View Full Version : Hack and Slash Decathlon: Team BARD

2019-03-15, 03:06 PM
The four of you walk to the base of the cliff, where you had been directed for the decathlon. A small metal door is your only way forward. As you enter the room, you notice it was once featureless stone, but it now shows the scars of battle. Numerous gouges and gashes run along the walls, and floor is covered in scorch marks. On the far side of the room is a pack of wolves, growling and bristling for battle.

You hear a booming voice, "Welcome to the Decathlon!", as the wolves start to charge.

Welcome to the Decathlon!

Cast any buff spells or other things you would like, and then enter the room and roll initiative. Pick a color (not purple) and each of your players can start anywhere in rows H or I.

Your map is here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRfoZJ9Zy-eczWnM2DrEv5EcYAszDHRbbJrO4ShBxeCuHMCm8qdcup_ww6co DazM4Z0AZePhT6vZjBq/pubhtml?gid=1124282750&single=true).

Wolves init: [roll0]

2019-03-16, 02:10 PM
"Har Har! Let's smash stuff!" The dragonborn says as he channels divine power into his weapon. He walks into position.

"Rain is excited for challenge." Says the tabaxi as he steps into his position.

"I got your backs" The half elf stands behind the front liners.

"Let's make sure they don't see you coming Simp." The tiefling says to his imp familiar. Simp does not respond. He just makes himself invisible, flying slightly above Dusk.

[roll0] Arkul takes position at H4 after using his Sacred Weapon channel divinity
[roll1] Bael takes position at I3
[roll2] Dusk takes position at I5
[roll3] Simp the imp takes position 5 ft above Dusk at I5 and is invisible
[roll4] Rain takes position at H5

2019-03-16, 02:44 PM
Simp waits for orders from his master.

Arkul is excited for battle and rushes forward and takes a swing at a wolf

Rain follows behind Arkul and slashes out with his rapier before moving back again.

Bael casts a curse upon a few wolves he can see.

Dusk sends a beam of energy at a wolf.

Arkul rushes in to B4 and swings at wolf D
Rain Rushes to B5 and strikes at Wolf E [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] Rain disengages as a bonus action (Cunning Action) and moves back to E5. (Extra movement comes from Feline Agility which he will not be able to use next turn.)
Bael casts Bane on Wolf B, Wolf C, and Wolf F Charisma save DC 13.
Dusk telepathically commands Simp to help him hit Wolf G and then Fires an Eldritch Blast at Wolf H [roll3] [roll4]

2019-03-16, 04:20 PM
[roll0] [roll1]

Arkul is attacking D, not E. Rain is attacking E

2019-03-16, 07:57 PM
Both Arkul and Rain not only hit their targets, but quickly execute them. Dusk's bolt strikes true, but does little more than faze the wolf. The remaining wolves crowd around your two melee threats. None of the wolves can seem to penetrate Arkul's armor, but Rain takes a few nasty hits.

Bane saves:
Wolf B: [roll0]
Wolf C: [roll1]
Wolf F: [roll2]

Wolf B, C fail. Wolf F succeeds.

Wolf Attacks:
Wolf A attack on Arkul: [roll3] or [roll4] for [roll5] damage - Miss
Wolf B attack on Arkul: [roll6] or [roll7] (-[roll8]) for [roll9] damage - Miss
Wolf C attack on Arkul: [roll10] or [roll11] (-[roll12]) for [roll13] damage - Miss

Wolf F attack on Rain: [roll14] or [roll15] (-[roll16]) for [roll17] damage - Hit and Crit! Take an extra 4 damage (rolled in OOC)
Wolf G attack on Rain: [roll18] or [roll19] for [roll20] damage - Miss
Wolf H attack on Rain: [roll21] or [roll22] for [roll23] damage - Hit

2019-03-16, 08:23 PM
Simp invisibly flies above the wolves, making weird noises to distract a wolf.
Arkul Swings at a wolf in front of him.
Rain swings as well.

Simp flies to C5 and uses the help action to help Dusk hit. He should still be invisible since it isn't attacking or casting a spell. (But of course the wolves will know he's around.)
Arkul stays in position and swings at A [roll0] [roll1]

Rain takes a swing. (If he can proc a sneak attack for Simp being 5ft from his target he will swing at F, otherwise he will swing at H) [roll2] [roll3] (And sneak if used. I'll defer to your ruling) [roll4] I just need to know what happens with these before I decide what the rest of the party does.

2019-03-16, 08:38 PM
With the wolf downed, Rain stays in position.

Bael sees Rain taking damage and starts to sing. "Stay strong my friend stay strong. These beasts won't last that long."

Dusk sends some healing light to Rain and moves, using Simp's help to get a shot at the wolf

Bael casts healing word on Rain [roll=healing word]1d4+3[roll] Then he targets H with a vicious mockery [roll0] DC 13 Wis save. Takes no damage on success. Has dis to hit with next attack on fail.
Dusk spends one d6 out of his Healing Light as a bonus action [roll1] Moves to I8 and shoots an Eldritch Blast with advantage at G [roll2] or [roll3] [roll4]

2019-03-16, 10:53 PM
Two more wolves fall, but the remaining four press on, unrelenting. The lone wolf attacking Rain seems frightened, separated from his pack.

One wolf finally manages to pierce Arkul's armor, but the rest find nothing.

Wolf H Save: [roll0]

Wolf A attack on Arkul: [roll1] or [roll2] for [roll3] damage - Hit
Wolf B attack on Arkul: [roll4] or [roll5] for [roll6] damage - Miss
Wolf C attack on Arkul: [roll7] or [roll8] for [roll9] damage - Miss
EDIT: B and C have bane, which means they get a -1d4 to their attacks. No matter the result, they miss.

Wolf H attack on Rain: [roll10] or [roll11] for [roll12] damage - Miss
If Wolf H makes the save, use the first roll. If Wolf H fails the save, use the worse of the rolls.

2019-03-17, 03:28 AM
Simp returns to his master since he didn't get any orders.

Arkul steps back a few feet. "Well aren't you a fiery bunch! Har Har. Well so am I!" He breathes fire at the three wolves.

Rain swings at the lone wolf

Bael will mock a survivor if there is one.

Dusk will blast a survivor if there is one.

Simp moves back to Dusk for the time being.
Arkul steps back to B5 (or B6 if necessary) He takes 3 AOO and uses his dragon breath weapon. Dex save DC 12 for the three wolves [roll=fire damage]2d6[/roll
Rain attacks H [roll0] [roll1]
Assuming any of the wolves survive Bael will mock one. Highest priority is H, then B, then C, then A [roll2]
Dusk does uses the same priority for his attack. [roll3] [roll4]

2019-03-17, 01:57 PM
Wolf DC 12 Dex Saves:
Wolf A: [roll0]
Wolf B: [roll1]
Wolf C: [roll2]

Wolf H DC 13 Wis save: [roll3]

Wolf AoOs:
Wolf A: [roll4] or [roll5] for [roll6] damage - Hit
Wolf B: [roll7] or [roll8] (minus [roll9]) for [roll10] damage
Wolf C: [roll11] or [roll12] (minus [roll13]) for [roll14] damage

As Arkul steps back, he takes a nasty bite from one of the wolves. His fiery breath doesn't seem to do any more than singe the wolves. They run forward and attack him.

Rain's rapier find its target, although the wolf seems to ignore Bael and Dusk's blast goes wide.

Wolf Attacks:
Wolf A on Arkul: [roll15] or [roll16] for [roll17] damage - Hit
Wolf B on Arkul: [roll18] or [roll19] (minus [roll20]) for [roll21] damage
Wolf C on Arkul: [roll22] or [roll23] (minus [roll24]) for [roll25] damage

Wolf H on Rain: [roll26] or [roll27] for [roll28] damage
If he fails the save, ignore the second roll.

No wolves die this round.

2019-03-17, 04:44 PM
Bael sees the wolves attacking Arkul and tries to distract one.

Arkul swings again.

Rain pokes again.

Bael mocks again

Dusk rushes to aid Rain.

Firstly, I don't know if you noted down that B and C should have had bane affect their dex saves. But you don't need to roll. No matter what is rolled C will fail and B will pass.

If I can, I'd like Bael to react with Cutting Words on A's attack on its turn. [roll0] This wold subtract from the attack roll, hopefully causing it to miss Arkul and save me some healing.

[roll1] [roll2]

[roll3] [roll4]

[roll5] DC13 Wis save (is still baned)

Dusk goes to G5 to cure wounds Rain. [roll6] (Spending a 2nd level spell slot.) Dusk telepathically commands Simp to help Arkul with B

2019-03-17, 05:13 PM
You can use cutting words, and it does cause it to miss. Also, I did miss the banes on the Dex saves.

Wolf A falls to Arkul's sword as Rain misses.

3 wolves remaining!
Wolf C DC 13 Wis save: [roll0] - [roll1]

Wolf B attack on Arkul: [roll2] or [roll3] (- [roll4]) for [roll5] damage
Wolf C attack on Arkul: [roll6] or [roll7] (- [roll8]) for [roll9] damage
If C fails, ignore the second roll.

Wolf H attack on Rain: [roll10] for [roll11] damage

2019-03-17, 05:33 PM
Simp makes strange noises while remaining invisible to distract the wolf.

Arkul laughs heartily before slashing out again.

Rain is fed up with this nonsense and thrusts angrily at this particularly dodgy wolf.

Bael moves up to strike out at a wolf.

Dusk remains with Rain and heals him again.

Simps Helps Arkul to ht B
Arkul takes his shot at B [roll=advantage]1d20+8[roll] [roll=damage]1d8+3]
Rain tries once more to fell wolf H [roll1] [roll2]
Bael will go to B3 to flank and attack Wolf B (if it is still alive) or attack Wolf C (If B is already dead) [roll3] If using flanking rules and B becomes the target [roll4] [roll5]
Dusk Curing Rain's wounds [roll6]

2019-03-17, 07:59 PM
Wolves B and H die, leaving Wolf C all on his lonesome. He lashes out at the new target, but he seems frightened without his pack. Regardless, his fangs find their mark.

Wolf C attack on Bael: [roll0] - [roll1] for [roll2] damage

2019-03-18, 03:29 AM
The group tries to take out the remaining wolf.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3] [roll4]
[roll5] [roll6]
[roll=dusk EB]1d20+5[/roll [roll7]

2019-03-18, 08:46 AM
Arkul finally manages to take the last wolf down.

Congratulations, you made through the first of three fights. Heal up, take a short rest if you want, then take any position in the room and roll init. Anyone who acts faster than the hound can go immediately.

Hell hound init: [roll0]

A hell hound walks into the room.

2019-03-18, 01:09 PM
The team takes some time to rest up so they can patch themselves up and relax for a spell or two.

Bael plays some music for his Song of Rest [roll0] Anyone who spends a Hitdie to regain hitpoints regains this much hp in addition to their hitdie roll.


Arkul recovers his Breath Attack and his use of Channel Divinity.
Dusk recovers his 2 spell slots

Bael would be at G3 [roll3]
Arkul would be at B4 [roll4]
Rain would remain at E5 [roll5]
Dusk would be around I8 [roll6]
Simp will be with Dusk [roll7]

If I get any prep, Arkul will activate his channel divinity again.

2019-03-18, 01:30 PM
Dusk takes a shot at the beast.
Rain runs in to strike and the pulls away.
Bael finds the entire situation fairly humorous for some reason and mocks the hell hound.

Simp waits for orders
Dusk [roll0] [roll=damage]1d10[roll]
Dusk commands Simp telepathically to help Arkul hit the beast.
Rain moves to strike a weak point [roll1] [roll2] [roll3]
Rain's Fancy Footwork allows him to retreat (back to his starting position at E5) without taking an AOO (I could totally just disengage, but that's less fun XD)
Bael [roll=mockery]1d4[/roll

2019-03-18, 02:25 PM
DC 13 Wis Save: [roll0]

The hell hound seems slightly miffed at all your frantic waving around. It waits for a second before enveloping Arkul in fire.

Take [roll1] fire damage. DC 12 Dex save for half.

2019-03-18, 02:57 PM
Arkul laughs as the fire envelopes him. "So you can do that too, huh? Nice."

He strikes at the beast.

Simp moves to distract the beast.

Dusk fires off another beam.

Rain tries another approach.

Bael keeps up the verbal assault and sends good vibes to Arkul.

[roll0] [roll1]
Simps flies to A5 and Helps Arkul
[roll2] And Commands Simp to help Arkul again.
Rain moves to A3 to flank the beast, strikes, then runs to A1 [roll3] OR [roll4] [roll5] [roll6]
Bael sends a healing word to Arkul [roll]1d4+3[roll] and a mockery [roll7]

2019-03-19, 01:36 AM
DC 13 Wis save: [roll0]

The hound takes glancing blows from Arkul and Rain, but Dusk's blast goes far wide and annihilates an innocent rock a few feet away. It attacks Arkul in return.

Hound attack on Arkul: [roll1] or [roll2] for [roll3] + [roll4] fire damage.

Second roll is disadv if hound fails save.

EDIT: Hoo boy, that's one mighty crit. That'll be another 7 piercing and 6 fire damage.
Second edit: I'm an idiot, he has disadvantage. Ignore the crit damage.

2019-03-19, 08:39 AM
Arkul is not happy the hound getting through his defenses and swings.
Simp continues to assist Arkul.
Dusk sends healing energy toward Arkul.
Rain tries to strike again.

I'm not sure if you saw the 7 radiant damage from Akrul's smite in the ooc thread or not. I totally should have edited those numbers into my last post.
[roll0] ADV from Simp's Help [roll1] Damage [roll2]
Simp Helps Arkul
Dusks rushes moves to E8 and spends his last 3 points of healing light on Arkul. [roll3]
Rain tries to swing again, still flanking with Simp (Noted that flanking will not be used beyond this challenge.) [roll4] OR [roll5] [roll6] [roll7]

I need to see some of these numbers before I have Bael act.

2019-03-19, 08:43 AM
Rain's attack was expertly placed.
Bael continues to mock the beast.

Rain's crit damage [roll]1d8[roll] [roll0] Rolled a 4 on the weapon damage in OOC)
Rain moves back to A1

Bael's mock [roll1]

2019-03-19, 10:44 AM
Rain swiftly decapitates the hell hound.

I did forget the smite damage, although Rain had plenty of his own.

Anyways, you're now onto round 3! Heal up, take a short rest, take any position in the room, and roll init.

Fighter init: [roll0]
Bard init: [roll1]
Rogue init: [roll2]
Wizard init: [roll3]

2019-03-19, 06:41 PM
Bael plays a song to help everyone relax a bit as Arkul patches himself up.

Arkul regains his Channel Divinity and at the end of the rest will get it going again.
Nobody else spent a resource that could be recovered.
[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] Stands at G2
[roll3] Stands at D4
[roll4] Stands at E6
[roll5] Stands at H5
Rolled Simp's Initiative in OOC. 20

2019-03-19, 11:14 PM
A party much like yours walks into the room.

Your move.

2019-03-20, 12:08 AM
Rain's catlike reflexes allow him to get an edge. He moves forward to strike the fighter. Then seeing he's the only one on his team to be so quick he rushes to the side.

[roll0] [roll1]
After striking, Rain will move to C8

This round is going to hurt.

2019-03-20, 05:13 PM
The fighter laughs as the rogue clanks against his armor. He takes a step forward, looks Arkul directly in the face, and zaps him point blank with magical power. The wizard does the same. The bard whispers something under his breath.

While the rest of the party is preoccupied with Arkul, the rogue runs past and attacks Beal.

If I had to guess, I would say you would be right - this round will hurt. :smallbiggrin:

Fighter magic missile vs Arkul: [roll0]

Wizard 2nd level magic missile vs Arkul: [roll1]

Bard dissonant whispers vs Arkul: Take [roll2] psychic damage and move your speed away from the bard. DC 13 Wis save to halve damage and not flee.

Fighter AoO if Arkul fails the save: [roll3] for [roll4] damage

Rogue attacks vs Beal:
Shortsword 1: [roll5] for [roll6] damage
Shortsword 2: [roll7] for [roll8] damage
Sneak attack if either hit: [roll9]

2019-03-20, 07:04 PM
Arkul drops like a brick and begins to bleed out.

Bael distracts the rogue.

Dusk tries to patch up the dragonborn.

Arkul stands and breathes fire.

Bael uses cutting words on the rogue's first attack. Doesn't matter what he rolls it misses.
Dusk runs to E5 so he can [roll0] then he moves to E7 as Dusk commands Simp to help Arkul with the fighter.
Arkul stands up and moves to D6 where he can hit the fighter, the wizard, and the bard with his breath attack. [roll1] DC12 dex save to halve damage
He casts shield of faith on Bael, raising his ac by two.

Going to see how that goes before I decide the next couple of actions.

2019-03-20, 07:08 PM
Bael makes a risky decision.

Bael casts Shatter [roll0] DC 13 Con save damage halved on success. Center will be at C3 if that lets me hit all 4. if not then I will drop it on top of the wizard so that I can hit the fighter, the wizard, and the bard.

2019-03-20, 08:26 PM
Rain maneuvers around the fighter to strike at the wizard.

Simp moves to assist Arkul

Rain goes to B4 [roll0] [roll1] [roll2]
Simp, invisible helps Arkul to hit the fighter from D6

2019-03-20, 10:12 PM
The wizard shields Rain's attack.

The fighter slashes at Arkul, while the rogue continues hammering on Beal. The wizard zaps Rain with a point blank magic missile.

Fighter Booming Blade vs Arkul: [roll0] for [roll1] and [roll2] electric damage if Arkul moves.

Rogue attacks on Beal:
Shortsword 1: [roll3] for [roll4]
Shortsword 1: [roll5] for [roll6]
Sneak attack if either hits: [roll7]

Wizard 1st level magic missile vs Rain: [roll8]

2019-03-20, 10:25 PM
Arkul drops again.

Dusk heals him again

Arkul stands and swings at the Fighter.

Bael attacks again with his spell.

dusk's [roll0]
Arkul attacks with advantage due to help [roll1] OR [roll2] [roll3] [roll4]
Bael casts shatter again targeting the same space so he can hit all three [roll5] DC13 con save 7/14

2019-03-20, 10:31 PM
Rain makes a tactical decision.

He will swing at the fighter (positioning should have him flanking without even bothering to move. If the wizard and the fighter are both down, he will go for the rogue. If somehow the wizard is still up and the fighter is down, he will disengage and go for the rogue. [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3]

2019-03-20, 10:36 PM
Con saves:
Wizard: [roll0]
Rogue: [roll1]
Fighter: [roll2]

Need to see how these go. Will post again.

2019-03-20, 10:42 PM
The fighter manages to absorb the blast, but Rain's attack cuts him down. Both the wizard and the rogue survive, but just barely.

The rogue continues attacking Beal while the wizard hits Rain with another magic missile, but harder.

Fighter uses reaction to cast Absorb Elements, halving the damage, but dies to Rain's attack.

Wizard 2nd level magic missile vs Rain: [roll0]

Rogue attacks on Beal:
Shortsword 1: [roll1] for [roll2]
Shortsword 2: [roll3] for [roll4]+[roll5]

If the first attack hits and kills Beal, Rogue moves to C3 to attack Rain. If the magic missile has already killed Rain, he moves to E6 to attack Dusk.

2019-03-20, 11:21 PM
Bael and Rain both fall to the ground, leaving Dusk open for for the rogues attack. As he takes the hit, he responds with some hellfire of his own.

Dusk uses his once per day Hellish Rebuke from infernal legacy on the rogue. [roll0] DC 13 dex save
Arkul rushes to his fallen bard friend Bael and dumps 5 points of Lay on Hands into him. Bael stands. Viciously mocks the rogue (or the wizard if the rogue is down) for not being able to keep anyone down.He also heals his fallen rogue friend. [roll1] DC 13 Wis save. [roll2]
Rain stands once more and targets the wizard with his next attack [roll3] [roll4]

2019-03-20, 11:22 PM
The rest of the team gets each other back to their feet to take out the remaining threats. forgot to roll sneak damage.

2019-03-20, 11:56 PM
DC 13 Wis save: [roll0]

The rogue falls to the ground immediately after attacking Dusk, badly burned.

The wizard shields Rain's attack, and retaliates with more magic missiles.

1 dart to Beal, 2 to Rain. Here's hoping for some max damage rolls.

Beal: [roll1]
Rain: [roll2]

2019-03-21, 07:16 AM
Bael drops again.

Dusk runs up to the wizard to distract him, helping Rain line up a shot.

Arkul pumps life back into Bael.

Bael mocks the wizard

Rain takes advantage of the help.

Dusk, Helps Rain to attack the Wizard.
Arkul gives Bael another 5 points of healing with lay on hands.
Bael stands back up taunting the wizard. [roll0]
Rain strikes with advantage [roll1] OR [roll2] [roll3] [roll4]

2019-03-21, 10:56 AM
The wizard ignores Bael's taunts, but is caught out by Rain's blow. He reaches out and grabs Rain, his arms coursing with electricity.

Shocking grasp vs Rain: [roll0] for [roll1] damage.

2019-03-21, 11:25 AM
Rain barely manages to avoid the wizard's change of tactics. The group tries to finish off the wizard.

Dusk Sacred Flame [roll0] DC13 Dex save. No damage on success
Arkul Longsword [roll1] [roll2]
Bael Mockery [roll3] DC 13 Wis save. No damage on success
Rain Rapier [roll4] [roll5] [roll6]

2019-03-21, 11:27 AM
Arkul manages to cut down the wizard.

Congratulations! You made it through the second round. You are currently 4th place. Each character gets 2 levels and an uncommon magic item, and you get 5000 gp to spend on them. Any current equips or unused consumables can be sold for half price.