View Full Version : What are some Immortal Races?

2019-03-19, 10:48 AM
What are some races that are Immortal? (as in Can't age)

We've got a powerful, high level spellcaster who wants to change into one. Preferably one as human looking as possible.

So far we know Outsiders are, but are there any others?

Personally, I think Erinyes is the way to go, but I want to ask here

2019-03-19, 10:51 AM
Elan are immortal in the "has no age cap" sense. They do have aging bonuses and penalties though:


2019-03-19, 11:06 AM
Warforged, almost. They hit Middle Age at 150, and then no further aging categories in the Eberron Campaign Setting. Killoren (from Races of the Wild) also only have aging categories up to Old, and explicitly have no maximum age. ("..can live indefinitely if they choose to do so.") Note that neither of these are Humanoid (Warforged are Living Constructs; Killoren are Fey) so that can complicate permanently turning into one if you start out as a Humanoid.

Anything Undead (Vampires, Liches, Necropolitans). They have the "Evolved Undead" template from Libris Mortis that gives them pseudo-age benefits. It's not exactly the same thing, though, and there's no cap on how many times they can get the template.

There are a few Prestige Classes that turn you into other types (Outsiders, Fey, Constructs, Undead) that lack age categories. Unfortunately they're generally either for other classes (Cloud Anchorite, Thief of Life, Rimefire Witch), or are otherwise terrible (Green Star Adept).

Uncle Pine
2019-03-19, 12:32 PM
The immortality handbook (http://minmaxforum.com/index.php?topic=1179.0) lists elans, warforged, and kyllorens along with the ghost, necropolitan, and gravetouched ghoul templates. Of these elan seems the best fit, as they look exactly like humans. There are plenty of ways to achieve immortality without changing your race though, so be sure to check the link in case your spellcaster ends up liking one of them. Steal Life is one of my favourites, as you can just leech youth from a PAOed stone and live forever without bothering anyone else.

2019-03-19, 06:37 PM
Athasian Dragon makes you immortal at level 3. Epic PrC that's connected to a campaign setting, though, and you practically have to take Cerebremancer levels to get in.

Otherwise, yeah, that Immortality Handbook is pretty comprehensive. Timeless Body is useful for the immortal races that still have aging penalties/bonuses.

2019-03-19, 07:17 PM
Pathfinder has several, including Constructs (Weyrwoods), Fey (Naiads, Galthains), Outsiders (Tritons), Plants (Ghorans), and general weirdness (Yaddithians).

In terms of 'most human looking' Triton, despite the aquatic nature, might actually be the best option.

2019-03-19, 07:54 PM
1 level of Incantifier and you have no maximum age and no age penalties.

2019-03-20, 03:40 AM
So far we know Outsiders are, but are there any others?

Worth noting that outsiders aren't all immortal. Native outsiders especially tend to live and die just like any other mortal race.

2019-03-20, 06:46 AM
Worth noting that outsiders aren't all immortal. Native outsiders especially tend to live and die just like any other mortal race.

Yup. Most notable example of an extraplanar outsider that has aging tables with a maximum age limit - the Neraphim from Planar Handbook (froggy guys from Limbo, kind of like very weak slaadi).

2019-03-20, 10:18 AM
Shabti from Pathfinder


Though it doesn't quite look like you become one, but it is your guys campaign world so you can do what you want with it technically.

2019-03-20, 11:52 AM
Elan and Warforged are the only two LA+0 races I know that are definitely immortal.

And, as stated earlier, killoren too.

2019-03-20, 01:09 PM
3.5 gave everything with even a drop of extraplanar blood the outsider type. One of the more annoying bits of the edition, imo. The "eladrins aren't immortal"-thing is from an utterly godawful ad&d book warriors of heaven. No such thing is mentioned in 3rd edition, or elsewhere in 2nd for that matter. Most outsider monsters don't have age categories mentioned.

Personally, I'd put exemplars and angels, djinns, rakshasa etc in the immortal category (and take the outsider type from the likes of planetouched and gith entirely to make them more in line with planescape, but that's just me :P).

Anyway, necropolitan, elan and killoren are probably the simplest mostly human-looking races/templates to go for, but if the player wants something more meaty, take note that wotc is generally pretty awful at balancing monsters as pc:s. I'd suggest looking at the LA assignment thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?518086-The-LA-assignment-archive) for examples of a little more sane LA/working something homebrew for them. Various half-x templates could work too, depending on the dm ruling.

I do like fey for the "I like immortality but wanna retain my looks" -type.

2019-03-20, 01:27 PM
True, fey are generally in the ask your DM category, wotc even has a 2-part series on contemplating the options. (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fey/20030411a)

2019-03-21, 02:30 PM
Depending on just how high level they are, there's leShay:


According to the ELH they never die from old age and claim to predate the current universe...