View Full Version : Wikipedia Races

2007-09-29, 12:18 PM
So, I'm wondering if anyone has heard of them, or if its only something people do in my little section of the world?

If you don't know its basically a race from one page on wikipedia to another. You and a friend start on the same page and try to get to another using only the links, and without the find button.

Actually its surprisingly fun...

2007-09-29, 12:24 PM
Sweet Pelor.


I thought I was strange... bit of an odd pastime?

It sounds fun! :smallsmile: How'd'you come up with it?

2007-09-29, 01:07 PM
We had such a game here in the SMBG section ... about ... no, more than a year ago. Who dares to revive it ?

2007-09-29, 01:09 PM
I used to play that in school at times.

2007-09-29, 01:09 PM
I once managed to come from the page of Julius Shakespeare to a cloned sheap.

Em Blackleaf
2007-09-29, 01:13 PM
I managed to get from the Dr. Pepper page to the Battle of Princeton in about four random links.

Raiser Blade
2007-09-29, 02:20 PM
I went from dog to baryogenesis in 4 clicks.

2007-09-29, 02:26 PM
i managed to get from ad hominem to psycho genesis in 3 clicks thanks to a fortuitous uncyclopedia link.
best waste of a period ever.

The Neoclassic
2007-09-29, 03:07 PM
This game was extremely popular at my high school last year. No, I think lots of people have come up with the idea; your corner of the world isn't weird. :smallsmile:

2007-09-29, 04:47 PM
:smalleek: I have to try this sometime.

2007-09-29, 06:21 PM
Well since everyone else is doing it, I beat my brother going from Saddam to latex. Best waste of ten minutes ever!

2007-09-30, 03:46 PM
Wow, that IS fun! No. I had never heard of that particular... uh sport before.
I just went from Goat to the National Fascist Party in three clicks :smallsmile:

2007-09-30, 04:02 PM
Indeed, I went from Curry Village to Christopher Colombus in 5 clicks. How odd.

2007-09-30, 04:02 PM
I got from Mr Bingle, a New Orleans fictional snowman who's a helper of Santa Claus, to Shareef Abdelhaleem, a man arrested for terrorist attacks in Toronto in 2006, in 4 clicks.

2007-09-30, 04:07 PM
There's a solitaire version of this game that a friend taught me called Five CLicks to Jesus. What you do in it is click the random article button on Wikipedia and from there you have five clicks to get to the article on Jesus of Nazarith. If the link you click on takes you farther down on the same page or to a picture the click doesn't count. Good way to kill time.

2007-09-30, 04:10 PM
There's another, slightly similar game in Word.

You take an empty file, and just write "word"

then, right click, go to synonyms, and change it. Do so again, and again, and again, racing to some certain other word, or just for the hell of it. I made a word file where I took "word" and used synonyms to get multiple word synonyms as much as possible, then messing with both until I had a huge paragraph of random. I also aimed for longer words. In fact, I kept it:
trajectory of verve superficial manifestation compensated captivating perceptive down-at-heel be discontentment folk prominent be rehabilitated zealous to not in corroboration of situate bringing up the rear amid a diminution of than the intact throughout somebody's camaraderie buoyant scheduled domicile protract of of moreover younger not phenomenon this juncture as a preparatory situate of proceeds fixation existence composition at this occasion subsist within establish descending the conscientiousness programmed of modus operandi in abrupt wrapping out of two times in overindulgence of dreadfully in the flesh for the exceptionally more or less instantaneously about apiece capacity of subsequently to from commencement to stop sundry dimension fundamental measurement not via the echelon facade of this juncture inauguration partition into four local office of carry to a fester operational prolong milieu chesterfield of

I would also like to add that that solitaire version is awesome, and I made it to Jesus in 6 clicks from Steve Maskrey (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Maskrey)
Ooooh, and in 5 from Victoria, Australia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victoria%2C_Australia).
Also, 3 clicks from Bob Burns (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Burns_%28golfer%29).

2007-09-30, 04:12 PM
There's a solitaire version of this game that a friend taught me called Five CLicks to Jesus. What you do in it is click the random article button on Wikipedia and from there you have five clicks to get to the article on Jesus of Nazarith. If the link you click on takes you farther down on the same page or to a picture the click doesn't count. Good way to kill time.

Ha! I got from 669 Kypria (a minor planet orbiting the Sun) to that article in 4 clicks. Fun.