View Full Version : Celestia's Finest: Nightmare Night Bash!

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2019-03-24, 05:42 PM
The Apples know how to host a good party. Pinkie Pie's special talent is throwing parties. When they combine forces, there is almost nothing they cannot do when it comes to entertaining large groups of people with food and fun.

Sweet Apple Acres has been transformed. The multi-decked farm is open to any and all tonight and a crowd gathered outside the entrance, eagerly awaiting their chance to get in. Most are from Ponyville, but a few, such as Harrier Squad, come from further afield.

From the other side of the fence, ghoulish cries and spooky moans tantalize the guests and send a few shivers up the waiting ponies' spines. Spiderwebs, real ones, cover the gate in front of them and jack-o-lanterns leer down from above. One of the many Apples stands guard outside, her cheerful demeanor in stark contrast to the sounds coming from behind her. She chats with the guests, bubbly and warm to any and all. Her name, to those who ask for it, is Apple Cider, and yes, she loves the stuff a whole lot.

In the distance, up the path and through the trees, the waiting guests can just make out the warm glow of many candles and smell the scent of countless baked goods. For those brave enough to enter, a feast surely awaits.

The EDF stands with their selected companions, waiting with the rest.

2019-03-25, 11:07 AM
With a little bit of research, Longshot had found a body-paint expert. Love's grooming spray had turned his pelt midnight-black and said expert's expertise resulted in a skeleton being painted over the black base, complete with twisted wing-bones. A grinning skull adorned his head, complete with a circular 'bullet-hole' through the center of his forehead. Throw in an old robe and a cloak alongside Rem's phylactery and the Apples had a lich on their hands.

He smirked, beneath his make-up, adding his own feral grin to his character's expression. Tonight... was going to be a good night. He could feel it.

"So," Longshot asks at length. His voice is pitched low, raspy and deliciously evil. "is there any pony brave enough to enter the Apples' lair?"

A fair amount of writing, prepwork, prop-work and special effect preparation. had gone into the night. Longshot mentally reviewed his prepared material. Maybe he'd get a chance to show it off before things were concluded.

2019-03-25, 12:44 PM
Growing up, there was a sort of amusing anecdote that grown ups could not tell the Red Sisters apart. Rose Croix led Scarlet Shield in age by approximately two years, but their relative sizes were similar enough that one was likely forgiven for making the mistake of referencing them as twins. Looks aside, their personalities did have notable divergences; Rose enjoyed war movies and murder mysteries while Scarlet preferred space opera and adventurers seeking lost ancient treasures. Rose was the filly to beat up school bullies, while Scarlet sought safety in numbers to avoid fights. It was a bully in high school that created a viral meme on Scarlet's name, 'Scar-y Shed', that had her adopt the nickname 'Red' with everyone, including family.

Rose put that bully in the hospital with 17 stitches to the forehead.

When the sisters grew up, Rose sought a career in the military. Years of Air force service in defense of Equestria. Another year serving with the EDF. In contrast, Scarlet took up programming and lived a quieter life in the relative dour offices in downtown Bolton. However, Rose had never thought of Scarlet's work as anything less important than her own military career. Scarlet designed anti-virus programs and researched better network security protocols. She might not have a Purple Heart or a high kill-count, but Scarlet always felt loved by her sister as someone important. ...so why in Tartarus did Rose think leaving Scarlet at a party in BFEquestria with ponies she didn't really know would be a good idea?

Evidently Rose had some strange ideas about equal sistership.

Well, maybe that wasn't entirely fair. Rose disappeared shortly after her mission in the wasteland to get some surgeries down and apparently do some... UFO research? We'll call it that. Anyway, there was a complication with one of her surgeries, so rather than chance being a five-time leg amputee (probably an academy record somewhere) Rose ditched the party and left the invitation for Scarlet to attend in her place. Like, literally, "just dress up as me and kill people who deserve it" in her place kind of deal. Rose was probably high on Fentanyl or something like that at the time she had her idea.

Scarlet had a slightly better idea. She stood here among the group, dressed up as her favorite bio-organic fem fighter--Android 18*. This way she can be the bad-flank fighter Rose is, but post Cell Saga so as not to just go around killing everyone she didn't like. Even if that did seem a bit tempting at times.

"So, is there any pony brave enough to enter the Apples' lair?"

"Yeah, I guess. I mean, sure?" Scarlet replied, a bit unsure if that was rhetorical or if there's a trick to this. "You're Sn- err, Long...shot right? Changed your name recently? You might remember me, Rose's sister, Scarlet? Well, I go by Red mostly, but yeah." She scratches at her own shoulder and glances at her commlink. Tech was so much easier to socialize with than in pony.

*Yes, in the original manega by Akira Poniyama she's referred to as an Android, and then in the Equestrian translation a cyborg, but neither terms are correct as she was rebuilt on a cellular-level by Dr. Gero with bio-ware augmentations that increased all her physical abilities to super-pony levels which would make her more akin to a Super Soldier like Captain Equestria, and while Scarlet will at least acknowledge that Akira isn't a doctor of any sort like her sister Rose, it doesn't take a medical degree to at least point out that Android is STILL the incorrect term because 18 is a mare, not a stallion, so the correct terminology would be Gynoid 18 and Akria is wrong, and dumb, and Scarlet will die on this hill to get the technical terms right because that is HER field so don't push it!

2019-03-25, 08:53 PM
Why let a good holiday go to waste when instead a pony can spend some time in the lab an outrageous costume. Love's fur is constrained in a skin tight, dark gray body suit textured with muscle augmentations. Large light gray servos are on her hips, and her legs are heavily armored with strategically placed armor plating. Her torso has disjointed plates over her sternum and lighter plates over her shoulders. Her head is mostly pony with a notable exceptions. The bottom half of her snout has been replaced with the same texture the rest of her body, prosthetic in nature. Her hair cut very short, very messy and silver. An apparently cloth bandage covers one of her eyes. Over her back, she sheathed sword with some type of blocky mechanical device at the top. She is also wearing her usual Saddlebag. Love is a cyborg ninja! Raiden to be exact. Chompy is here too! She is disguised as Love's robo dog.

Love has brought Munes and Happy. Star has her own invitation; otherwise, Love would have invited her as well.

Love very excited asks Apple Cider her name! Another Apple in the tree farm! She tries to shake her hoof and introduce herself. Despite her personal invitation this is an open party so Love doesn't feel the need to mention anything about being invited. Love will thank Apple Cider for heping throw together tonight's party. before she continues chatting with her friends.

Longshot looks so good! She chuckles at his question. "Oh, that is so good!" She says tickled by his voice. "I felt a tingle go up my spine!" Love has already complimented Longshot's costume when they first met tonight. She complimented everyone's costume actually.

Love raises her metal hoof into the air. "I'm ready too!" She smiles. The smile is less frightful than the one below. Love has elected not to go for the removed lip look. Love looks around to the mass of npcs.


2019-03-25, 10:23 PM
Star is there, of course, dressed as none other than the great Spacemare Spiff! (https://3.bp.blogspot.com/_dJLiWuWSf0s/TEsBSHAhKBI/AAAAAAAAAF8/i35gsXiFJPM/s1600/SpacemanSpiff.gif) Over the past few weeks, she's been planning for this party, making the perfect costume. She even has a little flag that she can plant in the ground. "Another plate conquered by Spacemare Spiff!" She intends to spend a lot of time at the buffet.

With a giggle, she strikes a pose. "I'll wager it's out of this world! But I'll take on any challenge!"

Happy is dressed, well, as well as can be expected. She's found a giant strawberry costume which only lets her head and her legs show. It looks rather silly, but she seems happy with it. With bright eyes, she says, "Ooh! I wonder if they'll have any apple cider? Or apple cider candy?" It seems likely, being the Apple's farm, that they will.

Sandy Dunes, or Munes as Love calls her, has never been to a Nightmare Night party before. However, with Cinnamon packed away with her friends and invitations not just from Love but also from her new neighbors, the mare could hardly turn down a chance to come and see what all this is about. She's dressed in a blue jumpsuit with yellow numbers stitched in the back which read "83". An old comm unit is strapped to her foreleg, a passable imitation of a pipbuck, and a Merf dart pistol completes her look. She could have been a pirate, but that felt a little on the nose for her. With a chuckle, she says, "The cider packs a punch. They gave me a bottle and I was out for the rest of the evening."

As for Rem...she's yet to make her appearance, though Longshot knows she's probably enjoying every minute of this.

With a loud 'whoosh', fog begins to form over the gate to the farm. Apple Cider, the mare, not the drink, steps backwards and disappears. The crowd whispers with excited intensity. A low, feral growl comes from the mist and two, green eyes appear, glowing menacingly. With a tremendous leap, Applejack exits the fog and lands before her guests, her form half-blended with that of a Timberwolf. She rears back and lets out a tremendous howl that sends shivers up the watchers' spines.

A smirk on her face, she brings it down before things get too spine-tingling and stands to the side of the gate. "Party's now open, ya'll," she says, "Have fun, an' lookout for spooks on the road."

2019-03-25, 11:01 PM
She even has a little flag that she can plant in the ground. "Another plate conquered by Spacemare Spiff!" She intends to spend a lot of time at the buffet.

Scarlet wonders how her sister never bagged that one first. A mystery for the ages.

Applejack's appearance makes Scarlet jump a bit. Nightmare night for her was always LAN parties with friends back home. That was socializing on her level. This whole... outdoors thing? Yeah, she's out of her element. Well, Rose did say the food was going to be great and if you can't trust rose's opinion on food...

Scarlet collects herself and wanders in with the first crowd going inside, trying to look around at faces she might remember from last year. Oh wait, Rose's colt-friend should be here, right? Red Tape? Scarlet will try looking round for him first. He probably should be in the know on Rose's condition.

2019-03-26, 11:46 AM
"Yeah, I guess. I mean, sure?" Scarlet replied, a bit unsure if that was rhetorical or if there's a trick to this. "You're Sn- err, Long...shot right? Changed your name recently? You might remember me, Rose's sister, Scarlet? Well, I go by Red mostly, but yeah." She scratches at her own shoulder and glances at her commlink. Tech was so much easier to socialize with than in pony.

"Aye." Longshot's voice remains low and gravelly. "Sniper Scope was a name of my past life. Most refer to me as Longshot now that I'm a skeleton of my former self! Eh, heh, heh, heh! I remember ye well."

He's obviously not going to be breaking character any time soon.[/QUOTE]

"Oh, that is so good!" She says tickled by his voice. "I felt a tingle go up my spine!"

It was much earlier than intended, but he probably wasn't going to get a better opening, yet he didn't want to use up all the A-Material before they'd even entered the party. Perhaps truncation was the way to go.

Longshot looks skyward as his features contort in a grin: "There is a chill within the air; a bit of fear in our affair. For this shall be the night you rue-- superstitions have come true! Frrom the grip of Nightmare Moon..." He cackles. "not even cyborgs are immune!" He adds for Star's benefit: "Much of the night is otherworldly."

With a loud 'whoosh', fog begins to form over the gate to the farm. Apple Cider, the mare, not the drink, steps backwards and disappears. The crowd whispers with excited intensity. A low, feral growl comes from the mist and two, green eyes appear, glowing menacingly. With a tremendous leap, Applejack exits the fog and lands before her guests, her form half-blended with that of a Timberwolf. She rears back and lets out a tremendous howl that sends shivers up the watchers' spines.

A smirk on her face, she brings it down before things get too spine-tingling and stands to the side of the gate. "Party's now open, ya'll," she says, "Have fun, an' lookout for spooks on the road."

A most dramatic, and fitting, presentation. Longshot gives it a mental stamp of approval.

When he draws near enough, he'll thank their hosts: "Apple Cider, Applejack, please accept my appreciation for this fight night. That was a most proper entrance and appearance."

2019-03-26, 01:28 PM
Star is on fire tonight! "My food reserves are low. I encountered trouble along the way to the food dispenses. Delays caused me to miss second lunch. This new challenge, I will defeat. My stomach depends on it."

"I hope they have a huge stock of cider! I'm in the mood for apples. Apple Cider. Candied Applies. Apple slices!" Love wipes her chin. The fiber armor on her leg scrapes against the metal platting on her chin. "The strawberries may escape tonight intact." Love smirks.

She chuckles after Munes. "That's high praise indeed coming from you! I will approach with caution. I'd like my sense intact most of the night - this frightening night."

Love watches the talking skeleton as he throws out some poesy. Her eyes get larger as he continues onward. His words exciting her hoofs to lightly stamp the ground. "There are frights that await! My servos are greased and tightly wound" Love happily says, "If anyone feels scared feel free to hug the nearest super strong cyborg!"

The loud noise gathers Love's attention alongside everyone else. The mare disappearing into the fog is a nice touch. Love takes a defense stance low to the ground. Blade Wolf lowers his front paws into a pouncing formation. His tail wagging playfully in the air. "Be prepared!", she excitedly whispers to everyone. "The scares are beginning." The green eyes are met with Love's single glowing red eye as she scans for target acquisition. The howl passes, and Love relaxes. Her red eye returns to its normal blue. This party is starting with a blast! Love says to the group, "That was amazing!" She tries to submerge herself in their chatting.

With everyone on the move, Love walks towards the entrance with a big smile. Chompy follows with a tail wag. She says to the hosts, "Thanks for having us!" Love doesn't want to cause a block in the entrance so she stays short. "I love your costumes!"

2019-03-26, 02:36 PM
Star and Happy stamp their hooves at Longshot's little speech. "Bring it on!" Star declares, puffing up her chest, "I'll take on any scares the Apples can muster!"

Sandy chuckles wryly. "Yeah, the stuff they serve here is much better than anything we could find or make in the Wasteland. Less polluted, for one. Probably not poisoned either." She grins. "I'm...very happy to be here."

A stallion plods along silently a little in front of them, dressed in a dark cloak and with a high-quality lightsaber replica strapped to his side. From around the edges, Scarlet can see a white pelt and a hint of red mane under the hood. He seems to be staying ahead of them all by design.

Applejack, displaying an amazing amount of memory, greets everypony by name as they pass by. She grins widely, showing off a set of very sharp, canine teeth. "Why thank ya kindly," she says with a menacing chuckle, "Have fun now, ya'll." To Love, she adds, "Ah hope ya'll ain't planning on using that sword again."

The path ahead stretches on, on into darkness. Bats flutter in the trees, carved pumpkins lie left and right, lighting the way with their flickering flames and outlandish faces. Who knows what lies in store.

As they walk the path, yellow eyes appear in the shadows between the trees. A smooth, feminine voice calls out to them. "Master Zykon," Rem says, "I have arrived. What is thy bidding?" The other guests follow the creature's gaze and all eye Longshot with suspicion, wondering if he's in on it.

2019-03-26, 02:49 PM
"Aye." Longshot's voice remains low and gravelly. "Sniper Scope was a name of my past life. Most refer to me as Longshot now that I'm a skeleton of my former self! Eh, heh, heh, heh! I remember ye well."

He's obviously not going to be breaking character any time soon.

Scarlet finds Longshot's joke funny and smiles in return.

A stallion plods along silently a little in front of them, dressed in a dark cloak and with a high-quality lightsaber replica strapped to his side. From around the edges, Scarlet can see a white pelt and a hint of red mane under the hood. He seems to be staying ahead of them all by design.

'Is that him? I mean, that lightsaber would be his style.' Scarlet follows the stallion as they walk the path. She refrains from calling out his name just yet, in case her intuition is wrong. Instead she'll walk a little faster to close the distance, but not too fast. Faster than slow, but not like a trot kind of fast. More canter than walk, but less prancing than canter...

"Master Xykon," Rem says, "I have arrived. What is thy bidding?"

Uh... Scarlet doesn't know who this is. She looks at the reactions others give to see if there's context or if this is an Apple family member doing a trick? Some of the ponies seem to be looking at Longshot.

2019-03-26, 06:13 PM
"I'm certain we shall!" Longshot doesn't monopolize AJ's time, but moves onwards into the orchard proper.

The other guests follow the creature's gaze and all eye Longshot with suspicion, wondering if he's in on it.

Nope. But he can do impromptu.

"Ah, I'm glad you arrived dear Creature in the Shadows." Longshot's grin never wavers. His steps bring him closer to Rem and he pitches his voice to a conspiratorial stage whisper. "Tonight, we delight in a feast of fright. But first, let us scout the field for opportunities and examine our victims' revelries."

He casts a suspicious look around to catch the eye of those in the party. Not quite winking at them but not reassuring either.

2019-03-26, 07:04 PM
"The Apple's farm is something real special isn't it. I bet they make might fine neighbors." Love smiles real big at Munes. The Cyborg locks onto target. If Munes doesn't dodge, Love is going to grab her into a hug. Love attempts to throw her armored legs around her. If they make contact, Munes very quickly discovers that Love isn't wearing a costume at all. Her super high quality costume is a hologram. And, second, the word "Detected!" appears above Love's head in red letters for a second. "I'm glad you like it here. And, I'm glad to have you here!" Love nuzzles her good friend.

Love says to Applejack, "We will!" Love smiles real big until she comments on Love's sword. She says a little sheepish. "Its for decoration purposes only! I ground down her edge myself for tonight." It's not even a sword anymore. It's a very big butter knife. Love needs to reforge the sword. "Besides, I've already found my special pony." Love winks at Star. Love will wave as the pass on by. "See you, later!"

Love stays close to her friends if they get scared. The real webs and bats are doing wonders for authetncity. It reminders of the first time she saw ponies change the seasons. Her eyes linger on the pumpkins as she taken in the different shapes. The light flicking across her face as she passes them.

There is a pause when a voice speaks from the between the trees. When Rem calls Longshot by custom, she has to guess it's Rem! Love looks to Longshot to see his response. Love happily, shortly claps at the two's theatrics. She leans in for their whisper as she images she is want to do, but snaps back without hearing anything as Longshot looks towards them.

Love leans over to Scarlet and says, "Rem," Love coughs, "Creature in the Shadows is our friend. She is with us."

2019-03-26, 09:04 PM
As Scarlet draws closer, she sees that the stallion under the hood is, indeed, Red Tape. He looks up and blinks. "Rose?" he asks, "Oh. Sorry, you're not...with the costume I mean. I...I guess I couldn't tell you apart." He chuckles wryly. "Hello, Ms. Scarlet. Oh wait. No...um, who are you again? I mean, who is your costume...I'll shut up now."

Rem's tittering chuckles comes from the darkness and her eyes take on a jolly shape. "Oh good! I like revelries." She begins to move forward, keeping pace with the group. Her form remains shrouded in darkness, but the yellow eyes reveal her position. The other ponies do not look reassured and a few nervous chuckles pass through the crowd.

"Gah!" Sandy chuckles as she's swept up into a hug. "Alright, alright. Yes I love you too." She maintains her good humor even after Rem's appearance. Happy hums to herself as she trots along and Star...

Star has a smile on her face, but she's beginning to look around nervously.

The group continues onwards. With a flash of light, a gate appears off to the side of the path. Above it reads 'Maze of the Lost'.

2019-03-26, 09:26 PM
Scarlet chuckles. "It's... it's okay. By far you aren't the first to confuse us." She then takes up some combat poses.

"I'm Android 18, from the popular fighting manega by Ponyama. And let me guess... you're a Jedi knight? Which one; Poneobi? Skytrotter? Oh, maybe you're a Sith Lord?" Scarlet seems to suddenly find some comfort in the presence of RT's nerd aura.

This gets momentarily interrupted by the sudden appearance of the gate. Scarlet double-takes. "Ah. That wasn't... here a moment ago?"

2019-03-27, 01:51 AM
Love squeezes Munes. "I love you too!"

She glances towards Scarlet talking to somepony. Someone she knows?

Love breaks off her hug and pumps a hoof down out of the air. "Hello, Rem. It's good to see you out on such a frighteningly wonderful night!" Love gives a full blown cackle.

Love handles introductions, "Rem, these are my friends, Sandy Dunes and Red." Love offers a hoof towards Munes and Scarlet. "Munes and Scarlet, this is my friend, Rem." Love offers a hoof towards the Creature of Shadows.

Love takes a step closer towards Star. Lightly brushing against her, a 'DETECTED!" flashes above her head. Love rubs her chin and focuses on the door. "I didn't see it." Love smiles real big. "We should go inside, inside the "Maze of the Lost!'"

2019-03-27, 05:31 AM
Love offers a hoof towards Munes and Scarlet. "Munes and Scarlet, this is my friend, Rem." Love offers a hoof towards the Creature of Shadows.

Scarlet will take the hoof, but only give the pair of glowing eyes a glance of 'okay, but what IS a Rem?'

2019-03-27, 08:51 AM
"Ah, yes. Revelry. Where it's all in good fun." Longshot replies. "Up until it isn't."

Longshot raises an eyebrow at the appearance of the gate. Interesting way to entice guests to partake of the festivities.

"Dare we enter the Maze of the Lost?" He asks the others, Sandy and Happy included. "The cyborg seems certain. But a few centuries of endless wandering may change her tune, yes?"

2019-03-27, 10:36 AM
"I'll take what I can get," Red Tape says with a wry smile. Softly, he asks, "How is Rose doing? Any changes since, er, earlier today?"

"Er, yes." He pulls out his lightsaber and flicks it on. A red blade extends from the hilt, one that perfectly matches his mane in color. "I suppose you could says I'm 'young' Pulp Eating. He was the only red-head in the movies, after all."

Sandy eyes Rem warily. "Yeah. I'm sure you're good friends and all, but what sort of pony or creature are you?" she asks Rem.

"A creature of shadows and nightmare," Rem answers with a spooky edge to her voice, "Formless and eldritch. Made of energies beyond your comprehension."

"Okay, but what are you when you're not in costume?"

Rem sighs. "A therapist."

Sandy brightens. "Oh! I've met one of those. She's helping me and Cinnamon Bun settle in."

The sudden appearance of the gate startles Happy and causes her to trip. She rolls several yards and lands on her back, legs kicking in the air. "Oh bother..." she says with a sigh. Star takes to the air and rights her, dusting off her costume.

"Maybe later for me," Star says, "I, uh, skipped lunch so I'd have more room for this and now I'm very eager to get to the dining area."

2019-03-27, 11:21 AM
"I'll take what I can get," Red Tape says with a wry smile. Softly, he asks, "How is Rose doing? Any changes since, er, earlier today?"

"Er, yes." He pulls out his lightsaber and flicks it on. A red blade extends from the hilt, one that perfectly matches his mane in color. "I suppose you could says I'm 'young' Pulp Eating. He was the only red-head in the movies, after all."

Scarlet nods at RT's Jedi assessment. "I suppose that works if you're not crazy-dedicated like me to bleach your mane blond just for a one-night party." She chuckles a bit and flips her mane. Going back to the subject of her sister, Scarlet pulls out her commlink and loads up a recorded video to show RT. "Here, I recorded her before coming down here."

'Really? You're going to do this now?' speaks Rose in the recording. Rose is buck-naked save a blanket wrapped over her shoulders as she sits on a metal bed. Her right foreleg is missing, as are some bits of the nerve-servo connectors on the shoulder which leaves flesh wrapped up in gauze.

'Yes! RT is gonna want to know you're okay. Just say hi,' says Scarlet's voice behind the camera.

Rose huffs. 'Alright. Hi, RT. As you can see, I'm getting one of my legs replaced entirely. I've done it four legs before so this is nothing new. I won't be able to make it to the Nightmare party, so I'm letting my sis go in my place. She needs to get out of the house anyway before she melds into her desk chair.'

'I resemble that remark.'

'Yeah, anyway, I'll let you know when I'm outta this place. I'll make it up to you next month; we can go skydiving and camping one weekend. It'll be less scary, but more me without the metal bits. Love you, sweetie.'

Scarlet ends the playback. "So, no real changes today, but I'm sure she'll be fine. She's kinda hard to kill off."

2019-03-27, 11:31 AM
Longshot drops out of character and into his normal voice. A process that requires a good throat clearing as being that gravely is hard on the vocal chords.

"A therapist and a pretty good friend, which you already said although it bears repeating." Longshot adds to the Sandy/Rem dialogue. "Rem's been a big help to us. Without her, we wouldn't have been able to save two ponies."

He nods to Star. "I feel like that's what Rose would say if she were here. Although it's a good thing this is an Apple Farm, a labyrinth in a corn field would be a-maize-ing."

"Besides, you know what they say." His voice drops lower and he puts one hoof around his mouth in conspiratorial fashion. "Curiosity... killed... the cat."

2019-03-27, 12:03 PM
Sandy brightens and Love jumps in, "Rem lights our faces with smiles and frights for this Nightmare Night we shall delight!"

Happy falls away. "Op!" Love runs off to help pick her up with Star. She dusts her strawberry off. Happy put so much effort into the costume. It'd be a shame if it got messy so early. Love treats the strawberry with care and examines the aftermath. "Are you alright?" Love knows she is physically alright, but it's polite to ask.

A hoof rests on Love's stomach. "I'm really hunger. I don't know if I can handle being lost for a few centuries without eating. Maybe, we should continue heading toward the dinning area." Love points towards the house through the darkness of the night.

Removed a bit

2019-03-27, 02:04 PM
Red Tape smiles. "Yeah. She's very tough." He muses for a moment. "I'll visit her tomorrow, if she's fit to have visitors."

Sandy nods, satisfied that Rem is not a danger. Love's offered hoof, however, disappears into a dark shroud. Love feels a chill crawl up her limb, numbing it. That's the price for shaking Rem's hoof, though.

"I'm fine," Happy answers, cheeks a little flushed with embarrassment, "Just feeling a little silly."

Rem chuckles and withdraws her 'hoof'. "I, on the other hoof, would love to see this Maze. And any other...attractions."

"We can split up," Star suggests, "Those who want food can head on and those who want to be scared out of their costumes can go into the maze."

2019-03-27, 02:18 PM
Red Tape smiles. "Yeah. She's very tough." He muses for a moment. "I'll visit her tomorrow, if she's fit to have visitors."

"I'm sure she'll love visitors regardless if she's looped out on meds or awake," Scarlet says with confidence. "She doesn't admit to weakness, but I can tell behind her mask she wants you to visit."

"We can split up," Star suggests, "Those who want food can head on and those who want to be scared out of their costumes can go into the maze."

"Well, if Rose were here she'd already be in line at the buffet," Scarlet mentions. She herself is more unsure which to pick, but her curiosity eggs her on for the danger. "Well, I guess I'll risk getting scared outta my costume before dinner."

Scarlet approaches the gate to check out this maze of the lost. Lost what? Souls? Probably.

2019-03-27, 04:22 PM
"Breaking up is hard to do." Longshot mutters.

He does nod, however. "Then ask those interested in witnessing the terrors of the Maze, follow me. If you'd like to fill your stomach rather than lose it, Star is your mare."

Barring any disagreement, he'll start heading for the gate.

2019-03-27, 04:41 PM
He does nod, however. "Then ask those interested in witnessing the terrors of the Maze, follow me. If you'd like to fill your stomach rather than lose it, Star is your mare."
Barring any disagreement, he'll start heading for the gate.

Scarlet backs up a step to let Longshot take the lead and she will follow.

2019-03-27, 05:54 PM
Love smiles real big at Rem as her limb chills. She sure would appreciate a jacket tonight.

To Happy, "Luckily, Star got to you in five seconds." Love chuckles. "I wouldn't worry, Happy. You have style."

Love takes back her hoof. Nice and chilly.

At Star's suggestion, Love rubs her chin. "I would love to see the Maze." Love steps close to Star. "I can't pass up food!" Star is the Mare. Love reaches into her bag and pulls out a BugBot. "Does anyone mind if I do both?" The BugBot flies out of Love's hoof and flashes like a pony is teleporting. Another Love stands where the BugBot was flying. A HoloLove has appeared! Love looks to Star to try to get a read. Both the Loves talk in unison.

LoveBot, to Star & friends, "I'm so hungry."

HoloLove, to Longshot & friends, "I'd like to go mazing?"

Either way, this LoveBot is heading with Star.

2019-03-27, 07:32 PM
Red Tape nods, a smile on his face. "Well, I'll be glad to pay her a visit!" he declares, "Also, hello everypony."

"Hey RT," Star says with a grin, "Alright, food group follow me!" She will set off towards the farm. Happy follows behind her, but Sandy hesitates.

"I kind of want to see the maze," she says. At the second Love's appearance, she blinks rapidly and chuckles. "I am never going to get used to that..."

And with that, it seems that the majority of the party has elected to go to the Maze first and then fill their stomachs...if they can stand to. Love, Happy, and Star head on to get food. Fortunately, the path is creepy, but nothing jumps out to attack them. And at the end, they see a barnyard that doesn't look like its changed in over a hundred years. Nowadays, it's not used for much but living quarters, but Applejack has kept her home much the way it was when she was a filly growing up.

Well, save for the decorations. Not only are there more pumpkins, a bank of fog ringing the scene, and flickering candles all around, but in the center sits a massive table laden with food, the many smaller tables all around for sitting and chatting. Not many ponies are here yet, but it seems that, for once, all the Elements are in the same place and the world isn't even in danger. Princess Luna is nowhere in sight, but she is promised to show up at some point. In the meantime, the five Elements that aren't by the door are all sitting together at a table, talking in hushed tones about something. As ponies begin to arrive, they straighten and put smiles on their faces.

"Hello, hello!" Pinkie Pie calls, "Come join the party!"

Meanwhile, the second Love, Sandy, Scarlet, Rem, Red Tape, and Longshot turn aside for the Maze of the Lost. Rem, of course, is going to dinner. After all, she can't eat apple pie.

The moment they step inside, an eerie tune played on pipes picks up. Three paths lie before them, one to the left, one to the right, and the last straight ahead. Apple trees, filled with glowing red eyes, loom over them and thick, dirty, tall grass blocks any way but the three ones carved out of it.

2019-03-27, 07:50 PM
A HoloLove has appeared!

"Oh neat. A three-dimensional light field array. Do you use free-electron lasers?" Scarlet asks the hologram. She doesn't delay following the group, so she just walks near the Hologram of Love, getting a good look at the workings.

The moment they step inside, an eerie tune played on pipes picks up. Three paths lie before them, one to the left, one to the right, and the last straight ahead. Apple trees, filled with glowing red eyes, loom over them and thick, dirty, tall grass blocks any way but the three ones carved out of it.

Scarlet's ears turn down slightly. "Oookay. Well, if it's a standard maze with no loops and one exit, we... could take a path and keep making right turns until we reach the exit." The pipe tune is creeping her a little.

2019-03-27, 08:49 PM
Longshot nods at HoloLove. There's always room for one more and if any pony could cheat the system, it's Love. "There's room for Raiden."

Upon entering the Maze, Longshot studies their surroundings. Spooky, but, well... he'd seen better. Much better.

He voices his thoughts on Scarlet's suggestion: "A valid strategy so long as there are no spinners or teleportation devices. But, then, in the absence of any other immediate course of action..." He looks at Love for her input.

2019-03-27, 10:30 PM
BotLove notices Red Tape for the first time. "Hey, Red Tape! How Fruituitous!" This is unexpected! This is a good chance to spend time with Red Tape. "Will you be joining one of our groups?" She waits for the answer.

Star causes BotLove to smile real big. "Now, that's a charge I'd follow anywhere!" BotLove starts to follow Star when Munes ducks out. "You should definitely check out the maze and have fun! I bet it'll be a blast!"

HoloLove smirks at Mune's admittance. "It's an adjustment. I'm still not used to it myself. It's nice that I'm able spend time with everyone." Love chuckles. "Even if I am a hologram."

BotLove pulls Happy up alongside her so she is flanked by two awesome ponies. She wonders off toward the House and leaves HoloLove with the group.


Love slows the group down along the path to look at all the decorations. Everything isn't that spooky if a pony gets a good look! Alright, a lot of it is still spooky. Love chuckles at the real spider webs. She can guess a pony that might have been involved with this decoration. If she sees any spiders, she thanks them for their hard work in setting up tonight! The bats, and every animal, as well. Besides that, Love pulls out her phone and tries to get the others to start taking pictures of them with all the props and atmospheric landscape. Though, Star sounds hungry so Love tries not to slow down and examine every flower.

This isn't actually Love's first time at Sweet Apple Acres. She has visited once or twice to spend time with Apple Bloom. The contrast between then and now is stark. The fog ring has Love squint her eyes to try to get a better view. She points out one of her favorite pumpkins to Star and Happy. "Oh, that one is extra scary." Love sees the elements and waves all eager. She definitely saw them whispering. "Hello, Pinkie Pie!" Pinkie's spirit getting an auto-reactionary rise out of Love. She smiles real big. "Hello!" Love says hello to each element individually by name. "Thanks for having us. What you've done with the place is amazing!" The food catches Love's eye, and her stomach grumbles. She isn't used to being so hungry. "We'd love to join the party!" Love motions back. "Longshot and I are back in the 'Maze of the Lost.' Us three gone ahead of everyone."


"Excellent!" Love's eye glows red while looking at Longshot for a moment. "You are mystery bones. I've never encountered a cyborg like you."

Love tries not to let Sandy wander too far away from her view.

She says to Scarlet! "A keen eye! I'm not a magical display! Not primary." Love nods. "The lasering part is easy. The hard part is bending the light." Love puts a hoof up to her mouth and gives an evil laugh.

Love looks around with the group. She says to Longshot and the group, "There is always one way to find out! We pick a direction and head that way!" Love looks to the right. "Right is a good a choice as any other. I hope we get lost!" Love seems happy with the idea. She doesn't seem too focused on solving the maze's riddle. Love looks to the other members of the group.

2019-03-28, 09:23 AM
Red Tape, for the record, joins Scarlet in the maze.

Longshot would be very hard to unsettle nowadays, thanks to his in-house psychologist's methods. Still, the maze is only beginning and there is such a thing as setting the atmosphere.

Still, Scarlet's suggestion finds no objections. The party takes a turn to the right and enters...the exact same clearing. There are three more exits, including one to their right, which should lead back to the path, but doesn't. The pipe music grows just a bit louder.

Sandy stares at the right hand exit. "That...shouldn't be possible."

"If Princess Twilight had a hoof in setting this up," Red Tape says softly, "A lot of things are possible."


Pinkie Pie bounces over towards them, dressed in a mechanic's set of overalls and with a hockey mask pushed up onto her forehead. Love gets the reference, but it completely fails to terrorize anyone because, well, it's Pinkie Pie. The costume is covered in sprinkles and the like, ruining the scary effect. "Well don't just stand there!" she says, taking the three of them under her forelegs and drawing them in, "Come on!"

"Don't have to tell me twice," Star says with a lick of her lips. She heads towards the buffet.

The other Elements rise to great the guests filing in after Love's trio. Rarity wears a tasteful, black evening gown and a white, porcelain half-mask that covers one side of her face like a certain Phantom in a certain Opera. Twilight's eyes are hidden behind welding goggles and a slightly scorched covers all but her wings. Fluttershy is wreathed in plants and green silks, a more peaceful, welcoming costume in contrast to the others. And Rainbow Dash seems to have fully embraced the cyberpunk theme, wearing neon bandannas, styling her mane into a mohawk, and even letting her cybernetic wing show. Of course, "it's just a costume".

2019-03-28, 10:30 AM
"Whenever I see weird, impossible things, I usually find a wizard to blame," Scarlet says in a friendly tone that isn't doing a perfect job of hiding her fear. "Well, guess the maze isn't going to let itself be solved with logic. I think... just... I dunno. Maybe this is illusion magic? My sis knows a good bit about those."

A non-logical maze. Possibly illusion magic? It's her best guess until she can find more evidence of its origin. Sadly, she's not the spellcasting prodigy Rose is. Scarlet's tricks are more around tech and this maze is probably not that.

2019-03-28, 11:13 AM
"Ach... I did not expect it to take so long to get into this. I swear this things tigher than the training battlesuits, how do you make it look so easy?" Late to the festivities Brazen arrives with Seafire and they queue up in the not entirely unexpected line. The duo were wearing matching Deadpone (Deadpool) outfits which, while being great movies and comics in their own right, also gave them utility belts to store small equipment for just in case. Or at least Brazen was still wary about Polaris's teleport technology.

2019-03-28, 11:29 AM
Magic. Has a peculiar way of making life more difficult than need be at times.

Longshot checks his internal instinct to see if their orientation had changed or if it were only their surroundings. He usually had a pretty good sense of direction so that might prove to be of help in their given circumstance and situation.

"It shouldn't be possible, yet it is." Longshot says in grim amusement. "Such is Nightmare Night. Where do we go from here, ladies and gentlecolt?"

He tilts his head, listening to the piping tune. Ah. That's what they're supposed to do. Since this isn't a life or death situation, he feels no need to share his theory just yet. Why ruin the fun?

EDIT: Accidentally tripped the forum profanity filter. :smallredface:

2019-03-28, 11:44 AM
"Um... I will vote the center path this time," Scarlet answers Longshot.

2019-03-28, 02:52 PM
"Straight ahead then," Red Tape says and will lead the way if no one else does.

They pass through the short tunnel and emerge...into another identical room. Or is it? Sandy gasps. "Look!" she says and points behind them. Through the gate they just came through, they can see the path to the Apple's house running left and right. It's the entrance to the maze. The music is, once again, fainter.

"Interesting," Rem says from the shadows, "I didn't know such a thing was possible outside of dreams."


"I dunno," Seafire says, "I think it looks good on you. Tight in all the right places." The same could be said of her. Her jumpsuit has been custom tailored for her, such is the benefit of having lots of money and a regular need of jumpsuits. She struts along beside him, showing off to any and all that happen to be nearby. She sticks close to Brazen, though, bumping hips with him every so often.

Applejack is still at the front gate, eyes glowing green and shaking hooves with ponies as they file in a few at a time. She raises an eyebrow as the two approach. "Nice costumes. Unfortunately, Ah can't see who's wearin' 'em with those masks on."

2019-03-28, 03:14 PM
Scarlet's ears flicker and rotate to find a specific sound. "Does everyone hear that...? It's like, a pipe organ? It got louder when we took the first right, but now fainter when we went center... could that be a clue on getting through the maze?"

2019-03-28, 04:37 PM
Longshot unleashes a mad cackle that would do Orson Wells proud. He sweeps a hoof about in an arc that becomes a spin. His wings lift him into the air.

"Twists and turns are the master plan. You'll find yourselves back where you began!"

The rules of the Maze and solution are readily apparent now. Longshot still declines to share them.

2019-03-28, 06:24 PM

Pinkie has an interesting costume. It's the first notable horror costume she has seen tonight. The entire juxtaposition brings a light smile to her face. The masked baker is on her way and spreading sprinkles to everyone! When Pinkie grabs Love a red "DETECTED!" flashes above her head. Love says to Pinkie, "I like your look. It's very you." Love purely means that as a compliment. Magpie is suddenly missed. She puts a foreleg over Pinkie briefly in kind. "I'd love to! I see sprinkles and I'm filled with determination!" There is no way Love can pass up Pinkie Pie's baking! Love flows into the area with the rest of the guests. She stays coupled up with Star.


The group goes right, and with Sandy's comment Love squeals a loud squeal in the maze. "An impossible maze! That's what I'm talking about!"

Love isn't using any technology. That'd be cheating. She is simply using her eyes and ears.

She nods. "All is possible on this magical night." Love puts a hoof up to her mouth and snickers. "Will we be lost forever!? Will we turn to bones while we endlessly walk the maze!?"

"Straight ahead is an admirable course!" The group goes forward and out into another intersection

Love moves closer to Sandy when she gasps. Her eyes look toward where she points. They seem to be at the start of the maze. They most likely took a wrong turn.

To Rem, "It's fun isn't it?"

Love rubs her chin at Scarlet's comment. "That might be more than a piece of the puzzle."

She says to Longshot, "We do seem to be back at the maze's start."

They may have solved the maze's first riddle by working together. The music's volume may well be the answer.

Love 'bumps' into Munes with her holo body. A smile hangs nearby "What do you say Munes? Rem? How shall we proceed?" Love hops to the right. "Do we go right?" Love hops to the left. "Do we go left?" Love hops forward. "Do we go straight ahead?"

2019-03-28, 06:43 PM
"Heh heh, funny thought came to mind. This reminds me of the Lost Woods from the original Legend of Zelda. To cross it you had to walk a specific pattern through the maze. Perhaps this is similar. We went right and the music got louder, but then our second choice and it got softer. So we should go right, and then go left on the second choice, not straight."

2019-03-28, 07:21 PM
"Yeah. I hear it," Sandy says with a frown, "Kinda reminds me of the hot-cold game."

"The...hot-cold game?" Rem repeats.

Sandy blinks. "How have you never played the...nevermind." She smiles at Love and chuckles. "Right seemed to work last time. Let's start there."

"This is amusing, for sure," Rem answers Love, "It would seem simple, but..." She chuckles. "I am taking notes, so you know."

Unfortunately for Scarlet, neither Rem nor Sandy get her reference. They blink at her. Red Tape, however, nods. "Yes. Yes that could be it. It's worth a try, anyway."


Pinkie Pie leans in, a scrutinizing look on her face and a hoof on her chin. She studies Love, walking around her and looking over each detail of her costume. "Hmm," she says, "Hmmmmmmmmmmm. I've got it! You're a mailpony!"

Happy giggles. "No, I'm the mailpony."

"Ha, don't be silly. Strawberries can't be mailponies," Pinkie says.

Star, meanwhile, has gathered a plate and is filling it up, right at the front of the line.

2019-03-28, 08:30 PM
To be fair, the most Longshot gets from Scarlet's reference is the name. The particulars of the 'Lost Woods' are lost to him.

"When you're right, you're right." Longshot says. "One hopes some pony in the group has a good memory. We'll need it to find the exit since my guess is that every area will look similar to this."

He waves a hoof to 'conduct' the pipe organ music. "Notes are good, yes. Very good." The word play is intentional.

"The hot-cold game, unless I miss my guess, it's where one pony silently selects a secret location and tells the other ponies' how close they are to the location by means of 'hot' or 'cold'. If a constant move closer to the location, then the lead pony tells them that they're getting 'hotter'. If they move away from the location, then the lead pony tells them that they're getting 'colder'. The objective is for the contestants to discern the secret based off of the clues."

Longshot looks at Sandy. "So was this a favorite past-time of yours?"

2019-03-28, 09:09 PM

Love let's herself get examined. Pinkie Pie knows!? She saw through the Raiden disguise!? A red ! marks pop above her head and a quite alert sounds for one note. A cardboard box appears above Love and falls on top of her. She huddles underneath the box and tip hoofs around to the side of Pinkie Pie. "You have discovered my ploy. Some may know me as a mailpony. My work deals with all information. I am an undercover secret agent disguising myself as the character code name 'Raiden'. You may know me as Shade, the ultimate hacker." Love moves closer so that Pinkie Pie can see through the peep-hole in the box. Underneath, Love's costume has changed. In the dim lighting, she has two purple led strips on the side of her head, purple lipstick, purple eye shadow, and black hair with purple tips. A beauty mark below her left eye.

"I'm working to uncover a deep conspiracy. My lead has brought me here. A gathering of high-profile individuals that may know the key to solving this life puzzle of mine. You've met my partners, strawberry and the spacemare. Spacemare Spiff is researching a target with a likely high payoff. I soon will be gathering a plate full of," her voice goes all gravelly, "just desserts." Love asks, "How are you, Pinkie Pie?"


Love nods along with Longshot. He has really gotten into the holiday spirit.

She says to Rem, "A fellow note taker! I'll note your devotion!"

Love smiles at her two friends chuckling. She is glad she didn't miss out. There seems to be a consensuses to go right.

She waits for Sandy to answer Longshot's question.

2019-03-28, 09:13 PM
"Hot Cold game... hmm." Scarlet vaguely remembers that from foal-hood.

She points to the right. "Okay, let's try this again. Right, then left." She'll start walking.

2019-03-29, 12:35 AM
Seafire certainly had a point, one that Brazen enjoyed earlier. Happily bumping her right back as they walk up to Applejack. "Hey there Applejack." Brazen peels his mask back just enough to peek out and grin. "Just Brazen and Seafire rollin on in. Things goin well so far?"

2019-03-29, 11:36 AM
"Ooooooooh," Pinkie Pie says in a not-very-quiet conspiratorial whisper. "That makes sense." Meanwhile, Spiff and Strawberry have gone to the food table, gathered very full plates of the Apples and Pinkie Pie's prize cooking, and sat down in at a nearby table.

Pinkie Pie dons a detective hat and pulls out a worn pipe. She blows bubbles from it. "So...who're you looking for?"


Sandy shrugs. "It passed the time."

The party advances, right, then left. Both times the music grows louder. "That worked," Red Tape says, a smile on his face, "Alright, Ms., er, 16, where do we go next?"

Rem seems very amused by all this, but she takes pains to remain in the shadows at all times, something that Sandy begins to take notice of. The Wasteland mare casts curious glances her way, a little suspicion mixed in as well.


Applejack brightens. "Well howdy! Guess that's the whole gang then, huh?" She chuckles. "Things're goin' great so far. Getting everypony in before we pull out the real fun, though." She smiles, and it's not entirely a warm and friendly one. "Ya'll enjoy~"

2019-03-29, 12:27 PM
"Fair enough." Longshot says.

He lets the matter drop and waits to see what the group's next move will be. His grin returns.

2019-03-29, 12:50 PM
"Alright, Ms., er, 16, where do we go next?"

He lets the matter drop and waits to see what the group's next move will be. His grin returns.

"Hmm." Scarlet ponders if they should now try center, or if perhaps there is a trick to it.

"Longshot, you seem to know something?" she comments in questioning form. "You mentioned twists and turns earlier. I wonder if that means we shouldn't pick center now..." She's a little unsure about it, so she waits for Love and others to chime in.

2019-03-29, 12:59 PM

Love moves her body while standing to look around Pinkie Pie. Where did Pinkie Pie get that hat and pipe? The items don't appear to be holograms.

She glances towards the elements at the question. "How are you, Pinkie Pie?"

She lifts the box and comes out as Raiden. "I'll be looking for my team soon." Love looks back towards Star and Happy.


Love rubs her chin. "I don't know if we should just randomly pick."

2019-03-29, 02:21 PM
Longshot shakes his head.

"I have no special insight to the solution except that a wrong turn will take us back to the beginning while a correct choice will bring us closer to the music. Although, maybe..."

Longshot flies forward, slowly, to check the three paths. He doesn't move too far down any particular branch lest he teleport away from the group. Does any particular path lead toward the music?

2019-03-29, 08:03 PM
"Wait!" Red Tape says, "This reminds me of something...Hmm." He rubs his chin, frowning.

"Aight," Sandy says, "Well...I got nothing. Other than trial and error."

Longshot goes to each one in turn and, faintly, hears the sound of the music grow louder near the left-hoof one.

Rem sidles over and whispers in his ear. "I think we're about due for a scare of some kind. Be prepared."


"Fan-flipping-tastic!" Pinkie Pie says, doing a flip for emphasis. She giggles at her joke. "Are you doing great? If you're doing less than Amazeballs, I can sing a song and cheer you right up!"

The items are definitely not holographic.

2019-03-29, 09:03 PM
"Heh." Longshot chuckles. He whispers back: "Sounds about right. I'll stay on guard. Thanks for the warning."

He looks back at the other ponies. "The music seems louder by the left path. Does that ring any bells, Artie?"

2019-03-29, 09:25 PM
"So it would be Right left left..." Scarlet can't think of anything that might mean.

2019-03-30, 01:24 AM

Love chuckles. She happily answers, "I'm doing flipping," Love raises and spins into a back flip, "great! I love all the decorations. There is so much put into everything. I'm doing above amazeballs!" Love smiles. "I'm close to singing myself."

If they don't break out into song this moment, Love motions towards the food. "Have you eaten?"


Love livens up next to Munes. "In this game of hot and cold, music sounds key." She jokes, "If tune becomes important, I'm ready to sing." Love flexes her musical vocals by humming to herself.

2019-03-30, 03:54 PM
"Right, then left," Red Tape muses, "Heh. Might as well see if the pattern continues!" He will lead the way through the to the next area and...the music grows louder.

"Go back to the right, then?" Sandy asks. She suddenly lets out a yelp. "S-s-something touched my back!"


From under her jacket, Pinkie Pie produces a banjo and begins strumming it energetically. "Then let's sing!" she declares, "Oooooooh...~" She holds the note, waiting for Love to take the lead.

2019-03-30, 05:01 PM
"What? What touched you?" Scarlet asked. She looks around at what might have done so, but she is nervous.

2019-03-30, 06:04 PM
"Perfectly predicted, Rem. You know your stuff." He whispers.

Longshot turns to look back the way he came. He suppressed a smile. Made sense. Establish an atmosphere and just when the victims thought they had things properly discerned, introduce a new variable.

"Is something there?" He asks for the 'benefit' of the others.

2019-03-30, 08:49 PM

Pinkie Pie banjo! Love it! Love starts stamping a beat with her hoofs. "I feel a song welling up from my old bones!" Love smiles real big at Pinkie Pie and meets her shoulder to shoulder as she stands next to her. She says to anyone and everyone, "I could use a song!" Love raises her head and harmonizes with Pinkie Pie, "Ooooh~"

A metal hooped circle of red curtains raises around the two from the ground. Spiders and creepily crawlies slither out from underneath the material.

Love sings a sinister announcement,
"Colts and fillies of every age
Wouldn't you like to see something strange?"

The curtains around Pinkie Pie and Love fall into the ground without a trace to be found.

Love smirks real big with her metal jaw,
"Stay with us and you will see
This, our time of Nightmare Night"

Love breaks away from Pinkie and stands on her back hoofs. She starts walking backwards while facing Pinkie Pie.

Love cackles and aids an ethereal quality to her voice,
"This is Nightmare Night, this is Nightmare Night
Pumpkins scream in the silent of night"

Love stops by Star's side. She turns to say to her.

She coaxes with a soothing voice,
"This is Nightmare Night, everypony make a scene
Trick or treat 'til the neighbors gonna scream of fright"

Love puts her hoof on Star's shoulders and shifts her head to speak from the other side.

She strengthens her resolve and tone,
"It's our time, everypony scream
In this time of Nightmare Night"


Love follows Red Tape through the next bend. She turns around to check behind her. They don't appear to be at the start of the maze again so that should have been the right way.

She puts a hoof to her ear. "The music is getting louder." She moves to listen to one of the paths.

Love jumps a the yelp and rounds to face Munes. "A leaf? There are a lot of trees and leafs." She says not convinced, "One of them could have touched you on the fall down." Love brings her holo body closer to Munes. She says, "I'm here, Munes."

2019-03-30, 09:45 PM
"Was there ever any doubt?" Rem says with a chuckle.

Scarlet feels a thin, bony hoof travel up her spine. A light gust of wind ruffles her mane. And then, whatever it was, it's gone.

Red Tape frowns and casts a quick spell. "I...well, there's so much magic here, I can't make sense of it." His frown deepens.


Pinkie's eyes widen and so does her grin. She adjusts her tune to match the song and, from somewhere, others join in. The other Elements pause what they were doing and begin moving to the slightly creepy beat. The others in the clearing pause, some with food halfway to their mouths, and watch the ensuing spectacle.

Pinkie Pie picks it up first. She giggles and bounds to her hooves. With a bounce, she disappears into the sky. She doesn't come back down, but her voice comes from all around. "I am the mare hiding in the fourth wall!" Out she pops from behind the table, startling several ponies and almost making Star drop her plate. "Singing songs and smiling to all!" And smile she does, but there's just a slightly creepy edge to it that's not quite her normal, friendly self.

Twilight appears next to Love in a flash, throwing a hoof around her shoulders and grinning. "I am the mare that will drive you insane!" A burst of arcane magic lights up the sky like a thunderbolt, highlighting the princess' form. "Magic so dark and SCIENCE on the brain!"

2019-03-30, 09:50 PM
Scarlet feels a thin, bony hoof travel up her spine. A light gust of wind ruffles her mane. And then, whatever it was, it's gone.

Scarlet jumps and lands next to RT, holding his leg. "Gah!! Something just caressed my back Oh my stars violation!!" she pants out in a single breathless string of words.

2019-03-31, 12:56 AM

Love stands straight as her lines finish. She giggles and smirks as Pinkie bounces out of her view and into the sky to the unknown. She sways and backdrop vocalizes. Love's hoof slides to catch Star's plate until the mare has her hold again. The two exchanging looks. She shifts her attention back to Pinkie and giggles as Pinkie smiles. Impressed with the display, she winks.

The new pony joining the scene gets Love turning to face her. Love throws her hoof around Torches shoulder in kind and vocalizes in harmony with Twilight's singing. A grin breaking through the sounds. The light show has Love looking up and enjoying the magic. She sways to Torch's words.

Love holds and sings to Torch,
"This is Nightmare Night, this is Nightmare Night"

She faces the clearing and sings in step with the other ponies,
"Nightmare Night, Nightmare Night
Nightmare Night, Nightmare Night
In this time we call tonight
Everypony hail to the moonlight song"

The ambient lighting in the clearing/fog increases with the word moonlight. Light blends through the fog in wisps, never clear enough for the source to be known, before disappearing and leaving the area feeling dark.

The darkness spreading, Love sings,
"In this time, don't we love it now?
Everypony's waiting for the next surprise"

Love points to a random part of the barn, into the darkness,
"Round that corner, pony hiding in the clouds
Something's waiting to pounce, and how you'll"

She sings louder,
"Scream! This is Nightmare Night
Red 'n' black, flashing light"

The wisps return with a pale red.

Love lets loose a long sharp giggle,
"Aren't you scared?"

2019-03-31, 10:00 AM
"Knowin ya'll its gonna be somethin to remember ain't it?" Brazen says with a chuckle, pulling his mask back into place. Once inside he looks about. There's Love singing with some of the Elements, food table, a maze...

"Anythin catches yer fancy hun?"

2019-03-31, 01:15 PM
"No answer. Hm... Must have been a ghost." Longshot comments in a glibly wry manner.

It's a repeat performance as Longshot checks the paths. Maybe he can narrow down their options for the next path to take.

[roll0] VS 13

2019-03-31, 02:14 PM

Longshot and Rem seem to be having fun whispering secrets.

Love nervously chuckles when Scarlet jumps. "That probably wasn't a leaf... again." She looks at Munes.

Love rubs her chin. "A ghost is a possibility." That could be pretty awesome. Love only knows two ghosts though.

She looks to Munes again.

"The music has lead us so far without cause to doubt the its tune." She motions her head towards Longshot. She joins him in walking around and listening to the music in the air. She asks the group, "What do you think? Was that path louder?" She flicks her ears and listens to the music as they move around. Love hums for a second at each path to try to recreate the volume for a better sound gauge. "I do like this music!"

2019-03-31, 02:40 PM
Love nervously chuckles when Scarlet jumps. "That probably wasn't a leaf... again."

"Felt more like someone trying to feel me up my back," Scarlet whimpered.

2019-03-31, 06:52 PM
Pinkie Pie and Twilight sing along with Love. Their three voices blend together into a performance that leaves the audience wondering if they should feel scared or join in. However, at the end of Love's question, Star jumps into the air and belts out the next part. "Well that's just fine!"

"Say it once, say it twice, take a chance and roll the dice!
Fly with the moon in the dead of night."
Everypony scream, everypony scream!
Bow your heads to the night queen."

The lights dim, focusing in on Rainbow Dash. She smirks and strides forward. Her hoof reaches up and brushes aside a stray strand of mane.

"I am the mare with tear-away face!" Her face disappears, replaced with the grim visage of a robot not dissimilar from the Terminator. It's an impressive work of illusion and startling, but not gruesome. "Here in a flash and gone without a trace!" She crouches down and shoots off into the sky, disappearing faster than anypony can blink.

Rarity comes next, dazzling in all her radiance. She flutters her eyelashes at the crowd and says, "I am the what when you call 'what's that?"

Fluttershy's voice comes from one of the neighboring trees, though the mare herself is unseen, "I am the grim vampire fruit bat."

A loud voice rings out from up above. "I am the shadow on the moon at night! Filling thy dreams to the brim with fright!" Princess Luna plummets to the ground, trailing fog, and rises up to her full height as the dreaded Nightmare Moon.


Applejack accompanies them to the clearing. She chuckles. "Ya two have fun now. Ah gotta get ready for my part." She darts off to prepare for her part of the song.

Seafire's eyes roam around the scene and land on the table laden with food. "Sun and moon, it's been so long time since I've seen that much food! I...I want to try everything. A training regimen's no good if you stick to it all the time."


"Indeed. A spooky ghost," Rem says. She doesn't smile, but she doesn't need to. Everyone can hear it in her voice.

The music seems to be the loudest on the right this time.

Sandy is looking nervous now. "But what if it is a ghost? This is the night for it, right?"

"I would have said, 'ghosts don't exist', but that's been proven wrong," Red Tape says, "So I can only say 'ghosts probably aren't allowed on Sweet Apple Acres'."

Scarlet feels something flick her ear and hears a slight chuckle.

2019-03-31, 08:11 PM
Scarlet pulls away from the ear-flick. "Gah... well ghost, magic, or otherwise, it's going to keep creeping us out until we get through this. Which direction?"

2019-03-31, 08:14 PM
"Ghosts were proven to exist long ago." Longshot's voice is matter-of-fact and devoid of any mirth.

He nods to the right. "It seems like the music is coming from that direction. Shall we be off?" His voice lightens. "Maybe we'll lose the spook if we push forward into the Maze."

2019-03-31, 10:10 PM
"Sounds good to me. Any progress is better than not," Scarlet says, looking up to Longshot as a kind of defacto leadership of this group.

2019-03-31, 10:16 PM

Love leans toward Star while keeping a hoof on Torch. She raises her snout to vocalize for Star's belt. Then, she joins as a back-up singer. After the focus changes to the elements, Love pulls Star in closer and puts her leg over her shoulder. A big, bright smile that stands out from the background adorns her face.

She tries to follow Dash's movements before dash disappears into the sky. Rarity never loses her enchanting charm. Fluttershy adds to the unseen scares in the night.

Luna's voice draws Love's attention. Princess Luna! No, wait, it's Nightmare Moon! The elements and princess put a spine shivering tingle in Love.

She sings with her ponies in hoof,
"This is Nightmare Night, this is Nightmare Night
Nightmare Night, Nightmare Night
'ightmare, 'ight
'ightmare, 'ight"

Love picks up an apple by the stem and throws it into the air. She opens wide to catch and swallows the thing whole without a bite.
"Tender candies everywhere
Life's no fun without a good scare"

A Love pops up from behind Happy and reassures her in song,
"That's our cue, but we're not mean
In our time of Nightmare Night"

The Love fades into the shadows,
"In this time"

She sings at the table,
"Don't we love it now?
Everypony is waiting for the next surprise"


"The ghosts I know are super sweet! You should be careful though, or else, they might 'boo' you!" Love loudly cackles for all the maze to hear.

She hugs Munes with her ghostly body.

"We shouldn't loose speed. There might be a prize at the end of the maze!"

"Right!" Love will head that direction with everypony.

2019-03-31, 11:45 PM
Red Tape looks levelly at Longshot. "Spirits, yes. Ghosts? Maybe. Until recently, but they're special cases." He will not press the issue, though.

The party heads to the right and the music grows yet louder. Sandy sighs in relief. "Oh good. We're further into the maze of doom. That is so comforting."

Rem chuckles and begins to sing softly.

"There's no earthly way of knowing,
Which direction we are going,
There's no knowing where we're rowing.
Or which way the river's flowing~"


The jack-o-lanterns near the Apple's house flash green and light the door as Applejack steps out, teeth bared into a pointy grin. The singers turn towards her and reach out their hooves.

"Timberwolf Applejack'll catch you in the back,
And howl like a madmare, make you jump outta your skin!"

Twilight's voice rises to the fore. "This is Nightmare Night, everypony scream!
Won't ya please make way for a very special mare."

The chorus picks up once more. Luna steps into the middle, drawn up proud and regal.
"Princess Luna Queen of the Night Moon
Everyone hail to the Nightmare Queen, now!"

And all together, even the crowd begins to join in now."
"This is Nightmare Night, this is Nightmare Night
Nightmare Night! Nightmare Night!
Nightmare Night! Nightmare Night!"

2019-04-01, 07:15 AM
"We shouldn't loose speed. There might be a prize at the end of the maze!"

"Like not eaten by Nightmare Moon," Scarlet suggests in a nervous yet cheeky tone. Sarcasm might be her coping mechanism.

The party heads to the right and the music grows yet louder. Sandy sighs in relief. "Oh good. We're further into the maze of doom. That is so comforting."

Rem chuckles and begins to sing softly.

"There's no earthly way of knowing,
Which direction we are going,
There's no knowing where we're rowing.
Or which way the river's flowing~"

Scarlet can't think of anything positive to say about Rem's singing so she just opts to remain silent, instead focusing on the maze. "I wonder how long this goes? I mean, a bad horror film holds out the suspense too long and bores the audience, like in Equis Horizon, but that's being charitable. I was genuinely mad at that movie for it's poor handling of space physics. Odyssey Two was better at suspense and it was meant as an action film."

2019-04-01, 09:04 AM
Did RT grow a spine there for a moment? Interesting. But there's no time to ruminate on the subject. With a laugh, Longshot adds to Rem's song.

"Though you decide it for the best
To travel North, East, South or West
It matters not which one you guessed!
You will remain this garden's guest.

"It's a mad architect's plaything,
A dark maze that's ever changing,
As your steps continue ranging,
Your sanity begins slipping!"

2019-04-01, 12:57 PM

The sound is good news, even somewhat comforting!

The old maze partner gets a tease. "The doom maze is much worse. Everything chases you. Even the maze. You wouldn't want to be in the doom maze." Her grin fails to mask her trickery.

Love says to Scarlet, "I haven't noticed you carrying candy. How do you plan to escape without a sacrifice?" Love puts a hoof to her mouth. "There is no running. You can't escape into your dreams tonight. Only bargains can be made!"

A spooky tune in her ears. Love hugs to Munes in her ghostly form. She hums to the singing. She walks around with a nervous expression on her face. The singing not helping calm the nerves in anyway. They really don't know where they are headed. Love likes to think she is following the maze designer's carefully laid hints, but they could have been fooled long ago.

[roll0] vs 13


Love reaches out toward the jack-o-lantern lite Applejack. Her hoof leaving Torch before the princess takes the lead. Love sings the moonlight song. All together, they sing.

She puts her leg around Torch again
"In this town we call home
Everyone hail to the moonlight song"

Love adds a quiet laugh in the background. At the next verse, a Love steps out of the air next to a random guest. She sings, "La," with them. Another, "La," another Love appears near a guest and steps in lock with them. Love continues to seep into the audience and sings with them this moonlight song. She encourages everypony to sing with an infectious bout of joy. Seafire and Brazen get their own singing ghostly Love.

"La, la, la, la-la
La, la, la, la-la
La, la, la, la-la
La, la, la"

The GhostLoves step through tables, chairs, and pony alike as they walk toward the center of the clearing. They step off the ground and walk through the air. Their edges begin to smoke as they disintegrate into clouds of glowing light. They weave and swirl as they twirl around Princess Luna Queen of the Night Moon.

2019-04-01, 01:17 PM
Love says to Scarlet, "I haven't noticed you carrying candy. How do you plan to escape without a sacrifice?"

"Hmm, good point." Scarlet is starting to regret picking the maze over food. Damn, her sister was right.

2019-04-01, 05:27 PM
Rem devolves into giggles with Longshot and the song ends a bit prematurely. However, it did seems like Red Tape grew a bit of a backbone. Or perhaps, strained the one he had.

However, a burst of inspiration strikes Scarlet. She's seen this before! The retro-games pack she liked to play. Oh yes. The Lost Woods! She knows the way they have to go. It's so simple now.

"I mean...it's not as bad as the Wasteland," Sandy says, "Assuming it's...all in good fun and there's not anything, er, else."


The Elements draw together around Luna and laugh with her, a slightly menacing undertone to it. The song comes to an end. The ponies that didn't join in stamp their hooves against the ground and cheer. The Elements bow.

"Little ponies!" Luna declares, "Thy princess of the night has arrived! Now, the fun. Shall be. DOUBLED!" She laughs and the ponies cheer.

Star finds the real Love and wraps a wing around her shoulders. "Good one, Love!"

2019-04-01, 06:14 PM
"Hey, I know this maze now. It *is* like in the game. Okay, follow me, I know the way through it," Scarlet says confidently. She'll wait a moment before running off, make sure the group is together in this.

2019-04-01, 06:15 PM
Longshot lets the giggles run their course. There's no point in undermining Rem's fun.

"Nah." He tells Sandy. "It's all in fun and not too be taken seriously. No pony will wind up injured or dead because of this."

He looks around the area. And then follows after Scarlet. "After you."

2019-04-01, 10:39 PM

She cheers alongside the other ponies toward Princess Luna and the Elements.

Now, that is a good decree. Love could use double the fun.

Love hasn't gone far from Star. Her leg is still around her. Love proclaims, "That was amazing!" Love is happy with all the ponies cheering and having a merry time. Love squeezes her half hug on Star. "I love your singing voice, Honey."


Love stops humming when the singing turns to giggling. Her focus elsewhere from solving the maze. She can't help but smile at all the giggling.

Love chimes in after Longshot, "That's what makes it so fun! A pony can be scared without worry!"

"Scarlet knows the way!" Love mentions, "I'd like to keep listening at each intersection with everyone to solve the maze, and if there is a 'trick' to this 'treat' we'll be ahead of the game!"

2019-04-01, 11:13 PM
Red Tape frowns. "Huh. I think I remember the game. Don't remember the layout, though."

"And I have no hecking idea what's going on!" Sandy says with forced cheer, "Yay me."

They plunge forward, taking it room by room, until the get to the one right before the exit, according to Scarlet's memory. But the moment they step inside, a sinister chuckle shakes comes from the eaves above and two, glowing yellow eyes, mismatched and full of madness, stare down at them.

"Oh my dear little ponies," Discord says with a chuckle, "It seems you've walked right into my trap."


"Heh," Star says with a grin, "It's a small part, but I hope it was a good one." She gathers up her plate and gestures to one of the tables. "Wanna grab a seat? I think the princess is going to be swamped for a good long time yet."

2019-04-02, 05:24 AM
"Uh... what kind of trap?" Scarlet asks.

2019-04-02, 08:27 AM
"This maze is a physical copy of a maze inside an old video game." Longshot says for Sandy's benefit. "That's my guess, anyway. I'm the wrong pony to know about those things but I can look it up for you once we're outside the Maze. The Red Twins seem to know which way is which and what's what, so we'll follow them."

Enter Discord. It's all Longshot can do to cover his surprise and realization. Discord being here made perfect sense all things considered.

"Hey, Discord." He waves a hoof. "I was wondering when we'd run into you again. We owe you some thanks for helping take Andromeda down a peg. Into what trap have we blithely, blindly walked?

2019-04-02, 10:02 AM
"The Red Twins seem to know which way is which and what's what, so we'll follow them."

Scarlet is unsure what's more strange--that Longshot referred to herself and Red Tape as 'twins' or that he's so casual with the draconequus before the party. This EDF group sure keeps odd company.

2019-04-02, 02:22 PM

There is very little chance that Love hasn't explained what a video game is to Munes and Cinnamon. They have the answer to the maze. Love will talk with Munes or dispel any confusion as they go through the remainder of the maze.

That chuckle!? Love looks around to try to find the voice. The voice has a source this time, and Love looks above her into those beautiful eyes! She says quite happy, "Discord!" Tonight is a wonderful night to run into Discord.

She adds meta-complimentary for Munes and Rem, "Discord is our friend. He is super famous for a lot of things, and one of those things is creating games."

Love waves. "Discord! Thank you for working with us. You made a big difference," bold, "but!" Love stands up on her backlegs. She wipes clean the cheer from her face and her mood changes to fighting spirit! "Your trap will not foil our attempts to reach the end of this maze! I've had far too much candy tonight to simply walk anywhere! Including into a trap! I will run! I will run head first forward!"


The cheer leaks out in a smile. "You were amazing. I'm so happy you sung." Love smirks, "You feel free to serenade anytime you want." Love grabs a plate. "Yes! A seat sounds wonderful! I'm so hungry. Let me grab some food, and I'll be right there." She rush to construct a large meal. "That apple was a hologram, you know?" Love walks away with two plates filled with a mishmash of every food offered. She takes a seat with Star (and Happy?) "The Princesses always do have amazing timing." She glances toward Luna and the Elements. "I hope things stay like they are for a while." They look like they are having a blast.

2019-04-02, 03:37 PM
Discord slithers down out of the darkness, wearing a more serpentine form than normal. He seems to have decided to go as an Eastern Dragon today, though of course, he's put his own, special flare on the appearance. He chuckles, hovering over them. "I'm afraid the gate is locked, oh brave and headstrong Love. You see, this is not only a maze! It's a scavenger hunt." He grins.

Sandy studies him carefully. "What sort of scavenger hunt?"

"The riddling kind!" Discord declares, "I give a riddle and you find the key."

"Hmm." Darkness billows out from around Rem, expanding outwards and reaching towards Discord. "Or I could just check each room for anything out of--" Discord snaps his fingers. Rem lets out a little 'eep' and falls out of the shadows. "Ow," she says, sounding a bit stunned and much less ethereal, "What did you...do to...me?"

Discord waggles a claw at her. "Now, now, Rem. No cheating."


Happy has indeed already taken a seat and is eagerly digging in. She waves as they approach. "Hewwlu!" she says around a mouthful of food, "Hew arrrr ou oong?"

"Great!" Star says with a grin. She slips in between her and Love. "Yeah, this is pretty great. How are things going in the maze?"

2019-04-02, 04:41 PM
Scarlet whine is a soft whisper in the night air as her little trek in the maze becomes the Fallout VI of endings. She's uncomfortable around snakes, so Discord's serpentine body does her no favors. I mean, sure being scared is the point of Nightmare night parties, right? It's just that... Scarlet's introversion has bared its claws. Her skull the chalkboard. The next step will not be pleasant.

"Okay, well..." Scarlet asks of Discord,"bestow upon us your riddle, please?"

She gulps after Rem... falls out of the shadows? There's probably context she missed there.

2019-04-02, 06:28 PM
Longshot's amusement at the situation turns to bewilderment as Rem loses a face-off with Discord. (Not that a competition with Discord ever tended to end any other way.)

He drifts, wings alight, forward to approach Rem. If things are as suspected, Then Longshot will quickly help her to get hooves.

"I... think... you're now physical." Longshot whispers to her.

2019-04-02, 07:11 PM

"Hey. Great. Even better now that I've got food on my plate." Love puts a hoof to her mouth. "Mwhaha."

Love starts by munching on a muffin. Star's question has Love fake gasp. Which doesn't go down as smoothly as she hoped as she coughs and chokes on the food. She puts a hoof to her mouth and coughs until that scratchy feeling goes away.

She strains to answer at first, "No cheating. It's against the rules." Her voice clears up, and she answers Star's question, "Things are good." She looks at Star. "Would you be interested in entering the maze of the lost? I wouldn't want to spoil the maze if you wanted to go with me later."


Love whistles at Discords new look. Impressive.

She puts her hoofs on her hip. "A locked door only means we need to find the key item." She says a little more uneasy, "Wherever you have hidden it."

"In your riddle." It doesn't look like there will be any head smashing... yet.

Love has a hard time not looking at Rem. It's a fun development. Things are heating up! Love puffs out her chest as she stands near Munes.

2019-04-02, 09:10 PM
"Gladly!" Discord says and clears his throat.

"We are little brethren twain,
Arbiters of loss and gain;
You to our counters run,
Some are made, and some undone;
But you find it, to your cost,
Few are made, but numbers lost;
Though we play you tricks for ever,
Yet you always hope our favor."

"What are we?" He settles in with a grin to wait.

Rem frowns and tries to push her way to her hooves. "Oof. Everything feels so...so..heavy," she says. Still, she manages to stand.


Star sticks out her tongue at Love. "Can't blame me for trying, oh apple of my eye. Fine, keep your secrets. But has anyone been terrified out of their wits yet?"

Happy's ears droop. "I...think I'm going to stay out of the maze if that's what's happening..."

2019-04-02, 09:36 PM
"At least it's no secret what Discord this. You're corporal now." Longshot whispers. "That's why everything feels heavy-- you're experiencing gravity for the first time. Take it slow and easy until you're familiar with the feeling."

He slips a foreleg around Rem to help steady her and as a precaution in case of falls. There's a peculiar twitch in his back by he ignores it, much like he does Discord's riddle for the moment. It's been heard but has little by way of immediate comment as his attention is elsewhere.

2019-04-02, 09:46 PM
Scarlet blinks a few times as she thinks. Her hoof traces shapes in the dirt. "Ah... hmm, numbers lost... tricks... favors..."

Her ears rise as Scarlet has an idea, but she looks at the others first before answering her guess.

2019-04-02, 11:48 PM

Love rubs her chin at the riddle. This one was a real brain teaser, and Love didn't even have a brain on her.

She glances towards Rem. She is tempted to move over toward her, but Love will do her no good.

She faces Munes. She asks her, "Rocks? That sounds like Rocks to me. What do you think?"

Scarlet seems to be working up a storm. And might have a guess?


Love giggles. The muffin is put down the hatch. Love picks up an apple from her plate and takes a bite. Love pouts, "Bae, I don't like to keep secrets. I'll tell you everything soon."

Love rubs her chin. "I will say I think you and Happy would have fun. I can give both of you my final judgement once we're out of the maze."

2019-04-03, 07:26 AM
Scarlet looks up to Discord and says, "My guess is a pair of dice. Arbiters of loss and gain based on their results, and in gambling you more often lose to the House than win."

2019-04-03, 11:09 AM
Rem nods slowly. Her mouth parts, but inside there are no horrible teeth. She is merely beautiful without a heart-twisting horror that comes with it. "I think I..." She pauses and frowns, noticing for the first time that the words are coming out between her lips and not from her mind. "I think I agree," she says quietly. She clings close to Longshot, trembling slightly in the chill night air.

"I think it's...uh..." Sandy rubs a hoof through her mane, unsure.

Red Tape stirs at Scarlet's answer. "Yes," he says, growing more excited by the word, "Yes, that fits! That fits well indeed!"

Discord's grin widens. "So is that your...final answer?"


"I look forward to it," Star says with a smile.

For a moment, a dark shadow seems to fall across all of them at the table, but it passes soon enough. A cheerful voice behind them asks, "Is this seat taken?"

Love turns to see a pale-coated mare in a lovely, dark blue cloak carrying a tray of food on her back. She smiles warmly.

2019-04-03, 11:29 AM
Discord's grin widens. "So is that your...final answer?"

"Uh, y-yeah. Final answer," Scarlet answers.

2019-04-03, 12:20 PM
"Here, take this. Uh, don't be surprised by the weight."

His cloak clasp is easy to unfasten; in doing so Longshot has a chance to surreptitiously check Rem's miniaturized gemstone. He places the cloak over Rem with one hoof while continuing to hold her with the other. The subtle differences between her pony and nightmare forms are silently noted.

A questioning gaze slides to Discord. Seriously?

2019-04-03, 12:59 PM

Love glances toward Rem and Longshot. Events are transpiring in a non-screaming fashion... so that's good. Rem is handling this like a champion. Rem looks like she getting her hoofs under her. Love asks the two, "Everything alright?"

Love rubs her mane and chuckles. "Dice fits better than stones. It's a good fit. It sounds like final answer material to me."

She cheers after Scarlet submitting the final answer, "Yeah! The final answer is dice!" Love holds up her hoof and casts a pair of six sided holodice.



Love opens her mouth to start talking but pauses as a shadow creeps on them. She closes her mouth and turns around. She looks over the mare and that blue cloak. Her eyes glance over the cape. "No, it's the three of us until our friends solve," she raises her voice, "the Maze of the Lost!" Love chuckles. Love looks to her companions to form a group opinion. Assuming everyone is alright with the new arrival, she says all cheery, "You're welcome to have a seat!" Love looks like she is concentrating on something elsewhere.

She introduces herself. "Everyone calls me Love!" She leaves everyone to make their own introduces while she eagerly awaits for the blue cloaked mare to introduce herself.

2019-04-03, 01:53 PM
Discord grins. "You are..." Something pops right beside Scarlet's ear and a loud, canned 'Hooray!' comes from all around. "Absolutely correct!" He snatches up Love's holographic dice and gives them a shake. He rolls them across the ground and scoffs. "Snake-eyes! Well, whaddya know?"

"Well, the next challenge was going to be to FIND a pair of dice with which to determine your fate, but I see you already have. And so! You get option number eight. Enjoy! Ta-ta now." He winks at Longshot and Rem.

The gemstone is still there, unharmed. However, it seems that, for the time being, Rem's illusory form has become physical. She's piloting it much like Love does to her bots.

"Oof," she says as the cape lands on her. She grips Longshot a bit tighter for a moment before finding her balance. "I think I've got it now," she says.


Star shakes off...whatever that was and smiles. "Sure! Pull up a chair. I'm..."

"Star Chaser," the strange mare says, "And Partial Charge and Happy Hooves. Yes, I know."

"I guess we are kinda famous," Happy says sheepishly.

"Oh! I suppose you are." The mare says, slipping into the seat next to them. "But I'd have known your names no matter what."

2019-04-03, 03:07 PM
"Baby steps." Longshot cautions her. "Let me know when you're ready to try walking."

He looks back at the others. "Yes. I think we're alright; there's just a bit of adjustment right now. Although if there's a reference hidden in 'option number eight', I'm not sure I get it.

"Discord, could I trouble you for any guidance on what just happened with Rem?"

2019-04-03, 04:29 PM

Love pumps her hoof. "Yes! We flambed that riddle! Nicely done, Scarlet! We charged forwards with our heads!"

A hoof-up goes to Rem and Longshot. "I'm here for you."

A big old smile goes to Discord! Of course he picks up the light dice. The dice seem acceptable as an answer. "Ha! So, it was a scavenger hunt!" Love takes a fighting pose on two legs and punches the air with her hoofs. "We're fated eights! We're mates fighting fate!"


Star's (and Happy's?) reaction generates some concern as she watches Star recover.

The apple gets another bite as the mare hoofles their side of the introductions. Sweet apple acres, this is a good apple. Love squirms in apple delight.

She rests her apple hoof. "You know us somehow. We were discussing secrets before you arrived. Do you have any secrets you'd like to share with us?" Love jokes, "Your name, perhaps?"

2019-04-03, 04:49 PM
Scarlet had startled when the canned 'hurrah' happened. She calms herself down. "Well, thanks, Love... I guess we've cleared this?"

She eyes Rem and Longshot. "She going to be alright? Maybe we should take a break?"

2019-04-03, 05:00 PM
"I'm ready," Rem says, determined.

Discord floats over and pats her on the head. "Well, I couldn't have darling little dream-girl here ruining all the fun for everyone, so I confined her and gave her a better costume all at the same time. Of course, it's Chaos magic, so it won't gel well with hers. It'll last, hmm." He grins. "Oh, until the stroke of midnight, give or take a few bongs."

Red Tape nods. "But, wait! That's predictable! Not chaotic!"

"My dear Red Tape, Chaos does as Chaos wants. And who expects fairy tales to turn true anyway?"

To Scarlet, he says. "Yes. You've cleared it. Now go on through the gate and claim your, ahem, prize."


As Love looks at the mare, she feels something fighting at the edge of her perception. Something that makes the edges of her vision fuzzy and her head feel light. Her cape is dark black now, though no one else seems concerned about it. The mare chuckles, "Oh, no one special. You can call me..." Love's mind snaps into clarity. A long, black robe, a scythe at her side, and a coat white as the heart of a star. The Pale Horse herself sits across the table. "...Death"

Star nods, unperturbed. "Cross Roads? Are the roads cross with each other or do they just cross each other?" She smirks. Love looks around. No one else here seems to notice anything odd about their guest.

2019-04-03, 05:20 PM
To Scarlet, he says. "Yes. You've cleared it. Now go on through the gate and claim your, ahem, prize."

Scarlet looks at the gate... but she then looks back at Rem. She's conflicted. After a moment weighing her options, she bows slightly to Discord. "Thank you, Discord. We'll claim it in a moment."

She waits near Rem and Longshot to first make sure they're okay. Scarlet lacks some context, but from when she can see and hear, Rem might not be feeling well? Does she have a medical condition? Scarlet can't really tell since she doesn't have her sister's grand skills in medicine.

2019-04-03, 07:02 PM

Love focuses her mind and tries to peel away that which obscures reality. The mare in front of her is a real eye opener alright. This is unexpected. An unexpected Death! A pun she can't so easily share with anypony. Maybe, Death simply enjoys a good party? "I figured we'd talk someday." Love was expecting to meet Death, but this is sooner than expected. She figured she had one more month.

"You left an impression on my sister. I wanted to thank you for treating her so kindly."

Star's pun causes her to smirk. "It's a good name."

Love sets her apple down and picks up a cupcake off her plate. She offers it to the mare. "Pinkie Pie makes some of the best sweets in the world." Love smiles. "Do you want one?"

2019-04-03, 08:29 PM
"Thank you for clarifying the situation." Longshot says to Discord. Or is it that you didn't want to be upstaged?

He adjusts his grip on Rem. "Just put one hoof in front of the other and slowly shift your weight forward."

"We'll be alright." He tells the others. "It'll take us a few minutes to get reoriented. We can catch up if needed."

2019-04-03, 08:39 PM
"Alright then," Scarlet says in response to Longshot. She begins walking to the gate and this... 'prize'.

2019-04-03, 09:03 PM

She says to Discord, "That sounds magical!" Love stamps her hoof at the opportunity. This could be huge for Rem! Sudden and unasked for in fairness, but Rem gets a fairy tale experience.

She says to Red Tape, "It's easier to go with the flow. There are less fish landing on your face that way."

Love looks at Rem and Longshot.

She looks at Munes. She whispers, "Do you want to stay here for a few minutes?"

2019-04-03, 09:22 PM
Whether or not Discord was safeguarding his own position as the master of the unexpected, the fact remains that Rem's body is currently physical for the next two or so hours. She, however, is quickly get the hang of things. She takes her first couple of steps towards the door, doggedly determined to continue. Still, everyone else will pull ahead in short order.

"If that's alright with you," Red Tape says doubtfully and follows Scarlet.

Sandy frowns. "Should we wait or...?"

A mischievous glint enters Rem's eyes. "Discord," she says calmly, "You may have given me a physical body, but even you can't take away the amount of control I have over my form." She grins and it stretches just a little further than is comfortable. Her eyes glow faintly as shadows gather around her. "I promise," she says, voice becoming echoing and discordant, "I won't abuse this gift you have given me."

Sandy puts Love between herself and Rem.


"I do manage to meet most people sooner or later," Death says. She tilts her head to the side at the mention of a sister. "You are an only child," she states. She nods and accepts the cupcake, but leaves it sitting before her.

"So," Happy asks, "Do you live around here?"

"No. I live in the space between moments of time."

"Oooh! That has to be so pretty this time of year! With all the early snow."

"What do you do around there?" Star asks.

"I shepherd souls to their eternal rest."

"Ah." Star fidgets awkwardly. "Well, at least you're not one of those creepy morticians you see on TV all the time. I guess that means you've seen a lot of dead bodies."

"Yes. You could say that."

"Heh." Star grins. "A grave situation that."

Death frowns. "Yes it -- Oh, a pun."

2019-04-03, 09:33 PM
A mischievous glint enters Rem's eyes. "Discord," she says calmly, "You may have given me a physical body, but even you can't take away the amount of control I have over my form." She grins and it stretches just a little further than is comfortable. Her eyes glow faintly as shadows gather around her. "I promise," she says, voice becoming echoing and discordant, "I won't abuse this gift you have given me."

Scarlet stops and just... stares (https://derpicdn.net/avatars/2012/9/28/0879b64e26e2af8b7e.jpg).

Is-is she not a pony? Scarlet has questions, but she can't pull herself out of her shell enough to ask about what's going on. She just takes in a deep breath and goes through the gate. Definitely should check the buffet for some hard apple cider.

2019-04-03, 09:46 PM
Okay, then. Yup. Time to get every pony clear of whatever it is that's transpiring.

"Go on." Longshot motions the others. "We'll be right behind you."

2019-04-03, 11:09 PM

Love rubs a hoof over Mune's mane. She whispers, "I'd like to stay near Rem's side, but Longshot is sending some pretty strong signals if you catch my drift." She backs away flank first to give the trio more room, but she doesn't leave the room. "You probably have questions. Rem normally doesn't have a body because she is a citizen of the dream world. Which is super awesome if you think about it."


Love gives a chuckle at Death's statement. Is Death really here to party on this Nightmare Night? Death didn't understand or accept her 'thank you' which is disheartening in a myriad of ways.

The cupcake goes in front of Death. Love smiles as her gift is accepted.

'They are physical twin-likes of me. Here are some pictures." Love creates a small screen in front of Death. "Blank." Image. "Null." Image. "There are others as well." The screen goes fuzzy at the mention of her other clones.

Love isn't sure if Death knows that Love knows. There is only one course of action! Reiteration!

Love says very cheerfully, "No way! I wouldn't mind a little space like that myself. Living in a place like that. It's important to take time to live in the moment."

"How are the hours? Eternal? I hear the job is stressful. It's important to relax and rest. It's good for the soul."

2019-04-03, 11:26 PM
Discord chuckles and tents his paws together, studying Rem. "Oh, tonight is going to be so. Much. FUN."

Red Tape puts a hoof on Scarlet's shoulders. "Ahem, yes. Let's walk away very quickly. I don't like that look in Discord's eyes." he smiles weakly at her.

"Uh-huh," Sandy says weakly, "But why does her mouth move like that?"

Rem's smile is widening and her teeth are growing sharper and sharper, returning to her normal appearance. Then, she clears her throat and reverts to normal. "Oh that is fun," she says with a chuckle, "And very, very painful. A good pain! I've never felt that sort of pain before."


Death studies the pictures on Love's phone. "Ah," she says, "That is how you mean."

Star looks confused, though. "So...wait. You helped with Null, then?"

"No," Death states, which only confuses Star more. She frowns and sinks down a bit to ponder that.

Death's gaze falls on Love and a shiver runs up her spine, then comes back down again for a rematch. Love gets the impression that Death is aware of her. Very aware of her. The cupcake remains uneaten, though she occasionally fiddles with it. The rest of her food sits beside it, untouched.

"Fortunately," she says to Love, "I only have to show up in person for the important deaths. The rest take care of themselves."

Happy and Star don't appear to have heard that last line at all.

2019-04-04, 05:24 AM
Red Tape puts a hoof on Scarlet's shoulders. "Ahem, yes. Let's walk away very quickly. I don't like that look in Discord's eyes." he smiles weakly at her.

"He's kinda scary in reality. Let's get something to eat." Scarlet has questions, but she can't pull herself out of her shell enough to ask about what's going on. She just takes in a deep breath and goes through the gate. Definitely should check the buffet for some hard apple cider.

2019-04-04, 08:17 AM
Longshot raises an eyebrow at the display. Interesting that Rem would be a nightmare fetishist?



Anyway, Rem's a big pony so he's not inclined to intercede just yet. She can make her own decisions.

2019-04-04, 01:04 PM

Love looks perturbed and sad at Star's frowning and confusion. She puts a hoof around Star's back and rubs her shoulder. She is really unsure how to proceed.

That stare was very informative, shiver inducing, for a stare. The debate is settled. Love chuckles at her bodies reaction to a deathly gaze. A quirk of being alive she imagines. A fact that she appreciates more every second.

"There are a lot of people at this party. Are you meeting anyone here? I might recognize them or their costume."


Love answers Mune's question. "Rem normally creates something like illusions to represent herself and has complete control over her appearance. Sorta like a HoloLove, but Rem did it first and more skillfully." Love can only account for sight while Rem has master over all senses. "That control over her appearance hasn't changed. Her mouth, specifically, is moving like that because she wants it to move like that." Love chuckles. "Rem is way into scaring people. It's her first Nightmare Night, like you, too! Her first scare when we met gave me a good chuckle." Love smiles at Rem. She looks like she is having fun. It wouldn't be a party without fun!

Love raises her voice to talk across the maze room and waves, all cheery, "Hey, Rem! We switched! I'm feeling a little light." Love chuckles and puts a hoof through her torso. "You're solid!"

2019-04-04, 02:11 PM
Red Tape and Scarlet walk into the next room and see a massive stone chamber with flickering pyres giving it an ancient and exotic look. In the center sits a massive idol wrapped in gold foil. Underneath it, written in Ye Olde Pone, the words 'Idolle of Chokolate' are carved into the stone.

"Huh," Red Tape says, "So do we just take it or is this an Indiana Pones reference?"

Meanwhile, Rem nods to Longshot and Love. "Let's head out," she says, "I want to get to the party and taste things."

Sandy shakes her head rapidly. She blinks, staring between Rem and Love. "Okaaaaaay," she says, "Um let me say one thing. WHAT THE BUCK?!"


"I have no appointments here," Death says simply, "But I have heard that parties are fun and wanted to see for myself. I think, however, it has something to do with 'glands'. I'm a ponymorphic personification. I don't have glands."

Whatever Happy heard, it seems to make sense to her. She nods and slides another cupcake towards Death.

2019-04-04, 02:36 PM
"Huh," Red Tape says, "So do we just take it or is this an Indiana Pones reference?"

"If my sister were here, she'd be face deep in it already. Traps be damned." Scarlet looks around the room for another doorway out. [roll0]

As she searches, she idly converses, "So, captain, who exactly in your military group knows Discord? My sister didn't mention him, so would guess that not everyone in the EDF is acquainted with all the top tier powers of Equestria?"

2019-04-04, 06:58 PM
"Sandy," Longshot says in an effort to placate her. "Sometimes, it's much easier to say 'a wizard did it' and not question things too much. Otherwise, being around us will really take a toll. Actually... It might take a toll anyway."

He checks back the way that they came to see if the path is clear. If so, he'll start leading them that direction while making sure that Rem doesn't take a tumble for learning to walk.

"Food sounds good right about now. We should see what the Apples are offering." He says to agree with Rem.

2019-04-04, 07:40 PM

Love rubs her chin. "That's not a bad reaction. It's quite healthy, I think. I personally like to stick my nose into everything even if the cat says it's a bad idea." Love puts a hoof to her mouth. "Mwhahaha."

"I could use some tasty food." She asks Munes, "What about you?"

"The party has a lot of tasty food prepared! You won't be disappointed!"

She smiles real big at Discord. "Thanks for all the fun! You can keep the dice! The maze was a-mazing! I'll see you in a bit!" She gives a big old wave to him.

Love will walk with Longshot if Munes is follows them.


Love smiles real big at Death. "You should have said so! A person doesn't need any of that to have fun! I'd try the cupcake if you want that. The sugar can pack a real surprise!"

She glances at Star.

"Do you mind if I?" Love slightly gestures to Star with her head. She should tell Star about Death.

"How do you feel about dancing? Maybe, some apple bobbing?" Love puts a hoof to her mouth and laughs.

2019-04-04, 10:22 PM
The doorway out is behind the chocolate altar. It has a...suspicious slope leading downwards towards a very out-of-place exit sign.

"He shows up at official functions around the court," Red Tape says, looking around, "State dinners and the like. He keeps things...interesting. I think everyone at the EDF has met him, er, once or twice." Under his breath, he mutters, "Me more than most."


"A wizard did it," Sandy mutters under her breath, "Right. A wizard did it." She sighs heavily and drags a hoof down her face. "Juuuuuuust move on. Yep."

"Let's get some food," she agrees.

Discord waves as they head on to the prize room. Rem giggles as she walks along slightly in front of Longshot. Each new sensation is a wonder to her.

"Everything's so sloshy!" she says, "I can hear it! Swish, slosh!"


Death's gaze settles on the cupcake. She picks it up. Happy and Star lean forward with Love, eager for her reaction. Death raises the cupcake to her mouth and takes a bite. Her face shows no reaction. "This contains a lot of sugar," she says, "Along with trace wheat products." She sets it down. "Like I said, no glands. I don't have, what is it called? Ah, dopamine."

Happy frowns. "Maybe savory food is more to your liking? Fried carrots?"

In response to Love's question, Death shrugs. "If you can."

2019-04-04, 10:40 PM
The doorway out is behind the chocolate altar. It has a...suspicious slope leading downwards towards a very out-of-place exit sign.

"He shows up at official functions around the court," Red Tape says, looking around, "State dinners and the like. He keeps things...interesting. I think everyone at the EDF has met him, er, once or twice." Under his breath, he mutters, "Me more than most."

"Hmm. Guess my sis is an exception. Something I got over her for once," Scarlet comments. She swishes her tail, as if meeting Discord before her sister was finally something going her way. "Well, RT, this looks like the exit, but it looks like a playground slide and... well a bit out of place so I imagine it drops us off somewhere... chaotically."

2019-04-05, 08:33 AM
It's hard not to be infected with Rem's positive energy-- not that Longshot is particularly trying.

"You're probably going to explode once we get to the buffet." He comments.

He follows Rem into the other room and takes a look around the Indiana Pones reproduction. Sigh. The entire situation created a certain expectation. An expectation that Discord was most likely going to dash into itsy-bitsy pieces. 'Itsy-bitsy' being a technical term.

"I'm usually the fastest of the group." Longshot snaps his wings to hover off the ground. "Should I grab the... 'Idolle of Chokolate' while every pony else prepares to run from any impending boulder drop?"

2019-04-05, 09:08 AM
"Hey, you two," Scarlet greets. "Well, if you want to grab the prize, sure. I was about to jump in anyway, so you can count off if you want to."

2019-04-05, 11:43 AM

Love gives Munes a concerned look. "A pony can get used to a lot."

That's everyone sounding off on food. "Food!"

HoloLove steps on her tipy hoofs and needles the ground as she 'Swish, Slowshes' around. Rem's vigor causes Love to cackle and smile.

"It's a whole new world!"

She says to Longshot, "That does sound fun."

She says to Scarlet, "Four!"

She notes, "I can't carry the Idolle without slowing to a crawl. I have no body." Love puts a hoof through her head.

She chuckles. "Munes! Take me with you." HoloLove hugs her and the BugBot lands on her coat so they can travel together.

She says to Longshot, "You have the lead, Longshot!"


Love rubs her chin. "This is tougher than I thought."

She pumps her hoof. "We're not going to give up so easily! Tonight is Nightmare Night!"

She says to Happy, "I could have some fried carrots myself. I'm going to guess she isn't the foodie type. Maybe, we can find something she super likes while we finish eating!"

Love waves a hoof over the table. A screen appears in the seat next to Love. "Would you like to play a game. I have everything." Love raises a hoof. The screen starts cycling through traditional games, board games, video games, and all types of games. She waits for the initial answer or a few seconds before turning to Star.

She leans over to Star and whispers in her ear, "Sunshine, I have a secret to share with you. It's a secret you and I should keep close to ourselves. The person in front of us is the Grim Reaper. Why don't you look at her again?" Love rubs Star's shoulder. A light smile adorned on her face.

2019-04-05, 11:46 AM
"Alright, then... places every pony."

Longshot will give the others an opportunity to get a head start. Then, upon Love finishing the countdown, he'll grab the Idolle of Chokolate.

2019-04-05, 01:41 PM
Scarlet gets ready to jump down.

2019-04-05, 01:55 PM
"I wouldn't put it past Discord to have that lead to a ball pit where all the balls complain about you moving them," Red Tape says drolly.


Rem grins back at Longshot. "I'll try to contain myself," she says with a slight giggle.

Everyone gathers in the room, waiting for Longshot to make a grab at it. There is a tense air of excitement in the room. All he has to do is reach out and touch it for things to kick off, so to speak.


"It is," Death agrees, "The one night I do not seem out of place. Not that anyone notices me anyway."

Happy nods and leaps to her hooves. "I'll get her a little of everything!" She races off.

Death stares at the screen, neither entranced nor repulsed by them. "What is the purpose of these games?" she asks.

Star frowns for a moment, but nods. "Yes, I suppose her costume does resemble the Grim Reaper a little," she says. Love's words did not break through.

2019-04-05, 02:15 PM

Love focuses on the path to follow. The idea causes her tail to wag.

"6 Loves!"
"5 Scarlets!"
"4 Red Tapes!"
"3 Munes!"
"2 Longshots!"
"1 Rems!"

"Prepare yourself, Munes!" Love smiles real big. "We might have to dash to our dine!"

2019-04-05, 03:07 PM
Longshot reaches out to touch the idol so as to kick things off.

2019-04-05, 03:54 PM
Scarlet goes for the exit.

2019-04-05, 04:34 PM

Love isn't breaking Star's denial that easily. "She really does." Love resumes eating.

There Happy goes - off to save the world.

She says to Death, "I would find that frustrating. I'm glad you got my attention. Feel free to visit me in the future."

"Games are art! They can have any purpose. They draw out a pony's emotions. Let them have a good time. Twists their mind with a puzzle. Help them relax after a long day. My friend, Longshot, is the board game player of the group. He is always kicking my flank at chess." Love puts a chess board in the middle of the table. "Don't get me wrong! I love playing board games. The haunted mansion is always a good one!" The board changes to a creepy mansion before fading to a stack of tile pieces. Though, I'm better at video games. There are even dancing games!" Love holos a dancing pad onto the table and smiles. "This one: You have to press these pads with your hoofs that correspond to moving arrows on the screen with perfect timing!"

2019-04-05, 05:40 PM
The moment Longshot touches the idol, a slot in the ceiling opens up. A black, round, metal ball drops down in front of the door they entered by. Two eyes open and a wide, toothy mouth splits the front. The eyes roam about and focus on him. "Arf arf!" it cries and begins to roll his way.

The ponies jump down the slide and zoom away! With another "Arf! Arf!" the not-boulder follows them. They slide and slide and slide, but it seems to be catching up...


Death studies the board offered to her. "Hmm. I see. And what is the, I believe it's called, 'object' of this particular game? This 'chess'?"

2019-04-05, 07:20 PM
Okaaaaaaay. That wasn't scary so much as just plain weird. He hops onto the slide and hopes for the best.

"Well, I'm open to ideas." Longshot shouts to the others.

He hefts the idol to get a feel for the weight. Maybe...

2019-04-05, 07:41 PM
"I don't know! Throw the chocolate at it something. Maybe it'll go fetch it instead of us!"

2019-04-05, 08:51 PM

That's an energetic boulder! "Jump!" Love sticks close to Munes and 'jumps' with her. She wraps her in a hug as they go sliding down the slope. "Weeee!", she screams until Longshot gets her attention. She looks back at the ball.

"Ideas are in demand! I'd say we should hold a summit, but that's just put us back where we started!"

"I don't know any tricks, but maybe he does!"

Love puts a hoof to her mouth and yells, "Roll over!" Beat. "I can't tell if he's listening." She tries a different command, "Sit!" She pauses for a response, and if that's not working says, "Lay down!"


"Chess?" Love smiles real big. Death showed an interesting in a game! Time to pan for gold. The pad changes back into a chess board. The pieces are very ornate. The white pieces face Love and the black Death. "The goal of chess, the way to win the game, is to capture the opposing person's king. I think chess is best when played with two players, but there are lots of variants to the rules. All the different shaped pieces move in unique ways. It can be fun crafting a strategy against the other player's strategy. There is a good bit of thinking and skill involved. That's one of the reasons why it's so popular. It pits brain against brain!"

2019-04-05, 10:19 PM
Weird? It's almost as if Discord conjured this whole thing. The chocolate idol is pretty weighty. About the size and heft of a high school sports trophy.

"Arf! Arf!" the boulder barks.

"AHHHHHHHH!" Sandy screams, eyes fixed on the slide ahead.

Red Tape has a slightly manic grin on his face. Looks like someone would be fun to have on roller coasters.

Rem's eyes, however, are quite wide. "I...I...Longshot? My stomach feels funny."

The boulder is already rolling. It tries to sit and keeps rolling. It tries to lay down and keeps rolling. Its spherical body is capable of exactly one thing right now: rolling.


"Brain against brain?" Death says, "I suppose those without them are excluded from play?" She studies the pieces rapidly. A hoof reaches out and she touches the board. Her eyes flare for a moment and she nods. "I think I understand."

2019-04-05, 10:32 PM
Scarlet leans into the slide and keeps going as there's really a lack of options at this point for her other than riding gravity.

2019-04-05, 10:54 PM
Discord had a claw/paw in this? Never would have guessed.

There's not else to do but ride this crazy slide to the end of the line and it's embarrassing end. Oh, right. This was a first for Rem...

"Deep breaths!" Longshot calls over to Rem. "Remember gravity? You're falling faster than the contents of your stomach which is why it feels weird. Try not to panic and focus on something else, everything will be fine!"

He hopes, anyway. Longshot preps for some emergency aerobatics if necessary.

2019-04-06, 01:05 AM

She keeps holding Munes, "Oh, I like that scream better! AHHHHH!"

Love looks around for anything that could help them.

[roll0] vs 13 (Perception)

2019-04-06, 12:25 PM
Rem takes a deep breath and groans. "Oh, so this is what they mean when they say 'I'm going to be sick'," she says.

Sandy continues her scream, clinging to Love as they slide down, down, down...

A flashing neon sign appears up ahead that reads "Prepare to Jump!" Other than that, it's a straight shaft, though it does bend up rather sharply up ahead.

I will need an Acrobatics check. Digo, use whatever you think is appropriate for Scarlet.

2019-04-06, 01:35 PM
Scarlet is not a very athletic pony! She attempts to make the jump, but...

Scarlet is probably defaulting with an average Dex!


2019-04-06, 01:50 PM
"Unfortunately, yes, and it's about to get worse." Longshot points a hoof toward their untimely end. "You might want to grab onto me."

He moves forward into a crouch and prepares to spring into flight. It's Rem's choice whether to try and make it on her own or no...

Attempting to substitute Aerobatics for Acrobatics.
[roll0] VS 16

Otherwise, the Acrobatics Default is DX-6, which in Longshot's case is 7.

Never mind, see Elbeyon's note?

2019-04-06, 02:34 PM
Good news! Aerobatics and Acrobatics default to each other at -4.


"I can't tell if the boulder is listening to me! I feel like I"m talking to a brick ball!"

Love panics at hearing a very sickening detail. "No, don't get sick Rem!"

HoloLove tries her best to not clip through Munes as they cling to each other. Love tells Munes, "The flashing sign said: Prepare to Jump! You jump with style, and I'll follow right behind you!"


Love waves her hoof to dismiss the idea. "No, no. Everyone is welcome to play. There are no physical requirements." Love is entertained by the question. "Technically, I don't have a brain." Love chuckles at the thought. "And, I'd like to play."

Love studies Death while she eyes the board and reaches out to touch it. She nibbles her lips at her reaction. Is Death some type of super genius?

A nibbling goes into a hay burger.

"How much do you understand? Would you like me to explain the rules?"

2019-04-06, 05:16 PM
The slide slips past and jumps over a small gap to freedom! A shining door.

Scarlet leaps, but her legs slip out from under her and she falls down into the Pit instead! Darkness swallows her and she hears Discord's cold laughter echoing in her ears.

Sandy jumps with all her might and clears the gap! Love lands on top of her. Longshot also makes it, his wings voiding the need for Acrobatics. However, his roll is enough to assist Rem across. Red Tape scrambles and plummets off the side without even managing to jump. He falls down into the Pit as well. The Boulder rolls off the edge and falls down after him.

Right as Scarlet thinks her heart is going to stop, she lands in a pool filled not with water but with foam balls. Red Tape lands beside her. The Boulder does not reappear. A sign that says, "Thanks for Playing!" hangs above a door to the outside.

Red Tape groans and looks around. "...I think we're in the barn."


"No. I understand," Death says. She eyes Love and smiles, an expression that comes surprisingly naturally to her. Though to be fair, if she appears as a skull most of the time, she's got a lot of practice grinning. "I believe you have the first move."

Star looks at the board and sighs. "Chess? At a party?"

2019-04-06, 05:42 PM
Scarlet is shocked for a few seconds. It passes and she starts to chuckle. "Stars and moon, I was scared out of my wits for a moment there! Guess you were right about the ball pit."

She tosses a couple balls around then hugs RT. "That was fun . Come on, let's see what the Apple family has for drinks."

Scarlet swims her way to the exit out of this barn.

2019-04-06, 09:17 PM

Love says amused, "Oh, this should be good!" She can feel a good flank kicking coming her way.

She cheers, "I'm ready!" Love chuckles, "You're a very quick learner. White does go first." She says more serious, "I gave myself white so I could explain the rules during my first turn. I wasn't looking to give myself the first-move advantage. I figured our game was a tutorial game."

She 'picks up' a holo pawn. "Pawn e2 to e4."

She rubs her mane. "Sorry about not having a physical board. I didn't plan for a chess game. I'll see what I can do about getting a board while we play."

Love munches on her burger.

She says to Star, "It is unusual." Everything about today is unusual. It's been a wild party. "I don't need a body to play chess." They've been looking forward to tonight. They should do things together. "I want myself and body to stay by your side. There is so much to do. There are so many games to play. Tonight is ours to seize!"

2019-04-07, 01:05 PM
With Rem in tow, Longshot charges through the shining door to the unknown!

2019-04-07, 02:46 PM
Sweet wastelander athletic ability! The BugBot holds tight to Sandy, and HoloLove screams the entire way through the door.

2019-04-07, 03:03 PM
Red Tape shakes his head to clear it. "A drink does sound nice right now," he admits. With only a little trouble, he scrambles out of the ball pit and joins Scarlet at the door.

As for the others, they step through the shining door in front of them and find themselves standing next to Red Tape and Scarlet, all of them exiting through the barn door at the same time. Sandy breathes a sigh of relief. "So assuming we didn't just jump into a whole other world, we should be at the party now, yeah?"


"Physicality is overrated," Death says, "Truly, it is. The ability to move matter around is insignificant, in the grand scheme of things."

She makes her first move and the game progresses quickly from there. Love finds herself outthought and outflanked at every turn as Death inexorably close in on victory.

Star watches for a few turns before she rises. "Well! I'm going to go bobbing for apples. You're welcome to join me, Love, if you can find another one of you to man the game here."

2019-04-07, 04:23 PM
"That seems to be about the sum of it." Longshot replies. "And I rather hope we didn't just switch realities."

He glances at Rem and the others. "Who's ready for some food? How's the stomach, Rem?"

The Idolle of Chokolat is wordlessly handed over to Scarlet.

2019-04-07, 05:51 PM
"ramvam QaQ ram 'uQ'a'!" Scarlet recites and marches over to the buffet tables. She wants to get a sample of things and some hard drink.

2019-04-07, 06:43 PM

"I'm attached to my physicality. It's where I live." Love smirks at the double pun joke. "The grand scheme of things is grand. I'm studying and learning as much as I can from my observation point."

Love plays to the best of her abilities without losing her cheering spirit.

The chess game is causing quite a few chin rubbings. Love sits at the table before she steps out of her back like a butterfly leaving a cocoon. A HoloLove stays seated at the table while the physical Love makes a quick hopping step to stay with Star. "Yes! I'd love to go apple bobbing with you!" She chuckles. "I think I found a Love to stick around. Let's go show those apples whose the boss!" She hugs Star, a real physical hug, as they walk away from the game.

She says to Death, "There is so much to learn. I'm looking forward to finding out." She ponders and asks, "What do you think of D/death?" Love looks very interested in her answer. A friendly, curious look on her face.


Love stops screaming a few seconds after they come off the slide. "Oh, a door!" She follows everypony.

"Red Tape! Scarlet! I suppose the door and the pit lead to the same exit. What happened to the dog ball?"

She says to the group, "That was amazing!"

Love smiles real big at Munes' comment. "Now, that's an interesting thought! We may never leave the maze." Love puts a hoof to her mouth. "Mwhahaha."

"What'd everyone think of the", she whispers so ponies can't easily overhear her, "slide?"

"Hey, most realities, if there is a party, there should be food!" Love smiles. She isn't really hungry anymore. She has been eating party food this entire time. Her attention is half split between Munes and Rem. She observes Rem to try to gauge if she is going to be alright.

2019-04-07, 07:03 PM
"What happened to the dog ball?"

"No idea. Guess it found something better to chase."

2019-04-07, 08:00 PM
"I'm sure it was very amusing for the organizer, but I'm kind of glad it's finished." Longshot opines for Love. "It was all... kind of random."

2019-04-07, 09:29 PM
As per tradition, the party offers a lot of apple cider. A lot of it. Scarlet can get as hammered as she wants.

"It was very...Discord," Rem says, "Not very scary, but unnerving. He could change the rules of reality however he wished. That made it disconcerting at best."

"I want to be done with the maze," Sandy says flatly, "I don't want to be trapped in it forever." She perks up at the mention of food though.

Red Tape will join Scarlet for that drink.


Star breaths a sigh of relief when Love steps away with her. "I was afraid I was becoming less interesting than chess," she says with a smirk.


Death looks up and frowns. "I'm afraid I don't understand the question," she says.

Happy steps up behind them. "I brought...everything!" she says cheerfully.

2019-04-07, 10:08 PM
Munes & Rem

Love says to Scarlet, "It must have found its own tail. I'll just have to let that puppy slide without a good scratching." Love waves Scarlet and Red Tape off.

She says to Longshot, "It was a bit random!"

Rem... seems fine? She says to Rem, "Oh, you know Discord?"

To Munes, "It looks like we've finished the maze! The food is great! The party is great. It'd be hard to steer you wrong!"

She gestures to Death, Happy, and Love. "Happy, a chill pony, and I are playing a game of chess and doing food samples. The new pony is kicking my flank across the board!" Love puts a hoof up and laughs. "She is an amazing chess player! Chess is a complicated board game with a lot of thinking, no brain required, involved." Considering Munes' night... "The air is super strange though if you are considering that spot for relaxing."

She gestures to Star and Love. "Star and I are apple bobbing! We've already eaten though. Though we could for a bite of apples!" Love, "Hahs."

2019-04-07, 10:36 PM
"I think it was plenty scary," Scarlet says, "But I enjoyed myself. It's... rare that I get out of the house."

She grabs some food on a plate and a nice cider. Scarlet will sit somewhere to enjoy the food for a bit before doing something else.

2019-04-08, 07:39 AM
Love's in that hyperactive state again where she's running around interjecting herself into everything, so Longshot leaves her be. Instead, he follows Scarlet over to the food table.

"Just be glad Discord's normally on our side."

His appetite is such that there's no appeal in the food, but he knows how the game is played. Longshot selects the thinnest slice of pie possible, slicing a piece if necessary, and then motions toward the spot where Holo-Love and Happy reside.

"It's as good a spot as any."

2019-04-08, 08:12 AM
"It's as good a spot as any."

Scarlet hesitates at the table of choice, but she is unwilling to rock the boat and will sit where Longshot has pointed out.

2019-04-08, 10:05 AM
"Was it worth getting out and about?" Longshot asks Scarlet.

2019-04-08, 11:21 AM
"Who doesn't know Discord?" Rem says with a raised eyebrow. "His mastery of chaos magic makes him both unpredictable and impossible to ignore."

Sandy stares at the Love sitting in front of Death and then the one apple bobbing with Star. She shakes her head. "I will never get used to you doing that," she repeats.

As Longshot and Scarlet sit down, they find that 'Cross Roads' is munching idly on the food that Happy feeds her, giving her opinion each time. She refrains from saying if she liked it or not, but instead says things like, "This is moister than the last one" or, "Ah, and this is what they call a 'smoky' flavor then?" Factual statements. Matter of fact. All the while, she's kicking Love's flank very, very hard in chess.

I need both of you to make a Will Save with a +10 bonus to your normal scores. If you happen to fail, things will get...interesting.

2019-04-08, 11:28 AM
"Was it worth getting out and about?" Longshot asks Scarlet.

"Uh, yeah, I guess it is," Scarlet answers, in her own introverted way. When she sits down, she picks at her food. "If I were home, I'd probably be playing Fortneigh with my online friends. It's... it's a different social world behind a screen. I don't feel like I'm being judged on my looks or my manners. Here... well, you must know; my sister had confidence issues with her body even before her accident in the Air Force. We weren't the prettiest mares or the most fun mares in school."

Scarlet nibbles at her food. "Well, Rose got the confidence now. Dunno what you ponies did, but she... damn. She just seems seems so much better now. Running a campaign for Chrysalis, meeting Ufologists, has a cute coltfriend." Scarlet blushes a little, realizing said coltfriend is with the group.

"I guess Rose wanted me to break my shell like she did. I don't know if I can, though. I mean, I am having fun here. It's just... I don't know that I can do something like this without my sister pushing me into it."

2019-04-08, 01:14 PM
"That's a valid point." Longshot admits to Rem. "I guess your comment felt like you knew him on a more personal level. How's the pie taste?"

He returns his attention to Scarlet. "If you've ever seen JAG, the old TV show, then Rose played the role of Sarah McKenzie. It's like we were all contractually obligated to have a crush on her. I guess that affection gave her a confidence boost." It's a better explanation than believing sleeping with Chrysalis did it.

"I think you'll do fine being here at the party. Just focus on what you have to offer the world instead of what holds you back."

Melancholy added itself to his inner reservation.

[roll0] VS 23

2019-04-08, 01:56 PM
He returns his attention to Scarlet. "If you've ever seen JAG, the old TV show, then Rose played the role of Sarah McKenzie. It's like we were all contractually obligated to have a crush on her. I guess that affection gave her a confidence boost." It's a better explanation than believing sleeping with Chrysalis did it.

"I think you'll do fine being here at the party. Just focus on what you have to offer the world instead of what holds you back."

"Hmm... it's kinda funny you say that about Rose. I used to joke as fillies that she was an adopted changeling. She seemed to feed off affection," Scarlet recalls from old memories. "Now she's gotten quite good with illusions, she has tons of friends, including Chrysalis... I think? She looks better, happier... in a way she has the traits without the DNA. Maybe she was born in the wrong body? ...course, I wanted to be taller, so maybe that's just the wishful thinking of a filly."

Scarlet finishes her food and is halfway through her drink. She's not Rose with scarfing down food, but she seems pretty efficient at it.

"Well, if Rose ever turns bright colors and grows translucent wings, let me know," Scarlet says with a little smile returning. "So, I don't think I've really met your friend there. At least, Rose didn't mention it yet." She is nodding to Rem as the subject in question.

2019-04-08, 07:43 PM
Longshot offers no comment on Changeling Rose.

"That's easily rectified. Scarlet, this is Rem. Rem, this is Scarlet." He moves a hoof between the two. "Rem's a relatively new acquaintance of ours."

2019-04-08, 07:50 PM
Scarlet offers a hoof to shake. "Hey Rem. So where are you from?"

2019-04-08, 09:50 PM
Love's in that hyperactive state again where she's running around interjecting herself into everything, so Longshot leaves her be. Instead, he follows Scarlet over to the food table.Apologies. I'll try to be better about not doing that.


Love leans into Star as they walk. "Sunshine, you are the apple of my eye. I want to spend our first Nightmare Night together and do everything together. There is no chess board in the world capable of preventing that from happening. I'm right here at your side, and I'm not going anywhere." A smile crests as she gets barraged by thoughts. "I'd apple bob this entire orchard to look for you!"


Love nods to Rem with Longshot's assessment. It's different if she only knows of Discord. He is very famous.

Munes draws out an, "Oh, don't say that." Love brightens, "I think you'll get used to me being around in all my forms! This trick is actually new so hardly any pony is adjusted to me doing exactly that." Love smiles. "I picked up this trick back in the Wasteland."

Love will move through the food table with Rem and Munes - just chatting. She shrinks down and sits on Munes shoulder if the area is busy so she isn't in any ponies way for no reason. Love got her food earlier.


Love's ears twitch on Happy's approach. She smiles real big at the mare with all the food. "Hey, Happy! Wow, you brought a lot of food. She will really be able to try everything. Every food, stomachs willling, will get an attempt! Mwhaha!" She says to Death. "I hope you're up for the challenge!" She chuckles. "It'll be like a food eating competition at this rate. We might find something you really like with this method!" The first few foods don't set off any glads or set Love's expectations higher. Happy might have brought something though... An idea beings to form.

Love rubs her chin at Death not understanding her meaning. HoloLove notices the table fils. "The question was very open. I want to get to know you better than I do now." Love smiles. "Your talents extend to at least games. I want to see the world through your eyes. I want to find something that catches your eye!" Love chuckles.

2019-04-08, 10:14 PM
While Longshot and Scarlet talk, Rem stares at the food on her plate. Her eyes narrow, she tilts her head to the side. Right as Longshot introduces her, her chest suddenly splits open like a giant mouth with her ribs forming long, sharp teeth. A massive tongue shoots out, grabs all the food on her plate, and sucks it in. The mouth closes and she sighs contentedly, patting her stomach.

"Oh, of course." She takes Scarlet's forehoof with both of hers and shakes vigorously, a warm smile on her face. "Nice to meet you. I'm from the Twilight Zone. Er, not Princess Twilight's zone, but the place that old television show talked about."

Munes was about to respond to Love, but the sight of that caused her to drop her fork. "Ghhk! Ga...ga..."


Star leans back against Love and they walk like that, pressing against each other. "Careful your compliments don't get to 'fruity', I think the Apples might object." She chuckles.

They step up to the pool and find none other than Apple Pie running it. He brightens when he sees Love and waves.


Happy grins and gives Love a quick hug. She makes sure Death always has something to eat, putting the next morsel on her plate as she finishes them.

"You...want to get to know me?" Death says, hesitant, "That is generally the province of necromancers, you understand."

2019-04-08, 10:22 PM
Scarlet pulled back her hoof as she jumps in fright. "Holy (scrubbed) (scrubbed)!!"

She needs a moment to catch her breath. "Geez, you all take your nightmare night seriously. That's... some trick you got there. Damn, scarier than that barking bowling ball." Scarlet downs the rest of her drink. She calms down. Sorta. Mostly.

2019-04-09, 07:17 AM
Longshot blinks and suppresses a surprised start. Huh. That move was rather inspired, actually.

"Did you actually taste that or simply inhale it?" He asks Rem.

He spears a piece of pie and bites into it.

2019-04-09, 02:54 PM
Rem grins at Scarlet, a normal grin this time. "Personally, I find the night very refreshing. I get to unleash all my skills and nopony thinks I'm actually a crazed mare. It's great."

"Oh, I did taste it, yes," Rem says with a nod, "Very delicious. I'll have to savor the next bit, though, because that went by too quickly."

The pie is, as expected, absolutely delicious.

2019-04-09, 03:13 PM
"Personally, I find the night very refreshing. I get to unleash all my skills and nopony thinks I'm actually a crazed mare. It's great."

"Well, you have the flair for it," Scarlet says. "I'm more of Hearths Warming mare; blankets and mugs of hot chocolate."

She scans the inside of her empty cup for the secrets of the universe. It reveals exactly one. "I'm gonna get a refill. Anyone else want another drink?"

2019-04-09, 03:20 PM

Rem starting at her food draws Love's attention. The head tilts draws her curiosity. Love watches her chest split open in slow motion, her ribs moving like teeth. Everything moves in slow motion as Love watches from start to belly pat. Somehow watching everything in slow motion doesn't make the act less scary. Love jumps in her seat and whines.

Her statue-esque posture breaks immediately upon seeing Munes getting sick. A HoloHoof rubs her back. "Sand. Beautiful long stretches of sand. The sun warming your coat after a long nap." She 'pats' her back.

A hoof up goes to Rem. "10 outta 10!" Love winks before moving to comfort Munes.

Edit/Scarlet "No thank you." Love points to her face. "I don't have a mouth or stomach."


Love laughs. "I'll try not to be too apparent. I wouldn't want to upset the bunch."

Love looks around the pool at the various costumes and ponies waiting in lines. "Apple Pie!", she cheers immediately upon noticing him. Love gestures Star to walk together toward the colt. She excitedly asks, "How are you doing!? What type of pranks are you pulling tonight?"


Love returns Happy's hug. She helps her set the table with food for Death. Hah. Happy feeding death isn't something she imagined for tonight.

"I do want to get to know you." Love moves her piece. "I want to understand. My understanding is that almost certainly corrupts. Do I have that right? I have no interest in such a result. I'm trying to avoid follies."

2019-04-09, 05:17 PM
Was it possible to be jealous of a nightmare? Because for a split second, Longshot was jealous of a nightmare.

"Rem is talented at scaring ponies." Longshot explains for Scarlet. "She uses her gifts to help ponies grow out of their fears so on a night like this, she gets to cut loose."

He politely declines Scarlet's offer.

2019-04-09, 05:37 PM
Scarlet gets up and goes over to the buffet to refill her drink.

2019-04-09, 09:37 PM
Rem's smile widens and her teeth turn sharp, like that of a vampire. "Thank you," she purrs at Scarlet, "I do like the ghost stories they tell around Hearthswarming as well, though that's more a Bridletish tradition."

Sandy shakes her head and recovers. She chuckle nervously. "Please tell me she's not always like this," she hisses under her breath to Love.

Red Tape rises. "I could go for some more cider." He follows Scarlet to the bar, but goes for the non-alcoholic brew this time around. A stallion who knows his limits.


"Understanding me is how ponies try to avoid me," Death answers, moving in to clinch her victory, "So I don't think I will be handing that information out freely." She studies Love with a suspicious look.


Apple Pie stands at his post, though turns towards the approaching mares. "I'm doing right nicely, I reckon," he says with a chuckle and adjusts his straw hat. "Things've gone back t' normal, or as close as they get round here. We got ya'll to thank for that."

2019-04-09, 09:41 PM
Scarlet hides her anxieties about Rem as she goes for a drink. Scarlet fills up her cup with more hard cider, sighs, and takes a big gulp. "Hearths Warming you're coming to Hackcon, Rose," she hiss with venom. Scarlet downs the rest of the cup. She coughs a bit, but seems more relaxed. Thankfully she was pretty good at holding her alcohol, unlike her sister who gets drunk on one can of beer.

Seriously, even with cheap pee-water like Buckweiser.

Well, Scarlet is trying to have fun, but all the scares are hitting her social limit. Not that she's blaming anyone; no, no, ponies like Rem are perfectly in their right to be scary and stuff. That's the whole point of this holiday. It's just not Scarlet's thing and so she rather remove herself from the equation instead of dump on someone else's fun. Maybe there's an easy-going game to try that can get Scarlet to be social with a smaller group?

Scarlet looks around (PER 8 out of 14).

2019-04-09, 10:14 PM
Ghost stories. Yeah. Made sense.

After a few more bites, Longshot decides that he's eaten enough to be polite. He nudges the plated pie away into No Mare's Land.

"Did you want to go back for seconds?" Longshot nods toward the buffet as he puts the question to Rem. "Or visit some of the other festivities?"

2019-04-10, 12:05 PM
Rem's eyes brighten. "Ooh! I could go for seconds! Yes indeed. But if you see something you want to do, don't stick around solely on my account."


Looking around for a nice, quiet game or group, Scarlet lays eye on Fluttershy, dressed in a friendly, nature-themed costume with a lot of vines and leaves. Not a skull in sight. She sits alone for the moment, watching Rainbow Dash brag to a group of ponies about her latest exploits. The quiet pegasus has a content smile on her face. Out of everyone at the party, though, she's the only one being 'quiet' right now. The rest of it is raucous merrymaking, eased by Applejack's different varieties of cider.

2019-04-10, 12:29 PM
Looking around for a nice, quiet game or group, Scarlet lays eye on Fluttershy, dressed in a friendly, nature-themed costume with a lot of vines and leaves. Not a skull in sight. She sits alone for the moment, watching Rainbow Dash brag to a group of ponies about her latest exploits. The quiet pegasus has a content smile on her face. Out of everyone at the party, though, she's the only one being 'quiet' right now. The rest of it is raucous merrymaking, eased by Applejack's different varieties of cider.

Kindred spirit of quietness. :D

Scarlet approaches Fluttershy and gives a friendly wave. "Hey. Uh, mind room for a fellow social butterfly?" she asks.

2019-04-10, 01:19 PM

Love whispers back to Munes, "She seems more energetic and happier. I think she is really liking Nightmare Night. This is classic Rem though. She always enjoys a scare and having a laugh! A bit of fun all around."


Death's ponymorphic personification is unexpected. Love looks into those studious eyes, and she herself looks conflicted. She rubs her mane. "Sorry, I'm being rude."

She brightens at the mention of a 'trade.' "Oh, did you think of something you want? Is it fun?"

Love plays her piece. It looks like death will be winning this round.

"I see something you might enjoy." Love smiles real big. "Cider! The strong stuff." Aren't ghosts and stuff suppose to enjoy alcohol? Spirits enjoy the spirits. Love looks towards some of their drinking supplies. Love looks apologetic, "I'd offer to pour you a drink, but I have no body." She smiles. "What do you think? Would you like to try some cider?"

2019-04-10, 02:00 PM
"Heh. Nah. I'd rather not bring a friend to the party and then abandon them. Since I can't overindulge thanks to the cybernetics, I'll settle for watching every pony else overeat."

Longshot stands, gathers the loose plates for disposal and then escorts Rem to the buffet. She should make the most of it while she could and he wanted to stay close by... just in case.

2019-04-10, 02:31 PM
Fluttershy looks up at Scarlet and smiles. She scoots aside and pats the space beside her. "Please, sit," she says with her soft, sweet voice. She hums softly, watching Dash with fond eyes. "Are you enjoying the party?" she asks Scarlet.


"Fun," Sandy says, dispirited, "Right. Fun." She sighs and turns away from Rem. "Anyway!" Her eyes pan around the party and fall on Luna. She blinks. "She's tall," she says, "What's her name?"


And with one last move, Love is in checkmate. Death sits back and studies the board. "I think I won," she says. She takes a moment to eat some more of the food Happy brought. "Hmm. The acid burns the tongue a little. This is supposed to be pleasurable?"

She nods and stands. "Might as well. Ponies drink that sort of thing all the time. If it is fun, then I should...understand."


Rem smiles. "Aw, thank you." She happily follows along and, when they get to the food bar, loads up on more and more sweets and desserts. She licks her lips. "Don't worry, I'll eat normally this time around," she says with a smile.

2019-04-10, 02:50 PM
Fluttershy looks up at Scarlet and smiles. She scoots aside and pats the space beside her. "Please, sit," she says with her soft, sweet voice. She hums softly, watching Dash with fond eyes. "Are you enjoying the party?" she asks Scarlet.

"Yeah. Kinda. I mean..." Scarlet fumbles her response, her cheeks a little pink with embarrassment. She figits with her fore-hooves. "Well, I'm trying to. I'm not a very sociable pony. My circle of friends is mostly online and I'm probably a lot more confident when I have a computer screen as my mask. I imagine you know all about shyness..."

Scarlet looks up and notices Rainbow Dash. Huh. She seems smaller up close.

"My sister Rose couldn't make it to the party, so she insisted I come. Trying to help be break out of my shell. It's... been an experience? I haven't been to a nightmare Night party since I was a little filly."

2019-04-10, 04:25 PM
"While I can't speak for the peanut gallery, I'm good either way." Longshot says. "Although I imagine normal eating process would allow you to savor it."

He inventoried a mental checklist of his needed tasks for the night and found them rather... minimal. Outside of a conversation with Rainbow Dash (engaging in conversation with a mare to whom he'd confessed his sanity slippage, joy) there wasn't anything required of him. Once Rem was full up, if she could fill up, maybe he could pursue that one.

Come on, Scope, shake it off and move on with your life.

2019-04-10, 04:54 PM
Fluttershy nods and turns her gaze more towards Scarlet. She smiles warmly, though it's a small one. "Would you believe me if I said I don't even know how to use a computer?" she asks.

"My friends have done similar things for me," Fluttershy says with a nod, "It's...nice of them. It's nice to see everypony having fun, even if I'm alright sitting over here." She looks back at Dash, who holds aloft a whole tankard of cider and drains it in one go, and chuckles. "Besides, it's fun to watch sometimes."


It seems Dash has started drinking already. Better get to her before she becomes incoherent again.

Rem giggles and sits at the nearest open table. She begins to eat again with a ravenous appetite, stopping only to savor the taste of each new item. Soon, though, she slows and frowns. "Longshot. I think I feel...stuffed. All the sudden, this food doesn't seem so good looking anymore and my stomach's full."

2019-04-10, 05:25 PM
Fluttershy nods and turns her gaze more towards Scarlet. She smiles warmly, though it's a small one. "Would you believe me if I said I don't even know how to use a computer?" she asks.

"My friends have done similar things for me," Fluttershy says with a nod, "It's...nice of them. It's nice to see everypony having fun, even if I'm alright sitting over here." She looks back at Dash, who holds aloft a whole tankard of cider and drains it in one go, and chuckles. "Besides, it's fun to watch sometimes."

"Not a computer pony, huh?" Scarlet asks in rhetorical fashion. "Guess I should warn you; computers are my career. It's alright though; sometimes I like not the complication of a PC in front of me."

Her commlink was, of course, in her pocket, but it was set to passive vibration. Scarlet looks from Flutters to Dash, then back to Flutters.

"It is nice to watch, yeah. Though once in a while... do you ever feel like you... you know, want to get in there? I sometimes wish I had my sister's bravery."

2019-04-10, 06:09 PM
It seems Dash has started drinking already. Better get to her before she becomes incoherent again.



As much as Longshot's wanted to seize the excuse, he wasn't about to go back on his word just yet.

Soon, though, she slows and frowns. "Longshot. I think I feel...stuffed. All the sudden, this food doesn't seem so good looking anymore and my stomach's full."

Nod. "That means you've successfully completed the time-honored tradition of over-eating at a party. Your stomach is a little over full right now and it's trying to tell you to stop."

Longshot gestures at the crowds.

"Moving around will help the feeling pass, so let's mingle for a few minutes. It wouldn't be a bad idea for you to meet the Elements... and I need to talk to one of them before she ends up four sheets to the wind."

It was hard not to rub Rem's back in a platonic, mother-hen way, but Longshot had already decided to avoid sending any more signals. His resolve held.

2019-04-10, 07:35 PM

She says to Apple Pie, "Frightfully fitting."

Their second mission being mentioned causes her pause. She is soon mentally back at Star's side and hugging her. "We appreciate the hospitality. Sounds like Ponyville has been having her regular kind of fun. We're always glad to help." Love looks to Star.


"The pony with the flowing mane? That's Princess Luna. Her gamer identify is MoonMistress. She is really nice. She is a Princess."


Love studies the board. A small grin spreading across her face. "You did!" She smiles real big. "Wow, that's amazing. You won your first game of chess without even having the rules explained to you." Love chuckles. "What did you think? The game is usually more fun the closer the opposing people's skill are in relation to one another. My friend Longshot is better than me at chess if you're looking for a more difficult opponent."

She strongly nods at the food question. "If a person likes food, them eating it is usual pleasurable." Love puts her hoofs on her cheeks. "Tomatoes are acidic, and I really like them." Love's eyes get big. "Do you think you'd like spicy food!?" Love scans the food for anything spicy. "I've been gathering spicy food for a friend. You might like that!"

Love stands up with Death. "Cider first though. It'll take a bit to ship the package to us. A lot of ponies enjoy cider. Not everypony, but a lot do enjoy the effects or taste." Cider is said to be magical! This could work!

Love asks Happy, "Do you want some cider?"

2019-04-10, 10:08 PM
Fluttershy smiles and nods. "I prefer animals myself. They are all so different, even brothers and sisters. They all have their quirks and they're oh so cute and...oh. I'm rambling." She blushes slightly and her wings come up to shield her face a bit. "So sorry about that."

"I do get out there," Fluttershy says softly, "I wish they would 'get out there' less." She looks at Dash and sighs. Her eyes pass over to Applejack and Twilight and she looks down. She turns back to Scarlet. "Please, you might be happier if you talked to somepony else tonight."


Rem's eyes brighten. "Oh? Have I? How fantastic!" She sets the rest of her food aside, swearing to return for it later. "Yes, let's mingle. Though if you don't mind, I want to avoid my mother. In fact, I will go talk to anyone you wish BUT her. We have...nothing to say to one another."


Star wraps a foreleg around Love's shoulders. "Anytime, kid!" she declares with a chuckle. A more serious look enters her eyes. "And hey, thanks for putting up with Caps Lock. He needs...friends."

Apple Pie nods. "He ain't so bad, once ya get to know 'im."


Sandy blinks and stares at Luna. She clucks her tongue. "Right. Not somepony to walk up to and give a cheesy one-liner then. Is she like most royalty? Stuck up?"


"Perhaps," Death says, "Though there are only a limited number of possibilities. It is easy to counter them from the start. I don't see the point if everything is predetermined here. Is it simply the act of selecting one possibility that is 'fun'?" A curious look enters her eyes. She picks up one of the pieces. "No, it must be the shape. Yes, something about the angles. The volume, maybe? Hmm."

Happy looks helplessly at Love, begging her to give her some sense of balance and understanding here. She circles round the table and whispers in her ear. "Hey Love? I get a strange feeling about this mare..."

"Cider, yes," Death says, setting the piece down, "I will compare the shape and chemical composition of cider to chess. Then I will see what they have in common and discover what fun is."

2019-04-10, 10:25 PM
Rem's enthusiasm never fails to draw a chuckle. It made a pony wonder what all was taken for granted.

"Given that I have no standing upon which to question parental estrangements, I can agree to those terms for the most part. While I don't expect her to approach us, I can't prevent her from initiating conversation, so I'll just keep me distance. Come on, let's go talk to Commander Dash before she gets too plastered."

Longshot sets off for the aforementioned Pegasus. Good thing he took one of Love's sobriety pills before he came to the party. Just in case.

He still couldn't get over her other additions to his medical cabinet. He was asexual, not challenged, dang it.

2019-04-10, 10:33 PM
Fluttershy smiles and nods. "I prefer animals myself. They are all so different, even brothers and sisters. They all have their quirks and they're oh so cute and...oh. I'm rambling." She blushes slightly and her wings come up to shield her face a bit. "So sorry about that."

"I do get out there," Fluttershy says softly, "I wish they would 'get out there' less." She looks at Dash and sighs. Her eyes pass over to Applejack and Twilight and she looks down. She turns back to Scarlet. "Please, you might be happier if you talked to somepony else tonight."

"No, no, your rambling is refreshing. I only talk about comic books and movies all the time. It's nice to... to listen to other ponies talk about their interests. That's still socializing, right?"

Scarlet follows Fluttershy's eyes. She shakes her head at the last line. "Happier with... who? I only know the EDF on an acquaintance level; I'm like a fish out of water. They're all partying and chatting away and I.... have trouble doing that in big groups. Here is more what I can handle."

She gestures to Rainbow. "Do you really like her? Um, Dash I think is her name?"

2019-04-11, 12:17 AM

Love agrees and teases, "He ain't that bad." Love smirks at Star.

A lot of good came out of the mission as well. There... are still loose threads to resolve.

It's been enjoyable to watch Caps Lock's and Apple Pie's growing friendship. Pie knows he always has a ride if he needs help reaching the castle. And, he is always welcome to join Caps Lock's and her time together.


"Nah, Princess Luna is awesome. She might hold a royal air or voice, but she is a real pony pony." Love chuckles. "I wouldn't suggest walking up and confessing though. That don't work for her." She leans into Munes' ear and whispers, "I would know." She pulls back, "She is real nice though so that is a good way to introduce yourself."


"Perhaps, a game with an element of chance suits you better. There are many forms of chess. Some include luck."

"The typical pony wouldn't be able to see all the chess possibilities. I'd have to use an advanced super computer to do that. Some of the fun comes from the unpredictability of your opponents. They can make unexpected choices within the possibilities. It really is a game more enjoyable when played against an opponent of equal skill. There are entire groups of people devoted to playing chess and finding a good match."

Love gives Happy her full attention. "I thought this would be a tough case! I can't find anything that she considers fun. We might need the party expert at this rate." Love smiles at Happy. HoloLove bends over rests her forehead against Happy. "You're doing wonderful Happy." Love stands on her back hoofs and takes on a powerful stance. "We just have to try everything!" An orange aura forms around Love as she 'powers up.'

The light show fades. "Cider can have a pretty funny shape sometimes! I bet there are some containers shaped exactly like chess pieces out there. The shape or chemical composition has little to do with why they are both fun. Ponies do enjoy the chemical composition of cider though! I'm not banking on that wowing you though." Love puts a hoof up to her mouth and laughs, "Mwhahaha. I'm betting on it's otherworldly properties."

2019-04-11, 08:44 AM
"Ah! Commander Rainbow Dash now, is it?" Rem says with a chuckle, "I suppose she always did have a domineering personality. It makes sense she'd want to impose it on others."She rises and trots along behind him, though a bit slower than her usual, peppy gait. Her stomach is quite full, after all.

They step up just as Dash is finishing her latest tale of daring do, not the pony, something about a pleasure cruise gone wrong, sword-fighting with sky pirates off the Saddle Arabian coast and getting stranded on an island with Rarity for a week, fighting off tribal minotaurs and the survivors of the pirate ship's crash.

"And then Twilight popped into camp one night and teleported us back here," she says, taking a swig of cider, "So that's why you didn't see me at the Wonderbolt show that day."

Whether truth or bravado, her audience is eating it up. Cries of 'you're amazing!' and 'I wish I was that brave' flow straight to the pegasus' ego and puff her up more than one of Pinkie Pie's special overinflated balloons.


"Oh yes," Fluttershy says with a nod of her head. She hesitates for a moment. "Um, out of curiosity, have you heard about the Power Ponies? They're, er, some of the only ones I know about. I suppose they must be very widely known if I know about them."

Her shoulders slump. "Oh. Right. Well, you are welcome to stay. But I can't promise it'll be, er, fun. I'm here for everypony else's sake. If it were up to me, I'd lock my door, brew some tea, and read a book until the night is over." She is content to drop the subject and accept Scarlet's presence.

A slight flush enters her cheek. "O-oh. Well, I think she'd faint if you told her that you didn't know exactly who she was. She's...a very good friend. All of them are very good friends."


Star raises an eyebrow at Love. "This is Caps Lock we're talking about. The one colt that the entire government of Equestria banded together in order to prevent his pranks from terrorizing Canterlot. He is that bad...when there's nothing around to distract him. Like, say, a stable, down to earth friend."

"Aw shucks," Apple Pie blushes a bit, "It don't cost me nothin', 'cept a bit o' stress at times."


Sandy blushes. "I...I wasn't going to...no! I was curious who she was! I wasn't just going to waltz up and...and do things. I'm not that kind of mare." She gasps and puts her hooves over her mouth. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to call you a..." She can't bring herself to say the word.


"There are still a limited number of options at each chance. With proper knowledge, for instance, you can pre-determine how a pair of dice will fall and plan accordingly," Death says, "But I suppose not being able to see how everything can end will...will..." She frowns and stares off into the crowd.

Happy nods unsurely, looking dispirited. "I'm trying to help, but I don't think she's noticing or cares if I'm here. It's...not fun. Maybe trying something different will help. I hope it does." She smiles weakly.

Death returns to the present. "Ah. Otherworldly properties. There's something I had not investigated yet." She stares at the chess piece again. "Hmm. Does this have otherworldly properties to match, I wonder?" Not breaking her gaze from the chess piece, she asks Love, "Is there a vampire nearby?"

2019-04-11, 09:29 AM
"Oh yes," Fluttershy says with a nod of her head. She hesitates for a moment. "Um, out of curiosity, have you heard about the Power Ponies? They're, er, some of the only ones I know about. I suppose they must be very widely known if I know about them."

Her shoulders slump. "Oh. Right. Well, you are welcome to stay. But I can't promise it'll be, er, fun. I'm here for everypony else's sake. If it were up to me, I'd lock my door, brew some tea, and read a book until the night is over." She is content to drop the subject and accept Scarlet's presence.

A slight flush enters her cheek. "O-oh. Well, I think she'd faint if you told her that you didn't know exactly who she was. She's...a very good friend. All of them are very good friends."

"Power Ponies? Oh yes, that was one of my first comic books when I was knee-high to a grasshopper," Scarlet answers with a happy tone. She has fond memories of that series. "I liked Saddle Rager. She's a gentle, quiet pony with an inner strength I envied. I could really relate to her in the issue where the power ponies lost their powers to the baddies and she had to outsmart them to get their powers back."

"How good is very good?" Scarlet asks. "I mean, if I'm getting too personal, just say stop and I'll stop. It's just that... I often spend parties sitting on the sideline like this and I notice when ponies seem to want something. Stars know I do at times."

2019-04-11, 10:30 AM
"The world changed quite a bit while you were away." Longshot wouldn't blame Rem for having an ill opinion of anyone associated with her original Ponyville adventures, but he wasn't going to throw any pony under a bus either. "Several wars were fought. Some of the Elements of Harmony had to enter the military to help us succeed. If the Commander hadn't, then pony-kind would have wound up as Corvid-chow... and I wouldn't exist."

His gait matches Rem as they approach; there's no need to hurry her along. One hoof fishes an envelop from his inner belt.

"Commander Dash." Longshot calls to Rainbow once they've drawn close enough. "A moment of your time?"

2019-04-11, 02:17 PM
Fluttershy nods and thinks to herself, how ironic, as Rarity would say. Rarity says a lot of things. "There was an enchanted comic store back when I was...close to your age. It allowed you to, um, enter the comics. It was shut down over safety concerns, though. Something about 'unstable and reckless use of magic'."

Fluttershy hesitates, but her blush intensifies. "We are close friends," she says simply and very firmly, "And just that."


Rem tilts her head to the side. "Corvids. I see. Raven griffons. Hmm. I cannot imagine them being much of a threat. Too tribal and disorganized. But if you say so."

Dash looks up and focuses on Longshot, studying his costume. Slowly, a grin spreads over her face. "Heeeey there, Snip--er, Longshot. How's it going? Nice costume! Tried the cider yet?" She takes a swig. "This year's is better 'n most!"

2019-04-11, 03:17 PM
Fluttershy nods and thinks to herself, how ironic, as Rarity would say. Rarity says a lot of things. "There was an enchanted comic store back when I was...close to your age. It allowed you to, um, enter the comics. It was shut down over safety concerns, though. Something about 'unstable and reckless use of magic'."

Fluttershy hesitates, but her blush intensifies. "We are close friends," she says simply and very firmly, "And just that."

Scarlet doesn't press further on the Dash inquiry.

"A shame that comic store shut down. I think living in a comic book would be a fantasy come true for me. Buuut, I can understand the safety concerns. My sister is trying to learn how to teleport and I've heard nasty things about Splinching; when you fail the spell and part of you get's... you know..."

Scarlet shudders at the thought.

"Well, maybe Twilight could give her advice."

2019-04-11, 06:12 PM
"Well, no, I haven't." Longshot admits to Rainbow Dash. "I don't mix well with alcohol so I'll take your word for it."

He extends the envelop containing the Rainbow-Dash-relevant portion of his manuscript to the aforementioned relevant mare.

"I have a delivery to make. You'll probably want to look it over after the party's finished then you can get back to me."

Bad idea? Yes.

2019-04-11, 09:37 PM

"Sounds bad when you say it like that. Luckily!" Love smiles at her friend. "We have a good apple on our hoofs!


Love chuckles. "I know what you meant. Don't worry about it."

"I could give you a few notes about her. Or, we could skip right to introductions. Did you know she is really good at hoofling foals and fillies? She tucks them to sleep with good dreams."


"That'd require a massive amount of knowledge. Sharp eyes would be a considerable asset. Knowing fate or the future cuts out the computational work." Love looks away from Death toward Happy.

Love frowns at Happy looking down. "You should be having fun, especially on Nightmare Night." She gives her a reassuring smile and holds up a hoof. "We don't need to wait on any cider. If you want to do something different, we can split and hang out." A small HoloLove appears in her hoof. "What do you want to do?" Love is ready to go partying with her friend.

She says to Death, "That's beyond my ability to sense. An alchemist might know. They're good with that type of stuff." She rubs her mane at the question.

"I don't know of any vampires in ponyville." She could probably find a vampire custom if she looked around. She tilts her head at Death. "Why?"

2019-04-11, 10:27 PM
Fluttershy frowns, concerned. "Oh my. That does sound...dangerous," she says, "Twilight...I think she has safeguards in her spells. I think. I hope." The very thought of appearing in a wall makes her shudder. "Oooh, that sounds just awful."

She hesitates. "Twilight is...very busy right now. She did release a number of, er, instructional videos for unicorns, though. I never watched them. I'm, er, not a unicorn."


Dash frowns and nods. "Huh. I guess that makes sense." She shrugs. "Not that it's gonna stop me!" She takes another swig and wipes her mouth with a satisfied sigh. No wonder she's rarely invited to formal dinners with the heads of other states.

She extends a hoof and slips the envelop inside her costume. "Thanks. Yeah, I'll look it over after this wraps up." She glances behind him and sees Rem tagging along. "Hey! Who's your friend?"


Star gives Love a look as if to say, 'of course it's bad, Love'. Apple Pie shuffles his hooves, embarrassed a little. "Did ya bring him with ya?" he asks.

"No. Not tonight," Star says, "We wanted him somewhere where he could put his talents to good use: pestering the nobles and politicians of Canterlot." She smirks. "Celestia invited him to a dinner with Judge Doom and some of his cohort in attendance. I expect things will get interesting."


"I...didn't know that," Sandy says, "Though Cinnamon did say she saw somepony tall and beautiful with stars in her mane in a dream recently. Luna...well, she looks a little scary right now, but it's a good scary. The black pelt is fitting and the helmet...the helmet's a costume, right?"


Happy shifts and nods. "You don't have to split off again. I can...I can join up with Star or Sandy! They're both very nice."

Death blinks. "Knowing the future? Ah. I forget you cannot see Fate. I suppose that would increase uncertainty. Hmm. Perhaps fun is in uncertainty..."

Her eyes land on Love again. "Because. There is one here. I sense him."

2019-04-11, 10:41 PM
She hesitates. "Twilight is...very busy right now. She did release a number of, er, instructional videos for unicorns, though. I never watched them. I'm, er, not a unicorn."

"Twilight is a smart spellcaster, I'm sure her videos will help my sister be careful with her new powers. She's lucky to have a lot of support..." Scarlet trails a bit and then remains quiet for two seconds. "I don't know much magic myself. A few basic tricks with computers, but that's about it. Besides, you have a real knack with animals I've heard. That seems like a really nice skillset."

2019-04-12, 07:59 AM
"I didn't think it wound nor should." Longshot replies. Expecting every pony to become a teetotaler for his sake would be like expecting a waterfall to spontaneously stop.

"Allow me to introduce Rem. Rem, Commander Rainbow Dash. Commander Dash, Rem." The presentations are outdated but at least it was something. "I guess you could say she's like a Ghost of Nightmare Night Past."

Time to abort: roughly three seconds.

2019-04-12, 03:14 PM

"Nobles and politicians need a break from protocol once in a while. Protocol has no protocol for breaking the rules so a little outside help is needed sometimes." Love puts a hoof to her mouth and chuckles. "I hope they are having a very interesting and fun time."


"That sounds like a lovely dream." Cinnamon is in good hoofs. Love should explain for Luna's benefit. "The helmet is a costume nowadays. A long long time ago Princess Luna was Nightmare Moon. The Elements helped turn her back to Princess Luna."

"She does have a good scary going on! That height advantage really adds up!" Love chuckles. "A lot of ponies are wearing slightly scary costumes." Love's single eye glows red. "Don't let that trick you though. Princess Luna is sweet and kind. She raises the moon every night and safeguards our dreams from nightmares. She brings good dreams to everypony. By the way you explained things, it sounds like Cinnamon has already met Luna." Love puts her hoofs to her cheeks and squirms. "Luna is the best! She has a hug fan following. MistressMoon is very popular amongest the gaming crowd and even beyond the network."


The LittleLove disappears. "The more the merrier! I'm still right here." Love motions to Love and Munes sitting next to them. MunesLove waves to her randomly. She whispers, "Munes and I are talking about Luna." She raises her voice to normal. "Star and I are still apple bobbing."

She divides he attention to Death. "We haven't met yet." Love smirks. "There is fun in the uncertainty! Most ponies don't know who is going to win a game so a lot of excitement can build off that! Some games have a very high bell curve when it comes to winning and skill. New players can do well and even win against more skilled opponents."

Love stretches out her lips at the news of a vampire being around. "You know what. I'll bring the drinks to us." She sends a few HoloLoves to grab Cider for the two of them. "Him?" The only vampire Love knows is a stallion. Love smells her leg. Doe she smell like Crowe Lock? "Would you know this pony by name... or age?"

2019-04-12, 03:43 PM
Fluttershy nods eagerly. "Oh yes. Animals make such wonderful companions. And I help ponies find pets too, if, um, if that's something you'd be interested in. Something warm and fuzzy to curl up with in your apartment, maybe?"


Rem politely extends a hoof and smiles, but Dash's eyes narrow. "Waitasec, I read something about a Rem recently...Um..." She thinks for a moment, the alcohol she's consumed already slowing down her mental processes. How her poor liver survives is a mystery. "Oh yeah!" Dash looks Rem over and slowly reaches to take her hoof. "Guess we met before, huh?"

Rem's smile widens and her teeth sharpen into needles. The flesh on her hoof flows down over Dash's like water and envelops it. The tipsy pegasus yelps in surprise and takes to the air with a flap of her powerful wings. Her hoof comes free with a wet 'Slorp'. Dash's eyes go steely and she assumes a battle stance, but her anger turns to confusion when Rem starts laughing.

"Oh your face! You should have seen it! Longshot, her face! Ahahhahahahaha!" She falls over and rolls on the ground, laughing.

Dash's cheeks flush and she slowly comes down. "Yeah, yeah, you're hilarious."


Apple Pie and Star chuckle wryly. "I reckon 'interestin' is one way of describin' it," Apple Pie says. "Oh! Apple, er, bot said she wanted to see ya'll before the night is over, so don't forget to pay her a visit when she gets back from trick or treating?"


"Oh," Sandy says, "Oh! She's the moon-princess! Yes, okay. The dots are coming together now. And her sister's the sun, yeah? What's her, er, 'net name'? Sunny Skies or something?"

Luna does, in fact, have somepony she co-ops with named Sunny Skies. However, she is merely a pegasus with a light pink coat and complementing mane.

Happy trots up, a smile back on her face. "Hello!" she says to Sandy. She looks at Love and says, "We were just talking. Uh, how quickly do you share info between minds?"


"Yes. I think I've heard enough about games for now," Death says, "Now to find out what it has in common with other fun things."

She drinks the cider, though her expression does not change. "Hmm," she says, "The air bubbles keep trying to escape, even when swallowed. Novel."

Love does not smell like Crow Locke. Why would she smell like Crow Locke in the first place? Has Crow Locke been doing things behind the GM's back to Love?

"The eldest of them all," Death says, "He has eluded me for a long time."

2019-04-12, 04:52 PM
Fluttershy nods eagerly. "Oh yes. Animals make such wonderful companions. And I help ponies find pets too, if, um, if that's something you'd be interested in. Something warm and fuzzy to curl up with in your apartment, maybe?"

"Well... I don't think I have the time to give a pet. It's just me and I travel a bit; sometimes for work and also taking care of Rose's affairs whenever she's in the hospital. Thank you though. Maybe at some point I'll be able to dedicate time for a puppy or something. I might have to do something with that robot dog I got in pieces back home. Been programming it to act as a service animal for my dad. His eyesight isn't what it once was."

2019-04-12, 05:09 PM

"I'd love to see her after she gets done trick or treating the town. Do you know what she wants to talk about? We'll make sure to see her once she gets back home."


"Yep! You got the right pony." She o's. "I like that, moon-princess. Her sister is Princess Celestia. The sun-princess." Love smiles. "Sunny Skies is a different pony. I've never met Sunny Skies, but I could tell you a little about her. When you meet Princess Celestia in pony, you'll be able to tell by a glance." Love puts a hoof above her head and raises it to demonstrate height.

"Hello, Happy! I was expecting you!" She nods. "I'm trying something new! I've learned a trick or two from Blank and Null and am making better use of my head space. Instantly! There is no delay. We can go over the finer details in private sometime if you want!" There is only one Love at this party. There is no information to share between minds because they are all the same Love.

Love pats a spot next to herself, inviting Happy to join the two.

"The costumes are a little scarier this year, I think."


"Let the quest for fun continue!"

Love excitedly awaits the return of her BugBots and fresh cider. She tried to pick something stronger for Death. She leans forward as Death tries the cider. A quick series of nods launch as Death hmms. "It's pretty great! Are you feeling anything magical? Like, it's making you feel, like, gland, stuff but without using your glands?"

Good, good. HoloLove doesn't smell like Crow Locke.

Love holds her head. "Brain lock! You caused about a dozen questions to pop into my head at the same time. If you want: When you say here, do you mean within the town or at this party? I'm not familiar with your sense of scale. Or, that you sensed him somehow, but aren't sure his location? Are you chasing him? Do you not like non-living ponies?"

Love's eyes light up. "Oh! We could try dancing!"

2019-04-12, 06:04 PM
By design, Longshot's face can't quite contain some mirth.

"It was kind of funny." He admits. "Honestly, I'd be more worried if Rem didn't pull a prank like this. Scaring a pony is normally how she says 'hello'. Think of it as a cultural thing and don't take it personally."

From the distance comes the scent of a GM referencing his other projects. Hm. Smelled like coffee.

2019-04-12, 10:01 PM
Without intending to, Scarlet has made Fluttershy very, very sad. She looks absolutely crestfallen. "Oh," she says simply, "That's...that's alright. I understand. A...robot dog." She turns away slightly, hiding her face behind her mane.

"...I hate robots."


"No clue!" Apple Pie declares with a wry grin, "I think she just wants to talk to ya'll."


Happy slips in beside them, her grin warm and bubbling over. "Oh good! Ooh, that is a neat trick!" She will try to wrap a hoof around Love and fall through her. For an awkward moment, her head is sticking out of Love's hip. "Sorry!"

With a nod, Sandy accepts Love's explanation. "Wait a minute, though. Sunny Skies...is she a relative of, er, Celestia? The name seems suspicious."


Death takes another drink of the cider. She still doesn't react to it, but she drinks it faster this time. "The sensation is a new one. I do not encounter new things very often."

She locks eyes with Love. "He is at this party. Somewhere close. He has always escaped my grasp before. We shall see if my presence here means that tonight is his fated hour, so long delayed."

"What is dancing, in your own words?"


"Sure. Laugh it up, Longshot," Dash says, giving him a playful punch on the shoulder. "Just remember that...that...aw buck, I don't have anything on you." She sighs.

Rem composes herself and stands up, clearing her throat. "Okay, okay. I won't do it again. Tonight. To you. No promises beyond that."

Longshot hears the sound of a throat clearing behind him. Which is odd, because he thinks he should have heard someone coming from that way.

2019-04-12, 10:30 PM
Without intending to, Scarlet has made Fluttershy very, very sad. She looks absolutely crestfallen. "Oh," she says simply, "That's...that's alright. I understand. A...robot dog." She turns away slightly, hiding her face behind her mane.

"...I hate robots."

Scarlet tilts her head. "Why so against them? Something traumatic or just the competition with real animals?"

2019-04-13, 05:58 AM
"I'm sure Sgt. Barrel Roll would be glad to tell you some tales." Longshot replies to Rainbow Dash. "Hornet Squadron might be a bit more prompting."

"Yeah, there are so many more introductions to make and so little time to scare them." He adds for Rem.

The sound of a second throat clearing is interesting. Wait a tick... He turns to track the origin of the noise. "Hello?"

2019-04-13, 11:22 AM
"They aren't alive," Fluttershy says, "They aren't...real. Yet ponies..." She sighs. "Nevermind. Forget I, um, said anything."


"Barrel Roll, eh?" Dash gives him a lopsided grin. "I'll be sure t' corner her...sometime." She sways a little and giggles.

Longshot turns and finds himself staring at an armored batpony, one of Luna's guards. Looks like he's actually the only one she brought with her. However, a visor hangs low over his face, obscuring his futures. "Lt. Longshot," the guard says in a smooth, silky voice with an almost supernatural pull to it. He smiles and shows teeth that are a bit sharper than the average batpony's. "It is good to meet thee again."

2019-04-13, 11:44 AM
"They aren't alive," Fluttershy says, "They aren't...real. Yet ponies..." She sighs. "Nevermind. Forget I, um, said anything."

"Neigh, my memory is too stubborn to forget things," Scarlet counters politely. "And besides, you make an excellent point! I'd prefer to get my dad a real service dog. It's just... I don't know where to go for one of those. Unless maybe, you know (https://derpicdn.net/img/2014/8/12/697864/medium.gif)...?"

2019-04-13, 12:42 PM
Longshot squints at the batpony. This wasn't who he was hoping to see, although that wasn't a surprise under the circumstances.

"I'm afraid that you have me at a disadvantage." Longshot admits. "I feel like we've met before but I can't quite put my hoof on it."

2019-04-13, 06:39 PM
Fluttershy brightens. "Oh! I am sure I can find one for your dad! There are so many out there who need a somepony to watch over. And if he needs one, it's the least I can do to bring them together." She beams, restored to happiness once more.


The batpony chuckles. "Art I that forgettable? Unfortunately, I am forbidden to tell thee my name, but we have met and fought on the same battlefield, though I was sorely vexed with madness and blood-hunger at the time."

2019-04-13, 07:19 PM
Longshot cracks a hoof against the ground.

"Ah. That would explain it. It's not that you're forgettable so much as I couldn't place you without an obstinate military officer arguing with us. I'm surprised to see you around here but you seem to be doing better since our last discussion."

Longshot runs the situation through a few contingencies. Hm. Maybe Love's antics have brought about an improvement. Princess Luna would have to know of Crow Locke was running loose and CL didn't seem as maniacal as in time past. Best to roll with it for the moment.

Longshot retreats a step and turns slightly to create a group dynamic.

"This is Commander Rainbow Dash and a friend of mine named Rem. Why don't you join our conversation?"

2019-04-13, 07:42 PM
Fluttershy brightens. "Oh! I am sure I can find one for your dad! There are so many out there who need a somepony to watch over. And if he needs one, it's the least I can do to bring them together." She beams, restored to happiness once more.

This is an honest win-win for Scarlet. A dog gets a home and she doesn't have to keep fighting the crappy programming in the robot dog to make it work. She should of never taken the robot off Rose's hooves.

"That's great to hear! I'll meet up with you sometime after the party and we can work out an adoption plan. I know my dad's house pretty well so we can see what size would fit best at their house."

"Do you want something to drink? Or a snack?"

2019-04-13, 11:02 PM

"I'll let Longshot know she is looking for us in case he runs into her first."

Love texts Longshot and Brazen, "I got a message from Apple Pie that Apple Bloom wants to talk to us tonight. He couldn't bring himself to say her full name. She is out trick or treating in Ponyville and won't return home until later tonight. Keep me updated!"

"We'll keep our eyes out for her ourselves."

"Apple Pie!" Love hugs Star and looks at her. "Star and I, we're here for apple bobbing! Do you want to gives us a break down or should we just drive in head first?"


"That's bett-" Love stops talking abruptly as Happy falls through her. "Are you alright?!" She steps away from her seat so that Happy can more easily right herself. "Sorry, I should have warned you that I'm a Hollow Love. Here! Let me change my design!" Love concentrates for a moment, and all the HoloLove's saddlebags disappear. "There, now only myself with Star has a saddlebag so you should be able to tell us apart more easily." Love is flustered by the event.

Love waits for Happy to sit up again before she takes sits again. She waits for Happy to recover and reciprocates any dialogue.

After any dress fixing, Love says to Sandy, "She does have a lovely name. A gut feeling is a horrible thing to waste. Let's find out!" She summons a HoloScrean in front of the three and raises her hoofs to a hologram keyboard. Sandy is more than welcome to sit next to her so that they can all view the same screen. She searches for information on Sunny Skies. "They could be related."


Love raises a hoof as if to raise an objection, but lowers her hoof before she completes the action. "You've never had cider? I should warn you that it is intoxicating to ponies. I don't know if that'd affect your body, but if you ever desire, I have some medicine that'll cancel out that effect. Ponies usual drink until they are slightly affected then stop drinking. The effects are delayed so you might want to drink slowly. It's important to remember moderation in all things."

Love puts her hoofs on her head. She calmly says, "I don't understand why he should receive his fate. He's here to enjoy the party. I don't understand why" Crow Locke should be destroyed.

She wiggles her hips. "Dancing is simple. It's moving with the intention to dance!" She keeps her hoofs on her head and slings her hip to the left. "It is usually lively." To the right, "A person usually tries to follow a rhythm." Love brings her hoofs to her chest before stretching out one to the left and starts moving her hips to a rhythm. "Movement of any kind is key. Twirls. Swirls." Love spins around and strikes a pose high into the air. "It is as showy or as modest as desired!" She pulls her hoofs down and starts walking in place while barely moving her forelegs. "There are no rules without exception. It's all about having fun! People can dance alone, in a duo, or in a large group. It's about expressing yourself!" Love drops to the ground in a split before bouncing back to Death's level.

2019-04-14, 01:27 AM
"Well," Crow Locke says with a warm chuckle, "Tonight hath been deemed a 'trial run', so to speak. With the princess close by in case of any...incidents. I intend to see it through without any unfortunate accidents, to the best of my ability."

He steps into the conversation right in the middle of Rem regaling Dash in some of her 'best pranks'. The pegasus is quickly warming up to her, drawn in by a 'new perspective' on pranking. "In the end, it's all about surprise," Rem says, "And scaring somepony always surprises them."


"Oh yes! After the party," Fluttershy agrees with a nod, "I couldn't do anything tonight even if I wanted to. All the offices are closed."

"Um, that's alright. I'm a light eater. And drinker." She glances around and her eyes fall on Dash again, specifically the mug in her hoof. "...I think I'll have a cider anyway, though."


Apple Pie chuckles. "Sure thing. It's easy as pie. All ya gotta do is stick your head in that there tub and pull out as many apples as ya can in thirty seconds. Ya can keep the ones ya bite an' whoever gets the most at the end o' the night wins a special, secret prize! How 'bout it?"

"I'm down," Star says with a grin. She bumps hips with Love. "You?"


Happy rights herself, cheeks flushing red as her costume, and takes a moment to smooth everything out and over. "Sorry! Sorry! I just don't know what I did wrong..."

Sandy raises an eyebrow, but refrains from pointing out the obvious.

The search turns up nothing particularly noteworthy. She has a social media presence, works as an aide in the castle, and graduated from Canterlot University with both a political science and history degree. Yet it seems all rather bare-bones. Not a whole lot of data exists on her. The stuff a pony posts about themselves is all there, but the meta-data is missing.


"But I am not a pony," Death states, "And I am going to keep drinking it." And she does.

"He's already escaped his fate," Death says, "He ought to have died centuries ago now. The fact that he 'lived' to enjoy the party is a blessing in and of itself. He does not deserve it." She sets the empty cider cup down and chuckles. Her eyes bore into Love for a moment. "I see. You don't think it's fair. I'm afraid you will be perpetually disappointed with life, then."

Death studies Love's dance, but shakes her head. "I do not move that way," she states.

2019-04-14, 07:21 AM
Longshot slips a quick nod to Crow Locke to show his understanding of the situation.

"Perhaps you two should get together and give the Wonderbolts a night of pranking that will go down in history." He resumes his place in the conversation. "Then maybe afterward Rem could work some of her dream therapy.

"Anyway, let me introduce another acquaintance of mine. Commander Dash, Rem, this is another acquaintance of mine. Tonight's a night for old friends, it seems."

He leaves the door open for Crow Locke to introduce himself; this way if there's a preferred pseudonym, Crow Locke is free to employ it.

2019-04-14, 08:14 AM
"Oh yes! After the party," Fluttershy agrees with a nod, "I couldn't do anything tonight even if I wanted to. All the offices are closed."

"Um, that's alright. I'm a light eater. And drinker." She glances around and her eyes fall on Dash again, specifically the mug in her hoof. "...I think I'll have a cider anyway, though."

Scarlet gets up and goes to get two ciders to bring back. Maybe she can encourage Fluttershy to brave up with her and the two can get a little more sociable together?

2019-04-14, 06:04 PM

Love laughs and hip bumps Star. "You know I'm down! I'll have you know this isn't my first time apple bobbing. Prepare for amazement!"

"Thirty seconds. Grab as many apples as possible! Got it!" Love puts a hoof up to her mouth. "There is even a secret prize. Mwhaha. How exciting."

She says to Star, "I wonder what the prize is." She looks over the tube and any ponies playing the game. "Do you want to go first?"


Love puts a hoof over her face. "Sorry! I didn't mean to catch you by surprise." She sits down next to her and hugs her briefly. "My new trick doesn't require that I use pony-sized robots. I've only got the one LoveBot at the party. Every other me is a hologram projection. I'm using BugBots as mobile platforms. You didn't do anything wrong Happy."

"Would you like me to project over a ChromeBot? It'd feel like a ChromeBot, but it'd have more structure."

Love does her search with the group. Love reads everything and explains the sites layouts to Munes. It's a good learning opportunity so Love can help Munes become slightly more familiar with technology.

Love rubs her chin. "That is interesting. The meta-data is missing. Meta-data is like a pony's hoofprints. She doesn't have much of an online presence, and her tracks are clear. She could be a security hobbyist, but somepony else could be hoofling her security. No meta-data is certainly curious."


Love smiles. "Your Nightmare Night costume almost fooled me." Love waves hoof up. "I was only giving the breakdown on Cider." She chuckles. "It's a party. Ponies are drinking. Nothing to worry about there."

"He is pretty old by my standards. You say he escaped fate. I wonder if fate or you puts into place the circumstances that lead to a ponies end. I've only literally seen you working with my sister. I didn't", she pauses, "see you plunging the needle. You're not going to cut a roped piano above his head or attack him, right?"

A shiver goes down her spine at that gaze. "Wait, did you chuckle!? What made you chuckle? We should explore that! Maybe, you have a thing for comedy." Love smiles.

"I don't know about fate, blessings, or what is fair in the cosmic scheme of things. I only have my observation point - which I'm working on expanding! I think... I have a lot to learn." She wryly chuckles.

"You only touched the food." Love eyes the empty drink and motions her heard toward the cup. "Would you like another cider?""

Love will send a BugBot to grab her another drink if Death seems interested.

2019-04-14, 07:08 PM
Dash grins. "Oh that'd be totally awesome! Heh, they're used to me, but not you, Rem. We could get 'em so good!" She cackles at the thought.

Rem's mouth splits open into an uncanny, creepy smile. "I would love that," she says honestly. Celestia preserve the Wonderbolts. They'll need it.

Dash looks over and frowns. "Oh. One of the Night Guards. Cool ponies, you lot."

Crow Locke chuckles and inclines his head towards her. "Commander Dash, thou art everything thy reputation says thou art."

"You know it!"


"Thank you," Fluttershy says with a smile. She takes a sip and 'hmm's appreciatively. Applejack makes good stuff. "I remember when this farm struggled. It seemed like Applejack was always on the verge of bankruptcy. Now look at it."


"I want to see you go first," Star says with a grin, "That way I can see what not to do."

Apple Pie leads them to a metal basket the size of a small wading pool, full of water and apples. He stands off to the side as Love and Star line up. "Alright. Here it is!"


Happy frowns. "Er, structure?" The ins and outs of Love's abilities elude her, she just tends to accept her whenever and however she shows up.

Not only is it curious, it's downright impossible. Unless someone went back and erased every trace of her online, she practically popped into existence at age 21. Something's not right here.


Death shakes her head. "No. No, contrary to what you may think, I don't kill anyone. You all do a grand job of that on your own." She checks the cider mug to make sure she didn't leave any behind. She didn't. "I just have to wonder if Fate orchestrated it so I'd be here, ready to collect."

"Hmm? Chuckle? Oh. Yes, I saw a cat rolling on the ground. It made me chuckle." She nods.

"More cider. Yes. Much more cider." She grins, something that Death is especially good at.

2019-04-14, 08:30 PM
"Thank you," Fluttershy says with a smile. She takes a sip and 'hmm's appreciatively. Applejack makes good stuff. "I remember when this farm struggled. It seemed like Applejack was always on the verge of bankruptcy. Now look at it."

"I remember reading that this farm is what founded Ponyville. So it's been here literally since 'dirt' to use a friend's phrase." Scarlet sips her own drink. She studies the different buildings around. "Ponyville doesn't seem to have grown up much like the rest of Equestria. I guess local ponies like the historical feel of it. What was it like then in the early years? Before computers and modern stuff I mean."

2019-04-14, 08:50 PM
"Just name the date." Eh. The Wonderbolts would live. Rem needed broader horizons and this was a way to do it.

"Alright, so... should we walk and talk? There's a fair bit more of the festival to experience." Longshot suggests.

Maybe moving about would keep the group engaged and, possibly, Dash away from the Cider. Not likely, but worth the attempt. Besides, Rem was still 'on the clock'.

Longshot checks his phone and sends a text back to Love. "Affirmative. I'll keep my eyes open and let you know if I see her."

2019-04-14, 11:21 PM

Love laughs. "It'll be my pleasure." Love raises a hoof to her chest. In a mock butler voice, she says, "Pleases, allow me demonstrate a thing or two about apple bobbing."

She parks in front of the metal tub and looks it over. "Yes, excellent. Thank you, Apple Pie."

She dips back to her normal voice. "I'd wouldn't want to get my stuff wet." Love takes off her saddlebag and sword. They get placed in a neat pile close by to avoid any spillage. She doesn't want her gear to fall in the water or messing up her balance. Love runs a hoof over her neck to make sure that her computer jack is properly sealed.

She looks over the pool again. She winks at Star. "I'm used to chommpy waters. I did grow up near the ocean. I'll be back in a bite!" She says to Star, "Wish me luck, Honey," and smiles.

It's no big deal. It's simply fluid dynamics. It's not big deal!

With Star's 'blessing' or any sing of 'go', Love dives head into the pale of water - slowing after the show and before she makes contact with the water. She stands int front of the pool as her head fishes around. Her eyes lock on to the nearest apple, and she methodically grabs for it with her mouth while trying not to generate too much turbulence in the water.


She answers Happy, "a robot to lean on. I'll have to think about how to overcome the non-physical HoloLove flaw."

"Alright, Sunny Skies' results are actually suspicious." Love looks to Munes looking impressed. "Nicely done, Munes. That's a strong gut feeling you've got there." She smirks. "You've uncovered a mystery!"

She rubs her mane. "I'd love to dig into this mystery with you. I think I need to talk to Princess Luna though. Would you still like to drop a one-liner on her? I could introduce the two of you!" Love gives her a weak smile at the quick change in plans. "What do you say? We can go back to tracking down Sunny Skies real identity soon enough?"


Love breaths a huge sigh of relief. "I'm glad to hear you say that." She gives half a grimace when she says ponies are to blame. "I understand! You collect and ferry ponies. That... sounds really noble."

"There might have been a misunderstanding earlier. I'm interested in medicine. I might need to talk to Fate about my medicine."

"Yes! Is that why you chuckled!?" Love smiles and looks around for the cat. "Would you like to play with the cat?" Her smile widens. "I know a good source to watch cats" Love steps towards the cat if she can find it. "What do you want to do? Play with the kitty?"

"Drink up! Moar cider! Much more!" Love sends that BugBot. "The delivery is on the way!" Love blinks at that grin. "You have a pretty, awesome grin."


Text, "Thanks"

2019-04-15, 10:36 AM
"It was...quiet," Fluttershy says, "Idyllic. We did have monster attacks, yes. The, um, Everfree Forest was wilder in those days. I've spent a lot of time taming it. But life was nice. We all lived so close together. If you weren't Dash, it took quite a bit to get anywhere else." She smiles. "We had one train that went in and out of town on a little station. Twilight lived in the town library before she got her castle. Oh! And that was much smaller at first too. It's grown. Everything's grown so much."


"Pfft. Walk," Dash says. With a soft flap, she takes to the air, hovering a few feet off the ground. "Why walk when you can fly?"

"To avoid arrogance," Crow Locke counters, "And show respect to thy equals."

Dash pauses. "Alright," she says unsurely, "Alright, that's a good reason." She doesn't land, though.

Rem steps up beside Longshot, eagerness written on her face. "So! What're we going to do next?"


Star laughs and winks at her. "I'll take careful notes."

"Go!" Apple Pie shouts.

Straight Dex for this one, please!


"Oh, it's alright," Happy assures her, "It's just...I can't keep track of it all. What's real, what isn't, what you can feel, what you can't. You couldn't taste a muffin like this, could you?"

Sandy grins smugly at that. "Well thank you." Her eyes brighten. "That sounds great! Let's go. I'll see if this princess of the night is all she's cracked up to be!"


"It is my appointed task," Death states, "Nobility does not factor into it."

She stares at Love, blinking for several seconds. A small, cold laugh escapes her lips. "Talk to Fate? If you do that, we will meet again for certain. It hates this whole world for the headaches it's caused thanks to Chaos' interference. Besides, you would have to become even greater than Celestia to merit an audience. He directly serves Order himself."

"Play with the...?" She pauses and drinks more cider. "Yes. Yes I would very much like that."

2019-04-15, 10:55 AM
"It was...quiet," Fluttershy says, "Idyllic. We did have monster attacks, yes. The, um, Everfree Forest was wilder in those days. I've spent a lot of time taming it. But life was nice. We all lived so close together. If you weren't Dash, it took quite a bit to get anywhere else." She smiles. "We had one train that went in and out of town on a little station. Twilight lived in the town library before she got her castle. Oh! And that was much smaller at first too. It's grown. Everything's grown so much."

"Maybe it's strange of me to say, but that does sound nice." Scarlet imagines the town in a smaller, rustic state without modern conveniences. "The big cities don't sleep; you are constantly bombarded with information and noise. Like listening to those old dial-up modems back in the day. Um... well, if you know what I mean. Sorry if I'm getting too wordy."

She sips her drink and then notices Dash in the air. "Hmm, looks like they're going to do something. Maybe... maybe we could join? I mean, we're both not the party pony types, but if you're willing to try socializing, I'll go with you. That might help the both of us out?"

2019-04-15, 11:45 AM
"And to blend in with the crowd when you're in hostile territory." Longshot backs up Crow Locke's point. "Although this isn't exactly hostile territory so I don't see the harm in it." He, however, remains with all four hooves on the ground.

Hm. What to do next... "We should probably hit up some of the games while we can. Maybe we can pit Team Nocturnal against Team Daylight? I think there's a few games over that way." Longshot nods in Love's general direction as he set his mind to a course of action.

Maybe they'd run into some of the other Elements along the way. Since, to all appearances, Rem was as immortal as they were, it would be good to get them in touch sooner rather than later. The same went for Crow Locke. If this party was a trial run for him, then he wanted the Vampire to get the most out of it that he could.

Huh. When did this party turn into a networking exercise?

2019-04-15, 01:26 PM

Love lunges for an Apple and swishes around for an Apple.

[roll0] vs 12 (DX)


She says to Happy, "I could taste your muffins! I'm not manually controlling this little robot, but if I want the robot can send back sensory information to me. Which I do want! This robot has a good sense of smell, but it's different though. I'll have to consider more LoveBots." Love chuckles. "That's a lot of LoveBots. It might be worth it for more hugging area! I have a ChromeBot here if you prefer one Happy." She waits for the reply.

Love sweetly replies, "Your welcome!"

"Is anypony still eating? I can have robots clean the tables myself so we can head straight there." Love will use her BugBots very limited lifting capacity to clean up.

"Let's go!" Love stands up. "She shouldn't be too hard to find." Love chuckles. "She is like a lighthouse." Love will head off with the group to find Luna.


Love nods understandingly. "A dutiful person. Factors aside, helping guide ponies to a happy afterlife is very noble and kind."

"Wow, he sounds like a big deal. Meeting him sounds impossible." She curiously asks, "Do you talk with Fate?"

Love chuckles. "I'd like that too! Let's go find her!" Love will trot toward the direction Death was looking to see if she can find a cat. "What color was she?"

2019-04-15, 05:32 PM
Fluttershy smiles and she looks up at the sky. Her gaze is distant, fixed on some unknown point in a different time. "It was very nice," she agrees quietly. She lets out a small sigh. "But time stops for nopony."

"Oh. If you're sure that's what you want to do," she says, sounding a little surprised by Scarlet's willingness. However, she rises and sips her cider some more. Perhaps to give her a bit of liquid courage, who's to say? "Anypony in particular?"


"Nocturnal?" Crow Locke eyes Rem, "I can't help by assume thou meanst this fine mare here, but I did not thinkst that unicorns were nocturnal."

Rem grins at him, splitting the flesh on her cheeks and showing a mouth so full of teeth that they stretch all the way down her throat. "Who said anything about unicorn?" she asks with a chuckle. A few feet away, a colt faints.

Crow Locke studies her with an unfazed, but curious, expression. Rem pouts. "Team Nocturnal, then," the fallen paladin says.

This turned into a networking exercise the moment Longshot decided to take responsibility for showing the monsters a good time.


It's hard than Love thinks it should be. Ponies are used to using their mouths, of course, but the apples have an infuriating way of getting away from you when floating in the water. Still, Love manages to grab three and set them down beside her. Apple Pie calls out "Time" just as she's going for another.

"Good job," Star says, "Not that I doubted you. You're skilled with your tongue, after all."

Apple Pie nods. "Aye, yer a right good talker, Ms. Love. That's what ya meant, right?"

"Yes." Star agrees. "That's exactly what I meant."


Since we seem to be having several conversations that take place over several points in the evening, I am gong to say that everything wraps up well, Love does not have to call another bot, the dishes are cleared, and it's time to find Luna.

Sandy looks around and points. "Found her. The nice, flowy mane helped."

Luna is currently off to one side, talking to a few of the other guests. She grins sinisterly and bends down towards a filly, who giggles and jumps back. "And what dost thou bring to offer me, Nightmare Moon?" she says.The parents smiles.


"No. It sends me a scroll each morning with a list of my tasks," Death answers, "I am in no hurry to meet my fate before it comes for me. How very fitting that term is."

"Black. A black cat," Death says, looking around. Love can help, if she's perceptive enough!

2019-04-15, 05:37 PM
Fluttershy smiles and she looks up at the sky. Her gaze is distant, fixed on some unknown point in a different time. "It was very nice," she agrees quietly. She lets out a small sigh. "But time stops for nopony."

"Oh. If you're sure that's what you want to do," she says, sounding a little surprised by Scarlet's willingness. However, she rises and sips her cider some more. Perhaps to give her a bit of liquid courage, who's to say? "Anypony in particular?"

"True, time waits for nopony," Scarlet agrees. "So... let's hang out with Rainbow? I haven't formally met her and my sister wanted me to meet ponies. Maybe I can say hi if you're with me?"

2019-04-15, 05:59 PM
This turned into a networking exercise the moment Longshot decided to take responsibility for showing the monsters a good time.

Right. Responsibility. His... Defining characteristic? Arch-nemesis? Something or other. The abundance of teeth promptly derail that train of thought.

"Rem's one-of-a-kind and a league of her own, but always classy." Longshot says by way of explanation. It's all of the explanation he can give at the moment.

He sets off at a trot towards the games and attractions. Hm. A hall of mirrors was probably not a good option. "Does anything look especially attractive? We'd probably want something that involves more skill than luck."

2019-04-15, 08:26 PM

Love pulls her out-stretched neck from the bucket and laughs. The silliness of trying to fish out a bunch of apples with her mouth built up a giggle. "Hey! I did better than last time!" She uses her hoof to brush away some of the water and start drying her coat. An apple finds it between her hoofs and she bounces it back and forth. Water drips off her face. Love smiles with her metal jaw at the results. "My first Nightmare Night it took me three minutes to get my apple! I practically had to climb into the pail." It feels like she has been living in Equestria forever now, but past events seem rather close at times. "A new personal record!" Love pumps her hoof.

Love hears the two, blushes, and rubs her mane. "Aw, now the two of you are making me blush."

Randomly. "Oh! I need some candy!" Love grabs her apples before taping on her saddlebag. "I'm about to talk to Luna." A few BugBots with candy fly out and toward Mune's group.

Love raises up and tries to lightly match flanks with Star again. "Aw, thank you for confiding your confidence in me, Sunshine. Now, it's my turn to put my confidence in you!" Love puts a hoof on her shoulder. "Three apples is something, but there are a lot of heavy hitters out here tonight. Team LoveStar is counting - No! - depending on you." A part of Love's coat pops up from drying. She says dramatically, "Learn from my mistakes. I know you can do it, Sweetie." She gives her a serious nod.

"Would you like me to hold your mask? You spent so much time on your awesome costume. I wouldn't want anything to happen to it."


"Noted, Munes! You find her mane lovely." She teases, "She is the moon in the night sky." All true for Love.

A few BugBots fly over Munes, Happy, and Love. "Oh! I want to bring some candy to meet Luna." Love reaches up for one of the BugBots and it crawls into her 'costume'. "Nightmare Moon likes her gifts." Love smiles at Munes. "I've never brought Princess Luna candy on Nightmare Night! I think it'll be fun." Anypony else is welcome to grab some candy from the bots.

Love watches Luna interact with the kid. She puts a hoof up and whispers to Munes and Happy. "I told you she was good with kids."

"Let's wait," She whispers, ",You might want to load that one-liner." Love wouldn't want to interrupt the family and Luna.


Love lets out a long, "Hmmm." Death is going to meet her fate someday? "Fate sure is perplexing. I'm glad I met you. I'm sure Fate would be the same."

She snaps around looking for the cat. "Right! I'll help you find her." Love calls, "Kitty." She palatal clicks to try to summon the cat. "Cats usually don't come when called, but very rarely they do! Kitty!" Love clicks again.

"Hey, I've been asking you a lot of questions. And, I very much appreciate you answering them. Do you have any questions for me? Do you want to know anything about the world or myself?"

[roll0] vs 15 = 13 (Perception) +2 (Infravision)

2019-04-15, 09:43 PM
Fluttershy's face flushes, but her lips turn upwards into a smile. "Oh yes. Let's do that. She's a wonderful pony. I'm sure you'll like her." Eagerly, Fluttershy sets off in Dash's general direction.

In short order, the two of them come up behind the group of four ponies, roaming about and looking for a game. "Heh. We could race," Dash suggests with a grin.

"I don't believe thou needst more of a chance to stroke thine ego," Crow Locke counters.

"Um, hello everypony," Fluttershy says softly. Rem turns towards her and her eyes light up with a dangerous glint.


Star smirks. "I think I picked up a few things," she says confidently and steps up the pool. At Apple Pie's signal, she dives in, working expertly with her mouth to snatch the apples up and set them aside. When all is said and done, she has four of them sitting beside her.

"Not bad," she says, "Just gotta appl-eye yourself. Heh."


Happy grabs some of the candy and, with a moment of hesitation, Sandy does too. "Are we too old for this, you think? Does she eat it all? How did this get started?" Sandy barrages Love with questions as Luna pats the filly on the head and sends her on her way. The parents bow their heads for a moment and the three of them fade back into the crowd.


Love, unfortunately, does not see a cat. And for that matter, neither does Death. The spectral mare takes another drink of cider and lets out a long, "Hmm." She peers under one of the tables. "I do have one question. Are cats good at hiding?"

2019-04-15, 10:34 PM
"Um, hello everypony," Fluttershy says softly. Rem turns towards her and her eyes light up with a dangerous glint.

Oh, right, her. Well, gotta just play around that and meet Rainbow Dash. Longshot she knew... who is the bat pony though?

"Uh, hi there. I'm, Scarlet. Rose's sister." Scarlet's voice trailed as her confidence took a small hit. "Nice to meet you."

2019-04-16, 07:51 AM
Too many fires, not enough time. At least no pony was shooting at any pony else. Yet.

Longshot nudges Rem's shoulder to pick up her attention. He subtly shakes his head: Not this one. Fluttershy's... shyness... was legendary and having studied her mannerisms in the castle's VR (and having been her in situations that would not revisited), he knew that she didn't take well to most forms of practical joking. If Rem wanted good terms with Fluttershy, she'd have to hold herself back.

Dash and Locke on the other hoof. This was going to take some doing and some finesse. Alright, new plan: get the ponies involved in a game and pull Crow Locke off to the side. Maybe he could negotiate a truce. Maybe.

"How about an airborne freestyle competition later on tonight, instead? We could give the party a big finish just before it wraps up for the night." Longshot offers by way of compromise. "Hello, Scarlet, Fluttershy. We were about to hit the game circuit, would you care to join us?"

Stars, he hated parties.

2019-04-16, 07:59 PM
"Hello, Scarlet, Fluttershy. We were about to hit the game circuit, would you care to join us?"

"Y-yes, that would be, nice," Scarlet answers with a hint of hesitation.

2019-04-17, 06:49 AM

Love chuckles. "My confidence isn't misplaced." Love grabs her saddlebag, apples, and sword.

She cheers Star on as she plays the game though she keeps her voice quieter than she would have otherwise wanted so as not to disturb the other party goers. The cheering picks up after the third apple and as the clock runs down near to the end. The four apple caught causes Love to cheer with pride.

"Aye!" Love points a hoof at Star's subtle pun. She moves over and gives Star a big hug. "Not bad!? You were wonderful, Honey! Four outta four apples. You pushed up our score!" Love gives Star a short peck on the cheek and reaches inside her bag for a small cloth. She gently dabs the cloth on Star's face to remove any rampant water. "Bon apple-tit!" Love lovingly, meticulously dabs Star's coat.


Love gasps at Munes. "What!? No. Maybe. Fillies and colts are normally the only ponies that give her candy. Age is immaterial, unimportant! I've never spent time with Luna on Nightmare Night or given her Nightmare Night candy. I want to experience giving her candy. I even made some candy myself!" Love secures the candy in her holohoof. The clear candy wrapper is missing the usually branding. There is a mix of store bought and homemade candies so that any pony can grab whatever they want from the BugBots. "Do what feels natural to you."

"Luna probably gets a lot of candy some years. I don't know if she could eat it all by herself. The fun of gift giving itself is the important part. The history is interesting! Fillies and colts used to give candy to Nightmare Moon statues and stuff so Nightmare Moon wouldn't eat them, but nowadays they just give candy to Princess Luna." Love smiles. "Oh! She's done with her current group! We should talk to her before another group jumps at the chance." Love waves everyone forward and trots forward herself.

Love approaches in a cheery mood. "Good Nightmare Night, Princess Luna!" She slightly bows her head on introduction. "I'd like you to meet my good friends, Strawberry Happy and Vault Dweller Sandy." Love hugs them such that her holoform slightly clips through their bodies. "I brought you some candy!" Love sticks her palm out and a piece of clearly wrapped raises out of her hoof. "My friend, Munes, A.K.A Sandy wanted to meet you."


Love keeps looking as they talk. "Yes! They are very good at hiding. They can disappear and hide away for hours." Love scans a bush for heat signatures. "They can normally be summoned by food, but I don't know this cat's diet. Some of them really enjoy toys or certain sounds. Their interests vary a lot!"

"Ponies love cats! They are super famous on the net. There are millions and millions of videos of cats doing what ponies find entertaining." Love keeps looking. "I'm always willing to watch cat videos if we can't find her." Love is no fluttershy, but she keeps searching. "We could ask some ponies if they know her or have seen her around." They might have better luck with their eyes or nose though. If chances allow, Love will ask any Apples/ponies she bumps into about the cat. The cat is probably a local.


Text, "Ponyville and Nightmare Night is wild! Keep your wits about you and friends, old and new, close by on this special night!

P.S. Let me know if you've seen a black cat."

2019-04-17, 11:46 AM
Rem pouts, but Fluttershy's sanity is safe. For now.

Crow Locke sweeps towards Fluttershy and Scarlet, cape billowing behind him. He elegantly bows to both. With a warm, almost seductive tone, he says, "Good evening to thee both. I am but a simple servant of thy dear princess, but she hath given me permission to roam a little around these festive fields." He chuckles. "And now I am very grateful she did."

Dash's eyes bore into the back of his head, slowly narrowing as she studies him and Fluttershy's not quite un-intrigued reaction.


"She's got the lead on ya," Apple Pie chuckles, "Four's a good score. We'll see how the rest o' the party does."

Star squirms a little as Love wipes her down and puts her mask back on. "Alright! That was fun. What next?"


Candy in hand, Sandy and Happy step up behind Love, smiling and waving. Sandy is much more hesitant, carefully gauging Luna's reaction. After all, she's not used to talking someone that can obliterate her with a single wave of her hoof.

Luna turns towards them and gives them a pointy-toothed grin. "Hello, my little ponies." She bounds towards them and sweeps all three of them up into her hooves. "THEN COME AND KNOW ME BETTER! HA-HA!" She swings them around once and sets them down again. "Ah, thou brought me candy. How kind. The adults rarely do so."

Sandy nods, head spinning a little. Happy is naturally unsteady on her hooves, so it didn't affect her and she has a big grin on her face.


"If we can't find it," Death muses, "I am sure I will find it sooner or later. I always do."

"...But I think for tonight, it has eluded me."

2019-04-17, 12:16 PM
thy dear princess, but she hath given me permission to roam a little around these festive fields." He chuckles. "And now I am very grateful she did."

Scarlet gives off a humble blush and nods. "Well, it is nice to meet you, sir knight."

2019-04-17, 12:35 PM
Longshot gives Rem a sympathetic look. Sure, Rem was cute when she pouted but that didn't change the age-old axiom of 'know thy audience'.

Speaking of which, this was bizarre. He could almost believe that Crow Locke was unaccustomed to present customs and manners. He was from a different era, after all. But CL seemed more accustomed to the modern day Rainbow Dash's antics and attitudes. It was a schism to which he had no easy answer.

Or maybe the centuries-old-recently-released vampire was just feeling frisky this night. Banished if he knew.

"Okay, so... Apple Bobbing?" Longshot asks the un-infatuated members of the group. Maybe he could break some tension.

All Rolls are VS Longshot's Body Language Skill of 16

Rainbow Dash

Crow Locke




Longshot hears his phone ring but doesn't take the time to check it just yet.

2019-04-17, 09:42 PM
"Apple bobbing?" Rem repeats, confused.

Crow Locke frowns. "Apple bobbing?"

"Heh. Apple bobbing!" Dash cheers.

"Apple bobbing," Fluttershy says softly, "yay."

Rainbow Dash is easy to read. She's very, very, very focused on what Crow Locke is doing to Fluttershy. Protective of her. Crow Locke is much more difficult. He's being gallant, which either means he's feeling frisky or just trying to be friendly to some pretty faces. He's probably just getting into the partying mood. Fluttershy is unused to genuine gallantry and finds it amusing, but that's about it. Dash has no need for concern. Rem is oblivious, but enjoying every new experience.

2019-04-17, 10:05 PM
As he begins to get a feel for his companions, Longshot relaxes and allows some of the tension to drain from him. 'Some' being the operative word. Looks like things aren't quite as bad as he imagined... This seems to be a running theme in his life.

Yeah, he knew the drill: he worried too much.

"It's a game over there." Longshot gestures at the aforementioned attraction. He'll begin leading the way provided there are no objections. "The basic idea is that apples are floating in a basin and you have to try and grab one as it bobs around in the water. The difficulty is that you're not allowed to use your hooves to grab them, so most ponies try to grab them with their teeth."

2019-04-17, 10:14 PM
"My sister would pwn this game," Scarlet comments now that she sees it. "Um, yeah... I'm in for this. Who goes first?"

2019-04-17, 10:22 PM
Intrigued, Rem nods. "Alright. I'm down for that."

"A simple game, perhaps," Crow Locke muses, "But a contest is a contest nonetheless." He grins and shows his sharp teeth. "Methinks I might have the advantage, though."

Dash struts forward. "Yeah? Well I'll still beat ya." She grins. "In fact, I'll even go first so you know what you have to beat."

"Be my guest, Commander Dash," Crow Locke says with and amused chuckle. "Shall we away, then?"

2019-04-17, 10:31 PM
"Who's on first, What's on second and I Don't Know is on third. Why's on left field, Because it's center, Today's catching, Tomorrow's pitching and I Don't Care is Shortstop." Longshot mutters to no pony in particular.

"Yes, I think we shall away to the game." Longshot replies. "We can alternate between Team Daylight and Nocturnal. And as a friendly PSA, remember not to breathe the water. It never ends well."

That last bit was added for Rem's benefit. Just in case.

2019-04-18, 08:24 PM

Love let's Star free. She gently squeezes the cloth to try to get as much water out as possible.

Love puts a hoof up to her mouth. "She may have hoofly won this round, but the night is still young! Mwhahaha. We'll see how the rest of the part goes, and who claims the night!"

"That was fun!" She rubs her chin. "What next?" Love looks out amongst the games and crowd to try to find a good next target. She won't let Pinkie Pies planning go to waste!


Love tries her best to simulate an adequate response to being glomped by Luna. HoloLove moves into the hug and tries to hold onto Munes as they are swept around. Curse you holobody! Still, she sends all the tactical feedback the Bugbot generates to herself. A smiling and a giggling happens as they are put down again.

"I couldn't pass up a chance to give you candy!" Luna could have as much candy as she wants, but Love hopes she enjoys a little extra. Love giggles. "I love your costume! You made a spectacular entrance!" Love floats the candy on her hoof. The candy itself is semi-hard candy that softens in a pony's mouth. It can take a bit of sucking before it's easier to chew. The candy in Love's hoof is super sour with a less sour core.

Munes is welcome to chat with Luna.

Soonish, Love seems a little less excited and motions away from herself. "Princess Luna. May I ask you something, real quick?" Love doesn't want any pony to overhear the two so she steps away if she can. She wants to pop a privacy screen and whisper in private, "So, the Grim Reaper is here at the Nightmare Night party, and I've been talking to her. Her daily scroll didn't say anything about collecting anyone at the party, but she herself ponders why Fate put her so close to our friend. I don't know what to do..."


Love gives a dry chuckle. "I know the place you take people is a big great place. Do cats normally go somewhere different than ponies starting out?"

Love pouts at he idea of giving up. "I'm not ready to give up just yet. I want to pet the kitty with you!" She'll continue the search on her own using BugBots. "Lets try those cat videos while I search."

"I may need to call in the cat expert on this one though. And, we may want to call in the fun expert as well if you are fully devoted and committed to the experiencing fun things! I warn you that you should truly seek fun if we ask!"

"Where would you like to watch cat videos? Our old table?" Love works out a spot with Death before popping our a holoscreen. "Ponies have put up so many cat videos it's hard to choose where to start! I like the one where a bunch of cats were following around the owner for food! There is one where a cat is taking a bath with bathing accessories! Cats normally don't like getting wet so that one is something special! There are a bunch of cute kitty videos! Here, let me play one of a pony playing with a young kitty!" If Death is ready, she starts the video.

2019-04-18, 08:56 PM
"Team Daylight. Heh. Go Canterlot Solars?" Dash says, trotting up towards Apple Pie. The young colt blinks, but seems less overawed by the group than most colts his age would be. The matriarch of his family is Applejack. He's probably seen Fluttershy and Dash quite a bit. Rem and Crow Locke, however...

"Howdy, ya'll," he says brightly, "Ya here for the apple bobbing?"

"Yep!" Dash says, stepping up to the pool, "I think we know the rules too."

"Aw...I like 'plaining them..." Apple Pie recovers from his disappointment quickly. "Well, so long as ya'll know. I'll keep the time. Ready?"

Dash snorts and paws at the ground with a forehoof. Her eyes narrow in on one of the apples. "Ready and waiting."


In the end, Dash pulls out a whopping eleven apples and sits smugly beside her small pile. "Who's next?"


Fortunately, there are plenty of games scattered about. There is the six-legged race, an obstacle course, and horseshoes. Beanbag toss too, if Love cares to try and beat Star in a contest of aim.


Luna sweeps all their offered candy away and stows it...somewhere. Where? That's a royal secret. She grins at all three of them. Sandy has a few things to say to Luna, such as thank you for letting her come, Cinnamon Roll is really enjoying Equestria, and she looks forward to a long happy life here. Luna is gracious and gives her another boisterous hug at the end.

Love's news, however, is not greeted with joy but a grim expression. "Point her out to me," she says, "She is hard to spot, even to a practiced eye."


"Animals are...unique," Death says, "It depends on if they have a soul or not. All ponies have souls, but not all animals."

"If that is what you wish," Death says and sits down to watch the videos. She frowns at them studying them with the utmost intensity. "Hmm. It seems that the very act of pestering you until you feed or pet it is considered...desirable?"

"Call your expert. I..." Death pauses. "Hmm. Some other time, perhaps. I am afraid I am needed elsewhere. It seems that the Emperor of Griffonia has just been assassinated. Odd. I would think I would have seen that coming."

2019-04-18, 09:25 PM
Longshot checks his phone to read Love's message and quietly comes to the realization that he's absorbed some of Love's bad habits over the past few weeks. Cud.

It says funny. One would think he'd have naturally resisted her aggravating character traits but such wasn't the case. It appeared there was still some Sniper Scope insecurity within him after all. Well, that and maternal influence at any rate.

Alright, Longshot, relax. The world didn't need two ponies that freaked out about every imperfection or inconvenience.

Text to Love: "No sign of a black cat on my end but I'll keep eyes open. You have a great Nightmare Night as well."

He closes his phone and moves to tap Crow Locke on the shoulder. "I hope you can pardon the intrusion. Can I talk to you a moment? Privately?" He nods off to the side.

Eleven apples... That was a high bar to clear. "Good going, Commander."