View Full Version : 3rd Ed Costs for custom magic item providing bonus to leadership score

2019-03-13, 04:28 PM
What would be the cost of a magical item providing a bonus to a leadership score? The Admiral's Bicorne provides a +5 to leadership score at 51,000 gp. The Breastplate of Command provides +2 to leadership score at 25,400 gp. However both of these items provide other bonuses also, so the exact cost is obscure.

How can we work out a formula for pricing bonuses to leadership score? This hasn't been done before so it is worthwhile hashing this out right now.

2019-03-15, 09:35 PM
Seriously no reply for this? Has everyone lost interest in mechanical questions?

2019-03-15, 10:19 PM
The Admiral's Bicorne does way too many things to be used as an example of this effect.

Breastplate of Command (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicArmor.htm#breastplateofCommand) has a market value of 25,400 gp, but a crafting cost of 10,975 gp and 850 xp. It costs 1/25 the magical portion in xp, indicating the magical portion is a total of 21,250 gp. That means 10,625 gp of its creation cost is the magic item portion, and 350 gp is for the masterwork breastplate. However, that means it should only have a market value of 21,600 gp, leaving 3,800 gp of its market price unaccounted for. It's +2 armor which costs 4,000 gp, so the Cha effect of it is 17,250 gp, but if that's at a 150% cost like the Slick, Shadow, and energy resistance effects on armor cost, it should only be 11,500 gp if on an item of the appropriate slot.

A Circlet of Persuasion (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#circletofPersuasion) gives a +3 to Cha-based checks (but not leadership) for only 4,500 gp. This is most likely bonus squared x 500 gp.

So the Breastplate of Command's +2 to Cha checks portion should be only 2,000 gp, possibly putting the +2 to leadership at 9,500 gp.

It looks like the game designers have just arbitrarily assigned values to those types of items, so the correct answer in this case is to ask your DM.

2019-03-16, 03:14 AM
the correct answer in this case is to ask your DM.

That would be me lol. Leadership bonuses should not come cheap. I will give it some thought.

2019-03-16, 03:28 AM
That would be me lol. Leadership bonuses should not come cheap. I will give it some thought.

Cloaks of charisma are 4, 16, and 36 thousand for +2, +4, and +6 respectively, making +1, +2, +3 to leadership the same 4, 16, and 36 thousand. I would just use those figures and see how it goes.

2019-03-16, 06:58 AM
Cloaks of charisma are 4, 16, and 36 thousand for +2, +4, and +6 respectively, making +1, +2, +3 to leadership the same 4, 16, and 36 thousand. I would just use those figures and see how it goes.

Thanks seems like a reasonable approach. 10+ to leadership score costs 100,000 gp, which seems like a reasonable price for that bonus.