles at the borders of the Empire? Does that mean he is Count of Ramaga (OOC: system 15, -5)?
I would also like to know in which system of Birqu it is that Countess Katherine Openstein rules her colony.

Regarding your request of cross verification, I'm averse to share more than the following trade details of a customer without their permission. I feel I'm already skirting the line. It should be obvious that we're dealing with repairing two damaged warp gates. I also announced the repairs so far took the effort of the Duchy of Lyrae scientists, who are specialised in dealing with warp gates. Even you can guess that given the effort put in to disrupt the warp gates, it took them their full research capacity, which matches, or at least matched, your capacity. Zaqaru made an offer with a value of [7 Trade] and the mentioned trade partner loss.

My Grand Administrator recently informed me the warp gate between Champseau and Gade is still at Risk Category 1, so those repairs still need to be made to reduce it to Risk Category 0. I know you're willing to make repairs, but Zaqaru intelligence indicates you wanted access to the warp gates for information on emissions to advance your studies in the past, which makes me wary, to say the least.

I suspect the effort will take [2 Universities]. I'd prefer to use their effort elsewhere and arrange another faction for the repairs, unless you make a solid argument on how giving access would benefit Zaqaru.

With regards to the records of the Birqu territories, I wish to know to what extent of information you are exactly offering. We both know Zaqaru managed to disrupt seven colonies for several years, for which I'm offering to the future House Birqu what Zaqaru gained. I do not see what further records would add to the verification, unless you find the offer insufficient. Feel free to share the information to back up a higher claim, or make a negotiation offer.

I previously offered my terms for reparations, to which I add [2 Universities]. I now wish to know your offer.

The non-aggression pact proposition looks good.

Yours sincerely,
Duke Nabuna Zaqaru

2019-05-29, 02:10 PM
House Greenflame

Enigma 4

Arda Saquar checked his charts again, frustrated that he could not test his theories. Before him, the sprawling yard of the Fletcher's Garden Space Elevator bustled with moving vehicles and freight trains. All around, military hardware and supply was being shunted up to space in a steady stream, the missile compliment for the Clash of Wills alone was enough to occupy half a dozen runway trucks, enough explosive power to turn the province of Quirion into a smoking crater.

With the sheer industrial base required to maintain the Haytham fleet there wasn't much left in the budget for Planets like Fletcher's Garden. Though whoever named the planet was perhaps over selling its lushness, the planet still boasted millions of hectares of land suitable for cultivation and settlement, and the atmosphere, while low on oxygen, was still breathable so long as you did not climb any mountains. But to maintain the fleets the cities were centered around foundry districts and military labs, rather than universities and gardens.

Arda thought with some bitterness at how this need reflected into the culture of the Greenflame Worlds, especially for the lower classes. While the lesser noble families sworn to house Saquar and its tributaries could afford to put their children through SamU or Bellephron, most citizens of the rim had only one good option for higher education: military scholarship. The system meant that the Greenflame Worlds had a comfortable middle class of veterans, but after generations of families going to war, militarism had seeped into the culture.

Arda looked back to his charts, nearly forty years out of date. The fruits of the Voyage of the Shaitan, one of the first voyages through a natural wormhole, and the first scientific voyage that Farid had ever captained, cut tragically short by the unexpected death of Viah Saquar. They were forced to return, Farid ascending to the throne of the Grand Marquis, and Arda returning to Bellephron Military Academy to finish his studies. Though they both vowed to one day finish the expedition, with the throes of Dukedom, peace talks, and the death of the Emperor they had been unable to return.


House Gilkara
Lord Torbin,

I think I may have ended my message in some haste, when perhaps I could have invited you into a research agreement I am hoping to create for the next few years, and potentially greater trade relations after that. We will be studying commerce archives in detail, and using the knowledge to grow our economies together. If you are interested please attend us at Lady Izabella Vastadd’s Capital.

Duke Farid Saquar,
Master of the Grand Marquis


House Mertens
Lord Mertens,
Indeed i fear you are right. Well thank you for speaking with my house, our correspondence has been enlightening and a pleasure. I will set about preparing the archives for study.

House Vastadd
“Hmm, perhaps rather too mad a plan, at least for now. I believe we should begin by curtailing their expansion, offering guarantees to the earl of (-08, 01) in exchange for fealty to you, and perhaps to the Earls of (-07, 01) and (-07, 02) as well if your administrators can handle the load, and announcing our alliance publically. That contains them for now and puts little pressure on the Infinite Republic to intervene until we can either find more allies or sever the ties between the republics.”
Farid nods in satisfaction, pausing to see if Izabella agrees before continuing further.

“With regards to our research agreement and trade relations one of my advisors has an alternate idea, that could lead to much greater gain in the long term, and potentially secure much stability for our alliance. I’ll of course contact the house of steel, but why stop there? If we bring in one or two more and research separately at first, and gradually intertwine our research more an more, we could be looking at a hundred years of research completed in twenty-five, and for a fraction of the cost. Effectively we each research a separate topic first, then teach that to another member, then both teach to a third, all the while receiving tutoring from other members, efficiently passing in a circle…”
Farid smiles with a hint of greed.
“Diminishing costs with steady returns, I feel we are researching commerce already. In twenty years, with five members… I think you see where I am going with this. House of Steel, the new Gilkara, Tehrani, and perhaps Startosa? That is who I will ask now, please let me know if you have further suggestions.”

House of Steel
Greetings Warrior House,
After our dealings a few years ago it struck me that more cooperation between our houses could be beneficial. I am looking to create a research agreement for the next few years. We will be studying commerce in depth and translating that knowledge into more profits between our houses. Would you be interested in participating? Given the recent tensions in Whitewyne, and considering our past dealings, we may also be interested in hiring your services in the coming years. If you are interested please attend us at Lady Izabella Vastadd’s Capital in Whitewyne.

Duke Farid Saquar
Master of the Grand Marquis

House Tehrani
Grand Chaplain,
I pray this message finds you in good health, it has been many years since we have last met. I know that your house has always been wise to the sciences and I think you might find interest in a research agreement myself and Lady Izabella Vastadd are building. We are looking to study commerce archives in depth over the next few years and using the knowledge gained to increase trade and resources between our houses.

If you are interested please attend our meeting at Lady Izabella Vastadd’s capital in Whitewyne.

Duke Farid Saquar
Master of the Grand Marquis

House Startosa
[Lord/Lady] Startosa
Thank you for attending the Sashaw, it is always a pleasure to see your ships in action. Given that your house is famous for its prototypes and commodities, I think you may be interested in a research agreement I am building with Lady Izabella Vastadd and perhaps a few others. We are looking to study commerce archives in depth and use the knowledge gained to increase trade and profit between our houses. If you are interested please attend our meeting at Lady Izabella Vastadd’s Capital in Whitewyne.

Duke Farid Saquar
Master of the Grand Marquis

2019-05-29, 02:16 PM
Exiles' Consortium

Enigma 5

The Exiles' Consortium is happy to boast that it has the House of Steel as neighbors. We look forward to fostering a mutually beneficial relationship. To that end, your ships are free to travel through Exile systems. Furthermore, we are also curious if the House of Steel has need of anything, and of course, what sorts of services the House of Steel might offer.

Your friend,

The Exiles' Consortium is greatly pleased that it is a neighbor of Tatarus. We hope to foster a mutually beneficial relationship with you, especially given that we both lack any sort of title. Your ships are more than welcome in Exile space. We are also curious if the people of Tatarus have need of anything, particularly in matters of trade or information. The Consortium would be more than happy to help in these matters.

Your friend,

The Exiles' Consortium is open for business. If the Collective has need of anything, the Exiles would be more than happy to assist, especially for another titleless faction.

Your friend,

The Exiles' Consortium is open for business. If House Greenflame has need of anything, the Consortium would be more than happy to assist, especially for such a distinguished faction.

Your friend,

The Exiles' Consortium is open for business. If House Vastadd has need of anything, the Consortium would be more than happy to assist and expand our mutual trade horizons.

Your friend,

The Exiles' Consortium is open for business. If House Mertens has need of anything, the Exiles would be more than happy to assist our Imperial neighbors.

Your friend,

The Exiles are more than happy to share a border with House Starosta, and we hope to foster a friendly and mutually beneficial relationship. To that end, Starosta ships are welcome in Exile space.
Please, do not hesitate to ask if your great house has need of anything at all.

Your friend,

The Exiles' Consortium is open for business. If House Gilkara has need of anything, the Exiles would be more than happy to assist, especially for a family in Imperial space.

Your friend,

2019-05-29, 07:48 PM
House Gilkara

Torbin picked the message up and read it for the fifth time. "Either way, we wouldn't be doing it alone."

Belbryn looked up from her holopad and her confusion twisted onto her face. "Of course not. It's not even in their territory. A shame, I'd love to see the Greenflame Academies. I'll get a council to watch over while I'm gone."

Torbin's eyes shut and he looked away. He hated to destroy her excitement. "No."

"What?" Her voice trembled.

"There is too much to do here. We might shift direction, but there is too much going on for you to be absent." He turned his face back to hers.

He didn't get to ponder her reaction long as she lashed out with calm, collected words. "There is no reason that the council couldn't run this. You have other ideas, don't you? You are just being greedy." Her eyes again went towards her holopad. "You better think twice if you're just pining after Dutchess Izabela."

Belbryn turned and walked out of her office; Torbin read the other message. "Either way, we wouldn't be doing it alone."

"Duke Farid,
A research agreement would be beneficial to our country. We are grateful that you looked to us in this arrangement. Perhaps we could discuss your ships as well. I look forward to our discussions in person.

Torbin Gilkara”

"Dutchess Izabela Vastadd, I have received a message from house Greenflame that a research council will be held on your home world. Please confirm that this is true, and that we are welcome by you to come. It will be a pleasure to meet you.

Torbin Gilkara"

The command room onboard The Fallacy

Anoa walked through the sliding doors. Two advisors followed her, and they were all in turn followed by soldiers not armed but tacticians. Torbin hadn't seen her much after their first few weeks together. She was straightforward and calculating. She understood what made people tick. She was already bolstering the Navy, because Torbin had found it impossible to find a flaw in the ease and need of her request for more ships.

She winked at Torbin as she threw up her salute. He smiled and saluted back. "Glordek, put that thing down. Anoa is here."

Glordek half saluted, but kept his head over his holopad. "You called me here and I came, but I'm trying to do in ten years what it took the philosophers a hundred. So talk away, besides the advisors will be on my ass about anything important."

"Bolkas, if you please." Torbin introduced the third man at the table.

Bolkas was well dressed and fashionable. He looked like a civilian, just an everyday kind of *******. He prided himself in being someone that people hated, but couldn't find an excuse to get away from. "The big O contacted us, and some others probably. A lot of signals coming out of there lately."

Anoa grunted, "The big O." She mocked with finger quotes.

"He's referring to the Outsider." The advisor spoke up quickly. Torbin's tongue strained against the roof of his mouth as he tried not to laugh. He tuned out the next few words and kept his composure.

"The forgotten exile, they call him." Bolkas was ever complementing.

Glordek fired back, "The noble exile more like. I see he waited until the Emperor wasn't a problem to come out."

"Don't look a gift horse in glass houses." Bolkas was enjoying himself.

Torbin spoke and the others listened. "See if you can get him here. Anoa, Bolkas, see if he is interested in our plans. Glordek, make sure it's a profitable venture, for both of us if possible. The Outsider would be an enemy of reversing screws and invisible locks. I'd rather we could talk things out. Play nice with each other."


I am pleased to hear that you are operating. We have interest of some of your agents. Please, come speak in person.

Torbin Gilkara."

2019-05-29, 11:52 PM
House Gilkara
"]Your Grace,

Fortunately my system is a peaceful one. Though I do thank you for the offer.

Earl Duri Domingo

"]Duke Torbin Gilkara,

It is true and your envoys are welcome to join us in my court.

Duchess Izabella Vastadd

The Zaqaru Dynasty
"]Not unless you agree to become an initiate of the Wandering Path.

"]Duke Nabuna Zaqaru,

My son has been taught to be leader all his life and has amply proved his skill in both commanding fleets as well managing the logistics of a colony. He would make an excellent Duke. Count Lacross is in charge of our Screaming Vortex Bastion. He has served in that post admirably and is due a just reward off of the front lines with the demons. Countess Openstein oversees her Marche from Deset.

And we know full well that you are selling your equipment at vast mark ups. We are only willing to pay what it actually cost you to repair the gate. Not what you were able to profit off of another House.

We are making a good faith offer to repair the gates just as we did in the past few years. We meant it then and we mean it now. We are willing to accept your distrust when we were actively at war, but if you refuse our offer to repair the Champseau gate then we see no need for further reparations there.

Your raids on Birqu decimated the Ironhide shipyards, the Bilka and Klain sensor stations, Countess Openstein's estates, the University of Erech, the Ramdal Institute, and the manufacturies on Ukish prime. We are willing to accept the Ironhide, Bilka, and Klain strikes as legitimate acts of war, even though you clearly were raiding blind. But the civilians in Birqu who were attacked must be compensated.

Duke Stephano Sansone

House Greenflame
Isabella looks skeptical, "And then we have five noble houses who all have these records. And from there who knows where it would spread. The benefits for us would be greatly diminished if the techniques we develop become common knowledge throughout the Imperium"

"]Duke Saquar,

Although the House of Steel are merchants of a sort what we sell is our strength of arms not trade goods. We don't see much use for us in such a pact. Though we would of course be willing to discuss hiring terms. We will send an envoy to discuss such things.

"]Duke Saquar,

Although we won't deny there is information to be gained through commerce our aims lie in more esoteric matters than the practicalities of commerce. We would be happy to discuss [Technology] or [Outer Expanse] research however.

"]Duke Saquar,

An interesting proposition. I will attend your meeting to discuss the particulars.

Duches Maldeen Starosta

Exiles' Consortium
"]Why we offer the services of our fleets for all your warfare needs. In both offense and defense the Steel Armada can fulfill your agenda.

There are things we could help each other with, but they are perhaps best discussed over more secure channels.

"]Would you be interested in a deal to establish trade hubs through your space?

2019-05-30, 06:34 AM

Enigma 7

Dear Shada Cabal,

What does it mean to become an initiate of the Wandering Path?

Yours sincerely,
Duke Nabuna Zaqaru
Dear Duke Stephano Sansone,

I do not doubt your son's capabilities. Yet I do not seek to a House Sansone with two Dukes, which you know full well. You limit my choice to two by putting him forth. Present another candidate.

What metaphorical demons is Count Menard Lacross facing while in charge of the Screaming Vortex Bastion? An intimidating name for a place, but it's only a name to me, I am unfamiliar with its challenges or of it lies in Kara or Birqu star cluster. Please elaborate why he is due for his just reward. Please verify if that makes the full address Menard Lacross, Count of the Screaming Vortex Bastion.

As it is only right to know the full title of your candidates, I would like to know whether the following full address is correct: Katherine Openstein, Countess of Deset.

It is not a big secret Zaqaru has been selling equipment. Even as we hold different opinions, I will respect your opinion, where you disagree with the markups, and I will allow an offer to cover for the costs instead. Deliver 20 shipments of fleet or agency equipment from your own currents stocks or purchase them for immediate delivery from another seller.
Instead of an agreement to make a purchase in five and ten years, to cover the lost trading partner, you may choose to deliver 2 shipments of equipment of any type.

Regarding the repair of the Champseau - Gade warp gate, I have expressed my worries regarding the good faith of your offer. Before I accept the offer, address and alleviate my concerns with regards to your interest in the emissions of the warp gate. I will not tolerate ignoring these reparations.

Given the information you divulged with regards to the damages in Birqu, I will increase compensation to match. I offer [4 Trade] in compensation to the future Duke of Birqu after installment.

Yours sincerely,
Duke Nabuna Zaqaru

2019-05-30, 06:40 AM
The loss of ALL the races for Tatarus had been a great blow to the grand courtesan and its said she locked herself in one of her pleasure palaces for a week leaving her advisors to manage the house in her stead. It was a rather piteous display all things considered but when she emerged she appeared back to normal.

Enigma 5

The small transport ship landed on house of steel territory and emerging from its heart was a stunning being in black and silver robes. Half her face was covered by a mask which seemed designed perfectly to match her face. In fact it clung to it without anything appearing to hold it on and moved when she spoke. It was a beautiful little piece of technological waste. She traveled into the heart of steel to where whatever leadership was waiting and she announced herself curtseying low. "I am of the official representative of the high courtesan she sends her love and devotion to the house of steel."

She found this facility incredibly utilitarian, hard on the eyes of one who knows only beautiful things. "I will get straight to the point. We believe multiple counts are rallying together to stop us from being able to keep any sort of peace in this region of space. They look down upon us for not having royal title and since our two collectives hold more power than any other in this region of space we felt it was pertinent to look to you the foremost military power and search for your means to an end. Do you intend to do what you always have or do you want to help save an empire now cracked and ready to shatter because of the greed of two siblings both unworthy of a throne?"

The hologram nods. "You misunderstand I would NEVER promote some sort of actionable violence against house steel. They are beloved neighbors, and old friends. What I am saying is I know certain earls are organizing I presumed it must be due to the massive military force on their border that is house steel and I want you to know I want to keep every region safe. I doubt anyone would be stupid enough to start a war with them. I just want mutual defense should they decide they want to expand. You're correct though their military might is unquestionable and their capabilities are magnificent. I cannot blame you for being frightened."

"You got us into that gala my lord that is payment enough. We would never demand more after such kindness. Again those military blueprints will be paid for in kind the moment our shipments come in and the treasury fills with spending money once more." She said delighted.

"Honestly they are a bizarre lot, their desire to purge the empire of what makes it great is alien to me. It is an ideal I do not support and so our exchanges were basically designed for mutual self assurance nothing more. They did not want me to meddle in their affairs and they would not burn my pleasure palaces to the ground. They intend to strip us of our fineries rape our courtesans and return us to humble citizens. They have only arisen because finally no emperor sits on the throne. They are vultures trying to feast on a corpse not yet dead."

The response from House Tatarus isn't exactly swift. The revelries and internal dance of pleasure and power within the hallowed halls of House Tatarus are a dangerous thing but inevitably the response comes in the form of a holodisk which contains the image of the courtesan wearing nothing but aphrodisiac paint and a smile. "Oh my most beloved duke if you wish to learn our ways we are grateful to teach. We will send out a bevy of our finest courtesans immediately. Both men and women will teach your court the will and the way of political life within our magnificent empire."

The holodeck pulls up the stunning being known as the high courtesan Mira she wears a stunning pant suit with a plunging neckline which shows off the vivacious colors of her aphrodisiac paint. "You have taken the place of the bankers have you not? I am impressed you could usurp their house. If you hold their wealth and are interested in financial exchanges I was interested in opening a casino, a floating starship casino, lavish and quick to return the investment as it were. I want it to be THE go to place in the galaxy and in fact I was hoping to get a permit to establish it in the very heart of the galaxy, perhaps dedicating an entire colonies worth of resources to its construction. Which of course meant it needed to not be in our corner of the galaxy. If you're interested in such affairs I would be happy to discuss income distribution and financial backing."

2019-05-30, 12:23 PM
House Greenflame

Enigma 4

The Trade and Research Agreement Meeting
[Current Members: House Greenflame, House Vastadd, House Gilkara, House Startosa]
While Farid cedes the floor for the initial welcome to the Vastadd hosts, he moves to business quickly. [OOC: Apologies to Vastadd, but hopefully we can get this tied up by EoT]
“Thanks you both for joining us, we have gathered here to discuss a research agreement between our factions, the focus of which will be Commerce Archives.”
Farid motions to a projection of budget requirements and and expected returns, scrolling through them with swipes of his hand.
“Initially the plan is to devote portions of our Houses research budgets to developing separate archives, and then sharing them with the other members of the research agreement. Archives are of course, no small cost to develop, but as the years go on, we will be able to increasingly share the archives among the members, leading to less development required for similar benefits.”
The projection stops on a projected budget map spanning twenty years.
“The first five years will be the most costly, each member will be expected to contribute [5 university] to develop an independent archive, and each of the members will need to explicitly define what area they will be developing to avoid overlap. Afterwards, the archive sharing can begin. Simply put, each member will ‘pass left’ the archive they developed, all the while developing the archive that is passed to them by another member. I expect this to cost [4 university], and during the following five year period, with two members passing each archive [3 university], then finally [two]. This saves a total of about [6 university], though remains a large investment in time and resources.”
Farid swaps to another screen of predicted outcomes and gains.
“Given what is theorized about truly high levels of Commerce Archives, we will surely be able to use the information gained to trade more efficiently between our Houses, and perhaps even learn a few other key tricks which could help us with other matters. Additionally, the increased efficiency in our wider trade relations will likely generate income with little effort from our actual administrations.”
Farid holds up a hand.
“It is not so simple however, if these archives spread to far, the information will devalue considerably. As such I would like to both a personal stake [prestige investment] to the agreement, as well as an agreement between all members that the archives will not be shared outside this group. I should also like to add a clause that additional members may be invited with the consent of ALL members only.”
Farid looks to lady Izabella, awaiting her approval for the clause.
“Please, ask any questions you may have, and if you have a recommendation for the Name of this agreement, feel free to propose them. TRA is a rather boring abbreviation.”


Exiles' Consortium
Sir or Madame,
I hope you will forgive my surprise to see your message, though you honor me and my house with your compliments. I did not know the Lords Xinclair well, but it was not long before their collapse that I had inquired after a loan. Tell me, what do you hope I might ask of you? I know little of your house and history, so I find myself reading between the lines of your message from personal bias. The fault there lies with me however, I am sure there are many ways we could assist each other. What does your house seek from our potential dealings?

Duke Farid Saquar
Master of the Grand Marquis

High Courtesan,
A shame, though perhaps an understandable one. In the time since our last communication a few things have changed, but your council is still much appreciated. Please feel free to call on me if you wish to speak further.


House Tehrani
Lord Chaplain,
A fair assessment, if our project moves to topics more relevant to your House I will reach out again. Peace be with you.

Duke Farid Saquar
Master of the Grand Marquis

House Of Steel
Very well, if you are not interested in our research dealings I of course understand, though it leaves an envoy largely unnecessary. Pray tell, do you have set prices for your naval services or is it on a case by case basis?

Duke Farid Saquar
Master of the Grand Marquis

House Vastadd
“Hah, fair point.”
Farid’s greedy smile becomes rather rueful, but he holds his ground.
“Well it seems that only two others answered the call anyway. Perhaps we can discuss a clause where the archives cannot be shared outside the agreement without approval from the rest of the agreement. It seems to me like the benefits outweigh the drawbacks so long as we do not draw in too many.”

2019-05-30, 12:30 PM
Enigma 5
Certainly. Send an envoy and we may discuss matters further.
Interesting. And if my agenda required... discretion, I trust that you maintain the highest levels of professional confidentiality, yes?
Indeed. I would allow up to five of my systems to hold Mertens trade hubs, though in return, I would also like to build an equal number of trade hubs in Mertens systems.

And, if you are interested in furthering this economic relationship, a commercial research agreement seems mutually advantageous, yes?
Gilkara]Curious. You seem interested in my services, and yet you request my appearance in your court. How very... noble of you.

My time is currently stretched very thin, so if this is for simple contract work, I will send an appropriate liaison in my stead. It will be safe enough to message them, as long as you can guarentee the security of your systems.
Appearing on the holodeck is a masked person, garbed in a long, heavy coat, and gloved, none of their flesh revealed. Their voice, modulated by the mask, replies.
"Intruiging. Yes, the Xinclair family has been... integrated into the Consortium. There remains a transition period, but we should be able to provide whatever you require. Tell me more about the distribution and financing of the project.
Although... I am willing to put the idea of a mobile casino on the table if there is proper compensation."
There is nothing to forgive, Duke; the Consortium is a fairly new presence in the Imperium, afterall. You are free to make any request of us, though we specialize in matters of commerce and information. For now, we simply seek to network, to become more familiar with the Imperium's movers and shakers. We do not work for free, of course, and units of trade, prestige, or research are always welcome.

2019-05-31, 08:51 AM
Vastadd Capital

Torbin tapped notes into his holopad as Farid explains the details of the plan. Sierra Charlie. It looked like a good plan. This was something that would be beneficial to anyone in the agreement. That wouldn't do. He looked over his projections and scanned for something that might help him. There weren't a lot of people here, but Torbin wasn't particular to the idea of sharing. With the required diversion from University plans, he wanted to secure the most profit. He wanted to protect that profit.

Torbin waited until Farid was done and let the silence drift across the room. He spoke with a firm voice. "This is indeed an interesting strategy Duke Farid. I don't know whether it's greed or optimism that drives you, but I for one am pleased by it. Filo will prefer a more aggressive measure for this council, however. With a larger upfront investment [10 university] we believe that the overall benefit would be greater, moving the exponential curve further to the left for each group. With this kind of investment…" Torbin looks to each member before continuing. "We don't need as many people."

He tried to sound reassuring, "I would of course be willing to match any personal stake [prestige investment] and be willing to offer to buy out the other member [offering 2 trade] so they feel that they haven't wasted time." There it was, the layout.

"Now, if this is not possible, I understand. This would be a sacrifice to some of my other areas as well. And more people would displace the burden. My fear is not what happens within the next 20 years, but the next 50. Duchess Vastadd, Duke Starosta, we both share neighbors. What happens if war spreads to us and we need an ally. Our allies are each other's potential rivals as well. Please do not take my suggestions as attacks. What say you all?"

"We hastily must withdraw our invitation. The Laramy civil war has come close to our borders at this time and we cannot in good conscience advise you to come. We will send an envoy to you at the earliest signs of stability. We look forward to discussing opportunities of the future.

Admiral Anoa Gilkara

2019-05-31, 11:50 AM
House Greenflame

Enigma 4

Trade and Research Agreement Meeting
Farid's brow furrowed somewhat at the Gilkara proposal, but he listened politely to the end.
"I of course cannot speak for the other members of this meeting, Lord Tobrin, but such an expenditure is rather more than I am comfortable committing to. There are border concerns here in Whitewyne, both the Freehold and the Peoples Republic represent a threat no just to my house, but to the stability of the Empire itself. My scientist must be available to keep up with the latest military designs and prototypes, it is simply my houses duty. Would perhaps instead a potential extension to the agreement be suitable?"

The Exiles Consortium
Lord Exile,
Well consider my house networked then. In the coming years if you remain interested I will likely have some possibilities for trade between our nations, alas my current resources are largely committed for the next few years. The Peoples republic have been aggressively expanding and chopping off noble heads, and my first concern must be ensuring mine and my peers stay attached at the neck.

Also, for our future communications what might I name you as sir? I’m afraid I’m slightly old fashion and simple ‘O’ sends my editor into a frothing fit of frustration.

Duke Farid Saquar
Master of the Grand Marquis

2019-05-31, 03:09 PM
Zaqaru Council


Grand Diplomat Namzara Zaqaru
Age: 41


Grand Admiral Elos Roshami
Age: 67


Grand Agent Ayallal Attar
Age: 69


Grand Scientist Caksya Gupta
Age: 54


Grand Administrator Yaadus Emit
Age: 54

Enigma 7

Dear Duke Stephano Sansone,

I await your response.

Yours sincerely,
Duke Nabuna Zaqaru

2019-05-31, 11:55 PM
"]Duchess Izabella nods, "I propose [10 Prestige] per archive copied. Enough for a good stake, but not an outrageous one."

Duchess Starosta nods, "Buying out a participant is one thought, but who here is willing to be bought out. The benefits of four archives at an accelerated price will surely out weigh [2 Trade]. My own analysts have been considering the economics of scale and specialization."

The Zaqaru Dynasty
"]You would need to give up your terrestrial anchors and journey through the stellar reaches with us.

]Duke Nabuna Zaqaru

And you limit my choice by pursuing war. But a choice is a choice whether you are willing to take it or not. If you choose to pass over my son that is your choice, and one I will honor as part of this peace treaty, but I am under no obligation to give you a fourth option.

The demons of the Howling Vortex are as metaphorical as you Duke Zaqaru. Count Lacross has stood with the Order of Maphine for twenty years to keep them at bay. It lies in neither cluster, but a place far off the beaten path. I will give you the coordinates if you wish. All our welcome to aid the Order of Maphine in the sacred duty.

Count Menard Lacross of the Grey Order is his full title. Countess Katherine Openstein, Earl of Deset, Warden of the Birqu Marche is her proper title.

As it happens my scientists have just developed a revolutionary new shield system. I am willing to offer it to your fleet as reparations. I have little interest in the emissions of the Champseau gate. My scientists have completed their efforts into warp studies.

Your reparations are acceptable.

Duke Stephano Sansone

]You are trying to appeal to the nobility of mercenaries grand courtesan. Of course we plan to do what we have always done. Civil wars are profitable business.

]Your analysis is apparently missing information. The earls aren't unifying in fear of the House of Steel, but because of you. You have managed to offend the sensibilities of many of my peers and they are planning to bring some noble power to this sector.

House Greenflame
For a simple escort mission where only light conflict is expected we would charge [0.5 Trade per 1 Fleet]. For a more involved mission where battle is certain charge[ 1 Trade per 1 Fleet]. If you want our forces to take the brunt of a massed battle for you, then we would expect at least [2 Trade per Fleet]

Specifics are open for negotiation.

Exiles' Consortium
The first thing we require is counter espionage age. Our grand armada is being rapidly expanded, but we require additional intelligence operatives to keep it safe.

That would be a zero sum trade. We can build our own trade hubs and so can you. What we are willing to do is offer you rent instead. Fifty percent of the profits for twenty years.

2019-06-01, 08:52 AM

Enigma 7

Dear Shadda Cabal,

Unfortunately I am unwilling to commit to such an abandonment at this time. However, I thank you for making me aware of the opportunity to become an initiate of the Wandering Path and who knows what time may bring.

Yours sincerely,
Duke Nabuna Zaqaru

Dear Duke Stephano Sansone,

I still consider the choice offered disgraceful, but I will not press the issue further.

The Screaming Vortex Bastion, if you say it lies off the beaten path, I wonder if it still lies within the Akkadu sector. Considering you are referring to them as demons, I believe it a fair assumption you are not referring to known dangers of the Outer Expanse. (OOC: The ones mentioned in the background document.) Have you come across a new faction which is hostile to you, or perhaps even the Empire?

Duke Stephano Sansone, you speak of demons, Howling Vortex, Grey Order, Order of Maphine and their sacred duty. They are unknown to me and I am starting to wonder what kind of threat and defense you are talking about here. I would like to request additional detail on what is being fought and whether it is reason for concern to the Akkadu Sector.

Shipments of a new shield system are satisfactory as reparations. If you have already completed your warp studies, I see little reason for further concern with regards to the emissions. I accept you repairing the Champseau - Gade warp gate.

Allow me to sum up the conditions so far.

1. Zaqaru and House Sansone sign a white peace.

2. Zaqaru and House Sansone sign a non-aggression treaty for 20 years [Turn 3, 4, 5 and 6].

Additional conditions Non-Aggression Treaty between Zaqaru and House Sansone:

1. Both House Sansone and Zaqaru invest [2 prestige] upon signing in the non-aggression pact. This will be increased by both parties with:
- [Turn 4]: [18 prestige]
- [Turn 5]: [10 prestige]
- [Turn 6]: [10 prestige]

2. House Sansone creates the title Duke of Birqu within 5 years [Turn 3] and awards it to the candidate to be selected by Zaqaru.

3. House Sansone repairs the warp gate from Champseau to Gade to Risk Category 0 in [Turn 3] as reparation for damaging the warp gate.

4. House Sansone offers further reparations for the already repaired damage to the warp gates in Gade. House Sansone delivers 20 shipments of shields for use in [Turn 3] to Zaqaru. They either deliver 2 shipments of shields for use in [Turn 4] and 2 shipments for use in [Turn 5], or make a purchase from Zaqaru in instead of a making delivery.

5. Zaqaru offers [4 Trade] to the new Duke of Birqu for use in [Turn 4] in reparations for earlier damages done.

Please verify whether this is a correct summation of the conditions agreed so far.

Yours sincerely,
Duke Nabuna Zaqaru

2019-06-01, 11:33 AM
The Vastadd Capital

Torbin leaned back in his chair. No one took the bait. Fine, he hadn't expected them to be easy. With Greenflame's statement about resources stretched thin, Torbin remembered his own resources. It felt like ten strings pulling him every way. "I am pleased to see that no one would leave the arrangement for so paltry a price."

Torbin turned toward Dutchess Vastadd, " I believe that I can match your price, Dutchess, [10 prestige] per archive copied, and that should run a cycle with each of us copying and paying each other."

Torbin read off his holopad as he spoke. "With this investment, I would be willing to double down and provide two archives. We have set up for Commerce: Logistics, and we feel that Commerce: Supply Chains, will follow that nicely." He returned his gaze to his companions and smiled.

"I've been advised that Filo would like to reconvene in ten to fifteen years and discuss further research together. So, if my propositions don't conflict with yours, my scientists eagerly await your scientists."

2019-06-01, 01:50 PM
Enigma 5
The Exiles' perfectly understand the changing tides of opportunity.

We await your envoy's arrival sometime in the future.

Duke Farid,

My ears are always open to new potential trading partners, establishing trade hubs, and commercial expansion. While I am disappointed that I must await your envoy in the coming years, keeping one's head upon their shoulders is certainly of the utmost importance.

This arrangement is agreeable, though I have two stipulations:
1. That the duration of tribute begins and ends with the construction of each individual hub.
2. That we will renegotiate the rental amount after each such 20 year iteration.

"]You wish for me to keep agents near your fleet to prevent sabotage, then. Or perhaps a distraction to draw enemy agents away? Do you know which faction or factions send their agents? How many of my agents do you seek to utilize?

And most importantly... What can you offer me?

2019-06-01, 03:27 PM
We want to create a massive starbase designed around the glittering regalia of royal pageantry. We would split the costs evenly (3 trade each) as well as maintain equal military presence to ensure its safety. If you wish to speak of more specifics beyond that I think in the next few months we should agree to have our ambassadors meet and hash out the details. What is most important is that this become an economic hub for all of the inner systems. That this is THE go to place to spend hard earned energy credits. I want so much wealth moving through it that it makes us as rich as emperors.

2019-06-01, 04:27 PM
House Greenflame

Enigma 4

Farid paced across the board room of the Measured Response, the wide room decorated with murals of a stylized star map of the Imperium. New players in the field, the emperor’s hidden will, old players going silent as they no doubt geared up for war, it was a lot to think about. The latest missive lay at the head of the table, answering some questions, but leaving others shrouded. The ‘Outsider’ did not seem keen on revealing their identity, and Farid hoped he had not caused offence for asking. The question that arose now however, was why? Why keep your identity so shrouded? As a noble, even a disgraced name could garner a great deal of power in the Imperium, and unless there was someone actively hunting them, why not embrace the old name and start taking the prestige it was owed? Certainly from the scant reports that had reached Greenflame space the Consortium had enough fleets and assets to back up any claim to a title they might choose.

It was troubling, especially since Arda’s original guess was beginning to seem less and less likely. The rise of the People in southern Whitewyne had seen plenty of noble houses executed man, woman, and child; but due to recent events Farid had agents crawling through the records of the nobles who had once ruled there, and so far no connection could be established, and few had escaped the massacre anyway.

Farid stode back to the missive, staring at it for a moment before waving to his assistant.
“Saleen, bring up the Laramy family tree again, it is at least worth another check…”

“I agree to the prestige cost, and thank you Lord Gilkara, I will endeavor to find the means to match your investment in the coming years, that we may all profit even more from this trade.”
Farid thinks for a moment, before continuing.
“Given my houses focus on starship manufacture, I would first think of Commerce: Tradeships, but with the esteemed House Starosta in this meeting I think I will instead begin with Commerce: Galactic Trade Routes.”

The Exiles’ Consortium
I had not yet read any reports that your house could set up Galactic Trade Hubs, please, feel free to set one up in Greenflame space should you have the resources. I will sort out the necessary paperwork, and perhaps in the coming years I might have my own people study its architecture and build one in your space in return. If that is of interest to you of course.

Duke Farid Saquar
Master of the Grand Marquis

2019-06-01, 05:36 PM
"]Duke Nabuna Zaqaru,

Such matters are moving from the topic at hand. If you truly wish to know more of the Howling Vortex then send a military envoy to the enclosed coordinates and be prepared to fight. [Attachment: Deep Space Coordinates]

I have some amendments to your proposed treaty. I do not think they will be disagreeable.

The Treaty of Gard
1. Zaqaru and House Sansone sign a white peace.
2. The Zaqaru Dynasty, House Sansone, and House Birqu sign a nonaggression treaty for 20 years [Turn 3, 4, 5 and 6].
3. Zaqaru and House Sansone will invest [2 prestige] in this treaty. House Birqu will invest [2 prestige] once it has been established.

Additionally each participant will invest on the following schedule.
- [Turn 4]: [18 prestige]
- [Turn 5]: [10 prestige]
- [Turn 6]: [10 prestige]

4. House Sansone creates the title Duke of Birqu within 5 years [Turn 3] and awards it to the candidate with the approval of the Zaqaru Dynasty.

5. House Sansone repairs the warp gate from Champseau to Gade as reparation for damaging the warp gate. Since there are no guarantees in science they will continue to repair it every year until it is evaluated as Risk Category 0.

4. House Sansone offers further reparations for the already repaired damage to the warp gates in Gade. House Sansone delivers 20 shipments of shields for use in [Turn 4] to Zaqaru. They either deliver 2 shipments of shields for use in [Turn 4] and 2 shipments for use in [Turn 5], or make a purchase from Zaqaru in instead of a making delivery.

5. The Zaqaru Dynasty offers [4 Trade] to the new Duke of Birqu for use in [Turn 4] in reparations for earlier damages done.

The Three Way Pact of Non Aggression
1. This pact will deem illegal all aggressive or hostile actions that includes but are not limited to raids, false flag operations, military invasions, sabotage, bribes, economic manipulation, and warp gate disruption.

2. In the event a member believes that the non aggression treaty has been violated they agree to attempt to resolve the matter before a neutral third party arbitrator before dissolving the treaty.

Duke Stephano Sansone

"]This agreement is acceptable.

"]We can offer trade or military protection. What are you looking for?

2019-06-01, 08:20 PM
Enigma 5
I find this arrangement to be most acceptable. I shall have a liaison meet with your ambassador for further discussion on this.

This seems to be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
Duke Farid,

I will have to take you up on this deal, though the construction of a trade hub may have to wait a while. As a newly recognized faction in the Imperium, my resources have all been devoted elsewhere for now.

"]Trade would be acceptable payment. How much protection do you need?

2019-06-02, 10:28 AM

Enigma 7

Dear Duke Stephano Sansone,

I will consider a military envoy for a later time, for obvious reasons.

From your presented candidates, I choose Count Menard Lacross of the Grey Order to be entitled Duke of Birqu and lead House Lacross to rule the Birqu Duchy.

I find your amendments agreeable and have adapted the treaty to take into account the chosen candidate, as well as made a small amendment of my own in exchange, which you should not find unreasonable.

All that remains is to sign the treaty. I will meet you in Gade.

Yours sincerely,
Duke Nabuna Zaqaru

The Treaty of Gade
1. Zaqaru and House Sansone sign a white peace.

2. The Zaqaru Dynasty, House Sansone, and House Lacross sign a nonaggression treaty for 20 years [Turn 3, 4, 5 and 6].

3. Zaqaru and House Sansone will invest [2 prestige] in this treaty. The Duke of Birqu will invest [2 prestige] once the Duchy has been established.

Additionally each participant will invest on the following schedule.
- [Turn 4]: [18 prestige]
- [Turn 5]: [10 prestige]
- [Turn 6]: [10 prestige]

4. House Sansone creates the title Duke of Birqu within 5 years [Turn 3], awarding it to Count Menard Lacross of the Grey Order.

5. House Sansone repairs the warp gate from Champseau to Gade as reparation for damaging the warp gate. Since there are no guarantees in science they will continue to repair it every year until it is evaluated as Risk Category 0.

6. House Sansone offers further reparations for the already repaired damage to the warp gates in Gade. House Sansone delivers 20 shipments of shields for use in [Turn 4] to Zaqaru. In addition, House Sansone fulfills one of three options:
- a. Make at least two purchases from Zaqaru in [Turn 4].
- b. Make 1 purchase form Zaqaru in [Turn 4] and deliver 2 shipments of shields for use in [Turn 4].
- c. Deliver 4 shipments of shields for use in [Turn 4].

7. The Zaqaru Dynasty offers [4 Trade] to House Lacross for use in [Turn 4] in reparations for earlier damages done in the Birqu star sector.

The Three Way Pact of Non Aggression
1. This pact will deem illegal all aggressive or hostile actions that includes but are not limited to raids, false flag operations, military invasions, sabotage, bribes, economic manipulation, and warp gate disruption.

2. In the event a member believes that the non aggression treaty has been violated they agree to attempt to resolve the matter before a neutral third party arbitrator before dissolving the treaty.
Dear Duke Torbin Gilkara,

Earlier we had contact where you offered to repair the warp gates for payment and I declined that specific offer as I thought the repairs to be finished. In the mean time an announcement has gone out correcting this state of affairs. You certainty made an offer which would help me in this regard. However, another opportunity presented itself to repair the gates which I have since taken. I offer my apologies for not contacting you earlier.

In our previous communication I offered an alternative goal for the scientific effort on your end. Given your lack of response, I take it the interest is not currently present. May the future bring new opportunities for collaboration. I wish you good luck in your reign over the Duchy of Filo.

Yours sincerely,
Duke Nabuna Zaqaru

2019-06-04, 10:07 AM
"Duke Nabuna,

We take no offense to how you repair your warp gates. It is the duty of Dukes to keep stability in our regions and warp gates, and we offered our help in good faith.

We have many endeavors that we hope to accomplish in the future. We are interested in your suggested scientific fields of study.

We look forward to opportunities to work together with you as well. Praises on you and your family.

Torbin Gilkara"

2019-06-10, 10:30 PM
Turn 4

Peace or the Calm Before the Storm
After fifteen years of war the fighting has slowed. The Zaqaru-Sansone and Berger-Voss wars have both ended in white peaces, and even the Lyria-Jinks war has come to a standstill if not an outright peace. The Laramy civil war still rages, but there are indicators that the two feuding siblings might be planning to direct their energies in more productive avenues.

The Cordoba Protectorate
The Democratic Collective of the People have extended their reach to the Rayview Sector where they have declared that the cluster of Cordoba is now a protectorate under their alliance. News from the region is sparse, but what accounts there are indicate that the Collective Grand Fleet toured the cluster even as mysterious infrastructure shutdowns plagued the earls until they all agreed to form a unified government and ask for the collective’s protection.

Many citizens throughout the Imperium are outraged by this aggressive move by Collective, but most of the Houses are silent on the matter. Analysts agree that this is most likely because most Houses are running out of expansion room and hope to set a precedent for more aggressive negotiations.

The Twin Houses
As part of the peace treaty with the Zaqaru dynasty House Sansone has split in half and assigned the cluster of Birqu to the new Duke Lacross. This has cemented the Dynasty’s position as the most powerful force in the sector, and many see it as a sign of legitimacy for their claims to kingship.

Stories have circulated of the ancient Akkadu monarchs. Legend has it that they ruled the sector from their fortress palace of Zanadu until a freak warp gate collapse cut Zanadu off from the rest of the sector. Rumors circulate of the lost palace with its immense treasure chambers and vast war fleets. Ready and waiting for any who would seek the throne to reclaim it.

Blunder in the Void
In possibly the most unlikely accident in recent times two House Arnos battleships have literally collided due to a mishap in their navigation sensors. Given the sheer vastness of space this is an astronomically unlikely event made even more burdensome by the fact that both battleships were the flagships of their respective fleets.

Overnight House Arnos has become a laughing stock with numerous joke variations and skits about everything from their stubbornness to the ineptitude of their pilots.

Rusting Steel
In a significantly less humorous accident the cruiser carrying Grand Admiral Shen of the House of Steel was lost when it experienced a reactor overload. This has led to the House of Steel halting all ongoing negotiations as they practice their traditional leadership selection process of successive war games until the best strategic mind is chosen as the new Grand Admiral.

2019-06-11, 07:32 AM

Duke Nabuna Zaqaru
hereby grants with due honour to

Robot Unicorn Princess Ninu Zaqaru

The esteemed noble title

Earl of Mithurtu

Open your eyes, I see
Your eyes are open
Wear no disguise for me
Come into the open

Hold onto the night
Hold back the tide
Make believe
And live in harmony! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CC_Y4zOUdcI)

http://u.cubeupload.com/Zweanslord/d2m0ix1f3f13fae60454.gif (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CC_Y4zOUdcI)

Mithurtu means Harmony



Duke Nabuna Zaqaru
Age: 53

Duchess Saundri Arnos
Age: 44

Sinma Zaqaru, 14-year old son.
Ilith Zaqaru, 13-year old daughter.

Zaqaru Council


Grand Diplomat Ninu Zaqaru
Robot Unicorn Princess
Earl of Mithurtu
Winner of the Tattooine Run
Age: 65

http://i68.tinypic.com/1trkw1.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CC_Y4zOUdcI)


Grand Admiral Elos Roshami
Age: 72


Grand Agent Ayallal Attar
Age: 74


Grand Scientist Caksya Gupta
Age: 59


Grand Administrator Yaadus Emit
Age: 59

Robot Unicorn Princess Ninu Zaqaru, Earl of Harmonia, Winner of the Tattooine Run, replaces Earl Namzara Zaqaru as Grand Diplomat.
No other changes in the Zaqaru Council.

Referencing Robot Unicorn Attack: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robot_Unicorn_Attack
Game link: https://unicorn.jocke.no/
Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CC_Y4zOUdcI
Female: https://www.zerochan.net/151384
Unicorn racing: https://www.deviantart.com/gokulover4ever/art/Robot-Unicorn-Attack-Stamp-157908421
Robot Unicorn: https://www.redbubble.com/people/sperraton/works/9845470-all-hail-the-robot-unicorn

Enigma: 7

Dear Lord Alexander Laramy,

With great pleasure I wish to inform you of the current equipment Zaqaru has available for sale. Please find the information for current equipment below. Delivery time for an order is five years. Alternative methods of payment are discussable. Should you be interested, I will be happy to take any orders or answer any questions you may have.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

Court Equipment

Source: http://www.rohtakchain.com/

Zaqaru Jewelry
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Zaqaru catalog of jewelry has drawn attention in the past and this most recent addition is a work of art and expert craft. The precious metals, minerals and gems of Zaqaru origin are used in exquisite designs to adorn the human body.

Crystal droplets composing a necklace, ruby set in gold to compliment ears as earrings, embossed gold and ornamented silver rings, gleaming steel badges with intricate forms, armbands as if made of quicksilver and many more jewelry make up the available connection. Any kind to fit any dress or outfit, from emerald to compliment blue or silver to contrast black, from multifaceted gems to draw attention to bare skin or decorate tiara's, headbands and more. From timeless designs to the latest in fashion, all are delivered by the Zaqaru experts. Tailored to the buyer, the jewelry is sure to have to best and most comfortable fit and make the best addition to any new or existing wardrobe.

Fleet Equipment


Orca Bomber
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 3 shipments.

The Orca Bomber is an improved version of the Zaqaru bomber. The chassis is of a familiar and trusted design, with the necessary upgrades. The armaments are of Greenflame design, an array of nuclear missiles to inflect even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Each shipment contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron composed of 5 fighters, this makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. They are available in the colour scheme of your choice, to fit with the rest of your fleet and be ready to target any enemy.

Source: https://www.shutterstock.com/nl/image-vector/modern-aiming-system-scifi-futuristic-spaceship-1155380314

Fire Control Module
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Fire Control Module ensures improved battle operations by synchronising fire and enhancing tactical control for a Fleet. It is a large module to be installed on a sizeable vessel, such as a flagship or logistics ship. It can fit from a frigate and upwards, though at heavy cost to other systems. Most suitable would be a Carrier or Destroyer and up.

The Fire Control Module is dedicated to oversight and control over an action radius, increasing efficiency within range. Advanced computers track targets and allies, enabling commanders a better overview of the battle and coupling with other ship systems to coordinate assaults more effectively. Besides giving the ability to better coordin lead combat, the systems are also designed to synchronise targets and allowing devastating barrages of weapons fire, increasing damage dealt to enemies.

Source: https://www.shutterstock.com/nl/image-vector/brightly-red-sunburst-background-81147184

Starburst Autocannon
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The long single barrel of the Starburst Autocannon is capable of an extremely high rate of fire, shooting a veritable burst of rounds at its target. Refined from earlier Autocannon designs, it surpasses previous rates of fire and accuracy. In addition, its base is more durable, allowing it to suffer less from overheating and making it more difficult to destroy if targeted.

The Starburst Autocannon is, for fleets, a relatively small armament. Most suitable for use on fighter or corvette class vessels as main weapon and for larger class vessels it is a side weapon, equipped to deal with smaller threats than the vessel will be designed for. It is a fantastic upgrade for the stock weapons of logistical or support vessels, who will generally rely on smaller arms than more combative versions of their class. For instance carriers and support frigates will find this an excellent weapon to stave off smaller threats until reinforcements arrive. This will make the Starburst Autocannon an essential upgrade for weapons of its class.

Source: https://stellaris.paradoxwikis.com/Physics_research#Improved_Deflectors_Tech
Multiphase Barrier
Limited stock! Immediate delivery!
Price: 2 Trade for 4 Shipments, immediately delivered.

The latest advance in shield technology, the Multiphase Barrier excels at protecting spaceships from incoming weapon fire in combat. Relying on multiple overlapping asynchronous shield phases, it's capable of sustaining far greater punishment, a magnificent barrier against one's foes.

Forming a tight elliptical bubble around the spaceship, the Multiphase Barrier is invisible to the naked eye until hit. Lighting up at struck locations, the attacker will come to realise how durable this Barrier is as it is capable of sustained operations through continuous fire.

Agency Equipment

Source: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Hacking Hardware
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Designed with Zaqaru expertise in cryptography and the digital realm, Hacking Hardware was developed to assist your agents in the same field. Specialized devices and hardware operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment contains personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships in the colour of your choice. The scouts have antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

Sensors Array
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Information regarding the enemy is what will prove vital in any operation. Zaqaru provides advanced sensors to meet this need. Specialized sensors arrays to be incorporated in large vessels, such as Carriers and Cruisers, as well as the latest sensors installed in dedicated sensor probes.

This allows highly effective intelligence gathering, so that messages or sensitive information may be earlier uncovered. The information provides a significant advantage in the battlefield, as by being aware of the enemy before they are aware of you, disabling them is even easier. The equipment readily synergises with hacking Hardware.

Market Equipment

Source: https://endless-space-2.fandom.com/wiki/Plasma_Metallurgy

Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Two rings set side by side, placed throughout a star system in lines after another with vast distances between them. Together they form lanes through which spaceships can fly and accelerate to great speeds along the lanes. Connecting warp gates, market colonies and economically strategic locations such as resource extraction sites, the Hyperlanes are capable of vastly speeding up the flow of trade and accumulation of wealth.

Travellers choose which of the two rings to move through, as each traverses in a different direction, speeding up travel by magnetically and gravitationally accelerating the spaceship along the course of the lane. Each of the the rings is marked with different lights and symbols to signify the direction. The lanes move as the star system rotates, optimising travel routes between destinations. Routes may be curved and adapted to the needs of the colonies and star systems.

As resources arrive faster, deliveries are faster and civilian transport easier the benefits for markets are numerous, leading to economic benefits easy to take advantage of. A highpoint of interplanetary infrastructure to stand next to the warp gates connecting star systems.

Source: https://pngtree.com/freepng/recycle-icon-design-vector_3624930.html

Reclamation Automata
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Elaborate machines in different shapes and forms which integrate with industrial complexes, civilian districts and infrastructure. Handling waste disposal, management and recycling in a completely automated fashion, the Reclamation Automata are even able to move to where the demand is highest.

Small robots which scurry through streets to clean up litter and tossed aside garbage, shuttles to move the garbage and even bulky waste processor automata are capable of replacing to sites with peaks of recycling opportunities within a colony. This mobility allows a flexible integration in industries and production chains, adaptation to events and efficiency in an otherwise thankless job. The materials within the waste are processed by these automata so the vital resources reclaimed for use by society.

Icon made by Freepik (https://www.freepik.com/home) from www.flaticon.com (https://www.flaticon.com/premium-icon/nanotechnology_1044718)

Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Manufacture on the molecular level is present in several industrial fields, but never before has production achieved the level of efficiency as with Nano-Assemblers. Capable of processing vast amounts of resources on an industrial level to create products where manipulation on the nano-level scale is either necessary or useful.

The Nano-Assemblers are available in a range of sizes and costs, allowing both small manufacturers and industrial production to make use of them. The ease of nano-assembly allows for a new range of products to be introduced which otherwise would not be cost-effective, adding to diversity of goods available and increasing economic opportunities.
Dear Lady Persephone Laramy,

With great pleasure I wish to inform you of the current equipment Zaqaru has available for sale. Please find the information for current equipment below. Delivery time for an order is five years. Alternative methods of payment are discussable. Should you be interested, I will be happy to take any orders or answer any questions you may have.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

Court Equipment

Source: http://www.rohtakchain.com/

Zaqaru Jewelry
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Zaqaru catalog of jewelry has drawn attention in the past and this most recent addition is a work of art and expert craft. The precious metals, minerals and gems of Zaqaru origin are used in exquisite designs to adorn the human body.

Crystal droplets composing a necklace, ruby set in gold to compliment ears as earrings, embossed gold and ornamented silver rings, gleaming steel badges with intricate forms, armbands as if made of quicksilver and many more jewelry make up the available connection. Any kind to fit any dress or outfit, from emerald to compliment blue or silver to contrast black, from multifaceted gems to draw attention to bare skin or decorate tiara's, headbands and more. From timeless designs to the latest in fashion, all are delivered by the Zaqaru experts. Tailored to the buyer, the jewelry is sure to have to best and most comfortable fit and make the best addition to any new or existing wardrobe.

Fleet Equipment


Orca Bomber
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 3 shipments.

The Orca Bomber is an improved version of the Zaqaru bomber. The chassis is of a familiar and trusted design, with the necessary upgrades. The armaments are of Greenflame design, an array of nuclear missiles to inflect even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Each shipment contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron composed of 5 fighters, this makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. They are available in the colour scheme of your choice, to fit with the rest of your fleet and be ready to target any enemy.

Source: https://www.shutterstock.com/nl/image-vector/modern-aiming-system-scifi-futuristic-spaceship-1155380314

Fire Control Module
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Fire Control Module ensures improved battle operations by synchronising fire and enhancing tactical control for a Fleet. It is a large module to be installed on a sizeable vessel, such as a flagship or logistics ship. It can fit from a frigate and upwards, though at heavy cost to other systems. Most suitable would be a Carrier or Destroyer and up.

The Fire Control Module is dedicated to oversight and control over an action radius, increasing efficiency within range. Advanced computers track targets and allies, enabling commanders a better overview of the battle and coupling with other ship systems to coordinate assaults more effectively. Besides giving the ability to better coordin lead combat, the systems are also designed to synchronise targets and allowing devastating barrages of weapons fire, increasing damage dealt to enemies.

Source: https://www.shutterstock.com/nl/image-vector/brightly-red-sunburst-background-81147184

Starburst Autocannon
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The long single barrel of the Starburst Autocannon is capable of an extremely high rate of fire, shooting a veritable burst of rounds at its target. Refined from earlier Autocannon designs, it surpasses previous rates of fire and accuracy. In addition, its base is more durable, allowing it to suffer less from overheating and making it more difficult to destroy if targeted.

The Starburst Autocannon is, for fleets, a relatively small armament. Most suitable for use on fighter or corvette class vessels as main weapon and for larger class vessels it is a side weapon, equipped to deal with smaller threats than the vessel will be designed for. It is a fantastic upgrade for the stock weapons of logistical or support vessels, who will generally rely on smaller arms than more combative versions of their class. For instance carriers and support frigates will find this an excellent weapon to stave off smaller threats until reinforcements arrive. This will make the Starburst Autocannon an essential upgrade for weapons of its class.

Source: https://stellaris.paradoxwikis.com/Physics_research#Improved_Deflectors_Tech
Multiphase Barrier
Limited stock! Immediate delivery!
Price: 2 Trade for 4 Shipments, immediately delivered.

The latest advance in shield technology, the Multiphase Barrier excels at protecting spaceships from incoming weapon fire in combat. Relying on multiple overlapping asynchronous shield phases, it's capable of sustaining far greater punishment, a magnificent barrier against one's foes.

Forming a tight elliptical bubble around the spaceship, the Multiphase Barrier is invisible to the naked eye until hit. Lighting up at struck locations, the attacker will come to realise how durable this Barrier is as it is capable of sustained operations through continuous fire.

Agency Equipment

Source: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Hacking Hardware
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Designed with Zaqaru expertise in cryptography and the digital realm, Hacking Hardware was developed to assist your agents in the same field. Specialized devices and hardware operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment contains personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships in the colour of your choice. The scouts have antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

Sensors Array
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Information regarding the enemy is what will prove vital in any operation. Zaqaru provides advanced sensors to meet this need. Specialized sensors arrays to be incorporated in large vessels, such as Carriers and Cruisers, as well as the latest sensors installed in dedicated sensor probes.

This allows highly effective intelligence gathering, so that messages or sensitive information may be earlier uncovered. The information provides a significant advantage in the battlefield, as by being aware of the enemy before they are aware of you, disabling them is even easier. The equipment readily synergises with hacking Hardware.

Market Equipment

Source: https://endless-space-2.fandom.com/wiki/Plasma_Metallurgy

Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Two rings set side by side, placed throughout a star system in lines after another with vast distances between them. Together they form lanes through which spaceships can fly and accelerate to great speeds along the lanes. Connecting warp gates, market colonies and economically strategic locations such as resource extraction sites, the Hyperlanes are capable of vastly speeding up the flow of trade and accumulation of wealth.

Travellers choose which of the two rings to move through, as each traverses in a different direction, speeding up travel by magnetically and gravitationally accelerating the spaceship along the course of the lane. Each of the the rings is marked with different lights and symbols to signify the direction. The lanes move as the star system rotates, optimising travel routes between destinations. Routes may be curved and adapted to the needs of the colonies and star systems.

As resources arrive faster, deliveries are faster and civilian transport easier the benefits for markets are numerous, leading to economic benefits easy to take advantage of. A highpoint of interplanetary infrastructure to stand next to the warp gates connecting star systems.

Source: https://pngtree.com/freepng/recycle-icon-design-vector_3624930.html

Reclamation Automata
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Elaborate machines in different shapes and forms which integrate with industrial complexes, civilian districts and infrastructure. Handling waste disposal, management and recycling in a completely automated fashion, the Reclamation Automata are even able to move to where the demand is highest.

Small robots which scurry through streets to clean up litter and tossed aside garbage, shuttles to move the garbage and even bulky waste processor automata are capable of replacing to sites with peaks of recycling opportunities within a colony. This mobility allows a flexible integration in industries and production chains, adaptation to events and efficiency in an otherwise thankless job. The materials within the waste are processed by these automata so the vital resources reclaimed for use by society.

Icon made by Freepik (https://www.freepik.com/home) from www.flaticon.com (https://www.flaticon.com/premium-icon/nanotechnology_1044718)

Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Manufacture on the molecular level is present in several industrial fields, but never before has production achieved the level of efficiency as with Nano-Assemblers. Capable of processing vast amounts of resources on an industrial level to create products where manipulation on the nano-level scale is either necessary or useful.

The Nano-Assemblers are available in a range of sizes and costs, allowing both small manufacturers and industrial production to make use of them. The ease of nano-assembly allows for a new range of products to be introduced which otherwise would not be cost-effective, adding to diversity of goods available and increasing economic opportunities.
Dear Duke Ernst Berger,

Word has reached me that peace has returned to the borders of House Berger. This gives rise to opportunities for trade, which on behalf of Zaqaru I wish to present to you.

With great pleasure I wish to inform you of the current equipment Zaqaru has available for sale. Please find the information for current equipment below. Delivery time for an order is five years. Alternative methods of payment are discussable. Should you be interested, I will be happy to take any orders or answer any questions you may have.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

Court Equipment

Source: http://www.rohtakchain.com/

Zaqaru Jewelry
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Zaqaru catalog of jewelry has drawn attention in the past and this most recent addition is a work of art and expert craft. The precious metals, minerals and gems of Zaqaru origin are used in exquisite designs to adorn the human body.

Crystal droplets composing a necklace, ruby set in gold to compliment ears as earrings, embossed gold and ornamented silver rings, gleaming steel badges with intricate forms, armbands as if made of quicksilver and many more jewelry make up the available connection. Any kind to fit any dress or outfit, from emerald to compliment blue or silver to contrast black, from multifaceted gems to draw attention to bare skin or decorate tiara's, headbands and more. From timeless designs to the latest in fashion, all are delivered by the Zaqaru experts. Tailored to the buyer, the jewelry is sure to have to best and most comfortable fit and make the best addition to any new or existing wardrobe.

Fleet Equipment


Orca Bomber
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 3 shipments.

The Orca Bomber is an improved version of the Zaqaru bomber. The chassis is of a familiar and trusted design, with the necessary upgrades. The armaments are of Greenflame design, an array of nuclear missiles to inflect even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Each shipment contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron composed of 5 fighters, this makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. They are available in the colour scheme of your choice, to fit with the rest of your fleet and be ready to target any enemy.

Source: https://www.shutterstock.com/nl/image-vector/modern-aiming-system-scifi-futuristic-spaceship-1155380314

Fire Control Module
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Fire Control Module ensures improved battle operations by synchronising fire and enhancing tactical control for a Fleet. It is a large module to be installed on a sizeable vessel, such as a flagship or logistics ship. It can fit from a frigate and upwards, though at heavy cost to other systems. Most suitable would be a Carrier or Destroyer and up.

The Fire Control Module is dedicated to oversight and control over an action radius, increasing efficiency within range. Advanced computers track targets and allies, enabling commanders a better overview of the battle and coupling with other ship systems to coordinate assaults more effectively. Besides giving the ability to better coordin lead combat, the systems are also designed to synchronise targets and allowing devastating barrages of weapons fire, increasing damage dealt to enemies.

Source: https://www.shutterstock.com/nl/image-vector/brightly-red-sunburst-background-81147184

Starburst Autocannon
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The long single barrel of the Starburst Autocannon is capable of an extremely high rate of fire, shooting a veritable burst of rounds at its target. Refined from earlier Autocannon designs, it surpasses previous rates of fire and accuracy. In addition, its base is more durable, allowing it to suffer less from overheating and making it more difficult to destroy if targeted.

The Starburst Autocannon is, for fleets, a relatively small armament. Most suitable for use on fighter or corvette class vessels as main weapon and for larger class vessels it is a side weapon, equipped to deal with smaller threats than the vessel will be designed for. It is a fantastic upgrade for the stock weapons of logistical or support vessels, who will generally rely on smaller arms than more combative versions of their class. For instance carriers and support frigates will find this an excellent weapon to stave off smaller threats until reinforcements arrive. This will make the Starburst Autocannon an essential upgrade for weapons of its class.

Source: https://stellaris.paradoxwikis.com/Physics_research#Improved_Deflectors_Tech
Multiphase Barrier
Limited stock! Immediate delivery!
Price: 2 Trade for 4 Shipments, immediately delivered.

The latest advance in shield technology, the Multiphase Barrier excels at protecting spaceships from incoming weapon fire in combat. Relying on multiple overlapping asynchronous shield phases, it's capable of sustaining far greater punishment, a magnificent barrier against one's foes.

Forming a tight elliptical bubble around the spaceship, the Multiphase Barrier is invisible to the naked eye until hit. Lighting up at struck locations, the attacker will come to realise how durable this Barrier is as it is capable of sustained operations through continuous fire.

Agency Equipment

Source: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Hacking Hardware
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Designed with Zaqaru expertise in cryptography and the digital realm, Hacking Hardware was developed to assist your agents in the same field. Specialized devices and hardware operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment contains personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships in the colour of your choice. The scouts have antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

Sensors Array
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Information regarding the enemy is what will prove vital in any operation. Zaqaru provides advanced sensors to meet this need. Specialized sensors arrays to be incorporated in large vessels, such as Carriers and Cruisers, as well as the latest sensors installed in dedicated sensor probes.

This allows highly effective intelligence gathering, so that messages or sensitive information may be earlier uncovered. The information provides a significant advantage in the battlefield, as by being aware of the enemy before they are aware of you, disabling them is even easier. The equipment readily synergises with hacking Hardware.

Market Equipment

Source: https://endless-space-2.fandom.com/wiki/Plasma_Metallurgy

Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Two rings set side by side, placed throughout a star system in lines after another with vast distances between them. Together they form lanes through which spaceships can fly and accelerate to great speeds along the lanes. Connecting warp gates, market colonies and economically strategic locations such as resource extraction sites, the Hyperlanes are capable of vastly speeding up the flow of trade and accumulation of wealth.

Travellers choose which of the two rings to move through, as each traverses in a different direction, speeding up travel by magnetically and gravitationally accelerating the spaceship along the course of the lane. Each of the the rings is marked with different lights and symbols to signify the direction. The lanes move as the star system rotates, optimising travel routes between destinations. Routes may be curved and adapted to the needs of the colonies and star systems.

As resources arrive faster, deliveries are faster and civilian transport easier the benefits for markets are numerous, leading to economic benefits easy to take advantage of. A highpoint of interplanetary infrastructure to stand next to the warp gates connecting star systems.

Source: https://pngtree.com/freepng/recycle-icon-design-vector_3624930.html

Reclamation Automata
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Elaborate machines in different shapes and forms which integrate with industrial complexes, civilian districts and infrastructure. Handling waste disposal, management and recycling in a completely automated fashion, the Reclamation Automata are even able to move to where the demand is highest.

Small robots which scurry through streets to clean up litter and tossed aside garbage, shuttles to move the garbage and even bulky waste processor automata are capable of replacing to sites with peaks of recycling opportunities within a colony. This mobility allows a flexible integration in industries and production chains, adaptation to events and efficiency in an otherwise thankless job. The materials within the waste are processed by these automata so the vital resources reclaimed for use by society.

Icon made by Freepik (https://www.freepik.com/home) from www.flaticon.com (https://www.flaticon.com/premium-icon/nanotechnology_1044718)

Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Manufacture on the molecular level is present in several industrial fields, but never before has production achieved the level of efficiency as with Nano-Assemblers. Capable of processing vast amounts of resources on an industrial level to create products where manipulation on the nano-level scale is either necessary or useful.

The Nano-Assemblers are available in a range of sizes and costs, allowing both small manufacturers and industrial production to make use of them. The ease of nano-assembly allows for a new range of products to be introduced which otherwise would not be cost-effective, adding to diversity of goods available and increasing economic opportunities.

2019-06-11, 07:40 AM

Enigma: 7

Dear Administrator Moffet,

The Zaqaru selection of offers has broadened. Zaqaru values House Forsche's continued trade and it is my hope you will find desirable choices amidst the selection. With great pleasure I wish to inform you of the current equipment Zaqaru has available for sale. Please find the information for current equipment below. Delivery time for an order is five years. Alternative methods of payment are discussable. Should you be interested, I will be happy to take any orders or answer any questions you may have.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

Court Equipment

Source: http://www.rohtakchain.com/

Zaqaru Jewelry
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Zaqaru catalog of jewelry has drawn attention in the past and this most recent addition is a work of art and expert craft. The precious metals, minerals and gems of Zaqaru origin are used in exquisite designs to adorn the human body.

Crystal droplets composing a necklace, ruby set in gold to compliment ears as earrings, embossed gold and ornamented silver rings, gleaming steel badges with intricate forms, armbands as if made of quicksilver and many more jewelry make up the available connection. Any kind to fit any dress or outfit, from emerald to compliment blue or silver to contrast black, from multifaceted gems to draw attention to bare skin or decorate tiara's, headbands and more. From timeless designs to the latest in fashion, all are delivered by the Zaqaru experts. Tailored to the buyer, the jewelry is sure to have to best and most comfortable fit and make the best addition to any new or existing wardrobe.

Fleet Equipment


Orca Bomber
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 3 shipments.

The Orca Bomber is an improved version of the Zaqaru bomber. The chassis is of a familiar and trusted design, with the necessary upgrades. The armaments are of Greenflame design, an array of nuclear missiles to inflect even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Each shipment contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron composed of 5 fighters, this makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. They are available in the colour scheme of your choice, to fit with the rest of your fleet and be ready to target any enemy.

Source: https://www.shutterstock.com/nl/image-vector/modern-aiming-system-scifi-futuristic-spaceship-1155380314

Fire Control Module
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Fire Control Module ensures improved battle operations by synchronising fire and enhancing tactical control for a Fleet. It is a large module to be installed on a sizeable vessel, such as a flagship or logistics ship. It can fit from a frigate and upwards, though at heavy cost to other systems. Most suitable would be a Carrier or Destroyer and up.

The Fire Control Module is dedicated to oversight and control over an action radius, increasing efficiency within range. Advanced computers track targets and allies, enabling commanders a better overview of the battle and coupling with other ship systems to coordinate assaults more effectively. Besides giving the ability to better coordin lead combat, the systems are also designed to synchronise targets and allowing devastating barrages of weapons fire, increasing damage dealt to enemies.

Source: https://www.shutterstock.com/nl/image-vector/brightly-red-sunburst-background-81147184

Starburst Autocannon
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The long single barrel of the Starburst Autocannon is capable of an extremely high rate of fire, shooting a veritable burst of rounds at its target. Refined from earlier Autocannon designs, it surpasses previous rates of fire and accuracy. In addition, its base is more durable, allowing it to suffer less from overheating and making it more difficult to destroy if targeted.

The Starburst Autocannon is, for fleets, a relatively small armament. Most suitable for use on fighter or corvette class vessels as main weapon and for larger class vessels it is a side weapon, equipped to deal with smaller threats than the vessel will be designed for. It is a fantastic upgrade for the stock weapons of logistical or support vessels, who will generally rely on smaller arms than more combative versions of their class. For instance carriers and support frigates will find this an excellent weapon to stave off smaller threats until reinforcements arrive. This will make the Starburst Autocannon an essential upgrade for weapons of its class.

Source: https://stellaris.paradoxwikis.com/Physics_research#Improved_Deflectors_Tech
Multiphase Barrier
Limited stock! Immediate delivery!
Price: 2 Trade for 4 Shipments, immediately delivered.

The latest advance in shield technology, the Multiphase Barrier excels at protecting spaceships from incoming weapon fire in combat. Relying on multiple overlapping asynchronous shield phases, it's capable of sustaining far greater punishment, a magnificent barrier against one's foes.

Forming a tight elliptical bubble around the spaceship, the Multiphase Barrier is invisible to the naked eye until hit. Lighting up at struck locations, the attacker will come to realise how durable this Barrier is as it is capable of sustained operations through continuous fire.

Agency Equipment

Source: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Hacking Hardware
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Designed with Zaqaru expertise in cryptography and the digital realm, Hacking Hardware was developed to assist your agents in the same field. Specialized devices and hardware operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment contains personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships in the colour of your choice. The scouts have antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

Sensors Array
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Information regarding the enemy is what will prove vital in any operation. Zaqaru provides advanced sensors to meet this need. Specialized sensors arrays to be incorporated in large vessels, such as Carriers and Cruisers, as well as the latest sensors installed in dedicated sensor probes.

This allows highly effective intelligence gathering, so that messages or sensitive information may be earlier uncovered. The information provides a significant advantage in the battlefield, as by being aware of the enemy before they are aware of you, disabling them is even easier. The equipment readily synergises with hacking Hardware.

Market Equipment

Source: https://endless-space-2.fandom.com/wiki/Plasma_Metallurgy

Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Two rings set side by side, placed throughout a star system in lines after another with vast distances between them. Together they form lanes through which spaceships can fly and accelerate to great speeds along the lanes. Connecting warp gates, market colonies and economically strategic locations such as resource extraction sites, the Hyperlanes are capable of vastly speeding up the flow of trade and accumulation of wealth.

Travellers choose which of the two rings to move through, as each traverses in a different direction, speeding up travel by magnetically and gravitationally accelerating the spaceship along the course of the lane. Each of the the rings is marked with different lights and symbols to signify the direction. The lanes move as the star system rotates, optimising travel routes between destinations. Routes may be curved and adapted to the needs of the colonies and star systems.

As resources arrive faster, deliveries are faster and civilian transport easier the benefits for markets are numerous, leading to economic benefits easy to take advantage of. A highpoint of interplanetary infrastructure to stand next to the warp gates connecting star systems.

Source: https://pngtree.com/freepng/recycle-icon-design-vector_3624930.html

Reclamation Automata
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Elaborate machines in different shapes and forms which integrate with industrial complexes, civilian districts and infrastructure. Handling waste disposal, management and recycling in a completely automated fashion, the Reclamation Automata are even able to move to where the demand is highest.

Small robots which scurry through streets to clean up litter and tossed aside garbage, shuttles to move the garbage and even bulky waste processor automata are capable of replacing to sites with peaks of recycling opportunities within a colony. This mobility allows a flexible integration in industries and production chains, adaptation to events and efficiency in an otherwise thankless job. The materials within the waste are processed by these automata so the vital resources reclaimed for use by society.

Icon made by Freepik (https://www.freepik.com/home) from www.flaticon.com (https://www.flaticon.com/premium-icon/nanotechnology_1044718)

Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Manufacture on the molecular level is present in several industrial fields, but never before has production achieved the level of efficiency as with Nano-Assemblers. Capable of processing vast amounts of resources on an industrial level to create products where manipulation on the nano-level scale is either necessary or useful.

The Nano-Assemblers are available in a range of sizes and costs, allowing both small manufacturers and industrial production to make use of them. The ease of nano-assembly allows for a new range of products to be introduced which otherwise would not be cost-effective, adding to diversity of goods available and increasing economic opportunities.
Dear Grand Minister Halmond Abelard,

I wish to express my gratitude for your words of warning, for they proved to be right. Zaqaru traders encountered increased piracy, though their convoys have managed to stave them off in the past years. It is my sincere hope House Mertens trade was as succesful in dealing with them these past years.

Zaqaru values House Mertens as trustworthy customer. With great pleasure I wish to inform you of the current equipment Zaqaru has available for sale. Please find the information for current equipment below. Delivery time for an order is five years. Alternative methods of payment are discussable. Should you be interested, I will be happy to take any orders or answer any questions you may have.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

Court Equipment

Source: http://www.rohtakchain.com/

Zaqaru Jewelry
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Zaqaru catalog of jewelry has drawn attention in the past and this most recent addition is a work of art and expert craft. The precious metals, minerals and gems of Zaqaru origin are used in exquisite designs to adorn the human body.

Crystal droplets composing a necklace, ruby set in gold to compliment ears as earrings, embossed gold and ornamented silver rings, gleaming steel badges with intricate forms, armbands as if made of quicksilver and many more jewelry make up the available connection. Any kind to fit any dress or outfit, from emerald to compliment blue or silver to contrast black, from multifaceted gems to draw attention to bare skin or decorate tiara's, headbands and more. From timeless designs to the latest in fashion, all are delivered by the Zaqaru experts. Tailored to the buyer, the jewelry is sure to have to best and most comfortable fit and make the best addition to any new or existing wardrobe.

Fleet Equipment


Orca Bomber
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 3 shipments.

The Orca Bomber is an improved version of the Zaqaru bomber. The chassis is of a familiar and trusted design, with the necessary upgrades. The armaments are of Greenflame design, an array of nuclear missiles to inflect even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Each shipment contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron composed of 5 fighters, this makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. They are available in the colour scheme of your choice, to fit with the rest of your fleet and be ready to target any enemy.

Source: https://www.shutterstock.com/nl/image-vector/modern-aiming-system-scifi-futuristic-spaceship-1155380314

Fire Control Module
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Fire Control Module ensures improved battle operations by synchronising fire and enhancing tactical control for a Fleet. It is a large module to be installed on a sizeable vessel, such as a flagship or logistics ship. It can fit from a frigate and upwards, though at heavy cost to other systems. Most suitable would be a Carrier or Destroyer and up.

The Fire Control Module is dedicated to oversight and control over an action radius, increasing efficiency within range. Advanced computers track targets and allies, enabling commanders a better overview of the battle and coupling with other ship systems to coordinate assaults more effectively. Besides giving the ability to better coordin lead combat, the systems are also designed to synchronise targets and allowing devastating barrages of weapons fire, increasing damage dealt to enemies.

Source: https://www.shutterstock.com/nl/image-vector/brightly-red-sunburst-background-81147184

Starburst Autocannon
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The long single barrel of the Starburst Autocannon is capable of an extremely high rate of fire, shooting a veritable burst of rounds at its target. Refined from earlier Autocannon designs, it surpasses previous rates of fire and accuracy. In addition, its base is more durable, allowing it to suffer less from overheating and making it more difficult to destroy if targeted.

The Starburst Autocannon is, for fleets, a relatively small armament. Most suitable for use on fighter or corvette class vessels as main weapon and for larger class vessels it is a side weapon, equipped to deal with smaller threats than the vessel will be designed for. It is a fantastic upgrade for the stock weapons of logistical or support vessels, who will generally rely on smaller arms than more combative versions of their class. For instance carriers and support frigates will find this an excellent weapon to stave off smaller threats until reinforcements arrive. This will make the Starburst Autocannon an essential upgrade for weapons of its class.

Source: https://stellaris.paradoxwikis.com/Physics_research#Improved_Deflectors_Tech
Multiphase Barrier
Limited stock! Immediate delivery!
Price: 2 Trade for 4 Shipments, immediately delivered.

The latest advance in shield technology, the Multiphase Barrier excels at protecting spaceships from incoming weapon fire in combat. Relying on multiple overlapping asynchronous shield phases, it's capable of sustaining far greater punishment, a magnificent barrier against one's foes.

Forming a tight elliptical bubble around the spaceship, the Multiphase Barrier is invisible to the naked eye until hit. Lighting up at struck locations, the attacker will come to realise how durable this Barrier is as it is capable of sustained operations through continuous fire.

Agency Equipment

Source: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Hacking Hardware
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Designed with Zaqaru expertise in cryptography and the digital realm, Hacking Hardware was developed to assist your agents in the same field. Specialized devices and hardware operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment contains personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships in the colour of your choice. The scouts have antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

Sensors Array
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Information regarding the enemy is what will prove vital in any operation. Zaqaru provides advanced sensors to meet this need. Specialized sensors arrays to be incorporated in large vessels, such as Carriers and Cruisers, as well as the latest sensors installed in dedicated sensor probes.

This allows highly effective intelligence gathering, so that messages or sensitive information may be earlier uncovered. The information provides a significant advantage in the battlefield, as by being aware of the enemy before they are aware of you, disabling them is even easier. The equipment readily synergises with hacking Hardware.

Market Equipment

Source: https://endless-space-2.fandom.com/wiki/Plasma_Metallurgy

Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Two rings set side by side, placed throughout a star system in lines after another with vast distances between them. Together they form lanes through which spaceships can fly and accelerate to great speeds along the lanes. Connecting warp gates, market colonies and economically strategic locations such as resource extraction sites, the Hyperlanes are capable of vastly speeding up the flow of trade and accumulation of wealth.

Travellers choose which of the two rings to move through, as each traverses in a different direction, speeding up travel by magnetically and gravitationally accelerating the spaceship along the course of the lane. Each of the the rings is marked with different lights and symbols to signify the direction. The lanes move as the star system rotates, optimising travel routes between destinations. Routes may be curved and adapted to the needs of the colonies and star systems.

As resources arrive faster, deliveries are faster and civilian transport easier the benefits for markets are numerous, leading to economic benefits easy to take advantage of. A highpoint of interplanetary infrastructure to stand next to the warp gates connecting star systems.

Source: https://pngtree.com/freepng/recycle-icon-design-vector_3624930.html

Reclamation Automata
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Elaborate machines in different shapes and forms which integrate with industrial complexes, civilian districts and infrastructure. Handling waste disposal, management and recycling in a completely automated fashion, the Reclamation Automata are even able to move to where the demand is highest.

Small robots which scurry through streets to clean up litter and tossed aside garbage, shuttles to move the garbage and even bulky waste processor automata are capable of replacing to sites with peaks of recycling opportunities within a colony. This mobility allows a flexible integration in industries and production chains, adaptation to events and efficiency in an otherwise thankless job. The materials within the waste are processed by these automata so the vital resources reclaimed for use by society.

Icon made by Freepik (https://www.freepik.com/home) from www.flaticon.com (https://www.flaticon.com/premium-icon/nanotechnology_1044718)

Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Manufacture on the molecular level is present in several industrial fields, but never before has production achieved the level of efficiency as with Nano-Assemblers. Capable of processing vast amounts of resources on an industrial level to create products where manipulation on the nano-level scale is either necessary or useful.

The Nano-Assemblers are available in a range of sizes and costs, allowing both small manufacturers and industrial production to make use of them. The ease of nano-assembly allows for a new range of products to be introduced which otherwise would not be cost-effective, adding to diversity of goods available and increasing economic opportunities.
Dear Duchess Izabela Vastadd,

The Zaqaru selection of offers has broadened. Zaqaru values House Vastadd's continued trade and it is my hope you will find desirable choices amidst the selection. With great pleasure I wish to inform you of the current equipment Zaqaru has available for sale. Please find the information for current equipment below. Delivery time for an order is five years. Alternative methods of payment are discussable. Should you be interested, I will be happy to take any orders or answer any questions you may have.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

Court Equipment

Source: http://www.rohtakchain.com/

Zaqaru Jewelry
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Zaqaru catalog of jewelry has drawn attention in the past and this most recent addition is a work of art and expert craft. The precious metals, minerals and gems of Zaqaru origin are used in exquisite designs to adorn the human body.

Crystal droplets composing a necklace, ruby set in gold to compliment ears as earrings, embossed gold and ornamented silver rings, gleaming steel badges with intricate forms, armbands as if made of quicksilver and many more jewelry make up the available connection. Any kind to fit any dress or outfit, from emerald to compliment blue or silver to contrast black, from multifaceted gems to draw attention to bare skin or decorate tiara's, headbands and more. From timeless designs to the latest in fashion, all are delivered by the Zaqaru experts. Tailored to the buyer, the jewelry is sure to have to best and most comfortable fit and make the best addition to any new or existing wardrobe.

Fleet Equipment


Orca Bomber
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 3 shipments.

The Orca Bomber is an improved version of the Zaqaru bomber. The chassis is of a familiar and trusted design, with the necessary upgrades. The armaments are of Greenflame design, an array of nuclear missiles to inflect even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Each shipment contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron composed of 5 fighters, this makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. They are available in the colour scheme of your choice, to fit with the rest of your fleet and be ready to target any enemy.

Source: https://www.shutterstock.com/nl/image-vector/modern-aiming-system-scifi-futuristic-spaceship-1155380314

Fire Control Module
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Fire Control Module ensures improved battle operations by synchronising fire and enhancing tactical control for a Fleet. It is a large module to be installed on a sizeable vessel, such as a flagship or logistics ship. It can fit from a frigate and upwards, though at heavy cost to other systems. Most suitable would be a Carrier or Destroyer and up.

The Fire Control Module is dedicated to oversight and control over an action radius, increasing efficiency within range. Advanced computers track targets and allies, enabling commanders a better overview of the battle and coupling with other ship systems to coordinate assaults more effectively. Besides giving the ability to better coordin lead combat, the systems are also designed to synchronise targets and allowing devastating barrages of weapons fire, increasing damage dealt to enemies.

Source: https://www.shutterstock.com/nl/image-vector/brightly-red-sunburst-background-81147184

Starburst Autocannon
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The long single barrel of the Starburst Autocannon is capable of an extremely high rate of fire, shooting a veritable burst of rounds at its target. Refined from earlier Autocannon designs, it surpasses previous rates of fire and accuracy. In addition, its base is more durable, allowing it to suffer less from overheating and making it more difficult to destroy if targeted.

The Starburst Autocannon is, for fleets, a relatively small armament. Most suitable for use on fighter or corvette class vessels as main weapon and for larger class vessels it is a side weapon, equipped to deal with smaller threats than the vessel will be designed for. It is a fantastic upgrade for the stock weapons of logistical or support vessels, who will generally rely on smaller arms than more combative versions of their class. For instance carriers and support frigates will find this an excellent weapon to stave off smaller threats until reinforcements arrive. This will make the Starburst Autocannon an essential upgrade for weapons of its class.

Source: https://stellaris.paradoxwikis.com/Physics_research#Improved_Deflectors_Tech
Multiphase Barrier
Limited stock! Immediate delivery!
Price: 2 Trade for 4 Shipments, immediately delivered.

The latest advance in shield technology, the Multiphase Barrier excels at protecting spaceships from incoming weapon fire in combat. Relying on multiple overlapping asynchronous shield phases, it's capable of sustaining far greater punishment, a magnificent barrier against one's foes.

Forming a tight elliptical bubble around the spaceship, the Multiphase Barrier is invisible to the naked eye until hit. Lighting up at struck locations, the attacker will come to realise how durable this Barrier is as it is capable of sustained operations through continuous fire.

Agency Equipment

Source: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Hacking Hardware
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Designed with Zaqaru expertise in cryptography and the digital realm, Hacking Hardware was developed to assist your agents in the same field. Specialized devices and hardware operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment contains personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships in the colour of your choice. The scouts have antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

Sensors Array
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Information regarding the enemy is what will prove vital in any operation. Zaqaru provides advanced sensors to meet this need. Specialized sensors arrays to be incorporated in large vessels, such as Carriers and Cruisers, as well as the latest sensors installed in dedicated sensor probes.

This allows highly effective intelligence gathering, so that messages or sensitive information may be earlier uncovered. The information provides a significant advantage in the battlefield, as by being aware of the enemy before they are aware of you, disabling them is even easier. The equipment readily synergises with hacking Hardware.

Market Equipment

Source: https://endless-space-2.fandom.com/wiki/Plasma_Metallurgy

Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Two rings set side by side, placed throughout a star system in lines after another with vast distances between them. Together they form lanes through which spaceships can fly and accelerate to great speeds along the lanes. Connecting warp gates, market colonies and economically strategic locations such as resource extraction sites, the Hyperlanes are capable of vastly speeding up the flow of trade and accumulation of wealth.

Travellers choose which of the two rings to move through, as each traverses in a different direction, speeding up travel by magnetically and gravitationally accelerating the spaceship along the course of the lane. Each of the the rings is marked with different lights and symbols to signify the direction. The lanes move as the star system rotates, optimising travel routes between destinations. Routes may be curved and adapted to the needs of the colonies and star systems.

As resources arrive faster, deliveries are faster and civilian transport easier the benefits for markets are numerous, leading to economic benefits easy to take advantage of. A highpoint of interplanetary infrastructure to stand next to the warp gates connecting star systems.

Source: https://pngtree.com/freepng/recycle-icon-design-vector_3624930.html

Reclamation Automata
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Elaborate machines in different shapes and forms which integrate with industrial complexes, civilian districts and infrastructure. Handling waste disposal, management and recycling in a completely automated fashion, the Reclamation Automata are even able to move to where the demand is highest.

Small robots which scurry through streets to clean up litter and tossed aside garbage, shuttles to move the garbage and even bulky waste processor automata are capable of replacing to sites with peaks of recycling opportunities within a colony. This mobility allows a flexible integration in industries and production chains, adaptation to events and efficiency in an otherwise thankless job. The materials within the waste are processed by these automata so the vital resources reclaimed for use by society.

Icon made by Freepik (https://www.freepik.com/home) from www.flaticon.com (https://www.flaticon.com/premium-icon/nanotechnology_1044718)

Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Manufacture on the molecular level is present in several industrial fields, but never before has production achieved the level of efficiency as with Nano-Assemblers. Capable of processing vast amounts of resources on an industrial level to create products where manipulation on the nano-level scale is either necessary or useful.

The Nano-Assemblers are available in a range of sizes and costs, allowing both small manufacturers and industrial production to make use of them. The ease of nano-assembly allows for a new range of products to be introduced which otherwise would not be cost-effective, adding to diversity of goods available and increasing economic opportunities.
Dear Duke Stephano Sansone,

In line with the Treaty of Gade, I give you the Zaqaru trade offers. I truly hope that we may trade even beyond what is agreed upon by the Treaty. In any case, I look forward to any orders or deliveries from House Sansone.

With great pleasure I wish to inform you of the current equipment Zaqaru has available for sale. Please find the information for current equipment below. Delivery time for an order is five years. Alternative methods of payment are discussable. Should you be interested, I will be happy to take any orders or answer any questions you may have.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

Court Equipment

Source: http://www.rohtakchain.com/

Zaqaru Jewelry
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Zaqaru catalog of jewelry has drawn attention in the past and this most recent addition is a work of art and expert craft. The precious metals, minerals and gems of Zaqaru origin are used in exquisite designs to adorn the human body.

Crystal droplets composing a necklace, ruby set in gold to compliment ears as earrings, embossed gold and ornamented silver rings, gleaming steel badges with intricate forms, armbands as if made of quicksilver and many more jewelry make up the available connection. Any kind to fit any dress or outfit, from emerald to compliment blue or silver to contrast black, from multifaceted gems to draw attention to bare skin or decorate tiara's, headbands and more. From timeless designs to the latest in fashion, all are delivered by the Zaqaru experts. Tailored to the buyer, the jewelry is sure to have to best and most comfortable fit and make the best addition to any new or existing wardrobe.

Fleet Equipment


Orca Bomber
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 3 shipments.

The Orca Bomber is an improved version of the Zaqaru bomber. The chassis is of a familiar and trusted design, with the necessary upgrades. The armaments are of Greenflame design, an array of nuclear missiles to inflect even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Each shipment contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron composed of 5 fighters, this makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. They are available in the colour scheme of your choice, to fit with the rest of your fleet and be ready to target any enemy.

Source: https://www.shutterstock.com/nl/image-vector/modern-aiming-system-scifi-futuristic-spaceship-1155380314

Fire Control Module
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Fire Control Module ensures improved battle operations by synchronising fire and enhancing tactical control for a Fleet. It is a large module to be installed on a sizeable vessel, such as a flagship or logistics ship. It can fit from a frigate and upwards, though at heavy cost to other systems. Most suitable would be a Carrier or Destroyer and up.

The Fire Control Module is dedicated to oversight and control over an action radius, increasing efficiency within range. Advanced computers track targets and allies, enabling commanders a better overview of the battle and coupling with other ship systems to coordinate assaults more effectively. Besides giving the ability to better coordin lead combat, the systems are also designed to synchronise targets and allowing devastating barrages of weapons fire, increasing damage dealt to enemies.

Source: https://www.shutterstock.com/nl/image-vector/brightly-red-sunburst-background-81147184

Starburst Autocannon
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The long single barrel of the Starburst Autocannon is capable of an extremely high rate of fire, shooting a veritable burst of rounds at its target. Refined from earlier Autocannon designs, it surpasses previous rates of fire and accuracy. In addition, its base is more durable, allowing it to suffer less from overheating and making it more difficult to destroy if targeted.

The Starburst Autocannon is, for fleets, a relatively small armament. Most suitable for use on fighter or corvette class vessels as main weapon and for larger class vessels it is a side weapon, equipped to deal with smaller threats than the vessel will be designed for. It is a fantastic upgrade for the stock weapons of logistical or support vessels, who will generally rely on smaller arms than more combative versions of their class. For instance carriers and support frigates will find this an excellent weapon to stave off smaller threats until reinforcements arrive. This will make the Starburst Autocannon an essential upgrade for weapons of its class.

Agency Equipment

Source: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Hacking Hardware
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Designed with Zaqaru expertise in cryptography and the digital realm, Hacking Hardware was developed to assist your agents in the same field. Specialized devices and hardware operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment contains personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships in the colour of your choice. The scouts have antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

Sensors Array
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Information regarding the enemy is what will prove vital in any operation. Zaqaru provides advanced sensors to meet this need. Specialized sensors arrays to be incorporated in large vessels, such as Carriers and Cruisers, as well as the latest sensors installed in dedicated sensor probes.

This allows highly effective intelligence gathering, so that messages or sensitive information may be earlier uncovered. The information provides a significant advantage in the battlefield, as by being aware of the enemy before they are aware of you, disabling them is even easier. The equipment readily synergises with hacking Hardware.

Market Equipment

Source: https://endless-space-2.fandom.com/wiki/Plasma_Metallurgy

Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Two rings set side by side, placed throughout a star system in lines after another with vast distances between them. Together they form lanes through which spaceships can fly and accelerate to great speeds along the lanes. Connecting warp gates, market colonies and economically strategic locations such as resource extraction sites, the Hyperlanes are capable of vastly speeding up the flow of trade and accumulation of wealth.

Travellers choose which of the two rings to move through, as each traverses in a different direction, speeding up travel by magnetically and gravitationally accelerating the spaceship along the course of the lane. Each of the the rings is marked with different lights and symbols to signify the direction. The lanes move as the star system rotates, optimising travel routes between destinations. Routes may be curved and adapted to the needs of the colonies and star systems.

As resources arrive faster, deliveries are faster and civilian transport easier the benefits for markets are numerous, leading to economic benefits easy to take advantage of. A highpoint of interplanetary infrastructure to stand next to the warp gates connecting star systems.

Source: https://pngtree.com/freepng/recycle-icon-design-vector_3624930.html

Reclamation Automata
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Elaborate machines in different shapes and forms which integrate with industrial complexes, civilian districts and infrastructure. Handling waste disposal, management and recycling in a completely automated fashion, the Reclamation Automata are even able to move to where the demand is highest.

Small robots which scurry through streets to clean up litter and tossed aside garbage, shuttles to move the garbage and even bulky waste processor automata are capable of replacing to sites with peaks of recycling opportunities within a colony. This mobility allows a flexible integration in industries and production chains, adaptation to events and efficiency in an otherwise thankless job. The materials within the waste are processed by these automata so the vital resources reclaimed for use by society.

Icon made by Freepik (https://www.freepik.com/home) from www.flaticon.com (https://www.flaticon.com/premium-icon/nanotechnology_1044718)

Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Manufacture on the molecular level is present in several industrial fields, but never before has production achieved the level of efficiency as with Nano-Assemblers. Capable of processing vast amounts of resources on an industrial level to create products where manipulation on the nano-level scale is either necessary or useful.

The Nano-Assemblers are available in a range of sizes and costs, allowing both small manufacturers and industrial production to make use of them. The ease of nano-assembly allows for a new range of products to be introduced which otherwise would not be cost-effective, adding to diversity of goods available and increasing economic opportunities.

2019-06-11, 07:41 AM

Enigma: 7

Dear Duke Menard Lacross,

Congratulations to House Lacross and your own obtainement of the title of Duke, Duke Menard Lacross. I hope that relations between Zaqaru and House Lacross will develop to be beneficial to the both of us.

With great pleasure I wish to inform you of the current equipment Zaqaru has available for sale. Please find the information for current equipment below. Delivery time for an order is five years. Alternative methods of payment are discussable. Should you be interested, I will be happy to take any orders or answer any questions you may have.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

Court Equipment

Source: http://www.rohtakchain.com/

Zaqaru Jewelry
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Zaqaru catalog of jewelry has drawn attention in the past and this most recent addition is a work of art and expert craft. The precious metals, minerals and gems of Zaqaru origin are used in exquisite designs to adorn the human body.

Crystal droplets composing a necklace, ruby set in gold to compliment ears as earrings, embossed gold and ornamented silver rings, gleaming steel badges with intricate forms, armbands as if made of quicksilver and many more jewelry make up the available connection. Any kind to fit any dress or outfit, from emerald to compliment blue or silver to contrast black, from multifaceted gems to draw attention to bare skin or decorate tiara's, headbands and more. From timeless designs to the latest in fashion, all are delivered by the Zaqaru experts. Tailored to the buyer, the jewelry is sure to have to best and most comfortable fit and make the best addition to any new or existing wardrobe.

Fleet Equipment


Orca Bomber
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 3 shipments.

The Orca Bomber is an improved version of the Zaqaru bomber. The chassis is of a familiar and trusted design, with the necessary upgrades. The armaments are of Greenflame design, an array of nuclear missiles to inflect even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Each shipment contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron composed of 5 fighters, this makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. They are available in the colour scheme of your choice, to fit with the rest of your fleet and be ready to target any enemy.

Source: https://www.shutterstock.com/nl/image-vector/modern-aiming-system-scifi-futuristic-spaceship-1155380314

Fire Control Module
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Fire Control Module ensures improved battle operations by synchronising fire and enhancing tactical control for a Fleet. It is a large module to be installed on a sizeable vessel, such as a flagship or logistics ship. It can fit from a frigate and upwards, though at heavy cost to other systems. Most suitable would be a Carrier or Destroyer and up.

The Fire Control Module is dedicated to oversight and control over an action radius, increasing efficiency within range. Advanced computers track targets and allies, enabling commanders a better overview of the battle and coupling with other ship systems to coordinate assaults more effectively. Besides giving the ability to better coordin lead combat, the systems are also designed to synchronise targets and allowing devastating barrages of weapons fire, increasing damage dealt to enemies.

Source: https://www.shutterstock.com/nl/image-vector/brightly-red-sunburst-background-81147184

Starburst Autocannon
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The long single barrel of the Starburst Autocannon is capable of an extremely high rate of fire, shooting a veritable burst of rounds at its target. Refined from earlier Autocannon designs, it surpasses previous rates of fire and accuracy. In addition, its base is more durable, allowing it to suffer less from overheating and making it more difficult to destroy if targeted.

The Starburst Autocannon is, for fleets, a relatively small armament. Most suitable for use on fighter or corvette class vessels as main weapon and for larger class vessels it is a side weapon, equipped to deal with smaller threats than the vessel will be designed for. It is a fantastic upgrade for the stock weapons of logistical or support vessels, who will generally rely on smaller arms than more combative versions of their class. For instance carriers and support frigates will find this an excellent weapon to stave off smaller threats until reinforcements arrive. This will make the Starburst Autocannon an essential upgrade for weapons of its class.

Source: https://stellaris.paradoxwikis.com/Physics_research#Improved_Deflectors_Tech
Multiphase Barrier
Limited stock! Immediate delivery!
Price: 2 Trade for 4 Shipments, immediately delivered.

The latest advance in shield technology, the Multiphase Barrier excels at protecting spaceships from incoming weapon fire in combat. Relying on multiple overlapping asynchronous shield phases, it's capable of sustaining far greater punishment, a magnificent barrier against one's foes.

Forming a tight elliptical bubble around the spaceship, the Multiphase Barrier is invisible to the naked eye until hit. Lighting up at struck locations, the attacker will come to realise how durable this Barrier is as it is capable of sustained operations through continuous fire.

Agency Equipment

Source: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Hacking Hardware
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Designed with Zaqaru expertise in cryptography and the digital realm, Hacking Hardware was developed to assist your agents in the same field. Specialized devices and hardware operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment contains personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships in the colour of your choice. The scouts have antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

Sensors Array
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Information regarding the enemy is what will prove vital in any operation. Zaqaru provides advanced sensors to meet this need. Specialized sensors arrays to be incorporated in large vessels, such as Carriers and Cruisers, as well as the latest sensors installed in dedicated sensor probes.

This allows highly effective intelligence gathering, so that messages or sensitive information may be earlier uncovered. The information provides a significant advantage in the battlefield, as by being aware of the enemy before they are aware of you, disabling them is even easier. The equipment readily synergises with hacking Hardware.

Market Equipment

Source: https://endless-space-2.fandom.com/wiki/Plasma_Metallurgy

Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Two rings set side by side, placed throughout a star system in lines after another with vast distances between them. Together they form lanes through which spaceships can fly and accelerate to great speeds along the lanes. Connecting warp gates, market colonies and economically strategic locations such as resource extraction sites, the Hyperlanes are capable of vastly speeding up the flow of trade and accumulation of wealth.

Travellers choose which of the two rings to move through, as each traverses in a different direction, speeding up travel by magnetically and gravitationally accelerating the spaceship along the course of the lane. Each of the the rings is marked with different lights and symbols to signify the direction. The lanes move as the star system rotates, optimising travel routes between destinations. Routes may be curved and adapted to the needs of the colonies and star systems.

As resources arrive faster, deliveries are faster and civilian transport easier the benefits for markets are numerous, leading to economic benefits easy to take advantage of. A highpoint of interplanetary infrastructure to stand next to the warp gates connecting star systems.

Source: https://pngtree.com/freepng/recycle-icon-design-vector_3624930.html

Reclamation Automata
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Elaborate machines in different shapes and forms which integrate with industrial complexes, civilian districts and infrastructure. Handling waste disposal, management and recycling in a completely automated fashion, the Reclamation Automata are even able to move to where the demand is highest.

Small robots which scurry through streets to clean up litter and tossed aside garbage, shuttles to move the garbage and even bulky waste processor automata are capable of replacing to sites with peaks of recycling opportunities within a colony. This mobility allows a flexible integration in industries and production chains, adaptation to events and efficiency in an otherwise thankless job. The materials within the waste are processed by these automata so the vital resources reclaimed for use by society.

Icon made by Freepik (https://www.freepik.com/home) from www.flaticon.com (https://www.flaticon.com/premium-icon/nanotechnology_1044718)

Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Manufacture on the molecular level is present in several industrial fields, but never before has production achieved the level of efficiency as with Nano-Assemblers. Capable of processing vast amounts of resources on an industrial level to create products where manipulation on the nano-level scale is either necessary or useful.

The Nano-Assemblers are available in a range of sizes and costs, allowing both small manufacturers and industrial production to make use of them. The ease of nano-assembly allows for a new range of products to be introduced which otherwise would not be cost-effective, adding to diversity of goods available and increasing economic opportunities.
Dear Councillor Vanya Mal,

Word has reached me that peace has returned to the borders of House Voss. This gives rise to opportunities for trade, which on behalf of Zaqaru I wish to present to you.

With great pleasure I wish to inform you of the current equipment Zaqaru has available for sale. Please find the information for current equipment below. Delivery time for an order is five years. Alternative methods of payment are discussable. Should you be interested, I will be happy to take any orders or answer any questions you may have.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

Court Equipment

Source: http://www.rohtakchain.com/

Zaqaru Jewelry
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Zaqaru catalog of jewelry has drawn attention in the past and this most recent addition is a work of art and expert craft. The precious metals, minerals and gems of Zaqaru origin are used in exquisite designs to adorn the human body.

Crystal droplets composing a necklace, ruby set in gold to compliment ears as earrings, embossed gold and ornamented silver rings, gleaming steel badges with intricate forms, armbands as if made of quicksilver and many more jewelry make up the available connection. Any kind to fit any dress or outfit, from emerald to compliment blue or silver to contrast black, from multifaceted gems to draw attention to bare skin or decorate tiara's, headbands and more. From timeless designs to the latest in fashion, all are delivered by the Zaqaru experts. Tailored to the buyer, the jewelry is sure to have to best and most comfortable fit and make the best addition to any new or existing wardrobe.

Fleet Equipment


Orca Bomber
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 3 shipments.

The Orca Bomber is an improved version of the Zaqaru bomber. The chassis is of a familiar and trusted design, with the necessary upgrades. The armaments are of Greenflame design, an array of nuclear missiles to inflect even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Each shipment contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron composed of 5 fighters, this makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. They are available in the colour scheme of your choice, to fit with the rest of your fleet and be ready to target any enemy.

Source: https://www.shutterstock.com/nl/image-vector/modern-aiming-system-scifi-futuristic-spaceship-1155380314

Fire Control Module
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Fire Control Module ensures improved battle operations by synchronising fire and enhancing tactical control for a Fleet. It is a large module to be installed on a sizeable vessel, such as a flagship or logistics ship. It can fit from a frigate and upwards, though at heavy cost to other systems. Most suitable would be a Carrier or Destroyer and up.

The Fire Control Module is dedicated to oversight and control over an action radius, increasing efficiency within range. Advanced computers track targets and allies, enabling commanders a better overview of the battle and coupling with other ship systems to coordinate assaults more effectively. Besides giving the ability to better coordin lead combat, the systems are also designed to synchronise targets and allowing devastating barrages of weapons fire, increasing damage dealt to enemies.

Source: https://www.shutterstock.com/nl/image-vector/brightly-red-sunburst-background-81147184

Starburst Autocannon
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The long single barrel of the Starburst Autocannon is capable of an extremely high rate of fire, shooting a veritable burst of rounds at its target. Refined from earlier Autocannon designs, it surpasses previous rates of fire and accuracy. In addition, its base is more durable, allowing it to suffer less from overheating and making it more difficult to destroy if targeted.

The Starburst Autocannon is, for fleets, a relatively small armament. Most suitable for use on fighter or corvette class vessels as main weapon and for larger class vessels it is a side weapon, equipped to deal with smaller threats than the vessel will be designed for. It is a fantastic upgrade for the stock weapons of logistical or support vessels, who will generally rely on smaller arms than more combative versions of their class. For instance carriers and support frigates will find this an excellent weapon to stave off smaller threats until reinforcements arrive. This will make the Starburst Autocannon an essential upgrade for weapons of its class.

Source: https://stellaris.paradoxwikis.com/Physics_research#Improved_Deflectors_Tech
Multiphase Barrier
Limited stock! Immediate delivery!
Price: 2 Trade for 4 Shipments, immediately delivered.

The latest advance in shield technology, the Multiphase Barrier excels at protecting spaceships from incoming weapon fire in combat. Relying on multiple overlapping asynchronous shield phases, it's capable of sustaining far greater punishment, a magnificent barrier against one's foes.

Forming a tight elliptical bubble around the spaceship, the Multiphase Barrier is invisible to the naked eye until hit. Lighting up at struck locations, the attacker will come to realise how durable this Barrier is as it is capable of sustained operations through continuous fire.

Agency Equipment

Source: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Hacking Hardware
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Designed with Zaqaru expertise in cryptography and the digital realm, Hacking Hardware was developed to assist your agents in the same field. Specialized devices and hardware operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment contains personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships in the colour of your choice. The scouts have antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

Sensors Array
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Information regarding the enemy is what will prove vital in any operation. Zaqaru provides advanced sensors to meet this need. Specialized sensors arrays to be incorporated in large vessels, such as Carriers and Cruisers, as well as the latest sensors installed in dedicated sensor probes.

This allows highly effective intelligence gathering, so that messages or sensitive information may be earlier uncovered. The information provides a significant advantage in the battlefield, as by being aware of the enemy before they are aware of you, disabling them is even easier. The equipment readily synergises with hacking Hardware.

Market Equipment

Source: https://endless-space-2.fandom.com/wiki/Plasma_Metallurgy

Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Two rings set side by side, placed throughout a star system in lines after another with vast distances between them. Together they form lanes through which spaceships can fly and accelerate to great speeds along the lanes. Connecting warp gates, market colonies and economically strategic locations such as resource extraction sites, the Hyperlanes are capable of vastly speeding up the flow of trade and accumulation of wealth.

Travellers choose which of the two rings to move through, as each traverses in a different direction, speeding up travel by magnetically and gravitationally accelerating the spaceship along the course of the lane. Each of the the rings is marked with different lights and symbols to signify the direction. The lanes move as the star system rotates, optimising travel routes between destinations. Routes may be curved and adapted to the needs of the colonies and star systems.

As resources arrive faster, deliveries are faster and civilian transport easier the benefits for markets are numerous, leading to economic benefits easy to take advantage of. A highpoint of interplanetary infrastructure to stand next to the warp gates connecting star systems.

Source: https://pngtree.com/freepng/recycle-icon-design-vector_3624930.html

Reclamation Automata
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Elaborate machines in different shapes and forms which integrate with industrial complexes, civilian districts and infrastructure. Handling waste disposal, management and recycling in a completely automated fashion, the Reclamation Automata are even able to move to where the demand is highest.

Small robots which scurry through streets to clean up litter and tossed aside garbage, shuttles to move the garbage and even bulky waste processor automata are capable of replacing to sites with peaks of recycling opportunities within a colony. This mobility allows a flexible integration in industries and production chains, adaptation to events and efficiency in an otherwise thankless job. The materials within the waste are processed by these automata so the vital resources reclaimed for use by society.

Icon made by Freepik (https://www.freepik.com/home) from www.flaticon.com (https://www.flaticon.com/premium-icon/nanotechnology_1044718)

Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Manufacture on the molecular level is present in several industrial fields, but never before has production achieved the level of efficiency as with Nano-Assemblers. Capable of processing vast amounts of resources on an industrial level to create products where manipulation on the nano-level scale is either necessary or useful.

The Nano-Assemblers are available in a range of sizes and costs, allowing both small manufacturers and industrial production to make use of them. The ease of nano-assembly allows for a new range of products to be introduced which otherwise would not be cost-effective, adding to diversity of goods available and increasing economic opportunities.

2019-06-11, 12:07 PM
House Greenflame

Enigma 6

The screeching of engagement alarms called Arda from sleep. Even before he was sitting upright the com unit in his ear was chattering the list of officers demanding his attention, he muted them, already grasping parts of the situation. His uniform lay neatly folded at the foot of the officer cot, courtesy of his bodyguard.
"Michelle can you fetch me one of the caffeinated packs? It looks like I will need the pick up."
The small woman nodded sternly and moved to a nearby locker, preparing the iv nutripack with practiced precision.

Arda dressed quickly and moved to his bridge console, flicking it from sleep and scanning the urgent messages. He flicked watch commander Talla Janju onto the screen.
"They came through the gate? Despite knowing we were here?"
Janju interrupted her conversation to turn to his screen.
"Yessir, the scanners picked up a trio of battleships and their escorts jumping in about twenty minutes ago, the rest have shown up since, and they are still coming. No effort to hide themselves.”
Arda furrowed his brows in puzzlement. Why not try to hide their jump? Or jump once the patrol had passed? Were they confident enough that they could take on the Haytham already? “Number projections?”
“Working on it sir, they sure as hell have more than last time though.” She was smiling, although her eyes reminded Arda of a Iteran Seahaunt.
“Keep the fleet back, call in the patrols, and inform me as soon as the analysts have numbers projections.” He killed the feed, switching over to his tactical officers. There were many fires to manage in the heat of precombat, and the smoother he could make things now they longer tactics and organization would last once the missiles started to fly.
“We have twenty fighterwings on standby sir, if they launch their screen we will rip them from the stars!” John Raveres’ face was even more eager than the watch commander’s, everyone was keen to get away from the boredom of patrols, and the promise of large scale battle had many of the officers dreaming of prize money.
“Easy Raveres, I want the Belephron II’s scout wings out and looking for any trying to slip around. Might not be a battle today.”

And on it went, setting up his chess pieces as the foe set up theirs. All the while Janju poured in reports of more and more jump signatures. Once Arda was confident everything was mustering smoothly, he switched to the Belephron II’s comms officer.
“Dan, send out a hail, I want to speak with the commander of this fleet.”
Daniel Bander was an old friend, and despite his age, was still a fierce old wardog. More importantly, he knew when to put the wardog persona away and keep a straight face. Arda was glad that he had a cool head on comms with the fleet’s mood so tense.
“You got it skip, sending now.” Barely a dozen seconds passed before he continued. “Ah, looks like they had the same idea, all ready for connection Admiral?”
“Put me through comms.” Arda took one last opportunity to straighten his uniform and apply the bridge imaging to his sleeping quarters, then sat in his command throne.

As the image began to focus, he began. “You have some nerve jumping your fleet into Foley, but you’ll not take the Haytham by surprise Admiral-”
The fuzz of millions of kilometers faded from the image, leaving the gleeful faces of half a dozen military men staring smugly through the screen.
“Ah, Admirals, I see… Why have you come to the Foley system? This star is under the protection of the Whitewyne Alliance, and last I checked you were certainly not a member.”
The first of the men spoke up, the rest staying quiet. “Admiral Arda? Why we hardly expected to meet the Haytham here. We are simply traveling in a patrol of our own, by the… grace of the imperial charter.”
Arda repressed the urge to close his eyes and sigh, his political advisors had warned him that this was an avenue the Collective might take. The warning did not make reality any less frustrating.
“Be that as it may, these are unusual times Admiral, and I must detain your fleet under suspicion of treasonous intent unless you surrender your fleet itinerary for this… patrol.”
“Admiral Arda that is hardly appropriate nor is it within your rights as a noble of the Imperium. But I suppose you are right in that these times are unusual. Our heading is for the Rayfield Sector.”
Arda could not hide his surprise at that, and the faces of the assembled Collective officers grew even more smug. A flash of text from Janju passed by the bottom of his screen.
“They are assuming formation admiral… parade formation…”
“Do not worry Saquar, justice will come to your house in time. Now stand down your fleet or break the laws of the Imperium you hold so dear.”
Doing his best to maintain his composure, Arda ended the hail. The new silence of the room broken only by his bodyguard abruptly plugging in a caffeinated IV pack to his navy pick-line.
“Damnit Michelle, they have us by the hair. I wish Farid were here…”
As usual the woman was stern and silent, composed as a stone.

Tactical was upgrading their messages to maximum urgent, and Arda swiped them to the screen.
“Main Collective battlegroup about to enter the missle envelope of Bafut Squadron, no screening craft launched. Permission to launch Saga Missiles Admiral!” There was hardly a question in the voice of Raveres, he was simply stating his desires.
“Permission denied tactical, keep the weapons hot, but I will have every single one of your heads if a single shot is fired without my command.” Harsh words, but necessary in the face of such arrogance, both from friend and foe. He swiped back to the watch commander.
“Talla we are not engaging, repeat, not engaging. Keep that fleet in our envelope and follow it to the edge of Whitewyne.”
“You heard me watch master.” Arda killed the feed, then pulled up his keypad. Farid had to know, and Farid would know what to do.


House Gilkara
Lord Torbin
It is in dire times I find my house approaching yours once more. I had thought the Laramy conflict cooling, and that they would resume the duties of holding the realm together. Alas it seems the civil war continues, and it is up to us nobles to maintain the imperium.

Of course I refer to the Cardoba Protectorate, the Collective may be targeting Earl's and empty space for the moment, but I have little doubt that they have the backing of the Infinite Republic, and that their eyes will soon turn to the weaker Dukes. It seems to me their aim is to destabilize the imperium, and perhaps pave the way to a power move by their sponsor.

I am trying to bring together a larger group of Houses together, to combat crises that threaten the Imperium, with our first foe the Collective. The group is but an idea at the moment, and will require extensive discussion with other potential members. Would you be interested in such a meeting? In such a group? Even if a group such as this would not be in your interests I would still very much like to speak.

Duke Farid Saquar
Master of the Grand Marquis


Alexander Laramy
Heir Apparent,
I write to you for the crisis that besets the Imperium’s borders. The Democratic Collective is making grand moves to attempt to destabilize the Imperium, and rubbing our own laws in our faces at the behest of the Infinite Republic. Your father was a great man, and he believed that his successor would be one who brought stability to the empire. I see few things more destabilizing in these modern times than our rivals pushing their puppets through our walls.

I believe there is a solution, a crusade, like the glory times of old. Bring the Infinite Republic to its knees and secure the southern border for generations to come. You have a grievance with your sister, such is the politics of siblings, but the two of you have the closest the Imperium has right now to the authority to declare such a move.

Please at least consider my words. My family will maintain the border as best we can, as is our duty, but the very laws we are sworn to uphold are currently being used to subvert us.

Your Servant,
Duke Farid Saquar
Master of the Grand Marquis

Persephone Laramy
Heir Apparent,
I write to you for the crisis that besets the Imperium’s borders. The Democratic Collective is making grand moves to attempt to destabilize the Imperium, and rubbing our own laws in our faces at the behest of the Infinite Republic. Your father was a great man, and he believed that his successor would be one who brought stability to the empire. I see few things more destabilizing in these modern times than our rivals pushing their puppets through our walls.

I believe there is a solution, a crusade, like the glory times of old. Bring the Infinite Republic to its knees and secure the southern border for generations to come. You have a grievance with your brother, such is the politics of siblings, but the two of you have the closest the Imperium has right now to the authority to declare such a move.

Please at least consider my words. My family will maintain the border as best we can, as is our duty, but the very laws we are sworn to uphold are currently being used to subvert us.

Your Servant,
Duke Farid Saquar
Master of the Grand Marquis

House Vastadd
Duchess Izabella,
First, thank you for joining together in alliance. I propose the name ‘Whitewyne Alliance’ and we should announce it publicly soon. I hope this relationship is long, loyal, and fruitful.

Second, our mutual rival on the border. The Collective’s… acquisition of the Cardoba Protectorate reeks of manufactured crisis, but be that as it may they have a sizable fleet now split between territory, if there was ever a time to strike, it is now. Are we united in this? I am hoping to approach one or two other factions for favours and assistance, surely needed if the Infinite Republic Becomes involved.

Duke Farid Saquar
Master of the Grand Marquis

Count Severin
Count Severin,
Thank you for the Princely gift of the Shield of Algiers. A shining jewel in our glorious armada. Your desires to extend your influence are understandable and admirable. You have my blessing and backing to approach the Earl's of (09, -08) and (08, -07).
Duke Farid Saquar
Master of the Grand Marquis.

The Earl's of Systems (05, -09), (06, -09), (07, -09)
Nobles of the Imperium,
The Collective is pressing boldly and their efforts are growing in cunning and strength. I offer you the same guarantee that Earl Roshan received: Swear loyalty to House Greenflame and be protected from the cruelties of the Collective's Guillotine. In addition, I will offer a boon to the Earl's who join. [2 trade] with the pact that it must build a market colony. Do this, and you may use the colony to develop your systems for generations to come, safe under the Haytham's protection.
Duke Farid Saquar

2019-06-11, 03:05 PM

The Democrat Threat

Zaqaru was not silent on the matter surrounding the Democratic Collective of the People. Grand Admiral Elos Roshami has gone on record stating he perceives it as “one of the greatest threats to the Empire in current times”. Earl Namzara Zaqaru, now free of the office of Grand Diplomat has denounced the Collective in various flowery statements. Several other earls, officials and minor nobles have similarly not been shy to profess a profound dislike and disapproval of the Collective. That an organisation denying the very feudalistic foundations the Empire was built upon is seen as a grave offense and its expansion is an outrage.

However, despite the strong position, to any looking beyond the statements it is quite abundantly obvious they are but hollow words. Statements which may hold true opinions, but which purpose is mostly to please the crowds, show the people they hold the feudalistic values high. The only plans and actions which are enacted are tariffs and bans on products and transport from and to the Collective which is either non-existent or at most completely insignificant. Symbolic measures which, while not being effective at all, frames Zaqaru in a positive light in the Imperial realm.

Fact is that the Collective, even as it now has influence in two sectors, does not share a sector with Zaqaru, nor directly borders the Akkedu Sector. While the Collective is close enough that they cannot be called distant and on the other side of the Empire, the distance is far enough that neither side has much to do with the other. Critics which point out these matters find little resistance as what Zaqaru does is still more than what the silent Houses do.

That the Collective stands no threat from Zaqaru and can safely ignore the words and statements, barring outside intervention, is evident as the real focus of Zaqaru efforts is broadcasted far and wide through the Empire.


Grand Diplomat Ninu Zaqaru
Robot Unicorn Princess
Earl of Mithurtu
Winner of the Tattooine Run

Hello everybody!

With great happiness and pride I announce the greatest undertaking of our time!
Join me in a journey across the rainbow, to a land filled with hope and legends!
Chase the dream with me beyond known space!
To boldly go where no Robot Unicorn Princess has gone before!
We’re going to Zanadu!

I hereby announce:

The Quest for Zanadu

The ancient Zaqaru Fortress Palace of Zanadu!
Lost in the mists of time!
Let’s make the past the future!
Zanadu will be restored!

I will lead the Zanadu Expedition, to find the greatest Palace of all time!
In my great Quest, I need supporters daring to go out in the far reaches of space!

Therefore, I must loudly call out to the bravest of explorers!

For my first call, I call out to none other than the most Legendary Explorer of all,
famous throughout the Empire for all his achievements and fabulous discoveries!
The one, the only:

Duke Benjamin Stone of House Lonestar!
I invite you!
Join me in my Quest for Zanadu!

For my second call, I call out to none other than the Bravest Explorer of all,
known far and wide for the gravest of alien dangers bested in all the Empire!
The one, the only:

Duchess Akachi Okeke!
I invite you!
Join me in my Quest for Zanadu!

For my third call, I call out to all you courageous explorers, be they noble or in their employ, to join me in my Quest to find the Legendary Fortress Palace of Zanadu!

Those brave enough to join me, please contact Lady Sun, who helps me to bring us all together to find Zanadu!

We’re going to Zanadu!

http://u.cubeupload.com/Zweanslord/d2m0ix1f3f13fae60454.gif (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CC_Y4zOUdcI)

“We’re going to Zanadu” is said to the tune of “We’re going to Ibiza (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXXRHpVed3M)”. Shortly after the public broadcast, Robot Unicorn Princess Ninu Zaqaru publishes a new song called “We’re going to Zanadu”, which is wildly popular in Zaqaru space.

The Quest for Zanadu

Robot Unicorn Princess Ninu Zaqaru broadcasted the message far and wide. Following in its wake are more messages with explanations. Zaqaru is hosting an expedition to find Zanadu, the Fortress Palace of the ancient Zaqaru monarchs which was lost in a freak warp gate incident. This is the aforementioned Quest for Zanadu. Invited to join are all the known noble Houses, from Earl to Duke (and King and Emperor, but there are none at the moment).

To find the place do so will require exploration and those best versed in exploration are scientists from Universities. While the messages do not hint towards it, it is common knowledge that if there is any weak point in Zaqaru forces, it is their universities, which clearly points to why they are calling for explorers.

The reason as to why Zaqaru seeks to find Zanadu needs scarce little explanation. The different messages speak of ancient right, bringing justice to history, reclaiming the past of Zaqaru, but the intention is much clearer. Zaqaru seeks to further cement the legitimacy of their claim to kingship. To this end, they lay claim to all which is found during the Quest for Zanadu.

The base offer to achieve this is a [1 Trade] for [1 Scientist], for as long as the Zaqaru coffers hold. Alternative payments, such as military or agent support can be discussed with Lady Sun. Also on the negotiation table is a [5 Equipment] of choice to be produced from the Zaqaru catalog in exchange for [1 Scientist]. Those without knowledge of what Zaqaru has available in its catalog need to contact Lady Sun. When the Zaqaru coffers run out, Zaqaru still offers equipment trade involving both trade and research in exchange for the equipment, please contact Lady Sun for additional details.

Obvious preference is given to explorers from both House Lonestar and House Okeke for the simple and most obvious reason that both Houses are known for their exploration focus. As the coffers of Zaqaru are not infinite, should there be more interested than Zaqaru can afford, additional preference will be given to the noble Houses which best present why their exploration skills are superior.

Female: https://www.zerochan.net/151384
Unicorn racing: https://www.deviantart.com/gokulover4ever/art/Robot-Unicorn-Attack-Stamp-157908421

2019-06-11, 04:32 PM
House Gilkara
Thoral System (-2,3)
Bofgak, Capital of Filo

Anoa walked into the meeting room with only her advisors. She felt her face shift inquisitively as the room panned across her vision. Only the family and their personal advisors were here. Torbin sat across from her vacant chair. He seemed weary and pondering. Beside him were Belbryn, to his right, and Glordek, to his left. Those two still had their heads shoved into their holopads. They talked across the table to one another almost continuously. Glordek was again claiming that there were no resources available, no doubt.

"It's impossible, we are too thinly stretched as is. We have little left without diverting almost everything and that would be very slow going." Was he actually looking through the resources or was this a programmed response.

"Imagine how much faster you would get a return for what you want. We have no doubt helped, we just want to help more is all… and have a little extra." Belbryn looked up and smiled, but Glordek didn't.

Anoa stood behind her chair. Bolkas nodded to her and she nodded back. Torbin looked up at her and smiled. "Welcome back Anoa. Please, take your seat."

"No." Anger swelled in Anoa's veins. "I am not going to sit by and watch the galaxy rip itself apart. You have a task, we have a task to do. We may not have asked to be here, but I will do my part. I will help save these poor people, who are like us. They don't have the systems in place. They are exploitable and they are being bullied into submission. It is not growing our cause." Her righteousness burned in her voice.

"Because of our delay, we may have extended this for decades. None of us will live to see the end of it. So no, I will not sit. Thank you." The chair was strong and resisted her finger's grasp. She wanted to rip it in half.

Torbin looked at her, little emotion showed on his face, but he closed his eyes for a moment before he spoke. "We have done wonderful things these past years. I know that none of us asked to be a part of this, you have all risen to the occasion so well. Thank you my family." He looked at them one by one. The anger subsided from her when his pierced her soul. She looked away and her cheeks burned with shame. Out of turn and out of line.

Torbin continued, "Anoa has already introduced the first order. Expansion. Zaqaru has taken control of their sector, they will probably declare themselves or their children King. DCOTP has invaded territory to the north. We have been stagnant and the world around us has grown more dangerous. We must keep up with the pace of others or we become tasty morsels for consumption."

Torbin turned to Belbryn and put his hand to her shoulder, "Would you kindly explain how you can assist in this manner." Belbryn jumped a bit and quickly projected images onto the holotable.

She smiled and her eyes flashed excitement. "With our research pact! we started our work. It was rough going, but we have come far. We have gained so many options. Our new colonies will be better, and be better as well. If we could burn every one of our cities to the ground and rebuild them, oh, the thought is just so exciting!" Anoa saw the joy in her face opposed by Glordek's flash of twisted disgust.

"No." He looked back down at his holopad. Anoa couldn't help but agree with Glordek. It would take too long.

Belbryn shouted, "I was just emphasizing how good new ones would be." She scorned them all with her stare. "Who do you think I am?" Her gaze lingered on Anoa.

"Please cousins." Torbin reigned them in." We have decisions to make. Bolkas, if you don't mind."

Bolkas smiled and stood. "My family, I'm thinking we start using our assets. Let our newly acquired agents lend their greedy little hands into your pies to help. I plan on taking a trip, my advisors are set to help you in any way."

Torbin smiled. "That's where we all are. Keep in touch. Bolkas is planning a trip, I assume Belbryn will as well. Anoa, we will discuss more. Glordek, I know you will remain building. Please take into account our requests. Remember to reflect on your ideas and wishes. Now, let us eat."

The hologram response does not reveal the familiar image of Torbin, but a woman. She stands still and proper. Her outfit is that fitting a military commander, but she wears the sigil of House Gilkara and another similar emblem. She speaks calmly and politely.

"Duke Farid,
I would be willing to mercenary out a few fleets in exchange for some of your ships. My advisors inform me that you have Orca bombers and Hexshot fighters. If we are going to fight your enemies, we would prefer you to supply us with the means to be victorious. We hold a particular advantage of being able to split the Northern DCOTP from the South. Allow us to utilize it.

Fleet Warden: Anoa Gilkara"

"Lady Sun,

I have been advised to request a catalog of your wares.

Belbryn Gilkara"

2019-06-12, 07:41 AM


Torpedo Frigate

The stock of the line frigate used widespread throughout the Zaqaru fleets is the Torpedo Frigate. The spaceship measures a length of 134 meters. In tactical operations it is slower and less maneuverable than the fighters making up the Zaqaru fleets, but easily outmaneuvers the Carrier. Forming the core of any fleet assault, the Torpedo Frigate relies on the first strike of the fighters to draw attention after which it fires its weapons and enters the fray.


The spaceship possesses a thick hull to protect from the dangers of space and foes. Many other Zaqaruan ships of this size look much alike the design and it is not uncommon to see a frigate modified for other purposes. For example, a frigate may have switched around it’s military crew quarters and half or all of its weapons for a scientific outfitting to study anomalies, using the protection of the vast hull to ensure safe operations.


Outfitted with two torpedo tubes at the front, the Torpedo Frigate aptly named for its capability to fire self-propelled projectiles at the enemy. The standard Torpedo Frigate carries two types of ammunition, cluster missiles and anti-ship torpedoes. Once the cluster missile nears its target, it will break apart and unleash multiple smaller homing missiles to target smaller spaceships, though it loses effectiveness against the fastest fighters. The anti-ship torpedoes are fired when dealing with larger spaceships, such as frigates and capital ships. Especially when multiple Torpedo Frigates unleash a barrage, the result is spectacularly explosive.


Enigma: 7

Skin darkened by enough sun hours, peerless yellow eyes, golden-blond hair, smooth curves draped by a gown fashioned out of richly decorated gold, sparkling in the light, brilliant golden bracelets, radiant golden earrings, shining golden necklace and a dazzling golden hair accessoire, it is clear why Lady Sun bears her name. Her response is an eloquent video transmission.

“Greetings Belbryn Gilkara, I am Lady Sun.”

“It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance. From your request I take it House Gilkara is interested in joining the Quest for Zanadu. I am happy to take record of the interest and look forward to coming to an agreement what Zaqaru may offer in exchange for explorers to aid in this brilliant endeavour and grand undertaking.”

“Please find the Zaqaru Catalog sent along with this message and let me know what items are of your desire. Included in the catalog are the prices both for regular business as well as this very special and limited offer in regards to the Quest for Zanadu, marked in regal purple. Delivery time of selected items, unless indicated otherwise, is five years.”

“I take it you are aware of the conditions that apply considering the limits of this offer as has been sent by previous messages. However, should you have any questions, do not hesitate for longer than a thought to contact me.”

“I look forward to a proposal from House Gilkara and I hope will receive it at the earliest opportunity.”

“May the future be ever radiant.”

Court Equipment

Source: http://www.rohtakchain.com/

Zaqaru Jewelry
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.
Price: [1 Scientist] for 5 Shipments

The Zaqaru catalog of jewelry has drawn attention in the past and this most recent addition is a work of art and expert craft. The precious metals, minerals and gems of Zaqaru origin are used in exquisite designs to adorn the human body.

Crystal droplets composing a necklace, ruby set in gold to compliment ears as earrings, embossed gold and ornamented silver rings, gleaming steel badges with intricate forms, armbands as if made of quicksilver and many more jewelry make up the available connection. Any kind to fit any dress or outfit, from emerald to compliment blue or silver to contrast black, from multifaceted gems to draw attention to bare skin or decorate tiara's, headbands and more. From timeless designs to the latest in fashion, all are delivered by the Zaqaru experts. Tailored to the buyer, the jewelry is sure to have to best and most comfortable fit and make the best addition to any new or existing wardrobe.

Fleet Equipment


Orca Bomber
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 3 shipments.
Price: [1 Scientist] for 5 Shipments

The Orca Bomber is an improved version of the Zaqaru bomber. The chassis is of a familiar and trusted design, with the necessary upgrades. The armaments are of Greenflame design, an array of nuclear missiles to inflect even greater damage against heavily armoured targets.

Each shipment contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron composed of 5 fighters, this makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. They are available in the colour scheme of your choice, to fit with the rest of your fleet and be ready to target any enemy.

Source: https://www.shutterstock.com/nl/image-vector/modern-aiming-system-scifi-futuristic-spaceship-1155380314

Fire Control Module
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.
Price: [1 Scientist] for 5 Shipments

The Fire Control Module ensures improved battle operations by synchronising fire and enhancing tactical control for a Fleet. It is a large module to be installed on a sizeable vessel, such as a flagship or logistics ship. It can fit from a frigate and upwards, though at heavy cost to other systems. Most suitable would be a Carrier or Destroyer and up.

The Fire Control Module is dedicated to oversight and control over an action radius, increasing efficiency within range. Advanced computers track targets and allies, enabling commanders a better overview of the battle and coupling with other ship systems to coordinate assaults more effectively. Besides giving the ability to better coordin lead combat, the systems are also designed to synchronise targets and allowing devastating barrages of weapons fire, increasing damage dealt to enemies.

Source: https://www.shutterstock.com/nl/image-vector/brightly-red-sunburst-background-81147184

Starburst Autocannon
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.
Price: [1 Scientist] for 5 Shipments

The long single barrel of the Starburst Autocannon is capable of an extremely high rate of fire, shooting a veritable burst of rounds at its target. Refined from earlier Autocannon designs, it surpasses previous rates of fire and accuracy. In addition, its base is more durable, allowing it to suffer less from overheating and making it more difficult to destroy if targeted.

The Starburst Autocannon is, for fleets, a relatively small armament. Most suitable for use on fighter or corvette class vessels as main weapon and for larger class vessels it is a side weapon, equipped to deal with smaller threats than the vessel will be designed for. It is a fantastic upgrade for the stock weapons of logistical or support vessels, who will generally rely on smaller arms than more combative versions of their class. For instance carriers and support frigates will find this an excellent weapon to stave off smaller threats until reinforcements arrive. This will make the Starburst Autocannon an essential upgrade for weapons of its class.

Source: https://stellaris.paradoxwikis.com/Physics_research#Improved_Deflectors_Tech
Multiphase Barrier
Limited stock! Immediate delivery!
Price: 2 Trade for 4 Shipments, immediately delivered.
Price: [1 Scientist] for 2 Shipments, immediately delivered

The latest advance in shield technology, the Multiphase Barrier excels at protecting spaceships from incoming weapon fire in combat. Relying on multiple overlapping asynchronous shield phases, it's capable of sustaining far greater punishment, a magnificent barrier against one's foes.

Forming a tight elliptical bubble around the spaceship, the Multiphase Barrier is invisible to the naked eye until hit. Lighting up at struck locations, the attacker will come to realise how durable this Barrier is as it is capable of sustained operations through continuous fire.

Agency Equipment

Source: https://pt.dreamstime.com/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-stock-globo-ocular-futurista-abstrato-do-vetor-na-placa-de-circuito-tecnologia-de-comunica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-image64902513

Hacking Hardware
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.
Price: [1 Scientist] for 5 Shipments

Designed with Zaqaru expertise in cryptography and the digital realm, Hacking Hardware was developed to assist your agents in the same field. Specialized devices and hardware operate in the digital and electronic battlefield.

Each shipment contains personal devices with specialized hardware and three squadrons of scout spaceships in the colour of your choice. The scouts have antenna equipped with all kinds of hacking hardware, such as sensors, computers and communication interceptors. This allows agents to more effectively work in their area of expertise, from disabling enemies, infiltrating hostile territory, listening in to foreign communications, to being tasked to advance cypher or enigma.

Sensors Array
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.
Price: [1 Scientist] for 5 Shipments

Information regarding the enemy is what will prove vital in any operation. Zaqaru provides advanced sensors to meet this need. Specialized sensors arrays to be incorporated in large vessels, such as Carriers and Cruisers, as well as the latest sensors installed in dedicated sensor probes.

This allows highly effective intelligence gathering, so that messages or sensitive information may be earlier uncovered. The information provides a significant advantage in the battlefield, as by being aware of the enemy before they are aware of you, disabling them is even easier. The equipment readily synergises with hacking Hardware.

Market Equipment

Source: https://endless-space-2.fandom.com/wiki/Plasma_Metallurgy

Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.
Price: [1 Scientist] for 5 Shipments

Two rings set side by side, placed throughout a star system in lines after another with vast distances between them. Together they form lanes through which spaceships can fly and accelerate to great speeds along the lanes. Connecting warp gates, market colonies and economically strategic locations such as resource extraction sites, the Hyperlanes are capable of vastly speeding up the flow of trade and accumulation of wealth.

Travellers choose which of the two rings to move through, as each traverses in a different direction, speeding up travel by magnetically and gravitationally accelerating the spaceship along the course of the lane. Each of the the rings is marked with different lights and symbols to signify the direction. The lanes move as the star system rotates, optimising travel routes between destinations. Routes may be curved and adapted to the needs of the colonies and star systems.

As resources arrive faster, deliveries are faster and civilian transport easier the benefits for markets are numerous, leading to economic benefits easy to take advantage of. A highpoint of interplanetary infrastructure to stand next to the warp gates connecting star systems.

Source: https://pngtree.com/freepng/recycle-icon-design-vector_3624930.html

Reclamation Automata
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.
Price: [1 Scientist] for 5 Shipments

Elaborate machines in different shapes and forms which integrate with industrial complexes, civilian districts and infrastructure. Handling waste disposal, management and recycling in a completely automated fashion, the Reclamation Automata are even able to move to where the demand is highest.

Small robots which scurry through streets to clean up litter and tossed aside garbage, shuttles to move the garbage and even bulky waste processor automata are capable of replacing to sites with peaks of recycling opportunities within a colony. This mobility allows a flexible integration in industries and production chains, adaptation to events and efficiency in an otherwise thankless job. The materials within the waste are processed by these automata so the vital resources reclaimed for use by society.

Icon made by Freepik (https://www.freepik.com/home) from www.flaticon.com (https://www.flaticon.com/premium-icon/nanotechnology_1044718)

Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.
Price: [1 Scientist] for 5 Shipments

Manufacture on the molecular level is present in several industrial fields, but never before has production achieved the level of efficiency as with Nano-Assemblers. Capable of processing vast amounts of resources on an industrial level to create products where manipulation on the nano-level scale is either necessary or useful.

The Nano-Assemblers are available in a range of sizes and costs, allowing both small manufacturers and industrial production to make use of them. The ease of nano-assembly allows for a new range of products to be introduced which otherwise would not be cost-effective, adding to diversity of goods available and increasing economic opportunities.
Dear Duke Farid Saquar Greenflame,

Time has passed since I last contacted you. The equipment selection available for purchase from Zaqaru has broadened and diversified ever since. With pride I can make available to you equipment of benefit in the navy, for agencies, markets and the court. Should budget allow and interest be present, I can send you the current catalog. Or, if you seek to join the previously broadcasted Quest for Zanadu, I can get you in touch with Lady Sun.

Please let me know should you have interest, or if you still find it lacking, what I might offer in the future on behalf of Zaqaru to do pique your interest.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit
Dear Duke Raudos Arnos,

My condolences to the casualties in the recent collision incident. A regrettable event, especially the unfavourable reaction of the public, which only adds insult to injury. I wish you, as leader of the House Arnos which Zaqaru has a non-aggression pact luck in the coming time.

From my own part, to help you with some luck, I wish to offer a trade. Zaqaru has top of the line Sensor Arrays available for sale, so that such future incidents can be prevented. Also available are other equipment, suitable for navy, agencies, markets and the court, should that be of interest to you.

In any case, let me know if I can make a proposal with regards to Sensor Arrays or if you have interest in more information in regards to what is available. Should, on the other hand, this proposal be at a bad time, I fully understand. Let me know either way and I wish you the best in the coming times.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit
Dear Earl Varrais de Pantou,

I cordially invite you, your facilities and staff, to join my team of earl scientists as vassal to Zaqaru. I offer you great scientific challenges to pursue, possibilities to explore, opportunities to advance the borders of what is known to and possible by humanity and create designs which will be used throughout the Empire. Together our efforts stand stronger than alone.

With peace reigning in the Akkadu Sector, let us strive as one to ever greater advancement within the sector. Champseau lies central in the Sector at the Manzat star cluster and I would be honoured and proud to have the Manzat center of science be part of my team.

This sentiment I express especially because of the recent reports considering activity of the Democratic Collective of the People, which have given me cause for concern with regards to you and House de Pantou. It is clear they look beyond their borders, even far outside of their Sector, to bring down noble earls under their despicable influence. Therefore, I seek to offer you Zaqaru protection against this unpredictable threat, so we may ensure that such a font of knowledge may stand safely in the Akkadu Sector and peace may be harbored.

As you are well aware, Zaqaru current efforts are aimed at the greatest expedition of our time, the Quest for Zanada to which I invite you to take part, so you may too be counted as one of the brave explorers to bring about such a great achievement. After the Quest for Zanadu, I will be eager to take your personal advice on research goals, enjoying a fresh wind to drive inspiration and pursue new outlets to bring about the latest advancements to known space.

Therefore I please ask you to carefully consider this offer. I look forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Scientist Earl Caksya Gupta

2019-06-13, 01:22 AM
The Grand Exchange
House Mertens has constructed a network of extravagant trade hubs throughout their territory. Hosting various merchants from huge megacorps to humble one ship operations they are also reaching out to any of the Great Houses that might be interested in operating with them.

House Mertens is offering a service to serve as a discrete clearing house of equipment in technology. In exchange for a small fraction of the profits they are offering to list various designs in a central database so that anonymous buyers and sellers can do business without worrying about the particulars of war or inconvenient feuds.

"]Duke Saquar,

The Infinite Republic has been a thorn in the Imperium's side since time immemorial. But that is not for lack of trying. Past crusades have not gone well, and indeed planted the seeds of the democratic collective. We would need to see indications of considerable support to even contemplate such a thing.

Archduke Alexander Laramy

"]Duke Saquar,

We would not be opposed to such a thing in principal. However even if our damnable brother agreed to a ceasefire we have prior military commitments that need to be addressed first.

Crown Prince Persephone Laramy

"]Duke Saquar,

We are willing if you believe it is the best strategy. But we don't particularly favor a military solution at all. Even a quick victory will cost us time and forces. And a quick victory seems unlikely.

Duchess Izabela Vastadd

"]Your Grace,

It is only with your aid that I was able to develop my system to the point where we could develop the Shield. It is only fitting that it support you on your campaigns. I will endeavor to bring Earl Dhaval and Earl Pip into the fold.

Count Halcyone Séverin

"]The earls seem reluctant when discussing matters with the Greenflame diplomats. The trade offers are tempting, but they don't really want to add themselves to the potential targets of the Democratic Collective.

As it stands the collective can't expand past Roshan, but they could send spies and saboteurs to destroy defenceless colonies.


Of course I'd be happier than a pip in a haystack to help ya'll explore the far reaches. I've been itching to get back in the saddle.

Duke Benjamin Stone

"]Duke Zaqaru,

House Okeke would be willing to lend our expertise, but if you have followed our history you know we are not merely seekers of knowledge, but hunters of fame and fortune. We are willing to bear the costs of our own exploration fleets if you grant us an equal share in whatever we find.

Duchess Akachi Okeke

]Grand Administrator,

We thank you for your concern, but the sensors of House Arnos are already suitable to the task. As for your other equipment, we have in fact just finished developing an array of new designs of our own. Perhaps you would be interested in trading to replace even more of your current hardware with cutting edge technology.

Duke Raudos Arnos

]Grand Scientist Earl Caksya Gupta,

I would be honored to lend the assistance of my scientists to your expedition. However I feel the threat of the Democratic Collective is rather overblown and not worth worrying about here in Akkadu.

Earl Varrais de Pantou

2019-06-13, 02:55 PM
House Greenflame

Enigma 6

Equipment Catalogue
The house of Greenflame as well as our vassals have worked tirelessly to produce new blueprints to rival even the authors of science fiction. All greenflame blueprints are available at rates based on their age.

[1 trade / 3 equipment]
Hexshot Fighters:
Ultralight fighters with few peers, Star Superiority Fighters will screen heavier ships and rend light ships from the stars. Six retrothruster engines pair with six Umbra III Blasters for unrivaled manuverability, see the footage from the Sashaw star race for one in action. Dorsal and belly mounted lighting lasers give a full field of fire as well as superior atmospheric close air support.

Orca Bombers:
An ultralight torpedo delivery ship designed to shake battleships to fragments with forty inboard launching nuclear magnetic torpedoes. A pair of lightning lasers ward off interceptors and grant some dueling capability against other bombers.

2 trade / 5 equipment
Radiant Shield Generators:
Based on the designs of the Heart of the Fleet prototype, Radiant shields are an upgrade in every aspect over void shield generators. While less applicable to Mercantile starships and pleasurecraft, military grade power generators will easily absorb the extra power intake. In exchange, radiant tech displays far tougher resistance to both impact and energy charge weaponry, as well as noteworthy decreases in recharge intervals.

Fighter Forges:
A heavy support module focused on carriers, the fighter forge is a shipboard ultralight factory, allowing ships to harvest anything from metallic asteroids to battlefield scrap and create endless fleets of fightercraft, even in the heat of battle.

House Gilkara
Lady Anoa,
A fair trade, we have several blueprints available. If you wish to trade military support for equipment I will allow the substitution of trade for military in our catalogue. Alternatively I could offer you lease on the blueprints in exchange for military support. Are you still interested?

Duke Farid Saquar
Master of the Grand Marquis

OOC: There is also a message from TRAM in my NPC section.

House Zaqaru
Thank you administrator, perhaps if your scientists produce any market equipment I might be interested.

Duke Farid Saquar
Master of the Grand Marquis


Earl Maike Maksim, Earl Rama Christer, and Earl Leif Vasil
Good Earls,
My offer remains, but you must now consider that the Collective did not target Greenflame ships, nor Greenflame space over the past five years. They targeted independent Earls who could not defend themselves, damned the ‘Agreed to Join’ rumours. Infrastructure shutdowns? Local uprisings? Rayview hosts two of the most prestigious noble families in the Imperium, the Rayview sector has been peaceful for years until the Collective fleet ‘toured’. Ask Earl Roshan if you doubt their aggression. It was but ten years ago that the Collective fleet visited his systems with the intent of carrying out their threats. And the Haytham fleet that prevented it from happening.

Duke Farid Saquar
Master of the Grand Marquis

Alexander Laramy
Heir Apparent,
My house has been on many crusades against our enemies at the gates. But now one lies within our walls. Perhaps a crusade is not what might be called for, but while the Empire remains fractured, they will only strengthen the Collective further. Perhaps a crusade not for the republic itself, but simply for the Collectives removal?

Duke Farid Saquar
Master of the Grand Marquis

Persephone Laramy
Heir Apparent,
Might this humble servant know what Military Commitments of which you speak? Perhaps my House could assist.

Duke Farid Saquar
Master of the Grand Marquis

House Vastadd
Duchess Izabella,
I am not certain, the underwhelming reaction of the Imperium at large is disheartening, though I will not stop trying. There is perhaps another idea I have, though best discussed in private. Would you be willing to meet once more?

Duke Farid Saquar
Master of the Grand Marquis

House of Steel
House of Steel,
I understand that negotiations have halted for any further mercenary contract after the tragic loss of Admiral Shen. But perhaps I might know the candidates for the next admiral? I still hope to hire your outfit in future, and it seems foolish to not know the people I will eventually be dealing with.

TRAM [current members: House Greenflame, House Vastadd, House Gilkara, House Starosta]
My research has gone forward without incident, and my archives are ready for reimaging. Has there been any trouble for the assembled parties that might delay the pact?

House Lonestar
Lord Benjamin Stone,
The Cardoba Protectorate lies on your doorstep, cutting off your houses natural route of expansion. I am sure your house is more than capable of teasing warpgates into an infinite expansion route, but I am curious what your stance is on their… bold move. I'll not dance around the fact that my house is rather hostile to the Collective, they have responded in kind. But given the Emperor's last will, I can think of few forces more destabilizing than the Collectives rise to power.

Duke Farid Saquar
Master of the Grand Marquis

The Exagon Family
The Cardoba Protectorate lies on your doorstep, cutting off your houses natural route of expansion. I am sure your house is more than capable of teasing warpgates into an infinite expansion route, but I am curious what your stance is on their… bold move. I'll not dance around the fact that my house is rather hostile to the Collective, they have responded in kind. But given the Emperor's last will, I can think of few forces more destabilizing than the Collectives rise to power.

Duke Farid Saquar
Master of the Grand Marquis

2019-06-13, 03:37 PM


Grand Diplomat Ninu Zaqaru
Robot Unicorn Princess
Earl of Mithurtu
Winner of the Tattooine Run

Hello everybody!

I am overjoyed to announce a man of great renown to join me on

The Quest for Zanadu

A huge welcome to the explorer who needs no introduction as the famous legends precede him wherever he goes!

Duke Benjamin Stone of House Lonestar!

Together, we will set out to find Zanadu!
Yet I still need more explorers!
Therefore, I have spoken with Duke Nabuna Zaqaru!
He has been ever so kind to increase the bounty for joining!

Thank you, Duke Nabuna Zaqaru!
Thank you, all those who join the Quest for Zanadu!

The ancient Zaqaru Fortress Palace of Zanadu!
Lost in the mists of time!
Let’s make the past the future!
Zanadu will be restored!

We’re going to Zanadu!

http://u.cubeupload.com/Zweanslord/d2m0ix1f3f13fae60454.gif (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CC_Y4zOUdcI)

Following the transmission is a broadcast which states an increase in the rewards for joining. Zaqaru currently offers:

[1.5 Trade] for [1 Scientist]
[7 Equipment] for [1 Scientist]

Alternative payments can be discussed. Equipment will require production time of 5 years. The offer lasts, as previously said, as far as Zaqaru has available. Afterwards, Zaqaru will have available an equipment trade involving both trade and research in exchange for the equipment. For all questions, Lady Sun is to be contacted.

Enigma: 7

Dear Duke Benjamin Stone,

Fantastic news you will join on the Quest for Zanadu! Grand Diplomat Ninu Zaqaru has made your participation known, to bolster your fame far and wide!

I would like to inquire if and how many explorers you will bring along with you on this grand undertaking and what I may offer on behalf of Zaqaru in return.

Yours sincerely,
Lady Sun
Assistant of Grand Diplomat Ninu Zaqaru, Robot Unicorn Princess
Dear Duchess Akachi Okeke,

I hope it pleases you that I respond. I am Lady Sun, appointed and authorized to manage all business involving the Quest for Zanadu. It is with pleasure I take note of your willingness to lend your valued expertise to this great undertaking.

There has been an update to the Zaqaru offer with regards to reward offered, which may be more to your liking now, but I will address your offer, as it is of particular interest, allowing for more explorers to join this quest.

As you are aware, the Quest for Zanadu is to find the ancient Zaqaru Fortress Palace of Zanadu. Naturally, the site and location itself falls completely to Zaqaru ownership. It will contain many historical objects of Zaqaru origin. I cannot in good consciousness offer you a share in the such historically and culturally important assets. However, what I can do is offer you a virtual share, defined by the amount of your contribution, up to an amount resulting in an equal share.

Should assets not of Zaqaru origin be found in the Quest for Zanadu, these will have priority to fill your share, resulting in an actual share. Any remainder which would cover assets of Zaqaru origin will be claimed by Zaqaru, but be compensated fairly by Zaqaru after the Quest. Would such an arrangement be agreeable?

Yours sincerely,
Lady Sun
Assistant of Grand Diplomat Ninu Zaqaru, Robot Unicorn Princess

(OOC: Basically, suppose House Okeke contributes equally to Zaqaru and we find [2 Alien Valuables] and [6 Ancient Zaqaru Relics] worth [2 Trade] and [6 Trade], then the [2 Alien Valuables] would be given to House Okeke and [6 Ancient Zaqaru Relics] would be given to Zaqaru, but Zaqaru would compensate with a regular [2 Trade].)
Dear Duke Raudos Arnos,

Good to hear your sensors are up to the task. I am certainly interested in equipment trade between House Arnos and Zaqaru. I would to know whether you are looking for a trade where both our parties produce equipment and exchange that, or a trade where both parties exchange current stocks.

I wish to know, because as to the former, Zaqaru is currently reserving funds for the Quest for Zanadu, which may be of interest to you. If possess such interest, I can bring you in contact with Lady Sun. Otherwise, if you are more interested in exchanging current equipment stocks, I can provide you with a list of equipment currently available in Zaqaru stocks. Please state your preference and I will take due action.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit
Dear Earl Varrais de Pantou,

I am very pleased to hear you will lend assistance to the Quest for Zanadu. I hope your feeling will be true in the time to come. However, I still wish to persuade you for continued cooperation after the Quest for Zanadu. Would you be amenable to this request?

Yours sincerely,
Grand Scientist Earl Caskya Gupta
Dear Duke Farid Saquar,

I am pleased to report Zaqaru produces market equipment. Please find along this message all information regarding the market equipment currently available for purchase. Should you in the future find yourself interested in fleet, agency or court equipment, do not hesitate to let me know. All equipment has a production time of 5 years. If you have any further questions, I will be pleased to answer them. I look forward to any orders.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

Market Equipment

Source: https://endless-space-2.fandom.com/wiki/Plasma_Metallurgy

Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Two rings set side by side, placed throughout a star system in lines after another with vast distances between them. Together they form lanes through which spaceships can fly and accelerate to great speeds along the lanes. Connecting warp gates, market colonies and economically strategic locations such as resource extraction sites, the Hyperlanes are capable of vastly speeding up the flow of trade and accumulation of wealth.

Travellers choose which of the two rings to move through, as each traverses in a different direction, speeding up travel by magnetically and gravitationally accelerating the spaceship along the course of the lane. Each of the the rings is marked with different lights and symbols to signify the direction. The lanes move as the star system rotates, optimising travel routes between destinations. Routes may be curved and adapted to the needs of the colonies and star systems.

As resources arrive faster, deliveries are faster and civilian transport easier the benefits for markets are numerous, leading to economic benefits easy to take advantage of. A highpoint of interplanetary infrastructure to stand next to the warp gates connecting star systems.

Source: https://pngtree.com/freepng/recycle-icon-design-vector_3624930.html

Reclamation Automata
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Elaborate machines in different shapes and forms which integrate with industrial complexes, civilian districts and infrastructure. Handling waste disposal, management and recycling in a completely automated fashion, the Reclamation Automata are even able to move to where the demand is highest.

Small robots which scurry through streets to clean up litter and tossed aside garbage, shuttles to move the garbage and even bulky waste processor automata are capable of replacing to sites with peaks of recycling opportunities within a colony. This mobility allows a flexible integration in industries and production chains, adaptation to events and efficiency in an otherwise thankless job. The materials within the waste are processed by these automata so the vital resources reclaimed for use by society.

Icon made by Freepik (https://www.freepik.com/home) from www.flaticon.com (https://www.flaticon.com/premium-icon/nanotechnology_1044718)

Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

Manufacture on the molecular level is present in several industrial fields, but never before has production achieved the level of efficiency as with Nano-Assemblers. Capable of processing vast amounts of resources on an industrial level to create products where manipulation on the nano-level scale is either necessary or useful.

The Nano-Assemblers are available in a range of sizes and costs, allowing both small manufacturers and industrial production to make use of them. The ease of nano-assembly allows for a new range of products to be introduced which otherwise would not be cost-effective, adding to diversity of goods available and increasing economic opportunities.

Female: https://www.zerochan.net/151384
Unicorn racing: https://www.deviantart.com/gokulover4ever/art/Robot-Unicorn-Attack-Stamp-157908421

2019-06-13, 08:02 PM
House Gilkara
Curiosity's Satisfaction
Scientist Administrator's personal cruiser

Belbryn scanned the computer screen and spoke out loud to her advisors. "Well, look where they all come crawling now. They don't bother helping me out and now they want me to procure everything they need. Such is the burden of science. Overlooked until other options dry up. And they will. They quickly will every time!" She stood up and paced around the room. Her mind was working in overtime.

Her advisor spoke up, "It's not an impossible task, but it does make you secondary to other sectors. Perhaps you should recall these favors in the future. It could come to benefit you and your house, as well as Filo, soon.

Belbryn smirked and rolled her eyes. "I don't want to play second fiddle in exchange for conducting the orchestra. I will, but it would be so much better to write the pieces. I can see farther and hear clearer than anyone else."

Another advisor spoke up curiously, "Better than anyone else, my lady?"

Her vision narrowed at the man. "You know what I mean." She turned back to the screen. "Bring up our assets, let's begin."

The hologram pops on and two women sit. One is dressed in a military uniform, the other in a very elegant lab coat.

The dark haired woman in uniform stands and salutes in traditional Filo fashion. "I am Anoa Gilkara, fleet commander of Filo. I am interested in your multiphase barriers. We are able to purchase eight of them if they are available. Please let us know if this is possible." Anoa turns and leaves the recording.

The other lady remains seated. "Forgive Anoa, she is very busy. It has been a while since we have looked towards Zaqaru, but we are willing to offer three scientist expeditions to help your search. In exchange we would request seven of each of your Market Equipments.

We look forward to hearing your responses.

Grand Doctor: Belbryn Gilkara"

[Ooc]Offering 4 trade for 8 multiphase barriers.
Offering 3 scientist for 7 nanotechnology assemblers, 7 reclamation automata, 7 hyperlanes.[ooc]

Belbryn was bright and jubilant in her message. "Duke Farid Saquar,

It is my pleasure to inform you that we are highly interested in an agreement for access to blueprints. Our scientists are pleased to work with yours in the coming years and this would be an easy maneuver to add. I have discussed your proposition with Anoa and she would very much like to bring her military discipline to full exploitation. We would of course prefer for you to send a tactician (PM) to discuss tactics.

Grand Doctor: Belbryn Gilkara"

"Greetings my friends,

I have used my scientists to research markets for many years. I believe that whoever uses my new archives looks into the Five Pillars. This study would assist a great alliance and allow us to assist each other in producing colony sites.

I should stress the need of us to follow the set principle and only build from a different archive each. That way one of us is not left with a lack of archives available to research.

I look forward to hearing from each of you.

Torbin Gilkara"

2019-06-14, 05:42 AM
Zaqaru Equipment Catalogue

The vast industries of Zaqaru are opening up their production capabilities for arms manufacturing, as well as the superb craft practised to create the most beautiful jewelry suitable for any court. For any interest regarding agency or market equipment, please contact me personally.

Delivery time for an order is five years. Alternative methods of payment are discussable. Should you be interested, I will be happy to take any orders or answer any questions you may have.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

Court Equipment

Source: http://www.rohtakchain.com/

Zaqaru Jewelry
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Zaqaru catalog of jewelry has drawn attention in the past and this most recent addition is a work of art and expert craft. The precious metals, minerals and gems of Zaqaru origin are used in exquisite designs to adorn the human body.

Crystal droplets composing a necklace, ruby set in gold to compliment ears as earrings, embossed gold and ornamented silver rings, gleaming steel badges with intricate forms, armbands as if made of quicksilver and many more jewelry make up the available connection. Any kind to fit any dress or outfit, from emerald to compliment blue or silver to contrast black, from multifaceted gems to draw attention to bare skin or decorate tiara's, headbands and more. From timeless designs to the latest in fashion, all are delivered by the Zaqaru experts. Tailored to the buyer, the jewelry is sure to have to best and most comfortable fit and make the best addition to any new or existing wardrobe.

Fleet Equipment


Orca Bomber
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 3 shipments.

The Orca Bomber is an improved version of the Zaqaru bomber. The chassis is of a familiar and trusted design, with the necessary upgrades to create a lighter and deadlier bombers. The armaments are of Greenflame design, a stock of forty nuclear missiles to inflict even greater damage against heavily armoured targets, coupled with a pair of lasers for fighter to fighter combat.

Each shipment contains 5 squadrons of fighter craft. With each squadron composed of 5 fighters, this makes for a grand total of 75 bombers at your disposal. They are available in the colour scheme of your choice, to fit with the rest of your fleet and be ready to target any enemy.

Source: https://www.shutterstock.com/nl/image-vector/modern-aiming-system-scifi-futuristic-spaceship-1155380314

Fire Control Module
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The Fire Control Module ensures improved battle operations by synchronising fire and enhancing tactical control for a Fleet. It is a large module to be installed on a sizeable vessel, such as a flagship or logistics ship. It can fit from a frigate and upwards, though at heavy cost to other systems. Most suitable would be a Carrier or Destroyer and up.

The Fire Control Module is dedicated to oversight and control over an action radius, increasing efficiency within range. Advanced computers track targets and allies, enabling commanders a better overview of the battle and coupling with other ship systems to coordinate assaults more effectively. Besides giving the ability to better coordin lead combat, the systems are also designed to synchronise targets and allowing devastating barrages of weapons fire, increasing damage dealt to enemies.

Source: https://www.shutterstock.com/nl/image-vector/brightly-red-sunburst-background-81147184

Starburst Autocannon
Price: 1 Trade (upfront payment) for 2 Shipments, 2 Trade (1 upfront, 1 on delivery) for 5 Shipments.

The long single barrel of the Starburst Autocannon is capable of an extremely high rate of fire, shooting a veritable burst of rounds at its target. Refined from earlier Autocannon designs, it surpasses previous rates of fire and accuracy. In addition, its base is more durable, allowing it to suffer less from overheating and making it more difficult to destroy if targeted.

The Starburst Autocannon is, for fleets, a relatively small armament. Most suitable for use on fighter or corvette class vessels as main weapon and for larger class vessels it is a side weapon, equipped to deal with smaller threats than the vessel will be designed for. It is a fantastic upgrade for the stock weapons of logistical or support vessels, who will generally rely on smaller arms than more combative versions of their class. For instance carriers and support frigates will find this an excellent weapon to stave off smaller threats until reinforcements arrive. This will make the Starburst Autocannon an essential upgrade for weapons of its class.

Enigma: 7

“Greetings again, Grand Doctor Belbryn Gilkara.” Lady Sun is as radiant as before in her golden dress of splendour and wealth.

“Please give me regards to Fleet Commander Anoa Gilkara and wish her well on her duties. The request with regards to the Multiphase Barriers certainly is possible, as is your request of seven shipments each of Hyperlanes, Reclamation Automata and Nano-Assemblers.”

“I look forward to your scientist expedition teams joining us on the Quest for Zanada. I will immediately order the delivery of the Multiphase Barriers and the start of production of Hyperlanes, Reclamation Automata and Nano-Assemblers. I look forward to receiving the payment for the barriers and the arrival of your scientist teams.”

“It is a pleasure doing business and I hope the future may be bright for both of us, Grand Doctor Belbryn Gilkara.”

(OOC: Offer accepted.)
Dear Archduke Alexander Laramy,

I wish to inform you the limited stock of Multiphase Barriers is currently sold out. I will keep you informed of further updates regarding the Zaqaru Equipment catalogue.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit
Dear Crown Princess Persephone Laramy,

I wish to inform you the limited stock of Multiphase Barriers is currently sold out. I will keep you informed of further updates regarding the Zaqaru Equipment catalogue.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit
Dear Duke Ernst Berger,

I wish to inform you the limited stock of Multiphase Barriers is currently sold out. I will keep you informed of further updates regarding the Zaqaru Equipment catalogue.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit
Dear Administrator Moffet,

I wish to inform you the limited stock of Multiphase Barriers is currently sold out. I will keep you informed of further updates regarding the Zaqaru Equipment catalogue.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit
Dear Grand Minister Halmond Abelard,

I wish to inform you the limited stock of Multiphase Barriers is currently sold out. I will keep you informed of further updates regarding the Zaqaru Equipment catalogue.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit
Dear Duchess Izabela Vastadd,

I wish to inform you the limited stock of Multiphase Barriers is currently sold out. I will keep you informed of further updates regarding the Zaqaru Equipment catalogue.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit
Dear Duke Menard Lacross,

I wish to inform you the limited stock of Multiphase Barriers is currently sold out. I will keep you informed of further updates regarding the Zaqaru Equipment catalogue.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit
Dear Councillor Vanya Mal,

I wish to inform you the limited stock of Multiphase Barriers is currently sold out. I will keep you informed of further updates regarding the Zaqaru Equipment catalogue.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

2019-06-14, 11:45 AM
The Exiles' Consortium

The Outsider stands behind a large window, observing the work of his fellow Exiles. They were certainly industrious today, what with the success of recent smuggling operations. They laughed and joked amongst themselves as they stuffed countless robot unicorn toys full of illicit goods. The things sold as soon as they hit shelves, what with the massive popularity surge of the Zaqarun celebrity, and they were large enough to store a lot of different types of valuable products. Perfect for smuggling, really.

If their face wasn't covered by a certain signature mask, there might've been a smile on the Outsider's face. They turn back to their own table, dominated by an updated map of Imperial space and a number of drafts for messages to various factions. Perhaps it was because of their noble education, but writing on paper still carried a certain charm.

Enigma 5
We have the requisite funding for your project, as requested. Do you still have plans to construct the casino?
Greetings nobility of the Triune Pact. It is good to see a new face and faction in this little corner of the Imperium. Please let me know if there is anything I can help your burgeoning pact with.
I am interested in reestablishing communications. Perhaps a continuation of our previous discussion, or perhaps a different arrangement could be made.

2019-06-15, 07:19 AM

The Fortress Palace of Zanadu

Long ago, when the Akkadu Sector was simply called the Zaqaru Kingdom, a great construction was announced. The Mad King Shazzera Zaqaru desired the greatest Palace of all. Not any place would do, for the location must be both beautiful and well defended against any threat.

The Mad King Shazzera Zaqaru sought the council of his Grand Scientist Kurabu. After thinking long and hard, the Grand Scientist Kurabu looked at the stars and raised his hand. His finger pointed to the Sarahu Nebula. A place of danger and peril, as navigation was difficult and travel hazardous. Yet also of wondrous beauty, as the Nebula itself was in gorgeous colours of blue and royal colours of purple. The stars would twinkle with distinguished grace.

Gathering all his finest explorers, the Mad King Shazzera Zaqaru braved the Sarahu Nebula and managed to chart a course through the Sarahu Nebula. Upon his return, those who had joined him numbered less then a tenth, with faces of horror and dismay. Yet the Mad King Shazzera Zaqaru’s face carried a smile, for he had found the perfect location.

Venturing to the Capital of the Empire, the Mad King Shazerra Zaqaru requested an adience with Empress Elaen and by using his guile and wit, together with calling in favours his predecessors had gained from the Imperial line, the Mad King Shazerra Zaqaru managed to get approval for the construction of new warpgates.

Again, the Mad King Shazerra Zaqaru journeyed to the Sarahu Nebula, with his second-finest explorers and warp gate constructors. After years, contact was established as a new warp connection to Zaqaru space was created. The flagship of the expedition came through, carrying the Mad King Shazerrra Zaqaru as he laughed with rare joy, driving the surviving members of his expedition over the edge to the same insanity which moved him ever forward.

The order was made. Uncountable transport vessels sped through the warp gate, delivering the finest of Zaqaru to the construction site of the greatest Palace of all. In truest Zaqaru tradition, the decorations would be of the highest quality of stones, metals, minerals, precious metals and gems. The Zaqaru Dynasty had built its wealth on the bountiful presence of these materials in the Kingdom and their flagrant amount of display of such luxurious materials had ever since been a part of their pride.

Built to withstand any threat, the Fortress Palace of Zanadu was the envy of all the Kings, even bringing jalousy to Empress Elaen herself, as the beauty of the Sarahu Nebula was unmistakable, forever granting a wondrous sight out of the lavish interior of the Fortress Palace of Zanadu.

Many wondered what had drove the Mad King Shazzera Zaqaru to this act. Was the Fortress Palace of Zanadu a vault to the Zaqaru riches, to protect them from the pirates the Mad King’s predecessor had faced? It seemed unlikely, as the pirates were on the decline by the same predecessor’s actions. Was it the search for art and beauty? Was it to hide experiments not meant to be seen? Was it noble pride, driven to the extreme? Was it his insanity, as he talked to the air and laughed with manic despair? Was it simple paranoia?

Whatever the cause, the Mad King Shazzera Zaqaru would only show a distorted grin when asked by his peers. His descendants would not tell either, either because they did not know, or because the secret was too shameful or terrible to tell. To those who seek to contemplate the answer, the portrait of the Mad King Shazerra Zaqaru still hangs in a deserted room in one of the lesser Zaqaru Palaces in Marqash. The room is small and hidden away in one of the far corners, where even servants only venture shorter than they need to. For the distorted grin they see upon his visage is disturbing and maddening, his eyes inspiring nightmares to haunt your nights.

Image source: http://unisci24.com/302080.html

2019-06-15, 10:00 AM
The death of grand admiral shen was truly tragic, and due to his loss a ship of flowers is sent to honor his death and show their deepest devotion to this magnificent man. Any funeral would be attended. They even pre approved a spectacle so when the ship entered the atmosphere it was designed to unleash thousands of flower petals across the funeral grounds.

When such sadness was put aside work began. Obviously there was much to do.

The stunning ship arrived with gravitas and an immense paradise vessal to show off the pageantry and delights of Tatarus when compared to the house of Steel. Despite their discipline their lack of charm had made many things very easy...

"We come with an offer to the new Grand Admiral. I know things are difficult but it is important we begin to bring this sector into a peaceful solution for our entire kingdom of space." When she is sat down before the leadership she offers a tantalizing smile and speaks plainly. "I know you're mercenaries and so I will offer the greatest prize imaginable. I wish to propose marriage between our two sides, myself and the grand admiral. I believe its time we both gain royal titles It is my wedding present that we offer resources to one of the Laramy siblings (the one willing to name us King and queen of this region) and take it together. It will not change the nature of our work but it will silence potential enemies and of course provide us the legitimacy we deserve from the rest of the galaxy. House of Steel deserves far greater recognition then it is given."

She smiles and moves forward. "The wedding present I would ask in return is the destruction of the Triune pact, and us splitting their territory between us. Would that interest you my dears?"

The arrival of one of the Tatarus's highest ranked women of the night is a sign of their respect for the consortium. Bankers and whores always had VERY close relationships and so it would continue into eternity. The ship is sleek and vibrant, and the ravishing beauty makes her way forward and curtsies low. "We wish to discuss Stardust. We want to begin construction of a massive luxury casino starship to improve the economics of the Tatarus and the consortium, as well as provide a "neutral" ground for anyone within the heart of the empire. This massive facility will appear like a fantastically large spaceship it will be designed to contain every pleasure and be one of the largest ships built to date. Outwardly it will exist as a place for negotiations and huge amounts of money to travel through. Of course to improve the economy of Tatarus and the consortium but it will also be able to hide (2) military worth of forces inside it. The hope is it will allow (in theory) Tatarus and the consortium to catch a nation by surprise and be a trump card in the civil war conflicts brewing in the heart of the galaxy. Which means it will be both valuable economically but also future alliances."

The woman explains... "What is most important from you, and why we turn to you alone is your use of astral engineering. If you are willing to invest in this we would like to form an alliance and forge a grip of power over this sector and of course begin to enact policy that ensures all of us succeed. We would also be willing to provide you with some of our new technologies. Would this interest you?"

2019-06-15, 03:46 PM
House Greenflame

Enigma 6

Dr. Orsen Sauldy stood up from his desk with a grunt. The blanket ban on caffeinated drinks in the lab was grating on his nerves, but even with cafftabs it beginning to look less and less like phase 37F of the Urza project would be completed tonight. His feet dragged through the crumpled up sheets of paper littering the floor as he shuffled to the standing console where he was running the current Urza instance, giving Dr. Yarro's doppler a half hearted glare before pressing record.

"Good evening Urza, tell me, what is the population of Fletchers Garden?"
The Urza animation flickered into life, smiling serenely as the prototype boot sequence crawled through almost sixty million startup processes.
"Hmmm we have got to work on your boot speed Urza, I'll have Yeleesha and Dev start on that tomorrow…"
At the mention of the two prodigies Urza finished it start sequence, turning to Dr. Sauldy with a flat expression.
"The population of Fletchers Garden is three billion, seven hundred and thirty three million, eight thousand four hundred and four with a stable growth rate of two point four percent."

The unnervingly flat expression did not change, and the lips flapped cartoonishly out of sync with the words, but at least the vocal stringing had smoothed out considerably.

"Well done, and to optimize the Galbourough colony what materials need to be shipped in over the next twenty years." A considerably more difficult question without a strictly correct answer. Still well within human means however.

Urza barely paused, and Orsen almost thought the instance looked smug. "I have assembled a weekly list of shipments for the next twenty years. Would you like me to read it aloud Dr. Orsen?"

Humans were not that fast however. The question was now accuracy and priority values. Last time this problem had been run, the theoretical colonists ate nothing but envirobars for three years straight.

"No thank you, please send it to Dr. Saquar, she will assess the results."

He paused to retrieve a noteslate from his desk. Considering his next question, but Urza interrupted his thoughts.

“Is Yeleesha here?” The face was flat as ever, but the voice had pitched up slightly. Plaintive, almost. Not a feature that Orsen had added, nor any of the other scientists working on the project.
“Yeleesha is at school Urza… Why do you ask?” Questions had been enabled, so that Urza could ask for clarification on requests, but normally the rules files restricted Urza’s rights to counter questions only.

“She asked me to help her practice.” The voice had returned to its neutral tone.

The prodigy had a rebellious streak for sure, and if she was accessing Urza’s access rights then she had probably been spying on the other scientists here to get the passwords, but this was perhaps a little farther than teenage rebellion was supposed to go. “Did she now? And did she tell you that she is not allowed to practice without level three supervision?”

Urza’s server banks whirred into action, heating up the room up a degree or two. The instance was suddenly putting a huge amount of processing power into his question. He waited a few more seconds, but did not want the server banks to be damaged by the heat. Urza’s processors could theoretically churn out the calculations to develop the entire imperium over again without breaking a sweat, but this stank of a logic knot somewhere in its programming.

“Urza, pause current process.” The whirring slowed, returning the room to normal temperatures. “Bring up process manager, sort by resource use and priority.”

The lists flashed to the console screen, displacing Urza’s face into the corner. At the top of the priority list was a subfile of system rules that he hadn’t seen before, simple labeled ‘Promises’, author: Urza. The instance was theoretically able to self develop, that was the point of the whole project really. It was banned from modifying certain files such as system rules. Though apparently not from writing new subfiles. Orsen opened up the Promises folder, already knowing what he would see.

promisesYeleesha {
Practice with yeleesha,
Do not tell the adults about practice
promisesDev {
Practice with dev,
Do not tell the adults about practice

Below was a huge file of self developed methods and processes on how to execute these promises, but the request to practice came before the ban on talking to him about it. The battle between his maximum access and Urza’s self development had battled, causing the system process to start overloading.

“Urza? Terminate current promise process and power down.” Its flat goodbye heralded the silence in the room as the serverbanks quieted entirely. The damned kids had made Urza make promises, not to mention promises it couldn’t keep.

“Urza, I think you may have just experienced guilt…” This project was going to get much more interesting.

House Zaqaru
Well administrator, I'll see if we can make room in the budget for some purchases. Expect to hear from me soon.

Duke Farid Saquar
Master of the Grand Marquis

House Gilkara PM
Farid Saquar arrives in the Measured Response, a modest pleasurecraft that the Greenflames use for diplomatic missions. With him are but a small staff of retainers, as well as a pair of Woes, the assassins sworn to House Saquar, currently acting as the Duke's bodyguard. Farid himself is dressed in a relatively modest business suit at least by noble standards, with the Samarkite flair giving it a vaguely robe-like quality.

He waits patiently for the meeting, engaging in small talk where he can, though his retainers stay aboard the Response.

The Exiles Consortium
We discussed previously establishing some degree of trade relations between our factions. Would you still be interested in such an arrangement?

Farid Saquar
Master of the Grand Marquis

2019-06-15, 07:16 PM
House Greenflame
Your Grace,

It is exactly the situation in Rayview that makes us hesitate. You mention their fleet threatening our star systems, but there is no recorded instance of the Collective fleet initiating hostile action in the past two decades. They threaten and boast, but even they aren't willing to break the Imperium's traditions on war.

The mysterious breakdowns in the Cordoba sector are a lot more threatening. Having our lone stations be sabotaged for years is terrible enough, but if they cloak their warships in anonymity it would be even worse.

We don't doubt your ability to shield us from the collective's fleets, but can you stop their movements in the shadows?

"]Duke Saquar,

Your views have merit. However while the collective represents a point of corruption in the Imperium they are a slow and insidious actor. Which makes them a threat true. But a somewhat lesser one than my sister whose warships are attacking my systems even now.

It is hard to contemplate a further crusade when I am already deeply involved in a war.

Archduke Alexander Laramy

"]Duke Saquar,

Our vassals in the Duchy of Lyrae have called for our aid. But unfortunatly we have been unable to allocate any forces to respond. If you could assist them it would be of great worth to me.

Crown Princess Persephone Laramy

"]Duke Saquar,

Certainly, I will make plans to travel to your court.

Duchess Izabella

The current front runners are Admial Malach and Admiral Steinheart. Admiral Malach is a veteran of the Ironhorse campaign and has a track record of steadfastness and dependability. Admiral Steinheart is one of our rising stars and leader of the young bloods. She is brilliant but lacks experience.

Duke Saquar,

I'm far more interested in what lies outside the Imperium than what is in it. As long as the collective doesn't bother my homesteaders I have no fight with them.

Duke Benjamin Stone

Duke Saquar,

We certainly aren't happy about the Collective's intrusion into our space, but war is not the way of the Excagon family. There is little we can do to stop them.

Grandmother Lehel

The Zaqaru Dynasty
Lady Sun,

I reckon I can spare [9 Scientists] to help you on your expedition. We'll take [12 Trade] and a batch of them Orca bombers.

Duke Benjamin Stone

"]Lady Sun,

That is acceptable as long as we count any intact infrastructure as a portion of the shares.

Duchess Okeke

(OOC: By which they mean the value of any colony sites be added to the assets to be split.)

Grand Administrator Emit,

Our current equipment stores have already been allocated for use. We would need to produce more to exchange with you over the next few years. As to the Zanadu expedition we unfortunately lack enough free research craft to assist you.

Duke Raudos Arnos

Grand Scientist Gupta,

Certainly we would be amenable to further cooperation. And in light of your new offer we would be willing to offer the services of our Prometheus Expeditionary Cruiser. It is fitted with a full probe fabrication facility to assist in resupply during long range expeditions such as the one you are proposing.

Earl Varrais de Pantou

House Greenflame and House Gilkara
"]House Vastadd: No we are prepared for the next step. We have developed the [Leverage] archive.

House Starosta: As are we. My scientists have researched methods of [Intuitive Marketing]

The Exiles' Consortium
"]What we are most interested right now is stability. We would welcome a pact of nonaggression with your consortium.

"]We have reason to believe that House Greenflame is conspiring against us. Would it be possible for you to gather intelligence on their activities for us.

"]The assembled take some time to consider the High Courtesan's offer before Admiral Mallach replies, "That is an intriguing offer. A title of nobility would be a great gift and help to both of our peoples. However to go from nothing to monarchy is an enormous leap. Perhaps it would be better to ask for Ducal titles first.

"]We wish to reassure you that the Democratic Collective of the People has no quarrel with the Excagon Family We were simply informed of the problems plaguing the Cordoba and sent a relief mission to assist. Which eventually led to the current situation. We are willing to sign a pact of nonaggression with your house to prove our good intentions.

"]We wish to reassure you that the Democratic Collective of the People has no quarrel with House Lonestar. We were simply informed of the problems plaguing the Cordoba and sent a relief mission to assist. Which eventually led to the current situation. We are willing to sign a pact of nonaggression with your house to prove our good intentions.

2019-06-16, 12:29 AM
House Gilkara
Thoral System (-2,3)
Bofgak, Capital of Filo

The courtesan grabbed his hand as he got up. "It's late, don't go." The words stabbed through him.

"Miles to go." The words fell from his lips and tears swelled up in his eyes.

"Look at you. I can't, I won't believe that you don't remember. Something? Anything?."

"Seven minutes Torbin." The advisor informed him.

She whipped her head around. "Do they have to be here? What do they think I'll do?"

Torbin spoke softly as he pulled his hand away. "They're afraid you'll win me over." He dressed facing her. "I know that you were… are important to me. I couldn't stop myself from finding you. They couldn't stop me."

"So, you remember something?" The hope in her voice was a knife.

"Maybe one day. I don't mean to do this to you, I hope you know that." He nodded to the advisor who stood up and headed towards the door.

"You don't mean to rip my soul apart?" She turned and put her face in the pillows.

"Five minutes Torbin." The advisor waited with his hand on the door.

Torbin approached the door. "You are every dream that I forget. You don't have to wait for me. That's a burden I will not ask."

She said nothing more. Torbin left through the door the advisor held open.

"She's well looked after, as you directed." The advisor stared at Torbin as they walked. Her gaze pierced into him like needles, probing for a response.

Torbin smirked, "You know I'll be honest with you. What are you looking for?"

"An indication that you've fallen in love with that woman.. Or worse, that you've met her before."

"Wouldn't you already know?" The advisors had become more relaxed when he visited this courtesan. At first they were in an uproar, but they wouldn't tell him why. As she had slowly grown sadder and colder, they relaxed. Torbin knew there was something upsetting there, but it didn't matter. Already he was thinking in terms of billions of people, money, ships, spies, archives, and cousins. The pressure of life was returning to him. For whatever his body felt for that woman, his mind made no story.

"Advise me, oh great advisor, how can I ease your distress?" He chuckled. The emotions from the woman were gone.

"I would, but my shift just ended." The advisor smiled as the door opened. Another advisor stood on the other side.

"Morning Torbin. More meetings I'm afraid. Best to get some of these in before bed yeah?" He nodded to Torbin as the woman turned and walked back the way they had come. Torbin followed.

"Miles to go before I sleep."

"Miles to go Torbin."

The message opens to Belbryn. She holds a smile on her face, but her tone holds a hint of agitation.
"Duke Farid,

We would like to reach out again to you. We have already made steps to prepare for upcoming battles. At least send us some kind of response so we know that we are not wasting our resources. Again, we would prefer you to send a tactician to discuss our possible maneuvers.

We understand any delay in response.

Grand Doctor: Belbryn Gilkara"

When the Measured Response arrives in Filo territory a Cruiser hails and sends coordinates. "Welcome to Filo. We are very pleased to see such a quick response. Please follow these coordinates to your next rendezvous point."
Any systems in the ship that can measure detection activity register large amounts of scans on the vessel. The ship waits for the Measured Response to jump and returns to its scanning of vessels coming through the warp gate.

The jump gate leads not to the Thoral system (the capital system) but to another system. A squadron waits behind the warp gate. "Greetings Greenflamers. We are expecting you. Here to keep you safe for the next little while. Here's the coordinates," coordinates are beamed as the woman speaks.

"Your clearance is Papa Four, Mike Alpha, Gulf Eight, Tango Charlie, Delta Oscar. Please refrain from typing that into a computer. It's a kill order if an auto turret scans that code. Again, only vocally repeat that when prompted to dock. Thanks."

The Measured Response arrived at a ship. The Great Filter sent a trajectory projection for docking. Once docking was finished a small group of soldiers and the commanding officer saluted. "Greetings Duke Farid and welcome to The Great Filter. I am the Admiral on this ship. It is an honor to meet you and have you aboard this vessel. This small group of soldiers and myself are here to sit on your ship for mutual assurance. Anoa Gilkara is in the command room. Her personal advisor will take you there when you are ready."

The advisor walks slightly ahead of Duke Farid. A skeleton crew of honorary guards are sprinkled throughout their walk. The advisor offers,"Please let me know what you require for the meeting. We have services of all kind. I stress that any service is available for you. Anoa can be blunt and straight forward, however she excels at tactics. I hope you will be pleased with this meeting as Filo cannot be embarrassed by another faction succeeding in separating from the Aristocracy we have decided to fall back into."

The advisor opens the chamber doors and inside the room is one other advisor and Anoa Gilkara. The advisor is dressed in the same uniform as the other advisor. Anoa however is dressed in a high fashion dress. It is solid black with the Gilkara insignia on her chest. She smiles at Farid.

"Welcome, my Duke. I admit my surprise to find you coming." She lifts her arms in greeting and the holotable erupts in information. Our fleets should be outfitted with shield technology from Zaqaru before our battles begin. We are trying to decide, how we should attack. The DCOTP to the North of us shall be an easier target, however, cutting to the core would be a devastating blow. I would very much like to hear your thoughts on the matter." Anoa warmly pulls up a chair near the table controls and sits down next to it. She pats the seat twice with her hand.

Bolkas waited for the ship to dock. The smugglers he had joined were returning to refill their ship with more robot unicorn toys. Even if they were full of illicit materials, Bolkas would never shut down such an effective operation. He would believe it if they told him that the toys themselves were worth smuggling in. They had popped up in world's in Thoral. What could a mere mortal do against the cravings of children.

Bolkas left the ship after receiving his,"You got one day before we leave again. If ya ain't here, we won't miss you." Speech. carry on then, ya pirates.

He doubted that they knew, but some people gave him those looks. It wasn't impossible that the Outsider would be on the lookout for him, but he had hoped that he was decent at his job.

He made his way towards the Outsider. Smuggling himself here was fun, but now it might be time to reveal himself. He began with the first of many as he stopped by a local enforcement agency. "I am here to see the boss."

It might take some time, but he knew that eventually he would see the outsider.

"I appreciate the hospitality. My family might not understand exactly what you got going on here, but I love it. I hope that I can bring some relation to our situation. It's a pleasure to see such an operation first hand. I'd like to discuss some pies that we can get our hands in together. What'd ya say?"

" I have built Commerce: The Five Pillars, and Commerce: Local Conditions. I hope to see one of your scientist pouring through my archives over the next years.

Torbin Gilkara"

2019-06-16, 07:56 AM

The Lost Fortress Palace of Zanadu

Ages ago, the Fortress Palace of Zanadu became lost. Now, one might wondering, why is the Fortress Palace of Zanadu lost? Not why dit it became lost, but why is it still lost?

The answer cannot be given straight, for many factors played a part. One might wonder, did they not search? Search they did. Oh, they searched so much. The Unready King Bupola Zaqaru sent many expeditions, perhaps hoping they would find the previous Fair Queen Eshkis Zaqaru, who had been lost with the Fortress Palace of Zanadu. Few returned from the dangers of the Sarahu Nebula, all without news.

The successive Zaqaru Kings paid many expeditions, for the Fortress Palace of Zanadu carried a long history of the Zaqaru Dynasty. From the time when the Wealthy Queen Ayastal Zaqaru brought forth a Golden Age of prosperity by her skilled administration, to the time of misery as the Cruel King Saamsuma Zaqaru tortured his foes within his personal catacombs. From the time of the Stubborn Queen Mete Zaqaru who held the first Zaqaru Ball in the Fortress Palace of Zanadu which nearly bankrupted the Kingdom, but in which Emperor Baltimore met his future wife Duchess Ivyra, to the time of the Magnificent King Teninai Zaqaru, whose brilliance brought Zaqaru to a painfully bleeding edge of technology advancement in the Empire.

When the coffers ran dry and it was clear that at the supposed official coordinates of the Fortress Palace of Zanadu it was not to be found, intrigue, pirates and other royal matters drew the attention of the Zaqaru Kings elsewhere. Bold explorers and greedy adventurers followed in the wake of the expeditions, driven to seek the fame and wealth of being the one to find the Fortress Palace of Zanadu.

After all, within rest the legendary five interceptors that had brought victory to Queen Ayabith Zaqaru and her Saqasti Interceptor Squadron as they single handedly decimated the fighter armada of the Freehold during the Second War of Reclamation. The grandest diamond of that time, the Tear of Larsa, is said to lie within the great vaults of the Fortress Palace of Zanadu. If the remains of the Fair Queen Eshkis Zaqaru still remain, then the Zaqaru Royal Crown may still rest on her head, set with gorgeous gems and a finest example of exquisite art.

Yet few returned and even fewer dared to pick up their exploration and adventure afterwards. By the time the insidious Sansone Betrayal robbed Zaqaru of their Kingdom title, the Fortress Palace of Zanadu was but a story that faded into legend.

Why then would expeditions venture out now to seek this fabled place, lost to the sands of time? There are many, many rumours, but it may all have started when a little boy found a vital and missing clue on the back of an old creepy painting in a deserted room, small and hidden away in the far corners of a lesser Zaqaru Palace.

Image source: http://unisci24.com/302080.html

Enigma: 7

Dear Duke Farid Saquar Greenflame,

Thank you for your message, I look forward to any orders you wish to make.

For your consideration, I have another offer to make, given your position on the borders of the Collective. I can make available to you any interceptable communications the Collective has broadcasted and will broadcast [this Turn], unless you ofcourse already obtain such intelligence. Please let me know your stance on this offer when making an order and if you possess interest I will include it in any further negotations.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit
Dear Duke Benjamin Stone,

Thank you for your contribution! You can be assured that the trade goods are underway and the Orca Bombers will be delivered as scheduled. I look forward to meeting you and your explorers as we Quest for Zanadu!

Yours sincerely,
Lady Sun
Assistant of Grand Diplomat Ninu Zaqaru, Robot Unicorn Princess
Dear Duchess Akachi Okeke,

That is fair and I was accounting for such, with the natural and already mentioned exception of the Fortress Palace of Zanadu itself. However, I wish to know what you consider the value to be of potentially discovered infrastructure or colonisable sites, to make the finish of the expedition as smoothly as possible. For the same purpose, would you be willing to state your intended contribution or will you surprise Grand Diplomat Ninu Zaqaru?

Yours sincerely,
Lady Sun
Assistant of Grand Diplomat Ninu Zaqaru, Robot Unicorn Princess
Dear Duke Raudos Arnos,

I understand your position. Perhaps in the future we may establish a trade agreement. Until such a time, I wish you well in your business.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit
Dear Earl Varrais de Pantou,

The Prometheus Expeditionary Cruiser is a very welcome addition to the Quest for Zanadu, one which I am happy to see join the ranks. Its system are ideal given the situation the expedition will face. I will be sure to send the trade goods in payment upon your explorer’s arrival to the rest of the expedition.

I look forward to meet you or your Head Scientist during the expedition and our cooperation in this grand undertaking.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Scientist Earl Caksya Gupta
Dear Earl Euanthe Lidka, Earl Teófila Tagwanibisan and Earl Isaías Omid of the Triune Pact,

Allow me to introduce myself. I am Lady Sun, assistant to Grand Diplomat Ninu Zaqaru, Robot Unicorn Princess, who, as you might be aware, is leading the Quest for Zanadu. On behalf of Zaqaru I contact you to extend a special and one time offer. In exchange for [2 Trade], I would like to request the assistance of the research of a University from House Treasach on our Quest for Zanadu. I imagine a different venue of research may draw their mind away from recent events. Would you be amenable to this request?

Yours sincerely,
Lady Sun
Assistant of Grand Diplomat Ninu Zaqaru, Robot Unicorn Princess

2019-06-16, 09:41 PM
]Lady Sun,

We can send [22 Scientists] on this expedition.

Duchess Akachi Okeke

]Lady Sun,

We have agreed that this is an acceptable trade agreement. We will dispatch a science vessel.

Earl Euanthe Lidka
Earl Teófila Tagwanibisan
Earl Isaías Omid

2019-06-17, 01:30 AM
The Exiles' Consortium

Enigma 5
A simple non-aggression pact is agreeable, and a good foundation for further business.

Is there anything else your people desire?

Master Saquar,

I still have an interest in our arrangement. Construction may begin immediately, if that is desirable.


We will contact you again regarding this issue.


Entering the agency, it is... shabby. Sure they have police-ish uniforms, but they seem not to be paragons of law enforcement, but rather a local gang that has been empowered to enforce the rules. Asking to see the boss, the guy at the desk laughs. "You an' every other soul in the Consortium lookin' to prove themselves. I'll be sure to tell the higher-ups. Here, lemmie show you to our proper waitin' rooms." Bolkas is brought to a cell, where he is made to wait for a short while, until the cell is opened up by the same goon. "I, uh, I'm here to escort you, mister." He certainly seems a little confused, but still, he leads the Gilkaran to the designated destination. The streets are littered with people of all walks, from the destitute to the fabulously wealthy (including whatever entourages they deign to keep with them). Eventually, he brings the Gilkaran to a small office, after navigating a labyrinth of alleyways. A few guards stand out front, finely armed and well trained. They wave in Bolkas, but halt his escort. Seeing his chance to touch greatness, the "officer" takes the chance to try and network. "T-tell 'im I navigated real good! Tell-" One of the guards beats the brash goon.

The office proper, though small, is finely furnished. Examples of design and aesthetics from all across the Imperium are on display. The Outsider stands, hands behind their back, facing away from the entrance. "I have always been fascinated with the need of the nobility to meet face-to-face. Certainly, there are other methods of communication, but I suppose it is these little meetings where the secret, ugly necessities of politics get done." The Outsider turns, facing the Gilkaran, wearing their customary mask, of course. "I trust the smugglers treated you fairly? And the enforcement agents?" They offer an extended hand towards the desk, offering a seat as they take one. With a snap, a finely dressed attendant enters the room, standing at Bolkas's attention. "A meal for the gentleman? Perhaps a drink? I am at your service."

The Outsider continues, ignoring the staff. "It is always nice to meet a fan. And I would be lying if I said that I was not impressed by your... initiative. What brings you to my slice of the Imperium?"

The courtesan addresses the Prime Negotiator of the Xinclair Financial Management Group, who simply goes by the name Alberin. The middle-aged man sports fashionable graying, a perfectly tailored suit, and a variety of subtle augmentations. He listens intently to the Tatarusian's pitch, his face resting behind the interlaced fingers conjoining his hands. After she is finished speaking, he adjusts glasses, so as to better see the flow of various figures, statistics, and a wealth of other information.
"Certainly, we are uniquely positioned to accommodate this desire. We are likewise interested such an arrangement. Technologies and an alliance would certainly further our interests, as would the utility of such a craft." He clears his throat. "However, the cost of constructing such a craft is... daunting. At present, it would cost us [30 Market] to construct a brand new vessel. What with my former family stepping down from proper nobility, the Consortium is still working to regain the loss of market strength.
Currently, we are devoting many of our factories towards this purpose. Would Tatarus be able to offer enough technologies to make such a construction worthwhile? Or perhaps contribute the strength of Tatarusian factories? Is there a timeline for such a construction?"

He pauses for a moment, considering something. "If creating a new vessel is untenable, there may be a more... affordable alternative." Mentioning this, there is an intentional injection of trepidation in Alberin's voice.

For anyone wondering, here is a close match for what the Outsider usually wears.

2019-06-19, 01:49 PM

Enigma 7

Dear Duchess Akachi Okeke,

Thank you for your response, it is appreciated. You certainly bring an impressive expedition force along which I am happy to welcome. As previously requested, what do you consider the value to be of potentially discovered infrastructure or colonisable sites? I ask to make the finish of the expedition as smoothly as possible.

Yours sincerely,
Lady Sun
Assistant of Grand Diplomat Ninu Zaqaru, Robot Unicorn Princess
Dear Earl Euanthe Lidka, Earl Teófila Tagwanibisan and Earl Isaías Omid of the Triune Pact,

Thank you for accepting the agreement, your support is certainly appreciated.

I look forward to see your scientists on the Quiet for Zanadu and I wish you a brilliant future.

Yours sincerely,
Lady Sun
Assistant of Grand Diplomat Ninu Zaqaru, Robot Unicorn Princess

2019-06-19, 03:02 PM
House Greenflame

Enigma 6

House Vastadd PM
Amari Saquar, third of her name, is there to greet Duchess Izabella's arrival. She is young for her position, only nineteen years old, but the effects of Dr. Yarro's work give her a serene and peaceful look.

She makes a curtsey before speaking. "Duchess Izabella, it is a pleasure to meet you at last, my uncle has spoken much of you. I am Amari, come, let us walk and talk through the gardens."

The gardens of the Dansun Botanical Resort are a pleasant stroll through plant-like bio forms imported from all over the imperium, giving the place a wildly exotic feel. It has been temporarily shut down so the nobles have the privacy this conversation deserves.

"Farid is off securing House Gilkara's support, though he deeply regrets missing our conversation here, I think he rather enjoys your company. Between their substantial fleet and their talented courtiers I am hopeful that we may count on roughly [10 navy] from them, we are unsure if they would contribute their agents as well, depends on how highly they value our blueprints."

The gardens shift to the evening cycle, lights flicking on to give the place a twilight feel.

"Not counting anything they may have earned from the Cardoba Protectorate, the Collective's fleet is now [13 navy] strong, versus our navy of between [16-22 navy] depending on how well our prototypes perform. We are also well equipped from our own blueprints, so in the realm of navy, they are outnumbered still. The problem remains, as you have previously pointed out, that the Infinite Republic would likely get involved if we were to declare war. But my father Arda has an idea. The Collectives navy are hardly fools, but they are brash. If they saw an opportunity, a moment of weakness, they might strike. The Infinite Republic might be supporting them from shadows, but they would be mighty brazen indeed if they were to join an offensive war against the Imperium."

Amari motioned to a rest hut, where a few refreshments were waiting, seating herself she ignored the food but did drink from a medical flask.

"Your house is deservedly famous for its talented agents, You could fake a disaster in the Haytham fleet, perhaps a prototype explosion or a local uprising that led to high casualties. Enough to make our navy look temporarily weak, a tempting target. Then, if and when they declare war, we ambush their fleet with Gilkara and counter declare. If we can take a few systems and declare ourselves satisfied before the Infinite Republic can militarily intervene, we will have crippled the Collectives industrial heartland, swollen our own power considerably, and proven ourselves to the imperium for future wars."

Amari nods, seemingly satisfied with her own words.

"Do you think such a plan has merit? We are certainly not committed to it yet, but my uncle believes it to be an option."

House Gilkara PM
Farid smiles at the greeting, seating himself and waving for water.
"Please, do not take my arrival for grandstanding. My cousin Arda would normally be the one to handle the affairs of tactics but our fleet is in dire need of his attentions given the border strife. I have a military background, and will endeavor to keep up with the tactical discussion."

He motions to the holo, activating his own wrist projector for a smattering of reports from the recent bypass of the People’s Navy.

"My people having been doing recon as best they can, while we do not know the strength of the Collectives prototypes or equipment, they boast roughly [13 navy] as of the bypass, perhaps up to 16 given their 'acquisition' of the Cardoba Protectorate and a few years of development. They also count on the support of the Infinite Republic, at least in matters material and monetary. Compared with the [14 navy] of my own fleets as well as [4 military prototypes] we are closely matched, advantage depending largely on how well the prototypes perform. I'll not try to guess at the activities here in file over the past five years but my most up to date reports put your military strength around [7 navy], and I have heard your family has produced many talented military minds that would see that force near doubled given the right circumstances."

Faris smile fades somewhat, his eyes hardening.

"Tragically numerical superiority means less in the modern Imperium, my intelligence network cannot compete with the Collective, and they may very well send our ships spinning through the void chasing shadows while the main fleet bleeds atmosphere. There are ways of mitigating this, far more concerning is that the Infinite Republic may join in to protect their puppet, fearing their thorn may collapse. Their fleet is an unknown quantity, though enough that entire crusade fleets have been thrown back in the past. Certainly more than our fleet can comfortably deal with."

Farid waves his wrist hollow away, smile returning.

"It is not so grim as that however, House Vastadd stands with us, and I hope your house will to. Tactically, we have the beginnings of a plan, in need of refinement and discussion, but I will refrain from discussing it here until we have talked about the Gilkaran commitment and compensation if you are willing to see this war through to the end, or at least for fifteen years, I can offer you the blueprints for all four items in our catalogue, with a request that you do not sell the blueprints onward, though I see no issue selling the equipment itself. If you hope to assist in a purely mercenary avenue I completely understand, but perhaps in that case it would be better to pay your in equipment taken as equivalent to trade. Are you still interested in this conflict?”

Exiles Consortium

I see no reason why you should not begin, are you still open to my people studying the designs, some years down the line?

Duke Farid Saquar
Master of the Grand Marquis

We have developed Merchants of Death. I propose we pass Greenflame -> Vastadd -> Gilkara -> Starosta -> Greenflame.

2019-06-20, 08:43 AM
House Gilkara
Thoral System (-2,3)
Belblode, Philosopher's High Council

Different colored robes seperated out like a painters wheel. A woman dressed in a multi colored robe stood at a podium before the group. "It has been five years since we allowed the Gilkara family the privilege of sharing governance with us. It is time to reflect on their accomplishments and their faliures."

Discussions erupt throughout as friends talk about the most valid points to make and argue over what might be forgiven easliy. "Niave and new are two of the dominating words. Arguments of too fast and too slow spring up. Some make points of being too aggressive, more speak of a lack thereof. Many compliments come about from the focus of the family, and the amazing steps that the science community was able to achieve. There are many assurances that none of this would have happened without steady support from the market sectors.

The woman speaks up again. "We will begin out discussion if it pleases you all." There is a moment of silence and she surveys the room. "Let us start with the family itself and then move from there. Personal advisors, you may speak."

Nation of Filo will enter a into an agreement with House Zaqaru. Filo will lend three scientist for helping find the lost world Zanadu.

This is in exchange for Seven units each of their Market Technology.

I, Torbin Gilkara, offer my word that Filo will uphold their bargain.

[OOC]5 Prestige[ooc]

Anoa listens intently as Farid lays out the situation. She makes agreements on most measurements and smiles deviously when she corrects Duke Farid on the might of Filo. "I appreciate your acknowledgement of our tacticians, although I'm almost insulted that you would think us so weak as to match only half of your fleet. Even if it is just so."

Anoa adjusts the images on screen to show eight ships in theoretical formation. Her mood turns sour, "As you can plainly see, we have failed to produce any modifications to our fleet. All ships are standard and we lack prototypes. It's like that when we have to fight for resources. A proper war should make requesting more materials easier."

One of the two advisors walks forward and whispers to Anoa, who nods. "I understand." She smiled at Farid.

"I've been advised to bend you over the proverbial barrel. Filo wishes to be supplied every five years for our fleets. We will be building equipment with your blueprints as well, so you won't have to build everything for us, but we expect you to help. We will also take what we can from the DCOTP and expect to be compensated for losses after battles." Anoa pulls her head to her shoulder and relaxes again.

"I don't like this part that much. Still, you have my guarantee that we will not spread advanced technology to other entities in the Imperium. I believe multiple family members would kill me themselves if I did. We can offer our backing of the fleet starting immediately for twenty years. Our other forces may have prior engagements over the next half decade, but we will bring them to full force if it appears that our alliance is unable to engage."

She holds her hands up. "There you have it. The heavy price of friendship for the Nation of Filo's fleet." Anoa leans back and waits for the counter offer.

Bolkas grinned and shook the Outsider's hand. "Only information and money will drag me out of the inner Imperium. I know enough to know I came to the right place. I'd like to know what you'd think about putting a heist together?"

Bolkas stares at the Outsider's mask and shakes his head. He looks down at the floor. "That thing makes it hard to tell if you like the idea in principle. I guess that's the point huh?. Anyways, There have been a few nations putting out these little pamphlets of all the cool technology they've been making."

Bolkas opens up a hologram on his watch and shows the equipment lists of Zaqaru. "These guys have a lot of stuff, oh my god, they have so much stuff. And the prices are just ridiculous… or their manufacturers are just inefficient. We want it. Well, I want it, but nobody has stopped me from coming out here, so my family wants it too. I propose we slip in and get some blueprints from them… all of them if we can."

The Outsider's mask looks like a death squad mask. Bolkas can't help but look at other things in the room. "Together we can walk in and out. I know you got that new black market set up, well, I assume you have your fingers in it. We won't compete with that. I'll mention that keeping the blueprints secret will help you keep a monopoly on the tech, but it'll be yours to do with as you please."

"What do ya say? Care to be a part of the biggest technological heist this century?"

"Agreed, we will send our scientists to Starosta Archives and begin copying. We welcome house Vastadd."

Torbin Gilkara"

2019-06-20, 11:57 AM
Hiring Hall
House Mertens through their contacts with various houses have established a service for Houses wishing to hire out their extra assets without the complications of establishing a formal trade agreement with other powers.
1 Navy - 1 Trade
1 Agency - 1 Trade
1 University - 2 Trade
1 Court - 2 Trade

Race to Destruction
After much heated discussion, with plasma volleys included, the Laramy siblings have negotiated a temporary cease fire. They have agreed to turn their navies to more productive usage than destroying each other. Namely destroying someone else. Both siblings have declared separate wars on the Democratic Collective of the People. They have agreed that the winner of the war will be the sibling who conquers the most of the Collective's star systems. Naturally the Collective itself was not asked its opinion on this matter.

Zaqaru Dynasty
]Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit,

We will purchase [20] of your new Starburst Autocannon sets.

]Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit,

We will purchase [5] of your Hyperlane installations.

Lady Sun,

The value of any infrastructure is in what it would cost to build an equivalent so [4 Trade] for a an established planetary installation, and [1 Trade] for the requisite mobile vessels.

Duchess Akachi Okeke

The Exiles' Consortium
]Thank you for your agreement. We don't require anything else at this time. Though we would consider a more comprehensive trade agreement once we have established our infrastructure.

House Greenflame
]Izabella considers for a few moments and then consults her datapad before looking up. "That is certainly an interesting proposal. It would need to be very convincing since you have no enemies, but the Collective and they would certainly know whether they had sabotaged you or not. I am not certain we have enough operatives to effect a convincing enough incident over enough of your fleet to entice the Collective into war. But I am willing to task my operatives with it."

"If anything the risk is on your part. As to make this look real my operatives will need to come dangerously close to actually sabotaging your Haytham fleet. If there are any mistakes it could well cause real damage."

House Greenflame and House Gilkara
House Vastadd and House Starosta are in agreement with the proposed order.

2019-06-20, 06:51 PM
"Very well. We agree to a formal marriage between our leadership forming an alliance. You destroy the Triune pact so we can split their territory between us. Thus securing our sector for our houses. In turn I will negotiate a deal with one of the Laramy siblings having them declare us dukes in return for financial and military aid. Do we have an accord?" She offers a devilishly sensuous smile. "Who do I kiss to seal the deal hmm?"

"We can offer you the following designs." A few schematics appear showing off some of the technologies developed in secret by the Tatarus forces. They of course don't provide the means to build such technologies but at least see what is to offer.
University Design (Virtual Robotics Control MKI)
University Design (Virtual Robotics Control MKII)
Navy Design (Nanite Deconstructor Torpedoes MKI)
Navy Design (Nanite Deconstructor Torpedoes MKII)

"We are also willing to provide the permenant military presence so long as you can aid us ensuring that this project is profitable to both of us."

2019-06-21, 12:50 PM
One Step Closer to Doomsday
The declaration by the Laramy siblings has brought about a flurry of activity from the lesser houses. The Democratic Collective of the People has answered this insult to their sovereignty by stating their intent to claim the heart of the Imperium itself, the capital world of Sigma Kuldav. The Duchy of Lyrae has declared their support for Crown Priness Persephone Laramy and pledged to aid her in her war against her usurper brother. Meanwhile House Jinks has declared their support for Crown Prince Alexander. House Berger has jumped at the opportunity presented by the Laramys being distracted to declare it's intent to conquer [01,00].

In the south the House of Steel has declared that it can no longer abide the squabbling of its neighbors and intends to conquer the earls in northern Byvale so that their systems can be put to more productive use. Several other houses have also moved to bring their lesser neighbors into their dominion.

House Arnos: [-04,03]
House Barlow: [-02, 06]
House Ytterbus: [08,10]

]Admiral Mallach nods, "We will go further than that. All of Byvale will tremble at our union." Then he gives the courtesan a deep kiss.

2019-06-21, 02:51 PM
The Exiles' Consortium

Enigma 5

Master Saquar,

We have no qualms with your people studying our trade hub designs, though the secret of trade hub construction is certainly far more valuable than the creation of one such hub. We have heard tales of Greenflame honor. I am curious: what sort of compensation could you grant us that would satisfy that sense of honor? That would make this fair exhange?

"]Greetings Earl Tomoko,

The Exiles' Consortium offers you and your people a place within our generous collective. We offer stability, opportunity, and economic prosperity to our citizens. We welcome all, noble, common, or otherwise. We hope to talk to you further.

The out Outsider tilts their head slightly to the left, studying the Gilkaran in silence. And then to the right.

"It is an... interesting proposal, and something along the lines we were already planning. The stars align; they speak of hiring scientists for some venture.
They would be foolish not to guard them against threats both visible or otherwise..." The Outsider pauses a moment, refocusing the conversation on the heist. "Obviously, the Consortium would contribute our agents' expertise in this endeavor. Agents whom I have no doubt would be able to seize this prize on their own." The Outsider leans in slightly. "What can House Gilkara offer to us for a share of this prize?
Alberin looks over the schemata, seemingly pleased. He checks some numbers. "Courtesan: would Tatrus be willing to accept one of the Consortium's existing Astral Vessels? There are numerous benefits to this over constructing a brand new vessel:
-we would be able to make the exchange immediately, instead of waiting decades
-the ship could be modified to fit... proper Tatarusian aesthetics with relatively little expense
-our vessels are already focused on Market
-it would not interfere with Consortium production, allowing us to focus on market expansion, enabling the construction of future Astral Vessels at a much more efficient cost and speed."

He looks at the courtesan, awaiting her response.

2019-06-21, 03:45 PM

Enigma 7

Dear Archduke Alexander Laramy,

Thank you for your stated interest, on behalf of Zaqaru I am happy to fulfill such an order. Zaqaru factories will immediately get to work producing your order as soon the initial upfront payment is received.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit
Dear Crown Princess Persephone Laramy,

Zaqaru factories are hard at work to fulfill your order and our shipping agents are in full preparation of delivery. Thank you for your business.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit
Dear Duke Stephano Sansone,

Thank you for your order. I hereby confirm this fulfills the condition as stated in the Treaty of Gade. Zaqaru factories are hard at work to fulfill your order and will deliver as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit
Dear Duchess Akachi Okeke,

Thank you for your response and I am in agreement with your assessment. I look forward to our cooperation in the Quest for Zanadu.

Yours sincerely,
Lady Sun
Assistant of Grand Diplomat Ninu Zaqaru, Robot Unicorn Princess

2019-06-21, 07:42 PM
House Gilkara
Thoral System (-2,3)
Erzak, National Logistics and Reserve Headquarters (NLR)

The bright light from the holowall was dimmed by Glordek's contacts. Most of the information is numbers and coordinates. Starsystem data is shuffled and arranged by the AI into graphs and prewritten request forms. Little of it matches up with the request forms that Glordek continuously received from earls and less matches the forms received from his cousins.

The blinking insert tab draws his attention back to the task at hand. He looks at the new information coming in from ship commanders and sets them out into the format the Universities had sent him. The AI hasn't figured out what to do with the information, but he follows the logs… again.

The break from his original plan is a nuisance, but if it becomes more efficient then it will be worth the long hours. Something clicked. It isn't in the numbers, it's something else. The people. The requests the computer had written for everything around start popping into blank data. Glordek opened another tab. And another tab.

The AI stops filtering other data and focuses on the new operation. The grin hurts his face, and Glordek laughs. A good long, loud, slightly hysterical laugh. Two advisors rush into the room, "Glordek? Sir, are you alright?"

"Yes I am. Yes, I, am."

Bolkas chuckles, "That's what I get, thinking I'm ahead of somebody else." He looks around the room, "Filo is sending most of our agents (5) to pickup what we can. I guess I'm asking to tag along. We'll assist in what ways we can, asking for 25% of the take. We'll look between prices over the next little while to grab the rest of it. That can all be discussed after we split our spoils. I hope there will be plenty for all. Whataya say?"

"Duke Raudos Arnos,

Be advised. The nation of Filo considers your intent of acquisition of (-4,3) as an act of aggression. We offer you time to withdrawal your declaration.

In highest regards,

Torbin Gilkara"

2019-06-21, 10:40 PM
House Greenflame

Enigma 6

Farid’s contact HUD lit up with a priority message. Mid conversation, he twitched his haptics to have it read out through his earpiece to avoid a faux paux.

Archduke declared war on the Collective uncle, as did the Princess. Collective squared up and counter declared. Goal was to take more systems than the other Laramy. Collective wants the Core Worlds.

Farid played the message once more, trying and failing to maintain his neutral expression. His plans to combat the Collective would have to be largely rewritten now, and while the Laramy Fleet was gargantuan, there were many unknown factors at play. First and foremost any allies the Collective might now call upon. This battle of ideologies was about to grow much more complicated.


House Gilkara PM
Farid holds up his hands in concession, “I certainly did not mean to cause offence, my reports are more than five years old already, and I am certain our houses are on near equal footing over all, your factories are more numerous and stronger than mine, and your family larger.”

“As to bending over barrels, it is only sensible for your house to pursue as good a deal as possible, I respect that, but I cannot be over the barrel right now, proverbial or otherwise. I can make the blue prints available to you, and any other military blueprints we produce for the duration of the war, but I must also consider my own fleets to equip. As I said a moment ago, your economy-”

Farid’s easy conversational tone stops suddenly, his face falling, after a second he continues.

“I apologise to interrupt our conversation, a significant development has just occured. The Laramy siblings have declared war on the collective, this changes my original strategy significantly. I was hoping that we might perform a broken wing gambit of sorts, but that is largely null now. I cannot imagine a circumstance where the collective would attack our fleet with the gargantuan fleet about to invade. Instead, if you are still interested, of course, I believe it best to ascertain which angle the Laramys are going for, and see if we cannot cut a deal with whichever is targeting their core territory. While my real goal is to remove their threat to the imperium, I’ll freely admit I was hoping to expand my demanse some, as was Vastadd.”

Farid pinched the bridge of his nose, suddenly tired.

“Or perhaps it might be best to abandon that particular target altogether. I hope you will keep my treasonous little secret but I find my thoughts more and more agreeing with the Emperor that these siblings are unfit for the throne. What plans did you have before I asked of your assistance, mayhap we can still glean some value from this meeting, and I could instead help your house. You have been nothing but kind to me, and I relish the opportunity to speak as equals.”

“Regardless I must consult with my niece briefly to settle our course of action. I will need an hour or two.”

OOC: technically I have a couple conversations following similar lines right now, but with different characters, this last line is purely for continuity, so they aren’t just telepathically linked or some such.

The Exiles Consortium
Understandable, I suppose I could offer access to some of my own blueprints if that pleases you, though they have all been fairly military focused, a facet I know your Consortium puts comparatively little value in. Would that be of interest to you? I will certainly not be able to spare the budget to study the stations for many years to come, at least not in earnest. With the new wars springing up I think I must focus on economic development, someone has to put the Imperium back together once this is over.

Duke Farid Saquar
Master of the Grand Marquis


House Vastadd PM
Amari was about respond when she received a priority message of her own. The message, from Dr. Yarro, simply said ‘check your news holo’. Catching her words, she furrowed her brow.
“Pardon me lady Izabella, I’ve just had a message on our emergency line to check the news, there must have been a development…”

She flicked her wrist holo into life, bringing up the cascade of war declarations. She spent a moment in stunned silence, but recovered swiftly.

“Well I am sure this changes Farid’s plan significantly, Arda’s is out the window, obviously. Our goal of containing the threat of the Collective is… solved? That leaves a foul taste in my mouth, I think their threat is hardly ended. I’ll have to pause our conversation for a moment and consult with my uncle, but a thought springs to mind, if the Collective fleet is going to be fighting the Laramy fleets… your house knows of a hidden gate network correct? Perhaps there might be a manner in which we could sneak a small force past the fighting and secure a few key systems? The damage of losing even just one or two systems could weaken the collective considerably, and boost our own nations. Though I am altogether unfamiliar with how the hidden gates work, we certainly have the punching power to hold a system against the collective.”

2019-06-22, 01:12 AM
The Exiles' Consortium

Enigma 5
Master Saquar,

While the famed technology of House Greenflame is certainly enticing, I believe that Trade or Prestige would be more favorable options for my people. Still, as you say, it will be quite some time from now, and so I would would be happy to go into the specifics of that when the time comes. With the recent developments inside the Imperium, it is certainly understandable that resources would, and certainly should, be dedicated to other pursuits.


The Outsider is still and quiet in their consideration for a short while.
"These terms are agreeable. If their catalogs are any indication, there should be more than plenty for both parties."

A hand is offered for shaking.

2019-06-22, 06:27 AM


Quest for Zanadu

Grand Diplomat Ninu Zaqaru, Robot Unicorn Princess, Earl of Mithurtu, Winner of the Tattooine Run, leads the Quest for Zanadu. In her spaceship, bejeweled with all the colours of the rainbow in a stylish fashion, she will take point in the journey to the Sarahu Nebula to find the lost Fortress Palace of Zanadu. There is no telling what they might fight in that nebulous nebula, filled with mystery. Who knows what dangers may lurk there, what peril may lie in wait in those star filled mists? What will they find after years of travel? It is on many minds, as the venture has gained widespread media attention, at least in Zaqaru. The expedition force is said to be the biggest exploration mission of our time.

In the media campaign, joining Robot Unicorn Princess Ninu Zaqaru are the Legendary Explorer Duke Benjamin Stone and Bravest Explorer Duchess Akachi Okeke. These three nobles form the face of the Quest for Zanadu and their names and image will go down in history with the Quest for Zanadu, no matter the outcome. Yet it is not just House Lonestar and House Okeke that Zaqaru managed to join on their journey. Others are strengthening the expedition, though in smaller number.

As the expedition forces gather and the departure date grows ever closer, the announcement goes out that Zaqaru no longer offers [3 Trade] or [7 Equipment] for [2 Scientists]. The replacement offer is [10 Equipment] in exchange for [2 Trade and 1 Scientist].

Enigma 7

“You have the guarantee of Zaqaru the deal will be upheld.”

(OOC: Matching your 5 Prestige.)
Dear Duke Farid Saquar Greenflame,

While I have not received word from you whether my intelligence offer is of interest to you, I do wish to note that I may be able to make a special offer available to you. One where a limited amount of market equipment is offered in exchange for scientific assistance on the Quest for Zanadu on more favourable grounds than the publicly available offer. Please let me know if this is of interest to you.

Your sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit
Image: https://baublesaurus.com/collections/kawaii/products/believe-unicorn-spaceship-pastel-rainbow-glitter-hard-enamel-pin

2019-06-22, 07:33 AM
The hologram showed off all the stunning beauty of the high courtesan. She was especially decadent for the foul high prince as she knew his desire for debauchery and his failure as a ruler. She did bow her head to the crown prince and greeted him as appropriate before continuing on. "Its so good to see you are safe despite the horrific civil war that is warping the state of our beloved empire. I know you need aid so I wanted you to know that an unexpected gift comes your way. <1 permenant military> is up for grabs from my humble part of the empire. My soon to be husband Admiral Mallach and I seek to finally be given the respect we deserve should royal titles befitting us arrive as wedding presents those soldiers and ships will arrive in your care... If not well how is my dear friend Persephone?"

The hologram showed off a woman in a stunning gown there was far less sexual appeal then usual and more of an elegance. "Crown princess it is good to see you are safe." She bows. "I am sorry about your civil war, it must be difficult trying to thwart a sibling I can't imagine the strain. I know things feel overwhelming so I wanted you to know I was making an offering to you and your sibling... I tell you this honestly because we're old friends but things are hard everywhere and I must do what is best for my people despite my love for you. Now I am making him bid like a dog but for you. Well I will just make an offer (2 temp mil and 3 temp agency and 1 temp court this turn) to declare my soon to be husband the admiral of the house of steel and I Dukes. Now I know its a lot to ask for but think about this it would forge an alliance and my husband once he has dealt with his enemies may very well send even more soldiers in the future for your kindness. This would not just be resources but an alliance with one of the strongest military forces in the galaxy, and of course my humble abilities as well."

"If it meets our needs as you promise than we will have an accord. Make sure you your current ship is capable of meeting requirements and the trade is something that boosts us both and I will deliver on my promises. I look forward to a lucrative alliance. Once I confirm its possible (OOC: confirmed possible by our DM) "If you need anything else please dont hesitate to ask."

A look of realization takes her lips and she focuses back on the leader of the Exiles Consortium. "As a new force I imagine you will want to expand. I don't want you getting wrapped up in any of our violence so be careful making deals with Byvale earls they will be subjugated shortly under new administration and I dont want the new admiral of the fleet of Steel to mistake you for aiding traitors to the empires peace. I want our relationship long and lucrative."

2019-06-22, 08:26 AM

Enigma 7

Dear Archduke Alexander Laramy,

News reached me the main representative of Tatarus contacted you with a brazen request. It is my hope you can alleviate the concern of myself and my peers with regards to the outrageous appeal to grant a noble title to the mere peasants Miras and Mallach. Surely one as noble as yourself will not affiliate yourself with a marriage between those of such low rank. Especially considering the current aggressive and respectless actions the House of Steel is taking against proper nobles.

Yours sincerely,
Diplomat Earl Namzara Zaqaru
Dear Crown Princess Persephone Laramy,

No doubt you are aware of the message Tatarus sent to your brother with the outrageous request. It is my hope I can trust that should you find yourself meeting this same request, you will not fulfill the desire of the Byvale peasantry to gain noble titles as the House of Steel shows disrespect to the nobility by their wars. Will you alleviate the concerns of myself and my peers in this regard?

Yours sincerely,
Diplomat Earl Namzara Zaqaru

2019-06-22, 11:11 PM
]I will agree to swear fealty if you are willing to protect my system from the House of Steel.

]Duke Gilkara,

House Gilkara has laid no claim to the system or offered the residents protection. The only warp gates there lead to House Arnos and House Gilkara. So our claiming of the system does not block you from any access. As such we see no reason to withdraw our claim.

However we are not unreasonable. If House Gilkara can offer us something of value to offset refocusing our expansion elsewhere we would consider it.

Duke Raudos Arnos

]Duchess Izabella frowns, "If you had asked us a few years ago we would be able to help you there, but the warp gates in uncharted space are fickle things. The routes we once knew have shifted. We would need rechart the paths to allow our ships free access to collective space."

]"I would welcome your forces into my navy, but alas such a ducal title is not a mere name. The ranks of fealty are the ties that bind liege to vassal and in turn the entire Imperium. Both your Tatarus and the House of Steel have long been worthy of the ranks you seek, but to name you such I would require that you submit your binding oaths of fealty to me and my cause."

]"Old friend no doubt my brother is also telling you the same thing, but the titles of the Imperium require more than a trade of favors. I would be willing to name you Duke and Duchess of Byvale, but in return you would need to swear fealty to me and help me claim the Titanium Throne."

]Dear Earl Namzara Zaqaru,

Do not let your noble birth blind you to the achievements of others. We are all nobility because our ancestors proved themselves. And those of spirit and valor can yet do the same. More importantly if you don't want me to gain the fealty of the largest cohesive fleet in the entire Imperium perhaps you should consider offering me the services of your own house.

Archduke Alexander Laramy

]Dear Earl Namzara Zaqaru,

Was not Empress Hallow herself a mere common soldier before she lead her warband to glory. The House of Steel and the Tatarus control vast resources and billions of citizens. If anything they should have long been elevated to rank, but they refused to submit. Now that they are willing why should I not bind them in ties of fealty as the rest of the Imperium.

Crown Princess Persephone Laramy

2019-06-23, 02:27 AM

Enigma 7

Dear Archduke Alexander Laramy,

As you ask me to not be blinded by noble birth, I could very well ask you to not be blinded by the prospect of binding such a large fleet in fealty. I know how those brave enough may be granted the honour of a noble title, uplifting their family to a higher station. Yet these are also people who made achievements for just causes and are deemed worthy and loyal. The House of Steel are mercenaries, Tatarus but courtesans, selling their loyalty to the highest bidder, owing fealty to money. I see little reason why they, or anyone of their culture they will appoint, will be a loyal subject.

Considering the services of Zaqaru, we've been selling armaments to you for years.

Should you seek the might of the House of Steel's fleet, I would have rather suggested hiring them. That would have been an agreement where both sides know what to expect. However, considering they switched their stance to aggressive expansion, I doubt they are content to remain mercenaries, as the recent request confirms. I do not see it as a sign they wish to become loyal vassals, however.

Yours sincerely,
Diplomat Earl Namzara Zaqaru
Dear Crown Princess Persephone Laramy,

Empress Hallow was never a mere common soldier. She was a military and diplomatic genius.

Looking at the resources at the behest of the House of Steel and Tatarus I too would expect a noble to be in charge. Yet I do not see that as enough reason to grant them a title. Their actions should be an indication and considering they are mercenaries and concubines, with the mercenaries waging war against nobility, I fail to see why they should be permitted to be granted the distinguished honour of holding a title.

Please ask yourself the following. They may be willing to swear fealty, but why now and not before? I believe their motivation and resulting loyalty are strong reasons for concern.

Yours sincerely,
Diplomat Earl Namzara Zaqaru

2019-06-23, 09:05 AM
House of Steel PM
"My beloved both are more then willing to let us become dukes, we now get to shop and decide whose ring we temporarily kiss in exchange for our payment. I do not intend to deliver more then my initial promises but we must show the good grace of fealty upon the purchase of our titles. From there we can do as we had planned and conquer this entire region of space and then name you king of Byvale. Independent of the shattered emperors present. If you dont have a preference I would prefer to support Persephone as she is an old friend but of course in the end we must make our own way in the empire... After all it might be necessary to have new blood sit on the throne, someone not of noble birth like you be emperor some day... Clearly the emperor did not have faith in the old guard, but he never leveled insult at our hard work."

2019-06-23, 11:59 AM
"Earl Duri Domingo,

I am troubled to hear of the Arnos expansion further into the Hallow system. We hope to keep your system neutral and a beneficial trading partner. We will offer you either our backing and make you a vassal to the Gilkara family under the title Count Duri Domingo, or provide our might to keep Arnos from encroaching onto you colonies.

Torbin Gilkara."
[Ooc] Offering ten prestige to become Count[Ooc]

The advisor's words are soft and fast like a tiny army suddenly turning in their march towards oblivion. She maintains eye contact and nods at Farid as he explains his situation.

The holotable lights up when the other advisor activates the incoming reports.

Both Laramy siblings declare war on DCotP. Lyrae and Jinks back separate siblings. Berger moves to claim Laramy territory. Barlow and Ytterbus expand. Arnos declares intent for Earl Domingo's colonies.

Message from Glordek Gilkara: "Arnos declares intent for Earl Domingo's colonies. This is your duty to stop. I am not pleased"

The advisor turns the message streams off. Anoa growls. "I understand your need to discuss with your council. I will discuss with my advisors and when you return, I will take my place over the barrel." She winks at Farid and turns sharply to leave the room.

After a few hours of flying her fighter, Anoa is back in the control room. "Send word to Farid that we are ready to open discussions for the reverse of his proposal. We want the backing of his fleet in case Arnos is unreasonable. We are prepared to offer a trade per fleet, hoping for ten. We will cover damages as well, which should be less for his ships than ours."

2019-06-23, 02:04 PM

Enigma 7

Dear Duke Ernst Berger,

On behalf of Zaqaru I previously made several equipment offers available to you. As I have received no interest in the current offering, I would like to inquire what might be improved. What can Zaqaru change or add as service in the coming years to catch your interest for future business? Your feedback is highly appreciated and I will look into what is possible to meet demand and enhance trade relations between us.

Your sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit
Dear Administrator Moffet,

On behalf of Zaqaru I previously made several equipment offers available to you. As I have received no interest in the current offering, I would like to inquire what might be improved. What can Zaqaru change or add as service in the coming years to catch your interest for future business? Your feedback is highly appreciated and I will look into what is possible to meet demand and enhance trade relations between us.

Your sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit
Dear Grand Minister Halmond Abelard,

On behalf of Zaqaru I previously made several equipment offers available to you. As I have received no interest in the current offering, I would like to inquire what might be improved. What can Zaqaru change or add as service in the coming years to catch your interest for future business? Your feedback is highly appreciated and I will look into what is possible to meet demand and enhance trade relations between us.

Your sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit
Dear Duchess Izabela Vastadd,

On behalf of Zaqaru I previously made several equipment offers available to you. As I have received no interest in the current offering, I would like to inquire what might be improved. What can Zaqaru change or add as service in the coming years to catch your interest for future business? Your feedback is highly appreciated and I will look into what is possible to meet demand and enhance trade relations between us.

Your sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit
Dear Duke Menard Lacross,

On behalf of Zaqaru I previously made several equipment offers available to you. As I have received no interest in the current offering, I would like to inquire what might be improved. What can Zaqaru change or add as service in the coming years to catch your interest for future business? Your feedback is highly appreciated and I will look into what is possible to meet demand and enhance trade relations between us.

Your sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit
Dear Councillor Vanya Mal,

On behalf of Zaqaru I previously made several equipment offers available to you. As I have received no interest in the current offering, I would like to inquire what might be improved. What can Zaqaru change or add as service in the coming years to catch your interest for future business? Your feedback is highly appreciated and I will look into what is possible to meet demand and enhance trade relations between us.

Your sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

2019-06-23, 06:25 PM
"]Diplomat Earl Namzara Zaqaru

I find it amusing that you disdain the House of Steel for their expansionist nature when your own dynasty was among the first to wage a war of conquest.

Nevertheless loyalty is something to be considered. Therefore I call on your own loyalty. The Zaqaru owe fealty to House Laramy as your rightful liege. Will you answer my call to war in this succession crisis?

Archduke Alexander Laramy

"]Diplomat Earl Namzara Zaqaru,

Because the high courtesan is far more ambitious than her predeccessors of course. Tatarus has always been content to be the power behind the throne until now, but apparently their pride has exceeded their subtly. No matter everyone knew they had the power over the territories in truth.

And if they fail to live up to their obligations as vassal then I will crush them for it. Then they will serve as a valuable moral lesson to future generations who think to take up positions they are not capable of.

Crown Princess Persephone Laramy

"]"I ask you to reconsider your thoughts. The House of Steel will not go back on any pledges we make. To you or any liege lord we swear fealty to. We are willing to swear fealty to one of the Laramy siblings, and we are even willing to declare independence at some point in the future. Such is the way of nobility in the Imperium. But even as mercenaries we honored our contracts. We will do no less if we become entitled."

"Given historical treaties of this nature we expect that our theoretical liege lord will ask for no less than 25 years of guaranteed loyalty and one third of our forces in levy. Likely they will start with much more pressing terms, but the Laramy siblings can't afford to bargain too hard lest we join the other. So attempt to get the best oath of fealty you can from them. But don't do so with the intent to renege on your oaths."

"The Great Houses would not stand for such a thing as it would put their own positions in jeopardy."

"]Your Grace,

I would of course be honored to be granted the title of count, but I am afraid that I do not have enough of this system colonized for the title to be valid. I would of course be willing to pledge fealty anyway if you protect me from House Arnos.

Earl Duri Domingo
(OOC: It actually costs 20 prestige to make a Count title and you need to control half of the system in question.)

"]The houses send back various responses which the grand administrator sifts through. He concludes that the other Houses have refused because for one reason or another they feel they can get a better return on their investment elsewhere. Whether that means colonizing new systems or producing their own equipment varies between the houses.

2019-06-23, 10:33 PM
House Greenflame

Enigma 6


House Gilkara PM
Having talked with another Saquar halfway across the Imperium Farid looks more confident now, though his frown has hardly faded. He nods along to Anoa’s words, already partially in agreement.
“My fleet is significantly better equipped than what might be available on the market, but I think we can leave our proverbial barrel at home this day, the imperium is unstable enough without our robbing each other blind. I hope that you would consider aiding my house in future should the Collective continue to be a problem. I can agree to your terms, [10 trade] for the Haytham, a fleet of [12 navy], equipped with our designs. I will see about wrangling my cousin Arda into this as well. Perhaps more than you originally asked, but I prefer to keep risks as low as possible. Why use force when overwhelming force is available. At least with regards to the navy.”

“Does it look like they will be unreasonable? And do you know what forces they might bring to bear? As I have said before raw navy strength means comparatively little in modern naval combat, agents are to cunning, and can change the field on a whim.”

The Exiles Consortium
Understandable, please feel free to make the trade hub when you are ready, we will work out the trade at a later date.

Farid Saquar
Master of the Grand Marquis

House Zaqaru
Administrator Yaadus,
Tragically our scientists are quite busy for the foreseeable future, but thank you for extending your considerations. With regards to the offered intelligence, do you truly think their communications worth our attention? I believe we can already make a fair guess at what they might be saying, but given the tangle of war at the moment I think it might be rather moot now.

Farid Saquar
Master of the Grand Marquis


House Vastadd PM
“Understandable, lady Izabella, in that case I think we should rule out any kind of frontal assault and perhaps even rule out a war entirely right now. Are there any other projects we might assist you with in the interim? If there will be no fighting then we will focus on building up our economy and fleet equipment. But at the very least I’m sure my uncle would wish to support any projects you might be pursuing for the next few years.”

2019-06-24, 05:41 AM

Enigma 7

Dear Duke Farid Saquar Greenflame,

It is unfortunate your scientists are otherwise preoccupied. As for the intelligence, yes, I am informed there is a subject worth your attention. Especially considering you guess their communication to be of questionable importance.

However, I cannot deny the possibility that what the Grand Agent considers to be worthy your attention may not match what you consider worth your attention. If you will, you may send your fair guess and I can tell you whether we have news or not. You may choose not to and ignore this offer, with the associated risk. Otherwise, I look forward to any offer you are willing to make for the relevant piece of information.

Your sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit
Dear Archduke Alexander Laramy,

I fail to see amusement in the drawn comparison between the war Zaqaru waged and the war the House of Steel is waging, for it lacks the nuance of many details. The Zaqaru war was one between nobles with a just casus belli culminating in the conquest of a single system. The House of Steel has been advertising themselves as mercenaries, but one must trust mercenaries not go against their employer. As they have now declared a war to usurp many systems from multiple nobles, I would not place such trust in them. Meanwhile the fiancée requests a noble title for the House of Steel, while the titleless House of Steel wages war on nobles. I do hope you now see why I would advise not to reward this behaviour.

As for the consideration of loyalty, Zaqaru owes fealty as vassals to the rightful Emperor. Once the Titanium Throne recognises you, Archduke Alexander Laramy, as the Emperor to rule the Imperium, Zaqaru will answer the call for war.

Yours sincerely,
Diplomat Earl Namzara Zaqaru
Dear Crown Princess Persephone Laramy,

I am pleased to hear you will crush them if they fail to live up their obligations. Still, I would caution to deal with either Tatarus or the House of Steel, as the House of Steel already displays aggression, which may not be bound by the ties of fealty. Considering those at the top are to be married, the question remains whether at such a time Tatarus considers the tie of marriage to be stronger or weaker than fealty.

Should they need to be a taught a lesson, that may only serve to distract you from your other ambitions, giving an advantage to a sibling with the same ambitions.

Yours sincerely,
Diplomat Earl Namzara Zaqaru
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit thanks the different parties for their response and will look into the details for future business.

2019-06-24, 12:04 PM
"Honorable consort, from what you describe, I believe you are looking to develop something much larger than what a humble astral vessel can normally provide, although I am still willing to grant Tatarus one as a sign of our friendship. In fact, we could use it as a kind of offsite living facility for the staff of the casino. With the development of The Stardust in mind, the numbers show that if both of our factions invest into developing blueprints, we can make a substantial profit in the long term, even if we are splitting the returns. For the immediate future, the Consortium can convert our largest astral factory to accommodate the beginnings of our grand casino."
Alberin clears his throat. "As for politics in the Byvale, we've only agreed to a non-aggression pact with the Triune. We have no interest in waging open warfare, even if it is with a few allied earls. Still, we are in talks with Earl Tomoko about incorporating her system into the Consortium. I've heard their terms are simple: as long as the House of Steel does not attack them, we will have their fealty. At the present, we are only interested in incorporating one more system into the Consortium, and having that system in the Byvale is important to the Consortium; it woild be a sign of our close bond. Further, expanding anywhere else would mean a separation from the rest of our systems, and as you well know, the rest of the Imperium does not look kindly upon the titleless, especially if they're expanding near them."

2019-06-24, 12:39 PM
"]"We are planning to modernize our forces at this time. We would welcome any assistance you could provide of course."

"]Diplomat Earl Namzara Zaqaru,

I had a feeling you would say that. As it happens there being no other monarchs in the Imperium every duke owed fealty to my father through his title as King of Hallow, and then he owed fealty to himself as Emperor. The fact that duchies such as your own have taken this lack of de jure title to mean they can declare their own indepence is understandable, but not a measure of great loyalty.

If you change your mind I will be happy to accept the oath of House Zaqaru. In the meantime however I am more concerned with those who are willing to pledge themselves to my cause than those who aren't.

Archduke Alexander Laramy

"]Diplomat Earl Namzara Zaqaru,

You aren't seeing the full picture Namzara. There will be no distraction from our siblings ambition, because whichever of us wins the loyalty of the House of Steel wins the throne. The loyalty of Tatarus in addition will merely seal the deal.

We are so evenly matched that even the addition of a small force would unbalance our struggle. And the House of Steel is no small force.

Crown Princess Persephone Laramy

2019-06-24, 01:47 PM

Enigma 7

Dear Archduke Alexander Laramy,

I can assure you that historic record shows Zaqaru owing fealty to the Emperor as King. When Zaqaru’s title became that of a Duke, fealty remained tied to the Emperor. House Voss and House Sansone, vassals of Zaqaru at the time, thus became vassals of the Emperor through their former bonds of vassalage and are in a similar position.

Even when looking at the title of King, both you and your sister contest the title. To whom would any of the dukes in Hallow rightfully pledge allegiance to when both of you claim it, but the Imperial High Court has not legitimized either of your claims? To pledge allegiance to one, but not the other, would indicate a lack of loyalty to at least one of you.

Zaqaru declaring independence is not just understandable, it is only justifiable cause of action. Therefore, Zaqaru cannot swear an oath of fealty to either of you at this time.

Yours sincerely,
Diplomat Earl Namzara Zaqaru
Dear Crown Princess Persephone Laramy,

So to see if I understand you correctly. By gaining the aid of the House of Steel, you intend to secure victory over your sibling, allowing you to gain full control over all of House Laramy’s forces. With him out of the picture, if House of Steel defies further orders, they may be crushed with the full might of House Laramy.

If that sums it up correctly, I can see where you are coming from. I still worry that the indeed, no small force of House of Steel, along with Tatarus, will not be loyal vassals and when they defy the bonds of fealty, it might set a precedent. Considering other regretfully large peasant factions within the Empire in the form of the Democratic Collective of the People and the Exiles’ Consortium, I and my peers have concerns. I felt obligated to try and alleviate them, hence the reason for contacting you.

Yours sincerely,
Diplomat Earl Namzara Zaqaru

2019-06-24, 04:35 PM
Anoa raises her eyebrows. She turns to her advisor, "Play the message Torbin sent. I think Farid would appreciate the soul warden's position on House Greenflame's Duke."

The advisors quietly and quickly whisper to each other in hushed, harsh tones. Fingers point and looks are shot at both Anoa, who smiles and nods at Farid, and Farid. "Echo Papa." One advisor says out loud.

The other shakes his head and repeats, "Echo Papa." He turns and leaves.

Anoa smiles, "Your venture into the TRAM greatly pleased my cousin, many of them actually. He is also pleased that you took opposition to the DCOTP. They are more than just an unstable threat to the Empire, but a slap to the face to Filo's decision to reinstate our house. If the rabid chaos of Democracy proves successful, so would have been the Noocracy."

The advisor returns. He silently inserts a device into the holotable and leaves with the other advisor. Anoa and Farid are out of their view since the first time they entered the room. Anoa presses the controls.

"Protector from Enemies, you will soon be meeting with Farid Greenflame. He is an honorable leader. So I warn you, leave your aggressive tendencies off the table. Farid has moved to protect systems against the DCOTP. Every message that we were able to intercept show that the earls much prefer his house over the collective. He views himself as a Protector of the Empire. His fleets have fought the Infinite Republic. We would be hard pressed to find another house that acts selflessly in measures that might not affect themselves.

I am certain Glordek will push you to make as much gain as possible in this venture against DCOTP. I would appreciate room for later negotiations. If the joint venture is successful, then we may have a King Greenflame to work with. He is a man that will remember our aide. If it will ever be possible to remove the threat that the Laramy brats bring to the Empire, Greenflame will be an integral part of a coordinated effort.

Not only do I respect Farid, but other Dukes respect him as well. It may be the most important part of your work to show him that Filo and House Gilkara respect those who have a code, and show even more respect to those who can uphold it. If you are so inclined, you may even find him a suitable…" Anoa cuts off the message.

"As you can see Duke Farid, Torbin thinks highly of you. If you call on Filo in the future, he will be heavily biased to help you. For the battle, they may be able to stalemate every move that we make alone, we can predict winning with your forces to back us up. However, if they are to purchase more from Mertens or the Exiles, we may find ourselves again evenly matched. I believe that with your Agents backing as well, we would insure a victory."

Anoa gets up and opens the door to allow the advisors back into the room. "Our markets will take ten years minimum to pay for your fleet, we would prefer more time than that if possible." She turns to the advisors, "Any word on negotiations with Arnos?"

The female advisor nods, "They claim to see no threat in their move and reverted to extortion. We understand that if we were to help Earl Domingo after the extortion then we would be considered underhanded. If we don't they will use whatever we give them and come back stronger. I'm afraid that they have set their eyes on the prize."

"Duke Raudos Arnos,

We offered Earl Duri Domingo protection as soon as the Laramy civil broke out. We will not be extorted. If you formally withdraw your intent, we will happily offer other avenues of interaction.

In highest regards,

Torbin Gilkara"

Bolkas let's out a whoop as he shakes the Outsider's hand. "This will be a pleasurable arrangement! I still can't believe I thought I thought of this first." Bolkas gives a devilish grin.

He walks around the room. "Mind if I hang around a bit? I bet you're busy, but if you have some time for cards, i'm not due back on my ship for a day or so. As soon as we fill up with more of those stupid little unicorns." Bolkas shakes his head and laughs.

2019-06-24, 05:04 PM
"]Duke Torbin Gilkara,

Our records show that Earl Domingo declined your assistance, and no further contact was made. That does not seem to be sufficient basis for a formal claim to the system on your part.

Duke Raudos Arnos

2019-06-24, 05:57 PM
"Duke Raudos Arnos,

We would very much like to avoid a war between our houses. Perhaps we can convince you to withdrawal your intentions towards Earl Domingo for the backing of helping you find a count in another suitable location.

In highest regards,

Torbin Gilkara"
[Ooc]Offering 25 prestige[ooc]

2019-06-24, 07:42 PM
"My love I would never betray an oath... Simply ensure the cost of our oath is minimized and that we are not forced to surrender more than we can afford and still keep our vows. We deserve this realm of space our families have fought hard in their own ways for it for generations. Now the chaos of this realm proves what has long been said. It is time we see Fresh blood sits on the throne. The Laramys sadly are not worthy, their own father said as much so now we must prove loyal and still acknowledge their inevitable fate. They will not hold the empire." She offers a dazzling smile. "I will work on formenting your wedding present while you do the same for me I promise to deliver something dazzling."

Before she ends her broadcast to her husband she adds one last thing. "The Consortium is making many sacrifices for me husband and has requested a single system be safe so that they can take it over. Earl Tomoko is bending the knee to one without title and the idea amuses me so much I can't see you destroy his navys on the battlefield. I ask you with my whole heart you do not punish the Consortium for this little move of expansion. I do not need that particular jewel as part of my wedding present."

The talk of the casino lights up the High Courtesan and she nods her head delighted. "I knew you would see my vision. We will work hard on this together and I will make sure much of my resources are poured into this cause so our beautiful Stardust becomes a crown jewel of the empire!"
When she mentions the war a small sigh leaves her lips but she speaks up and offers a smile. "We have no interest in making war with you beloved, you have nothing to fear. The house of Steel will not invade you I will make sure my new husband behaves himself."

"Well of course we would swear loyalty my Royal Highness. I know some believe us barbarians but the will and the way of the courts is no stranger to me. I just wanted you to know which resources could be advocated to your war immediately. I am happy to discuss terms of the house of steel and Tatarus formally swearing their loyalty to you your highness. I just ask you to recognize the value of such a pledge and still keep the struggles of Byvale in mind when you do so. We must honor all oaths after all."

"We more then understand the ancient rites of a vassal and their liege lord but this is a time of chaos and uncertainty. We without title live in a very precarious world your grace. So we must know what you would demand of us if we bent the knee. We also need you to understand such a sacrifice would while earth shattering and may change the course of everything does not arrive even in the hands of great men such as you for free."

2019-06-24, 08:44 PM
"]Duke Torbin Gilkara,

That is a worthy offer. We will withdraw our claim on the system.

Duke Raunos Arnos

"]Admiral Mallach nods, "Certainly we can leave that earldom for the consortium."

"]Terms of Fealty
1. Tatarus recognizes House Laramy as their liege and agrees to answer their summons in exchange for protection from hostile forces.
2. Tatarus agrees to provide House Laramy tribute of half of its assets every year in perpetuity.
2a. House Laramy may specify which assets are provided up to half of the total tribute.
3. In times of war Tatarus agrees to provide House Laramy a levy of its Naval forces for ten years. 3a. In the event of a war continuing for more than ten years the naval forces of Tatarus may stand down for five years before being recalled to battle.
4. Tatarus agrees to make no war without the permission of House Laramy.
5. Under the terms of this treaty the House Laramy will award Tatarus with a new noble title and the Duchy of Rosemerrow.
5a. If this treaty is broken then the title of the Duchy of Rosemerrow will revert to House Laramy.

]Terms of Fealty
1. Tatarus recognizes House Laramy as their liege and agrees to answer their summons in exchange for protection from hostile forces.
2. Tatarus agrees to provide House Laramy tribute of half of its assets every year in perpetuity.
2a. House Laramy may specify which assets are provided up to half of the total tribute.
3. In times of war Tatarus agrees to provide House Laramy a levy of its Naval forces for ten years. 3a. In the event of a war continuing for more than ten years the naval forces of Tatarus may stand down for five years before being recalled to battle.
4. Tatarus agrees to make no war without the permission of House Laramy.
5. Under the terms of this treaty the House Laramy will award Tatarus with a new noble title and the Duchy of Rosemerrow.
5a. If this treaty is broken then the title of the Duchy of Rosemerrow will revert to House Laramy.

2019-06-24, 10:28 PM
Exiles' Consortium

"Truly, a worthy investment."

Alberin's eyebrow briefly raises in curiosity at the mention of a husband.

"Ah, I offer my sincerest and most heartfelt congratulations." He says, jubilantly. "It is always nice to see neighbors get along so well, and that even in these times of strife and war, that love prevails as a force amongst the Imperium!"

Alberin pauses, the romantic having lost himself briefly.


"Indeed, I wish the two of you the best of luck. I shall be sure to inform my colleagues of the great news."

Well, both of the wedding and the diplomatic green light. I can't even begin to calculate the financial, diplomatic, and militaristic implications of having to settle outside the Byvale.
"Indeed, I anticipate excellent results from this arrangement. But yes, as you say, I am exceedingly busy, and I often have little time to spare for recreation. Feel free to enjoy whatever spoils the Exiles have to offer." The Outsider slides a small holographic emblem across the table as they stand up. "This was an amicable arrangement. If the operation proves lucrative, I may have another such opportunity available in the future. But until then," giving a slight bow, "I wish you the best of fortune."

((Bolkas is free to enjoy whatever illegal stuff he wants! Huzzah!))

Enigma 5
Earl Tomoko,

I can promise you that the House of Steel will not disturb you or your people once you join the Consortium.


2019-06-25, 05:57 AM

Enigma 7

Dear Duke Ernst Berger and Duchess Brechtje Voss,

To celebrate the current peace between House Berger and House Voss, I wish to extend a special offer to you both, in hopes of contributing to improved relations.

To connect both of your Houses, I offer to each of you shipments of Hyperlanes at a reduced price of 3 shipments for [1 Trade] or 7 shipments for [2 Trade]. In addition, any order of shipments from the Zaqaru selection made by both of you, I will offer at the same reduced price.

For example, if both of you place an identical of [2 Trade] for Zaqaru Jewelry, you will receive 7 shipments instead of the usual 5. Should the identical order involve Hyperlanes, I will further reduce the price of the Hyperlanes to 4 shipments for [1 Trade].

Your sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit
Dear Nobility with territory in the Hallow Sector,

Please be informed that the main representatives of Tatarus and the House of Steel intend to marry and have asked both Archduke Alexander Laramy and Crown Princess Persephone Laramy to grant them titles in exchange for fealty.

Hereby I wish to make you aware of this fact, as you possess territory in the Hallow Sector, of which both Laramy siblings claim to hold the title of King. Each seek the power of the House of Steel fleet to gain superiority in their conflict. However, given the recent aggressiveness of the House of Steel against nobility while they, as well as Tatarus, hold no title, I fear whoever strikes an accord with them will be dealing with untrustworthy peasants undeserving of such a title.

While I have informed both parties of my concerns, I cannot say my concerns are alleviated. As such, I feel it my moral duty as diplomat and earl to warn you of the plans of Tatarus and House of Steel.

Yours sincerely,
Diplomat Earl Namzara Zaqaru
Dear Duke Starosta,

Please be informed that the main representatives of Tatarus and the House of Steel intend to marry and have asked both Archduke Alexander Laramy and Crown Princess Persephone Laramy to grant them titles in exchange for fealty.

Hereby I wish to make you aware of this fact, given your proximity to the systems connecting the Hallow Sector, in which House Laramy located, with the Byvale Sector, in which Tatarus and the House of Steel are located.

Both Laramy siblings seek the power of the House of Steel fleet to gain superiority in their conflict. However, given the recent aggressiveness of the House of Steel against nobility while they, as well as Tatarus, hold no title, I fear whoever strikes an accord with them will be dealing with untrustworthy peasants undeserving of such a title.

While I have informed both parties of my concerns, I cannot say my concerns are alleviated. As such, I feel it my moral duty as diplomat and earl to warn you of the plans of Tatarus and House of Steel.

Yours sincerely,
Diplomat Earl Namzara Zaqaru
Dear Duchess Lehel,

Please be informed that the main representatives of Tatarus and the House of Steel intend to marry and have asked both Archduke Alexander Laramy and Crown Princess Persephone Laramy to grant them titles in exchange for fealty.

Hereby I wish to make you aware of this fact, given your prestigious reputation and proximity to the Hallow Sector. Both Laramy siblings seek the power of the House of Steel fleet to gain superiority in their conflict. However, given the recent aggressiveness of the House of Steel against nobility while they, as well as Tatarus, hold no title, I fear whoever strikes an accord with them will be dealing with untrustworthy peasants undeserving of such a title.

While I have informed both parties of my concerns, I cannot say my concerns are alleviated. As such, I feel it my moral duty as diplomat and earl to warn you of the plans of Tatarus and House of Steel.

Yours sincerely,
Diplomat Earl Namzara Zaqaru

2019-06-25, 02:14 PM
Earl Namzara Zaqaru,

We thank you for your information. Though we are at a loss as to what we can do with it. Even in their distracted state, House Laramy can hardly be stopped granting such a title. As for House Steel, they maintain a significant fleet and alone we would be hard pressed to stop them from taking systems without the backing of Tartarus.

An advisor bursts into the room. "Arnos has backed down." The other two advisors smile in celebration. Anoa pushes her fingers into her eyes until she can see stars.

"It appears that our war has also come to a quick end. I should be happy, but that's twice you and I have had our hard work quietly thrown away. I guess it is for the best." She shakes her head and arms and stands up.

"There is one thing that I wanted to ask about before you depart, my Duke. I haven't seen technology like your fighter forges anywhere else in the Empire. We would be interested in a shipment of them. Torbin's word carries plenty of weight, and we would be willing to allow one of our markets to build the part. Unless you are inclined to share the blueprint completely."
[Ooc]Offering 20 prestige for the ability to build the fighter forges this round.

"Earl Duri Domingo,

I have convinced Arnos to back away. I hope that you will still pledge yourself to House Gilkara so that we may begin colonization efforts in your system.

Torbin Gilkara."

2019-06-26, 03:27 AM

Enigma 7

Dear Duke Torbin Gilkara,

Then you understand my position. I have tried convincing the Laramy siblings, but they have not stopped negotations. Perhaps if multiple voices add to mine, they may be swayed, hence why I contacted multiple noble houses.

Otherwise, should you share my concern with regards to the motivation of the House of Steel and Tatarus, I would advise you to prepare for what the future may bring. If my fear is warranted and they betray a unified House Laramy, you may called upon to swear fealty to the future King or Queen of Hallow and to wage war against the factions who proved they did not deserve the title.

In any case, I advise you to carefully watch the actions of the House of Steel and Tatarus.

Yours sincerely,
Diplomat Earl Namzara Zaqaru

2019-06-26, 11:26 AM
Earl Namzara Zaqaru,

We would need proof of what you say before we turned to bother our noble rulers. Even then, They have declared war on the DCOTP and will probably want the house of steel's fleet anyways. If you are looking to bring together a coalition of nobles to stop the union then I suggest you step forward with a plan. We cannot act blindly in hopes that others will follow our lead.

Provide evidence and we will back your efforts.

Torbin Gilkara

2019-06-26, 11:43 AM
House Greenflame

Enigma 6

The mood of the fleet was… tense, the Haytham Fleet drifted along it's new patrol route stubbornly, but now it was little more than a show of force. What was previously excited jingoism was now simmering resentment.

Arda Looked over his Commodores, assembled in the virtual console room. They sat at a simulated table surrounded by the simulated fleet. Many of them were friends, or at least schoolmates, fellow noble second sons, or at least close relations. Most however, were far older or younger, or small folk climbing the ranks through talent and tenacity. Arda would trust almost all with his life, though he could name less than a dozen he would trust with his blaster.

The conversation was currently being dragged back and forth between a small assembly of young bloods spearheading a motion to attack the collective through the Roshan Gate and a pair of old nobles agitating for an ambush at the entrance to the core worlds. Both foolish notions that would never get past the planning stage.

The conversation was a symptom of a growing infection however. Though many thousands of personnel had rotated out, changed to planetary duty, or even simply retired, the ships remained on the front. Arda was hardly a man of mysticism but it was hard to shake the feeling that the ships themselves itched for action, certainly their crews did.

Arda stood, readying yet another placating speech, all too aware that this energy would soon need direction.


House Gilkara pm
"Lord Torbin's words honor me and all my house, he is kind to say them. I knew little of Filo ten years ago, and now hope to visit again soon, though perhaps on less tense and diplomatic terms. Your house is kind and gracious lady Anoa, and your offer is just. You may use our fighter forge blueprints blueprints [this turn] so long as you do not then sell them on."

Farid stands, offering his hand to shake.

“I will be planetside for at least a day or two more, one of my ultralights had to make a delivery to our research station in Fair Violet. If there is anything else you wish to speak of in person, feel free to call on me in the Hotel Filo Grand.”

House Zaqaru
I suppose I follow your reasoning, but I would be remiss to put such guesses into paper we here the words might trickle back to the ears of the Collective. Thank you for your offer, but I must decline.

Duke Farid Saquar
Master of the Grand Marquis


House Vastadd pm
"A noble pursuit, especially in these trying times. At the slight risk of Dr. Yarro strangling me, feel free to use our catalogued military blueprints at no additional charge [this turn], though of course please do not sell them onwards."

"We will continue expanding the Sashaw fleet, and modernizing our forces as well. I believe Farid's next intention is to once again speak with the Laramy siblings and try to make some sense of their incredibly complex military situation. If either are looking to assault the Collective it may be necessary to give them some of our intelligence just to ensure they don't sacrifice half the Crown Fleet for nothing."

Earl Maike Maksim, Earl Rama Christer, and Earl Leif Vasil
Good Earls,
I feel I must reiterate my offer, with war suddenly springing up across the Imperium, please consider taking shelter under the Greenflame wing. It would be a tragedy to see any more Whitewyne Worlds ravaged by greedy Houses looking to snipe what they might see as easy prey.

Your fealty in exchange for Greenflame protection and [2 trade to develop market colonies].

Duke Farid Saquar
Master of the Grand Marquis

Princess Persephone Laramy
Heir Apparent,
Thank you for taking a stand against the Collective, and I am truly ashamed that my noble peers flock like vultures while you pursue stability. I wish to assist against the Collective where I can, but I do not think I will be ready for the next few years without more support from abroad. Do you plan on beginning your attack soon? I understand you are in a very complex military situation right now.

Duke Farid Saquar
Master of the Grand Marquis

Archduke Alexander Laramy
Heir Apparent,
Thank you for taking a stand against the Collective, and I am truly ashamed that my noble peers flock like vultures while you pursue stability. I wish to assist against the Collective where I can, but I do not think I will be ready for the next few years without more support from abroad. Do you plan on beginning your attack soon? I understand you are in a very complex military situation right now.

Duke Farid Saquar
Master of the Grand Marquis

2019-06-26, 12:18 PM
House Greenflame

Enigma 6

One long and unproductive conversation done, Farid finally returned to his ship. The Measured Response was a comfortable reminder of the comforts of home, not the least of which was the Samarkite atmo mix, subtle but ever lacking when traveling to other worlds. Settling into a chair at the dining room, he ordered a fresh salad and stiff brandy before lighting up the inbuilt table tablet to go over any mail he may have missed.

The news was nearly all grim. War in the imperial core was about to resume, this time largely by proxy. Houses picking sides, no doubt to be followed soon by more. It was going to be another bloody decade, all while enemies pressed in from the outside. Farid found himself briefly wishing that the Laramy siblings could simply marry each other, sort this out like normal nobles. He smiled at the thought, that particular taboo was even to deep set for the Imperial Core, thank goodness.

He read the simple and rather elegant wargoal of the Collective, marvelling at their brashness, and the war between Jinks and Lyrae spilling out of their sector. More earls being dominated across the Imperium as nobles consolidated. Simple landgrabs against small targets. What was this? The Victorian Era come to haunt humanity thousands of years in the future?

One particular declaration did catch his eye. Brazen greed and ambition above all others.

It would need to be answered.

House Gilkara PM
Farid Books another meeting within hours of the last one ending, arriving grim faced and thunderous of mood.

“Lady Anoa I apologize to call on you again so immediately, but a new problem has reared its ugly head. During our conversation house Berger had the insanity to declare on the Imperial Core to take a system from the Crown Lands themselves. I feel this needs answering, they are undeserving of the title of Duke to be so vulturous. Would you support House Greenflame in stripping their title and taking over administration of their systems?”

2019-06-26, 12:29 PM

Enigma 7

Dear Farid Saquar Greenflame,

I fully understand your wish not to state your thoughts on the matter over these channels. However, I do feel it is a shame you must decline my intelligence offer. I would argue information about a security threat to be relevant enough not to be ignored, but I respect your decision.

Yours sincerely,
Grand Administrator Earl Yaadus Emit

2019-06-26, 12:37 PM
Anoa feels Farid's excitement and his words bring her own forth. "Yes, finally. A noble war. HA!" She skips to the communication module on the wall. "Begin Filter process Delta Whiskey on House Berger." She turns back to Farid.

"We are beginning preparations. A joint force would be spectacular. Our might would equal that of the unified Laramy fleet. Torbin will be declaring our intentions shortly."

2019-06-26, 12:39 PM
House Greenflame

Enigma 6

Public Statement:
In this era of uncertainty, enemies within can be just as dangerous as enemies without. The Laramy Civil War rages in the Imperial Core, and our duties as Border Guards continue, but events in the Imperium demand our attention. House Berger has attacked the Imperial Core, not taking a side in the civil war, but simply for their personal gain. It is a Noble's duty to protect their liege, and while the Throne debates who will be chosen to be my liege in truth, I will consider the Crown Lands themselves as worthy of defense. I declare war on House Berger, to strip them of their lands and titles and end this rebellion, and ask that House Gilkara join me and halt this madness.
War Goals:
Take the Starry Court Cluster for House Gilkara
Take the Raymill Cluster For house Greenflame

Duke Farid Saquar
Master of the Grand Marquis

2019-06-26, 12:51 PM
Public Broadcast

"House Gilkara and the Nation of Filo back House Greenflame in recognizing the greed of Gouse Berger. I, Trobin Gilkara, issue a decree to strip House Berger of their rank of Duke."

War Goals:
Take the Starry Court Cluster for House Gilkara
Take the Raymill Cluster for House Greenflame

[Ooc]Paying 25 prestige to declare. 30 points into the war pot.[OOC]

2019-06-26, 02:10 PM
House Berger

Enigma 5


Duchess Litte Zaqaru

Dear uncle Duke Nabuna Zaqaru,

Please denounce House Greenflame and House Gilkara for their act against House Berger. While they may throw accusations of greed, their war goals do enough to show their own character. As claimant to the crown by his Imperial lineage, Duke Ernst Berger is within his rights to contest the claim of Duke Alexander Laramy.

Yours sincerely,
Duchess Litte Zaqaru

2019-06-26, 05:28 PM
The next day, Bolkas is approached by some representatives of the Consortium, who invite the Gilkaran to follow them.
This time, he is brought to a different office, although it is no less luxurious than the other.

Once again, the Outsider stands in wait, facing away from the door.

"I have heard your people have declared war.
Congratulations." The figure turns to face the Gilkaran. "I propose another arrangement: I offer up the Consortium's [5 Navy]. In exchange, a payment of Trade, Prestige, or the use of some Gilkatan scientists. If this interests you, what can your house offer?"

2019-06-26, 07:29 PM
Bolkas is startled by the knock at the door. He hadn't caused that much trouble last night. The Outsider's men greeted him and for a moment he wondered if he should have booked out early. After making his way to the meeting and finding the Outsider waiting for him. "Pleasant surprise."

He listens to the offer. "Glordek will be too far in to afford any trade, but a University crew or two is feasible. It might take some time, but you'll get your crews by next month. Are you going to declare and back us, or are you going to be more subtle on the battlefield? Either way, I'll get Torbin to read a nice speech about you. For that part. I'll be keeping everything else a little secret." He winks at the outsider. That freakin mask. It kept him from getting a read on how his jokes were landing.

2019-06-26, 08:43 PM
"Our alliance will be very beneficial as now you know the Byvale Sector of space is completely safe and under the control of your allies. So we ask you not expand past that initial earl which my husband has promised not to interfere with. We intend to unite this portion of space for the imperium. As for our agreement on Stardust I am very excited to work with you and if you need ANYTHING at all please don't hesitate to contact me. The safety of the consortium is now of utmost importance to us and the house of steel."

"As I have been honest and forthright through this entire affair I will do so again. I view you as the only person, as a woman and friend I could ever swear my loyalty to but your costs are too high. Our independence is profitable BUT I have always wanted my family to be worthy of noble lineage... My family has been a centerpiece to imperial life and finally there is a chance to be of noble blood after so long. So understand this means much to me. the house of steel and I will join as your vassals for the following terms."

1. Tatarus and house of steel recognizes House Laramy as their liege and agrees to answer their summons in exchange for protection from hostile forces.
2. Tatarus and house of steel agrees to provide House Laramy tribute of one fifth its trade.
2a. House Tatarus and Steel may specify which assets are provided up to half of the total tribute.
3. In times of war Tatarus and steel agrees to provide House Laramy a levy of its Naval forces for 5 years.
3a. In the event of a war continuing for more than 5 years the naval forces of Tatarus and steel may stand down for 3 years before being recalled to battle.
4. Tatarus and Steel agrees to make no war on allies of Persephone Laramy without permission.
5. Under the terms of this treaty the House Laramy will award Tatarus with a new noble title and the Duchy of Rosemerrow. You will also award the house of steel Duchy of Hallowhaven and Vertlea.
5a. If this treaty is broken before the death of Persephone Laramy then the title of the Duchy of Rosemerrow will revert to House Laramy.

"This is very generous beloved, your brother breathing down your neck. A united Byvale sector with all other sectors ready to make war on one another and even you on a dime. I know its me asking an empress to make concessions but they are concessions which could ensure this civil war ends and you have allies for life."

1. Tatarus and house of steel recognizes House Laramy as their liege and agrees to answer their summons in exchange for protection from hostile forces.
2. Tatarus and house of steel agrees to provide House Laramy tribute of one fifth its trade.
2a. House Tatarus and Steel may specify which assets are provided up to half of the total tribute.
3. In times of war Tatarus and steel agrees to provide House Laramy a levy of its Naval forces for 5 years.
3a. In the event of a war continuing for more than 5 years the naval forces of Tatarus and steel may stand down for 3 years before being recalled to battle.
4. Tatarus and Steel agrees to make no war on allies of Persephone Laramy without permission.
5. Under the terms of this treaty the House Laramy will award Tatarus with a new noble title and the Duchy of Rosemerrow. You will also award the house of steel Duchy of Hallowhaven and Vertlea.
5a. If this treaty is broken before the death of Persephone Laramy then the title of the Duchy of Rosemerrow will revert to House Laramy.

"Are these terms acceptable husband? This is all we should accept we're worth far more then they offered initially."

2019-06-26, 11:55 PM
Exiles' Consortium

The Outsider gives a slight nod at the mention of keeping certain details secret.
"Your offer of payment would be acceptable for a short-term engagement. As for our actions, that would depend on the nature of the assistance. We can easily defend some Gilkaran territory without a declaration of war. If we are combining forces, it will need to come with a declaration. Of course, my agents are tied up with our little project, else I could send them along to hide my warships. How long do you anticipate this conflict lasting?"

"Indeed, my mind is at ease to know that this corner of the Imperium is under the safe and stable control of our friendly neighbors. As for future expansion, you have nothing to worry about.
For now, the Consortium aims to fill out its systems, and to increase market share for future investments. If we do decide to expand at a later time, it will likely be in another sector of the Imperium entirely.
But yes, the Stardust certainly seems like a great opportunity for both of our factions. I've already contacted some of my liaisons to start drawing up smaller-scale prototypes and innovations that may contribute to our investment."