View Full Version : Team GADE vs Team FUNGUS: CTF

2019-03-25, 01:20 PM
Team GADE squares up against Team FUNGUS in an epic showdown of Capture the Flag!

Your map is here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRfoZJ9Zy-eczWnM2DrEv5EcYAszDHRbbJrO4ShBxeCuHMCm8qdcup_ww6co DazM4Z0AZePhT6vZjBq/pubhtml?gid=745643326&single=true).

Take any position in your goal and roll initiative.

2019-03-25, 01:45 PM
Initiative time is the best time

Gretro: [roll0]
An'on: [roll1]
Debian: [roll2]
Elcan: [roll3]

Taking the positions one closer to the flag than we are on the map.
Also, crap. Hopefully they roll lower than a 21, if I remember how this worked right

2019-03-25, 02:14 PM
Fjallar start D19

Scathach start E19

Nekhbet start G19

Ghislaine start F19

F [roll]1d20+3[\roll]
S [roll]1d20+4[\roll]
N [roll]1d20+3[\roll]
G [roll]1d20+3[\roll]

2019-03-25, 02:16 PM
[roll0] F
[roll1] S
[roll2] N
[roll3] G

2019-03-25, 02:24 PM
So, averaging my Init: (10 + 7 + 13 + 21)/4 = 51/4 = 12.75, which rounds to 13. S and G go first, followed by my party, followed by F and N and then back to the top with S and G.

2019-03-25, 04:12 PM
Well I'll go ahead:

S inspires G. Readies. Mounts broom.

G readies.

2019-03-25, 04:44 PM
Debian will climb over the wall and move south to G8, and then ready actions.

Elcan casts a spell, as the ground twists and spines and thorns erupt from it in a 20' radius around G15 (so a rectangle with sides B11 to J11 and B11 to B18) with the Spike Growth spell. This ground is difficult terrain and each 5 feet of movement deals 2d4 damage to whoever does so. He then stays put in the goal.

Gretro will similarly to Debian climb over the wall and then dash, using his cunning action, to approach and grab the flag, ending his movement.

An'on moves to K6 and readies actions.

2019-03-25, 05:05 PM
When Debian moves out both readied actions trigger: G and S attack.

[roll0] G with sharpshooter
[roll1] S attack

2019-03-25, 05:58 PM
Looks like you put spike growth where Gretro just ran?
Both readied attacks miss.

Fjallar casts haste on Ghislaine.

Nekhbet casts conjure animals: 8 velociraptors. 4 in E10, 4 in F10. bonus action bear totem in G14 (+10 THP to all of my guys), order to attack greto then other enemies (aka non allies) within move and attack range while not in active goal (currently Greto, then Debian, then Anon, then Elcan)


[roll0]Velociraptor initiative

be more when I see initiative roll

Name | HP | THP | Statuses
F: 31/31 | 10
N: 39/39 | 10
G: 58/58 | 10 | haste
S: 37/37 | 10
FF: 1/1 | 10
GF: 1/1 | 10
V1: 10/10 | 10
V2: 10/10 | 10
V3: 10/10 | 10
V4: 10/10 | 10
V5: 10/10 | 10
V6: 10/10 | 10
V7: 10/10 | 10
V8: 10/10 | 10

2019-03-25, 06:29 PM
Scathach casts hold person on Gretro and Debian (at 3rd level). Make DC 15 wis save or be paralyzed.

2019-03-25, 08:54 PM
The velociraptor's initiative was after Scathach and Ghislaine, hence waiting for save, sorry I should have been explicit.

Ghislaine uses reaction to go at velociraptor's turn.

Velociraptor packs move to E9 and G9 respectively, and attack Debian ( I'll do rolls piecemeal in case I need to change target)

First pack (V1-V4) with adv:
V1 bite [roll0],[roll1]
V1 claws [roll2],[roll3]

V2 bite [roll4],[roll5]
V2 claws [roll6],[roll7]

V3 bite [roll8],[roll9]
V3 claws [roll10],[roll11]

V4 bite [roll12],[roll13]
V4 claws [roll14],[roll15]

2019-03-25, 09:01 PM
3 claws hit:

dmg, auto crit

dmg [roll0]
dmg [roll1]
dmg [roll2]

More attacks, If these kill (actually kill) Debian, then they'll switch to target Gretro instead.

second pack (V5-V8) with adv:
V5 bite [roll3],[roll4]
V5 claws [roll5],[roll6]

V6 bite [roll7],[roll8]
V6 claws [roll9],[roll10]

V7 bite [roll11],[roll12]
V7 claws [roll13],[roll14]

V8 bite [roll15],[roll16]
V8 claws [roll17],[roll18]

2019-03-25, 09:04 PM
18 dmg, then

3 more claws hit:

dmg [roll0]
dmg [roll1]
dmg [roll2]

So 21 more damage, and I believe Debian is down (crit hit, so no strength of the grave).

2019-03-25, 09:15 PM
Ghislaine whispers "Swift death to you who have wronged me.” Activating Oathbow on Gretro. Ghislaine attacks Gretro (rolling piecemeal)

G attack w/ sharpshooter: [roll0], [roll1]

2019-03-25, 09:17 PM
dmg: 1d8+3d6+13
next attack w/ sharpshooter: [roll0], [roll1]

2019-03-25, 09:21 PM
inspiration for second shot: [roll0]
dmg for first redo : [roll1], [roll2]

2019-03-25, 09:22 PM
dmg second:

[roll0], [roll1]

2019-03-25, 09:32 PM
Gretro down.

3 more attacks at gretro action surge, (normal since adv/disadv cancels, no sharpshooter)

Move J19

So two failed death saves on gretro.

It's your turn. Gretro down, Debian down and paralyzed (make wis 15 save at end of turn to end). Remember velociraptors in E9 and G9.