View Full Version : How would you fluff your wizard/sorcerer?

The Kool
2019-03-26, 12:39 PM
I think a lot of people fall into the same pit that I do when discussing the different classes. We stereotype. When we picture a rogue, we picture a specific kind of rogue but pretty much all rogues are the same or very similar in our minds. When we picture a bard, we have our mental image. When we picture a caster, our distinctions are along class lines, and all within one of those classes seem the same... Sorcerers throw fire around from their fingertips, and wizards have their noses buried in a book, right?

Every now and then I step back and remind myself that the description can be very, very different than the mechanical assumptions. Just because your wizard has all the same potential spells as the next wizard doesn't mean they play, act, or look even remotely the same. The same spells don't even need to look the same. Recently I had the thought of an Illusionist who carries a giant pipe and blows through it to cast his spells, forming them out of the smoke (inspired by Morel from HunterxHunter). What are some of the refluffs of sorcerers and wizards you've come up with, leaving the shackles of stereotype behind?

2019-03-26, 01:07 PM
I love pelvic casting. Also Surrogate Spellcasting for 100% RAW-legal magical kitties.

2019-03-26, 01:40 PM
I like to think my Tiefling wizard’s somantic components are him doing Dr Strange (mcu) style laser sigils in the air, but there’s a mechanical way to do that that I have kinda ignored so whatever I guess.

I like to imagine sorcerers often don’t cast their spells consistently. Like, they do the action, and spells happen, but they don’t know the difference between pivot booty shake pivot jazzhands say ‘blaze’ and booty shake snap fingers say ‘fire in the hole’, yet magic happens anyway.

If I ever get around to playing a Dread Necromancer her spells are mostly going to be sweeing gestures and sort of a Maleficent-lite movement inspiration. Theatre-style magic, where you gotta be expressive so the audience pay attention to every detail.

I keep wanting to play a bone wizard via osteomancer, and I have this mental image of him snapping his fingers and going ‘yeah!’ a lot in the middle of his bonery actions.

2019-03-26, 02:55 PM
One of the first groups I played in were floored by my wizard not wearing a robe and carrying his book in hand at all times. I wish I was kidding when I say that the DM almost banned pants! :smallsmile:

The Kool
2019-03-26, 03:02 PM
One of the first groups I played in were floored by my wizard not wearing a robe and carrying his book in hand at all times. I wish I was kidding when I say that the DM almost banned pants! :smallsmile:

Almost? I hope that means they got comfortable with the concept! That sounds like you had a blast.

Actually, my current main character is a Favored Soul designed to be the closest thing to a Paladin I could make without any levels in Paladin. It's been a lot of fun, the casting takes a total backseat to the sword and shiny armor.

2019-03-27, 11:13 AM
Almost? I hope that means they got comfortable with the concept! That sounds like you had a blast.

Actually, my current main character is a Favored Soul designed to be the closest thing to a Paladin I could make without any levels in Paladin. It's been a lot of fun, the casting takes a total backseat to the sword and shiny armor.

i made a favored soul like that once. he was a bone creature (iirc) favored soul of nerull, that posed with both magic and physical accouterments as a normal Lawful Good Paladin. I never got to play him sadly.

The Kool
2019-03-27, 11:19 AM
i made a favored soul like that once. he was a bone creature (iirc) favored soul of nerull, that posed with both magic and physical accouterments as a normal Lawful Good Paladin. I never got to play him sadly.

A true shame! That sounds even better than mine.

2019-03-27, 12:25 PM
I've always kinda wanted to play a caster like a classic 50s magician. Not sure where I'd get the top hat, but it would be worth it.

Uncle Pine
2019-03-27, 12:40 PM
I once fluffed my wizard as a barbarian. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?195049-Help-Me-Be-Annoying-with-a-Barbarian-Wizard)

I'm also a big fan of dwarf wizards playing card games. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22894131&postcount=4)

Somewhat inspired by that psionic tattoos article by wotc and the variant spellbook rules in CA, contingent spells appear as more or less elaborate tattoos on the body of their owner in my games. This has led to tattooed crook wizards and sorcerers from time to time.

There are a few forms of magic and spells that can benefit a great deal from a "bag of rats" approach. However, rats aren't always useful to carry around. For this very reason, beekepers can potentially make great wizards (although any professionist dealing with large amount of small critters could work as well).