View Full Version : Inspiring/Epic moments in DnD

2019-03-16, 02:50 AM
Hi yall.

I'm pretty sure I didn't make this topic so,

What has been (or is one of if you have many) the most memorable/ inspiring/ epic moments in your dnd career

The one that comes to mind for me:

Playing my ranger, me and the group were alerted that a town we were in was about to be raided by a goblinoid army lead by orcs.
The mayor was being uncooperative, the towns people were in danger and it had become a recurring spot for our group (The motley Crew, cause thats what the DM kept using as a description when npcs talked to us)

It was night time. The town was gathering towards the church for a service.
My ranger and our druid had just returned from a rescue mission that had gone a bit too close for liking (Had to rope trick and hide the civilians) and our rogue had spied the kind of odds we were going to have to deal with soon because he's sneaky like that.

Our fighter, already fed up with how political the mayor was being when people were clearly in danger, informed her that he was putting the town under her protection whether she liked it or not, and that the people would be told that very evening after service.

After that, he strode into the church where the rest of us were waiting. The priestess finished her sermon and after getting a signal, made way for our fighter in the front.

What followed, was the most rousing in character speech I've heard in a long time. The fighter has a Russian accent (which helped I think), and went into detail about wars he has been apart of, how he has lost comrades, friends and family to war. How he would not accept the town falling to orc hands. He draw his weapon, and clanged it into the stone benighted his feet, informing the villages that they can choose to fight with his forces, or flee to safety. The choice did not matter to him, he would take up arms with any soldier or fight harder to delay the enemy so that those who fled may have extra time to do so. At the time, some oddly fitting music was being played by the DM. You could have put the scene straight into a movie.

And as the fighter won over the crowds, who all stood and decided they would take up arms against the threat, my ranger stood in the back grinning between his tusks.
Real me was emotional. I didn't care how many goblins were coming.