View Full Version : DM Help Hoard of the Dragon Queen: Castle Naerytar, once again I need help...

2019-03-27, 10:23 AM
I posted on here yesterday of a problem I had with the players wanting to try full frontal assault on the castle. I followed the suggestions of making swarms of the bullywugs. They actually took minimal damage from them and weren't too worried. But a new player had joined and when they came across the lizardfolk he actually wanted to talk to them and promised them the castle if they took care of the rest of the bullywugs. This follows what the book suggests anyway so they agreed. That's all fine, but after exploring more of the dungeon and castle they took some beatings.

They fought the otyugh and then went to the hard to get to room above where the specters were. There's basically no way they'll be found there, they want to take a long rest. If they do this than that will leave the cultists with plenty of time to evacuate as all their defenders are gone or wanting to take the castle for themselves.

So in my mind, why would the cultists leave the means to follow them? The portal and especially the note that has the activation word for it are liabilities. If they know the castle is compromised, why leave it? But that would put a deadstop on the campaign.

The only thing I can think of to keep it going in that case would be to allow them to learn through searching the boss rooms where the treasure is being taken, and then for them to take the long way round, but that's like 700 miles. That's almost a month worth of traveling.

Does anyone have any suggestions for me?

2019-03-27, 10:38 AM
The cultists leave and make all the clues disappear. However, one of the Lizrdfolk heard cultists talk about X NPC in Y settlement, who coordinate between the different chapters of the cult. The PCs must now find said NPC.

2019-03-27, 10:47 AM
The cultists leave and make all the clues disappear. However, one of the Lizrdfolk heard cultists talk about X NPC in Y settlement, who coordinate between the different chapters of the cult. The PCs must now find said NPC.

Solid idea.

Maybe the cultists leave behind one of their own with the lizardmen as a "liaison", when he's actually a major liability and a crazed fool. The players can interrogate him, but he is very rarely coherent, and gives very frustrating clues. Maybe he gives irrelevant information that hinders the players, like the fact that the Portal requires you to pay it in order to go through, when no such thing is true.

2019-03-28, 11:19 AM
I like the Liaison idea, I think I'm going to have the cult negotiate to have the Lizardfolk still transport their crates in exchange for metal weapons and tools, since Lizardfolk don't can't use a forge. Maybe the Liaison will be working to teach the Lizardfolk how to forge, though the book says that one of the cultist leaders were trying to do so with little success. Either way the group will probably try to get the Lizardfolk to stop helping the cult and I'll see where that leads. Thank you guys.