View Full Version : 3rd Ed Phrenic Creature Template Powers and Augmentation questions

2019-03-26, 10:07 PM
I'm building a character with the Phrenic Creature template. At 5th level, the template gives this character two new powers: Body Adjustment and Brain Lock. I have questions about both.

Firstly, for Body Adjustment, should this be regarded as a being a 2nd-level power (as it is for a Psychic Warrior) or a 3nd-level power (as it is for Wilders and Psions)? I need to know because as a Psi-like power it is automatically augmented as though 5 power points were spent manifesting it, which would mean that if it is a 2nd-level power it would cure 2d12 points of damage for a 5th-level character, while if it is a 3rd-level power then it will not cure 2d12 until the character reaches 7th level.

And for Brain lock, the description states that the subject is "dazed and cannot take any psionic actions", but the description of the dazed condition states that "A dazed creature can take no actions". So why is the 'and cannot take any psionic actions' part of Brain Locks description necessary?

Thanks in advance,


2019-03-27, 01:30 PM
For spells, you always assume sorcerer/wizard, then cleric, then druid. For powers, the books don't list a similar order, so you'll have to ask your DM; however, if you apply a similar principle, it should default to psion/wilder.

As for brain lock, my best guess is it's a vestigial clause from 3.0 psionics.

Uncle Pine
2019-03-27, 02:10 PM
Fun fact: the example phrenic manticore has 6 HD, but its body adjustment PLA is listed as healing 3d12 points of damage. However, as a 3rd-level power this would mean that 9 power points were spent on it, but even as a 2nd-level power it would require 7. In other words, attempting to reverse engineering the level of the power from the given stat block reveals that the stat block is wrong.

2019-03-27, 04:39 PM
And for Brain lock, the description states that the subject is "dazed and cannot take any psionic actions", but the description of the dazed condition states that "A dazed creature can take no actions". So why is the 'and cannot take any psionic actions' part of Brain Locks description necessary?
I would assume that's because of Unconditional Power (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm#unconditionalPower), which is a psionic action you can take even while dazed.

2019-03-27, 05:43 PM
I would assume that's because of Unconditional Power, which is a psionic action you can take even while dazed.

Beautiful! I suppose daze immunity is another (uncommon) case where 'and cannot take any psionic actions' might apply.

Thanks :)