View Full Version : DM Help My Last Session-Need Advice On A Few Things

2019-03-15, 10:20 PM
The Hunting Grounds

A secluded and vast demiplane, created in ancient times by sources unknown.

Currently used by hobgoblins as a way to train their Iron Shadows, among others. It's full of dangerous things, so it's good at that.

My players have, through a series of wacky coincidences (read: various actions that resulted in them aligned with the hobgoblins, or at least working together for the moment) ended up in the Hunting Grounds.

There, they were led by one of the Iron Shadows. His last mission, to get them trained, as of late was simple-get to a mountain. Along the way, they ran into lemurfolk who completely rocked their socks off, and were subsequently taken prisoner. They, after arguing for their lives a bit, were told that the lemurfolk were being troubled by a giant-his thick hide impenetrable to their potent poisons. They were force-fed a slow-acting but potent poison, and told they had two days to kill his butt to get their antidote. Thinking smart, the Druid player asked if they had more poison that they could use. They got the party three more doses.

They went to kill him, and lost two of their five goblin compatriots doing it. One of the players, before returning to the lemurfolk, found the source of their water (nat 20'd a Survival check) and dropped all three vials of poison into it. He then returned to get the antidotes. He got them, but failed miserably at lying about the poison, and so was hunted down. He turned into a beetle to escape their notice, and the rest of the party succeeded on Perception checks to notice approaching lemurfolk and skedaddled.

They met somewhere further north, with the Druid rejoining the other PC and the three remaining goblins. As they traveled towards the mountain, they encountered a red hag. She offered to bring back the two fallen.

The Druid player wisely said "Hell no!" but the leader of the goblins convinced him to at least hear her out. All she asked they do was take a vial of her blood and spill it in the outside world, so she could escape the Hunting Grounds. They eventually agreed.

They stayed the night at her home, with the Rogue PC sleeping with the hag (she's pretty pretty, especially considering hag) and the two goblins returned to life, though unable to speak and clearly unnatural beings of blood now.

Finally, they arrived at the mountain. The Iron Shadow was waiting for them, near a flag. The Druid decided to upend the flag and burn it down, but as he was preparing to toss it off the cliffside, the Iron Shadow pushed him and the other PC off. They survived the fall, barely, and the Druid went down to find a good spot to burn it, while the Rogue went up to check on the goblins. When he got there, the Iron Shadow was dead.

The session ended with the PCs burning the flag in defiance with their goblin friends.

Some things I'd like advice on:

-The Druid basically said "Whoever owned that flag is gonna come looking for us." Now, I thought it was the hobgoblin's flag-and it still might be-but what if something IS in the mountain? What could be a cool thing for that?
-What sort of spell do you think should be needed to restore the goblins' voices?
-What odds should I peg on the lemurfolk dying off, and how soon should I have a vengeful deathsquad of lemurs sent after them?
-Should I make the Rogue player a dad?

They're 4th level at the moment, and their goblin friends are all 2nd.

Edit: OH CRAP! Forgot to mention, the Iron Shadow was their ticket home. No one else knows how to get them out.

2019-03-16, 03:23 AM
What I would do:

-keep the flag an hobgoblin one. Turns out you can only get out by showing one of the flags proper respects, and that by defying authority they have needlessly prolongated their suffering. "Obey and respect authority, even in its abstract symbols, or suffer horribly" is something very fitting for the totalitarian, tyranical but very polite hobgoblins

-The lemurfolk know the antidote, and the poison is slow-acting. They can cure themselves, logically. I wouldn't send lemurfolk death squads, but I would have other inhabitants of the zone hear about it and react to it. Maybe a trapped Fiend could approve of the idea (if not the execution).

-I wouldn't make it possible for them to recover their voices by standard magic, but any resurrection magic (even Revivify) would do the trick. Being a "being of blood" makes me feel like the hag brought them back to the moment of their death, endlessly elongated until they die for good or are properly brought back.

-Hag reproduction is a nasty piece of work, requiring the hag to eat a child, give birth to a copy, then wait until the copy transform into a hag when it reaches adulthood. So I wouldn't make it so that the Rogue could become a dad by sleeping with the hag. Not to say that that relationship doesn't deserve to be explored. Never thought I'd read that someone willingly had sex with a hag, though. Put the idiom "being hag-ridden" in its original context, though.

2019-03-16, 06:28 PM
1) Eh... That doesn't seem like it'd make sense. The bit about needing to show respect for them to leave. Thanks for the idea, though.

2) I'm thinking, after some time and thought, to have a few of the elder folk die before they realize what's going on-including their leader-and have a minor civil war break out amongst them.

3) That makes sense.

4) Is that how it works? Okay. And for reference, red hags are, far and away, the prettiest of hags. They're from Tome of Beasts.

But overall, thanks for the advice!

2019-03-16, 07:14 PM
1) Eh... That doesn't seem like it'd make sense. The bit about needing to show respect for them to leave. Thanks for the idea, though.

Well, how would the Iron Shadow have gotten them out, in your original plan?

2) I'm thinking, after some time and thought, to have a few of the elder folk die before they realize what's going on-including their leader-and have a minor civil war break out amongst them.

I thought they tried to kill the PCs because they figured they lied about qhat they did with the poison and dumped it in the lemurfolk' water supplies.

4) Is that how it works? Okay. And for reference, red hags are, far and away, the prettiest of hags. They're from Tome of Beasts.

Uh. Mind telling me more about them? What's their gimmick? Usually, hags consider what is hideous for humanoids to be beautiful, and what is beautiful to be hideous. Is that different for Red Hags?

But overall, thanks for the advice!

You're welcome.

2019-03-16, 11:49 PM
1) The Iron Shadow knows both the spots that can connect to the Material Plane, as well as the ritual needed to activate them. The mountain could be a spot, but it certainly wouldn't be as easy as respecting a flag.

2) Well yeah, but still-civil war is interesting. Both factions would probably hate the party, but if there's a conflict amongst the lemurfolk, it'll at least spare them their wrath for some time.

4) I'm AFB at the moment, but I'm not sure that's still the fluff for 5E.