View Full Version : DM Help Oink Zombie [Mines of Madness]

2019-03-22, 07:00 PM
Tomorrow we have our second session of Mines of Madness.

I know I should've known better than have four PCs with Plot Armor enter a character grinder, but I need your help regarding An Ode To Minecraft.

An character can come back as an Oink Zombie, but I'm pretty sure the joke will be lost on my current group of players. I still like the flavour of falling into a 'forsaken plane' and coming back transformed.

Unfortunately, we already have another zombie in the group, so having a player return simply as an undead won't really have a dramatic effect.

Can you help me come up with what happens in the plane, how a player might return, and the nature of his transformation, that isn't just "undeath".

I also like a merit-flaws feature, that I regularly give my PCs after traumatic experiences. If a player almost dies to a constrictor snake, I'll say the experience had such an effect of him that he gained phobia for snakes and an advantage on ability checks to escape constraints.
If a player gets turned into stone by a cockatrice, he might gain a disadvantage on Dexterity checks, but an advantage on Constitution checks, due to residual stone-like features.

Thanks in advance!