View Full Version : Pathfinder Rise of the Runelords NPC Witch Help

Element Zero
2019-03-19, 07:28 PM
So, I'm going to be GMing Rise of the Runelords soon, and I have an idea for something to mess with one of my players, but I need some help with ideas.

The character in question has established in her backstory that her brother disappeared from their home some time ago, and together we decided it's because he's a witch and his patron asked him to do something. I have an idea to have him show up as a villain later in the game, but I'm wondering where would be an appropriate place to slot him into the campaign as it stands, if he should replace an existing NPC or something like that.

I was entertaining the idea of his patron being Karzoug's spirit or something to that effect, but if someone has something better and/or more lore appropriate I'm open to ideas.

2019-03-20, 07:16 AM
If you want lore appropriate, witch patrons aren't actually patrons in the sense of a warlock's pact--they're more like concepts. So the patron would be something like "greed," not "Karzoug."

2019-03-20, 08:41 AM
End of part 2 replace the lamia. Harvesting greedy souls can be very easily something a patron might want. Have to change her sister later as well but thats easy enough.

Element Zero
2019-03-20, 11:05 AM
If you want lore appropriate, witch patrons aren't actually patrons in the sense of a warlock's pact--they're more like concepts. So the patron would be something like "greed," not "Karzoug."

This makes a lot of sense. It fits my purposes either way. I'm about to go looking through the available Patron themes, do you have any suggestions?

End of part 2 replace the lamia. Harvesting greedy souls can be very easily something a patron might want. Have to change her sister later as well but thats easy enough.

That is exactly the sort of answer I was looking for. I was thinking about replacing Xanesha, but without combing through the adventure too much, I wasn't sure if she was easily replaced or not. Thank you!