View Full Version : Roleplaying Best weapons for monster killing (lore-wise)

2019-03-26, 08:19 AM
So, imagine to setting aside the stats, and being a ranger monster slayer, or a fighter monster hunter, or a simil class. What weapons would you choose, as an expert, to go and kill fiends, aberrations, lycans, undeads and so on?
Of course they would be, in any case, silvered or magical. I'm talking about the best instruments of monster killing. Are they crossbows? Scythes? Spears?
You can cite me some inherent fantasy-literature about it as an example.

2019-03-26, 08:38 AM
I would say that a true specialist would have different tools for different jobs. Fighting creatures in tunnels favors spears, shortswords and other thrusting weapons. Creatures significantly larger than you would take reach weapons and pole arms, which let you stay more out of reach. Particularly evasive or fast creatures may be best handled with a net or lasso from horseback. Heavily armored foes would be best countered by mauls or axes.

If I was to pick one kit layout as my standard I would probably go with the spartan weapon set. Spear and shield, with a sword as a backup when you throw or break the spear.

2019-03-26, 08:40 AM
I'm not sure I get your question. All weapons are good for monster killing. Which weapons to use depends more on the monster killer's training than anything else, aside from the few exceptions where a specific monster is vulnerable to a specific thing.

You'll probably see a lot of swords among professionals, because availability.

2019-03-26, 09:02 AM
In a real fantasy try setting based on lore and not game mechanics I would say a bow with a quiver of arrows with multiple kinds of heads.

Cold Iron arrow heads for fey
Silver Arrow heads for werewolves
Blessed arrow heads for undead
White oak shafts for certain supernatural witch types
Obsidian heads for those who have resistance to metals
Blunted heads for skeletons

Think alchemical archer.

No other weapon has the potential for versatility, and there is also the great safety in range.

Game mechanic wise, archery is also amazing, because for some stupid reason magical arrows and magic bows stack, archery style or if you DM will let you take it, Close Quarters Shooter is amazing because bonus to hit in 5e is always great.

Dr. Cliché
2019-03-26, 09:03 AM
The first thing I'd say is that professional monster-slayers would probably work in groups, and would probably train in a variety of weapons. Partially because different monsters/environments may require different weapons and partially because circumstances might well change (you don't want to be a bow-specialist who suddenly finds himself in melee with a clawed fiend).

Anyway, the first point is that I think ranged weapons would be the 'default'. The reason is that many monsters are reliant on getting into melee and so killing them at range gives you the best chance to avoid injury.

They might even combine ranged weapons. For example, carrying around a crossbow (which can be kept loaded and ready to fire), and then switching to a bow after the first shot. Granted, it's probably not as much of an issue in D&D, but in a real-life situation I think it could be a life-saver.

Also, using poisoned arrows/bolts could help to both speed up the monster's death and also weaken its ability to fight back even if it does manage to get to them. Hell, if they're stealthy enough, the hunters could potentially shoot some poisoned arrows into a monster and then quietly withdraw, leaving the poison to do its worth.

Secondly, if a monster does close, spears or similar weapons would probably be the best choice. Basically anything that lets you keep the monster at arm's length.

Finally, if the monster gets too close even for spears, then I imagine swords, daggers and other weapons will be necessary. A shield might be handy, though if they've been using ranged weapons (as above), then they might not have time to equip one. Whilst monster hunters might prefer lighter armour generally (for scouting out lairs, setting ambushes etc.), it might be worth having heavier protection on their arms. I suggest this because those are what they'll instinctively put in front of them if a monster tries to bite them.

Of course, this only covers conventional weapons. It's entirely possible that monster hunters would make use of other weapons. For example, a small ballista mounted on the back of a wagon could allow them to bring down large/heavily-armoured monsters at much greater ranges than even a bow would allow (assuming they were able to aim it accurately).

But even if they lacked the funding materials for that, I suspect that they'd make very heavy use of stuff like nets, caltrops, pit-traps, snares etc. Basically anything that can slow a monster down and keep it off them.

2019-03-26, 09:06 AM
The good ol' oil-and-matchlock would probably see a lot of use when they can, too. Or simply torches.