View Full Version : Ideas for homunculus/turret/spell-delivery system designs

2019-03-26, 09:31 PM
So my mind is abuzz with ideas for flavoring the new Artificer UA class, but I want more!
Tell me your ideas!

What does your turret look like?

What is your homunculus made out of?

How are you casting your "spells"? Are you just Tom Brady throwing potions from 60 feet away, do you have a wrist mounted crossbow that launches "darts" and vials?

I like the idea of my ranged spells being delivered by tiny clock work animals. Grease for example would be a clockwork Tick that runs out full of oil and then explodes, Fire Bolt would be a kamikazing clockwork fire fly. Or a grenade launcher like tool that using a Gust rune to launch potions across the battlefield, and my "wand" would be a musket pistol that used the Fire Bolt cantrip.

I really want to hear cool ideas for turrets that make them more fantasy and less steampunky (although a Fire Genasi steampunk Arrificer with a "flame thrower" burning hands and steam engine turret sounds cool.) My best idea for a fantasy turret is an animated chest that opens and inside is a creature that breaths fire, or cast one big Magic Missile type spell. Maybe some kind of magical creature sticks it's head out and sprays your indignant party members with some kind of gross mucus that grants temporary hitpoints.