View Full Version : Need ideas for a consumable magic item and fun bread names

2019-03-15, 08:47 PM
Hi all!

Last session, one of my players decided that he HAD to make a recipe out of some apples he stole, so he decided to find a cookbook for the recipe. He ended up going to the local university and just.... ripped a recipe out of one of the cookbooks.

The thing is, this local university is a magical university, and a regular recipe is no fun, so I'm changing out some of the ingredients to some more interesting ones. The player ended up ripping a recipe out of a wizard's cookbook, and I would like the final product to be a consumable magic item. I've just never made a custom magic item before, and I'm not sure what would be balanced/what the benefit could be.

For reference, the three items I've replaced in the recipe (apple spice cake) are:
- 2 cups of flour made from a wheat blight (reskinned blight from the MM)
- 1 Ankheg egg
- 3 apples from a dryad's tree, given freely from from an un-threatened dryad (this item is underlined multiple times in the book and highlighted)

I don't expect this to be a main quest for the characters - this is something that he will do on his own time and won't have anything to do with the main story. So I'm looking for an item effect that could work for first or second tier play and have ~4-5 "charges".

I'm also looking for some fun names for magical bread - when he ripped out the recipe he got the next page of the book, which was the table of contents for the bread section. So I'd like some fun names of bread that hint at the magic nature of these consumable items. I'd like this to be a hint that the apple spice cake he's going to make will be magical, but he never actually got the recipe name for the one he stole (he was a page off - he started ripping at the start of the ingredient page).

Thank you!

2019-03-16, 12:20 AM
Here's some (hopefully) fun names for baked goods/bread.

Altering Apple Strudel
Barkskin Biscuit
Blessed Baklava
Cannoli of Comprehension
Charming Cherry Pie
Disappearing Danish
Flattening Flatbread
Macarons of Madness
No-lie Rye
Scare-it Cake
Slowfall Sandwich
Sourduel Bun
Waterwheat White Bread

2019-03-16, 12:51 AM
There is a famous story about Paris and some apples he used to win the heart of the princess...

2019-03-16, 06:03 AM
Random magic effect lasts until you finish a long rest.
Roll a d6:
1. Your regeneration goes wild. You can use your bonus action to restore 1d6 hit points. On second and subsequent uses, make a DC 10 Constitution check. If you fail, you suffer 1 point of exhaustion. Each time you use this feature after the first, the DC increases by 5.
2. Arcane energy forms a cocoon around your skin. You gain +1 bonus to your AC.
3. Your brain's processing speed is increased. You can use your reaction to gain a 1d6 bonus to any saving throw.
4. Your skin becomes wrinkled, your hair turns gray and you grow a long beard. Your Intelligence score becomes 22, your STR/DEX/CON decreases to balance it out and now you can cast firebolt cantrip as if you were 11th level wizard.
5. Bread shows you pieces of future. Use Divination Wizard's Portent feature.
6. You get a diarrhea. Your feces glows in the dark and is extremely explosive.

Not balanced whatsoever. Maybe you'll get some ideas.

2019-03-16, 06:34 AM
Excalibread, a thoroughly baked baguette to smack people over the head with?
The 'I loaf you' for a charmed effect?

2019-03-16, 06:40 AM
The Breadnought.

2019-03-16, 08:09 AM
Cannoli of Comprehension

I don't know why this makes me laugh so much.

Disappearing Danish

Technically, this description fits all known mundane Danishes I have ever encountered...:smallbiggrin:

To the OP...shall I infer that the apples your PC stole are from a Dryad's tree? In that case, the basic effect of the magical bread could be something like when you take a Short Rest after consuming a piece, you gain the effects of a Long Rest (without telling the party this in advance)...but with a rather upset stomach, however since the apples were stolen, there will also be some negative consequence as well...such as next time the PC takes a Long Rest, they wake up with a level of exhaustion, and no Hit Dice recovered (after which the upset stomach goes away). And possibly with the Dryad now aware of their exact location and eventually demanding compensation of some sort (side quest!)

If properly prepared, the bread would have only given the benefit, with no upset stomach or consequences.

Obviously you could limit it to use within one week of baking (after that the bread goes bad), and maybe 4-5 slices/pieces (one for every party member?)

Since it's magical, when they go to slice it, you could describe it magically dividing into exactly how many slices you want it to have, and have it resist further attempts to sub-divide by rejoining if sliced again. You could make it impossible to break into parts or bite, unless sliced first. Would be a nice hint that it is magical (by hint I of course mean, "blisteringly obvious over the top punch in the face indication")

At this point the party may be very interested in if the PC followed the recipe correctly...

Ranger: (slicing bread) This bread appears magical. You followed the recipe?
Rogue*: Um...yes.
Wizard: (Frowning as he reads recipe page) Followed EXACTLY?
Rogue: Sure...did...
Bard: (sniffing bread) Exactly exactly?
Rogue: Ah...yeahhh...
Warlock: (Pausing as he reaches for his slice) ...And you said the magic words?
Rogue: (thinking back..."<KLATTU...BARADA...NIK-cough-splutter-ahem> There, I said it!") Well, maybe not every syllable, but basically, yeah I said them.
Fighter: (already ate his slice) My stomach hurts and I'm getting sleepy...

*Why's it gotta be the Rogue? Just cause the apples were stolen?

2019-03-16, 08:51 AM
Sewerdough. Bonus to all skill checks and saves while adventuring in the sewer.

2019-03-16, 01:19 PM
First of all, thanks everyone for these awesome bread names! Ill definitely be using them tonight when the player gets at good look at the recipe.

Second, Im mobile so sorry for not quoting/formatting you guys neatly for this post. Sorry!

CorporateSlave - the player actually did NOT steal them from a dryad. He actually took them from a fruit vendor, but the way he has been playing his character, I wouldnt be surprised if he stole them from the dryads tree in the future. So Ill keep this the whole negative consequence thing for not following the recipe in mind once the benefit is figured out!
(By the way, the player is a goblin monk)

Galiar - #6 is the best side effect and should not be crossed out!! Good idea for a possible side effect for not following the recipe. Pft. I like the idea of randomizing the possibilities!