View Full Version : Trial of character: Gilded Mage

2019-03-25, 10:32 AM
So, I'm including two starts. I'm still working on the fluff start but if you'd like a bit of RP first, feel free to start there. If not, feel free to read the dungeon start and we'll get to it.

Fluff start:

You find yourself loaded onto a massive vessel with others from the city. Dusk is quickly approaching, the selection process has taken all day. Glancing around you notice that the vessel seems relatively simple, despite the massive army that has now boarded it. If this were a military ship you'd expect to see more armaments. The elf in shackles that selected you along with the soldier that accompanied her lead you to a small cabin. She opens the door and waves a hand inside. She then stands still and says, "these will be your quarters for our journey. I will fetch you in the morning for breakfast."

Dungeon start:

You awake and find yourself in the middle of a large, 80'x80' room. You are laying on the floor next to a pedestal. Glancing around from your position you notice 4 openings. There is an opening in each corner that measures 20' across. Standing you can see there are 12 runes carved into the pedestal. There is a tablet submerged in the liquid. You can see there is writing on the tablet.

2019-03-26, 04:07 AM
Adran nodded at the elf and the guard and enters his quarters. He looks around at his quarters and looks for a place to sit so he could give the scroll he had received a quick read through before heading to bed.
Alright what's in this scroll?

OOC: The sage gets a letter (I assume it's in scroll form) of an unanswered question from a dead colleague so I could possibly use this as a springboard to becoming a wizard eventually or an even greater mystery.

2019-03-26, 07:56 AM
As you enter the room and look for a place to sit you notice a stool along the left wall with a small table. The far wall contains a simple dresser. The bed takes up majority of the room along the left wall. Unfortunately, that is all you can see before you hear the door close behind you and you are plunged into darkness. A heavy metal clang can be heard as you assume the door is locked behind you. You clutch your scroll tightly. You remember it looked like there was a small candle on the table. You reach out and feel your way through the dark, stumbling around until your fingers brush against what you assume to be the table. Your shin smacking a lower piece of wood of the stool confirms this. You feel around on the table and find a match. You carefully light it and manage to get the candle lit before the match is extinguished. Looking at the candle you realize there isn't much left. You'll have to move quickly if you don't want to be plunged back into darkness.

You turn the letter over in your hand, you notice that the paper is tattered and fragile. It looks dirty and crinkled as if it has traveled far and been shoved into whatever pocket it'd fit for the journey. On the back is a familiar seal of the sages. You carefully break the wax sealing the letter shut, insuring you don't tear the paper. Upon unfolding it, the first thing you notice is the signature. It is large, scripted, neat, and unmistakable. It was the signature of Sylvalur Isililynnsel, but they had found his body a month ago. You realize this as the second detail catches your notice, the small redish brown flecks around the edges of the paper. Sylvalur had been found at home you heard, having choked on his supper.

The candle light begins to dim and flicker, you realize you are almost out of time to read the message. You hurriedly begin, hoping you can read it all before the light fades.

It is true. The legends were true. I shouldn't have, but I did.
I ventured to the lost city. I never made it, but what I did see leaves no doubt.
Magic is ALIVE. It is real. It isn't legend. It is hidden.

As you begin the next line the light flickers and dies, the candle is spent.

2019-03-26, 10:09 AM
Adran's eyes light upon reading what he could which is unfortunate while the candle went out. Thousands of thoughts raced through his head Magic? That's impossible. Had he gone mad before writing this? Magic isso.something we tell children to make believe.
As more thoughts entered his head he slowly feels around for the dresser and gently placed the letter in there. Afterward he then feels around for his bed and lays down going to rest.

2019-03-26, 10:43 AM
You stumble around and find the dresser rather easy. It is a small room and the dresser doesn't move. You are able to find the bed relatively quickly as well. As you crawl into bed you notice that the bed is surprisingly soft.

You are awoken the next morning by a loud clang and the sunrise spilling through the door. The minuscule light is quickly blocked by a shadowy figure. A familiar voice says "put these on" as something flies and hits your face. The door then closes behind you.

2019-03-26, 02:10 PM
Adran gets up and changed he then goes to the dresser and gets the scroll. He gently rolls it up and puts it in is pocket. After that he heads out of his room.

2019-03-26, 04:20 PM
(sleight of hand if you are trying to hide things)

Opening the door you find the chained elf and two guards waiting for you. As you step through the door, two more flank you. The escort you down a set of stairs wide enough for three people. Along the far wall there are two doors. Turning around behind the stairs you see a great table as this is a large mess hall. Along the nearside you can see others dressed like you. On the other side of the table you can see others in chains like your escort, with guards on either side. As you survey the room you realize there are many of other races, and a few of your own, sitting on either side of the table. They are always in pairs, one in plain clothes such as you, and one chained. Your escort walks to the other side of the table and motions to the seat across from her, "Sit. Eat," she says.

2019-03-26, 05:53 PM
okay come on dice
[roll0]Sleight of hand

Adran follows the elves and looks around then he takes a seat. "I have a question if I may he so bold? What do you plan to do with such a diverse he then gestures all around himself group of people? I mean I don't see a banner so I can assume we aren't going to trained as soldiers. Even then I'd be a terrible soldier
I'm but a humble scholar not really a fighter.

2019-03-26, 06:35 PM
The elf smiles at you from across the table. "Sit. Eat." This time it feels less of a suggestion. "Your questions will be answered in time. We have a long journey, it is best you keep up your strength for it." She smiles and leans forward and grabs her cup from the table and takes a sip.

2019-03-26, 07:07 PM
Adran sits down and slowly starts eating. Well can you least tell me where we are going? I mean a ship full of guards and random people I mean anyone would be curious about their current situation.

2019-03-27, 08:09 PM
"You ask a lot of questions. An inquisitive mind is both an asset and liability." She sets her cup back down. "As for our destination, I cannot tell you. I am going home. We shall see where you go. Good luck."

As if on cue, your eyes grow heavy. Your vision starts to blur. Your head swims. You feel your head hit the table.

The next thing you know you are waking up in a large, dimly lit room. Thanks to your dark vision you can see that the room is about 80'x80'. In each of the for corners stands a large 10' wide stone archway. Next to you, stands a pedestal. There are twelve runes on the pedestal, glowing dimply providing the only light source. The pedestal has a basin filled with a murky liquid that is swirling around. Just under the liquid you can see the outlines of a tablet of some sort.

2019-03-27, 09:57 PM
Where am I? Adran thinks to himself looking around. He then looks at the runes and sees if he can read them or recognize them.
[roll0] History
[roll1] Arcana

2019-03-28, 06:53 AM
The runes are completely unfamiliar. However, as you inspect them you notice that beneath the liquid is a stone tablet. As you glance at the tablet you see the liquid becomes a bit more clear, and familiar elvish words begin to appear along with common.

2019-03-28, 11:01 AM
Adran looks at the tablet What's this? and then reaches into the water and picks the tablet up. This might be my key to leaving this place. He then reads the tablet.

2019-03-28, 03:57 PM
As you look into the liquid the text becomes more clear. When you pick it up to read it, the text becomes strange and alien to you. As you set it back in the liquid and stare at it, the liquid stills and the text again comes into focus. As you read the focused text in the liquid you are able to make it out. The tablet says:

“Pay heed to these words, for your trials have just begun.
Prove your worth and the rewards will be great.
Fail and it is death’s embrace you await.

The hearty and strong brave the fire,
The fit and nimble flock to the sea,
The sturdy and swift amble along,
While the the sage hears the winds of fate.

Yet all shape this world,
Your path is yours to decide.

Will you remain stalwart?
Follow the rivers to the sea?
Trek through mountain and marsh?
Remain aloft in the breeze?

The weave is destructive and divine,
But the cost is high.


2019-03-28, 04:51 PM
Hmm a trail and it probably won't be an easy task. Though my safest bet is probably going towards the wind path. Adran then walks towards the NE doorway.

2019-03-29, 07:56 AM
As you approach the NE doorway the room begins to glow a more faint red. The closer to the doorway you get, the more vibrant the red becomes.

2019-03-29, 03:00 PM
He sees the bright red. Well it doesn't take a genius to know this is probably the fire area the tablet mentioned. He then goes towards the SE door way.

2019-03-29, 05:38 PM
As you move towards the SE doorway the room again plunges into dim light. The closer you get, the brighter the room gets again. This time, the light takes on a blue-white hue.

2019-03-29, 08:27 PM
Hmm kinda vague I better check the other two before making a decision. He then walks towards the SW door and after getting close to see the light and then goes towards the NW door and goes to the see the light then goes into the middle of the room.

2019-03-30, 12:10 PM
Rotating around the room counter clockwise the light fades back to the dim orangish yellow of it's original color, as you get to the SW corner the room glows with a blue-green hue. Rotating up to the NW it again fades to orange-yellow and then it again starts to light up with a tan-green combination. As you return the the center all is how it was the first time.

2019-03-30, 05:02 PM
Alright let's see we had one door glow red, one blue and white, one blue green and the final one tan and green. So let's see if I choose then let's choose this one. Adran then goes SW corner and goes carefully sets into the SW archway.

2019-03-30, 08:06 PM
As you stand in the archway you feel a breeze hit your face. There is a slight spray, and you feel water drops hit your face. The breeze smells fresh but oddly seems to never end. As you wipe a hand across your skin it feels wet, but looking at your hand it comes away dry. As you step further into the archway the sensation becomes more intense. Standing in the doorway you can see a 10' wide hallway to your left and right. The hall goes about 30' before it turns. As you look back to the center of the room you notice only 3 of the emblems are lit, the others have faded to black.

2019-04-01, 07:29 PM
Adran slowly and carefully continues into the hallway.

2019-04-02, 04:44 PM
(Which hallway? There is one to the left and one to the right. They both extend 50' before turning out of sight)

As you walk through the doorway the breeze stops. Looking at the hallways you see they seem to turn back in towards one another.

assuming you continue on:

As you approach the hallway, it does indeed turn and meet up with the other hallway. Where the two halls meet, you can see another doorway identical to the one behind you.