View Full Version : Rules Q&A 3.5e Dragonlance - Righteous Zealot

2019-03-17, 08:49 AM
Hello everyone, I am currently preparing a part of the "price of courage" Dragonlance adventure.
One big bad guy has levels in the "righteous zealot" Dragonlance class (Dragonlance campaign setting p.83)
Its a huge ogre titan, who is great in melee of course, but after I checked the class I started to wonder how this other part could be used.

Enthralling Discourse (Sp): A righteous zealot of at least 1st level with 5 or more ranks in Diplomacy can use his oration to sway groups of people, causing them to pause in their activities to listen to his words. The ability to speak before large crowds and control the ebb and flow of sentiment is perhaps the most potent tool of a righteous zealot. The crowd to be enthralled must be able to see and hear the righteous zealot, must be able to understand the righteous zealot (speak the same language), and must be within 90 feet. The righteous zealot makes a Diplomacy check, and each target can negate the effect with a Will saving throw equal to or greater than the zealot’s check result. If the saving throw fails, the creature sits (or stands) quietly and listens to the zealot’s words as long as the zealot continues to speak and concentrate (up to a maximum of 2 rounds per level of the righteous zealot). The effects are otherwise identical to the enthral spell. Enthralling discourse is an enchantment (charm) [language-dependent, mind-affecting, sonic] ability.

The text describes it as talking to masses of people the same way a bard would use his music. It is not specific about using this in battle (or prior to it) but I would assume that it is possible.
The interesting thing is that the titan might show up, lift his hands in a peaceful gesture and unless the PCs attack him right away, he might just talk to them.
With a diplomacy skill of +36 +1D20 for the WillSV DC I doubt that any PC (even Lv18) would be able to resist that and be enthralled.

The class has other options following this one to make listeners shaken, confused and suggest things, the SV for those is a lot lower though.

"Otherwise like the spell" is a bit vague too. I assume only the DC and how it is created is different and the other stuff from the spell would be added. Like +4 if it is a hostile race/religion and not completely enthralled if you have 16Wis or 4HD+. So the grp would be semi enthralled. ^^

So my question, how would you rule this and how would you use it?

On the same topic:
Since this isn't a spell to begin with, could a PC still role a knw (spellcraft) check to recognize that he is being enthralled? If so which knowledge check?

For the encounter, I assume that the titan will dominate the 1st moments of this fight as he moves into a good position, maybe buying some time for guards to arrive?
We will see.
But he will definately try to suggest some actions for each player - which is tricky, as always with that spell ^^
This could go from something simple like: "Let me have a look at that spellbook " to something like "You pray to the god of power, you know it would impress him way more if you would take of that heavy armor".
Or something simpler like: I am not your enemy, drop those spells, you wont need them.... you look tired, go take a nap over there.

2019-03-20, 10:17 AM
On the same topic: Spell-like abilities like this usually allow spell resistance.
But the class doesn't give spells or anything aside from these abilities. The NPC has 0 CL otherwise. So would I roll just 1d20 +0 for him to overcome SR with this?
Or am I missing something here, the description isn't that clear about it.