View Full Version : Have I created my sheet properly? (First Time)

2019-03-25, 04:53 PM
It's not for playing mind you, I don't have friends so I made it just because. My first time doing it and I spent like 3 hours doing it. Can you tell me if it's okay? Or how my pc can be stronger.


2019-03-25, 06:42 PM
1. You gave yourself maximum HP?

2. As an undead, you don't have a Con score at all. It provides no bonus or penalty to your hit points, Fortitude save, or Concentration skill. (You do, however, get to use your Charisma score for Concentration checks instead.)

3. Following epic level rules, you won't have a third attack from high BAB.

4. I'm pretty sure the demilich's 20 turn resistance doesn't stack with the 4 from lich.

That's all I could see with a quick minute of looking.