View Full Version : Team Bard vs The Order of the Unicorn: CTF

2019-03-25, 01:22 PM
Team BARD squares up against The Order of the Unicorn in an epic showdown of Capture the Flag!

Your map is here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRfoZJ9Zy-eczWnM2DrEv5EcYAszDHRbbJrO4ShBxeCuHMCm8qdcup_ww6co DazM4Z0AZePhT6vZjBq/pubhtml?gid=1124282750&single=true).

Take any position in your goal and roll initiative.

2019-03-25, 02:14 PM
Team BARDS takes position


I will PM Starting positions.

2019-03-25, 05:46 PM

2019-03-25, 06:23 PM
Joshua stretches before they enter the chamber. Thumper munches on an apples, discarding it before they enter. Estron looks stern while Caladan fidgets.

Once the door opens, they Sprint forward.

Joshua starts A19 and advances to D13. He then readies an action and casts expeditious retreat.

Thumper starts B19 and advances to D15. He then readies an action and casts expeditious retreat.

Caladan starts K19 and advances to H13. He then readies an action and casts expeditious retreat.

Estron starts J19 and advances to I15. He then readies an action and casts expeditious retreat.