View Full Version : What house rules does your group use?

Thac0 Redeye
2019-03-18, 08:57 AM
Our game group has a few house rules we use and I was wondering what other groups use. Here are a few of ours, what are yours?

- Redundant proficiency feat trade in. If you multi class or have extra prof feats not being used, you could trade in prof's on a 2 to 1 basis for other martial feats. ie. if your fighter only used light armor you could trade in both med and hvy armor prof for any 1 other feat. Or if you multi classed cleric and fighter you could get a possible 2 extra feats for trading in simple weapon, light, med, and heavy armor.

- higher spell DC. For every 4 caster levels you add an extra 1 DC for spells.

- swift healing. Any PC can cast a cure wounds spell as a swift action. However they must have the spell available and have the ability to cast the spell. This way the cleric isn't ONLY a Band-Aid for the party.

The Kool
2019-03-18, 09:00 AM
Well I mostly play as part of a big group that has to stick mostly to RAW, so very little room for houserules. But I've theorized about a few. One floating around my head lately is that Monks get full BAB. I haven't played with this one yet, but my theorycrafting postulates it puts them in a good spot.

2019-03-18, 09:16 AM
My tables' house rules are usually limited to "balance to the table" and "don't be a ****". Those seem to suffice for most purposes.

Any PC can cast a cure wounds spell as a swift action.

Monks get full BAB.

I like these.

2019-03-18, 09:23 AM
Here's our list:

Character Creation
- One free 18. Roll 4d6 five times, rerolling any one, once. (If it comes up as another one, it was meant to be). Drop lowest die result. Arrange as desired. (Mulligan if less than a collective +7 bonus).

- Half-Elves get one extra skill point per level.
- Half-Orcs lose the CHA penalty and gain a +4 racial bonus to Intimidate.

- Remove favored classes. Multiclass is free.
- There can be Lawful Barbarians, Lawful Bards, and Chaotic Monks.
- All Clerics are Cloistered Clerics.
- Clerics gain proficiency with their deity's favored weapon. (War domain still gives them the Weapon Focus feat).
- Fighters get 4+Int skill points per level.
- At level 5, Fighters gain the "Adaptable Focus" class ability. Once a day Fighters can spend 1 hour practicing with a weapon to change the kind of weapon for which they have Focus or Specialization. This designation lasts until the Fighter spends an hour to change the weapon focus again.
- Paladins take the alignment of their deity (if any) and must act as a prime example of the ideals of their deity, philosophy, or cause.
- Monks get full BAB, proficiency with Gauntlets (which are also a Monk weapon), and can spend time/gold/xp enchanting their own body as though it were a weapon/armor.
- Sorcerers get free Eschew Materials at first, and their HD improves to d6.
- Rogues get an additional Rogue Ability at level 20.
- Rangers and Druids trade animal companions.
- Knowledge (Religion) and Knowledge (Geography) are now on the Druid class skill list.
- Druids use the Shapeshift variant (except for the animal companion, as described above).

- Open Lock and Disable Device are rolled into one skill, Disable Device (based on Dexterity).
- Balance and Tumble are now one skill, Acrobatics (based on Dexterity).
- Listen and Spot are now one skill, Perception (based on Wisdom).
- Hide and Move Silently are now one skill, Stealth (based on Dexterity).

- Remove the +1 BAB requirement for the Weapon Finesse feat
- Weapon Focus grants a bonus equal to Fighter Level/5 (minimum 1). Greater Weapon Focus doubles the bonus.
- Weapon Specialization grants a bonus equal to 2*(Fighter Level/5). Greater Weapon Specialization doubles the bonus.
- Metamagic feats do not take more time for spontaneous casters
- Natural Spell is stricken from the game.
- The Two-Weapon Fighting feat now scales to include extra attacks with each iterative Attack. Improved Two-Weapon fighting lessens the penalty by 1 for each attack. Greater Two-Weapon fighting lessens the penalty by an additional 1.
- The Rapid Shot feat now scales to include extra attacks with each iterative Attack. Manyshot lessens the penalty by 1 for each attack.
- Toughness grants you HP equal to your current HD.
- Delete the phrase “and use the charge action” from the Ride-By Attack feat. Ride-By Attack will function as the mounted equivalent of Spring Attack.

- The following spells are stricken from the game: Shapechange, Polymorph Any Object, Wind Wall, Contingency, Knock.
- Divine Power is no longer a standard Cleric spell. It is still on the War domain list.

- Fractional BAB and saves for multiclass characters.
- Starting characters may choose race or templates totaling +2 LA. Buyoff is available.
- SR does not have to be turned off in order to receive a beneficial spell.
- All adventurers are issued the following items free, not counted against WBL:
1 Handy Haversack, 1 MW armor or MW weapon, 10 trail rations (kept in the haversack), 1 spellbook (if a wizard), 1 holy symbol (if a cleric or paladin)
- When making a mounted charge, the mount is not required to make an attack (though it may do so if beneficial).
- Dust of Sneezing and Choking does not exist.
- There are no Vorpal weapons in my game. If you ever encounter a Vorpal weapon, you can be assured that you will soon be facing a Jabberwocky, which will be an epic-level foe.
- Don’t try to break the game. I reserve the right to say no to any race/feat/class/PrC/equipment/whatever combination. If you’re not sure, ask; I’m willing to work with you if it’s not too ridiculous.
- Add Pun-Pun as an over-deity of Cheese, Exploits, and Metagaming. Pun-Pun is aware that he is a god in a fictional gaming world. Anyone that slips something past me in an attempt to break the game will bring down his wrath. He is jealous of his ultimate power, and will personally act to prevent any player/character from approaching it.

I'd really specify that your "trade-in" thing applies to a whole class of weapons. Usually each weapon has its own Martial Weapon Proficiency feat. So if you're a Wizard who wants to learn a Longsword (for whatever reason), you have to take Weapon Proficiency: Longsword to learn just that weapon. You can't take "Weapon Proficiency: Martial Weapons" and be proficient in everything. (This is actually a big part of why the Dark Chaos Shuffle is so ridiculous; trading unused Weapon Proficiency feats for other feats that are actually useful can get absurd really quickly).

2019-03-18, 09:40 AM
I believe we use The Giant's own unofficial rules for Diplomacy, not that I've actually ever used the diplomacy skill, too busy with magic for that. Who has time to talk when the fate of the universe is on the line, please try to smash this evil rock it disturbs me. (we're also using his metamagic feats, but nobody's used them yet. Lucky spell in particular is interesting to have on all spells since it gives you a choice- accept these values as-is or gamble to get a higher roll)

We also generally ignore racial requirements for classes if there's no good reason why a race wouldn't be able to be that, so something like arcane archer is bad enough without also needing to be a disgusting long eared tree-dweller. Maybe human arcane archers exist, sure.

Oh and my DM makes us reroll any 1s on hitdice rolls. He had a bard once who had like 6hp at a fairly lowish level because they rolled a 1 each levelup and had 0 constitution, and never told him.

The Kool
2019-03-18, 10:40 AM
Telonius... that is a beautiful list.

2019-03-18, 05:08 PM
One I like:

Add +1 to one mental stat and +1 to one physical stat every 4 levels (replaces the old rule).

One I personally could live without:

Fumble rules.

2019-03-18, 05:27 PM
Low op groups, so low op rules:

Minor fixes for Paladin, Monk, Truenamer, Shadowcaster, Hexblade, Knight.
Clerics and Paladins proficient with gods weapon
Expanded Spell lists for Hexblade, Warmage, Duskblade
Sorcerers get bonus feats (metamagic, heritage, bloodline) at levels that Wizards do
Dodge is flat +1 dodge bonus vs all enemies. Higher level feats that need a target pick one as you would with old dodge.
Point Blank Shot not needed for higher level feats.
Precision damage grants effective +1 BAB at level 1 for Weapon Finesse (only)
Fighters get 4+Int skill points, get aristocrats skills.
No multiclass penalty (is this even a house rule any more?)
No XP for crafting (its low op, no one crafts anyway)
Staggered (single move or bleed 1 HP) at 0 HP, Unconscious and bleeding (1HP/round) at -Con Mod HP, dead at -Con Score HP, 10% chance to stabilize per round

I think thats it? Still making more. Little things. Quality of life things. Sure, some casters in that list get a seemingly major group, but in the games I tend to run, with the people I tend to run with, casters end up being the WEAKEST players, due to lack of skill and low HP. Fighters are viable. Non-pounce barbarians dominate. An unfixed tripping monk once broke the game.

2019-03-19, 06:50 AM
Reroll any 1 from Hit-dice when leveling up,

Additional 0-lvl Spells known per day. Here we use the same attribute based table as for 1lvl Spells.

Stabilise brings you back to 0 HP.

2019-03-19, 07:51 AM
Most of mine are preemptive loophole closures. Locate city bomb doesn't work, zodar shapechange wish abuse doesn't work, etc.

The Kool
2019-03-19, 08:07 AM
Most of mine are preemptive loophole closures. Locate city bomb doesn't work, zodar shapechange wish abuse doesn't work, etc.

Yeah this is pretty common for me as well. Sometimes I'll explain why, there might be a generously interpreted line of text or an assumed interaction between abilities that's a bit of a stretch and it's easy to sever the combo there, or it might be easy to play on RAW to explain it like with the DCFS (at my table, if you DCFS, you trade away a feat then trade back to the original feat. No free swaps, you end where you started.) Sometimes it just... doesn't work that way. Like no, you can't create an item that does XYZ really cool broken thing, I don't care what your theoretical formula says. You just can't get the magic to stick, and apparently you've tried.

Hunter Noventa
2019-03-19, 08:10 AM
I think the only one we use consistently is that, if you roll another crit threat on your confirmation roll, you can roll again to try and increase the multiplier of the crit. So you roll a 19 with your longsword and hit, if you roll another 19 you roll again, if that hits, your crit goes up to x3.

The Kool
2019-03-19, 08:27 AM
I think the only one we use consistently is that, if you roll another crit threat on your confirmation roll, you can roll again to try and increase the multiplier of the crit. So you roll a 19 with your longsword and hit, if you roll another 19 you roll again, if that hits, your crit goes up to x3.

Oh! That reminds me. I do something similar. If you double-confirm a critical (threaten on your confirm roll, then confirm again) it's a CDG effectively. Meaning it does crit damage and forces a save vs death according to the damage dealt. If you roll three nat 20s in a row, that's an instakill. I think a variation of this ruse exists somewhere in one of the books.

2019-03-19, 09:36 AM
when you level you get double con modifier or con modifier + hit die roll hit points, whichever is advantageous

2019-03-19, 09:53 AM
In my games when I am the DM I let my players have maximum hit points each level but I also do the same for the monsters I also allow a lot of third party and dragon magazine stuff I have to approve it first my players are a little mini maxi but not to such an extreme to break the game

2019-03-19, 10:55 AM
I don't currently play with anybody that isn't pretty new, but I've been working on houserules (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?536900-WIP-(please-ignore)&p=22405664#post22405664) for a future game for a long time now. I tinker with them on a weekly basis.

Ken Murikumo
2019-03-19, 01:44 PM

-all 3.5 1st party (non drag-mag) content is available
-no lolth-touched
-no rolling stats or using point buy, we just use a pool; generally between 80 & 90 depending on power level
-max HP per level, no rolling (d10 is flat 10, etc...)
-as of very recently, bonus HP at lower level campaigns (depends on the power level of the game)
-massive damage threshold is 50 or half your total (not current) HP; whichever is greater
-basically everything in the pathfinder feat tax article (google it)
-revised combat maneuvers (still a WIP)
-pets, familiars, cohorts, etc go on your turn, before, during, or after you act. (keeps initiative easier to track)

The Kool
2019-03-19, 01:52 PM
-max HP per level, no rolling (d10 is flat 10, etc...)
-as of very recently, bonus HP at lower level campaigns (depends on the power level of the game)

I'm particularly fond of rolling, then taking half the die value if it's better. Roll a 2 on your d8? OK it's a 4. Roll a 6? Good job you're tougher than most. You could take the 5e definition of average though which is the average roll of the die rounded up (so 5 on a d8, 6 on a d10, etc.) and do the same thing.

To the second, I favor tripling HP at first level. I've seen it done in other d20 games (like SWSE) and many many tables houserule a 3rd level start for survivability... This is distilled from that.

2019-03-19, 05:20 PM
Like... all of them? :smallbiggrin:

A couple free LA.
Max HP.
Fractional BAB/saves
3 levels per ability point
Feats on odd levels (PF-style)
No automatic success/failure (DMG p.25)
Combat step (replace 5ft step with your smallest size, in case you're larger than medium; can also trade attacks for extra steps)
BAB to AC with total defense
Damage conversion variant
Optional fumble rules (see sig)
Better feinting(move action by default, in place of attack with feat)
Relaxed flanking (mostly a quality of life change, everyone keeps forgetting how exactly it works)
This: http://michaeliantorno.com/feat-taxes-in-pathfinder/ and many other feat tax waivers (e.g. more proficiencies)
More flexible/consistent action system.
PF death and massive damage rules.
Called shots
No drowning shenanigans.
Bloodied condition at 25% HP (-2 to everything, including CL)
No arbitrary knowledge abuse (this includes artificers, summoning shenanigans, spell list abuse, etc)
PF skill system
Weapon groups
Getting rid of or improving the worst +1 to X feats (E.g. weapon focus, which now scales and gives +1 at L1, a special ability at L4 and +2 dmg at L7, e.g. for Spears you gain the Long Strike feat, for light blades you gain flick of the wrist. Bad feat's you'd never take in a normal feat slot suddenly get to see play. Win-win.)
A ton of new and changed feats, skills, skill tricks and spells.
Permanency on most every spell, subject to abuse considerations (e.g. time stop, summoning spells).
A ton of reworked classes, mostly by virtue of importing their PF variants where available.
...and other stuff.

2019-03-19, 07:51 PM
All skills are class skills
First dice of a crit is maxed
Bonus feats every 5 levels
Crafting feats are grouped (Wand+Staff, Rod+Ring+Wondrous, Potion+Scroll, Arms&Armor. Still unlocking at their normal level)
Craft Arms&Armor can be used by mundanes, their CL being equal to (ranks in relevant craft) minus 3
Buffs to classes considered tier 4 and 5 (ex: full bab to monks, extra skill points per level all around etc.)
Expanded casting for rangers and paladins

And the fancy stuff:
1 Action point per game if the player expands it's characters background, which can be used to:

Reroll any d20 or add 2d6 before knowing the result
Add 1d6 to any d20 after knowing the result
Reuse any class ability usable x/d
Extra standard action
+2 caster level on a spell/magic item (once)

Doctor Awkward
2019-03-19, 10:33 PM
The only house-rule regularly used at our table is in regards to the remaining hit points possessed by a creature.

Once a creature drops below 50% hp, your character is automatically made aware of that fact (generally we use some variation of, "he's starting to look hurt" or "his wounds are taking a toll").

This rule also applies to NPC's, so intelligent creatures are much more likely to dogpile a wounded player.

2019-03-20, 01:29 AM
Not a huge amount...and it varies by particular DM. Some of the common ones include:

A class with limited spells known (Bard, Sorcerer, Favored Soul) that uses Heighten Spell to increase the level of a spell, can opt to use a "better version" of the same spell. The main example is Summon Monster: A Sorcerer who can cast 5th levels spells can Heighten Summon Monster I to act as Summon Monster V (saves on spells known).
Bucklers only offer AC bonus against none opponent per round (designated similarly to Dodge).
Detect Evil (and Good etc.) only works on strong or overwhelming evil by default; on creatures of faint or moderate evil, the spell only registers if the creature has "evil intent" at the time of detection. This is a call-back to 1E/2E, and is mainly to prevent Paladins from feeling compelled to slaughter greedy merchants while shopping (and similar silliness).
Dwarven Rangers suffer no effect on their class abilities when using medium or heavy armor.
Half-Orcs take a -2 to Int OR Cha, player's choice.
Improved Toughness counts as Toughness for all reqs.
Mirror Image is house-ruled to be a cross between the 1E D&D verison and the Pathfinder version. The 3.5 version is just too messy.
Roll to stabilize is a DC 15 Con check, rather than a flat 10%.
Some classes have added skills (Spot for Fighter, for instance).
Unholy Toughness exists as a feat that Undead can take.

I'll add more as I remember them.

2019-03-20, 01:44 AM
We have this triple 20 rule, whereas if you roll a 20 on the same attack roll three consecutive times, the target is dead, as you're critting a critical hit (does not work with increased crit range, just on 20's), which has led one party member (a kobold monk) to go all Saitama on an adult red dragon, one punching it.

The same applies on triple 1, except it does not kill your character outright, it may lose a limb or two, depending on the situation, which had another player lose her claws on her corrupted creature soul eater while fighting, oddly enough, monks.

The forum's Diplomacy fix is great.

Monks on full BAB are good.

Healers get turn undead and a bit expanded spell list.

CA Ninja and Rokugan Ninja have their classes gestalted (Sneak Attack replaces Sudden Strike completely).

PF's firearm rules go into 3.5 (so does the gunslinger class).

If you are creative enough during an encounter, you may gain circumstance bonuses to your general rolls (this will never be against the players.)

The Kool
2019-03-20, 07:23 AM
Detect Evil (and Good etc.) only works on strong or overwhelming evil by default; on creatures of faint or moderate evil, the spell only registers if the creature has "evil intent" at the time of detection. This is a call-back to 1E/2E, and is mainly to prevent Paladins from feeling compelled to slaughter greedy merchants while shopping (and similar silliness).
I fix the same problem in the opposite direction. I am very generous with my detect spells, allowing 'faint traces', 'weak readings', or 'stale [alignment/magic]'. This results in players, like Paladins, realizing that it's not black and white, and they need to exercise some judgement of their own. If someone is directly intending them evil but is generally good, the spell might detect low levels of evil. If someone was evil in the past, it might be lingering traces. I had a session where two paladins were adventuring with someone who registered Evil, and got away with it because they believed that he could be reformed (and they proved to be right).

Roll to stabilize is a DC 15 Con check, rather than a flat 10%.
I like this but find 15 to be quite low (but achievable by anyone with a positive Con score). At this low, I might say you get one roll when you drop, and one roll when you would finish bleeding out, not one every round.

2019-03-20, 09:24 AM
I have loads of houserules. Most of them are preventative measures, tweaks, and just straight up changes.

Note: This will be updated if new houserules are made. You will be notified if that happens.
Usually, you will start as Estimated Character Level 1 unless there is plot reason otherwise. If you have a character idea or a template/race that starts after this and there really should be no reason for it (such as awakened ape or dog or a template that doesn't give too much but still increases LA for some reason) show me the source and let me decide if I want to waive the LA/RHD (though I will tell you to adjust the stats and abilities accordingly if they change due to this).

No XP. Every so often, when it "feels right" (READ: Plot Point) the PCs gain a level. This also means adjusted crafting rules, more costly material components (higher gold costs to compensate for no XP cost) and no XP penalty for multiclassing.

Max gold at 1st level.


Typically any race is fine, even homebrew ones, as long as they are not OP immediately (though class/spells/feats have the possibility of making them OP after the fact) but this may change depending on the campaign/setting.


Usually any class is okay as long is it is not obviously OP from the start and as long as it fits the character concept, but this may change depending on the campaign/setting. Even homebrew classes are alright as long as the fit the criteria.

If anyone chooses to play a Fighter you may choose to also gestalt advance as either Knight ("Royal Warrior"), Swashbuckler ("Daring Warrior"), Marshal ("Commanding Warrior"), Monk (minus Fighter armor proficiency; "Monastic Warrior""), or Ranger ("Nature's Warrior"). Unless otherwise stated: you count as both classes, gain all of the class bonuses and special abilities, and whichever classes' saves, HD, and BAB are better

All Clerics are proficient with their deity's favored weapon.

Monks are proficient with unarmed strikes. (Fight me, they need the ****ing help)

First level is Con score + Full HD. Always use the maximum number for your HD when levelling up.

If making a shadowcaster, use of both of the fixes here1 and the Descent of Shadows project is completely allowed. Instead of casting one additional mystery per day, the bonus uses gained are added to every single mystery of that level

All skills cost a single skill point per rank, even cross-class skills, however they still retain their maximums per level (Level+3 for class skills, (level+3)/2 for cross-class skills). Additionally, you can take the Profession: Pilot2 skill, Science3 skill (as if it were knowledge), and psionic4 skills. If a skill is a class skill once, it is a class skill forever. If you get a racial bonus to a skill, it always counts as a class skill for you.

Track, Urban Tracking, and Investigate are skill uses available to all characters. This is mainly so I can give exposition even if nobody in the party has built around finding stuff. I will add Trapfinding if nobody feels like playing a Rogue-like.

If you are burning a feat for Alertness or one of the similar line of feats, be it for PrC entry or skill optimization, then you get to add the skills mentioned in that feat to the list of class skills for all levels acquired after the level you take that feat.

Speak language, decipher script, and forgery all fall under the Linguistics skill.

When using skills, you may substitute one ability score for another if it makes more sense (Ex. Str instead of Cha for Intimidate on a hulking barbarian) [UA; Making this clear that it's being used]

You may choose from any of the following to decide your stats:
You may use the following array: 20, 20, 16, 16, 12, 12
You may roll 2d20k1
You may roll 3d10
You may roll 5d8k3
You may roll 6d6k4
You may roll 9d4 straight with one reroll and one number switch allowed

Charisma does not define Appearance. Appearance(App) does. You may choose to roll a d20 (+/- any racial modifiers) and that's your APP score forever, else you may choose not to roll and have a 10+/- modifiers. You may use your APP score for some skills if you first succeed a Bluff check. Some spells may add the APP mod instead of the spellcasting stat mod to their DC, eg. a Wizard casting Charm Person may choose to use his APP score instead of his INT score to determine the spell DC.

You can pick any equipment you want, as long as it's not OP and you can pay for it.

Great crossbows (Races of Stone) are the same as heavy crossbows for feats and other rules that specify heavy crossbows, but they remain Exotic Weapons.

If you like slings: apply the Rapid Reload feat to them, just as you would to a crossbow, for free action reloading. You can also use Manyshot with slings, up to a maximum of four bullets in the sling pouch.

All characters have a form of inventory similar to a video game character's that functions like a backpack, though you may also use a backpack to carry more items. You have a number of slots equal to your levelx10. Items that weigh 15 lbs or less take up one slot. Items that weigh 20-30 lbs take up two slots and you increase the number of slots by 1 per 10 lbs after 30. You can have multiples of the same item in the same slot if they weigh less than 15 lbs total with the excess filling another slot. While in this inventory, items do not count against encumberance or weight capacity.

Encumbrance and weight capacity is not kept track of because seriously who cares. Unless you're trying to carry an obscene amount of **** or something stupid like a 40 Ton Solid Gold Door.

Exotic Armour Proficiency no longer exists. Exotic Armours are distributed among Light, Medium, Heavy, and Shield appropriately.

Exotic Weapon Proficiency also no longer exists. Instead PCs may pay a trainer to teach them how to use the weapon. This also applies to any other weapon that a particular class isn't proficient with.

You add your BAB to your damage with weapons (weapon-like spells don't count, soulmelds do)

Attacks key off of dex or str whether or not you have weapon finesse. Taking the feat also gives you Dexterity to damage replacing Strength (counting as Shadow Blade from ToB on the rare off chance that it's important).

You die at negative (level + CON score) HP.

Shield bonuses apply against touch attacks, but not against opponents who are flanking you.

You can charge to any square adjacent to your target as long as it is in range and you obey all the other movement rules. This should fix the issues with Ride-By Attack.

No threatened ranged full attacks without provoking attacks of opportunity. Each ranged shot within threatened spaces provokes an AoO.

In addition to the normal feat given at level 1, you get two additional feats and may choose up to 2 flaws for more.

You may have up to 2 traits at character creation.

The Open Chakra feats come with a bind.

Any character can choose to, instead of gaining a level, gain 3 bonus feats.

Monkey Grip also gives +2 to hit with a larger weapon, effectively negating the penalty for using a weapon one size larger than normal.

Spring Attack allows you to make one move action (in which you must move at least 5 feet) and one standard action at any point during that move. This should obviate Shot on the Run and Flyby Attack.

You don't confirm a critical hit. A Nat 20 is always a crit. Anything else in your range only crits if your total is high enough to hit their AC.

Any alignment is fine as long as you work together and not abandon PC party members (Non-important NPCs are okay though). Alignment doesn't matter for prerequisites such as classes, feats, weapons, skill tricks, spells, etc.

If everyone agrees, we can use the M:tG colour wheel for alignments instead of the clunky DnD alignment grid.

Waive RP requirements (including alignment) on feats, PrCs, and such, assuming you can provide sufficient justification.

Free Eschew Materials and Rapid Metamagic for spontaneous casters.

You may use 0-level spells as much as you like, but spells that are broken in this state instead use the Pathfinder version (Ex. Cure Minor Wounds)

Anyone dealing with Eldritch Horrors (lookin' at you Star Pact Warlock, Alienist, Ozodrin, and Xenothurgist) has to deal with Dark Insight5, Eldritch Obscurement6, and Mindbreak7, but gets access to Dark Powers8 and Dark Spells8.

Spells are separated into three categories, Item-like, Utility, and Weapon-Like. Each spell category functions differently:
Item-Like spells must roll against a spellcraft(or other casting skill) DC of 10+Spell Level+Circumstance Mofidiers in order to cast it. If you fail the roll by less than 10, the spell slot is not expended. If you fail the roll by 10 or more, the spell slot is expended. However, until the situation changes or the scene is done, you may use that spell an unlimited number of times until you dispel it. (Examples being: Spark, Dancing Lights, Erase, Light, etc.)
Utility spells are similar to Item-like spells in their casting roll and failure results. However, once used the spell is immediately expended and the effect happens as usual. (Examples: Prestidigitation, Barkskin, Magic Weapon, Bless, etc.)
Weapon-like spells must roll to hit as though they were weapons unless the spell specifically says that it hits no matter what (i.e. Magic Missle) or is an area spell (i.e. Cone of Cold), in which case you roll to see if you Crit (1 or 20). Depending on what you're class is you will add a different number to your roll9 in addition to your casting multiplier. (Examples: Magic Missle, Acid Splash, Cone of Cold, Scorching Ray, etc.)

Spells have additional mechanics depending on if the source is Arcane, Divine, Innate, Primal, Shadow, or Eldritch. You take a -2 penalty on spellcraft attempts to identify a spell being cast of a different source and on checks to counter a spell from a different source. Caster levels and Magic Ratings from different magic sources don't stack unless specified. If you are unsure about which source of magic a particular class uses, don't hesitate to ask. The different sources and their mechanics are:
Arcane Spells are exploits in the fabric of reality, they give you Madness6 equal to twice the spell level (min 1 for 0-level spells) if you fail a spellcraft check with Item or utility spells or roll a 1 when using weapon-like spells. In areas of heavily abundant arcane energies and wild magic zones you may add a single metamagic effect for free(no casting time increase or spell level increase).
Divine spells are granted from worship or some godly patron, they release a powerful aura of your patron, showing off who you deal with (though certain feats may allow a different aura or a lessened effect) to all within 30 ft. In addition, whenever you wish to cast a spell, you must make a knowledge (relgion) check (DC 10+Spell Level (min 1)) to even cast the spell. If you fail this check, you lose the action and do not cast the spell. In areas dedicated to your patron or within an area of divine power(Hallow, Unhallow, Consecrate, etc.), you may count your Caster Level as 2 levels higher.
Innate spells are just that, innate, and don't change from base. All magical abilities that a creature comes with are innate by nature unless something changes that. Psionics and supernatural Sublime abilities count as innate, and sorcerers can choose to be either innate or arcane.
Primal spells are natural or elemental in origin depending on the class, they are dependent on either the element or terrain type chosen at character creation. While in areas of that terrain or with a high amount of that element, you may count your caster level as 1 higher and your spells are automatically maximized. In areas similar to that terrain (Caves for underground, swamps for marshes, cliffs for mountains, etc.) or with average amount of that element, you have no additional effects. In areas different to that terrain or with a low amount of that element, you count your caster level as 1 lower and your spells are automatically halved in effectiveness. In areas diametrically opposed to that terrain (desert for aquatic, mountaintop for underground, etc.) or when there is none of that element and a high amount of its' opposite, you count your caster level as 2 lower and you cannot cast spells at all.
Shadow spells are spells that draw power from the plane of shadow and function as the mirror of arcane spells, they have the same drawback as arcane spells but their bonus is different. In areas of normal or supernatural darkness, your spells add half your caster level to their DCs.
Eldritch spells are spells that are gained from an otherworldly patron or do not fit with the other sources, they require a caster level check (DC 10+spell level) to function in the first place and if failed, the action is wasted and the spell doesn't resolve. In addition, your spells are automatically maximized when in your patron's home (their lair, plane, domain, etc.)

Invokers gain additional invocations based on their casting modifier10

Common magic11 is in effect.

You can cast Feather Fall (redefined as an immediate action spell) when flat-footed.

If you are in negative HP Healing brings you to 0 HP then adds the HP healed.

Psionic Major Creation can create Cold Iron, unlike the Major Creation spell.

The Diadem of Purelight soulmeld creates a light so mystically benevolent that it does not trigger the light sensitivities of orcs, drow, and similar subterranean creatures.

Conjuration school is modified:
Healing spells are Necromancy spells instead.
The (Creation) subschool doesn't exist and any spells of that school that aren't part of the following groups are subschool-less Conjuration spells.
Spells that create raw elemental and force stuff are Evocation spells instead. (Ex. acid arrow, fog cloud, orb of acid)
Mage Armour is an Abjuration spell
Spells that create animate forces or beings are (Summoning or Calling) instead of (Creation) spells. (Ex. black tentacles, shambler, and unseen servant)

NPCs are people too, and will act accordingly to actions made by the PCs. Yes this means your dickass theivery will get you jailed if you're caught.

Tome of Necromancy12 is in use.

if it doesn't make sense, you can't do it.(regardless of the rules.)

Negative energy damage heals undead, positive energy harms them.

Humanoid, Monstrous Humanoid and Giants are affected by the [something] Person spells line.

Hero points are in effect. You start with 5 and gain 1 each time you level up. You can gain additional points by doing particularly superhuman actions.

In addition to the standard languages, you may also pick:
Aklo (Language of Eldritch Beings)
Anarch (Language of Chaotic Outsiders)
Axial (Language of Lawful Outsiders)
Foul-Tongue/Necril (Language of Intelligent Undead)
Bina/Binary (Language of Intelligent Constructs)
Umbral (Language of creatures from the plane of shadow)

A character in a freefall falls 500 feet (100 squares) in the first round of falling, 1000 feet (200 squares) each round thereafter. They may fall at any point in their turn. Falling is a free action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

If anyone has a cool idea for their character, I'm happy to listen and figure it out with you.

The Kool
2019-03-20, 09:58 AM
You may choose from any of the following to decide your stats:
You may use the following array: 20, 20, 16, 16, 12, 12
You may roll 2d20k1
You may roll 3d10
You may roll 5d8k3
You may roll 6d6k4
You may roll 9d4 straight with one reroll and one number switch allowed

This is woefully imbalanced in one particular regard: that 9d4 is always the best options hands down no questions asked. To see this illustrated, follow this link (https://anydice.com/program/14231) and click on the Graph view. For comparison, I've added a 7d4 option, which lines up nicely with most of the others (but is still better). The 2d20k1 option is subpar, I toyed with a 3d20k1 but it's not much better. The 3d10 is interesting... slightly lower mean but significantly higher max than most of the others and a much better chance of rolling upper 20s. The good news is, they mostly seem to line up nicely with your default array (though it's better to roll).

Anyway, that's my uninvited analysis of your methods. Couldn't help myself, I saw a bunch of different dice arrays and was overcome with curiosity on how they lined up.

2019-03-20, 01:37 PM
Where to begin?

I play with a TON of house rules. Mostly to close exploits, ban broken items/spells, or fix/buff broken classes.

I've got 27 pages of standard house rules here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1pNz31oGlpXef9yfHbGKcqsEuWfEvRnEq

But my biggest change is that I've completely gutted clerics and rebuilt them using the old specialty priest mechanic. I have 19 spell spheres and the cleric picks two spheres: a major and a minor (in addition to automatically receiving the "All" sphere).

Each sphere is completely unique and has major and minor abilities, and the cleric adds all spells on his minor sphere list to his spell list up to 4th level, and from 5th on he may memorize one spell per level (of 5th and above) from his minor sphere provided that it's not the highest level spell he can cast.

Cleric spheres: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1gydy-gbQXI43DEFV0lqvpzeitdL6mDYb

So far my players are 7th and 8th level, we've been going for about 6 months, and it's working really well. I have two clerics in the party currently one is Earth / Essence and the other is Soul / Essence.

2019-03-20, 03:08 PM
My groups have always used several house rules, but there are two big ones:

1. Roll hit points, but re-roll the lower half of the die. I.E. a D10 will never be less than 6, or a D8 will never be less than 5.

2. My first Pathfinder specific house rule that I made is that Gnomes get a +2 to Intelligence instead of Charisma. I am very very adamant about them being mostly Illusionists instead of Bards.

2019-03-20, 03:47 PM
I like this but find 15 to be quite low (but achievable by anyone with a positive Con score). At this low, I might say you get one roll when you drop, and one roll when you would finish bleeding out, not one every round.

We started off at 20 when the rules was introduced, but that meant that characters with a +0 (or lower) Con (or lower) mod were actually worse off under the new rule.

To be honest, it largely becomes a non-issue after the first few levels. It was mainly there to prevent some early character deaths.

Some other rules I have remembered:

Knights have 4 skill points/level, and use the Aristocrat skill list (seriously, Knights have pretty much the worst skill list in the game!)
Only Druids, and divine casters dedicated to a true neutral deity, may be true neutral in alignment.
The Lost Tradition feat (3rd party, Bastards & Bloodlines) is allowed, with a few changes: the new casting stat must be chosen from Int, Wis or Cha only; it is usually only available to casters with dual-casting stats, such as the Favored Soul.

2019-03-20, 04:37 PM
Character generation is standard, but no stat may be below 12 (I alter this one based on campaign power level)

You crit on a natural 20, but so do the bad guys, no confirmation roles

Magic is risky and nasty corrupt you (depends on spells used, and if you are abusing magic, I raise the stakes, cheese at own risk)

Blunt weapons crit more often, dealing x1.5 (rounded down) in an 18-20

Swords : x2 on a 19-20

Piercing is x4 on a 20

Health is always maxed

I base initiative mostly on if there was a surprise round, so if the enemy gets the drop on your party, they are first in initiative and vice versa, you may still alter it after the fact however you might (spells, abilities delays etc that alter it)
In the event that both parties become aware of each other at the same time or already know each other are combatants, then I'll have initiative rolled regularly.

2019-03-20, 11:07 PM
We have two hard rules at the table that are consistent regardless of DM:

1) Don't break my game
2) Donny is not allowed to play a Bard

Other than that the houserules fluctuate based on who is DMing and what kind of game we are looking to run. For the campaign we're playing in right now the only real house rules are some minor skill consolidation (Perception and Stealth instead of spot/listen and hide/move silently), and a homebrew warlock fix that was approved.

On the other hand when I DM I tend to be a bit heavier on the houserules, below are what I have for the game I was running but we are currently taking a break from:

-Characters choose one chasis upgrade they can apply to their character regardless of class. For example always treat your BAB as good. Pick a saving throw, it is always good. Always have 9 skills per level. (this was my simplification of an earlier rule where the players were gestalting with NPC classes).

-Skill Point distribution is changed. If you have 2+int skills and 9th level spells, you now get 3 skills per level, otherwise you now get 6. If you have 4+int skills you now have 6. If you have 6+int skills, you now have 9. If you have 8+int, you now have 12.

-Characters now get a second pool of skills called "Background skills". Regardless of class you get 2+int background skills per level. You can trade out regular skills for background skills 1 for 2. Background Skills include Knowledge, Perform, Profession, and Craft.

-Stealing from Pathfinder: no x4 skills at level 1, instead get a +3 bonus as soon as you invest 1 rank into a class skill. No double cost/half rank max for cross class skills. The only difference between class and non-class is that +3 bonus.

-Swim combines with Climb and turns into Athletics, and now in addition to other uses, gains a Sprint option, where making a skill check while running can grant a bonus to the movement speed for the turn.

-Characters have 3 healing surges.

-A healing surge may be spent out of combat to recover 25% of max HP or restore 2 points of ability damage.

-4 healing surges can restore a single point of ability drain.

-7 healing surges can restore a negative level.

-A healing surge may be spent in combat to double any healing received.

-Healing surges recover at a rate of 1/day, replacing normal healing gained from resting.

-The Cure ____ Wounds line of spells now all are treated as having their maximum caster level at all times. So a CL1 CLW spell heals 1d8+5. CL7 Cure Critical Wounds heals 4d8+20. CL9 CLW Mass heals for 1d8+25. And so on.

Experience and Equipment
-Leveling up is based on hitting milestones rather than experience. You still earn experience normally.

-Regular magic items are extremely scarce and crafting outside of consumables is at DM discretion. To make up for any deficiency caused by the christmas tree going missing, you can spend your experience on various perks that will mimic most of the raw numerical bonuses (such as bonus strength or increased AC), and some of the passive non-numerical bonuses (such as special resistances or senses) that you may have picked up with wealth.

-Weapons and Armor have 4 tiers of quality instead of 2. They now come in Regular, Exceptional, Superior, and Masterwork. Each upgrade of a weapon grants an additional upgrade point that may be used for various weapon properties (including just damage if you want to be boring). Each armor upgrade increases either increases AC by 1, Max Dex by 1 and reduce ACP, or reduce ASF by 5%.

-Various feat changes, mostly buffs to never used feats. Stuff like Endurance and Toughness interact with healing surges. A big one was removing point blank shot from prereqs for every archery feat ever, and giving precise shot as a baseline effect to anyone with ranged weapon proficiency and +3 BAB. Weapon Focus/Weapon Specialization now play with granting bonus weapon upgrade points that you can change on the fly.

2019-03-21, 01:38 AM
This is woefully imbalanced in one particular regard: that 9d4 is always the best options hands down no questions asked. To see this illustrated, follow this link (https://anydice.com/program/14231) and click on the Graph view. For comparison, I've added a 7d4 option, which lines up nicely with most of the others (but is still better). The 2d20k1 option is subpar, I toyed with a 3d20k1 but it's not much better. The 3d10 is interesting... slightly lower mean but significantly higher max than most of the others and a much better chance of rolling upper 20s. The good news is, they mostly seem to line up nicely with your default array (though it's better to roll).

Anyway, that's my uninvited analysis of your methods. Couldn't help myself, I saw a bunch of different dice arrays and was overcome with curiosity on how they lined up.

Firstly: I used your link to come up with them all. Secondly:you say that they're imbalanced, but you don't know my players. Imbalanced from an outside point of view? Defintely. Imbalanced from the perspective of players typically already having an established idea in their heads of what they want to build and barely optimizing for it? Hardly. Also I much prefer to DM higher powered games, and this setup really allows that given the relatively low-op nature of my group.

I've got a player who picks whatever his thinks is cool, one who is super new but is ravenous to learn, one who's been playing longer than me but never cared to learn how to optimize, one who rarely optimizes but usually does so for minionmancy, and one who is too new to the group to tell yet.

2019-03-21, 02:49 AM
I've been DMing 3.5 for just over a decade and tweaking whenever I find something I don't like, so at this point I'm basically just playing 3.9. Waaaay too many to list (I have a Google site that functions as a compendium for my setting and rules) but a few that I've found to be particularly effective houserules:

Half of bonus movement from class features (Monk, Barbarian, Scout, etc.) can be applied to shift moves (5 ft steps). This (along with a complete rework of two of those three classes) helps a lot of the lowest tier classes pull themselves up a notch.

Teleport (and Greater Teleport) as well as many similar spells have had their casting time increased to one minute. This means that, in order to teleport out, the party must defend the squishy wizard for 10 rounds. It makes for an amazing recurring battle objective, and it partially sidelines the Wizard for occasional combat encounters so the party can realize how screwed they'd be without them.

I've shamelessly backported a number of rules I like from 4e and 5e--Shift moves, alternate ability score saving throws, the use of "at-will" and "encounter" for some of the goodies I give to weaker classes, etc.

I've designed a dozen PrCs for the setting, though most of them are on the OP side of things because I want players to notice them.

I completely reworked the Wilder, who now casts using half of their manifester level instead of an ability score and is, in fact, entirely separated from ability scores in terms of mechanics. I also gave them Wild Shape, as a druid.

Speaking of druids, they're the only class I've nerfed! I swapped their animal companion with the Ranger and banned Natural Spell. They're still overpowered, don't worry.

I reworked the Healer to operate like the Beguiler, Warmage, and Dread Necromancer, and gave both them and Paladins Mercies from Pathfinder.

Speaking of Paladin, I beefed them like heeeeell. Smite Evil at-will (advancement allows you to apply it to multiple attacks in a full attack instead of just more/day), Mercies, fast Will saves, and all of their everything shifted to Charisma for consistency. Then I went and made them Spontaneous casters, because I don't play by the rules when it comes to making rules.

I've modified nearly every class and broad system in the rules, at this point.

2019-03-21, 07:44 AM
we combine spot and listen into a notice check instead

everyone gets LA+1 free at creation if they want

no one tracks encumbrance or ammo for ranged weapons unless it's something fancy

mostly don't worry about spell components or rations/food

don't worry about multi-classing, but really have to justify it from a RP perspective

pretty much just ignoring all the petty book-keeping stuff, however all the rest of the rules apply :)

The Kool
2019-03-21, 08:05 AM
Firstly: I used your link to come up with them all. Secondly:you say that they're imbalanced, but you don't know my players. Imbalanced from an outside point of view? Defintely. Imbalanced from the perspective of players typically already having an established idea in their heads of what they want to build and barely optimizing for it? Hardly. Also I much prefer to DM higher powered games, and this setup really allows that given the relatively low-op nature of my group.

I've got a player who picks whatever his thinks is cool, one who is super new but is ravenous to learn, one who's been playing longer than me but never cared to learn how to optimize, one who rarely optimizes but usually does so for minionmancy, and one who is too new to the group to tell yet.

I didn't mean imbalanced as in overpowered. If you want high stats then go for it. I meant imbalanced in the sense that anyone who takes the 9d4 option is going to have better stats than anyone who doesn't, and many players aren't going to expect that. If you subscribe to the original D&D design philosophy that those who study the system will be able to find options that are simply better than others, then sure. I personally don't.

2019-03-21, 08:18 AM
1) You heal Your level + con mod on a long rest
2) Shields also count for ranged touch attacks.
3) You can retrain feats when you level up.

That is pretty much it.

2019-03-21, 10:01 AM
I didn't mean imbalanced as in overpowered. If you want high stats then go for it. I meant imbalanced in the sense that anyone who takes the 9d4 option is going to have better stats than anyone who doesn't, and many players aren't going to expect that. If you subscribe to the original D&D design philosophy that those who study the system will be able to find options that are simply better than others, then sure. I personally don't.

Ahh understood. And yeah, I don't subscribe to that design philosophy.

The Kool
2019-03-21, 10:06 AM
Ahh understood. And yeah, I don't subscribe to that design philosophy.

Then consider changing the 9d4 to a 7d4, unless I'm misunderstanding some crucial element of how it comes together?

2019-03-21, 11:17 AM
Then consider changing the 9d4 to a 7d4, unless I'm misunderstanding some crucial element of how it comes together?

It's honestly one of the two outliers and each has good reasoning for being there. The outliers being a given array and an almost straight roll. Each other is able to be switched around as is seen fit. The 9d4 however is only able to switch the place of a single pair of results.

My group typically already knows how they want their character to play and have at least a slight grasp on "maybe a race with a penalty to intelligence won't make the best wizard", but they've only rarely gotten better in that way. Most of the time they know how they want their character to be, have a basic backstory, and the like, and would immediately jump at the chance to roll great stats, but the fact that it's straight and they know that I won't let them reroll the entire array (reroll a single result and switch a single result with another) makes them think twice. It's only been used a few times and each time has been a really good experience, showing both highs and lows and giving a taste of what older editions were like without the restrictions.

The reason its there is the same reason the array is there: difference. Will you take the given numbers with no element of chance or luck? Will you roll the dice and hope that fortune smiles in your favour or at least glances in your direction? Or will you stare lady luck in the eye and take what she's got to give with little to deflect it? One result is safe, one is risky and worth it, and the rest are in between. My players almost never go for the risky one, and they've gone for the array just as often. If they're willing to toss out the character they've already made in their heads(highly unlikely for this group), they should get the boost.

The Kool
2019-03-21, 11:30 AM
AH, I was misunderstanding it then. That makes sense! Best numbers but you have to basically take what you get. I do love that style of character generation.

2019-03-21, 04:22 PM
I have a Google Doc with a list of my house rules, but the one that has changed the game the most is requiring spell casters to track spell components. If it's not on the sheet, you can't cast it. I'm sorry, but how many shavings of licorice root did you start with? Funny enough nobody wants to waste a feat on Eschew Materials either.

2019-03-21, 04:28 PM
I have a Google Doc with a list of my house rules, but the one that has changed the game the most is requiring spell casters to track spell components. If it's not on the sheet, you can't cast it. I'm sorry, but how many shavings of licorice root did you start with? Funny enough nobody wants to waste a feat on Eschew Materials either.

That's how we used to do it in 1E and 2E, but then 3E came along with the ubiquitous spell component pouch :smalltongue:

2019-03-22, 12:34 PM
Sorcerer: Gain Heritage, Bloodline or Metamagic Feats @ 1, 5 etc as Wizard. (Or Eschew Components).

Bards gain versatile performer as a bonus feat.

Half the die size + Con mod is minimum HP at each level up. (d4=2, d6=3, etc) if you roll lower.

Weapon Finesse has no BAB requirement.

Exotic Weapon Proficiency can be granted by the War Domain.

Death @ negative Con SCORE, not -10.

Also, I usually allow each PC a benefit based on their background. Sometimes a new class skill, or something like a Pathfinder trait.

EDIT: In the current campaign, Permanent negative levels are just temporary negative levels that can't be removed until you level up. We're trying that one on for size

2019-03-22, 12:51 PM
This is a really really good thread, and I'm gonna have to spend some time really digging into them all. I'm seeing a lot that I like, a lot that I don't, but that I can understand where they're coming from, and all in all this is a great resource thread. Thanks OP, and all who are contributing!

As for me, we have very few houserules:

Ability score rolls are: roll 3 sets of 6(4d6, reroll 1s, drop lowest), then choose which of the 3 sets you want to use.

No multiclass xp penalties.

If something is broken (in the dysfunctional sense), we'll try to find a RAI solution to fix what it probably meant to do.

Powerful doesn't mean Overpowered. Don't shy away from options that are powerful, but don't be a jerk, or try to intentionally break the game.

Don't try to pull one over on the DM. We'll let you get away with almost anything that's in the published rules, but if you (ab)use that freedom to try to trick the DM, things will not go well for you.

Weight matters. Encumbrance by weight rules are in full effect, with the sole exception that coins/money somehow magically don't count towards it. Fluff that as DM sees fit for this campaign.

No Homebrew!! But we would probably be willing to refluff something so you can take advantage of it mechanically even if the fluff that's published doesn't make sense for your character.

That's about it for actual houserules. We have a list of stuff that's... I guess policies is the best word? Stuff that is provided as options in the rules, but we lay out that yes, we use this option, or no, we don't use that option. Stuff like yes, you can take up to 2 flaws, or yes Psi-Magic transparency is in effect as published, or other such things. Not houserules, because they're the actual rules, we just lay down which options we officially allow or use.

2019-03-22, 09:30 PM
I just remembered another minor house rule in my groups that makes monks a little more fun (in both 3.X and PF). The Weapon Focus feat allows a monk to treat the weapon that they pick as a Monk weapon, mostly to represent a lot of old martial arts movies. Monks pick up big swords, handaxes, chains, even bows. If you've got a way to reload it could even work to represent Gun Kata :smallsmile:

2019-03-24, 01:05 PM
In the game(s) I'm currently in, we basically have Jack of All Trades and Able Learner as free feats to simplify skills.

Our stat generation goes as follows: roll 7D8+10, keep the best six rolls. It eliminates the need for rerolling anything, and is adapted from my father's design of D10+8 to simplify when we used to reroll 1's & 2's on 3D6.

2019-03-25, 11:30 AM
The big one is the weapon groups variant from Unearthed Arcana. It is a pretty huge boon to martials in my exeperience and opens up a bunch of otherwise sub-par builds since anyone with BAB 1 at level one can have access to exotic weapons.

Cliff Sedge
2019-03-27, 02:43 AM
Gnomes get a +2 to Intelligence instead of Charisma. I am very very adamant about them being mostly Illusionists instead of Bards.


I've never played Pathfinder, but I would rebel against that. I've mostly done 2e for half of my life and recently switched to 3.5e.
When I saw favored class for gnomes was bard instead of illusionist/thief, I was not a happy grognard.

2019-03-27, 04:38 AM

I've never played Pathfinder, but I would rebel against that. I've mostly done 2e for half of my life and recently switched to 3.5e.
When I saw favored class for gnomes was bard instead of illusionist/thief, I was not a happy grognard.

Illusionist was their favored class in 3.0, but that was one of the goofy and obnoxious changes that bothered me with the change from 3.0 to 3.5!

Glad to see someone else appreciates my reasoning, hah.